Marathon of Divine Mercy

If you thirst for Me, find Me in the desert, because I know all hearts that give their life for Me and for the Plan of My Father.

In this defining hour, I find you again for the second time in this sacred space, in which My Spirit rejoices because the Doors of the Heavens are opening, to have His Graces descend on those who most need them.

If you thirst for Me, seek Me in the desert, because I Am the inexplicable Source, the extraordinary Spring that emerges from the depths of each being, to give them spiritual life and consciousness in these end times.

Come with Me and cross your inner desert, for I will never cease to guide you.

My Purpose is that you walk by My side every day, so that you may know My Plan, which is the Plan of the Great Brotherhood.

In this sacred place of Peru, My Father sent His Messengers, so that the world would become aware of the truth, a truth that it did not yet know, a truth that is above this Cosmos, and beyond it.

He sent His Messengers from the Universe, from Heaven, and beyond the Heavens, so that through the Truth, those who were awakening could know the reality of the Universe.

Today I come with this testimony for you, for this cannot be lost from human consciousness.

The treasures that come from the Universe are incalculable. The human being cannot measure them, nor appreciate them; but if your hearts are grateful, you may come to know them and know about the dimension they encompass when souls receive them in wholeness.

My Voice is proclaimed in the deserts of the world to testify to humanity that the Plan must continue in spite of what may happen and that you will know the Purpose when you adhere to this grand Plan, that My Father has designed since before Creation.

I Am the emanation of this Source of Love that nurtures you and gives you life, Higher Life; that gives you essence, renewal and Grace.

In this silence of the desert, the most precious mysteries are held, which once, as in this place in Peru, were shown to those who were self-summoned, as were the prophets and the Patriarchs, to live the Purpose of God.

I know that many would like to know, companions, what it is that you are to do in this life. I tell you, love the Plan even though you do not know It, and you will know It.

Each one of you is an important piece of the Great Project of God and of all the Universe.

You are stars that fell to Earth to be redeemed through the offering of My Presence in the world, of My Passion and My Resurrection.

You come here to be self-summoned, to fulfill a goal, a mission, that goes beyond your capabilities and your feelings. For the one who is in My Father is in His Law, is in His Consciousness, in His Divine Purpose, in His Divine Thought.

I bring you the possibility, companions, of taking that leap to the path of surrender, which is a path of constant renewal, deep transformation, in which all the fears of the Consciousness are set aside.

In this sacred desert, this essence is to be found, which once tried to motivate humankind of the surface, so that they would be able to carry forward what the Messengers of the Universe had announced in this goal of living the Mission of the Plan.

Now I bring all of you, who through My Words in these last three years have been prepared for this moment, to this desert, in Consciousness and in soul, where once, in this world, the truth began to be known, which many always wanted to conceal.

Universal Life, the essence of Life and of Sacred Knowledge, is a living existence that is experienced in all the Universe in real time, a time that the world has still not reached, because of its indifference and its errors.

But to those who do want to follow Me and open the eyes of the consciousness and of the heart even more in order to see what is beyond this, I will give them what they need and they will not waste time.

In the past, I taught My Apostles, as we walked through the deserts, about what this Higher, Universal Life was, in which all the consciousnesses of the world are included, despite not consciously knowing it.

That is why souls are tempted by My adversary to step out of this purpose, the purpose of their awakening.

So it was that, after two thousand years, when I had already ascended and governed a large part of the Universe, as I govern it today, I sent the Messengers of the Universe, the heralds of the Universal Message.

Many believe that between Christ and the life of the Universe there is a separation, or that it is a mix of beliefs and of philosophies.

It is not this way, My companions. Those who claim they are wiser are mistaken.

From the beginning until the end, I will be that Great Star that governs all things, being an emanation of the Love of God.

It is because of this love that I lived among you and for you, that the Universe experienced its transformation and set aside its duality, to find the new path, the path of Ascension.

When you are in the deserts, you must not fear the emptiness, that which you still have not managed to achieve.

Thus, I am here, because I Am that Source of Love that will satiate you.

Today I bring you the Principle of My Renewal, because it is time that you go through this portal. Many consciousnesses have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Your prayer in this Marathon is heard from the deserts such as this one, in Peru. Your words reverberate and rise up, crying out to God for His Mercy for the world.

Know that today My Heart receives all your entreaties, those that you profess through the prayer of Mercy, and that your consciousnesses are here with Me, in this desert, to cross it in consciousness and without fear.

For I Am that Heart that still offers Itself for this unfaithful world, for this cruel and indifferent world.

My Heart comes here for the souls that respond and that dare to follow My steps in trust and that, little by little, enter My Christic Path, the path of complete redemption of the consciousness.

Today I have come to give you thanks for understanding My Plans, and for those who are happy for having accepted this moment with Me.

In quietness is to be found the great silence, the silence that all the deserts offer. It is the moment in which souls may unite with God in wholeness.

I give you peace and I give you My Grace so that you may receive them in love and in renewal for your consciousnesses.

I hold you all in My Heart and I pray for you and for the world in this desert of God.

I bless you,

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, for the 25th Marathon of Divine Mercy

Today I have come to the world for the second time in Glory so that you may know it, so that you may come to know the power of My Grace.

Before your hearts is the Throne of God, happy are those who enter It with humility in their heart.

Now listen to My Words.

Two years ago, in this simple place, I asked you to gather in My Holy Name, to pray the Chaplet of My Divine Mercy for two days.

The souls that followed Me and the ones that did not follow Me gradually gathered together as My new flock to respond thus to My Requests.

Over the course of these months, your lives have come to know the powers of prayer, have found the real meaning of life in faith, and transmitted this spiritual invitation of brotherhood to those who did not know Jesus or His unfathomable Mercy.

Then, you were called to participate in a perfect and repairing union through My Blood. You prayed each of the beads of the Chaplet by My side and placed your hope in the merciful ocean of My Heart.

Later, companions, you opened the doors of your hearts and your homes to make Me known, but perhaps you did not find great results nor deep changes. But know, My prayerful ones, that because of your faithfulness, I was among your own, and so My Heart began to shine in the consciousness of everybody. You came to know the true life of the spirit and, later on, became aware of each one of your debts.

In these moments, My Heart was among you to help you walk in the sacred confirmation of My Christic Path.

You fell and you stood up, abandoned Me and sought Me, again and again. You died many times through My redemption and rose from the tomb of this unfaithful world.

You became My disciples, became consecrated, and took Me to your families, to your work and friends; you called everybody so that they would return to My Heart. And in this way, through your merciful prayer, you humbly glorified Me.

Now that today you are again before your Guide and Shepherd of Love, have you seen the sacred results of this eternal fusion with My Love? Yes, many have seen them and will continue to see them. In this way, you will set aside your roots and will get out of this eternal captivity that physical life represents.

And so, children of My Father, now more awake, you are invited to meditate on your lives, you are called by Me to turn your hearts into temples worthy of the Lord, because the sign of My Return, for tomorrow, August 5 of this definitive year, will be present before your eyes.

I Am the risen Christ. I Am the ascended Christ. I Am the merciful Christ, and now I Am your glorified King, Who comes before everything happens, to remind you that you must not forget God in these times nor His Plans, which each one must accomplish in light of the Divine Universe.

Dear companions, extend your arms toward Me and take in My meek and peace-bringing Heart.

I come through this Marathon of prayer to reveal the power of My Glory to you, which is the next step after My Divine Mercy.

I leave you My Peace and I give you Peace.

I will not look at your debts, but rather at all you will be able to offer me during these next days.

Happy are those who will enter the Kingdom of God, for He will be open to all over this holy place.

Take up your missions and you will thus always please Me.

I summon you to joy and peace.

Be in Me during these days.

Under the Glory that comes from God, be blessed.

I thank you for having come here, to the meeting with My unfathomable Heart.

The Glorified Christ Jesus, before you and the whole world.


May the weary come to Me today because My blessed Heart will comfort you, and you will feel the Grace of My Spirit as an unbreakable strength and power to continue forward.

May the timid and those who suffer come to Me, because My blessed Heart will heal you with the rays of maternity and peace.

May the seekers of the path of Christ come to Me today, because My Love will guide you and open the door for you to be able to encounter My beloved Son.

Rest in My arms, just as Jesus did when He died and rested in the arms of the Compassionate Mother. Allow Me to cleanse you and heal you with the balm of My Heart's Light.

In spite of the battle continuing and not ceasing, the victory of God's Heart is very great. Happy are those who today come to Me to feel loved and protected by My Motherly arms.

Your essences are the stars that My eyes can see in the firmament of the cosmos, they are the shine of the apex and of the redemptive victory of Christ. Shine, shine a lot and do not cease to shine in the Grace that the Love of My Son grants to you.

In these times, may your beings be the shine of a new song composed by the melodies of your heart. Embrace sacrifice and do not stop loving it, thus, you will save time and you will transform, as God needs it.

My beloved children, today I celebrate with you the shinning of a new and possible firmament, full of stars redeemed by the Mercy of Christ. Walk in faith and hope, the time for your deep freedom is approaching, and, there, in the Kingdom of God, after this trajectory, we will be one with the Universe.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you on the path of the greater sacrifice for humanity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace




Today I bless you all in the name of My Son because in truth I say to you that it will be through Him that you will find the way out and the immediate solution for your issues of the material life.

There is nothing more special than to live in the Love of the Kingdom of God, because in the journey of this pathway are found the master keys for transformation, which are the keys for purification and for redemption.

You, following with obedience the path that My Son indicates to you, will be able to discover in time each aspect of life that needs rehabilitation.  For this reason, I come everyday from Heaven so that your lives may be able witness the transformation that My Immaculate Heart has made in each one of you.

My little ones, now, with the gaze on the horizon of the rebirth of hope you will find the needed inner strength to go ahead.  Today I say to you, children of Mine, that each one of you is a part of My plan of redemption, a plan that prepares the next coming of Christ to the world.

And if your hearts give true testimony of the love for My Son, you will have the possibility that your souls may be led to the discovery of the spiritual mission.   Everything that may happen in your minds and hearts are states and times of purification.  For this, offer it with love to the Eternal Father so that He, in His Supreme Glory, may take pity on all of those who do not want to listen to His last call.

I bring you the opportunity of carefully reconsidering your own actions.  For this, as your Heavenly Mother, I promise you to always show you the truth so that you may grow up in humility and in faith.

I thank you, children, for having answered to My call in Brasilia!

A new light has awakened in the simple and fervent hearts.

Who unites you to the cenacle of the Heart of Jesus,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace  

Monthly Messages


On this night of an encounter with My Heart, I want to reveal something important to you, something that will motivate the life of your spirits, which must always decide to follow My Path.

Through this special mission in Africa, you, on the inner planes, are before the Lords and Angels of the Final Justice, surrendering before the Sacred Table of God all debts committed and reflecting, from your souls, on these spiritual matters.

It is these fourteen Lords of the Final Judgment who also guided the prophets and saints and, together with the Guardian Angels, taught in other times about the Mercy of God and about the Gift of Fear of God.

Today your spirits, those who are living the time of debt redemption, are receiving the universal Grace of clearing the debts caused until today, through the service that is lovingly offered to nations of Africa, to souls that have been imprisoned for hundreds of years.

In honor of Adonai, the universe of the Lords of the Final Judgment decided to erase and make disappear from the Holy Books of Heaven a part of the great sin of humanity.

Your souls are in deep meditation, and perhaps many of you do not perceive this today, but I want to instruct you that the possibility of having fulfilled the humanitarian mission for peace and for the spiritual redemption of Africa is generating a sea of Graces and a universe of opportunities.

There are consciousnesses that would not deserve it. Within the attributes of the Law of God, they would not deserve it.

Companions, through the intercession of the Sacred Hearts, a kind of freezing of the Law is happening and the effects it generates, due to the serious faults of humanity, are being avoided.

If the mission to Africa had not happened, as well as the mission to the north of Brazil, certain consequences in the spiritual universe of humanity would have had no return. Also through the participation in the Sacred Week of this month, a form of internal atonement was deposited in all those who, without arrogance but with faith, participated in these meetings with Jesus, and once again Christ obtained the victory in the most condemned hearts.

Thus, many, before the Lords of the Final Judgment, became responsible and committed for life, until the last moments of the transition on Earth, to respond to the final designs that My Heart will reveal, during the days of tribulation, to a certain group of souls, and that will serve as protection and spiritual shelter for all those souls that continue to trust in Jesus.

When the crucial hour of your purification arrives, it will be the great moment of your confirmation before the Celestial Father and you will receive the chance of not deviating from the path and of blindly following all the Instructions of your Lord.

For those most crucial moments, I will already find Myself in retreat, in prayer and vigil, preparing to return as no one imagines in their mind and heart.

But I will come and many will recognize Me, but the codes of My victory in you must be the shield against all evil, and he who prays will not lose them.

Under the Grace that comes from Emmanuel, be blessed.

Thank you for giving of yourself from your heart to fulfill My Works of Redemption.

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón

My children:

Negligence has led the whole of humanity to have actions and attitudes contrary to the Plan of the Creator, because behind every inner state, known or unknown to you, lies a motive that is not in accordance with the purpose of the Greater Plan.

That is why, children, your Heavenly Mother, Mother of the Justice of God, comes to the world to banish these states that lead to the path of error and stagnation of the spirit in each being.

Be attentive to everything, be open to listen to the unrecognizable and simple to receive the instruction of Heaven and Earth; you, My children, will be able to perceive the different degrees of the human condition and its decadence throughout the ages.

But in order for that pattern of behavior, which was conceived as something normal, to change, constancy and diligence in discovering oneself will be the keys that will open the door to be able to liberate all human conditions.

To be part of the new sacred family of humanity, even if these inner and hidden states act and manifest themselves, without the possibility of keeping them neutral; prayer, instruction and perseverance over yourselves will help you to find the path to empty the self, despite the great desert you face in these times.

The hour of your purification will mark the moment of being able to cleanse and heal all these things that like negligence, until today, lead humanity on the uncertain path of an illusion "renewing and desired by many."

The mantle of humility will protect you from everything and know, My children, that at the moment of perceiving everything, I will be in Heaven encouraging you to liberate yourselves and to rest in the arms of My sacred withdrawal.

When you begin the path of your purification, it will be the time to be able to redeem all the deeds and all the actions that are no longer part of a sanctified life in the Lord.

Your immediate union and your love for your neighbor, in spite of your differences, will make you free and joyful to receive the Grace of the Kingdom of God. But while your search for all that is wrong remains visible before the inner eyes of the brave, do not be discouraged children, this school you live in promises insertion into the spiritual path of the heart, into the christic path of My beloved Son.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who instructs you, in consciousness and love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children of Mine,

Anywhere on Earth where a soul celebrates today, together with My Son, the Last Supper, it will receive the Grace of transformation of its being.  In this way it will avoid, in the times that are to come, to deviate itself from the path that My Son has offered you since the beginning.

For this, on this day, be witnesses of the great universal event in which you are called to participate and, in this way, to say “yes” to the Celestial Father.

It is important, children, to understand that, when every year the memory of the Last Supper of Jesus with His Apostles is celebrated, new doors of redemption, of mercy and of spiritual rehabilitation open to all those who wish from the soul and from the heart to cross them.  Behind them you will find the pathway of reintegration into the path of Christification.

For this, dear children, once a year, when the Sacred Supper of the Lord is celebrated, the Universe donates Itself entirely and all the universal laws stop so that the Mercy reached by My Son may be able to be poured over all that is very impure and that seems irreversible.

Wake up to this moment in which, all of you, as worthy Children of God, will be depositaries of the same gifts that allowed the redeeming mission of the Son of God to be fulfilled.

Today I open My arms and your Celeste Mother receives you in Her Immaculate Heart, inviting you to renew yourselves and to confirm the mission that the Eternal Father entrusted you by the means of the vivification of the Passion of My Son.

In this time you are led to understand the mysteries of the Universe through the voice of the Celeste Messengers.  For this, with spirit of joy, raise your supplications to God and receive on this day of the Secret Supper the keys that the Lord will give you so that, when the time comes, you may open the doors that will lead you to the Paradise of God.

While you are this world, much must be done in the name of the Lord so that at least one more soul may receive the opportunity to wake up to the Infinite Universe that waits for it.  This, My children, will be possible through your consecration and constant search to remain fused within this Gran Infinite which is the essence of Love of Adonai.

I thank you for answering to My Call!

Who reunites you on this day around the Sacred Table of Jesus,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


"Lord, forgive all of humanity for its ignorant inner and moral destruction.

Forgive them because they do not know Your Love nor Mine, that only comes from and is born of You.

Forgive them, Lord, for so many denials and outrages, for taking the life of innocents and for not allowing the birth of those that should be born in this divine life.

O My Lord! Supreme and Glorious Father, let Your beloved Son, Who carried the Cross to the foot of Mount Calvary and crawled as the most despised among all, be able to offer a total reparation today for all the faults that humanity continues to commit.

Lord God Almighty, hear the prayers of those that are consequent and good; immerse yourself, My God, in the souls that only desire to seek You through sacrifice and renunciation.

No longer look, o God, Adonai!, at the fragility of Your creatures, but rather, beloved Father, allow all good essences, which please You and satisfy You, to restore this submerged and lost humanity from its decadence.

Abba, Source of all creation and origin, remember, beloved Father, all Your creatures from the origin, and let Your Love impregnate them completely until they feel the divine wholeness of only living in You and for You.

Emmanuel, Celestial Presence of Power and Truth, continue without tiring to pour out Your Graces over the innocent, so that the demolished spirit of the pure may revive in the essence of Your most pure Love.

I promise You that through Your Mercy, everything will be possible, and the last of the self-summoned will achieve Your eternity; and although the world causes Your infinite Heart to suffer, today I again offer You, Lord, the Cross I carried, the Wounds that marked My Body, and above all, Father, the precious consecrations of those that do not turn their back on you.

Today I offer you all My flocks, so that the whole world not experience Justice, but rather a constant reparation that I offer to Adonai, the gratitude of the humble and the simplicity of the pure; for the time has come, Father, that You show the world the universe of Your Love."

For this reason, today I come here to pour out the last drops of My Water and of My Blood over those that listen to My Words and truly live them.

In your hearts carry My blessing to the Celestial Father and understand that no other path but Mine exists that will give you a spiritual life and peace.

Woe to those who distance themselves from Me! How will they be able to be worthy of My Mercy? And when will they stop being thorns in My Crown?

I offer you My only Truth.  I give you My true Words so that you may incarnate them in your essences.

Let this new Marathon be dedicated to the absolute and urgent reparation of the hearts that suffered martyrdom and that today, in My Kingdom, are glorified for having been faithful unto death.

Receive My last Graces before the end time. The hands of the clock mark the time of the surrender and the emptiness of self. In this way, the world will be able to recover the innocence it lost.

Be merciful always; thus you will make My Heart happy.

I only ask that you not forget Me.

Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for seeking the Mercy of My Heart!

The Glorified Christ Jesus


Marathon of Divine Mercy
Water, Blood, Life and Redemption
that flowed from the blessed wounded Heart of Jesus,
have pity, mercy and compassion on all of us.
(repeated seven times)

I have opened a door for you throughout time so that all of humanity could enter, cross the threshold of My Heart, and become a part of My new redeemed Supper.

But throughout the times and the centuries, hearts did not listen to Me, many did not understand My Message because of finding it difficult to live it.

Thus, My companions, through My Divine Mercy, I bring you the last opportunity, your lifeline, the portal to the great change of your lives.

While I remain silent before you, My Heart beats in your hearts. I do not cease to pour out the Christic flames, precious codes that will allow you to change in time, as God the Father has foreseen.

For this reason, My companions, do not change the path you have chosen. In spite of temptations and deceits, strengthen yourselves through My Divine Mercy, and in the moments when your faith disappears, ask for help from My Heart; keep your hearts in My Heart and I will protect you from all evil.

I come to this nation to give it a last chance. It has been the most difficult to work with for Heaven, because the rest of the nations, dear children, dear companions, My friends, opened the door of the heart.

I am not saying, My companions, that love is lacking in your lives.

The main seasoning for this time will be unity, the one which must prevail above all things, in spite of behaviors and attitudes.

I come to form new disciples, new flocks that can unite through My Heart. The time of separations has ended. My Heart has given Itself to you, throughout these months, so that you could perceive in your consciousness the importance of working in unison for the Plan. In this way, you will be luminous stars that will light up the Earth, which is in darkness in these end times.

Open your eyes; not your physical eyes, but the eyes of your heart, so that you may see the Light that comes to you, the codes that are being poured into you so that you may prevail in this time of chaos.

My Grace wants to reach all of humanity, but My Words are coming to an end.

The cycle of your own confirmation has come. There will not be two paths or two tasks. I Am the only Laborer that congregates you for a greater purpose.

Dare to say 'yes' to Me and you will be able to walk with absolute confidence. You will no longer find any more stones on your paths, but rather you will find your paths open, because I have already opened them so that you can confidently walk, be transformed and purified, as is the Will of God.

Dear companions, feel My Heart present, My Words that reverberate in the depths. I sustain you through the times, but do not say 'no' to Me. I was always present in your lives. In some way, I gave you a true sign so that you could feel Me and thus be able to follow Me on the paths that I propose for you in your lives.

My voice is announced for the last time, before I return to the world in Glory and find the great tribulation, the moment of the great purification of all the beings of the Earth, so that the next cycle may be lighter and souls not suffer.

Continue praying to My Divine Mercy. Among the prayers there is a great mystery that you will soon discover; it is the mystery of real Love, the essential purity, which will fill you and transform you as worthy children of God. Simply hold My last Words in your hearts.

I am going through your lives so as to be able to go through the lives of the others, so that many more are able to awaken and find the consolation they so search for, the consolation that comes from Heaven, from all the sidereal universe.

Today I inform you of an unknown universe, which is the universe of My Heart. Accept it as surrender, as sacrifice and as love, because of the great compassion I have for all of you, but especially for those who turn their backs on Me throughout the rest of the world.

My Heart descends to the world in search of the lost. Heaven congregates in this place to call you as the only chance of returning to the path, the path of God.

I pray for you in My greater universes, and I send My angels to the Earth so they may help you to experience the great transformation, to pray for you to help you, to transform you, to purify you and transfigure you, as I have wanted for a long time; thus your lives may be a faithful instrument of God, without preferences or wishes, full of the Love of God that will transform you completely.

Accept My convocation. This is the last key that I give you.

I will consecrate the bread and the wine as a living symbol of My Body and of My Blood. Happy are those who are called to avail themselves of My sacred Sacraments. Your souls will be grateful for this unique moment in your lives.

Who eats of My Body will live, who drinks of My Blood will resuscitate, and you will not recognize yourself in this life, because I will have transformed you, as God has requested of Me.

I come seeking, in you, that you can awaken the sacred life. If you only take that step, the world will change.

Today I expose My Heart to you as the Blessed Sacrament. Adore and venerate it before the Eyes of God. Adoration, Adoration, Adoration, a life of Adoration of the Heart of Christ.

In My silence, I bless you. With My Love, I fill you. With My healing, I free you. Through My Grace, I consecrate you as new souls in the Kingdom of God.

Trust in what I tell you. Do not lose hope; the time of peace will come and you are called to participate in that through this sacred meeting.

Let us pray to consecrate.

Most Holy Trinity, 
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, 
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages, 
sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you for the conversion of poor sinners.
(repeated three times)

Those who, in any part of the world, have had the intention of communing with My Body and My Blood, know that you have already done so in spirit and in soul for having invoked the Love of My Heart at this moment.

And to all those who will commune with My Body and My Blood, I invite you to do so for those who do not experience it, for those who forget Me in the tabernacle, and who do not even see Me in the Holy Monstrance.

I invite you to pray for all those who do not experience God, to commune for them as one race, one civilization that walks toward the consecration of the New Humanity.

I thank those who are persevering with Me and who pray from the heart for the fulfillment of My Project, My Project of salvation and peace.

I thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

To understand the Words of Our Lord, it is not only necessary to open one's ears, but one has to try to perceive with one's heart what exactly it is He wants to place within it.

And another thing we have to also do is know that each ward is for each one of us; it is not for the other, because sometimes we think that those words are not for us. And sometimes we miss the opportunity of being instructed and guided, of repairing a deviation in our path, because we think that the Words of the Lord are for other brothers and sisters.

So let us open our heart and always know that each word is for each one of us. In this way, we will never miss an opportunity. 

Friar, what can you tell us?

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Today, Christ, in an unusual way, exposed His Heart as if it were the Blessed Sacrament, and that Light of His Heart expanded toward us.

He also gave an important key for this country, which is unity. He greatly emphasized this, because He knows that we can hear what He says, keep His words, and put them into practice.

Today, at the Apparition of Christ, I felt that He was giving the last alternative. I felt that it was nothing definite, but that it was a call to our inner consciousness.

He knows that we can unite a little more. He knows that Uruguay has a very important task in the end of times. He says that it will depend on our degree of unity that this should take place.

He asked us to set aside the superficial things, our own wills, in order to be able to accomplish the Greater Will. Perhaps we do not understand what that Will is, but if we do what Christ asked of us, of uniting, something positive can happen here.

At the Apparition of the Master, we also felt that he came to open a door here and that only He can open it.

He also gave us an important key, which is Adoration. Something that perhaps we do not know and do not pay much attention to, but just as He said, in the prayer we did at the end, He is present in all the tabernacles on Earth and offered His Heart so that we could adore It and understand many things.

He was very grateful for this opportunity of being here, among us, but He knows we can give a little more, mainly as Uruguayans.

Today He symbolically gave us a mission: to be united so as to be able to carry out that Plan that He foresees for this country. At that moment, we felt that all the angels of the nations were united in this purpose that Christ put to us; and other celestial Hierarchies were also present with Him, writing many things in great books, which we understood to be something in the future that was not revealed. He offered us His Heart so that we could understand what He is asking of us.

He had a lot more to give us, because He said so, and He hopes we will give more to Him so that He can give us more of Himself.

Today we also felt, before Christ, that we were also being seen by God with a lot of compassion.

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

One of the things that Our Lord said today is that there are not two purposes, but rather only one Purpose exists, which is the one He asks of us. So sometimes we need to clearly perceive if we are following the Purpose He proposes or we are following our own purpose. Most of all, in this very little country where we are so few, He asked that we work in unity and that we not have two purposes. It will be necessary for us to reflect a lot on this, as to whether we are all really fully focused on this one Purpose, and about what we are going to do so that our unity be real and whole.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

Weekly Messages
Weekly Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in Fatima, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Friends and good souls,

May the Peace of My Lord, the Almighty, remain today and always in your hearts.

Heaven sends you the tests of the end of time so your souls, those that said 'yes' to Me, can be strengthened in their trust.

Now, I Am the only way for your lives. I Am the only and powerful Light that will illumine you in the darkness and the despair.

Blessed are those who, in spite of everything, continue in Me and do not separate themselves one millimeter from the Glorious and Blessed Heart of Beloved Jesus, for they will be recognized as the Children of God.

Go and be happy. May your paths be overrun by the power of the Word of Life and by the Source of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.

I know you are already tired and that your strength seems to disappear from within you, but you must know that My Shoulders and My Back support the weight of the cross the Lord entrusted to you.

Do not despair, trust in the fullness of My Presence; open the door of your heart so I may enter into you; in this way, you will know the unmistakable Love of My Heart.

You know that always, from the beginning, you have been free, as free as the flight of a bird in the heights.

Unite with My Heart; My Water will quench the thirst you feel; My Blood will cleanse the past and you will be able to be resurrected in spirit to the Will of My Eternal Father.

I am here, returning for all, in search of the seed that My surrender sowed in each soul.

I come to call you to live the sacrifice out of love for humanity, so that you may know the strength of My Redeeming Love.

Under the Love which comes from the Beloved Father, I bless you and heal you in the name of Abba, of Christ and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Christ Jesus, your encouragement



My children,

I come to bless with the Spirit of God those of My children who open the heart and the soul to Me.  I come for those who do not know Me, but that still clamor inside for My presence.  I come to the world for those who are lost, because in the search to quench the thirst of the spirit they confused themselves and drank from the water of the world, instead of the Water of Life.

Today the Messengers of God return to Earth so that Their voices may echo in all the corners of the world and even the smallest and most lost of the beings may find themselves with the Divine.  At the request of the Lord this Greater Light is expanded and seeks tirelessly for all the beings.

It is time to awaken from the sleep in which you live.  It is time to open your eyes because even the blind will be able to see, the deaf will be able to hear, even the hard of heart will be able to feel when the Redeemer of the world comes near. 

Those who were not able to recognize Him in the beginning return to recognize Him in the end and those who committed themselves to Him in the beginning also return to prepare the path with flowers and fruits, with prayers and love, so that His feet may come to the world and His steps may definitively remove from the Earth the impurities and imperfections that prevent the beings from growing and evolving, as the Divine Will impels them to do.

My beloveds, permit yourselves to listen to My voice that resonates in your interior and open the hearts so that My love may enter and transform all of that which prevents you from walking to My Son.

I want to see in each being a temple of eternal prayer, sacrifice, surrender and love, because these are the keys that will bring you to overcome the limits imposed by matter and to reach the profound Peace of My Kingdom.

I see in the world crystalline essences born from the Heart of God, with the purpose of manifesting, not only for themselves, but for all of the Universe, a perfect and pure love, a unific love.  I find in each one of your beings the possibility of a superior life.  Will you be willing to see the world through My eyes?  Will you be willing to find in each brother and sister the Living Christ and to see Him return in the essence of all the beings?

My beloveds, the Christic Spirit has already come to the world and has left in each essence the seed of the awakening of the spirit.  Those who know how to cultivate Peace in their hearts will allow this Christ to blossom and grow within and they will merge with the King of kings, because they will recognize Him when they are before His eyes.

On this day, I want that you rejoice your little hearts and prepare yourselves with love to receive Me, because the intensity of My presence in your lives depends only on the openness of your hearts.

Your beloved Mother, Mary, Queen of Peace


Open your eyes and see cross the sky the Ray of Mercy that the Lord sends to the world.  See the portals of a Sublime Kingdom open themselves, where the most pure and beautiful that exists in creation inhabits.  Open your eyes and see the Celestial Hosts come to the world, to help those who suffer and to rescue those who are lost.

Open the door of the heart and discover the mysterious event that is approaching your life.  Open yourself My child, in consciousness, to a new awakening, to a new life.

My beloveds, a new dawn arises on the horizon of the world and a new sun rises to illuminate the life of all beings and to make them see all that which until this moment was hidden in their lives.  This sun comes to the world to remove the lost souls from illusion and to make them find again the path from which they deviated for so long.

Today I only say to you that you open your eyes, the heart and the consciousness.  This is done with intention and true prayer.  Open yourselves to discover the new possibilities of life that God gives humanity; open yourselves to discover a possibility of living in Peace in a world that agonizes; a possibility of becoming servants and peacemakers of this world.

My beloveds, I invite you today to be healers of this wounded Earth, healers of lost and dying souls, that die in life and surrender to the enemy all their possibilities of Redemption.

Today I call you urgently to awaken to a life of unity that overcomes the frontiers of religions, of races, of beliefs and of nations.  Today I call you to Reconciliation with your fellow human being and with God, so that you do not fear accepting the Divine that is approaching your lives and that offers you nothing more than a life of permanent surrender, of service and of Peace.

I come to the world so that humanity may awaken from the sleep in which it lives and so that is manifested on Earth the archetype of Love that God thought for humanity.

My children, your lives are precious before God and no matter how much has been spoken throughout the centuries, the Greatness of God is unforeseen in your consciousnesses and His Glory is manifested in the conversion of the souls of the world.

This is a time of urgent conversion, because all the Graces have already been poured over the world and many have refused to perceive it.  My presence has come to the world in different forms and I have made Myself visible to many of My children, so that all the beings have had the possibility of being at My side.  God tried to come to His creatures, but they are blind and their hearts are so closed, that they did not want to see and feel this presence.

Do not deny any longer, My children, the help that is being sent to you.  Do not ignore the times that are approaching anymore, because today the awakening comes to you full of Mercy.  My Love touches your hearts calling you to live a life of Peace and strengthening you so that you may reach this Peace in any circumstance.  Tomorrow Justice will come to the world, which will awaken many through suffering and pain, and this will happen by the choice that each soul realized before the opportunities that God offered them.

I do not come to cause you fear, My children, I only come to warn you that other times will come and the consequences of the actions of humanity already are upon the world.

Choose Peace and live prayer.

Pray with fervor and ask Mercy for those who still asleep.

I thank you for accompanying My Mission of Salvation of souls.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


When the Heavens are opened towards Earth, a possibility of Redemption is opened for the world.

When My feet touch this ground, for one more time, they bring to humanity all the codes that exist in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

When I open My Arms and allow the Love that I receive from God to flow from My Heart, I pour over the creatures the true Message of the Creator, that is His pure Love and His Eternal Grace.

When the little creatures respond to the Universe, praying and vigiling in devotion, a light is lit on Earth and the Creator contemplates, then, the fervour of His creatures and understands the clamors as requests for help from all of humanity.

My beloveds, for Our Lord and God nothing is separated, the step of one of His children is the step of all. In this way also, a step that is not taken is a lost opportunity for all of mankind.

Those who pray with love and say yes to Me, renewing themselves day by day, permit that month after month My Heart returns to the world, and intercedes for all of humanity.

When I say to you that I contemplate the arising of a new race it is because I see growing, in your hearts, the seed that God planted in the origin of creation and that now His Gardeners come to make grow and bloom.

As I have already said to you, My beloveds, each one that takes My words for themselves and follows their path of Redemption; each one that answers for themselves and for all humanity to this request of Peace, if they seek Peace in the world, each one may be a peacemaker of their own lives.

The great conquests of the world are achieved through the simplest but true actions, actions that they realize with the heart and with the intention of being radiated to all of the human consciousness.

My beloved children, each one of you is part of a unique Divine Project, a project that has already been made possible through the life of My Son Jesus. Now is the moment to imitate His steps, and to live this conversion in the modern times.

Each one of you must contemplate in the heart your own path of imitation of Christ, permitting that God shows you what His Will for this time is and how you will find the christic path in the current times.

My children, you will no longer sustain a cross of wood, but a cross of vices and of modernities, an invisible cross of capital energies.

You will no longer walk to convert the sinners and heal the blind of body, but you will convert yourselves and, by means of example, you will heal the blind of spirit and the abandoned of heart.

Apostles are not made by means of the word, nor by being persecuted by the Pharisees, but you will find those who will awaken through your prayers and that will follow the christic path constructed by your intentions that are not visible, and by the silence of your hearts; but yes, you will be persecuted by all the illusions and the pleasures that the world offers you, by all the technology and by the modernities that will seek to distract your souls and push them away from the path of God, with the excuse that this is an outdated path.

My children, find in your lives the apostolate of the new time and through the study of the Gospel seek to live it today, finding the steps of Christ in your lives.

Listen to the voice of the Master that continues echoing throughout the world, continues touching the spirits and awakening the essences that must remember the commitment that they assumed with Christ, and the promise that they made to God, to be at the end of the times, implanting amidst the chaos, a race of Christs that will walk against the current of the sleeping humanity, and will bloom in the desert of love as a miracle of conversion.

In this way must your lives be the true miracle that God achieved in the Universe, a race that arises from pain and suffering and that lights up the torch of Redemption, overcoming the darkness that sought to defeat it, and amongst all the hatred and all the war that feeds the enemy in the heart of humans, the Love deposited by God in His creatures wins.

Love is unconquerable and Mercy reaches all who in the hearts say yes.

I thank you for accepting to follow this path of conversion and of life.

I bless you,

Mary, Mother and Queen of all the peoples of the entire world.


Smile at life so that the brilliance of your soul will shine facing the darkness.

Rejoice completely, as you have entered into the ocean of My Graces.

Serve without delay, so that your being will donate itself completely.

Open yourself to the new because this way you will be conducted.

Look forward and you will see, reflected in Heaven, the perfect design of My Sacred Heart.

Donate yourself to God; this is the motto for this time and this donation shall always be joyful so that hope will open the new paths in life.

Adore Me completely; thus your spirit will be united with My Greater Commands.

It is time to surrender oneself without fear, because there is no greater value than doing all for love to the Plan of God.

Never forget that the path of Christ is the path offered to all, but only a few are able to throw themselves entirely into My Arms, because they know that I will ask of them unattainable things.

But it will not be any greater than what you are able to realize; My Works are simple and true; My Works want to take all the children of God to Paradise.

You shall recognize in humility that which I ask of you, because it will be necessary for the redemption of the world.

Under the Sublime Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Eternal Heart!

Christ Jesus


My dearest children,

Today I want to help you remember something important for this time of changes that everyone lives in the interior of the hearts, as well as in your souls.  Today I invite you to be affirmed in the protective shield of the Divine Hope.

This sacred ray that also comes from one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit will help you to strengthen the faith and the peace in your hearts.

The great spiritual crises that many of My children live today is due to lack of the Divine Hope in the heart.  For this, day and night, from time to time, as from century to century, My Immaculate Heart has tried to lift the consciousness of humanity by means of Divine Hope.

This sacred gift of the Holy Spirit will help you so that you do not lose the daily aspirations of approaching the Kingdom of God.  Today, all of humanity suffers from lack of Divine Hope.  It may arrive to your lives by means of the simple exercise of the prayer of the heart.  Divine Hope is a Great Source of wonders and of reparation for the souls that have fallen.

I, as Most Holy Mother, know your inner situations of life.  For this, today I say to you that you awaken in time for this precious ray of the Holy Spirit.  In this way, your lives will help to balance the lack of hope that there is in the world.

When My Divine Heart descends upon the great cities, it is to bring you a little more hope and peace in the face of the most serious offenses that the souls commit.   It is time that your consciousnesses, in a definitive way, grasp themselves to the safe path of the Divine Hope.  In this way, you will construct a spiritual path filled with Graces and Forgiveness.

Dear children of Belo Horizonte, as I promised you some time ago, the Holy Mother of God, the Virgin of Virgins and Mother of the Divine Mercy of Jesus, returns here to encourage you to live this day in hope, in faith and in peace.  A good disciple is formed by means of the gifts that God gives them by means of His Most Holy Spirit.

In this time of so-called human advances the lack of life of prayer and of communion with My Son is generating the absence of Divine Hope.  For this, as your Dear Mother, I come to help you remember that there is this ray of reparation and of healing that is called Divine Hope.

Beloved children of Belo Horizonte, My Heart has favor and devotion for your little souls.  In truth, your permanent effort to accomplish My Call has opened the Doors of the Heart of God and He has permitted Me to return to this blessed city as many times as it is necessary.

I thank you, dear children, for being united in heart and soul to My Call!

I bless you on this special day of Glory and Marian celebration,

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Divine Hope


Guard your being in the silence of My Heart and in this way you will listen with clarity to My Words that will guide you towards the Purpose.

Clothe yourself with My Unfathomable Mercy and permit that My Light reach the deepest corners of your little consciousness.  Among My Steps of a Pilgrim are found you and your brothers and sisters.  Within My Hands and Prayers are marked each one of the souls that I have been seeking since My Passion and all continue in its course of peace because nothing that is not My Will will be able to modify your lives.

For this in the most difficult moments, is when My Love approaches to My disciples, My infinite Help will always want to demonstrate to you the capacity to deeply love God and your brothers and sisters.

The path to be followed is rough because it is full of challenges and tests to be overcome, but there is nothing stronger than the Divine Love, that which will fill you and that will give you inner strength to carry on walking. After the surrender is found the inner Glory, the universal joy for the soul that is liberated from itself for all of eternity.

Under the Light of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus


I come to My disciples to encourage them to walk at My side because after the long journey of life will finally be born the true spirit of eternity in each one of the Servers of the Lord.

For this, in this time, join inner strengths through the joy of serving those who still have not been divested from themselves. Day by day My Heart approaches to you in order to demonstrate to you that the perfect path is built only through the love of the heart.

I will lead you to impossible challenges, but I will never leave you alone.

I will give you never-to-be-forgotten sufferings, but I will always assist you because in truth the time has come for the “very few ones” to fulfill the Perfect Plan that is designed in the Heart of God.

All the time, I will sustain you between My Arms. When loneliness seems greater than joy, it is the sign that in truth you are living My Christic Path and you will be forming yourselves as the New Christs of the current time.

Pray for those who do not manage to take safe steps towards My Heart. They need your love and spiritual attention. I accompany you always, even in the falls of life.

Under the Infinite Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus


Seek to be in Me all the time because My Faith will strengthen you at the great moments of test.

The one who abandon himself in Me will receive all that he need, will stop of being all the time in self and will be transfigured by My Presence.

For this many believe that the inner stripping is to renounce only a few times, and in truth the emptiness of oneself is an eternal exercise for those who have just been initiated into My Christic Path.

It is time to become victorious and humble through merciful prayer. I speak about victory in the total transformation of oneself and to renounce to what one was some seconds ago, because in this way, in truth, the consciousness will renew itself and it will only find comfort in My Heart of Love.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living transformation through the Love to My Sacred Heart!

Your Master, Christ Jesus


As the Star of Heaven and of the Universe, your steps are guided under the Light of My Immaculate Heart. Thus your feet walk on this pathway towards the encounter with My Son. This is a pathway built in the pacification and in the faith of the heart.

Dear children, today I call you to rejoice your hearts and not to fear for anything because your Celestial Mother is with you, by your side, observing the walk of each soul, observing the definition of each heart before the Plans of God. Because each one of you keeps in the heart something that is revered by the angels of Heaven. This precious thing that you keep is called “purity of the heart.”

Although the world forgets, day to day, to strengthen the spirit through prayer and through the Love of God the Creator, today I invite you to search within yourselves for the immaculate purity of the heart. Out of love, God has given you His Favorite Son, who left for you the path of truth and salvation.

Therefore, dear children, today revere, adore and glorify the Presence of the Son of God in your lives.

On this day of important reparation of the Heart of Christ, I ask you that, out of love, you surrender your lives to Jesus and that you find, in the Merciful Love of Christ, the door to your salvation and redemption.

My children, new instruments of Christ, new fires of His Merciful Love must awaken in this time because the souls, as sparks of the Love of Christ, will help in the salvation of the essences by means of service and consecration.

Today, dear children, I want you to remember that you are precious essences of God and that beyond your understanding and reason, there is the expression of the Love of the Father in each one of His creatures. If souls could at least remember that they are essences created by God, the steps in conscious- ness would be able to be united to His Will.

Dear children, as the Mother of Redemption I leave My crown of stars to each one of your hearts today so that, guided by My Immaculate Love, you may recognize the value of your faith and of your absolute trust in God the Creator.

Today I also tell you to fear nothing and to walk, walk in prayer, because it will be your shield for the important moments. Uniting day by day your hearts in fraternity you will be able to carry imprinted in your beings the Eternal Celestial Peace of the Lord.

Propagate the merciful power of prayer and may your lives reveal to those who are distant from God, the teachings and the transformations that Christ has made in your consciousnesses.

Be the new shepherds of prayer and, through the exercise of prayer, be the guardians of all souls with Me. Let us pray for the presence of the Mercy of God in the world.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

When you live in the Will of the Father, you will recognize, by means of prayer, the immensity of works of Love, Pity and Mercy that He realizes in this whole world.

When you live in the Will of the Lord you will recognize your preferences and your goals and you will know which of them to purify.

When you live in the Will of God, you will feel what Good is so that imitating it, your lives may also conduct other souls.

When you live in the Will of My Son, you will recognize the One who, with so much love, speaks to you day by day and you will be able to value everything that has been given to your hearts.

When many of My children live in the Will of the Father, you will recognize My messages and you will confirm all the maternal instruction given month by month.

When humanity lives in the Will of the Holy Spirit, everyone will know where they are and that at this moment they are invited to travel the new pathway of Christ.

When the hearts live in the Will of God, they will be able to surrender life into the Hands of the Creator, and they will stop controlling their own lives. This will allow God to express His Universe in each one of His children.

My children, if humanity already lived in the Will of the Lord, conflict would end in the world and Celestial Peace would be present, there would be no separation within families and only unity would reign; everything would be rebuilt so that God would be able to make Himself present in the hearts of His children.

But still, dear children, souls do not live in the Will of God because they fear what Love, the Eternal God, may aspire to do in each essence. If humanity were already in the Will of the Lord the plans would change, and Divine Mercy would be the Light expanded in all the corners of this world.

While souls do not live in the Divine Will of God, I ask you for constant prayer so that the soul may recognize the path it is being called to travel, the path of Redeeming Love.

You, My little ones, can aspire to live in this unfathomable Will of God because this feeling will please the Heart of God, and you will help Me in this mission of the Queen of Peace.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
