Marathon of Divine Mercy

On the Cross, I was nailed for you, and I came down from the Cross to give you life.

Blessed are they who believe in My Heart and do not fear the tribulations, for they will live My Love and again find the path that they have lost.

Silence speaks to the world about the need for a change in all of humanity. But who will reply to this call of the Son of God? He, who lived among you, preached for you and died for you, to bring you salvation. I know that many remember those passages, but do not experience them.

I showed you a path, the path of return to the Heart of the Celestial Father. Very few managed to do so, but now I come for the majority of you, for among so many sheep, somebody will be able to achieve it.

Sanctify your lives. Preach and live the Word of God. Remember the Commandments of Moses and correct your paths, for this is My last call before the time of Divine Justice, and nobody will be able to say they did not know Heaven had spoken to them or invited them to deeply change in order to achieve peace, a peace that no longer exists in the world, but that can exist within your hearts when I am able to serve in your lives, when I am able to be that great Path on your paths, when I am able to carry the cross with you; the cross that God sends you in order to mature and learn, to correct your paths and achieve holiness.

While you suffer, offer the suffering to God, for God is not suffering, He is Life. Suffering was created by humanity and beyond this.

Thus, I came to meet with you, to awaken your hearts to the Path of Truth, the only one you should seek in these times, beyond the lies of the world, lies that bring about the perversion of humanity and create the damnation of souls.

But I come in Spirit, in Divinity, so that you may feel the Power of My Word; for I promise that you will see Me when everything has been purified. If you are not purified, you will not see Me.

How can My new wine go into an old jar? That is not the Law, it is not the balance of the universe, but I come here to help you in your transformation. If you dare, you will know that which you have not known.

I bring you Peace, the true Peace that resides in the Heart of God and the innocent.

I come here so that you believe Me. I come to leave a seed for the future, for in the end of times, you will remember this moment, and at the end of your life, you will remember this passage, My Presence and My priestly and spiritual Energy that congreagates you in the Faith and the Love of God.

Be My apostles, for I can count on very few servers that faithfully follow My path, in obedience to the Will of God.

I do not come to take away anything from your lives, but rather to give you that which you do not have. Do you believe this is possible?

I am the Spirit of the Glorification of God. I am the omnipotent Consciousness that ascended to the Heavens and, together with My Eternal Father, I bring you the Truth, the path of renewal and, mainly, that of faith.

For this reason, I come in Glory, in the face of so many impurities and corrupt paths. My Mercy transforms all things and penetrates your hearts so you may be reborn to the spiritual life and come together with God, in these definitive times.

Today I come to give you an invisible key. Today I come to place a spiritual seed within your lives, for the Farmer scatters the last seeds of evolution on fertile ground. Water them with the water of your faith and of all your prayers; in this way, they will grow steadfast and your paths will not become twisted, for you will be born to true life and find the true spirit, which dwells in the Heart of God and is not known by the world.

That Spirit of Truth incarnated in this humanity, as the firstborn Son of God, to bring the world salvation, redemption and Mercy, opening the doors for the release of evil. But after so much time, after I was among you, I come to seek what I left in each heart: maturity, fidelity, truth, hope, faith, love, fraternity and, mainly, brotherhood, which is something the world does not experience.

Be fraternal, and to be fraternal, be sincere. Do not hide the evil in your hearts. Dispel all darkness from your paths, and let the true brilliance be the prayer of the heart. In this way, your families will not become lost, as so many families are, that are lost in the world, in the world of illusion and cruelty, that invades simple hearts.

I come to bring you rescue. I come to reveal the Plan of Rescue to you. Who will add themselves to this Work of the end of time? For I need true soldiers.

I do not come to seek your imperfections, but rather to correct your lives so that you may follow a correct path, a sure path toward the Heart of God.

Thus, you must take a vow in your lives, a vow that each one can experience with Me, with My Mother and with God. And if you experience this vow, in spite of the tests and life experiences, it will be the true confirmation on your part in light of the Celestial Universe that it has been worthwhile that, after twenty-six meetings with Me, something has happened in your lives. Because when I am no longer here, having you feel My noble Heart, you must then be ready to take on the planetary task of helping many lost flocks.

It is time to awaken. Come out of this dream. Do not enter the dream of this world. Live the reality that exists in the universe. Seek the Source of Truth that lives in My merciful Heart, and you will thus be witnesses of My second Coming to humanity.

For this reason, I prepare the flocks, I sow the Earth so that hearts can awaken to the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which you still do not deeply know, but those Gifts can be among you always, when you purify your lives of all the conditions you set in place, so as to be able to evolve in the life of spirit and truth.

I come to bring you simple things. I come to teach you the Laws of Creation. But I know that most of humanity does not want to look at that, and God can no longer wait for an ungrateful and immature humanity. Each of you, companions, regardless of the degree of your awakening, must fulfill a part in this end time. This is written in the Book of My Lord, it is written by the angels of Heaven, and so you will see it, at the end of times.

Truly grow without prejudice. Grow in faith and love, and do not stop praying to My Heart, which today is consoled by everyone, by those who strive to find My Kingdom, to thus live in My Heart.

Today, for the first time, I bring everybody the plea of God, before everything is unleashed, for nobody will be able to stop it.

Those who build their inner temple are wise. The walls will shake, the ground will move, but the center of your heart will not perish if you do what I ask of you in the name of the ignorant and of those who must awaken to the redemption of My Heart.

Now, companions, let us celebrate, in this sacred Cenacle, the institution of My Body and My Blood for hearts that must be redeemed and live in the Fount of My Mercy.

Let this act of consecration be a renewal for everybody. I unite My priestly Spirit with all those present and with all My companions who accompany Me at this moment in each part of the world, sincerely seeking to accomplish the Purpose of God.

When everything has happened, when the Divine Messengers withdraw, in the books you will see written the essence of Our Message and you will finally understand.


Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese, three times)

Now, call to My Father, companions, so that the Spirit of His Wisdom, which is omnipresent, omnipotent and eternal, may descend over this world and into the hearts of all the souls that seek a perfect union with the Celestial Universe.

Song: Adonai, Holy Spirit.

I bless those who seek the spirit of consecration to My Heart. Thus, I bless you, I forgive you, and I absolve you of all sin, and, on leaving this place, let your lives be different in My Eyes.

You will remember this day forever, for it is in My universal memory.

I thank you.

Smile at life, smile at God. It is the perfect balm for the relief of the world. It is the noble expression of a pure heart and of a soul that rejoices in the Lord.

I love you and eternally care for you. So be it.

Go in peace and on My Path.

Now, while I rise up to Heaven, in Divinity and Glory, silently confess to My Heart; I am listening.

In the name of the Archangel Michael, let the doors of perversion be closed. Let Light reign forever in the hearts of the simple and the humble, in those who seek union with Me in the times that will come.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!