I return to each city so that My children may triumph by means of My Immaculate Heart, so that in this way My plans of Peace may be fulfilled in this world that is in such suffering and sorrow.

Dear children, I return to the heart of Brazil to establish, in a definitive way, the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, but this will only be possible through the adherence that all of My children may actualize without delay and without wasting time, because My requests are special and divine for these times when peace is lacking in the interior world of many beings from the Earth.

The Americas must continue working as a one and only Spiritual Nation in order to establish, in this time, the Kingdom of Peace and of Conversion.  By means of unity and of prayer you will fuse together, by the action of the Holy Spirit, all of the groups of souls in the same Redeeming Purpose.

In each city that I visit I pour the power of the Graces, the same ones that I achieved in My passing through the Earth.  Graces that were sown by the Angels of Heaven in honor to God and to the Redeeming Plan of humanity.

Dear children, with this aim I return to Brasilia to establish My Immaculate Kingdom of devotion and prayer in a greater group of souls, those that will awaken in time to answer to My call.  Heaven today reunites the powers of the Mercy of God by means of the offer of My Immaculate Heart so that a greater number of children may find healing and forgiveness.

I come to announce peace in the heart of all of those who do not have it.  For this I need your determination and union with Me.  As a Mother I will be able to raise you to Heaven and in order for you to meet the Great Consciousness of Jesus, and in this way you will return to the House of God, that which has been very much forgotten by this world.

On this day My dears, My divine inspiration will be to awaken you to the universal consciousness of the power of prayer so that in this way you may resolve in time all of that which unites you with God and with His Project of Love.

In Glory I descend from Heaven in order to lift from the ground all of those who have fallen because of suffering and desperation.  My Hope for you is promising and truthful for those who just may open their heart.

I pray for you all the time, I pray for the peace in your hearts, I pray for the end of the spiritual war, that which dwells in the mind of unjust men and women.   I pray so that humanity may not continue loosing itself, I pray for those who consecrate themselves and for those who distance themselves from God without realizing it.  My prayers are for all of you and for the world.

I adore the Father and I Glorify Him so that He may never cease to pour His Infinite Mercy over each one of My children.  I traverse cities and nations in order to awaken the new soldiers of peace and of prayer because the urgency of redemption and of a great change in the consciousness is imminent.  For this I pray so that the Angel of Justice of God may not come to the world in order to show what is not well in the deluded and sleeping humanity.

I wish for you to pray with Me every day, that you do not forget to do it, because the chalice was half full and now it is being filled more filled than I expected.  Only through your transformation will the word be convert and achieve peace.

The Universe of God awaits your offers and sacrifices and, no matter how small they may be and the more insignificant that they may seem, all will be contemplated by the Divinity.  I come to awaken you, I come to call you and to activate you for the service and for the prayer for those who do not adore, do not wait for and do not love God.  I come from Heaven with the hope of reverting the grave outrages that many of My children continue to commit.  I come to prevent the application of the Law and the Justice of God, something that humanity does not either know or understand.

As an Intercessor I come to approach you to the Heart of Jesus, I come to announce My last call before the return of Christ to the world.

Dear children, I come to listen to your Yes which is so crucial for the final time.

I thank My children from Brasilia for having answered one more time to My call for Peace!

I wish for them to know that I am truly very thankful.

My Peace and My blessing is upon each one of them.

Who thanks you now and always,

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of Brasilia


Keep the Immaculate Love of My Heart in your beings and in trust call, by means of prayer, the inner presence of God.

Dear children,

May this day of Sunday be dedicated to the reparation of the Heart of the Lord through prayer. In the exercise of the prayer of the heart will be revealed the attributes that will help all of you in this time; attributes such as Faith, Love, Forgiveness, Mercy and Redemption.

Dear children, as the Mother of humanity I ask you to pray so that My Son may intercede and alleviate the pain in many hearts.

Each sincere offering that is born from your hearts day after day, will allow the Plans of the Most High to be fulfilled in the lives of all souls.

My children, in love and in devotion, I ask all of My children from the city of São Paulo in Brazil to raise their eyes to the Merciful Kingdom of God and in this way, to practice in their lives the maternal teachings that My Heart has poured through this last year.

Through the exercise of the adoration of the Sacred Heart of My Son, all My children of São Paulo will be united to My Immaculate Heart.

Therefore, dear children, today God asks you to grow in consciousness from the heart and to unite your souls with the different states that prayer will radiate to you, states such as unity, love and fraternity.

In this month of the Sacred Rosary, may your hearts discover the keys of salvation in each Mystery.

I give thanks to My children of São Paulo for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Blessed children,

In response to the urgent call realized yesterday to My children, I announce to those to whom I have appeared for five years as the Blessed Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, that My Beloved Son, Christ Jesus, sends Me today to your hearts to tell you that the Almighty God has observed from His Heart your response to the celestial call of attention.

Dear children, in the face of the urgent necessity of conversion and redemption of all the creatures of God, today I call you to continuous prayer and especially I call you so that, during this whole month, your lives may deepen and may give time to the meditation on each one of the holy Mysteries of the Rosary.

There you will find the keys for the conversion of your hearts that are: peace, surrender, trust in God, charity, forgiveness, the Love of My Son, sacrifice, and the resurrection together with the glorification of Christ.

My children, in this month of the Rosary I want that you especially dedicate yourselves to unite your hearts to each one of the passages of the life of Jesus and of the silent life of My Immaculate Heart.

My little ones, that in this time may awaken in your consciousness the call to Redemption and to the Surrender to God, a call that My voice pronounces day by day by means of the daily messages.

Dear children, under the Grace of God we are now close to the completion of one year, continuous and without interrup- tions, of daily blessed messages of My Immaculate Heart, of the Queen of Peace, who intends to guide you along the path of Good and Peace in the heart.

After a continuous year of Graces received, today I want that in response to these Graces, you unite your lives to the key teachings of Christ.

For this victorious reason of My Immaculate Heart in each one of your lives I announce to you today in the name of the Merciful Love of Christ Jesus, that on the day of tomorrow, the 21st of October, 2012, My visionary children, will be honoring Me by means of a simple prayer and an internal communion in the Sanctuary of Aparecida, a sanctuary that I love with fondness for the humble expression of faith from all of My pilgrim children of Brazil.

Therefore, dear children, the Honorable ever Virgin Mary, Lady Aparecida of Brazil, invites you and calls all Her chil- dren so that together with My children the visionaries, you may realize this simple pilgrimage towards the Sanctuary of Aparecida and that, through the offer to pray fifty beads of the Holy Rosary and of the inner communion with Christ, you may repair My Immaculate Heart.

In response to the events that have happened between you and God, I promise you that whomever participates with a sincere spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness before the Most High, the Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, will radiate the power of Divine Mercy from Heaven, and your lives will be absolved before the Law.

Dear children, I have brought roses in My hands to the throne of God, and the Father of the Source of Love and Compassion has accepted My offering for all of you. This exercise of frater- nity that I ask you to realize will allow, once more, that your hearts be clean and pure before God.

Once again, dear children, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!

Thank you for responding to this celestial call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Commemorating the anniversary of My Apparitions in Brazil this month, today I invite you to prepare your hearts for My annual visit to the Hill of the Apparitions(*), a visit that will be different from the previous ones. In this final cycle, My dear children, you must say “yes” to the Creator so that His Works of Peace may continue acting through His Faithful Server, the Queen of Peace.

My children, for this special reason this month I call you to renew your groups of prayer through the growth of your faith in the heart and through the weekly exercise of prayer.

I want each group to meditate on what it can give to My Immaculate Heart. I invite you to think about what has hap- pened in each group throughout this last year in which My Heart has visited you monthly.

As the Mother of the Lord I call you to strengthen yourselves as a group of prayer through a sincere vow of praying for peace and of summoning of more souls to pray with you.

My dear children, you must renew yourselves through the Holy Spirit. This is why, at each new meeting of prayer among souls, I invite you to feel and to ask for the Presence of this inexhaustible Spirit of Love and Wisdom.

My little ones, when I speak to you of renovation in the groups of prayer, I speak of each one of the praying beings to be converted into a living flame of the Holy Spirit.

My children, may your helpful groups of prayer imitate the Cenacle of Mary of Nazareth with the apostles. In this way the heart of your group will be My Immaculate Heart.

Open the doors to your dwellings for the coming of new praying souls.

Dear children, with humility I tell you that you were able to see the great Ray of Light that My Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Christ poured over Rio de Janeiro, manifested in a great rainbow; this was the sign of Mercy in response to all My children who pray, who pray to God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

(*) Located at the Marian Center of Figueira, Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil.


My dear children,

Commemorating with joy together with you the Apparitions in Medjugorje, today I invite you to be and to remain in God, the Creator, through the Sacred Heart of My Son.

Dear children, for this special reason of My presence in the world for so many years, today I also want to call you to reflect on a request that I make to all My children that, fervently in devotion, respond to My call.

Today I want to invite you to consciously collaborate with the Marian Work that My Immaculate Heart has been realizing here in the world and especially in Brazil, in Uruguay and in Argentina for some time. With this I want to ask you to place My words in your hearts, because today, My little children, I invite you to be part of the Divine Providence.

Know well, My little ones, that God, the Creator, fulfills His Plan for all the creatures and that one of His great and loving providences has been to send His Faithful Servant to dialogue with all of you, month by month.

Therefore, dear children, so that My Call and My Maternal Voice may be able to ignite more hearts that are in darkness, I need from each one of you a sincere and humble collaboration so that My Plans may continue in the different nations.

This time God the Father is giving permission so that each one of My children may awaken their consciousness towards fraternity and towards spontaneous giving, united to the infinite work of My Heart.

While you are in this world, you will need providence and help. Today My children, those who, in a selfless way, dedicate their lives to My requests also need the loving assistance of all of you. On Earth as it is in the Heavens, there are hard workers who, through their effort, make it possible for others to receive the Greater Grace.

As the Lady of Graces I give you My Peace and I thank you for the opening of your hearts, for responding in this way to this important maternal petition. Thus My message will be able to reach more souls.

I invite you to imitate Joseph, the carpenter, so that with good instruments we may together be able to construct the new Kingdom of Love on Earth.

Eternally, I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


After thirty-one years of My presence with you in the world through the Apparitions in Medjugorje, today, dear children, I invite you to celebrate with Me the Grace that God has poured over humanity through My announcements and messages throughout these years.

Therefore, My children, may today be a special meeting be- tween your hearts and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because He is attentive to the praying voice of all My children, even more so of those who aspire to walk through the path of forgiveness and conversion.

Today, from this side of the world, My Immaculate Heart gathers sister souls, especially in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, in order to prepare them for the new time. And the most important for Our Lord is that you live in fraternity.

Dear children, My Immaculate Heart has already been in your lives accompanying you for five continuous years, just as My Maternal Love accompanies My children of Europe through the devotion in Medjugorje.

With this I want to call you to the reflection of the heart so that your consciousnesses may be able to truly awaken to that which My voice is announcing to you day by day in the messages.

It is the first time in My Apparitions in the world that God has allowed Me the Grace of dialoging and talking to all of you daily.

My Maternal Heart hopes that all this instruction that I give you today may be kept in the depths of your hearts so that, in prayer, you may receive with immense joy the coming of My Son, the Redeemer. And it is by His Merciful Love that all of you will be able to be guarded and thus carry the Light of Christ ignited in your hearts.

Dear and beloved children, I leave for each one of you this maternal reflection in this cycle that is ending, and which brings the Good News of the Kingdom of God for those who have never believed in the Creator.

May the Celestial Light of My Heart illuminate you eternally.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Today I call you to prepare again and with joy My merciful arrival in the city of São Paulo. You, My children, can help Me in this mission of peace through the sincere act of prayer.

I want you to be more open so that, as instruments of My Maternal Light, My Immaculate Heart may reach spaces of this city that need much compassion and love. Still, dear children, few are the servers of Christ that, looking around themselves, can clearly see how much prayer is necessary for their poor and sick fellow humans.

Therefore, dear children, as praying souls that will receive once again the Grace of My visit, I ask you to prepare your hearts in prayer and, in this exercise, raise your hands to plead to God for the Grace of Conversion of many of My children in Brazil.

I love with fondness this nation that welcomed Me as the Only Mother for all. But still, a little bit more effort, love and dedication are necessary for the ones who are in most need and for those who are most distant from God.

You know that there are infinite ways of being a server of Christ. Today I invite you to be constant guardians of prayer so that it may never lack in your homes. The times that will come and that were described to My daughter Lúcia of Fatima are close. But all will depend on the attitude of souls before the simple life of prayer that I ask you to live as something primordial.

Your hearts are already enveloped by My Maternal Joy for visiting you once more in this needy city of São Paulo. May this visit be a new reason for you to meet the One and Only King of Life, of Truth and of the New Paths: My Son Jesus, the High Priest.

I thank you for the response from all!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

With love I ask you today, on this day, for a perpetual prayer done with the heart. I wait for you every day so that your souls may merge themselves in Christ and thus the plans of peace, that are urgent for the world, may be accomplished.

Eliminate ignorance and illusion from your lives so that My Immaculate Heart may be the secure Purpose to reach My Son. On this day of prayer, fasting and retreat, offer your true intentions so that the Heavens may receive them and may send a sincere response to your requests according to the Will of the Father.

Dear children, you know that My Heart overflows with joy when the souls put themselves under My Mantle of Mother, but My Immaculate Heart also suffers from seeing many children still distant from the Love of the Father, the Love that I am pouring over the world, both in Medjugorje and in Carmo da Cachoeira.

I want to tell you, beloved children, that My Maternal, Im- maculate and Universal Purpose is the same for the whole world.

Why is My Heart in two places at the same time and with appointed times? Because the world still has not learned how to live from the real and pure Love that God expresses in Creation for all of the creatures. This is why God has sent Me to Brazil, because a great part of this nation has consecrated itself to My Immaculate Heart.

I am the Lady Aparecida who brings to the Americas a new call and request for attention to all the hearts. The Will of the Father is that I accompany South America for some time more, through the renovation of the cult of consecration to My Immaculate Heart.

Under the power of the Holy Spirit that I bring to all, I invite you to seek this Greater Light as a last resource of peace for the world. Therefore, dear children, My Heart, My voice and My Maternal Presence present themselves in this part of the Americas because My Heart must embrace the world more and especially many souls that are not being lead through good paths.

This is why I do not only call the Christian community, but My Heart cries out even more for all those who are lonely and distant from God. My only call and mission is for all to pre- pare their hearts in peace before the world changes quickly. With this aim My Immaculate Face is appearing over Brazil and Uruguay.

Dear children, I only tell you that we are now in the time to live the ecumenism of the heart through fraternity. I invite you to pray deeply with the heart so that the plans that God has entrusted to Me for Brazil may be accomplished out of love and for the salvation of more souls that are without My Son.

Thank you for responding to My call.

May peace be the spring of hope for your hearts.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
