When hearts unite in a sincere clamor, they unite Heaven and Earth and, like a fountain of light, Grace and Divine Mercy descend, washing and purifying all that was dark, lost, separated from God and His Laws.

When humanity unites to manifest a Celestial Purpose and their hearts are truly in unity and love for God, all Creation contemplates the Earth because the Light of the Infinite, of the deepest Love of the Creator for life, emerges from His Sacred Heart and crosses the dimensions, reaching the Earth.

This is how not only sick bodies are healed but sick hearts, souls and spirits also receive healing.

Those who had their essences lost in the abysses of the world also receive help. Those who cried because they had no hope are relieved. Those who suffered from the injustices and imbalances of the world receive a ray of peace in the depths of their hearts.

Every time humanity prays more deeply, the deeper is the reach of the Grace and Mercy of the Creator; the deeper are the levels of the planetary consciousness where His Love can reach, because His children have opened the doors to Him, they have said yes to Him.

Prayer is the great door towards the redemption of the world, it is the path through which Divine Laws come to help this corrupt planet and make it return to the Thought of God.

The hearts of humanity do not know the power of prayer, but today I tell you, children: pray, and do not stop praying with sincerity and truth because this is how you will unite the times, heal the essences and walk along the path of return to God.

You have My blessing for this

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Let the Heavens open to those who pray with the heart, so that they may find peace and so that, through their intercession, the planet may also come to know a little more peace.

Let the Heavens open to those who pray with the heart, so that they may recognize the Divine Presence and so that the Mirror of the Heart of God may reflect in His creatures and awaken their potential to love, to create, and to transform this planet and much more beyond it.

Seek, children to awaken the Gifts of God in your hearts, rather than to develop skills. Through prayer, let this unique potential of likeness with God emerge from your hearts, which only human beings carry within.

It is not to develop intelligence that you are on the Earth, but rather to express Love-Wisdom, which heals, redeems, and restores all the past, all error; it makes you new, and more than that, it renews all of Divine Creation.

I repeatedly tell you to seek the truth about yourselves because you still have not found it. The time of illusions is ending, and the closer it comes to the end, the more humanity seems to cling to it and distance itself from the essence of spiritual life.

Do not let this happen in your hearts.

Pray and seek union with God. Let His Peace, His Silence and His Love settle in your consciousnesses, revealing down to the very depths of your beings why you are here, where you came from, what you are to do, and where you will return after this life.

Look for the meaning of your existence through prayer, and even if you do not have concrete answers, let your hearts unite with the Heart of God and, in a real sense, let the Lord show you the path and the next steps that you are to take.

Remember that the cycles pass acceleratedly in front of you, and your hearts must follow the movement of the stars through the deepening of your own inner being. This begins, children, by loving Divine Will and letting it settle in your consciousness and in your heart.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Establish the Kingdom of God within you, this space of peace where the universal Laws find their manifestation.

Establish in you the union with the Father and let yourself be similar to Him, giving Him the authority to transform you, according to His Will.

The Kingdom of God is not like the kingdoms of this world, where some enjoy their own riches and the majority suffers and works to serve the latter.

In the Kingdom of God everything is permeated by the Divine Consciousness. The Creator is in all of His servants. He Himself is the essence of humility, living in the smallest of all as in none of the others.

In the Kingdom of God only triumphs peace, goodness, love and unity, principles that become laws manifested in the lives of all creatures that share this state of consciousness that is the Kingdom of the Creator.

Live these principles in yourself and become worthy of being the bearer of the Kingdom of God, which first emerges in the interior of the beings from the union with the Father, and then establishes itself outside, in the material life of this world.

Every principle, law or manifestation of the Divine Consciousness, before settling externally in planetary life, first meets its dwelling in the heart of each being. The heart is the bridge to God, it is the door to Heaven, it is the great manifester of the divine will. Everyone who has a mission first knows it within the heart: feels it, understands it and accepts it, to then, afterwards, live it.

Christ will first come to the hearts in Spirit and Divinity; afterwards, He will manifest Himself in Body and Soul, when His Dwelling has already been established in the hearts of those who have recognized His presence within their own hearts. They will recognize Him when He returns, and, with Him, they will fulfill the end of this redeeming Work. Therefore, bring the Kingdom of God into yourself; do it being consequential with it, living peace, love, unity and humility as premises.

Let, child, that the higher Laws act in your heart and, from you, reach the whole world. Let yourself be shaped, transformed, corrected. Prepare yourself and consolidate in yourself the Kingdom of God, a secure dwelling for the Redeemer.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph,

The One who prepares the return of Christ in the interior of the beings


If you observe the universe, you shall see countless stars, you shall feel the greatness of God and of His Creation; you shall aspire to dive into this All that express itself before your eyes.  Contemplate the starry sky and recognize the presence of God in a dimension that, while it may seem distant, permeates all that has been created.

If you cannot find the life of the spirit in the invisible of your own inner world, then contemplate the starry sky and you shall feel the presence of those who are Blessed in this sky and that wait for your awakening.

If your soul cannot aspire to anything higher than the material life, then raise your physical eyes upwards, contemplate the blue of the sky in a sunny day and feel that behind that blue is God, waiting to be your purest and truest aspiration.

Seek in the beauty that exists, upon your being, the greatness of God, and you shall find the truth of the spirit in your interior.

If it seems too far to achieve a spiritual discovery only through the heart, discover then in the hidden side of the Kingdoms of Nature, the same truths that you seek in the silence of your inner world.

All the Creation is permeated by the same divine principles.  Some will discover the magnitude of the Spirit of God in the silence of the heart, others will find Him contemplating the blue sky, others will seek Him in the expression of the Kingdoms of Nature, others, in the pure example of a brother or a sister that is true in the walk.  The Creator is in everything and the one who seeks Him, within their possibilities, in a crystal clear way, shall find Him.

The mysteries are only mysteries for those who do not want to unveil them, because the same principle that creates and recreates life in the universe is the one that animates the beings in theworld.  God is in all things.  Seek Him, unite with Him.  Make life sacred, through this permanent quest for the Creator of all.

This is My message for today.  The search for God dignifies the human heart and gives a meaning to its existence, which is the return to the Origin.

Your beloved Father and Guide, Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
