Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

Today, I come to you and your brothers and sisters, so that you may cross the door of Lent with Me.

For this reason, on the next forty days before Easter, I will come in an extraordinary way and at unexpected moments to deliver Christic impulses that will help prepare souls for the Easter of the Lord.

I might ask for unexpected things. The place where I will deliver each Message will be chosen by Me according to the need, it will be some of the areas of the Marian Center or the Light-Community of Figueira.

I ask you to be attentive to My Call. You will wait in vigil and joyfully for My arrival, which will be precise, immediate and extraordinary.

I want you to be able to live, in a similar way, what I lived during My forty days in the desert. I offer My Heart to all souls, as a favorite refuge of God.

When I tell you the moment when I will come during the next forty days, you will sound the bells of your homes, so that your brothers and sisters may know that I Am arriving and, in this way, those who like may quickly gather at the indicated place. I assure you that it will be a daily moment of spiritual renewal.

Today, I deliver to you My first Christic impulse for this Lent:

“Be patient on the path that you are going through. You are before the door of the last time; open it and enter the path that I indicate to you now.

Be brave and walk with Me in the desert. I will teach you to forgive and to  reconcile with yourself, do not lose heart.”

Christ Jesus


My dear children,

Today, I am happy to meet you in this sacred forest of contemplation, a place blessed by Me, because for thirty years, your Heavenly Mother was a faithful witness of the inner offerings and of all the vigils that took place here, for love of humanity and for its salvation.

Therefore, on this day, as I have shown you, I come to renew and reconsecrate this forest with the name of "Forest of Harmony and Contemplation", as a new extension of the Marian Centre of Figueira.

All the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary will be erected here, through small altars that will be built so that souls may contemplate all the facts and mysteries of the Holy Family.

The Forest of Harmony and Contemplation will be the space offered to pilgrim souls and to all those who live here so that they may rediscover the Grace of feeling loved by God, through the recitation of the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

The Forest of Harmony and Contemplation will also lead souls, in the current area of the hut, Oca, to stand before a small lake and, in its center, the image that today has been offered to Me on the altar.

For this to be possible and given the urgency of this space, your Heavenly Mother summons all consecrated Children of Mary to take care of this sacred place.

I also wish that under each space of the altar dedicated to the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, there would be small gardens with benches, so that there would be a space for contemplation at each station.

At the same time, I also aspire that in the lake of Your Holy Lady there may be various species of plants and a small waterfall, a source, so that souls may receive the Grace of the healing of their emotions.

If this were to be fulfilled, as I have requested, I promise that this new area of the Marian Centre will be a place of blessings and miracles for all who come here in faith.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Sacred Forest of Figueira.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While the world is divided by war and pain, I come with the Light of the Heavens to bless all, so as to be able to elevate as many souls as possible before the Presence of the Celestial Father, and so that He, in His Mercy and in His Infinite Grace, may help as many souls as possible.

After having been in Fatima more than one hundred years ago, to deter the greatest cruelty of all times, I am here, at this Center of Love, together with each one of My children, to fulfill the prophecy that I once announced in Fatima: that in South America the Boat of God would sail, gathering all the consciousnesses that would prepare the Return of Christ. Because from South America the impulse of renewal and peace must emerge, from South America the union must be re-established between Heaven and Earth, between humanity and God.

For this reason, I am here today, to tell you again that the doors of the Marian Centers are now open and that your Heavenly Mother is attentively following the coming events of humanity, after the Arrival of My Son during this Sacred Week, when He will re-establish many codes in the planetary consciousness. And on re-establishing these codes in as many souls as possible, My Son will awaken the New Christs, all those who you would not even imagine, who have come in these times to serve Him in this plan of rescue for humanity.

For this reason, My Son also, as He announced in the Gospel during His Ascension to the Heavens, is coming in these times to fulfill His Promises, but He also comes to ask for the talents of hearts, which are indispensable and fundamental to prepare the planet and humanity for His expected Return.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: 

Our Lady, at this moment, is opening Her Mantle, to show Her Immaculate Heart. And today this Immaculate Heart has thorns that stick out of It and cause the Blood of the Heart of Mary to be shed.

And Our Lady taught us the following prayer:


Oh Bloody Heart of Mary!
forgive all faults of humanity.

Let us repeat this prayer together, with Our Lady.

The Blood of the Heart of Mary, while we were praying, gradually disappeared. And the thorns in the Heart of Mary represent the extremely grave outrages of the wars and conflicts in the nations and, especially, the innocent blood that has been shed, from children to elderly people, from refugees and exiled, not only in Eastern Europe, but throughout the whole world. Our Lady says also in Yemen, Ethiopia, Sudan and Syria.

Our Mother tells us: 


Pray to the Heart of Mary, for It not to be pierced by the grave offenses of those who make wars and conflicts. Pray to the Heart of Mary so that She not shed Her Blood, because it is the blood of the innocent, of the forlorn.

Today, I am here to deliver you this sacrifice and relieve the Heart of the Mother of God so that the heart of many consciousnesses may be relieved.

And now that you are ready to cross the desert again, just as My Son has taught you, the deserts of life that will soon come, be brave and have courage. Do not give up, but rather move forward, because you must keep in mind, in these times, that all that you live is not just for you, but also for the whole world.

Thus, beginning thirteen years ago, we have been close to you, bringing the Message of Heaven and of the Universe, bringing the Call of God to all souls and consciousnesses, and re-consecrating humanity, time and again, so that something worse may not come.

It gladdens Me to find you here, as a family, as a family that has learned to endure your own purification, striving every day to forget yourselves so as to place the Plan of God on your paths, that Plan that must be fulfilled and carried out in each one of your lives. And this will make you keep growing in spiritual maturity, in the responsibility to respond to My Son in these times with all that He needs to carry out at this moment.

Know that the door to the Return of My Son is now open, through this humble and simple moment that you are sharing with Me in this house, because this is how God wants to see you, united and close to one another, just as your Mother was with the apostles and is today with you, My beloved children.

May closeness be the keynote for these times, to relieve hearts, to liberate spiritual pressures; may a feeling of compassion sprout in your hearts so that criticism may no longer be in your lives, but rather the compassionate spirit of love, which will make you grow in charity, accepting your fellow beings as they are, just as God accepts you the way you are.

Now, with joy, as in every moment shared with Me on Saturdays, we will finalize this moment in the Presence of the Mother of God, with the consecration of the Eucharist. This will be done so that, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, these elements may be offered for the redemption of humanity, and  also so that the redemption and transformation of your lives through Our Sacred Hearts may be the confirmation which the Father needs to pour out His Mercy and not His Justice.

Know that at this moment, at the doors of the Sacred Week, many souls on the inner planes are being assisted. And this is possible because I have called your Guardian Angels, who, present at this very moment, serve together with the Mother of God.

Let us celebrate in Christ and for Christ.


Just as your inner worlds, your Heavenly Mother prepares Herself on this day, as it was more than two thousand years ago, to enter the sacred spirit of the Passion of the Lord.

In this way, My children, your Heavenly Mother opens celestial doors so that the holy angels of the Universe can again infuse the sacred codes of the Passion of Christ in all hearts, open to recognize, in their inner universe, that important Christic union.

For this reason, I will be sending the holy angels from Heaven so that they may submerge in the inner planes and may carry on the new sowing of the Christic codes in the souls that in these days, will revive the events of the Passion and Death of Christ.

Each devout heart that, in truth and in praying atunement, joins the Sacred Heart of Jesus will be receiving special divine impulses that will help the strenghening of their soul in the coming times, and above all, the strengthening of their faithfulness to the Lord.

It will be important to be in atunement and union to all that My Beloved Son will be realizing during the next days through His Heavenly Presence.

Keep your hearts open to the call, to the close union with Christ and with His Redemptive Purpose.

Thus humanity will be helped in this stage of great definitions.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Your Master is preparing, during these days, to again pour out the spiritual codes of His Divine and Precious Blood in order to establish in humanity the urgent recovery of the principles of divinity, of loyalty and of the good in souls.

Thus, each soul that affiliates with Me during the days of My Sorrowful Passion, which in truth began on Palm Sunday, continuing until the Sunday of Resurrection, will receive from My Consciousness the impulses that will help it, together with Me, to sustain this next and near critical phase of humanity.

For this, I come to ask all adorers to offer, at least once a day, an adoration to My Eucharistic Heart or an inner union with My Sacred Heart for fifteen minutes, for those who do not have a place in which to adore.

In this way, you will accompany your Shepherd in this sacred spiritual preparation that will try to bring the many atrocities, that take place on the planet, to a definite end.

Standing before My companions, I promise to make you feel the inner meaning of My Sorrowful Passion so that, with the same feelings and perceptions that your Master lived during the Agony, you can avail yourselves of the Merits achieved by your Lord up until His Death on the Cross.

I would especially like a true union of My Spirit with those consecrated because It will act, during the coming days, as an assistant for souls.

I only ask you to try to feel My Heart.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master Christ Jesus


Everyone who arrives at the Marian Center of Figueira must be received at the House of Pilgrims, where they will cross the first Portal of their redemption, which is the encounter with humility. As from that moment, they will recognize their smallness and the greatness of God Who guided them to this sacred place, where the mysteries that were hidden from the mind, the soul, and the human heart can be revealed.

The House of Pilgrims must be the Doorway to Redemption for souls, where there are no restrictions for the arrival of hearts; there, everyone will be able to be sheltered by Me in the depths of their spirits.

In the House of Pilgrims, they will wash their feet for a new life, a new way of walking, on this eternal path of human evolution.

The House of Pilgrims is where My Heart waits for the hearts of the world, to receive their imperfections and difficulties and to transform them there.

In the House of Pilgrims, I will grant you a spiritual atonement and a Grace, so that you may restart your lives from a point which, by yourselves, you would never be able to reach.

I want the House of Pilgrims to be sufficiently large to give shelter to souls, their miseries and their sins, and also sufficiently large to shelter God, His Mercy and His Atonement.

You cannot imagine that in this humble place the Creator will heal and awaken many hearts; He will convert sinners into His instruments and will make so great spiritual miracles in those consciousnesses as He did in Me, when He transformed a humble and poor carpenter into the Father and Guardian of His Beloved and Eternal Son, the Redeemer of the world.

As the carrier of this infinite miracle of conversion, I remain in the world to multiply this miracle in souls, because this is what God has asked of Me. And it is in the House of Pilgrims, as in My small House at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, and in My future Houses, at the Marian Center of Aurora and at the Marian Center of the Child King, where these miracles will take place.

The House of Pilgrims will be the Mother-Source of all the Houses that will be lifted up in My Name at the Marian Centers that the world will come to know as the fruits of this Work. It is from here, from the House of Pilgrims, from the depths of the Reliquary of My Heart, that these Graces will emerge, which will cross borders, and even continents, and will touch souls.

For this reason, children, now that you have built the foundations, enlarge them physically and spiritually, and all that I tell you will come true.

I leave you My Blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

Most Chaste Saint Joseph


At the end of the transmission of the Weekly Message, Saint Joseph gave us an indication for the Anniversary of His Apparitions program, which will be transmitted on the 19th of March, 2018. He said:

"I want monastics, consecrated residents from the Communities-of-Light, Children of Mary and pilgrims who had or have an experience of unity with My Chaste Heart to share with the world, to do it and, in a simple way, tell everybody how My Instruction and My Blessings have reached their lives. In this way, you will be able to perceive that the purpose of this program is being fulfilled."

Afterwards, He asked that we made a short video to spread this invitation and to prepare this special Anniversary program.*



*To access this video and all the necessary information about this request from Saint Joseph, click here.


Today I would like, dear children, to emit My deepest maternal thanks to all your souls that made possible the special and important Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe.

With the most sincere vows of My Immaculate Heart, in this month of August, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of My Apparitions, I wish, maternally, that you offer to the Creator a special novena of gratitude, bliss and renewal for My presence very close to your lives, for such long time.

I expect that all consecrated of the Grace Mercy Order dedicate this novena praying the Mystery of the Holy Rosary, from the 31st of July until the 8th of August of 2017, the date on which My Apparitions are commemorated and celebrated.

In order for this novena to have fruits of love, mercy and conversion, you will pray the Holy Rosary, meditating each day on the mysteries and miracles that God has provided you through My Immaculate Heart and through the Divine Heart of My Son; and in this way your hearts will also be able to express gratitude to the Celestial Father.

It is in this way, My dear children, that you will pray the Mystery of the Holy Rosary, meditating and thanking God for:

First day, 31st of July: “For the opportunity of loving more one another, as souls at the service of God”.

Second day, 1st of August: “For having known the value of the Holy Communion and of the other Sacraments”.

Third day, 2nd of August: “For the charity and the altruistic service lived by God, through His creatures, to the mineral, plant, animal and human Kingdoms”.

Fourth day, 3rd of August: “For the unconditional surrender of the consecrated to the Divine Plan of the Father”.

Fifth day, 4th of August: “For the Presence of Christ in our inner world and for being part of His Work of Mercy”.

Sixth day, 5th of August: “For receiving from the Source all the Knowledge of the Universe, manifested through the Instruction and through the formation of the servers of God”.

Seventh day, 6th of August: “For the existence of the Holy Spirit, which has guided and inspired all the groups of service, prayer, instruction and healing, demonstrating the spiritual talent of each one”.

Eighth day, 7th of August: “For the manifestation, on the surface, of the Points of Light, such as the Communities-of-Light and the Monasteries, which represent the presence of the Spiritual Hierarchy”.

Ninth day, 8th of August: “For the infinite Grace, for the incalculable Providence and for the incommensurable Love of God in our lives”.

In this way you will pray the Rosary during the nine days preparing My arrival, this time at the Marian Center of Figueira.

May this celebration be joyous and may all My children, without exception, be called to participate.

I transmit to you the prayer of gratitude that must be prayed at the beginning and at the end of the Rosary, during the nine days.

Prayer of the Most Holy Virgin in thanksgiving to God
for Her ten years of Apparitions in South America

Eternal and Divine Father,
       Who conceives the divine life in all Your creatures,
       Who expresses and manifests in the humble hearts,
       Who is alive and resplendent in the Sacred Body of Christ.

Today Your Servant and Slave
       gives thanks to You for the infinite Graces
       that You have poured out through the Immaculate Heart.

Give strength, bravery and courage
 to all those who follow Your call.

Give momentum and motivation
to those who concretize
Your Work of Mercy
so that Your Humble Mother and Lady of Light
may become known in the world,
through this miraculous Work
that You, Beloved Lord,
have expressed on the surface.

So be it,
until Jesus Christ returns in Glory.


I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Reliquary of My Heart must be contemplated in simplicity by those who aspire to discover and live the mysteries of the Plan of God and who have faith in the fulfillment of His Will.

The Reliquary of My Heart is kept spiritually at the House of the Pilgrim, where wayfarers who seek the Truth and a transformation of the spirit can find It.

This Reliquary must awaken in beings a reverence for God, for His Mercy, for His Plan, and for His Love for humanity.

In this Reliquary not only the Heart of a poor man, Servant of God and adopted Father of Jesus is kept. In it My whole journey as a Consciousness is kept, from the Origin to the return to the Origin, until the unity with God, that I once lived by His full Grace.

The House of the Pilgrim received the Grace of God of having a special connection with a Sacred Place, where the Reliquary of My Heart is kept, which is as mysterious for humanity as is itself and as is the Will of God for this world.

The House of the Pilgrim must represent a step towards the new consciousness for the new humanity and, that is why My Chaste Heart is there, pure, simple and in offering to humanity, so that the hearts of human beings may find in It a mirror that reflects the truth about themselves.

The Reliquary of My Heart represents the awakening of the consciousness. My aspiration is that a simple, humble and silent place be dedicated to It, where souls can be in vigil and find God, just as this Heart found Him, in the silence of a carpentry shop.

I want there to be built, then, a simple space like the carpentry shop of Nazareth, where souls transform themselves, like rough wood, into an instrument of God, as they contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart. I will thus grant infinite Graces, so that humanity as a whole may live the awakening.

I leave you the blessing of My Heart.

Your Father and Friend,

The most Chaste Saint Joseph

Vigils of Prayer

Today I place My hands upon your heads to plead to the Divine Son.

I come on this night and to this Marian Center to give you a small message, since you have opened your hearts to me, and thus, I could enter to strengthen your lives and consciousnesses.

I come from Heaven to tell you that I will not be with you here for a time, but My Heart will be your fortitude, because I will go to meet My children of the world, in Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

My Word will also reach Medjugorje and I will unite races and cultures in My Heart.

So important will be what My Son will do together with Me in Italy that in a short time you will understand what the real need is for your Heavenly Mother and Her Beloved Son to go on pilgrimage for such a long time in the world.

This is only a preparation, dear children, for what will happen in Asia the next year.

I would like you, dear children, to accompany your Heavenly Mother on the pathway of pilgrimage that we will be treading.

From Our Hearts, We would like to see in your hearts the same fruits that flourished in the pilgrimage through Central America, Mexico, and the United States.

Now your Heavenly Mother goes to meet those who suffer most in the wars. And in Her silence and prayer, and in adoration of the Most Holy Son, She will go to dissolve the evils that generate suffering, pain, and desperation; and this will be possible because of your contribution and trust in the step by step of this pilgrimage for peace.

Now more than ever, I want your hearts to also cause to blossom this Marian Center, which has become a spiritual base for the planet; in which many sources of instruction and of inspiration descend, from where souls of the world are inwardly acquiring them.

In this way, My dear children, I leave you the task of always igniting your inner fire, so that many more souls may be touched by the Light that your Celestial Mother brings you in this time.

In this way, I will feel more tranquil, because I will see the apostles of My Beloved Son take care of and protect this Marian Center and its liturgies, as it has been from the beginning.

Remember that your prayers and liturgies in this Marian Center, during the pilgrimage of the Divine Messengers in Europe, will be generating the necessary spiritual conditions for what will take place in Asia in the coming time.

Everything is united in a great network of Love and of Light.

Your participation in this next pilgrimage from this Marian Center must be unconditional, as you fulfilled it, My children, in the pilgrimage of Central America, Mexico, and the United States.

Europe, in this next pilgrimage, will be a bridge to reach Asia; thus, all the Europeans will also have to generate the foundations for this pilgrimage in Asia to take place.

Now I ask you, My beloved children, as your Mother, the Queen of Peace, that you concentrate your consciousnesses and hearts in all that the Messengers of God will carry out in this next stage in Europe.

You know that this will always be My home, the same as the home I once had in Nazareth.

Now My spiritual home is the planet and you are within My spiritual home to work together with your Heavenly Mother, until the end of days, for Redemption and Compassion in humanity.

Today, in a special way and through this little message of love, I am uniting Medjugorje with this Marian Center. Because in Medjugorje there are very valuable souls like you are; there are workers of the Plan working in silence for your Celestial Mother, so that more each day, Medjugorje may be the principal source of conversion and of confession for all the nations of the world.

Do not forget that the next thirteenth of May I will be in Fatima, for the great moment of the expansion of your Universal Mother in all of this Universe, and beyond it, by means of the sacred purity of Lys.

It is in this way, dear children, that I show you the true task of your Celestial Mother for the world.

My gaze is also on Asia, because there, many of My children proclaim, in their tiny faith, for the descent of Divine Mercy.

Remember that after this Sacred Week, after all that My Son gifted you with, this task has become planetary and goes beyond this Marian Center of Love.

With My hand on My Heart, I invite you, dear children, that in love, in collaboration and in faith, you help your Celestial Mother, just as you have helped Her in the recent times, to concretize and manifest each one of Her requests; because behind each request there occultly exists a greater benefit for all of humanity.

I would like that, as from this new cycle that you are experiencing, dear children, you may share the Love that you have received from the Divine Messengers.

The lack of love in the world is very great. This is also the main cause for your Divine Messengers to be in a pilgrimage throughout the world, so that the essence of Love and of Truth may not be lost in humanity; for My wish as Co-redeeming Mother is also that our beloved Pope Francis gets to know this Work more deeply than he already knows.

If this comes to be in love, I will not only unite the creeds, but also the hearts that hear the voice of your Celestial Mother.

And this will be a part, after the next thirteenth of May in Fatima, of the triumph of My Immaculate Heart in Europe and Russia.

So be it.

I thank you for responding to My call.

I ardently desire that the words of your Celestial Mother resound in your hearts so that they may be fruits of Light and of Love in the world.

Again I thank you for concretizing My call and I bless you under the intercession of My beloved Son, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

May Europe wait for Me with great gladness, rejoicing, and jubilation. Your Celestial Mother is again on the way to the great meeting with all the consequent hearts of the beloved servants of the Plan.

I thank you.



I am that woman of Nazareth that a long time ago was called by the Archangel Saint Gabriel to be the carrier of the Light of God by means of the coming of Christ.

Today, I am that simple woman of Nazareth, called Mary, the Mother of All Peoples, who announces to the world at this time the second coming of Christ. 

I am that woman that everyone knows, Who is constant and patient, Who walks by the side of each child who opens to recognize that I can be in their heart all the time.

I am that woman that some time ago, here in this city of Carmo, was announcing Herself at the top of the hill of the Redeemer, and was saying to all that a great change was coming for humanity.

I am the Mother of God and the Mother of the Most High, I am the Mother of Figueira, and I am the Lady of Carmel.

I come to ask you to pray and to feel encouraged to do so, just as in past times, you prayed for the black people to be free from slavery.

I come as a Mother to reopen the doors to Heaven over this suffering city.

I come to tell you that I am here, very close to you. That I am present at the top of a hill, in a ranch close to your people, and I wish that with your humility you may visit Me and pray with Me so that I may help you every day.

Today I teach you in humility, My children, the path of truth and of peace.

Today I have come to the door of your houses to knock on the doors of your hearts and to ask you to accept Me, just as you accept Me and experience Me in the holy church.

But in this time I have decided, at the request of God and of My Beloved Son, to come outside of My church, so that you could find Me present at the door of your houses, on the streets of this city, in the neighborhoods of this town, at the top of the sacred hill and in each heart that opens to feel Me in the innermost part of their being.

I am the Lady of Carmel, Mother of the poor and guide of the missionaries.

I come to ask you, beloved children, that with your hearts open, you repent and ask humbly for forgiveness for all that you live, for all that you suffer, for all that happens in this city.

It is thus that the Mother of Jesus, of the Savior, draws close to Her dear people and to all of Her family so that some values may be recovered in your daily life and in your consciousnesses.

I have come to reach out My humble hand, so that you may tightly take hold of it, and in this way, I may guide you to the path of peace and of love.

I come to ask you to go on a pilgrimage in faith and devotion to My Marian Center so that, being there, you may spiritually commune of Christ, and have all your wounds be dissolved by the balm of love that I offer you.

After such a long time, the Mother of the Savior, the Lady of the Poor, returns to your city to guide you and lead you on the path of the good and of charity, on the sacred path of the prayer of the heart.

I wish, children, for you to be conscious in your hearts of this house that I have consecrated, so that each child of Mine may enter through the great portal of the redemption of humanity.

In simple words, I invite you to visit the House of the Children of Mary, of the Lady of the Poor every day, so that you may feel motivated to regain in your families the warm moments of prayer and of peace, so needed in these times of chaos.

I come to remove this city from an uncertain place of consciousness.

I come with My Angels to close all the uncertain doors that may have been opened for different reasons.

Therefore, I have chosen this point of the city so that, on a simple street like this, you can find Me, without fail.

It is for this reason, children, that I return to the city of Carmo da Cachoeira, so that you maywake up from inertia and that, in this next Easter, you make your hearts places of peacefulness, meekness, and consolation.

I come to give you the healing that you need so much, and thus, all My children will feel a little more loved and sheltered by Me.

In each neighborhood of this city I want an ecumenical group of prayer, capable of attracting Divine Laws to its people.

I am glad of being able to return and that, day by day, I may accompany you.

Thus, I leave this House of the Lady of the Poor so that each soul and each heart may find the refuge that they need so much. 

Offer God all your gratitude and, on this day, may the door to Grace and to the Mercy of God be reopened.

I thank you for having humbly received Me.

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I Am The Virginal Chalice

I am the Sacred Virginal Chalice that holds within itself the redeeming and divine codes of the Most Precious Son.

I am the Chalice that pours out all the Graces on the souls that open to receive within themselves the Mysteries of God.

I am the Chalice that holds within itself the essence of the Divine Life of Christ.

I am that Sacred Chalice that with Its Immaculate Spirit, attracts all the Laws of the Mercy of God, so that souls may find their liberation and their peace in these times.

I am the Sacred Chalice that carries in the Universe the principles of the new life and of redemption.

I am She Who brings in Her Virginal Chalice the Most Pure Love of God so that souls may recognize It by means of My presence in the world.

I am the Sacred Chalice of humility that travels throughout the nations carrying to all spirits the most precious experience of Christ on Earth.

I give to drink to as many as cry out for pity, and I pour out on souls the gifts of rehabilitation.

From the beginning of everything I am that Sacred Chalice that gestates spiritual and non-material life.

Through My pure womb I create the redeeming spirit in each heart that opens every day to come to know My maternal love.

I am the Sacred Chalice of the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

I am the instrument that clothes the Precious Son with all glory, love, and divinity.

I am the Chalice that protects and holds the precious codes attained by Christ, and I am the Chalice that pours them out over the planetary consciousness.

In that Sacred Chalice are kept the most important memories of the redemption experienced by humanity.

I am the Divine Chalice that, by means of the Divine Blood of Christ, refracts the subtle Mirror of Redemption for the world, in order that souls may awaken to their moment of redemption.

I am the Sacred Chalice that gestates rehabilitation in the consciousness, opening the doors to the Compassion of the Father.

I am that sacred instrument of God that day by day pours out the Graces of the Universe into all hearts of the Earth.

I am that Sacred Chalice that holds the essence of forgiveness for the creatures that need to live inner peace.

Today your Heavenly Mother presents Herself as the Virginal Sacred Chalice, so that souls may drink of the Fount of My Graces, for the purpose of alleviating hearts and of resurrecting the spiritual life of consciousnesses.

Thus, dear children, the Mother of the Almighty will accompany you today from the Marian Center of Figueira, so that souls may feel that I Am Omnipresent and Omniscient on the whole planet; that I only seek unity among the peoples and the nations so that love may triumph, and that evil may be defeated by peace.

Dear children, on this day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, your Mother blesses all of Mexico and all of its people, with the mission that sincere hearts embrace the Grace that they will receive today.

The Sanctuary of Guadalupe is today clothed in the presence of Heaven, and in the essence of each soul leaves the experiencing of divine communion with Christ, your Lord.

May the humble smile of the Mother of God and of the always Virgin Mary, Mother of Guadalupe and Lady of the peoples, be today reflect on all faces.

May all the nations of the Americas today feel united under the light of the Servant and Slave of God.

May peace be established in each human heart now and forever. Amen

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you and consecrates you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To all the choirs present in the Meeting of Music for the Healing and Upliftment of Humanity:

My dear children present at the Marian Center of Figueira,

Today, with all the light and love that flows out from your hearts from the singing, I wish to ask that, under a spirit of humility and simplicity, you offer this meeting for the divine cause of making the Love of God triumph in humanity.

For this, My children, your Heavenly Mother will today accompany you from Mexico through the sacred face of the Virgin of Guadalupe, and, with all My angels, from this side of the planet, I will wait for that moment in which your voices will start to sing and to proclaim peace for the world and the healing of hearts.

In this offering of today, dear singers of My Heart, I want you to lovingly dedicate this meeting to the whole serious situation that your planet is facing, especially for what My children of Central America are suffering, who are going through the climatic effects and the intense movement of the elements of nature.

For this sacred mission that you Heavenly Mother has been carrying out, I ask you, dear singers of God, that you keep yourselves united to the great angels of the different regions of the planet, especially the angels of Central America, so that through the supplications of your voices, they may calm the furor of nature.

It is in this way, dear children, that the whole of humanity and the part of it most asleep are facing the first and acute steps of the purification of the planet.

Through your artistic offering to God, beloved children, we will be able to open the doors to Grace, so that it may be poured out again through My Immaculate Heart in all the spaces and in the consciousnesses of the planet that are not yet prepared to live the last cycle of the transition.

From the Sanctuary of Guadalupe in Mexico, at the top of mount Tepeyac, your Heavenly Mother will wait for the musical and instrumental pieces that will be offered today in a heartfelt way by each one of you, so that in this way, a little more peace is established in the consciousness of humanity that has never experienced a final transition.

As from now, I thank all those who pray for accompanying your Divine Mother on this mission through Central America and Mexico.

It is thus that I still invite you to keep collaborating with the work that the Divine Messengers will continue to expand through other places of the world.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who sings with the voice of the Heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I come to this immaculate house to bring relief from the inner suffering which the world and the voices of some of My children have generated.

I come to renew hope, and above all, to strengthen the filiation with God, so that My apostles in redemption feel that the Love of God is in all servers.

I come to teach you to experience what it is to be denied, just as My Son experienced it after having given so many Graces.

I come to remedy and to heal, in the depths of your spirits, what has already taken place and has generated discomfort.

As the Mother of relief and consolation, I come to testify to the Love of Christ in your hearts and to fulfill within you the part of the Purpose that is still to be accomplished.

I come to teach you to love the error of others and not to judge it, as the majority of humanity does, both religious and non-religious, which offends the Heart of the Father.

I come, dear children, to help you go through the Calvary of the end of times and that you learn of unknown things you have still not experienced.

I come to give you the strength of My Heart and the Love of My Divine Spirit, because united with My Consciousness, we will transcend the abysses of the Earth and the Greater Plan will be fulfilled.

On this sacred day, I come to give you My Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who fills you with the Spirit of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Message for the anniversary of My Apparitions in Medjugorje

My dear and beloved children,

Today, from Europe, I hope My celestial voice will be heard.

The bells of the cosmos ring the melody of celebration and peace without ceasing because the Plan of your Celestial Mother, of the Queen of Peace, is still present in the hearts of the world.

I hope that today the door to consciousness and wisdom opens. Therefore, on this day, in which the Marian Center of Medjugorje shines with peace, I would like all My children of the world to value, with all their hearts, the magnitude of the celestial Work of their Holy Mother.

My children, upon awakening to the reality and truth of these times, you have more possibilities of accompanying the changing of the times, which are now at the doors of your lives.

Dear children, today I hope that a small part of Medjugorje, from the Sanctuary of Peace to the world, which has been alive for thirty- five years, can have a primary place within your hearts because, in this way, you will allow God and His Kingdom to enter within you and the Divine Plan may triumph.

Dear children, today your Mother contemplates all of humanity with Merciful eyes because the hour has arrived for the hearts to awaken to the mission they came to fulfill.

In each place that I appear, I establish a portal to the universe, a path where souls can travel to, to reencounter God, the Celestial Father.

This divine manifestation of the Portal of Peace, which I establish in each Marian Center, has to be assisted and sustained by each praying heart.

It is the prayer and devotion of the true hearts that allow, as in Medjugorje, the Presence of My beloved Son to remain alive.

It is the mission of each prayer group, and especially of the praying Light-Network to sustain the epicenters of the Communities and of the Marian Centers.

It is the spiritual responsibility of your whole work group to protect, help, collaborate, serve and donate for the evolution of the Islands of Salvation of the Marian Centers and of the Light-Communities, because the time will arrive, a time that is not so far away, in which these places will be shelters for you from all spiritual adversity and from material chaos.

The continuity of the Marian Center of Aurora is the commitment and mission of all Uruguayans, as well as the responsibility of all brothers and sisters in the Southern Cone.

The continuity of the Marian Center of Figueira and the Marian Center of the Child King is the commitment and mission of the Brazilians, just like the existence of the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit and its Community is the commitment of all of Argentina, because My commitment with you over the past few years has never been altered.

Therefore, with constancy, charity and love, your Heavenly Mother meets you in prayer and devotion every 13 and 25 of each month, just like for thirty-five years My Presence has been continuous in Medjugorje.

I lovingly ask, dear children, that in these critical times, in which the servers of Christ are needed, you may make a little more effort and get out of the comfort that has been installed in the consciousness, which has lead you to stop collaborating actively with the Prayer Centers, centers consecrated by the Celestial Universe.

Dear children, My purpose is to tell you the truth, because I love you and there is no longer time to lose in the superficialities of spiritual life.

The triumph of your lives will be in sacrifice and in love for this suffering planet in redemption.

Imitate My Son and follow Him so that, in this way, I can pray for you.

The Marian Centers are not only sources of Graces that all will seek month after month, the Marian Centers must be the essence of your transformation and rescue.

Children, it is time to give and to turn out the pockets that are full, it is time to experience fraternity and charity with the neighbor, thus, you will be forging the new sacred family of humanity.

I love you and I want you to see the truth so that the Plan finally ceases to be a fantasy in the background. The times are of emergency, blessed and holy will be those who believe it to be so.

From Medjugorje, today I give you My holy maternal blessing, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding and for accompanying My message!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the Sacred Tree

I am the Mother and Lady provider of all Graces.

I am the sacred Tree of the Universe, I am who bears fruit, and from the fruit are born all the seeds which are sown and germinated in all My children.

I am the sacred Tree of Figueira(1), I am the trunk that supports and transmutes My children.

I am the treetop that blossoms from era to era, reflecting the great beauty of God.

I am the great root that sustains all life and gives regenerative strength to all spirits.

I am the great Figueira; you are My favorite fruits that I cause to ripen with the rays of the solar Heart of My Son so that you may give the new seeds that will be sown in the new humanity.

I am the sacred Figueira Tree; you are also part of My leaves, expressing life, healing and renewal.

Oh sacred seeds of My beloved Figueira! may new fruits sprout in other fields that will be offered to the Celestial Father.

You are also My branches, and I am the great sacred Tree that unifies you and makes you participants in the perfect union with the Creator.

You are part of My entire sacred Tree, you are the result of the continuous work of the sacred Tree. Be the branches, be the leaves, be the fruit and seeds of My beloved Figueira; express the love of knowledge and practice it, the hour has come, the time is now.

The sacred Tree of Figueira has already planted its foundations of instruction in all hearts, it is time to experience it, to adore it, and to love it.

Oh sacred seeds of redemption!, sprout in those fields where there is loneliness in the consciousnesses; sprout in service and in charity, as do all the Kingdoms of Nature. Be the seeds that bear My Light and My Mercy, be the living mirrors of the divine message.

I am the sacred Figueira, let no one forget. I am the sacred Tree of renewal and peace. I wish, beloved children, for you to someday stop being seeds and to become trees grown in love and in sacred knowledge.

Revere all the fruits that My sacred Figueira has given you, it is the cradle of the new fruits, it is the seed nursery of the new humanity.

Oh, little figueiras! (fig trees) May your growth be as elevated as prayer, may your fruit be as beautiful as the flowers of My immaculate garden.

In the coming time, you will see all the little figueiras (fig trees) in the sacred forest live by the Light of God and are as expressive as eternal devotion.

Embrace My sacred Tree of Figueira with love so that in this internal union your feet may walk barefoot and liberated from everything toward the eternal garden of the Heart of God.

Children, allow to sprout within you that which is the purest and holiest, that God has poured out through love.

Let us be united in spirit as one, around the beloved Figueira of light.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who congregates you in prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


(1) Figueira in Portuguese means fig tree, and is the name of the Marian Center where this Message
         of Mary was transmitted.


Times for definitions of the Plan

Dear children,

At the request of My Son on this day of definition, I wish to inform you about a sacred decision that Christ has taken based on all that the Universe observed as unfavorable and extreme for the Work of the Celestial Hierarchy.

It is for this reason, children, that Your Heavenly Mother descends today from the Universe in order to transmit that My Son has established that the meeting of the Sacred Week should take place at the Marian Center of Figueira, from the 20th to the 27th of March of 2016.

This sacred decision that Christ received from the Celestial Father is due to the noticeable needs that must be attended to by all those who are part of the Work of the Divine Messengers and by those who, month after month, receive all Graces.

The Celestial Hierarchy is calling all pilgrims to cooperate in the Work that in this case is carried out by Association Mary and the Monastery of the Sacred Mission, which are responsible for the divine Message reaching all hearts on Earth.

In consensus with the Celestial Father, My Beloved Son has lovingly communicated to Me the issues that would prevent the meeting of the Sacred Week from taking place at the Marian Center of Aurora, realities that would not favor the Work that Christ has spiritually scheduled for this special week.

For this, My Son has asked Me to declare to you the spiritual and material reasons for the transfer of the Sacred Week to the Marian Center of Figueira:

1. The lack of human resources, which is to say, the requirements and the overburdening that the members of Association Mary, Mary Mercy TV, and the Monastery of the Sacred Mission are experiencing at this time.

2. The inability of the responsible group of supporting themselves mentally and psychically because of the streams of transmutation, and especially because of the preparation of all the details of the meeting, given that the physical organization of the Sacred Week at the Marian Center of Aurora would require double the effort.

3. The constant demand on the group responsible for all the programs and requests that must be manifested during the Sacred Week.

4. The effort involved in supporting the whole meeting in the face of the lack of physical and human resources that exist at the Marian Center of Aurora, because it is the Center that receives the least spontaneous collaborations.

5. The lack of resources in the sector of transportation of the Marian Center of Aurora, as well as the small possibility of reconditioning the hall for the events in that Center.(1)

6. The absence of human resources for organizing all the elements and materials for the ceremonies and sacraments.

      7. The probability that the responsible group, for health reasons as well as chores, could not continue to be on pilgrimage because of the maintenance demands of the sectors of Association Mary and Mercy Mary TV, as well as fulfilling the spiritual task of transmutation.

In the face of these variable factors, the Heavenly Hierarchy is establishing the meeting of the Sacred Week at the Marian Center of Figueira for the following reasons:

1. The organization and the space available at the auditorium of F2 for the spiritual task and for each one of the sectors.

2. The facility that the transportation sector of the Figueira Community offers for
the days of the meeting.

3. The presence of human resources, both of pilgrims and of the monasteries of the Order in Brazil, which will be summoned to participate in the preparation and in the continuous support of each sector during the Sacred Week.

4. The spiritual condition of the Spiritual Center itself in the task of transmutation.

5. The possibility of providing lodging for the pilgrims, so that donations can be channeled toward support for the Light Communities.

6. The facility that the Figueira Community has available in the organization of the meeting of the Sacred Week.

7. The presence of the Health & Healing Sector for any needs that arise, as well as for the support of the members of the Monastery of the Sacred Mission and of Association Mary responsible for the task during the Sacred Week.

Dear children, thus it will be that on the 9th of March, during a study for which Trigueirinho and Mother María Shimani will be responsible, this change will first be announced to all of the Planetary Light Network. Later a small video will be created that will be presented on the 12th of March where this change will also be announced.

All of those who had planned to be present at the Marian Center of Aurora can still do so, for the Marian Center needs them. Children, if you feel it to be so, you can plan to be present during the month of August at the special meeting that will take place at the same Marian Center.

All skilled pilgrims are invited to support the organization of the Sacred Week meeting.

In cooperation and consciousness,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

(1)The Divine Mother is referring to the tent where the multitudinous events take place
         at the Marian Center of Aurora.


Praised be Christ!

Dear children of all of humanity,

By the grace of the Holy Spirit, today we celebrate the anniversary of the daily Messages of the Rose of Peace. For a year I taught you to seek original purity, the true essence of union with the Creator.

On this blessed day, I gather all My dear children together in this Marian Center, which has demonstrated proof of effort and determination to live, day by day, a life of prayer and of service, and above all, to support this crucial transition of the Earth through songs and prayers.

Dear children, thus Your Heavenly Mother thanks the souls that gave of themselves spontaneously to keep every Marian Center alive, even if sometimes in some place there were only two. If two or more were gathered in the sacred name of My Son, that was enough for the Universe, because He was able to work through those hearts.

I hope that this year the prayer groups begin to make pilgrimages to the Marian Centers of the Holy Spirit, of the Child King, of Aurora, and of Figueira, which were founded by the Mother of the World.

I hope that each group becomes organized for at least one visit a month to the Marian Centers and form part of the channel of prayer opened by your Celestial Mother in each one of them. The life of the Marian Centers, and the spiritual assistance of the Kingdom of the Heavens in each of them, are the task and commitment of all the children of Mary, who must be present every month in the houses of prayer of the Celestial Mother.

The only way by which the current global crisis can be overcome is if the children of Mary are better protected when on pilgrimage to the Marian Centers and form part of the protective aura of the centers.

Each Marian Center has something to pour over the children of God. Each Marian Center facilitates spiritual aid for the souls in this age of the Armageddon.

On this anniversary of the daily Messages I want to tell you, My children, that because of all the spiritual exercises of prayer carried out during this last year in each of the Marian Centers, as from the 2nd of March of this year until the 2nd of March of 2017, Your Most Holy Mother will deliver the third gift of daily Messages, this being the second cycle of the daily Messages as Mary, Rose of Peace.

So that this divine impulse be possible, and for My children to contemplate Me every day at noon, which is when I descend from Heaven, I aspire and I hope that the image of Mary, Rose of Peace, be painted so that it can be venerated as from this year in devotion and in prayer by all My children. Thus, the original purity of God in Mary will be able to be present through the image in the homes of all Her children of the world.

Dear children, today let us be joyful, smiling at God so that He pours out His Infinite Mercy.

I thank you for having responded to My call for a year!

Who blesses you on this day,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Praised be Jesus in your hearts!

Today I wish to announce to you that because of the advent of the Sacred Week at the end of March, the next Annual Meeting of the children of Mary will again be held at the Marian Center of Figueira, on the 12th of March of 2016, a time when all of My children consecrated since the year 2013 will have the Grace of participating in some way. We will unite this meeting to the Prayer Vigil for Peace in the nations.

Dear children, I lovingly wish to see all of My children consecrated as children of Mary on the 12th of March at the Marian Center of Figueira; it will be a time for the renewal of vows, and in this way, all will receive My sign of peace for these times.

To those children who will be in other countries and who will not be able to be present on the 12th of March at the Marian Center of Figueira, in Brazil, at this annual day of the children of Mary, as from now and in plenty of time, I invite you to send to the communication media of Mercy Mary TV greetings of peace and of renewal of vows to the Most Holy Mother.

These greetings will be presented the day of the coming together of the children of Mary. In this way, all of My dear children will be present in a spirit of prayer and of joy during this special day, when Your Heavenly Mother will bless you.

I wish that two choirs be formed for you to sing to Me on the 12th of March at the Annual Meeting of the children of Mary. The first choir will be formed by all the children of Mary, who will offer the Hymn of the children of Mary at the opening of the meeting. The second choir will be formed by the youths of the Communities of Light of the Marian Centers: of Aurora, of the Child King (Menino Rei), of the Holy Spirit (Espíritu Santo), and of Figueira, and Your Mother is especially also inviting the youths of the Nuclei of São Carlos, of Belo Horizonte, of São Paulo, of Rio de Janeiro, and of Fátima, Portugal. The youth choir will offer in Portuguese the Hymn of the World Youth Day that will take place this year in Krakow, Poland.

This meeting is expected to give an impulse of peace and mercy.

It will be in this way that all will unite as good Christians to ask for peace and for mercy in these times.

Good preparation for all!

In the light of the children of Mary, who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My very dear children,

Today, in the Marian Center of Figueira, with the joy of the heart and the eternal Grace of God, your Most Holy Mother gathers you together to pray for peace, a peace indispensable for the world and humanity.

Today, in omnipresence, your Mother from Heaven will be with you to accompany you at this important moment of the consecration of the pilgrim bus.

This new instrument, which will convey the Graces of My Heart wherever it goes, will be visible today to all those present as a testimony to the loving effort of all the pilgrims and those who pray in the co-redemptive work of their Heavenly Mother.

Today, the ceremony of consecration will be of all the pilgrims; and very close by, in the heart of each of My children, I will also be present to bless you.

Dear children, in truth, I would like the visionaries to have been present, but it will not be possible; you know that those who work for God must face in battle the adversities of the times, so as to be able to evangelize in all this mission.

The work carried out in Colombia, Venezuela and the State of Roraima, in Brazil, had its great divine triumph, and the Sacred Centers were able to express in the consciousness of humanity. This outcome, children, resulted in an unprecedented spiritual battle. It is for this reason that I have asked My visionaries, already present in Brazil, to go into seclusion so that the Divinity is able to restore them; this is already taking place and will take some days for the work to be completed.

Today, you who are gathered here will open the doors of the Heavens so that the angels may accompany this special meeting.

Dear children, I leave you all My gratitude of a Mother.

Thank you, dear children, for having concretized My requests!

Who blesses you on this holy day,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

The more you pray with th  the more the works of Your Heavenly Mother can be complied as in this case through the pilgrimage through Colombia and Venezuela and in the manifestation of the Pilgrim Bus.

The true effort is measured spiritually through the degrees of love that each soul expresses for all the work of the creation and it becomes visible when the hearts unite to the Purpose of God.

On this day, dear children, I descend from the Universe to thank all of My dear children for their prayers, petitions, donations and campaigns, which made possible the manifestation of the Pilgrim Bus, which from today on will be named as the “Eagle of Light”, so that the Holy Spirit may visit and awaken the sacred gifts in all the places where My Eagle of Light passes.

Dear children, it is for this reason that in the arrival of the missionary group from Venezuela to the Marian Center of Figueira, the Eagle of Light will be blessed by Myself in an extraordinary Apparition on the 31st of October of 2015.

All of the pilgrims will be called to gather in the parking lot of the Sacred Heart Nucleus.  There, outdoors, an altar will be raised and will be performed a task of prayer to wait for the arrival of Your Heavenly Mother. This gathering will be transmitted by television so that My children of the world may also participate of the consecration of the Eagle of Light.

Until this special date, I will wait for all.  Please, children, transmit the invitation especially to the children of Mary.

For this work of redemption that is yours, I thank you for materializing My requests.

Who keeps you in the faith,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
