In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I know that sometimes you feel tired of your own purification, but I am here, come to My Arms.
I know that sometimes you do not know how to move forward and you cannot find meaning in all that you do. I am here, come to My Arms.
I know that sometimes you do not understand what happens or how the universe proposes some lessons and tests, but, you should know that I am here, come to My Arms, because everything makes sense to God, although you may not deeply know it. For this reason, I am here, so that you may come toward Me and be in My Arms. because I will only give you the strength and courage in order for you to learn to overcome these moments and these times.
I am here, at the doors of the month of August, in which the Spiritual Hierarchy will deliver to the world new impulses of Light that will permeate from your spirits towards your whole being. And these impulses that will come are those that will make you postulate yourselves to this path of apostleship that I come to offer to you at this moment, for this final moment.
This is why I come today to celebrate, with the consequent, these eight years of a path of prayer, of effort, of perseverance, of songs, of devotion, of praise and of honor to My Sacred Heart.
Today, I can say, companions, that beyond what happens today in the world, My Heart feels hope again for those who have been by My side, up to this moment, fulfilling My invitation, responding to My Requests, making known in the world the unfathomable power of My Mercy.
It is in this way that many souls, that you do not know today in the world, through these years of merciful prayer, through the participation of these souls in the meetings of prayer, those souls have been marked and anointed by My Spirit. This means a lot for Me, for the opportunity that these souls will have, of being able to remake their lives in the future, and especially to remake their spiritual path, the path that will lead them to God.
This is why, in this month, at the beginning of these sacred events of the Sacred Hearts, your Master and Lord announces Himself to the world to bring it the time of hope and healing that humanity needs, and to also tell you that all those who live the Commandments will follow the universal Laws, and, by following the universal Laws, they will feel in their hearts an indescribable joy, despite the times of darkness, because upon you will descend the Holy Spirit and, with all Its Gifts, It will make you find the Promised Land, the Kingdom of God that lives within each one of you.
Thus, companions, you will fulfill My Promises before the Celestial Father, because you have been transformed by My Mercy throughout these years and, with your adherence and devotion, you have opened the doors at many moments for very painful and unknown situations to be solved, just as it was with the Indigenous Consciousness of Canada, which, for more than one hundred years, suffered the inquisition of My mistaken Church.
But I come today to raise these hearts and all the hearts throughout the world so that they may always keep in mind My Message, and not all those who follow Me, because those who follow Me could always be mistaken, this is human because it is weak. But in My Message and in My Word you will find the power of renewal and, by finding this power of renewal, you will find the Healing, Redemption and Mercy that all of you still need in order to attain the Kingdom of God.
With this impulse, I come to prepare your hearts for the new cycle, which will explicitly begin after August 8, when My Mother, who is your Mother, will open even more the doors to the definitive call in this Plan of the rescue of humanity and of the Kingdoms of Nature and, in consequence, of the salvation of the whole planet.
Therefore, what we have built together, up to this moment, has been the three important columns of the Work of Redemption: the column of Mercy, the column of Grace and the column of Forgiveness. These three columns unite through a great circle of Light, which is the column of Redemption, which is what souls need today in order to remake their lives in this world that is contaminated by war, by technology, by the ideals and the grave tendencies that move souls away from the Love of God.
This Grace that I have brought to the world, since eight years ago, has been possible through the principle basis that was built for this spiritual task which is the basis of the Light-Communities which I invite all those who listen to know, so that they may enter the Islands of Salvation and may come to know the path that will rebuild your lives from these difficult times. But, first, you must keep loving My Project of Redemption, to someday be able to know the Project of Salvation through the evolutionary life of the Light-Communities.
Because the Light-Communities were the main pillars for the Work of expansion of Mercy to other nations of the world, to make it possible to include many more souls that in this life were waiting for redemption.
This is what I place today at the Feet of the Celestial Father: the efforts, the true surrenders, the devotion of hearts, the service of the selfless and innocent, the souls that strive to live humility, chastity and the unconditional spirit of an ever-deeper surrender for the concretion of the Plan of God through My Sacred heart.
Therefore, I encourage you and I invite you, companions, for this Marathon to be a moment of celebration, to be a moment for giving an impulse to all souls that participate in this prayerful meeting to renew their vows with the attribute of hope so that this Earth may be healed in all that is possible and allowed. Thus, you will understand, companions, that I will not do My Work in this place and in the whole world by Myself, I need your hearts and your lives, I need your ‘yes’ to carry out what is not yet materialized, what must still descend from the Spiritual Universe to heal this wounded Earth and create the bases of a New Humanity.
In these last 8 years, in which I have been appearing to you and delivering My Message to the whole world, I have seen that some of Mine have decided to enter the school of the degrees of love, and, even more, some have decided to enter the degrees of the school of compassion.
I invite you to move ahead in this school, I invite you, for your souls not to forget this school, because the Love of God will not only make you strong and invincible, the Love of God will make you ever more conscious of the reality and of the necessity, to the point that you, by yourselves, will be able to perceive, in everything, what you must help and assist.
Children of My Father, the end of times is already taking place, and, with Me, and in union with Me, you must keep the doors open to this universe of Mercy, where souls can be purified, washed, bathed and may receive an opportunity, as each one of you has received, on this path of the encounter with Me toward Mercy.
Because when your hearts are ready to live what I need, as many hearts are preparing for this, I will open My Heart even more and I will show you My most unknown and deepest feelings, which I will invite you to feel in order for you to learn how to transmute and liberate this world; feelings of My Heart that cannot be seen by the physical eyes, but rather by the eyes of the heart, of a sensitive heart, open to the unknown.
I come here so that you may feel under My Spirit, because I know that it is difficult for many companions to cross this planetary moment, to live this world situation, to be a part of this human consciousness that day by day steps back due to the lack of love and compassion. But you, who many times have submerged in the ocean of My Mercy, can already know, but can also feel, what this means, and you can place yourselves at the service of all that is necessary to carry out, without fearing to surrender, until it hurts, because you will feel it even in your bones; at this moment, you will come to know charity, and your souls will be in joy, they will be in glory, in adoration, because they will be fulfilling a small part of the Plan of the Lord. If everyone did the same in this world, there would no longer exist a pandemic, there would no longer exist suffering, because all this would be replaced by the fraternity and the solidarity of the cooperation that emerges from the souls that, at this time, are here to serve.
In the name of the Source of Creation, at the doors of this month of August, I want to bless you, so that this blessing may impel you even more towards the transformation and elevation of consciousness, for all the consciousnesses that do not elevate themselves and do not love, especially for the consciousness that make wars, humanitarian crises, inequalities, social conflicts, even the diseases that the world is today experiencing.
Although it may seem impossible, difficult or impenetrable, I invite you to imitate what I did in the sorrowful Passion, so that the merits of your efforts and surrenders, in this month of August, may serve as a justification of all the errors committed so that the chaos in the world may be soothed and the most lost souls may be reborn in love and forgiveness. This is My great aspiration in this month of August, and you will begin to accomplish it first among yourselves, with all those who surround you, with your families, with your dear ones and friends. thus you will come to know how much it is necessary to live the school of the degrees of love, in the conscious effort to attain it.
Therefore, I have come to bless you especially, not only you, but also the world, so that the spirit of collaboration may awaken in the hearts of all humanity, especially in the non-believers, so that someday the sacred spirit of brotherhood may awaken.
When this happens, Heaven will have descended to Earth and the Earth will have ascended to the Heavens, in perfect unity, and that is when I will return to bring Peace to the world.
At this moment, I hear the offerings of your souls. Although imperfect, let it be a true offering, let it be the offering that is born from the voice of the heart so that all may be redeemed and healed.
For this first event of the month of August, the Marathon of Divine Mercy, I leave to you what My Heart has that is most precious, what in brotherhood I once shared with you: the Eucharist, the Blood and the Body of Christ, which will always lead you to find the truth within you and redemption, because I did so for you, and I would keep doing so, many times more.
Remember that within the Sacraments lie the lifeline, the path that will lead you to peace and to the divine union with the Most Holy Trinity.
In this month of August, in which we have been so many years alongside each one of you, by means of Our Presence, of Our Sacred Hearts, of Our Words, we come to demonstrate to you that We are here to help this wounded, suffering and agonizing world.
Therefore, I invite you to be a definitive part of My Heart, I invite you to be a part of the Rays of My Heart to illuminate this world by means of works of charity and peace.
At the request of the Eternal Father, I bless you in this new cycle, when the doors of humanitarian service and prayer will open more, until it can reach the whole world, until all hearts possible may hear My Voice, may hear My Message.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will close this moment, making an offering to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by means of a song that impels us to live this path of apostleship so that the Light of Christ may descend to the world and His aspirations may be concretized through the ‘yes’ of each heart.
Let us remember, companions, the Feast of Mercy, which is solemnly celebrated on the Sunday following Easter.
To celebrate Mercy is to accept the Presence of God in spirit, knowing that in every moment of our life we need the Presence of God to straighten our paths and to find peace.
This time, Mercy will be celebrated again in Poland, and on the inner planes this shall grant a deep healing for all the generations of Europeans who in some way have gone through the World Wars.
An atonement will be granted to the great sinners and, in this way, a history that remained recorded in the memory of the innocent will be dissolved in order to reconcile peace among consciousnesses, so necessary and just for these times and for the times to come.
Once again, Divine Mercy will act and will attract deep healing into the essences of souls.
Everything that will be offered through the Pilgrimage for Peace will help the Heavenly Hierarchy so that It may carry on with the spiritual unblocking of a process that condemned and condemns thousands of souls in this part of the world.
So that this could happen, it was necessary to first reveal the Aspect of My Divine Mercy so that hearts would know, through the merits achieved by your Master and Lord, that planetary life could be widely helped.
Now, and on this occasion, Poland will be helped again.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
While your voices sing to My Heart, serious faults are forgiven today through the flow of My Mercy.
On this special day of celebration, your Master stretches out His Arms to the world in order to bless and absolve it of its most recalcitrant mortal sins.
In this way, by the strength of the prayer of the prayers of the world, your Master and Lord has you all participate in an atoning communion for these times in which souls must achieve the highest degree of the Forgiveness of God.
Thus, on this day, in which My unfathomable Mercy grants sinners the forgiveness of their errors and the faults they committed, from the noble and simple hearts My Paternal Heart gathers the prayers which will help them, and their brothers and sisters, to continue ridding themselves of the chains of illusion and of perdition.
Who today may have inwardly conceived of the Grace of knowing My Divine Mercy, know that you will come to know it, not only by the power that it acquires, but also by the spiritual relief that it grants in those who trust in My Heart.
Thus it is today, that your Master and Lord grants you the Peace and the honor of the Mercy of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Most dear companions,
May the coming of this Christmas mean for the good souls the inner reunion of the new apostles of Christ.
May in the course of the next year your hearts prepare themselves ardently and with faith to celebrate, together with the King of Humility, the anniversary of the daily messages when a year will be completed, I mean, the 5th of January of 2014.
On this day a new cycle of precise instructions will come for all, and more sleeping hearts will wake up when they only get to know that I have been among My ones during 365 continuous days.
For this today I call you so that in this Sacred Christmas your lives try to live the sacrament of humility and the sacrament of faith. In this way I will be able to realize My Works among the pure and simple hearts.
I want to leave today a pastoral hug, an affection of Master to disciple and of Friend to companion, because I know what it represents for the souls to be consoled and understood. But I ask you to not fear, but to keep ignited the flame of devotion, the unquenchable spirit that will give you the necessary strength to cross the bridges towards paradise, between abysses and chaos.
The time is approaching in which, in some places of the world, I will be able to be seen and found as happened before My Celestial Ascension. The open heart will know how to distinguish the true Master from the fake master because My Love will always be unmistakable, it will bring to you the peace and the confidence to know that whoever is in Me will lack nothing.
Now I leave you for you to listen to the warm and sweet voice of the Celestial Mother.
Go ahead because while the fire burns in the depths, new cells of spiritual life awaken in the Christic humanity.
Now we will listen to the Voice of Our Lady:
Dear children,
Today I specially announce Myself together with My Beloved Son.
After Jesus was born in the inner manger of each being, the Holy Spirit hopes to find pure dwellings in the human hearts. Let that in this Christmas Day the Sacred Hearts radiate the principles of the new universal life. This will occur after your yes to the universe.
In the path of prayer you will find the retreat and the protection that you need in order to defeat your own inner evil and the evil of humanity. The Holy Spirit wishes for this Christmas to be the new Pentecost that may prepare in each missionary heart the task and the mission to be fulfilled before the Celestial Father.
Pray lovingly for the Church and for the Holy Father so that they may recognize soon the great Marian task that My Immaculate Heart has been realizing for 32 years in Medjugorje and for 6 years in the Americas.
I wish for the believing humanity to wake up and to see the union of the times that I Am realizing between Heaven and Earth. New and unknown laws are helping humanity so that it may not get lost amongst chaos and pain.
My Heart promises the spiritual salvation of those who may truly want to listen to My Spiritual Voice. I wanted that after so many Christic years shared with My children, that you could grow up to receive a greater knowledge because the Mother of the World, the Solar Star announces coming and fruitful times for those who may only obey His call.
The Redeeming Grace will be available for all. I will always be at your side to accompany you and to make you grow in simplicity.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you now and always,
Christ Jesus, the Master of Forgiveness and Your Mother Mary, Queen of the Hearts
For this Nativity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, may all families unite for a moment to My Infinite Mercy and, during the hours of Christmas Eve, may they keep in mind the needs of those who are most unprotected.
While you are together, as a family in your homes, remember the lack of spiritual and material food that so many experience; while you are seated at the table, remember and pray, above all, for those who will not receive love nor compassion, from anyone.
During this Nativity, I sincerely wish, from the depths of My Sacred Heart, that all of you can enter into the Spirit of Solidarity and Peace. It will be necessary that families, gathered in Christ, to reflect throughout these days about the deep love that can encompass the hearts of the whole world.
I invite you, in truth, to celebrate with Me the Nativity supper, with your prayers and pleas to the Celestial Father. For this, may the coming days of Christmas be considered as sacred celebrations, so that they can provide to all an appreciation for the reverential and the sacred, through the Birth of Jesus.
Unite to the Christic Spirit and allow the Grace of God to act through your hearts because, in this way, the world will be relieved of all evil.
Under the Light of God, be blessed.
Thank you for letting yourselves be guided by the Great Star of Bethlehem!
Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more