Contemplate the Heart of Christ and in It His Saintly Chalice.
This is the Chalice of your redemption and of the redemption of the world. Inside is found the Blood that was shed on Calvary as well as on the Cross; Blood that represented the absolute surrender of God through His Son; Blood that multiplies within all tabernacles of the world to enter the interior of all beings and transform their human condition; Blood that carries within It The Codes of the New Life, of Christic Love, Love of God renewed in His Son; Blood that is poured over the world when the souls cry out sincerely; Blood that entered the interior of the Earth to seal the alliance between this Divine Project and its Creator, decreeing Its perfection and Its manifestation during the end of cycles.
This is the Blood that Gives Life, not only to humanity but to the entire Creation. This is the Blood that divinizes you because it manifested, in human flesh, the presence of God and turned alive the likeness of the Creator to His Creatures.
This is the blood that is surrendered every day at the altar; it is the Blood that converts the elements of the Earth; the Earth that by this very blood has become sacred.
Revere, today, the Chalice of the Lord so that you will be a knower of His Mysteries. In the Holy Chalice the Blood of Christ is kept, and that of all those who once drank from it and reached levels of Christic Love within.
This is the Chalice that unites you to God; the mystery manifested of the Divine Love. If you only contemplate it with love, your spirit, soul and heart will be communing with It.
If you drink from the Blood and eat from the body of Christ, all of your being communes with His Life, with the New Life, the Love and the perfection of God.
Today and always, child, revere the gift of the surrender of God through the Eucharist. Inside of It is found alive the Love that your Creator felt when manifesting Himself, in this life, descending to the smallest of all dimensions to open the path for supreme unity with His Spirit
Drink from His Blood and eat from His Body, thus crossing the dimensions that separate you from God and returning to His Eternal Heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Drink from the Sacred Chalice of the Lord and adore His Blood, eternally poured out upon the Earth, as a Fount of Mercy for all beings.
Drink from the Sacred Chalice of the Lord and revere His surrender, every day, renewing your commitment to Christ.
In the Holy Chalice, contemplate His eternal offering of Love. Contemplate His Grace in this Cup, always full to quench the spiritual thirst of all hearts.
Revere the Holy Chalice, which within it holds the new genetics, the new patterns of life for the Earth and for all the Universes.
Commune with this Blood, so that it may change and transform your cells, your atoms, your consciousness and your spirit into a living imitation of Christ.
From the Hands of the Lord, receive His Holy Chalice and drink from it. This is the offering of eternal life, of life in Christ, where Love is renewed and multiplies within each instant.
On this day, the Lord offers His Holy Chalice to all beings and pours His Blood out upon all life. His impulses of light cross boundaries and dimensions and permeate all beings.
May this river of Mercy touch you and be able to enter into your beings, into your hearts, and find you open to be washed by Christ.
In reverence, be in communion with the principles of the new life, for through the Blood of Christ, this life is impregnated on Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To take part in the mysteries of Christ, you will also have to discover the mysteries of His Cross.
The Lord seals the commitment with His companions by offering them to drink from the same Cup of His shed Blood: Chalice of Heavenly Will that transcends the flesh, the condition and all the human life.
To take part in the Glory of Christ, you will have to take part in His Cross, accepting from God the renunciations and sacrifices that He invites you to live in this time, not to make you suffer, but to make you discover the Grace that is hidden in the renunciation made with love and in the sacrifice lived with peace and in reparation of the sins of the world.
Christ came to this world as a living part of the divine Consciousness and, being God Himself, He experienced and lived human condition in a profound way. He was tempted by all evil that surrounded the Earth; He was proved in the fear that dwelt in His human bones, in His intimate human frailty. He endured what human beings fears the most - suffering - and converted the greatest sorrow of His creatures into an act of Love that transformed the history of this universe, as well as of all its creation.
After having lived all this, he left open to the world the path of spiritual calvary, of absolute surrender, of Superior Love. And having lived everything that no creature could bear, now He only calls you to do your part.
Your cross is not as heavy as the Cross of God; your calvary is not as long as the one the Feet of the Lord have passed through; you have no crown of thorns nailed upon your face; you are not insulted and humiliated by humanity, your brothers and sisters; you have the Father who stretches out His hands to you; you have the Son who comes to encounter you and you have the Holy Spirit of God waiting at the door of your inner house to make you reborn as consciousness, as a heart.
He wants to give you a new heart, worthy of being inhabited by Him who created you and all you have to do is follow the first Law, a commandment on top of the commandments, in which all the designs of the Father meet: to love your neighbor as you do to yourself and to love God above all things.
On the way to Love lays your calvary. You have no more obstacles than those you yourself put in your way.
Decide to give more to God, because He, having all things, left everything to you.
Your Father and Friend,
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the agony of the world find the Peace of God's Heart.
In fidelity to His Path and to His Will is found the strength to overcome the harassment in the Gethsemane. And beasts and thunder may roar, the floor may tremble under the feet of the chosen, but they will not falter. Their strength lies in the memory of the overcoming lived by God Himself, through His Son.
The time for confirmation has arrived, just as it arrived for Christ in Gethsemane and for all those who have committed themselves to Him throughout the history of humanity.
God offers you to drink from the Chalice of sacrifice and surrender, of effort and overcoming, of understanding, of unlimited forgiveness and love. But in this Chalice, children, are also found faith, fidelity and strength. There is found peace and the flame of compassion, which ignites the spirits and helps them to persevere.
The Chalice of God is not filled only with trials, but also with Gifts. His instruments have everything that they need to fulfil His Plan; It is enough that each one is willing to do their part and to discover in themselves the potential of love and surrender that is still hidden in the human condition.
This is the Gethsemane of these times, in which the souls confirm themselves, accept the Chalice that descends from the Heavens in the Hands of God and drink of His offering. Ignited by the Love that comes form the Creator Himself, they take their cross and follow Him.
Feel part of the Consciousness of God, which renews itself. Let the potential that you do not know emerge from yourselves. Let the monotony of your lives give space to a Universal Mystery and allow yourselves to be called by God as His elected, His apostles and truly His children.
May each principle lived by the only begotten Son manifest and renew itself in your lives. You have the doors open for that.
Your Father and Companion,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
The man on his own is weak and cannot stand the harassment and the tests of this world. But the man who unites himself to God is invincible, because he shares with Him His Glory and Greatness.
When the human heart of Christ said: “Father, take this cup away from Me”, it was the fear of His cells that made Him pronounce these words. But soon, united to God, He said: “May Your Will be done, and not Mine.” And it was in the perfect union with the Creator that Jesus supported the insults, the humiliations, the betrayals, the flagellation and the death on the Cross.
Unite yourself to God, child, so that His Will may be done. Do not want to live in this time with your own strengths, because your human and material heart is weak and can even die of fright.
Cling yourself to the spirit and be One with the Divine Spirit. Do not think that the Creator requests a great mission from you and leaves you alone. All that the Lord asks from you is supposed to be fulfilled with Him, for Him and in Him.
The Creator never leaves His creatures, but you must overcome fear and accept His Will, always having faith that He will accompany you.
Recognize your weakness, just as the Lord -that represents to you the Path- recognized it when He confessed to the Father and said: “Take this cup away from Me.”
But afterwards, child, recognize as well that this mission is not only yours, but God’s above all -because this human project belongs to Him- and, united to Him, affirm: “May Your Will be done and not mine.”
Child, not even God will condemn you for your weakness, as He did not do so to His Firstborn. The Lord will place you in His Arms, will unite His Holy Spirit to yours and will make you invincible before the challenges of this life. He is the One who will open to you the portals that unite the dimensions and will raise your being in the experience of true love. But, before all, overcome your weak humanity and recognize yourself as child of a majestic Creator that -in a mysterious way that is unknown to you- make yourself like Him in the depth of your being.
Find out the likeness with God, accepting His Will, and understand the Path along which the Lord leads you as you take the steps in it.
The Creator will not always lead you through a path of flowers because He led even His Beloved Son through the path of the cross, of renunciation, of sacrifice, of humiliation, of martyrdom and, at last, of the absolute Love and of Mercy, which was perpetuated on Earth and that until today intercedes for the souls.
It is for the action of this Mercy, achieved by the Son of the Most High, that you are listening to My words today.
Will you, child, be able to open another source, similar to this, so that other souls that will come after you may have an opportunity of redemption?
The Creator calls you and waits that you take a step in the transcendence of fear and that, united to Him, say: “May Your Will be done and not mine.”
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more