I come as a new Sun, to illuminate the world and remove it from the darkness.

I come as part of the Holy Heart of God, so that His Name may be known and loved by all creatures.

I come so that humanity may know peace, proclaim it and live it every days of its existence.

I come at a time of wars and conflicts, in which the nations are beginning to collapse, one by one, as a consequence of their actions and their deceptions; due to worldwide deception and blindness, in which humankind lie to one another and to themselves, but they will never deceive God.

I come to a world without brotherhood and without love, in which the nations promote wars and conflicts with one another, to stand out and benefit from the suffering and from the lack of those who suffer from this illusion.

I come for the innocents who are losing themselves in this play of human forces, without understanding why they suffer so much, and who ask themselves where God is to support them.

God, children, contemplates each heart and humanity as a whole. If human beings do not open the doors to Him, do not cry out, do not pray and do not seek peace, how will He be able to reach those who are most in need and feel forgotten, not only by humanity, but also by their Father?

I come for an ignorant humanity, which needs to understand that the time for games and spiritual childishness is over, because of the consequences of their illusions is seen in the decadence of the nations, of the cultures, of the religions, of the souls, of the Kingdoms of Nature.

I come for the Kingdoms, which cannot lift up their word to humanity to ask for Mercy and peace, to ask for the end of the blood shed on the earth and in the oceans, for the end of the martyrdom of the trees, of the imbalance generated in the minerals so that humankind can adorn their bodies and strengthen their illusions.

I come for the consciousness of a planet that is alive, that suffers and endures with all the innocents, both in nature as well as in humanity, and which is not heard except by God and by the Universe, when it calls out for life and for evolution.

I come today to make an appeal together with My children for a world with more peace, so that each one who hears Me may build this peace in their own life, and testify to their transformation, through example and through prayer.

I come to ask you to spread My Call beyond the borders, the beliefs and religions, because I do not ask but for hearts to strengthen their faith, and this being true and pure, and if it leads you into loving a neighbor and God above all things, that you live it fully and without deceptions.

I come to ask you for inner unity among cultures, respect among religions, an understanding of the paths that God inspired His children to live, not so that they compete with each other, but so that, in the diversity of His creatures, each one might find the way to reach His Heart, be it through Buddha, Mohammed, or Christ. If you are sincere and seek to express Love, all will reach God, and there you will understand the essence of unity, which today your minds cannot conceive of because they are so full of human concepts and ideas.

I am here as a simple Mediator, as the Co-redeemer of this Plan of Love, as a Celestial and Divine Mother sent by God to guide humanity to return to the Origin in the Heart of the Celestial Father.

I do not ask you to worship Me, but rather that you listen to Me and unite with the Purpose that I bring you, recognizing it as true in light of the need of the world.

It is not I, My children, who needs your prayers. It is you, as humanity, who must learn how to pray, to save yourselves and to lift this world out of blindness and the spiritual and almost physical captivity in which it finds itself.

I only ask that you unite with God and understand His Love for life and for each one of His creatures. To understand each human being, as well as each element and species in nature, as a precious jewel of the Creator, an indivisible part of the Heart of the Father. Each time one of His children is lost, it is His Heart that suffers, that grieves and that dies with this little essence that comes from Him.

My Call is for Peace, for Truth and for the experiencing of Love among creatures. All the mysteries will be revealed to the eyes that live in this way, responding to My call. And everything will be fulfilled if My requests are fulfilled in your lives.

I love you and I bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The Cellular Christic Code

Dear children,

Today I reveal and teach you the importance of the cellular Christic Code, which was the sacred and greatest experience of the Love of Christ, seen by the whole universe.

The Christic Code is understood to be all the degrees of Love, Forgiveness and Mercy achieved by Jesus during His Passion and Death.

The living and sublime expression of this Christic Code spiritually manifested during the scourging and, from that point on, this Code of Love, which understands all and forgives all, gradually deepened in the human consciousness of Jesus.

In order to take this step, My Son had to incarnate in spiritual, cosmic and human conditions, greatly and specially prepared for that time period. This Christic Code gradually awakened in the spiritual essence of Jesus as the little Child grew in the heart of the Sacred Family.

This same Christic Code gradually manifested at a cellular level from the moment in which My little Son preached for the first time in the temple. It was in that very special event that the divine intervention of the Archangel Michael came forward until the holy prophecy announced by the prophets would be fulfilled.

The Christic Code incarnated in Jesus from the sublime spheres of consciousness in order to teach the world the true and unique Law of Love-Wisdom.

Throughout the history of earthly humanity, the planet as a mother consciousness was always assisted, and the Christic degrees of Love-Wisdom also greatly manifested from the moment Buddha's enlightenment.

In this way, through Divine Compassion, that is an aspect of the Ray of Love-Wisdom, humanity was able to understand that the errors made and all the debts incurred have a path of liberation which, through Compassion, leads the consciousness towards forgiveness.

The first spiritual impulse of Compassion was expressed by the Consciousness of Buddha, who, at that time, awakened deeply to a revelation of Divine Love that humanity had never known throughout it's history.

I would like to emphasize, children, that the holy Essenes had an important task on a spiritual level, and also in the continuation of this stream of Love-Wisdom and Compassion that humanity was in need of.

Where is the spiritual bridge that links the period of Buddha with the period of Jesus?

The true essence of both manifestations of Love lies in the Will of the Father and in His Divine Mercy, finding humanity in a constant attempt of spiritual, moral and human self-destruction. It was thus, dear children, that the intercession of the universe came forward in the human consciousness through the revelation of Compassion and the incarnation of the Firstborn Son.

The Christic Code slowly took shape as an awareness of Love in humanity as from the experience of Jesus on Earth.

I told you, in previous statements, that the Essenes were the consciousnesses who, in their inner worlds, united all experiences of Love-Wisdom in humanity.

They collected the essence of the Christic instruction manifested since the emergence of Buddha to the incarnation of Jesus. In this way, that source and that experience of Love were placed as offerings in the consciousness of the planet to prevent it from self-destructing.

That source remained active in humanity until Jesus began His public life, and with the divine approach of Archangel Michael, certain spiritual values were allowed to begin to be recovered in the terrestrial human consciousness.

The Spiritual Hierarchy of the universe accompanied all the events of the life of Jesus, and, in this way, the Plan was modified after the Resurrection of Christ.

The cellular Christic Code was cultivated by the essence of Love-Wisdom which the Master Himself radiated by His Presence.

The Son of God brought to the world the possibility for the creatures of the Earth to recognize their worthiness before the Creator and, at the same time, for all to find the Way, the Truth and the Life that Christ Himself showed.

The Christic Code became even more latent from the moment of the Ascension of Jesus and, afterwards, it was poured out by the divine impulse of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. It was at that sacred moment that your Most Holy Mother instituted the ministry and the formation of the first Christian monastic orders, thus, opening the doors of evangelization through Christic Love.

After more than two thousand years of ministry and mission, in which surface humankind, through religion, used the maximum authority Christ had given them, the Heavenly Hierarchy presents Itself in this cycle to correct and restore the values of true Christianity.

It is for this reason that all are called to contemplate the immaculate heart of the Sacred Family, for there you will find the spiritual and human values that will also lead you towards redemption and forgiveness.

Every being that incarnated on the planet after the Ascension of Christ holds within themselves the cellular Christic Code, a Code that the adversary has separated from the interest of those who sleep so that they cannot evolve. This potential for Christic Love is necessary and vital in this planetary cycle in which chaos battles against the forces of evil to conquer the consciousness of humanity.

The process of purification, transformation and non-resistance will allow this precious cellular Christic Code to awaken and manifest for the redemption of the race. For this, acts of sacrifice, silence, charity, prayer, Communion and consecration to the Plan will encourage the emergence of the cellular Christic code within the human consciousness.

The possibilities are being given to all, all that is needed is determination and promptness so that every human being may, at this time, be an extension of the Love-Wisdom that was sown in the beginnings of this race. It will be that Love-Wisdom that will place humanity in a different, more evolutionary reality. Thus, I call upon My soldiers of prayer and service to reflect upon what I have told you. I will be grateful for your attention.

Who propels you towards the Love of God.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace, Guardian of the Precious Codes of Christ

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
