In the same way that chaos grows on Earth, the minds destabilize and the souls get lost, Heaven also opens before the eyes and hearts of men, bringing to Earth inexplicable Graces.

In the measure of humanity's ignorance, God offers His Wisdom to those who know how to seek it.

While many sink deep into the abyss of their ignorance and the sciences move farther from God, others receive from the Father teachings that overflow beyond their merits and, with the little openness of their hearts, the Creator and Lord of all Knowledge and true Science gives them everything.

The ignorant see the simple of heart listening to God and think their teachings are false, because their own ignorance separated them from God and filled them with themselves, giving no possibility that the Wisdom that transcends their minds might be accessible or even acceptable.

Choose, children, at this time, the path of simplicity and self-emptyness, so you do not run the risk of not having, within yourself, space for the Divine Wisdom.

Recognize, each day more, in humility, that you know nothing and receive, with love, all the Knowledge that comes from God as something new and unique.

May all Wisdom find its place within your consciousnesses and that it not be to fill your minds, but yes to fill your being and become part of you, so that there is always a new space, a new place for what God wants to teach you.

In this revelation cycle, your spirits must always be empty.

Never underestimate the simplicity of God, because His Wisdom is not restricted to the far-fetched words of men or to that which for you is considered elevated and superior. A great Divine Instruction can come through the simple Words of His Messengers, in the maternal love of His Heavenly Mother, who overthrows the power of the proud and delivers the Keys of Heaven to the humble.

Those who really open to the Divine Wisdom will live all teaching with gratitude, whatever it may be. In that way, they will be able to grow in spirit and be ready for the coming times, to be called "Precursors of the New Life", "Seeds of the New Race".

Your Father and Friend,

Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Even though there is agony in the world, keep your faith in God and do not allow yourself to be discouraged in prayer and hope.

Even though it may seem there is no solution, keep your faith in God and do not allow yourself to be confused by the influences of this world.

Even though the inner chaos and confusion may seem great, in the depths of your being, keep your faith in God and do not desist, do not give up.

Child, much greater than the chaos within you is what the world is experiencing, the planet upon which your feet stand every day.

You were called to bring a new life, an opportunity of renewal for this Earth, which decided to distance itself from God and His Plan from the beginning.

You may ask: and why did the Father persevere in this project? Why did He not stop it at the beginning of all things, when sin became flesh in the human consciousness?

Because evil does not belong to the Truth; it is part of an ancient illusion, in which the human consciousness placed itself from the beginning. But Truth still dwells within beings and can emerge in those who are willing to allow a Living God to express in their hearts.

If you are listening to these words, it is because it corresponds to you to answer this call.

I know that sometimes, you do not manage to walk by your own weight, and that on your own, you wear iron shoes that cause you to sink deeper at the point where you are. But today, child, as on all the days when I will come to the Earth, I tell you to take off the heavy iron shoes of your past, your personal will, your aspirations for the future, and walk with The One Who, barefoot, travelled the Earth and now crosses the Universes, summoning new companions who can constantly renew the Love achieved by Him when He carried the sins of the world with His Cross.

I know that what I tell you seems repetitive and that the words are only renewed for those who see them as new, because they are at a new step of this evolutive climb.

Allow God to renew and show you how much you still have for serving and how this world and this Plan of Love need your surrender. You still have not reached the point of your giving of self, and this can be seen by the Love that you still have not allowed to be born within you. Allow yourself to love, and learn through being loved, to give love to this world of so many spiritual illnesses.

At the doorway of a new planetary cycle, be renewed and allow yourself to be new, like the Christ who will soon be reborn in Spirit in all the mangers arranged with faith in the homes of this Earth.

I will no longer tell you many things, for everything has already been said. Take the New Universal Gospel, that resonates in the Word that Christ emits for the world today, and live His Words. He is still waiting for you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Learn to be in My Peace, in spite of the chaos and the conflicts of the world. Learn to look at the events with eyes of mercy and with a heart full of pity.

Learn to be before a planet in transition, maintaining the harmony and the peace of your small heart, because – even if the “stage of horrors and of human fear” - is formed on Earth, your heart must be in peace.

Learn, child, that you are in the world at this time to be the instrument of a Higher Will, of a Greater Life, which will be instituted on Earth once it has been purified. This Life will emerge from within the beings and will spread around them. It will be the result of the fortitude of the human heart that knows how to express what it truly is: a small living part of the Divine Consciousness.

Each day will forge, within beings, a greater fortitude. Everything will happen, for some, little by little, and, for others, abruptly, but the changes and the tests will dictate the growth of the hearts and the strengthening of their commitment to the Plan of God.

Each day it will be more necessary to serve and to donate from yourself that which seems not to exist in your own consciousness, because there will be those who will urgently need of the donation from the servants of God. For this, child, prepare your hands and let your heart grow without fear.

It will not always be simple, easy, or pleasant for you to serve. sacrifice removes the human consciousness from its point of comfort and spiritual childishness, the so-called “world illusion”; however, this same sacrifice elevates the human consciousness and leads it to the Will and to the Divine Thought, to what it is in essence and in spirit.

Let yourself, then, be elevated and guided by the changing of the times, because the very consequences of the transformation of the Earth will make you take steps, if you do not resist and if you do not close your heart.

I will be with you.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To transform the human condition, it is necessary to know it profoundly.

Since its creation, children, since you arrived on Earth with veils covering your eyes, your consciousnesses, humanity got used to live one illusion after the other, and not only ignored its past and future, but also believed to be something it was not.

Because of the present planetary situation of chaos and perdition, not finding a meaning for their own lives, many search for the truth, and the unbridled thirst makes them drink of the water from any fountain that may show up as if it were the purest and most crystalline of all.

You must take care, children, of the water you drink, of the knowledge you search for, because all waters can satiate the thirst of who was dry in spirit, but if you continue drinking of water contaminated by the power and human vanity, you might end up dying in spirit, diagnosed by ignorance, when you believed having found the truth.

Drink of the water that God sends you through His Messengers and trust that it has all you need. The once who drinks of two fountains – sinning by the desire for power and possession of new knowledge – might drown in their anxiety.

Drink of the water that washes, transforms and purifies you and not of the water that makes you greater and brings vanity to your souls, confusing them.

True knowledge nourishes the consciousness and matures the spirit and not the personality. I also tell you that often an instruction will come from God that you will understand with the soul, not with the mind. Even so, even if it is incomprehensible to you at this moment, it will transform you and lead you to new steps, in which one day you will be able to understand what has gotten you there.

Drink from the fountain of love, of sacrifice, of service, of prayer. In it you will find all sciences.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


This is the last time for planetary illusion, and this is why, children, the forces of chaos and evil unrestrainedly try to grow and multiply throughout the world. They know this is their last time. Just as the Creator knows His eternity, those forces know their end.

Children of mine, this is the time to close your eyes to the influences of the planet, because the more the end draws near, the more illusion grows, and souls, minds and hearts are more confused.

If you do not hold on tight to higher life and vanquish the tendencies of the world in order to maintain your own faith, following a true spiritual path will cost you very much. You will confuse the message with the messenger and by not seeing the prophecies being fulfilled in the time and form that you expected, you will not believe anything that you learned up to now. 

Remaining in love is a mission for the brave of spirit, those who believe more in God than in themselves, those who are attentive to His Messages and not so much to the way they reach their own hearts.

The Apocalypse is now occurring, inside and outside of many beings. The Americas are being taken care of by the Divine Messengers, but the time will come, children, when it should also go through its purification. The birth of a New Race and of a new principle of life will depend on each heart that will be there and their disposition in persevering, beyond trials, to rebuild the world when the time comes.

Children, you will fully understand what you experience and the instruction we deliver you when you are awake in all levels of consciousness, and the veils are no longer upon your eyes. But today I want you to understand that the planetary events will not happen the way you expect. And so it is, that they are happening now, and very few have noticed them.

So that the chaos on Earth does not confuse you, more each day affirm faith and unity with one another. The prayer that sustains the heart is the same that will maintain the mind in sanity.

Remain with what I told you and do not forget it. When the time comes, these words will be like keys that unlock the doors of the new time.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear child,

Every day, strengthen in your interior the certainty of the existence of a superior life and of a purpose that transcends matter and the superficialities impregnated in it.

In these times, many will strengthen illusions, the disproportioned pleasures and the absolute usufruct. The big companies that dominate the ordinary mind of humanity with their influences inspired by the forces of chaos – in the same way that the false governments of this world – will encourage humanity to seek pleasure above life itself.

When the change of the planetary cycle becomes visible even to the blind of heart, Light will call Its children to Itself, and darkness will also want to strengthen its reign. You, as a child of Light, must be a beacon which illuminates the path of the lost ones and indicates them the goal.

Do not let yourself be carried out by the despair of humanity or even by the anxiety of “gratifying yourself while there is time”, because this will be the motto of the dark ones in the end of all.

Seek to be lucid amongst all and, much as those who you love follow other paths, remain yourself firmly in the purpose of reaching God.

Child, never think it is not worthy to keep spiritual principles and try to find God in a world that has drifted away so much from Him. Much as the world around you seems to be ending, the principle of all, the seed that will impregnate the New Earth will be inside of you and, while you still remain steady despite yourself, it will never die.

God is alive in the interior of all His Creatures, but He only acts by means of those who believe in this truth and remain in it, even if they seem to be the only ones with this certainty.

The things I tell you, child, you may find today in the world around you or tomorrow beside you. For this reason, assimilate what I tell you and consolidate inside of you the absolute conviction of the triumph of God on Earth.

Much as this war may not be visible to your eyes in this moment because of your spiritual immaturity, just trust and grow. Mature your spirit with foundations sanctified by the impulses of the Divine Messengers and you will be, yourself, the Living Principle of a perfect Creation in this world.

Like you, there will be others; and from you all will raise the New Humanity. For this reason, be brave and persevere. Do not stop working, we are counting on you in this army of love, peace and renovation for the Earth.

Your Father and Friend, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Do not let your days become mechanical and your life, common, “ordinary” to your heart. Do not let the rhythm make you automatic and the repetition of the actions remove the spontaneity from your being.

Observe yourself so that you do not get used to the chaos and to the internal and external disorder, so that the Armageddon of the planet do not become something normal to you and you lose the sense of your role in the Plan of God, such as many have already lost it.

You know it is human nature to seek adapting itself and accommodating itself to all the situations that present themselves in life, but this accommodation is a fruit of the influence of the forces of the inertia that do not allow the evolution of the consciousness.

Most human beings are, in this moment, trying to get used to violence, to terror and to the current chaos of the planet. Those who are minimally awake should be eager to remove their brothers and sisters from the sleep, because numbness is involving humanity.

Child, I tell you that so that you do not seek a comfortable, easy or “normal” space for yourself in order that your consciousness does not live the typical tension of these times. On the contrary, affirm to your sleepy cells that it is time to awaken and live in Christ each second, as if it were the last one.

It is time to listen to each message as if it were the last one and to seek living them as if it were the last moment to do it, because – in truth – it is.

Do not seek to adapt your bodies to the daily tension as a way not to feel bothered by the harassment of darkness, because from the moment you accommodate yourself in this current planetary scenario, the victory of the chaos will prevail in you.

Child, seek only to find the inner peace. Find your fortress in the divine purpose of the existence of this planetary cycle and be firm to bear all the currents that may descend to the world.

Do not fear to waver and, even, to fall; just stand up each time, because also Your Lord fell more than three times.

For the awakening of the human heart,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear companions in Christ,

With love I tell you that, while there is still time, learn the art of elevation and concentration, the fruit of the consciousness that understands the moments it lives and the Grace of all that it has learned.

In a short time, dissociation will be a law on Earth, and those who do not know how to live by laws that transcend material existence will risk losing their own mental, emotional and spiritual control, when immersed in the laws of chaos.

Today I will ask you not to listen to My Words like so many more you have listened to over the years, because every spoken phrase brings a precise instruction for the end of times. That is why the fact that you have received a certain instruction will already signal to the universe that you are able to bear the trials that will come and that will make you put into practice all that We have taught you.

I ask you to observe, in your lives, how the retrograde energies have already gained a certain degree of incentive with the technologies and astral and mental stimuli in general. Now, think: if within a group aura prepared by God to withstand important negative strikes, the forces of darkness still manage to penetrate and influence, even if not as intensely as the influence of Light, how would be the minds of the governors and consciousnesses that handle in an uncontrollable way the energies of power and of property?

The craving for power is growing in a misguided way and – as these consciousnesses acquire more power and property in relation to things and people – their ambition grows and the sensation that they are invincible seizes their minds and their hearts.

I must speak to you in a clear and direct way, because the forces of darkness are no longer hiding among men and, thus, neither the Light can hide itself, for with the same intensity it must reach the world, so that the consciousnesses can find the balance before themselves and can elect their choices between the Light and the darkness, which in the same proportion present themselves.

It does not mean that Light and darkness have the same intensity in Creation, for they will appear in the world with the same proportion only for the definition of beings and for their learning, because the Light will always prevail and, even though the night seems too dark and endless, it will last the necessary time for all to define themselves and soon a new Sun will rise, more luminous than the one you know, to obfuscate the eyes of those who only see in the darkness.

This will be the hour of awakening, and everyone will be aware of their choices, even if there is no time to turn back. This will the moment to reap the fruits of the planted seeds and assume the decisions you have made.

I tell you this because, before the night rushes into the world, you must be with your eyes wide open and your consciousnesses forged in the fire of Christ for your elevation.

Do not listen to me in a symbolic way anymore. I speak to those who know how to listen, for only they will make of themselves the expansion and transmission of the Message to those who have been deaf when God has issued His Holy Voice to the world.

Growth and peace for all.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear companions,

Offering Our Hearts to the Celestial Altar as part of this Plan of God, we cry to mankind to establish peace in their lives. We ask that you awaken a little more to the true need of the planet, because in the times that will come you will need to demonstrate a greater awareness and maturity. Those who are blind today in the spirit and heart will seek relief and guidance in those who can be minimally balanced in the face of the planetary situation.

Know, dear ones, that – in the view of the degree of evil and hatred that lives in the hearts of some human beings – the outbreak of a third world war can completely destroy planetary life. The hearts of many rulers are only thirsting to demonstrate power and superiority over others beings in the world. It will be a battle between chaos and evil, because there will be no rules and there will be no mercy. All nations will want to demonstrate their power and they will ally one another to destroy the others according to their beliefs.

Just look at the world around you and be able to see a higher priority than your own lives, because the Plan of God transcends individuals and, if necessary, the Lord will ask for more of those who believe they have already given all, because not just the planet but the universe also needs it.

I ask you to seek to know the truth that is in your hearts, so that you are not taken by the terror that will spread throughout the world. Do not despair in the days to come, for the Spirit of God will sustain you, always when you are His servants and His soldiers of peace and prayer.

I do not tell you that you will suffer nothing; however, all the suffering and all the trials that the Lord places in your paths will be for you to generate merits for the salvation of humanity.

I tell you that from now on you learn to love and to accept differences, because We will ask you to welcome and support beings that are very different from you according to all points of view.

Also on this day, I will beg you to help the missionaries of Mary to reach the Middle East soon, before their doors definitely close and the souls there, seeking a way out, do not find mercy, but only justice.

The service we ask of the missionaries, who are consecrated in spirit and soul to the Plan of God and His Messengers, is not like any other service rendered in the world. Through them, We can enter deeper into the planet and pour out a flow of mercy upon those who would not deserve it in this life.

Therefore, companions of My Chaste Heart, strive every day to be more awake, because We can no longer alert you. The time of change has already arrived.

Your Beloved Father and Friend, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear companions,

I would to remind you that the world still agonizes and suffers for the actions of humanity, but I do not tell you that in order martyrize your consciousnesses and make them suffer an ill that you do not know; I tell you these things because, with all that you receive every day, you must be a little more consistent with that in your actions, in your thoughts, in your feelings and in your aspirations.

Many frequently forget about what happens in the world and let their consciousnesses get lost in the daily distractions and in the little inner problems, which become large, such is the attention that you place on them.

The beings, in their majority, do not truly recognize that we are in apocalyptic times.  Even those who consider themselves more conscious will need a great impact in their consciousnesses in order to know that, in truth, the end of times has come for the current humanity.

God expects that those who believe in His Messengers and who follow Their instructions be more vigilante than ever and seek, over all things, to manifest in themselves the Purpose of God, in which they trust.

I have always told you that you needed to be brave, but many take these words with a merely emotional enthusiasm and believe that will be brave when they are before chaos that spreads itself throughout the world with violence.  But what I come to show you is that this same chaos dwells within the creatures of the world in their due proportions and must be purified and elevated by the transformation of the consciousness.

It will do little that My Chaste Heart may descend every day to the world and deposit, in the beings, a part of the codes that I reached as Joseph of Nazareth, if your hearts do not do anything or almost anything to develop these codes within yourselves.

I do not want to discourage you or to disregard your efforts, but you must recognize that your distraction is very big and that you often still allow yourselves to live the old human patterns, even with all the knowledge that you have of the planetary situation.

Today My paternal Heart talks to those who aspire to live the transformation and to those who will not feel hurt with what I tell you, but rather impelled to maturing, because I come in this definitive time to deliver the best that there is in God to those who will move forward.

You will no longer have thirty years more to follow with a slow and precarious change, because what you build inside of you today is what will result in the years that will come and it is what will dictate the steps that you will take as consciousnesses in the future of the planet.

I assure you that nothing will stay as it is and that, with those who accept to move forward, the Plan of God will be fulfilled.

I love you and I warn you.  I guide and I always protect you, especially from yourselves.

Your beloved Father and Instructor,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In order that you can transit in a period of planetary chaos and be a source of peace for the beings, and non-collaborators of the large dissociation network of the planet, you must start to strengthen the spirit with the knowledge of a superior life and with the living experience and the self-experience that such life exists and that the material dimensions of consciousnesses are only a reflection of all that manifests itself in the universe.

The differences between a conscious group of the planetary reality and other prayer groups that exist in the world and that support themselves only in the invisible of their faith are the tools that each one will have in the end of times and with what they will be able to contribute as a support for humanity, when the truths that have been always hidden start to emerge.

For a long time, Our Divine Spirits were extremely silent and delivered to humanity small impulses and signs that used to demonstrate Our Divinity, but they would not reveal to the human eyes what exists between matter and the Spirit of God, which is the life manifested in the different existent dimensions between 3rd and 12th dimensions.

Today Our Voice starts to deliver new signs and unveil new secrets to all of humanity, because, in this time, the adversary of God will try to confuse many spirits that are seeking the true Light and, thus, many beings will have visions that are not true or will receive instructions that more confuse and than clarify the heart.  It is for this reason that we start to reveal what humanity will have to recognize in order to take its evolutionary leap.

I want you to know that an instruction that comes from God is the one that leads you to the spirit of humility and of faith; it is the one that brings, in its interior, the purity that the heart can feel by coming in contact with it.

For this, I ask you to not listen to all what they say in the world, both outside and within yourselves; do not let yourselves be lost by the confusions or by your own need to fulfill certain functions within the Plan of God, because for each one the Creator has a perfect idea and a single plan.  Besides that, many of those who are in the world wanting to be something came to learn to be nothing.

Have trust that the Messengers of God will tell you everything that you need to listen, and follow Our Words with attention.

If you could live, at least, one message of the thousands that we have transmitted in the last years, you would be already closer to the existence of the new humanity and you would even already be able to know who you are or, at least, what you are not and, thus, be guided by the Spirit of the Divine Humility of God.

In order that My Heart continues to reveal to you the celestial secrets and awaken many consciousnesses from the dream, I need you to be consistent with all that is being delivered to you.

I love you and I hope that I can lead you each time more deeply to the fulfillment of the Plans of God.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear companions,

Today I want tell you that, as the consciousnesses open themselves to live wider degrees of spiritual maturity, God makes known world truths that transcend the physical barbarities that humanity lives in the world.

The great sorrow of God is the suffering of souls that die day by day submersed in the incomprehension and, thus, are not able to leave the states of consciousness that are hells created by chaos and by evil.

You are being called in this moment to be true companions of God and of His Son and, in this way, to share with Him His sorrows and not remain in the stinginess of the your daily lives.

God calls you to maturity, and when His Son leads you to know His constant agony, caused by the world, it is so that, in this way, you may walk fast towards the forgetfulness of self and recognize that exists a Higher Plan, which manifestation depends on the awakening and on the maturing of those who have committed themselves to the Creator in the beginning.

This moment that you live is marking the time of coming out of yourselves and assuming the planetary task that is due to you as a group.

The Lord is making known realities that many are not prepared to face because evil precipitates itself in the world and progresses each time more, making the souls lose faith and hope and enabling the essences to be completely extinguished.

An essence that is extinguished and disintegrated, My beloved ones, is like a part of God that ceases to exist.  Remember that each essence created by Him is a living part of His Divine Consciousness sent to the manifested Creation to fulfill a mission.

Now I ask you to accept this offer that has been delivered to you as a grace to serve God consciously and to no longer lose yourselves in trivial problems of your lives, but let yourselves be transformed and molded by the ray of the divine humility and unite in prayer to the Father for the salvation of the planet.

Each step that you take towards Light is a step of the whole humanity towards a new time.

Mature from the heart and in consciousness, since there is no more time to lose with yourselves anymore.

I love you and lead you to new planetary cycle.

Saint Joseph, the Eternal Servant of God


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

