At the beginning, during the first Meeting of Prayer in Buenos Aires, Argentina, within the first days of the month of August and after the spiritual practice of the Sacraments, the inner and spiritual condition will then be prepared for your Redeemer to return to South America and from Argentina to carry forward, not only the task of liberation and of forgiveness, but also the great moment of the Eucharistic Celebration with souls.
It is in this way, companions, that in the first days of August, the Spiritual Universe of God will be granting a reprieve to Argentina and also to the region which, in an inexplicable way, will open the door to redemption and to forgiveness for those souls that did not deserve them.
Through the sublime action of Divine Mercy, through the songs and prayers that will be offered, a period of inner peace will be able to be established in the spiritual consciousness of Argentina so that, filled by the Fire of the Holy Spirit, the Argentines may make their great and last decision, which will place their people and nation in Eternal Mercy or in Divine Justice.
It will be the faith of the heart of the Argentines that will allow Your Master and Lord to be able to intercede and work miracles in many souls. In this way, there will be built the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
This Third Marathon of Mercy has awakened a special joy in My Sacred Heart because from the beginning I wanted to demonstrate to all of My disciples that it is possible to do greater things than those that I realized in other times.
In truth today I thank you because this offer of your prayers has spiritually helped in the following points, those that I want to share with all:
First, the Marathon in Argentina has congregated souls that are thirsty for Me and this helped all of them to find the path of faith and of renovation.
Second, this merciful prayer collaborated so that all of the celestial plans in Argentina would be guided by the light of God and not by the will of men and women.
Third, My primary gratefulness is for your fraternal and ecumenical union with the Holy Father Francis. I assure you that Argentina, on the 13th day of October of this year will be the first nation consecrated in Heaven to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
I invite you to discover the results of each marathon in your hearts. My Shepherd Hope is to unite you each day more until you may be finally one among the others and one with Me. It will be necessary that the law be accomplished in all of humanity but it will always be your faith in My Infinite Mercy that which will allow you to see the light in the horizon of life in each inner situation.
Dear sheep of My new flock,
I want to have near Me those who have separated themselves from My Love. For this I will receive day and night the simple offer of your hearts so that My Redeeming Plan may be able to be fulfilled.
This Third Marathon managed to unite the essences with the Sacred Kingdom of My Father. Serious problems will be solved, confusing matters in your lives will be dissipated, because you have trusted in My Mercy.
As good apostles I ask you to pray for those who never listen to My Voice of Love so that on the day of tomorrow these children of My Father may find a path of light and of hope.
I would like to return to Argentina if you allow Me because My Purpose is to consecrate the nation to My Sacred Heart. If it were like this, in the same way as Uruguay and Brazil, these three nations would work as shelter and protection for souls of other nations when they come to the time of confirmation.
I hope that you deposit your faith in My Purpose. In this way the Lord will bless you every day. It is time to unite the hearts and to carry them to the ocean of My Divine Mercy.
I wait in silence for your permanent answer. May this encounter with Me today be the reason of living in the joy of God. Be joyful; go ahead seeing in your paths My Sacred Footprints of light. I want sinner hearts to be converted into merciful souls.
Thank you for having encouraged yourselves during these days to enter into My Ocean of Pity and Mercy.
Under the Infinite Light of God, be all blessed.
Thank you for remaining every day in My Heart!
Christ Jesus
INFINITE PEACE, will be the new baptism of your beings because only through Infinite Peace will your souls fulfill the mission that God has entrusted you in this time.
Dear companions,
This is the love that I want to reveal to you, that through My Infinite Peace your lives will be able to be united to the universe, and the Earth and the Heaven will be one, as it was predicted from the beginning.
For this to happen you must first incarnate Infinite Peace in your hearts because it will be the perfect path so that you may be able to truly love one another as I have taught you from the beginning, when My Life was among you.
Only through Infinite Peace will you find the chosen pathway of humility and in this way your souls will shine before My Kingdom because they will be fulfilling the precious gift of living in peace.
The world fades away from the lack of the true peace. Search for this Infinite Peace in your origin, in nature, in the heart of each peace maker brother and sister. Today I ask you to be an example of peace so that at least the great events of the Law of God may not weigh upon those who are not peace makers.
That through this Third Marathon of prayer to My Infinite Mercy you, as soldiers of the prayer of peace, may be able to go out strengthened and sheltered, ready to realize the missionary and apostolic task that I invite you to in this time.
Brothers and sisters, I feel a profound joy by seeing Argentinian hearts a little more mature and open to the collaboration of the Plan of My Father. That in this meeting your beings may be able to be reborn and to acquire the Spirit of God to work with your neighbors, united with the heart and with the soul.
Have a good merciful journey for the day of tomorrow. My Heart accompanies your pleas of love.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living in My Heart!
Christ Jesus of Argentina
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more