In order for that which you consider necessary for your lives to manifest, you must first, in your own hearts, contemplate the needs of the world, of your fellow beings, and of the Kingdoms of Nature.

God, who is perfect, will always send His protection and care to those who care for their brothers and sisters - their fellow beings and the least of them. The Lord has a preference for manifesting the needs of those that do not think of themselves and who place others first, before all things.

When something does not flow and does not manifest in your lives, ask yourselves why, and for what reason you desire such a thing.

Remember that you must forget yourselves every day, and allow the Lord to work His wonderful miracle in your lives and pour His infinite Graces upon them.

Do not limit the Power of God, asking Him for what you need, all the time; before this, observe what a neighbor most needs, and provide it. Some will need your respect; others, your obedience; some, your love; others, your silence; some, your words; others, your most secret prayers.

Some will need you to pray for them; others, that you pray with them. Some will need material things; others, symbolic acts, filled with the love which holds the true intention of that action. Many will need your example; for this reason, observe the needs of others, all the time.

If you lived according to charity and fraternity, not only regarding material things, but also regarding spiritual things, you would find a short path toward God and achieve all that you always wanted, and yet never achieved, because you looked for them along the wrong paths. The Graces of Spirit are achieved through spiritual paths. Virtues are gained when virtues are given. Graces are received by those who open themselves to live through the granting of Grace.

Learn, little children of God, to observe life from this other point of view. When you are faced with a great opportunity, seek who is most in need, and then you will see how it will come to you, without you even realizing it.

The humble and poor of self are the richest in the Kingdom of Heaven because, by not wanting anything for themselves, God gives them everything, for within their hands, the Divine Benefit will reach the right place.

Never forget what I have told you today. Practice these words, every day. Think of your neighbor, pray for them, act for them, live to give of yourselves, and God will make bridges of your consciousnesses, so that His Graces may reach the world.

I leave you My Peace and My example of perpetual giving of self, because My Most Chaste Heart drinks today from the Celestial Founts, but I always searched for this Water in order to satiate those who are thirsty. Everything I received from God is to give to His creatures, to bless His creation, and to make perfect that which comes from Perfection itself.

Your father and companion, that lives in perpetual charity,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

From the depths of My Heart, I aspire that you may find the path of peace, a peace that will help you to take the steps towards My Son.

On this day, when souls gather around My Son to receive His Mercy, I want you to sincerely offer your pleas for all non-believers so that the Grace of God considers them within the loving source of salvation.

Thus, dear children, the Lord needs the total and absolute inner union of each of you, so that His Work of Mercy be fulfilled in a humanity that is separated from the Kingdom of God and only seeks the realization of its own life, forgetting that the good is for all beings rather than for a few.

Thus, dear children, I invite you to charity and to the good, so that the rest of humanity be motivated to collaborate in the lacks and difficulties of others.

Dear children, work so that a more profound state of peace may be established.

I thank you for responding to My call!

United with all in prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

For the Grace that God has granted Me and in the name of the Love of My Son, with joy I come to this house in order to bless it through the Holy Spirit of God.

After the important mission to Africa, one of My seven sorrows has been relieved, because as a Mother I find hearts like yours, willing to serve Me in charity and good.

In this way, I find armies truly formed by the Heart of Christ.  I would like to see more armies of light like yours, attentive to the request from Heaven and open to answer before any major need.

It was in this way that one of My seven deep sorrows was spiritually relieved through the immediate action of your donation to the Plan of My Son.  From Kibeho I sheltered each one of the missionaries and I took them to the Universe of My Heart so that they could feel the faith of My Immaculate Spirit.

It was through the sacred mission to Africa that new doors opened themselves to the spiritual redemption for the conversion of the souls of the world.  I was through this mission that internal paths opened themselves to start new missions, those that will take you to other distant nations of Africa.

For this, My children, may your internal fire never extinguish in spite of the adversity that many will face in the upcoming times.  May My burning fire be your praying fire of devotion and faith, in this way you will always win, you will lose nothing and you will always receive everything you need because in obedience to the Heart of Christ you will be answering to the Will of God.

On this holy day in which your Mother meets with Her children in the house of the immediate and selfless donation, I wish to consecrate the feminine missionary house with the imposition of My hands over you, giving it the name of House of Mary, Rose of Peace, so that together with Saint Joseph, your steps will always be guided in love and unity.

Today I came to thank you and bless you.  It deeply pleased Me that you have prepared the house to receive Me.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who unites you to the Universal Heart of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

Dear Children,

As the Mother of Justice, through My requests, I allow you to know the Law of God and the positive effects it has on this humanity.

 In order to find the way to the Law and to live in it, I have taught you, My children, the word of prayer, for the prayer of the heart is a little-known Law. The one who unites to it discovers and knows how to be within the Law of the Creator.

Today, humanity is far from the Law of Balance, of Harmony and, above all, from the Law of Divine Love; all this is a consequence of the fact that humanity creates their own laws and carries them forward, completely ignoring that the true Law is the law of Love and of Inner Unity.

The laws of the Earth dominate consciousnesses and distant regions and this always falls upon the most unprotected. Therefore, as your Mother of Justice, I teach you at this time how you must seek and find the Inner Law through acts of love and charity.

In this way, beloved children, you will be on the way to finding the Laws of God. Remember, dear children, that the first Laws that God gave you through Moses were the Commandments, which in these times are completely forgotten and are not fulfilled.

The Divine Laws persist and act throughout the times, the universes and humanity. When the Laws are not fulfilled and are altered by humanity, the result and the consequence of this is endured.

Through the Commandments that God transmitted through Moses, the whole race was to be educated and prepared to find the way of rehabilitation and peace. Now, when all can see how humanity transgresses the Law, I invite you, children, in a special and immediate way, to live in the Laws of God before it is too late.

The first Law that you must practice and implement in your lives is the Law of Forgiveness and Reconciliation; only with these two principles will you have work and effort to achieve it. And remember, My beloved ones, that your Mother of the Law is always present to help you grow from the heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you to the knowledge of the Laws of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

 Beloved children,

Today My Luminous Heart descends in Glory and Love over the souls that are thirsty of God.  Through the mission of peace, the doors of evil and perdition were closed during three weeks of mission and of prayer done by all My groups of prayer.

I wish, dear children, that you keep in mind the necessity of continuing working through the spirit of prayer, because in the Divine Word is found the exit and the path to the salvation of the souls.

Today I traverse the streets of the Congo and see the faces of forgetfulness, loneliness and sorrow.  The eyes of My children reflect the absence of paternity and dignity.  For this, children, may each moment of service be a true and profound expression of love, may your hands and fatherly hugs be able to ease the burden of denial of all the children of the Congo.  Through your charity, the Mercy of My Son promises to act until the last moments of your presence in the Congo.

Now My Heart indicates you to offer the prayer for the reparation of all the innocent souls, those who wait in solitude for a major help.

Your Lady of Kibeho opens the arms to receive and protect the childhood of all of the Congo.  For this, may your spirit of fraternity express the healing and the grace of receiving the Light of The Kingdom of God.

In these last days of mission for the inner planetary peace, your Heavenly Mother pours the codes of rehabilitation and mercy.

My children, the time has come to help all My children of the Congo to abandon the eternal captivity.  And that will begin to happen when you allow the doors to the Kingdom of Peace to be open.

An important mission is coming to an end; a cycle is being fulfilled in the life and in the existence of all My children of Rwanda, Uganda and Congo.

The seed of peace has been sown in the hearts impoverished of spirit.  The mission will become part of the memory of Heaven.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses you under the Spirit of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace


Beloved of Mine,

The victorious and transmuting mission of peace in Africa is coming to an end. How many souls have been worthy of the Mercy of My Son! How many inner sorrows and sufferings have been alleviated by the power of charity! How much love has been conveyed and poured out through the hands of service of My missionaries of peace! How much your Heavenly Mother has been able to do in this time, and through this sacred mission!

Children, you could not even imagine how many souls were able to again find the path of rehabilitation and spiritual healing. How many benefited from so many days of prayer in the cenacle that was gestated in the three African nations and mainly in the heart of all of the missionaries.

Children, how much I have to thank you all for helping to fulfill My designs in this time and thus, My dears, how much I was able to show you, through each nation, the need that is never quenched or met by this humanity. How much your Holy Mother of Kibeho was able to do, how many Graces were poured over forgotten and subjected hearts. How many smiles and how much fraternal love were able to blossom from your inner beings and how much all of this was able to do in this time of chaos.

If humanity lived this formula of peace and charity, evil would no longer exist, and many souls could find again the path that they have lost. Beloved children, how much there is still to do in this world, in each continent, in each nation and peoples of this planet. How many doors of liberation and of forgiveness were opened during three continuous weeks; but this is still not enough, children, because there is great need for help and for mercy.

Now look, missionaries of Mine, how much there is to be done in the Congo and in this world. How much My children of the Congo need all the maternity and paternity of good hearts.

The last key that I will give you, missionaries of Mine, is the key of filiation with God that each small heart of the Congo must recover; this will be your last mission in Africa before leaving for Brazil.

May the Congo and all those hearts be able to reconnect with God, with the Celestial Father.

I thank all My children for having materialized My call!

Who blesses you and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

During the service that is taking place in Africa, Uganda is the nation that is most in need of prayer, of adoration, and of conversion. For this reason, during these days in which My missionary of peace children are working in the heart of Africa, I ask to all of the groups of prayer to dedicate a moment of meditation for peace in Africa and mainly for souls that are forgotten.

By means of this offer of yours, My children, your Mother of Kibeho will be able to receive the permission to give spiritual help to a certain number of souls that in this life pay the price for errors made during whole years.

Your Universal Morning Star, your Most Holy Mother, has traveled through the regions of Kampala and the surrounding towns to pour Her Graces over the hearts that, for a long time, have been crying out for redemption and liberation.

You, My children of America and of the world, know that Uganda is condemned all the time for the disease and for all that the actions produced by men who claim to be wiser than God. These ungrateful actions paralyze the spiritual evolution of the whole of humanity. Adherence to modernities, to pleasures, and uncontrolled indulgences causes the loss and disappearance of the path of spirituality. And they are few, beloved children, who really work day and night, and even struggle with themselves, in order to remain within the Law of God and His Universe of Love.

Dear ones, these are the times of the Apocalypse; for this reason, pray with Me, live prayer as part of the path of salvation and redemption, and do not deceive yourselves any longer. God hopes that, through your little sacrifices and daily prayers, the world may reach the Grace of final liberation.

For this, missionaries of Mine, you must travel to remote and forgotten places as is Africa, in order to awaken in your own peoples a minimum of interest in helping others and to look for a moment at what is happening around them.

My children, Uganda is the nation most marked by the degeneration of the life of souls. Rwanda is the nation marked by pride and conquest, and the Congo has been the nation that has never found peace; and all of you, as humanity, are part of this painful reality. You will no longer be able to say that this is only experienced by other brothers and sisters, you will no longer be able to be blind to a reality that is spilling over.

My children, humanity of Mine, awaken! before the beast comes out of its abyss to wipe out the last stars. I am calling out to your consciousness because the times are urgent.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who summons you to love through service,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Within the heart of Uganda, you may already see the urgency of responding to the collective spiritual need that exists in this sister country.

For that reason and many others, the Lady of Kibeho appeared in Ruanda to remind all of humanity that there is a great debt that must be paid with the service and charity of many children of Mine. This shall balance the scales, for serving one another will be more just for all, so that the spirit of fraternity may arise again.

Missionary children, you are the part of humanity that represents all those who turn their backs and do not want to see the severity that My children of Africa experience.

Today, children, you are serving and donating your hands and your work for all those who do not want to do anything, not even assuming the part that corresponds to them, out of pride and lack of humility.

While servers of the world gather in My beloved Africa to provide relief to the suffering, in the same way Law and Justice unify in order to act on the whole of humanity in the right moment, before the Return of Christ.

Therefore, from the essence of the heart, I prepare all of those who listen to Me and those who remain deaf so that, in the culminating moment of the planetary purification, they may provide the necessary aid, the service that will place them on another plain of consciousness.

Every child of Mine, regardless of being a believer or non-believer, has a commitment before the Creator, and no one shall remain without receiving and knowing what they have come to do in this world.

The times urge and demand a change in the consciousness and in the daily life, which must be directed to the search for God and to the union with His Sacred Spirit. Woe to those souls who do not do so!

Dear children, Uganda is the representation of the great spiritual illness of the whole world; it is the result of a mistaken and unmeasured action of souls who do not fear God.

Therefore, children, may all of you always behold the Purpose above everything; thus, one day you will be free of your own mistakes.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you to the awareness of the only Truth,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

Today I donate and give to you My Immaculate Heart so that the major reason for your lives may be to reach the conversion, which you have only started, a conversion that will lead you to the purification of your life and soul.

This same message I delivered in Kibeho, because of the same promptness that, such as today, the conversion required in that time.  In Rwanda, I called all to live the repentance, to not practice a proud prayer, so that, by getting detached from all evil, peace could reign.  But this message of repentance was not enough and thus few listened internally to what the Mother of Heaven wanted to teach you.

Time passed and the hour predicted by Me arrived to Rwanda and no one was regretful and free from faults.  Pride and denial led to the human loss of control and to the exerting of a frightening and fearful power.  Entire families and innocent people were the main preys for My adversary.

And where is your regret?  The brutal actions led to catastrophic results and the spiritual life of My children was decimated by your own and unbridled so-called culture.

Later on, the mistake poisoned the hearts of those who did not listen to My message, and shortly after I descended upon Kibeho, everything remained in the memory of just a few.  After this great error, humanity became aware of the importance of the words of the Mother of Heaven and everyone recognized that without prayer and repentance one cannot go anywhere or reach any safe destiny.

The Lady of the Divine Word brought to you the warning for you to prepare and reconcile yourselves, for you to ask for forgiveness, to confess and to commune with Christ, as a source of absolution.  With the faith of very few, was lifted up again, the spirit of devotion, the one that led to faith and to the trust in the call of Heaven and in the announcements that the Lady of Kibeho made for everyone.

Now, with your presence in Rwanda, you will discover the different needs of all the levels of consciousness.  Everything must be restored, from the sick body to the spirit.  For this, children, your exercise of charity and surrender will have to deepen to the point of becoming ready to help in any emergency.  My Heart will guide you and will give you the necessary inner strength for you to answer to any need.  Stay focused and you will see very closely the path that I will be indicating to you.

The truth about Rwanda has just been revealed to you, and for this your Celeste Mother specially returns to Kibeho, so that you may unite yourselves to the spirit of devotion, of forgiveness and of love that is professed to the Sacred Heart of your Lord and of your Lady.

In the streets of Kigali, you will see what the time has left imprinted as fact and as history.  The Angels of God are waiting to be able to fulfill the service of liberation and redemption that was entrusted to them.  And this will happen because of your union with these angels, which I send to your support and help with My maternal love.

Dear children, I walk in the streets of Kigali in order to save the imprisoned souls.  For the hour of Redemption and Mercy has arrived to Rwanda.

I thank you, My children, for accompanying Me in this mission!

My Maternal Love is with each one of My missionaries.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

With Africa in My Heart, I prepare all of you so that in the spirit of prayer, you may peregrinate with Me to this beloved place so that the souls that suffer the most, may receive the moral and spiritual help that they need so much.

You, My children, strengthened by the codes of light of My Immaculate Heart, are already prepared to continue to find Africa in each brother and sister, in each soul and in each place of this world.  The need of collaboration and charity is immense on all the levels of the life of the souls that suffer.

As your Mother of Consolation, today I come closer to your humanity in order to reveal to you and remind all of you about the places that need humanitarian and spiritual help.  The society of this world prefers to turn its face around in order to not find the true misery that is not just physical, but spiritual, what generates the loss of the dignity and of the love that the souls deserve.

But our Celestial Father that is in the Heavens sends His Divine Messengers so that through Them you may recognize the immediate will to respond to a need that embraces other levels of consciousness.

My Children, on this day I already show you in My Heart, the Africa in need, the one that throughout the ages was degenerated and lost the possibility of receiving the charity that the souls expected so much.

In My Immaculate Heart lives the Africa of the poor and of the indigent.  From the internal heart of My being, your Celeste Mother expects that all of Her soldiers may feed the hungry belly, heal the depleted body, wash and purified the wounds of the dying and mainly, reflect the light of the Kingdom of the Heavens, which is within you, on all those that live eternal darkness.

For this, dears, may this sacred encounter motivate you to renew your vows with selfless loving service for the humanity that is buried on its own desert of aridity and despair.

I ask you, dear children, that you may be able to see in My arms, this great Africa, the one that, because of humanity, has not been able to fulfill the designs of the Creator.

As the Mother of Peace and of Mercy, I come on this day to pour Graces on everything that seems impossible to be solved.  But know, children, that you, awakening to the selfless love for the interior Africa, will help Me so that the most basics needs may be able to be supplied by means of the servers of peace.

On this day I prepare you to embark on a new mission that all will be able to accompany closely.  With this purpose I tell you that from the first day of the mission until the return of the missionaries who will take Me as light in their hearts, you must pray the Holy Rosary, that is, the fifty beads of a mystery in an African language, offering to the Creator a supplication and an internal wish so that His Infinite Mercy may be poured over the places that were hurt by My adversary the most.

May this day of celebration and renovation have as a consequence for all, the immediate response to a planetary emergency of help for the recovery and for the spiritual resurrection of the human dignity.

Remember, children, that love is capable to transform everything, as in the Love of My Son it is found the key to revert everything.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who congregates you on the favorite Cenacle of the Heart of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the New Humanity

Monthly Messages
Monthly Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Remember, My child, remember, My soul, that in this life you belong to Me and that every day, until the end of times, I will come to take your most little heart.

Thus, little creature of God, you will allow Me to accomplish the prodigies and wills that Adonai has presented to Me.

Therefore, little soul of Mine, embrace My mystery, embrace My great mystery and submerge into the ocean of My Mercy so that the obedient angels of God may help your spirit to reach the invisible and awaited purpose that your most beautiful life must fulfill.

Allow your soul to cause great states of love for My Heart. Thus, you will be glorifying the Celestial Father through His beloved Son forever.

Promise yourself every day, every single day to come, that you will be faithful to Me and that, in face of the great test that will transform your earthly life, you will follow Me until the end of times.

Be worthy to live in My Sacred Heart, set your goals based on the virtues of charity, service, and good for humanity.

I have something valued and unknown for each soul. Thus, My Sacred Will, which is the Will of the Creator of everything that exists, will be manifested in infinite ways.

Souls can see the Aspects of My Glorified Heart in different ways, and thus, I elevate all creatures to the Thrones of God.

Today I open one last door for you, for My loving offering is extended to all the hearts that, having recognized Me a second time, are called by the Son of God to restart the path that was not completed.

My Spirit allows you to love the Law, even though many do not know it. My love allows you to reconsider and My powerful Heart impels you to reach new steps.

In this time of tribulation, blessed be those who call Me because I will answer them, maybe not as they expect, for My Virtues act in a way unknown to the souls of the Earth.

Be, in this time, that which My Holy Father expects. Proclaim the day of your redemption and your liberation so that, when I arrive in glory from the Celestial Universe, all may know and listen to their Guardian Angels, those who in service and absolute love will guide you towards the spiritual and divine place where I will be found to dine once again with you.

After the time of purification, there will be no more distance between you and Me. You will be able to feel Me, see Me, and know Me as I truly Am. From the beginning, you will be able to know Me, beyond My Transfiguration, you will know My Glorified Face.

But now it is time to keep rowing My boat, to be vigilant and awake so that no headwind from the northeast can submerge the boat and make the waters too rough.

Therefore, constancy will be the key. It will give you the impulse to pray and watch so that, in the face of any false deceit, you may know how to recognize the truth amidst illusion.

Move forward, some will reach the top of the purpose, while others must become bridges of light so that the self-summoned cross it and attain the goal that I left written within your hearts.

While the world seeks other things, I invite you to concentrate your gaze on My Sacred Heart, thus you will prevent that stumbling blocks deviate you from the path and that any lie makes your hearts believe in false truths.

Search for My Heart which is full and open to all, there, no one will perish.

Under the Peace of the Lord, be blessed and worthy.

Thank you for glorifying My Heart.

The Glorified Christ Jesus, the One of the past, of the present, and of the future

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

As Chaste and Most Pure Hearts, We come from Heaven so that you may recognize the values and celestial Graces in your lives that we have placed in your spirits during these last three years.

Children of Mine, having recognized the need for charity and mainly the lack of love within suffering hearts in this time, your main motive must be to bring relief to the needs that humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature have.

Many of you, through service, defeated and passed through the barriers of great inner resistance, and opening your hands to give of yourselves to others, discovered the source of service and love that dwells within each one of your souls.

If the whole of humanity could rescue the great imbalances and the miseries that exist upon the whole planet, and if the giving of self were spontaneous and immediate, the Mercy of God would have already transformed all evil into Light. In this way, many hearts would have stopped suffering from the result of their errors.

Thus, My children, having entered into the essence of service to humanity, which is one of the main attributes of the Sacred Family, the world would already be saved and worthy of receiving another chance.

Your Sacred Heavenly Mother draws you closer to the virtues that will make it possible for the New Humanity to emerge.

While the Woman Clothed with the Sun deviates the beast from the path so that all the children of God may achieve peace, I ask that you continue to work for the awakening of service and pure love for all of humanity.

Your Celestial Father expects that the action of service be fraternal with other consciousnesses that must also awaken to service for their fellow beings.

The love of the heart, united with spontaneous service, promises great transformations and relief from all the debts that are generated, day after day, by current humanity.

Dear children, in the same way that My Holy husband Saint Joseph, Father and Guardian of Jesus, invited you to serve without personal preferences or likes, continue to walk toward the Source and the spring that emerges to cleanse and close the great spiritual wounds of this assaulted humanity.

My Immaculate Heart will find you working through service and through prayer, and just like My beloved Son requested, go two by two, and proclaim your redemption to the world.

The Sacred Hearts will be attentive to the voice of your pleas and those of all the servers of Love.

I thank you on this day for responding to My call and for having concretized it.

Who gathers you together in the spirit of service for peace in the world,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

With maternal love today I pour the comforting warmth of My Immaculate Heart so that, renewed by the most pure principle of My Divine Conception, all your lives may someday reach the reflection of My consecration.

But the hour of your surrender has already arrived.  Go without delay and prostrate yourselves at the feet of the Cross. My Son, that continues to be martyred, will give you the power of His inner fortress, so that in the end of times you may risk living the sacred apostolate of love.

Without love, the redemption of humanity will not be possible.  Reevaluate in your consciousnesses the path you have chosen to live, near My Heart or far from It and distant from the accomplishment of My requests.

With the bravery and the inner strength that the prayer of the heart gives you, encourage yourselves to remove from your lives the gratification by means of good living or comfort.  It is comfort and the sophisticated life that has brought the whole world to move away from the source of love and charity.

For this, children, serve without delay, God will not abandon you.  The hour of your purification has come, do not fear being that which you have never been; be bearers of My Immaculate Spirit and in this way you will help Me to accomplish the sacred designs of the Creator.

While the world is convinced of that which it lives and that which material life offers to the poor sinful souls, I call you to seek inner happiness in sacrifice and in the absolute surrender to My Beloved Son Jesus.

If anyone answered to My humble requests, it would be the evident proof to God that this original project is worth for all Creation.

Do not deceive yourselves with your illusions, set your eyes in the Passion of the Lord and you will be safe from false offers, from living your own realization distant from the Will of the Most High.

You were born to love.  You live to forgive.  You work to serve permanently.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Weekly Message of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

The celestial mysteries are so infinite and the Graces so great that you receive in this time, that the Portals of Heaven open where there is a heart willing to surrender everything out of love for God and His most great Will.

My children, when the soul cries out, the universe sends a response.

I am here to give you My final blessing for these times. I am here because your spirits call Me, and from the inner planes of this world, the blessed, who work for the Creator for the salvation of humanity, asked for My help.

My children, on this last day of the Monthly Message, I want to tell you that there are many operators of the Lord, saints and the blessed, who made themselves available to remain in this world to help all of you. These consciousnesses, greatly sacrificing, also lived on this planet with a human heart, just like what you carry at the center of your beings, but they achieved a degree of perfect love, charity and surrender, and today, they leave you their example so that you may follow in their footsteps.

My beloveds, seek to understand My Words with the heart, and those that do understand Me, I tell you that the time has come for taking an evolutionary leap and finally live what for the universe has taught you for so long.

How to do this?

My dears, within your hands, take all the instructions the Divine Messengers have left in this world, and read between the lines of each paragraph, in this way, you will see how you did not pay attention and how much you still have to understand about this life on Earth.

My beloved children, in these pages I want to leave you infinite possibilities for awakening, but for this, you must find the beginning of each impulse that I leave for each of you.

My children, while studying My Words, you will see your own spiritual growth, you will see how I was leading you toward a life that goes beyond the intellect and material life.

My Heart united all souls, from those that only fed the mind to those who only depend on the heart and on faith. I want those who studied much, learned and discovered universal mysteries, to be able to learn to merge all they learned with faith and the heart full of the Spirit of God; and those who only depend on faith in their hearts, to be able to be assisted in gradually discovering the many mysteries that are held in infinity and within this world. These are times of spiritual synthesis, times for all to contribute, on the great table of human communion, the best they hold in their beings.

My dears, I want you to know that the doors of My Marian Centers must always be open for those that left and need to return, for those who need to leave so as to learn what they have chosen, and for those who have never come here and who are being called by the Light of the Divine Spirit of the Creator.

I want to see you strong and unafraid, but meek and peaceful. I want to find you decisive, more understanding, to know how to provide what is lacking in the one beside you at this time. I want you to be the perfect complement to each other so that together you may form this great construct that the Divine Messengers are accomplishing.

This is the time for a great step in consciousness. For those who take the risk, all help will be given. I want you to know that even those that were not capable of crossing this threshold on their own, if they reach out their hands, they will be lifted up to a degree that, through Grace, can be achieved.

My dears, in spite of everything, never cease to trust in the Plans of God, because they will be able to be accomplished, even with just one soul that says 'yes' to the Creator and lives His perfect archetype with love.

I want to thank you for still today being together with My Heart and for trusting in My Presence, beyond all doubts that the world generates in your minds.

I love you, and will continue with you until the end of days.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Special Message of Christ Jesus in the Marian Center of Aurora, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, on the occasion of the Grace Mercy Order Annual Meeting

My Heart is the Living Eucharist for the souls of the world. My Heart dispels the shadows that live within humankind.

Through a union with the power of this Sacrament, consciousnesses are redeemed and sanctify their walking toward God. Blessed is the sincere heart that communes with this Eucharistic Sacrament, for it will have eternal life when every day it only seeks the path of perfection.

I send My celestial angels so they may pour out the Christic codes all over the world that were gained by Me during the Passion; in this way, My Grace avoids the power of the Laws falling upon the just, because even on Earth dwell souls prized by My Father.

Thus, through My Eucharistic Body and Heart, I will establish devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the world. In this way, those consciousnesses that every day of their lives, have sincerely sought Me, overcoming and transcending the limits of matter, on the day of Divine Justice, these souls will not be the cause of My Justice, but rather, will be mediators for the salvation of other souls that in these times will be prisoners of evil.

Happy are all those who have sought the path of Adoration. The temples of the heart will be prepared to move forward with universal works of peace in the misery and the chaos, because I, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, will carry out My last magnificent works on the consciousness of humanity; in this way, many will know Who in truth has been the Son of God.

So, before the great universal moment, My Spiritual Source will prepare the flocks. When the time of the great celestial revelation arrives in the whole of humanity, those who will follow the course of My Paths will be as lances of flame, that will pierce the evil, and just by their presence, will release all darkness. But nobody will know who will do it; I will place a veil over this whole mystery; only the love and humility in the simple will demonstrate the power of this great creator mystery.

And even though impure spirits are released like fierce wolves in the current world, the worshipers, who are part of My Mystical body, will defend the power of My Glory and My Return.

The angels of Heaven will be the shining stars that will guide the path of the watchmen and guardians of the Gospel of Christ; thus, the time will come in which My Spiritual Church will be only one.

It will not be necessary that any person or being on the Earth reign in My Name, because when I return, I will reveal the power of the Kingdom of Emmanuel to those who heard My Words with the ears of the heart and the soul.

So the just must be compassionate with the unjust. The time will come to execute works of mercy and charity, which will free the innocent from becoming involved with the confrontations many will experience. Those who will have become worshipers of My Divine Mercy will be victorious.

The Kingdom that approaches will change the spiritual misery and the unjust destitution of the corrupt imbalance that humanity experiences. For My Celestial Light, with the power of Divine Fire, will wear away all the acts and the ways of being that led to the damnation of millions of essences in humanity.

In this time, nothing will remain hidden; life between brothers and sisters will become as mirrors that will reflect the truth that has always been hidden. Thus, I ask the brave for a quick resolution in their surrender; in this way, you will quickly be freed from the corrosive code of human passions, and the immaculate spirit of each being will establish the Divine Kingdom in all things.

The true step to consecration is to be found in the path of the permanent faith of the heart, which will give you the confidence and total fulfillment to live an unknown universe. The most simple will survive the disasters that will come as a purification and fire over a rebellious humanity; in this way, after everything has been purified, like the grain that is crushed in the granary, I will come to re-establish My Greater Kingdom, which perpetually beats in the heart of this Celestial Universe.

Now, My petitions are offered to all those who want to hear what the world has generated. The coming time indicates the path of overcoming the self and this will be more real when the steadfastness to live My Kingdom is the true purpose of servers. In every step and overcoming, I will be interceding and radiating My Celestial Peace.

I will return with the purpose of recovering the lost and confused paths of all those who once remained behind through the actions and attitudes of others, of those who believed they were doing everything correctly; but now they must pay the same price of what was broken, ground and wounded in the spirit of those who were deceived.

My Kingdom is of Truth. Through My Love, I teach you to be a supreme light for the world, thereby releasing the corrupt codes held in the cells of human inheritance. Thus, I gather you together to live a path of transparency and of immediate service to the Plan of the Celestial Father. I need the righteousness of servers, who in themselves will forge the fruits and the potentials that resist giving of themselves through an act of extreme appropriation. But little by little, like a Good Mother, I wake up the divine talents that will serve as an aid and be of help for the current cycle of humanity.

Today I speak to you with this righteousness, because all the beings who have already responded to My Commands are ready to listen with a maturity of consciousness.

Be watchful with Me and you will find the answer in all that may be necessary to clarify. Today, the Wisdom of My Heart pours out infinite Mercy over you. Remember that My Love for you is immediate and unmistakable.

I embrace those who once gave Me their 'yes' and carried My Words to the center of their heart, which will now be the path of liberation from the self.

Love one another Christically.

Unite cosmically.

Work fraternally, and thus you will please Me.

I thank you for accompanying Me in the Eucharist, together with the greater angels.

Peace to all, the Peace of God.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

The Merciful Christ Jesus


Monthly Messages

Dear children of Mine,

As I know that you will want to know, God will grant Me to know the world after it completes ten years of continuous Apparitions.  After that, many will give living testimony of My presence among you and, mainly, the Holy Father will recognize Me as the Lady of the Great Mystery, different from that which has been happening for thirty three years in Medjugorje.

For this moment, many of you no longer will be, and My task that now is in groups will be assumed by each visionary in different continents because My last call will be that they will give the world to know My final message.  This final message is this, that which I am giving to you, month by month.  In this way,  many hearts will be prepared for the awaited return of Christ, and everything that until now seems to be a mystery will become a living revelation for the current humanity.

For this, in the final times, I will come to ask humanity for the consecration of all homes to the Immaculate Heart; when I am no longer among you My Light that comes from Heaven will be poured upon your families, and in this way, you will be protected from the three days of darkness.

When this moment arrives, I will show Myself for the last time to millions of people, and those who have not believed in the Woman Clothed with the Sun, by the luminous turning of the light of Her twelve stars upon the Earth, will be converted and receive as a final opportunity for the absolution and forgiveness of sins.

This work, as so many others that I have realized for the good and for the peace of humanity, will be recorded in the memory of all those who, through their efforts, will admire the power of My Immaculate Heart; before the great cycle of tribulation, the whole world will have more time of peace.

But now comes the time of preparation.  I call you to realize in your lives the spirit of constant prayer and of charity; this will demonstrate, after a while, visible results within your hearts.

I now wish to tell you that the gift of your group is the true love of God, a love that has brought you to be among My arms of a Mother.

Dear children, this is the love which some felt in their hearts, that which has allowed Me to be here today and to reveal to you this secret of the end of time.  From your fruits will be born new seeds in the future; open the doors of your inner universes so that new souls may be able to be served from the fountain of Graces that has been poured over you in these last years.

The Father always will infuse His Faith in your hearts.  While the whole world passes through the cycle of its last transition, I come to ask you to be living testimonies for those who do not believe, and especially to pray every day from the heart for those who have been lost in the hands of the enemy.   In this way, because of your prayers, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!

On this night, I thank you for accompanying Me.  These days shared with all of My praying children were celestial gifts generated for those who have not been rescued, in this way, the Plan of God is fulfilled.

I bless you and guide you.

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace


Today Our Lady appeared as the Lady of Charity which is a new manifestation that is approaching to us, it is another face of Her task that She is inviting us to know.

This manifestation of Our Lady of Charity existed in the world and She asked the sisters of the Network of Prayer to transmit to all the groups of San Paulo the story of this manifestation that happened on the Island of Cuba, because the groups will realize a task with Our Lady of Charity.

Today Our Mother came with a child in Her arms, but it was not the Child Jesus.  She was dressed in very simple clothes as in the era of Nazareth.  The child that She brought in Her arms was an African child, who was two years old.  Our Lady was tightly hugging this child and presented him to us.

Afterwards She indicated a task for this group which was transmitted in the message that She gave to us.  In the moment of the message She told us that humanity did not have the consciousness of how many faults it still has as humanity, primarily among the nations.  She said that when She manifested as Our Lady of Charity it was for us to have a conscious reference of how to alleviate the offenses that we have with Africa, which in that case of Brazil are still not resolved.

The Father made a request to Our Lady and granted Her for this group of prayer to pray for the souls of Africa, and that if the group would do so it would help to resolve many things.  She said that She especially needs that this group unite itself with Our Lady of Charity and that, when the group of prayer becomes acquainted with this face of the history of Our Lady it would understand what She is asking through this message.

She not only wants that the group continue working as it has done until now, but that it grow a little more in its tasks.  She proposed to accompany them in this prayer for Africa.  This path of prayer that the group will realize and that will be for an indeterminate time, should be done through the intermediary of Saint Joseph; He must be the regent of this work.

Mary said to us that everything should be entrusted to Saint Joseph.  That which Saint Joseph receives from the groups, will also be received by the Divine Mother.

We asked for how long this task of prayer should last and She answered that each one will know how to make their offer, it may be days, weeks, months or years, depending on the commitment that each one wants to make for this request.  She only needs this help.  She knows our potential.

At the end, Our Lady said something important: that the groups of prayer of the State of San Paulo have this important task to link themselves with the manifestation of Our Lady of Charity and that it was not by chance that Our Mother had requested to reopen the work of service in San Paulo.  She not only calls us to serve but that She is calling all those who once served through the Nucleus of Figueira in San Paulo.

Our Lady said on this evening that She would like that all the groups from San Paulo become at some moment only one group, for this She will peregrinate for all.  The task of Our Mother is to awaken the talent that the groups of prayer cultivated by means of spiritual work.  Mary comes to open this door and so that we may have consciousness of what we have to do in this time.

       Remember, My dear children, that I come to the world to alleviate and separate you rapidly from the severe consequences that are brought by the sins committed by all of humanity.

Opening My arms of a Mother on this evening, I comfort and encourage you for the permanent search of the truth that exists in your hearts.  When the thirst of a soul is quenched, another thirst awakens in those souls that do not live the Love of God.  In this way I guide you as the flocks of My Son so that you may fulfill a part of the Divine and Great Will of the Eternal Father.

For this today I manifest and announce to this group that it lives, without knowing, the gift of healing of all things in life through faith, the primordial energy that always allows you to go ahead and overcome the tests.

My dears, that which strengthens faith is the renunciation of that which the soul most desires, and primarily the personality.  I, with My Glory and Love, come to teach you how to die to yourselves, this will help so that your spirits may be born to the mission that they have come to accomplish.

On this evening I gather you under a fundamental purpose, which is to serve your familiars by means of faith and of the power of prayer that I have revealed to you in these last times.

God wants from this group a growth in the spirit of humility and of charity, in this way as souls they will be able to answer to My call.

My dear children, while a great part of Africa suffers spiritual misery, I recommend to you to pray for these brothers and sisters, imploring to the most Chaste Saint Joseph for all these precious essences that live the affliction in their own flesh and suffer from material and spiritual hunger.  If you, at least for a determinate time answer to this, My special request, your nation will be liberated from the grave faults that it caused Africa through slavery and the spiritual colonization upon these brothers and sisters.

I will give thanks that your faith will embrace My Divine Mysteries.  We will meet in the prayer of the heart and in the inner silence.

I thank you now and always for answering to My call!  

Your Pilgrim Mother, Lady of Charity

Monthly Messages

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón,


When we were in the last Hail Mary prayers, a dove of light that descended from the universe towards the house appeared inside the room.

It was called to our attention that the dove had acted in an intelligent way, while it descended, it performed some movements. For example, in the moment that it approached the house, a door of light was opened above the place where we were. 

The dove  flapped its wings with great strength and determination, it kept flapping the wings for a long time, white rays emanated from its wings and it expanded all over the place. It seemed that the house was being purified and another new energy was entering as if it were a new cycle. 

We saw and felt that this dove represented the Holy Spirit. When the dove appeared, we noticed that someone had made it emerge from somewhere, we saw delicate hands that released that dove into the air and in this way, we knew that it had been the Divine Mother Who had made it appear.

Soon, the dove disappeared from the house and Our Lady approached. She manifested Herself today especially within a channel of celestial light, we saw that She was barefoot, Her feet were surrounded by a white cloud and Her face expressed kindness.

Then She told us to write Her Message to this prayer group and at the end She added that She would transmit a Message to each of the prayer groups that we visited during those days.

She will be doing a special task with each one of the prayer groups, as if they were one single group. This task that she will doing during these days, in the State of São Paulo, has a higher purpose that we do not know about now. 

She will be acting through us as a Mediator and, today She told us it was the Grace of Her Son Jesus that enabled Her to perform this task here in the State of São Paulo.

Mother Mary told us that the Grace that allowed Her, through Her Son Jesus, to come here, comes from that which is contemplated by Christ; contemplation that He accomplished from the prayer groups during these last years, and from the steps that these groups have taken through the instruction and the service.

The Virgin Mary said that for Christ all this had a spiritual value, which represented a spiritual richness to all souls, and that the Sacred Hearts need this spiritual richness in order to act.

Dear children of Mine,

Today, with joy and goodness, I descend from Heaven answering to your precious call.

I have come with the spiritual mission that this sacred house, which today I visit and have visited due to the need of many poor hearts of spirit, may be consecrated, with your permission and charity, as the new service center for the most needy.

You, My children, by opening the doors to your hearts, will allow the Lord Jesus Christ to be your Master and Guide; Who in the past gave His life for you and now, through His Mercy, I come to your encounter to request this mission from you. 

From the beginning, you should know who you will deal with. I ask you that, through the faith of Saint Joseph, you learn to give charity and goodness to those who will truly come to meet you.

I want to confess to you that the gift of your group of souls is service through healing, healing which you will discover through the act of prayer and the trustful union with My Immaculate Heart.

As with many other souls, I come to call you so that you step forward with confidence. Years of instruction and formation have served as support for the maturity of your hearts. Now, suffering, lonely and empty souls that have not found the God of Love for a long time, will come to your door. 

You should know, My beloved children, that Christ is amongst you. He wishes to make Himself be felt more strongly as soon as you cross the threshold of the Greater Universe. This mission will have a predicted time and great will be the need that you will see in the faces that will come seeking for new spiritual food in order to nourish and quench their thirst through the Water of Life.

Your permission will open the doors that I have wanted to open for so long. Prayer will always be your great comforter. 

I thank you for having received me!

I love you and bless you from the beginning.

Your Mother Mary, Lady and Mother of Charity


Feel the sweet Voice of My Heart within you and firmly embrace the nets of salvation that I give you. Leave behind all that makes your heart suffer and see My Heavenly Light coming now on the beautiful horizon. Give Me all that you are and allow My hands of compassion and love to caress your face, wash your hands, and prepare you to receive in the night the Great Lord of the Universe, Jesus Christ Your King.

I come every day to make known to you the Divine Mysteries of Heaven. I come to meet you with the Sacred Hope that you may walk lovingly at My side. I have always been Your Heavenly Mother, I Am the Flower that opens to the rays of the sun and expresses the beauty of Creation.

Find Me in the love of your prayer. Seek Me in the manifestation of nature. I Am the steadfast tree that sustains the good fruits, those that in the coming time will be harvested by the Shepherd of souls.

I want you to trust in what I ask you, I need you to be reborn through the Fire of My Devotion. I wish to see over the world pillars of prayer and banners of Peace and Fraternity. The Father has waited for His children since the beginning.

Today My Faith is poured as a fountain in the hearts that open themselves to feel My maternal words. I want you, on this day, to be able to give your YES to the Celestial Father, because the Lord expects the best and the good from you.

Stay in My arms, as Jesus once did.  Let that which I have foreseen be fulfilled in you. I hope that you may know the light that comes from Heaven and the latent love of My Heart. Surrender yourself to My Heart and you will know that which you still have not known, you will recognize the Love of God in your heart.

While many souls despair for lack of comfort and peace, I come to awaken the soldiers who have fallen asleep in the sleep of this world.

Encourage yourself to be that which you still are not, I will help you. To all the children consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, I say:

That a Child of Mary is a spark of devotion that illuminates the darkness.

A Child of Mary is an apostle of Christ who serves in full and opens themself to find charity. 

A Child of Mary is a soul that is willing to fulfill the requests of Heaven and has offered itself to help materialize them.

A Child of Mary is a servant who consciously prepares the coming of Christ, because a Child of Mary is a collaborating soul that is at the complete and absolute service of the Immaculate Heart.

A Child of Mary represents the manifestation of the ray of Peace for this world.

A Child of Mary is like a bridge that intercedes so that souls may be relieved.

In Christ you are all potential Children of Mary, the Lord opens Himself to receive your offers.  My Heart is grateful for your efforts to accompany Me.

I thank everyone in Santa Fe for having answered to My call to conversion!

Know, dear children, I need you as you also need Me. Will we help each other?

I protect you and I bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Most Holy Queen of Brotherhood


Dear daughters of the Good:

I thank you for the prompt and fast inner preparation to receive Me; this loving attitude for the final times has great repercussions at the feet of the Altar of the Lord.

Day by day I have been accompanying your service.  From the moment in which you opened the door to a beggar and gave him food and drink, when you fed and nourished the soul of a sad mother, there I was; when you welcomed the coming of the Universal Mother to Rio de Janeiro, for these moments I was also accompanying and supporting you with My Heart.

In the doubts and in the continuous strength I Am.  My wisdom and Paternal Love comes to your beings to say to you that your charity and faithfulness to Christ has been secure.  When your eyes shed tears of joy, of reconciliation among the brothers and sisters as well as tears of pain, I was always among you.

The souls bring in their hearts gifts, gifts that are converted in spiritual tasks, impulses of the good souls to donate themselves to the God of Love.  I come to your simple house because in the beggar, in the pregnant mother and in the crazy person, you have opened the door to Me.

I want to say to you that your constancy in serving, loving and surrendering has touched My Heart and has permitted that, in a time of chaos, I come today from Heaven in Glory to share My Holy Joy.

Now your house will receive the mantle of the consecrated life; I want to say to you that Sisters from the Order Grace Mercy will share the service and will expand it all throughout the city, creating a net of Christic fraternity.  My divine aspiration is that you, My daughters of the Good and the consecrated sisters, bring My Merciful Heart through service as My other consecrated daughters in Venezuela will also do.

The Divine Order of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Grace Mercy Order, is proposing to all to enter a new cycle of service and work for the Plan, answering in this way the great need of healing and spiritual comfort for many souls.  This call to the new cycle that will be conducted by My Sacred Heart, will receive blessings and special help, and in the difficulties I promise to be near all of you.

Under the Mercy of God, the one that has descended over all of Rio de Janeiro, we will meet again soon here in this house.

Thank you daughters of Christ of the Good for having welcomed Me, the Lord blesses you always.

Christ Jesus Merciful


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
