With the Light emanated by the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can bring to the planet the ruling Principles of the Consciousness of God, and from the Mirrors of Light, pour out these inner attributes into the consciousness of humanity.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can dissolve the contrary forces that impede the awakening of humanity.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can grant the spiritual healing within souls so that afterward material healing may occur.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can regenerate the consciousness of humanity and withdraw it from spiritual illusion so that hearts may find the Christic path.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can encompass large regions of the planet, and from the most natural and sacred places of Creation in this world, She can help elevate the consciousness of human beings so that they may awaken to their inner reality.
With the Light of the Mirrors I can reflect upon the planet all the Love of God, so that souls may feel and perceive that it is time to change, so that the world may change and the entire Earth may be redeemed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Christ is not only your Master and Lord, King of the Universes, a living part of God manifested among men. Christ is a state of Divine Consciousness, a principle of the renovation of the Love of the Father, which awakens when beings give everything of themselves for love of the fellow being, for love of the Creator and, when they think they have drained their strength, they take one more step, and another, and another, until they surpass themselves, not in their strength; they surpass themselves in love.
God sent His Son to the world to show them a Way: christification, surrender, giving of self, love for all creatures, without distinctions.
God sent His Son to the world to show them a Truth: He, the Creator of all things, dwells hidden within all beings, and all those who decide to step out of the darkness of ignorance to enter the path of love, which is beyond any science, will not only be able to know Him, but above all, live Him. Let the Father express Himself in your dwelling places, within creatures thought by Him, in order to renew and to surpass His Love.
God sent His Son to the world to reveal Life to them. Love is Life. Where there is no Love, there is no life. And although beings may walk through the world and believe that what they experience is living, they do nothing more than go through an experience permeated by illusion, without ever having known the Truth, without ever having experienced Life.
The Creator calls you to enter this Way, to know this Truth and to live this Life, which is His Son, Who is Christ.
Give yourselves always a little more. Do not leave for later the help that is necessary now.
Love, without expecting to be loved. Serve, without expecting to be served. And when it seems you have no more strength, ask the Lord to renew you and to teach you to surpass yourselves in love.
Say to Him: "Lord, my strength has reached up to here. Now, I surrender my body, soul and spirit to You, and make room for You, so that You come and, being in me, You make me surpass myself in love."
Begin by making your being available to God so that you may surpass yourselves in love, and when you have offered all of yourselves to God, it will be Him, within you, Who will surpass Himself, and like in His Son, will raise you and awaken you, in all the levels of your consciousness, in imitation of Christ, the so-called Christs of the New Time. Those who, entering the Way offered by the Lord, will come to know His Truth and will achieve the Life He thought for His children since the beginning.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Attain the serenity of your soul, by surrendering more each day to the Divine Will, which conceives all and transforms all.
Attain the serenity of your soul, by trusting that everything will be well and that your heart will receive the spiritual guidance, necessary for these times.
Attain the serenity of your soul, by knowing and affirming that you will be taking steps in Christ, because His Divine Blessing will always be close to you.
Attain the serenity of your soul, by confirming within you the fulfillment of this Plan of Love and Light, which will have to reach all the possible souls and corners of the world, so that the Work of Mercy may be fulfilled.
Attain the serenity of your soul, by having an absolute and inextinguishable love for all that must be concretized.
Attain the serenity of your soul, by knowing that in each phase God will triumph, beyond everything.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Third Series of Poems
Fourth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
may my Soul be capable
of achieving transparency
in consecration.
May I not tire
of taking steps towards You, my Lord,
so that I may gradually abandon
all that which time and again
separates me from You.
Make me
divested of self, Lord.
May Your feeling of Love
and Mercy for the neighbor
be my feeling of love
and mercy for others.
Liberate me from the heavy chains
that make me regress
and do not allow me to move forward.
Liberate my heart, Lord,
from all evil, betrayal and disdain.
May I learn to sustain myself in You
so that I may manage to represent You
on the surface of the Earth.
Dear Jesus,
make me see everything beyond,
as it truly is.
Make me understand my fellow being,
just as You understood and accepted
those who rejected You, martyrized You and humiliated You
at the foot of the Cross.
Help me, Lord,
to live unconditional
and Christic Love.
Help me to surpass
the layers of appearances
and may I be able to see You
in each human heart.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
Fifth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
definitively liberate me
from my rotten miseries.
Wash me completely,
inside and out,
with the blessed Water
that springs from Your Sacred Heart.
Clean me and liberate me
from all atavisms
so that, renewed
by Your Spirit,
I may, once and for all, manage to
take the steps in Your redeeming Path.
Decompress the pressures of life.
My Jesus,
place Your holy Hands upon me
and, imposing the power
of all the Universe,
exorcise me, Lord,
so that finally I may
be liberated from the ties
and from all the prisons of life.
Keep me beside You, Lord.
Keep me close to You
and renew me constantly
and may I not lose the Grace
of transforming, day by day.
Under Your paternal Light,
close all uncertain doors
that may have been opened.
Close, within me,
any uncertain state
that separates me from Your Divine Love.
Grant me, Lord,
the opportunity of living You and of feeling You.
Grant me the Grace
of being able to be in communion with You
after having been purified.
Grant me the Mercy that I need
to be able to learn to forgive myself
and my brothers and sisters.
Build within me, Lord,
the New Brotherhood.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Twelfth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
It is in the most difficult hours
when I most need You, Lord,
so that you may liberate me from falling into temptation
and into the perverse sea of desires.
It is in the most difficult hours, beloved Lord,
when I most need You
so that You may teach me to come out,
in victory and humility,
from the inner tempest.
It is in the most difficult hours, Lord,
when I most seek You
so that You may reach out
Your sacred Hand towards me
and guide me along the path
that You are going through.
It is in the most difficult hours, Lord,
when I most call for You
so that Your Heart may be the beacon
that illuminates my paths,
and thus, I may avoid stumbling
upon my own shortcomings.
It is in the most difficult hours, Lord,
when I invoke You,
because I know that Your Spirit will save me
and come to assist Your sheep.
It is in the most difficult hours, Lord,
when I most implore You,
because, in spite of all the tests,
I know You will never abandon me
and that You will be by my side
to help me and comfort me.
In the most difficult hours, Lord,
I only seek the way and the means
of remaining in Your Sacred Heart,
because thus all adversity
and doubt will dissolve
and Your magnificent sovereignty
and Your majestic consoling Love will reign.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Do not miss the opportunity of growing by My side and demystifying your consciousness, so that one day you may find the Truth, the Truth that lives inside of you, the Truth that waits to awaken and in this way, show itself before your eyes, revealing the true mission and the true Purpose God has sent you to fulfill in this time and in this humanity.
I will not ask for the impossible, but rather what is possible.
I do not need great developments, but rather small challenges that can be true and are born of the heart.
I have waited until this time and until this day to tell you I will change your consciousnesses, in manner and place, in sense and perception; and whomever does not want to experience it, will be free as they always have been. My Heart does not bind anybody, My Heart grants Peace and Truth.
I Am the Way that shines before the eyes of humankind. I Am the Path that shows Itself in the transparency of life and in the conception of new principles that make of their beings, beings of good.
You are facing the scenario of a definition, as is the world, as all humanity experiences it.
I know it is not easy to surrender the self nor be humble, but the resistance could break so that My Light is able to penetrate and transform everything.
I offer you the Path of Love rather than the path of pain. You are beings that have already grown enough to be able to respond to the Plan.
I do not need you to be the same as Me, I only need you to be in Me so that, at this acute time, I can Be in you.
In this place I wish for many communities and more inhabitants of My Christic and redemptive Path. It is just performing the correct movement and having the correct attitude, and this also will transform the world and its humanity, above all, Europe.
The Graces of the Projects of God have yet to descend. The Currents of the Universe will descend to help to concretize them or to be omitted, as many more omit them, day by day.
The Kingdom of God is in the small, and you can do the small so the Kingdom of God may manifest.
Do not fear the challenges. Do not fear the conflicts. Fear not to be able to love more, just as I love you. Fear not to be able to be transparent, just as I wish to see you transparent in spite of imperfections or of errors.
I need your beings to be true, so My Project in you may be true.
The time indicates a new direction. The Work points to a new step and it is time to act so that your Lord can place His Feet in Portugal as well, and in this way, sanctify the soil that has been assaulted by humankind and their ignorant powers.
You have been called to change part of the story of this humanity and in this part of the world.
The Treasures of Heaven wait to be revealed to humanity and to its consciousness.
You already have the keys, you just need to open the correct door so that all may happen as has been foreseen.
I offer you this Communion as a testimonial of the Love I have for each of you, although it may not seem so; and I hope your hearts continue to search for the path of repentance for those who do not search for it, in this scourged Europe that must be reborn to its true spirit and its true conception.
I ask simple but profound things of you. I do not need you to be heroes, but rather My servers, My true servers, in this crucial time for humanity, in which the light is going out more and more within creatures; and you, as so many others, must be that ignited flame of unconditionality, of service, of good, of acceptance and openness to others, to those who suffer.
From the beginning, God gave you the Grace of knowing Lys and of feeling its essence and its energy. You must be forerunners of that Legacy and cannot place barriers so that this does not come to souls. You know what I am speaking about and understand what I am telling you. If I do not tell you the truth, you will not be able to be true someday.
I invite you to fulfill the Will of God, in brotherhood and in attunement.
Two thousand years ago, on a Holy Thursday, I took the bread and gave thanks to God for being with you. The Spirit of the Father blessed the bread, changing it into My Body. And today, I tell you again to take and all of you eat of It, because this is My Living Body, which was sacrificed and died for you to grant you the Grace for an opportunity and for redemption.
In the same way, I took the Chalice, and gave thanks to God for that sacrifice and for being with you and in you. The Spirit of the Father blessed it. And today, I tell you again that all of you take and drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, which was spilled for humankind for the forgiveness of sins.
Today, cleansing your hearts with the Precious Blood of the Lamb, I invite you and call you to a renewal so peace may be granted to the world.
Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic)
And like the Roman centurion, you will repeat the phrase that reverberates through time, and which makes you worthy for Me to be able to enter into you:
And now that I have cleansed your hearts and souls, celebrate the Presence of the Lamb of God and the renewal He brings you through the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Together with the angels and archangels of Lys, let us celebrate this moment in the company of the Most Holy Mary and of Saint Joseph.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will intone the Melodic Kodoish several times.
Our offering is lifted up to the Feet of the Creator and His Most Holy Celestial Church so that offering may become Grace and Mercy for the world.
May the Peace and the Love of My Heart permeate you, so the planet and humanity may be permeated by Peace and Love in these critical times.
Let the Scepter of God triumph on Earth and let the standards of the peace-bringers of Christ be lifted up to decree the descent of the Kingdom of God to the Earth.
Again, I give you Peace, for you need it. Always seek to be the peace in every place and on every occasion.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In a spirit of hospitality, give each other the greeting of Peace.
I thank you!
And it will be I Who will help you to get through the dark night of the soul, to overcome and cross its coldest deserts.
And it will be I Who will fill you within and will give you the inner strength that you need to learn, in My Name, to overcome the obstacles of the consciousness.
And it will be I Who tells you the way and not any other person, because the Light that emerges from My Heart is inextinguishable.
And it will be I Who will take away the emptiness or the lack of love, because I will always fill you with new things, with radiant energies that only come from the Spiritual Universe.
It will be I Who will give you the impulse every day to be nothing and to be everything to others, knowing that, in this school of the Earth, the first lesson is the love of the heart.
It will be I Who will grant you the peace and the joy of being able to live in the Eternal Father. There will be no other path, but only the Path of the Master.
It will be I Who will dry your tears and will wash your face so you may continue forward smiling at life, at the fullness of service; knowing that at each new step, as in each new surrender, you will be learning to die inwardly for Me, as I died for you on the Cross.
I will be the new Cyrenian who will help you carry your cross, because I know your miseries, but I also know your skills. All I want is that everything be done for Me.
It will be I Who will grant you the Mercy that you need.
It will be I Who will open the door for you so that someday you may enter into the Celestial Kingdom.
I will be everything to you, if you allow me.
I thank you for holding my words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Even if you are not able to, walk barefoot towards Me so that I may receive you and mold your consciousness just as I had thought, even before you awakened to Me.
Therefore, in the effort of relinquishing all, you will have the impetus to renew your life, time and again, to make it more sacred and blessed each day that goes by.
Coming barefoot to Me is a great challenge, but not unattainable, it is the inner permission that you give Me so that I may turn your life into the model I once had thought.
Even if you have imperfections and still have defects, these are not impediments for Me to transform your life. The only thing I need is your most sincere love so that the Laws which come from My Consciousness may act freely in you.
Thus, cheer up, and release your being from everything, even if you sometimes cannot manage to do it.
It is worth the attempt and the effort of being able to live it and do it.
Let Me have you in My Hands as new clay, so that this Potter and Craftsman of Love may be able to make of you something unknown and never seen before.
Believe that I can do all, because the time will come for you to witness My Presence before the cruel world and thus, My Word will be fulfilled.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
I am the Lady of the Path and with My steps I accompany the walk of the pilgrims of God.
I am the Lady of the Path and with the Light of My Heart I illumine the paths of the devotees of Christ.
I am the Lady of the Path and with the angels I protect the walk of those who surrender to God.
I am the Lady of the Path and with My Mantle I protect all those who travel and invoke My protection from danger.
I am the Lady of the Path and with My Gaze I contemplate and accompany the steps of the disciples of Christ.
I am the Lady of the Path and with My Rosary I pray for all the followers of Christ to remain in the path of faith and of service to the neediest.
I am the Lady of the Path and, with My Spirit, I lift the souls to the paths of the Kingdom of God so that they may always see the Light of the Purpose.
I am the Lady of the Path and with My Feet I tread on the treacherous serpent so that My children are not deviated from the Path of God.
I am the Lady of the Path and I look after the path of consecration for those who ask me to.
I am the Lady of the Path and My Love is present within the paths of all the praying ones.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Never let your heart be closed by the indifference or the wrong actions of your peers.
Work intensely in you the transcendence of human indifference and of conscious omission. Thus, you will attain a state of mature love that will lead you to understand everything and accept everything, however difficult it may seem.
Never let your little human heart close, by absolutely nothing, because thus you will avoid delaying your steps towards My Son, in the direction towards His Divine Kingdom.
You know that within the human life there are many imperfections and many defects, some of them with great and hard resistances.
Begin working in yourself all that which still does not want to transform or mold. It will not be by facing yourself in battle with your own inner enemy but by loving it with the Christic Love so that, little by little, the remnants of these resistances that lead to error may dissolve.
You will not be a saint in three days, the transcendence of the human condition is until the last days of life. But have the certainty that everything can change without the need to live suffering nor agony.
Reach perfection in a positive sense and thus you will advance on the path to someday entirely embrace the consecration of the spirit and of all consciousness to God, the Creator.
Trust that every day you will be able to begin from zero.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children:
On this day let us follow the steps of the Light of Jesus, but let us still see Christ walking in this world, carrying out miracles and wonders in hearts.
Let us feel within ourselves the hour of His Agony, everything that He suffers for the world upon seeing a humanity blind in spirit and closed of soul.
Let us follow the steps of Light of Jesus because in this cycle He is fulfilling everything that His Father dictated for Him.
Let us see the Face of Our Lord, pale and serene, silent and thoughtful.
The Master approaches His hour and He wants to see Those of His united with His Heart, confirming His Presence in each one of you.
It is thus that you will be able to accompany the Lord on the path of faith and of trust, demonstrating in each act and in each action the Designs of the Father.
In that inner union with Christ and prior to the hour of His great Agony, may His apostles of the last times define their cycle so that in the time to come the emergence of New inner Christs may be possible.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The more tired and exhausted My disciples become for permanently working for Me, it is a sign that with these offerings I can save many lives and rescue thousands of souls from daily downfalls.
Each effort and sacrifice offered to the Lord, no matter how small it seems, is recognized by the Universe, because the value is not in the big or the small, but in the authenticity and in how each service to God is offered with love.
Thus, I encourage you to love sacrifice and make it a part of the apostolic consciousness of each being, because this balances significant situations that are unbalanced on the planet.
Dare to follow this path because you will never lack rest, repose, and recuperation.
Each loving action offered to Heaven has incalculable value for humanity.
In this way, your peacemaking spirits will be present at each step, and once again the world will be granted a greater time of mercy and of peace.
I thank you for holding My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Christs of the New Time
They will come from different places and different beliefs. The New Christs will have no preferences nor material or spiritual desires.
The Christs will come from the inner worlds to help in the transition of humanity. Some will awaken unexpectedly but others will remember their spiritual commitment with the Lord.
The Master and Lord of the Universe will call them by their spiritual name and the new identity of the self-summoned will be revealed.
The Christs of the New Time will unite in love and will go beyond forms, concepts and even their own doctrines. When everything is about to happen in the world, nothing will have value, not even the great intellectual philosophies.
The Christs will find the path of the heart and will have no limits; overcoming themselves, every day, will lead them to love the Purpose and, thus, prepare the return of the Great Master.
The Christs of the New Time will synthesize within themselves all the travelled journey, they will understand that without the essence of Love-Wisdom they will be nothing, that no project or aspiration will have any value without being impregnated with the sacred flame of Love-Wisdom first.
They will come from different nations, they will speak different languages, they will bring with them different cultures, roots and even experiences of conversion and redemption.
The Christs of the New Time will be anonymous and their silent work with peace will move all events. They will be so similar to the ancient Apostles and so guided like the great saints of the last times.
The Christs of the New Time will be aware of what to do, where to be and who to deal with. Their work will be planetary and will not be limited to human forms, concepts or legislations, because they will be in the Law of Wisdom and Discernment.
The school of the New Christs will be in service and in humility; they will live their deserts, they will transcend their emptiness, and they will be filled with the Spirit of God.
The New Christs that will represent My Son for this last cycle will have nothing to gain nor nothing to lose; renunciation will be the great key in overcoming all tests.
The New Christs are the new apostles, the so-called saints of the last days or, more clearly, they will be the last witnesses of the Bible.
They will have to give their faces to defend what they believe. They will not step back before any difficulty, they will trust that each challenge or difficulty will be the perfect way to realize the Return of the Lord.
This is why the New Christs will be tested, they will have to witness their faith and defend the internal principles that Christ Himself will leave as a message in their hearts.
No one will know whence the New Christs will come or whence they will arise, but they will appear and be of help for the most acute moments of humanity.
If you feel you are on the path of being a New Christ or if you live that aspiration, meditate it in your heart first, because the time will come for the last defenders of the Divine Plan to be called to justify evolutionarily before the Church, the government or the Armed Forces that Christ, the Master and Lord of the Universe is returning.
From the mouth of the New Christs will be born the most correct and wise words and nothing and no one will be able to oppose that transforming Christic energy that will change the decaying course of present humanity.
Meanwhile, let us pray that the New Christs have the courage to carry forward the last part of the history of the old humanity, so that the New Human awakens and the Promised Land manifests before the redeemed hearts.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Sacred Prophecy
First Message
My Voice is heard again in the deserts of this world and My Word echoes in the hearts that recognize the Glorified Face of the Lord.
I Am the last Prophet of these times.
Just as I Am the Beginning, I Am also the End, and everything will pass through Me until the last living cell of this planet.
Because I come from an infinite mystery, from an infinite Creation, from an immaterial Source that the world cannot touch, because it only vibrates in spirit.
I come from this Great Spirit, whence comes My Voice, which is the Word of Life, which brings to the world renewal and peace; which builds in souls a reconnection with God and with His Divine Kingdom.
In this immaterial Source I was conceived in order to come to this Creation, in order to show Myself to you and to be among you, sharing the Path of God, which is the only way that will unite all religions.
Today I Am here as the Lord of Religions, to synthesize the best, the most evolutionary, the good from each one of them.
Today I come to weave with My own Hands, through religions, the last necklace of Light which will unite each one of them in a single path where someday you will be, to realize, at last, that the only religion is the Love of God, the Love of the Source, which brings infinite wisdom, understanding and comprehension.
Just as I was in the past, so long ago, announcing the Word of Life and the Gospel in deserts, today the last Prophet of God returns to deserts to proclaim His Return, which will unite all that is separated in the consciousness of the humankind of this world.
Just as the religions will unite, also will the cultures, which will proclaim the Kingdom of God and worship Its Magnificence, Its Splendor and Infinity.
This moment is drawing near, when all will become clear, when all will be revealed and there will no longer be differences, because the end of a time is approaching, and the most difficult transition is near. And those who do not seek the Religion of Love, which comes from God, will perish.
For this reason, before all happens, love without borders and without resistances.
Allow the Ray of My Heart, the Ray of Love-Wisdom, to permeate you and transform you into the model I so much await.
May religions open, spiritually and in essence, to receive the Lord of the Universe; to receive the One Who once proclaimed the Gospel in the Temples of Jerusalem and Who will now proclaim His Redeeming Word in all Temples of the Earth and in all religions of the world.
And thus, humanity will understand that the spirituality of religions was not thoroughly told and that missing to all was the link of Love, to unite with the great chain of Love-Wisdom.
I was born in the Middle-East more than two thousand years ago to unite the Far East and the West, so that all religions to be born and those which were already born, could meet at the end of the path, the only Path of God which is the path of Love, the one that unifies the essences, the Love that brings the truth and understanding above all things.
I Am not only the Lord of the East, but also the Lord of the West, the Lord of Religions; because the religions of the world must be healed, be healed of their deepest wounds in order to be able to reconcile with God and thus enter in communion with Infinity.
The Father is only One.
But He is present in Three Persons: The Creator, the Firstborn Son and the Holy Spirit.
Three branches of Light that bring this Universe to the elevation of consciousness and unity with the inner universe of each being.
I come with this message because it is a message of preparation for what will come next, when the Lord of Religions visits the Far East and unites this part of humanity, as He unites this part of the planet, this place, with the Source.
May everyone be able to drink from this sacred knowledge. May everyone be able to receive these sacred impulses that are part of the revelation of the Book of God, in which is written the last part of the history of this humanity, which transits to a new time and a new dawn; which will be born to a new consciousness, leaving behind the consciousness of the past, indifference and error.
Accompany the Lord of Religions in His Predication around the world, being ambassadors of peace and good workers of God in order that you never lack the Graces, which the Lord makes sprout from His Infinite Source, in a tireless and inexhaustible way.
Today My Words are mysterious. Today My message is symbolic because all is still to be revealed and it only corresponds to you to understand a part; because you must know that you are within My Project, which you must protect from yourselves in order to not set apart from it, nor to set apart distant from the guidance of My Hand, of the Light of My Heart, of My silent Gaze.
The religions of the world will live their final stage, their definition, and the times that are coming will call you in order that all be united in love and unity; otherwise, it will not be possible to persist.
What is written will be fulfilled.
All is part of a new time and of a new experience, you only must have your faith strengthened in order for nothing to surprise you.
Because unimaginable things will happen, and your voices must be united to the Heights through prayer, so that spiritual guidance never lacks to you; because in truth I tell you that the sheep still do not know how to walk amidst the darkness so as not to lose the path of Light.
That is why I Am the End just as I Am the Beginning.
And until what My Father has asked Me is fulfilled, I will not rest, I will not cease to come to the world to prepare it for its awakening and its great moment of redemption.
Meanwhile, follow My steps for those who no longer follow them.
Accompany Your Master, taking My Hand so that I can guide you, even though you may not understand anything and may not accept anything.
Humanity has decided to stray from its final destiny, that is why I come to put you back on the path, so that you may find the only Path of God, which will take you to Love and to the Truth.
May this Marathon be the union between all the Christic essences of religions, which, whether or not they have Me present in their traditions and ceremonies, they must be able to, through My Intercession and their prayers, reach the union to the Source and the Infinite so that everyone can be redeemed someday.
Smile in this Marathon to relieve the suffering of the world.
There are many hearts which are desperate because they can neither listen to the Word of God, nor live it in these difficult times. But the door to My Divine Mercy is still open; the Ocean of My Mercy is still being offered so that souls may be submerged in it and be washed by the healing Light of My Heart.
May the advent of the new be fulfilled and may the majority of the flocks of God, in the different religions of the world, manage to participate in the great moment of the coming of their Redeemer.
And when this moment comes, I will no longer say another word, because the very facts will be the message, the very physical events on the planet will announce My Return.
So that your heart may be able to heal from all deceptions and offenses received, you must think and feel from the position of forgiveness.
So that the deep and inner wounds may close, you must think and feel from the position of forgiveness.
So that what was experienced in the past may be erased and you are able to be born in compassion, you must feel and think from the position of forgiveness.
This will be the only way to be able to continue living the Christic path, the pathway to, on a larger scale, understand the Universe of compassion which, without conditions, includes all the miserable consciousnesses that, because of their actions or because of what they committed, are condemned to a path without meaning.
Thinking and feeling from a position of forgiveness, humanity may be able to be reconciled with itself and will leave behind the path of suffering and of their own agony.
The pathway of forgiveness offers the human consciousness the possibility that, in everyday life, they may love on a larger scale so that, in this way, the terrestrial human being may set aside the pattern of mistakes and constant hatred.
The essence of forgiveness is filled with the Compassion of God and this opens doors toward the reconciliation of life and spirit.
If in this time souls are not able to attain this path, many will suffer for not having searched within themselves for the school of unconditional forgiveness.
Forgiveness has the capacity to dissolve errors and bring inner peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In order for you to follow the steps of Christ, I tell you: you must renounce all personal paths. The Lord will come and dictate your steps and they will not be those that you want to follow, because those, children, aggrandize your human condition and do not lead you to the Truth.
In order for you to follow the steps of Christ, I tell you: you must leave behind your aspirations, human “dreams” and human desires, to find in this way His Divine, Perfect and unique Will for your lives.
In order for you to find the Path of Christ, I tell you: you must close your eyes to the covetousness of the life of others, and you will no longer wish to live as “this one” or “that one”, because for each being, the Divine Thought is unique, and each of His children must seek what belongs to them and long for nothing else but the Divine Will for themselves.
In order for you to find the Truth of Christ, I tell you: you must renounce all vain knowledge, all unmeasured searches to aggrandize your minds and spiritual egos with half-truths and many vanities. A large part of humanity, children, would need “the science of knowing nothing” to reach the true essence of Divine Knowledge. While they seek and seek, drink and feast at false sources, they will never give space within for what is True and Pure, and that quenches and ceases this unmeasured thirst for what is not real.
In order for you to be in the Love of Christ, I tell you: you must renounce all vain love, especially of yourselves; that which you called love, and that I call vanity and zeal for ignorance and for illusion. Because that one who feeds the love of their own image and the things of this world does nothing but watch over their condition of ignorance.
In order for you to find the Silence of Christ, I tell you: you must become silent within, in the depths of the heart, and seek that union more in solitude than in appearance; more in actions than in words; more in Truth than in spiritual ignorance.
If you are tired of yourselves and want to the point at which you are at, I tell you: love and in all things seek to love. Have your actions be moved by love, corrected by love, and reflected with love when you make a mistake. Have your word and thought be born from love, and even though you feel that you do not have what to love, love God, His Plan and in Him you will love all things.
Human lack, children, is not of knowledge, of Graces, of opportunities, of possibilities, of open paths...What is lacking is the will, the will to love, and true love that multiplies and never ceases in the heart that loves.
Your healing is to be found in the art of loving and giving love. In this way, you will find the steps of Christ, the Truth of Christ, the Path of Christ, the Doorway to Christ, the Eyes of Christ, when He returns to the world, and His Word which will say to you, with Truth and Power: “My companions”.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
As long as humanity decides to walk along the path of suffering, it will need the sublime currents of healing.
Therefore, we come to encounter you in this time to try to awaken humanity to the path of non-suffering.
Many souls in this time seek to resolve their inner and outer lives without Christ; this leads them to enter paths of great suffering and tests, losing the meaning of their spiritual and evolutive paths.
Although there are only a few souls that find the path of healing, this will be spiritually radiated towards the consciousness of the planet. Therefore, it is important to maintain a consciousness of permanent search for redemption so that the inner processes of humanity may finally be healed.
Prayer favors and conceives this spiritual healing, which souls seek so much, to take place gradually; having a lot of faith is all it takes to be able to reach the Source of divine and inner healing.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With a ray of Light of My Heart I penetrate the Earth with Grace, and moving the Mirrors of the Cosmos towards the planet, souls receive and capture the impulses of the Universe.
The great power plants of the Cosmos retransmit its codes to humanity and the spirits united with the Father receive the gifts that, as from today, will be a part of their evolution.
The Mirrors of the Cosmos emanate infinite impulses and all beings of goodwill find an inner meaning to their lives. And in this way, a deep communion is established between souls that awaken and God.
Everything renews itself. To the point where those who used to be far from the Christic path resume their commitment of yore, and in this way, the Glorious Face of Christ is drawn over the light of the Mirrors, and new sublime codes are introduced in the matrix essence of creatures.
Those souls feel the impulse; those souls feel the call. Nothing is lost.
Hearts manage to quench their age-old thirst and after so many centuries and after so many experiences, the future race, formed by Mirror beings, awaken their main mission.
What is that main mission?
That of radiating the Love from the Source to a planet in darkness.
Each soul receives from the Universe what it needs, and each heart is nourished by new and unknown Laws.
What before seemed impossible to a human consciousness, the acquired spiritual impulse makes redeemable, and their soul places itself on the step that corresponds to it within the Plan.
Everything is transformed and the doors to Cosmic Knowledge are opened so that creatures may rediscover their essences and their original purity.
But the hour indicates that the most conscious beings, the tireless servants, must be attentive to the movement of the Mirrors, for the time has come for illuminating the consciousness and having these impulses be as if they were the last.
Drink of the knowledge and believe that it is this Divine Water that will quench the thirst for knowing who you are in truth and what you have come to fulfill.
It is in this way that the Laws resurrect old collaborators of the Evolutionary Plan, so that the sick planet may be healed by the virtues and the tools that each sun will offer to the Universal Father.
We are in the end times and the sacred Instruction of the Universe will make each soul and each being more conscious and helpful.
A stage closed in the last months and a new one has already begun.
Do not miss the opportunity of unveiling inner mysteries and of bringing them to the surface of your consciousness so that they serve as a cooperation with the Plan.
The material and inner time is precious. You have never crossed such a definite threshold before. You have never known the Portal towards the Real Time of the Universe before this. Because the time has come to penetrate into it through the flow of love of the heart.
Because in this way, no matter what happens, or how much the Earth trembles, you will be in profound brotherhood and the fruit given by the Fig Tree*, as a sacred tree, will serve as aid and as support for those who will have a spiritual hunger for evolutionary matters.
Be attentive, each step you take will mark a fulfillment of new stages. It is time to abandon the individuality of consciousness and to embrace forever the fraternal group life.
Remember, children, the words of Jesus: “Love one another as I have loved you”.
May this be your firm premise and may the Laws of Spiritual Unity among beings be fulfilled, so that indifference, omission, and abandonment may be extirpated from the unconscious of this humanity.
In this way, you will be able to be in communion and service with all the human and planetary needs which will emerge overnight.
I wish, children, that each stage that you live be well taken advantage of and that nobody else, consecrated or non-consecrated, closes the door to the cosmic assistance that is arriving.
So rediscover your true civilization and be part of this Divine Project that must be carried out through the faithful and conscious collaboration of everyone.
May the Islands of Salvation appear after having been built by the hands of all.
May My Children be true caretakers of these Islands, and be guardians of the Grand Portal through which Christ will appear for this world.
Pour your miseries into My Heart, for I will transform them and they will be, in a short while, roses in My Garden of Light.
Believe in the true and the pure which exists within you, and in this way, the Earth will be repopulated by new principles of love and of unity.
Do not cease to capture what the Mirrors are emanating; they indicate to humanity that an end cycle is being lived.
Forward, My warriors of Peace!
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you with the Light of all the Cosmos,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Souls will come to the surface of the Earth that will renew the planet in this acute cycle and they will bear within themselves the impulse of Christification.
Souls will come that will awaken to universal life, and as a consequence, with their awakening they will stimulate the interest of other souls in the Christic path.
Souls will come that will emit the precise note, which will help transform a greater part of things and which will cause movement in the position of those who have spiritually become stagnant.
Souls will come that will help change the cycle, and the whole universe will give impulse to this awaited movement. Time will change and all consciousnesses will have the possibility of receiving this impulse and of converting their lives.
Souls will come that will modify the currents in a positive sense, and all the universal fluids will be spontaneously retransmitted through them.
Souls will come that will awaken the planetary Christic life and will, for a short time, attract a current of universal peace, before the world is completely purified.
Souls will come that will be able to change events and that through their youth will motivate the change and the true ascension of consciousness.
Souls will come that, guided by Myself, will manifest an inexplicable state of Grace, something that will benefit the rest of humanity; they will be free souls that will aspire to comply with the promise of preparing the awaited coming of Christ.
These souls are near and the hour already indicates this.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more