When the souls unite themselves to My Purpose of redemption, conversion and love, the wounds, opened by humanity in My Spirit, are closed by the impetus of the devotion and of the love that the souls have for My Merciful Heart.

For this, in these times, to live in the humility and in the simplicity of life without seeking any result for oneself quickly awakens the union of your hearts with My Christic Laws of Consecration and Redemption. In this way My Heart deposits upon the disciples the knowledge of the pure and of the divine so that you may always aspire to live this aim and this purpose.

As the times are changing quickly, My Peace impregnates all those who sincerely open themselves to receive it. For this reason My Heart nourishes the essences in fraternity and in love because all of them must be born to the Spirit of God as new dwelling places.

When I arrive to the world day by day I transmit to you My Sacerdotal Words, all those who open their ears to listen to Me receive from Me the invisible source of My Mercy. It arrives directly into your hearts and lives with the purpose of transforming you into servers of God.

I talk today to the depths of your hearts, seeking your true linking and union with Me in a true way so that may be filled that empty space in the consciousness, that which still needs much love and healing. My rays arrive to the world to be radiated upon all of the souls. In this way My Consciousness forms the new disciples and they, in love, encounter the true path that I indicate to them to pass through.

Without regrets nor spiritual pain I send through the world the soldiers who must announce again My Savior Words to the world but who also must consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart so that in their memories may be erased the past and enter the light of the Spirit of God.

Thus, it will be fundamental that all be more charitable because through the Source of My Mercy the evils that the world lives will be able to be remedied. Many will come closer to you because they will recognize My savior and luminous Presence, for this open yourselves so that My Heart may be able to redeem those who for a long time have been waiting to get to know Me.

Under the Divine Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My words with attention and for guarding them in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


When more you donate yourselves to My Heart, more will fall the veils from your faces, the veils of the past, and in this way your hearts little by little will be reaching inner redemption. Realize merciful acts in your lives, be charitable and renew yourselves by means of Me all of the days. As a good Shepherd of souls I accompany the walking of My Pilgrims.

Go ahead!

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Watchtower.


I give you a patient heart so that you may have a humble soul. I give you an abnegated life so that afterwards you may have all the wealth in Heaven.

Do not seek another love as pure, true and simple as the Love that I have for all of you. The beings from the Earth are still human and all are able to be in error without perceiving it. For this I ask you that your eyes may encounter the true love of God in My Most Sacred Heart of Love because there your tears will not be spilled, but rather your heart will be magnified with joy for only being with Me.

My Merciful Heart, all of the days at three in the afternoon, has an infinite space waiting for each essence of this Earth. From My Death on the Cross, out of love for you, and after My Resurrection I guarded for each being a sacred space within My Unfathomable Heart of Love so that you would be able, through Me, to again trust and love the Will of God.

I only ask the ones who have faithfully consecrated themselves to My Most Sacred Consciousness, that their eyes only be directed in love towards My Heart of Peace because in this way your feeling that lacks love will be filled only by My Redeeming Presence. Seek love in each act of charity and of good because from now on My disciples must be the new receptacles so that I may be able to pour My Love for this blind humanity.

For this cultivate a grand love for My Father so that the enemy may not tempt you with false human love. By means of the merciful prayer quench your lack of inner love and feel completely loved by My Great Heart of Husband and Shepherd.

Allow that the essence of the love of God may be able to be sown in you through the simple but true prayer that day by day you donate to Me. Above all things prepare your hearts for the times that will come. Whoever may want to quench the thirst of love, only come to Me.

I Am trust, I Am plenitude, I Am peace, I give you the faith that you need for all of the days of your life. Live in My Love and do not reject It as the world already rejects It for living in the false modernity of love. Always seek shelter in Me.

Under the Pure Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


Your prayers are like the flowers in My garden of redemption. Your gestures of love are like the wisdom that allows the understanding of things. Your charity and service is like the door of Heaven, the one which opens itself to give salvation to all.

Today rest in My arms and trust that every purification will elevate you soon in the same way as the flight of the birds but, what will elevate itself will be your spirit, that which will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit to consecrate itself to the Will of My Father.

I distribute among you My Gifts and My Graces so that they, with reverence, may be presented before the Throne of My Father. Do not forget to carry the cross that the learning of life has given you because to carry your cross and follow me will mean the rescue of other consciousnessess, of the consciousnessess that lose themselves from the lack of their faith and of their love.

A short time ago I was among you to reveal to you the mysteries of My Lord and now you have known a part of My Kingdom. Returning over the clouds I ignite with My Light are the hearts that need the fire of redemption. Some disciples are prepared, but still are missing the ones who have distanced themselves, who have yet to say yes. 

Guard the present and the grace of My Words because there will come a day that They will not resound anymore and they will only have to be listened to with the inner ear of the heart. You have received so much that now each soul must give its testimonial of life for these definite times. Looking at the Great Law of My Father, trust in it and open yourselves to be able to lose a little bit more of yourselves and to enter thus into the awaited Kingdom of Paradise.

Under the Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Infinite Peace for all,

Christ Jesus, your beloved Instructor. 


My dears ones, 

Follow My footprints, those which indicate the awaited return of the King and Savior.

Today I call you to remain perpetually in My Sacred and Blessed Heart. Children, I greatly wish to be within you for longer, but you must allow for this, so that I may accomplish My Will, the Will of the Creator God. Follow Me in absolute and complete trust because I have already waited to call My Apostles after so long.

Now, I want Apostles of love, Apostles of redemption, Apostles who live and give the example of celestial charity, which can help dissolve the pain of many and  cure the hearts of others. Dear ones, today you are in My Glory, because you have first passed through My Mercy, so that today My Priestly Consciousness could be present, in this house of peace and redemption.

Like Zacchaeus, you have opened the door for Me to be able to share the Bread of Life and Love. No longer look at how much you have fallen in the past, just believe that My Savior Hope which will come as a cosmic and universal power from the universe.

My companions, 

I wait for you to be empty of yourselves, absent of yourselves, so that in this time of great necessity your hearts may recognize, even if for an instant, the essence of each brother and sister who will pass before you, each day. I hope that you give me your lives so that My Mercy may reveal to you the Glory that is guarded with so much love in the Heavens.

I announce, with joy and love, the arising of this house, the Plaza of the Mercy of Christ King and Savior, where pilgrims, servers, collaborators and followers of Mine will be able to find Me in a simple place, which will be dedicated to the prayer of the Divine Mercy. This sacred place that today is consecrated by My Heart and is touched by My humble feet will be, for My Father, the second door within the world for the coming of My powerful and unfathomable Mercy.

You, My dear ones, and to all who collaborate with this simple Plaza of Prayer for the Divine Mercy, I will be highly thankful to you through the Gift of My Sacred Heart, for collaborating from your hearts, with this savior project.

My friends, My followers, in life there will be the living action of this powerful source that will allow for the assistance of all souls of the world, of those most in need of inner healing.

Under the Grace and the Mercy of God, let us celebrate and be blessed.

Thank you for keeping My divine plans in your hearts!

Who blesses you on this day from the Heaven of My Father.

Christ Jesus, your Redeemer


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
