Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you enter Me, you will enter God and know the Great Creative Consciousness, the Sublime Purpose of God, which conceived the First-Born Son so that He might incarnate on Earth and bring His Message to the world.

This is why My Spiritual Retreat is so important, the one founded in the Holy Land through the experience of your Master and Lord, not only for His apostles, but also for all those who would come after them throughout the times, throughout all the generations.

The vibration of this Retreat is unknown, but souls can feel it within themselves when they enter into communion with Me through the Sacraments, through perpetual union with the Sacred Heart of the Lord.

This Spiritual Retreat comes at this time to reveal itself to the world, because this is the time of the last apostles, those who say ‘yes’ to Me, to concretize My Plan on Earth, to carry out the last Projects of the Redeemer.

Through the great spiritual consciousness of My Retreat in the Holy Land, souls find again the path toward the Inner Christ, by listening to the Great Call of the Universe.

This Call you once heard and that, in this end time, you hear again to remember it and in this way remember the commitment you have to Me in this Redemptive Work of the Lord, as a preparation for His Great Return to the world, for the fulfillment of His promise, made after His Resurrection.

These treasures, which I bring to you today, are treasures for the spirit of each one, which in trust I grant to your souls, so that they may become a temple, a living temple for God, and may also, by means of your transformation and redemption, transform and redeem the world. Because to carry in yourselves My Sacred Spiritual Relics, companions, means a commitment to the Lord of the Universe.

Because you will have to represent on this surface, a Legacy that comes to hide in your cells, through your purification, bringing to you in essence, the Christic Life, the emergence of the last Christs, who, in any part of the world, must represent the Lord, paving the way, the path, for His Return.

This is why you must live the great transformation, so that someday you may represent Me fully, in the face of all that must yet be done for this humanity and on this planet.

Because I want to state to you that the mission has not concluded, and that this mission will be concretized and completed through the last Christs, who will give the example in that which is small, in that which is silent and anonymous, in that which no one can recognize, only a prayerful heart can recognize it, just as the Heart of your Lord recognizes it.

In this way, I come to establish the great scenario through My last apostles. This scenario which is My Plan, My Project and My Aspiration, to be fulfilled in the end of these times through the souls that sanctify themselves by means of their surrender, love and service to God.

Because it is there, in what is most hidden, in the heart of each soul, in the life of each spirit, that the much-awaited New Earth will begin to emerge. It must first emerge within, and then be a reality on the outside so that all souls can recognize it.

All souls need to be purified to be part of the promise of the Son of the Father, just as your Lord was purified in the Temple. If this had not been so, your Master would not have been able to carry out His public life.

This is why all that the Father grants to you, even that which you must purify and transcend, is part of a path of Christification, rather than of suffering. It all depends on each one, on how each one contemplates and observes it, whether it will be a path of victory or a path of suffering.

That is how you will begin to learn about duality and how to transcend and transmute it, first within you, and then by helping transmute this duality in the whole world. This is a task that is still unknown to most.

This is why it is important to have inner communion with Me, so that you may live under this Law, which will be highly active in the end of these times, because without the Law of Transmutation and Purification a New Earth or a New Humanity will not be able to exist.

But I bring you the spiritual support that you need, to dare to take the steps toward My Heart. This spiritual support, which I grant to you, is the Legacy of all My Relics and experiences, as well as the Legacy of the Patriarchs and Prophets who also lived their path of Christification and redemption, and learned to love the Plan of God, by knowing it first in themselves and contemplating the Supreme Will of the Father, so as to understand, at some moment, what it means to carry out this Holy and Divine Will.

These Spiritual Relics of the Sacred Retreat of Christ come to impel you to achieve a state of perpetual communion so that, in this state of perpetual communion, your inner beings may be quite attentive and vigilant to the signs of the Return of Christ.

Because at first these signs will not be so visible. These more invisible signs will come for the chosen, those who have dared to become divested of themselves and surrender their lives in the Hands of the Redeemer.

But My most impactful signs will also be fulfilled, so that this transformation of the world may be achieved and this hope may also be established in it, which will lead humanity to redemption.

You must keep in mind this moment of transition which all are going through, by participating in all that is happening in the world, becoming aware of the need of souls and above all of nations, so that they may fulfill their Spiritual Purpose, just as Brazil must fulfill it.

For this reason, I Am here. This is the first reason for the special visit of your Lord to Brazil, from Israel, bringing the Spiritual Relics of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, contemplated at this moment by the Hierarchies of this Center of Love.

Will you measure up, companions, when it comes to contemplating this unique moment that I bring to you, just as the Hierarchies contemplate the Ark of the Holy Covenant, exposed with all Its divine and cosmic knowledge, radiating all Its principles and attributes, generated by the Creative Source, in all directions of the planet through this Center of Love?

Thus, your Shepherd and Redeemer comes to renew the Tree of Life, through the Tree of Figueira. He comes to tell you that the times of change have arrived and that you, as branches and leaves of this Sacred Tree of Figueira, must also change so that you may follow Our principle and Our energy, so that you may accompany and adhere to Our universal task. This is the offering that you have accepted, just as your Instructor José accepted it, in an unconditional and immediate manner.

The change I speak to you about is the total opening of your minds, above all your hearts, to the emergencies of these times. It is the opening of consciousness to recognize the suffering in your neighbor and live under My Law of Compassion and Mercy.

I speak to you of this, companions, because you are not fulfilling it. I have come from Israel to say this to you, because you are still in time to change and, through your brothers and sisters, recognize Christ Himself, who speaks to you today.

In this way, you will help your Lord to relieve the suffering of the world in a real way, rather than in an illusory way; to be side by side with Me, forming, in the end of times, the Commands of Christ the Redeemer, without stepping back or fearing anything, being ready and available to be where needed and whenever necessary, to eradicate from yourselves any complaint.

Because an apostle of the end of times does not complain. An apostle accepts the cross they do not deserve, carries it with them as if it were their own, doing it for Me at each step and at each moment.

I speak to you in this way, companions, because there is no time left, and the emergency is ever greater in all senses and ways. Because a knock will be heard on your door. Will you open it to your Lord?

Therefore, you must be in My Love, to identify the signs and recognize them. To know when you must respond with wisdom and discernment.

I come here to deposit My spiritual Legacy, through the presence of the Ark of the Holy Covenant at this Sacred Center of Love. For the Hierarchies were waiting for it, and the soul of this nation was also waiting for it, just as the Angel that governs this country, who is sustained at this moment by your prayers, so that the Project that is destined to be carried out here may be fulfilled as it is written in the Heart of God, although humanity may try to change it.

Brazil is the cradle of the New Humanity, where all cultures and expressions of the world unite, because this country was formed, since the Indigenous Consciousness, through Love-Wisdom.

The heart of Brazil must not die, its soul must not be enslaved. This is a country of hope and rebirth, a space and place where everyone will be able to meet Christ as He places His Feet on this ground, when He returns.

Therefore, the offering must be mature, conscious and, I might even say, responsible. Remember that I do not come to ask you for something impossible. If it were not possible, you would not be able to listen to this Message today, packed with the highest degree of the Love of Jesus, so that your dormant cells may awaken and you may be firm as warriors of the Plan.

So that all this may be possible, companions, and My Spiritual Retreat may echo even more in each human heart, in the innermost depths of the spirit, I come to offer to you Graces through the Sacraments and especially through the Sacrament of Communion, knowing that it is a moment of renewal of the inner vows, reparation and of a great encounter with the Source of My Mercy.

For this reason, I will celebrate Communion for you today, so that, just as My apostles and once again, you may receive the impulses of Light and Love of the Retreat of Christ, preciously comprised of the souls that respond to My Call.

Let us celebrate.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, we will do an exercise at this moment, while we prepare for the celebration in His Presence.

Each one of us, in the greatest possible physical, mental and inner quietude, will sustain this moment in inner prayer, knowing that the Lord is present here, waiting to celebrate the Eucharist with us.

In reverence, just as He has asked, we will prepare for each cell of our beings and each atom of our bodies to receive this impulse of transubstantiation, which comes from the Sacred Retreat of Christ.

We remain in silence, as He has asked of us, open to His Presence, His Love and His Wisdom.

We invite those who can, to kneel down or stand up.


May My Words purify your lives and hearts so that the advent of the New Race may be fulfilled, and for eternal peace to be established in the world.

Thus, before My Sacred Heart, recognize at this moment your faults, omissions and indifferences, and, in an act of profound contrition, make reparation for this moment in the silence of the heart.

Thus, I come to renew you again, giving you the testimony of My Life through the surrender of My Body and My Blood for the world. Therefore, I come to celebrate the Eucharist with you, just as I celebrated it with My apostles or with My disciples in Emmaus.

I come to break and share the Bread of Life. I come to give you to drink from the Chalice of Redemption and Mercy, so that souls in the world, in this month of May, may receive the spiritual amnesty they need to attain the ocean of My Mercy, to unite again with the Eternal Fountain of the Father, in communion with all the angels and blessed ones.

Thus, I celebrate this Sacrament again with you, and I ask you again to enter the inner cenacle of the heart, just as My Holy Mother and the holy women did, in perpetual contemplation.

At the altar of My Celestial Church, we offer this moment for the redemption of the world, for peace in humanity and in nations, for the salvation of those who are lost and forgotten, so that this sacred people of Israel may remember its commitment to the Father and, above all, to His Sacred Project, which you will be able to renew with Me today through this Eucharist.

Thus, I take the bread in My Hands, raise it to the Father, asking Him to convert it, through the angels and archangels, into My Glorious Body, which I break again so that it may be shared with you, reminding you that this is My Body, which was given for humanity for the pardon of sins.


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We revere the Presence of the Body of Christ at the altar.


In the same way, I take the Holy Chalice in My Hands again, and offer it to the Eternal Father, so that it may justify, through the surrender of Christ, all errors of the world,  especially those errors that place humanity at uncertain doors.

This wine, once blessed and converted into My Precious Blood, I pass it again to Mine, saying to them, “Let all take and drink of it, this is the Chalice of My Blood, of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God, the Blood of the Lamb, which was shed for the remission of all faults.” Do it today in remembrance of Me, until I return.


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We revere the Precious Blood of Christ.


This is My Body and this is My Blood. Blessed are those who avail themselves of this spiritual banquet, which I offer to you today for love and for the redemption of humanity.

United to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, let us consummate this consecration by singing the Our Father in Aramaic.

Song: “Our Father” (in Aramaic).

I announce Peace to you, so that Peace may always be present in the human heart, so that Peace may be present in each space of this planet.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We announce the Peace of Christ and we say to our Redeemer:


Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but just say the Word, and I shall be healed.


In the joy of the meeting with Jesus, we announce at this moment the Spiritual Communion of all souls with Christ.

In union to the Love of Jesus, we give one another the greeting of Peace.

Let us sing the “Names of God.”

Song: “Canon of the Names of God – no. 1.”


Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the Most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences
by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of His Sacred Heart
and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg You for the conversion of poor sinners.


In the name of My Father, I grant you Peace again, so that Peace may be in the world, and I bless you, thanking you for this meeting of brave hearts.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Second Message

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold My Promised Land, the Land of Galilee, the inner Call of Christ, which resounds throughout the times and is inexhaustible.

Listen to this Call, which resounds from the Heart of the Universe, from the great civilization of Andromeda, and prepares, in the inner worlds, the next coming of the Lord, His expected Return.

Today, it gladdens Me to be here. I was yearning for this moment, of meeting those who follow My Steps, despite their difficulties and tests.

It gladdens Me to meet with Mine, those who do not tire of saying ‘yes’ to Me. Even not understanding what this means, that ‘yes’ moves all the universe and the Creation.

For this reason, I am here to present to you again My Spiritual Retreat, alive in the heart of the Holy Land, which I invite you today to internally enter in spirit, essence and soul, so that you may receive the codes that I sowed and deposited in this place through each one of My deeds and passages.

What is most important in all this, companions, is that today your inner worlds may remember again that which many lived in these far-away lands, through the Word of the Lord, through the Presence of the Lord, through the closeness of the Lord. Each one of these moments rises again on the horizon in the heart of each one of Mine.

I could not wait for a long time to return to Brazil, because this place was worthy for receiving and accepting Me, recognizing My Call and following it, since the foundation of this Light-Community of Figueira.

Here the Lord of the Tree of Life, who comes to renew the Tree of Figueira, who comes to bring you, at this moment, its origins and principles, the foundations that were established through the self-summoned, those who listened to the call and message which, through Instruction, has permanently resonated throughout the ages. And although you are not aware of this, that resonance has been echoing in the stars since the ascension of your Instructor and Master José.

He is here today, present with Me, so that you may glimpse, and internally contemplate, that it is possible to experience transformation and redemption.

Through José, I was present here for a long time, at each moment of Instruction as well as at each moment of manifestation of this Light-Community and others, at each daily work and at each shared moment.

Today, My companions, My Spiritual Retreat in Galilee unites to the Spiritual Retreat of this place, blessed by the Graces of the Eternal Father, so that your souls and the souls of the brothers and sisters of the whole world may experience an inner synthesis and a moment of renewal.

For this reason, I tell you that all has not been concluded yet. In this Work of the Hierarchy, which has expanded in the world through service and the humanitarian missions, at this moment you can glimpse the fruits of the efforts of very few, albeit true efforts that God alone knows in His Heart.  

Therefore, I invite you to no longer fear. The times you and your brothers and sisters are going through are complex and painful. But do not forget that I am here, and I will always be in your lives when you call Me, when you seek Me, whenever you want to find Me.

To Me, this place will always be a Sacred Temple where God, through His Hierarchies and all His tools, will deposit hope for the world, a hope that brings the Love of God, consolation and renewal for souls.

For this reason, you must be open to receive all those who come. Never close the doors to anyone, because I might be behind each one of them.

Be compassionate, and the Wisdom of God will not be lacking for you.

Be merciful, and peace will not end, because the triumph of My Love is near.

Before My Return, this victory of My Love must be completed in you and in your brothers and sisters. Remember what I told you: love one another, just as I love you unconditionally.

I come here to bring you My most precious Spiritual Relics, the Relics that I deposited in the Holy Land for each one of Mine, and that I spiritually present to you today to give you the strength of renewal, the power to continue, overcoming these times, transcending the forms, deepening into the degrees of love.

In this second visit, which I make to you today, I come for the Spiritual Purpose of this country and of the other nations, so that the Purpose of each nation may be protected, and the people of each part of this region of the planet may find the meaning of being here, in this world, and the reason why they are here.

What I would like to do the most today, companions, is to be here with those who listen to Me, with those who recognize My Voice, those who follow My Steps, surpassing themselves to bear witness of the Christification that begins within each one, in that which is smallest, that which no one can see. That is where My Work starts being fulfilled, in the transformation of brave hearts, in the willingness of the consistent, in the hope of those who experience My Call.

Remember that the Ark of the Holy Covenant has come with Me, and has reverently been deposited in this place, in the heart of this Light-Community. Because all is kept in this Sacred Ark, the past, the present and the future, all the codes of Creation experienced throughout the times and civilizations in the universe and on Earth, in the surrender and in the inner life of all My companions.

Let us celebrate this moment with joy and bliss. On your faces, I want to see the smile of this sacred moment, for all those in the world who cannot live it, for those in the world who cannot receive Me.

May this inner communion with the Master and Lord of the Universe multiply in blessings and Graces, not only for you, but also for your brothers and sisters in the world, especially those who experience persecution, war and conflicts.

I want this Marathon to be a Marathon towards your inner worlds, towards the incessant quest for your Inner Christ.

It is My wish that in this Marathon you may be within your Inner Christ, so that you may be in unity with Me, for all that your Redeemer will carry out during this month of May together with the other Sacred Hearts.

I will thank you for paying attention to this request and to keep following the impulses of the universe, spiritual impulses that will place you in the right attunement and at the right moment, to understand all that the Hierarchy will do. You know how to do it, just start doing it.

Today, I want to deliver to you a merit that was not foreseen in My Plans, because I have seen the dedication and also the true effort that you have offered to My Heart during the last Sacred Week, even going through all the tribulations.

Can you understand that all is possible by being in My Love?

Today, you are all here safe and sound while listening to Me, and you have the Grace of being before Me, just as I have the Grace of being before your inner worlds.

The merit that I want to grant you is a special consecration so that, from the beginning of this next Marathon of Divine Mercy, you may enter more deeply into all that the Hierarchy will do, knowing that in these times you are learning to sustain that which the world cannot sustain by itself. You are learning to support what the rest of humanity cannot consciously support, and that especially, you are learning to love what the rest of the world neither loves nor considers.

Therefore, recognize in this Marathon that it is time for you to decide to live My Christic School, because there is no time left. And in My School of Christification and Love you will learn quickly if you accept it. You will grow in gifts, virtues and sanctity, and your miseries will no longer be a problem; rather, your objective and purpose will be to serve others, those who are near and those who are far away, through the incessant life of prayer, so that this world may find balance and peace again.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


Christ says that, with the permission of the Council of this Work, He convokes here, at the foot of this altar, the postulants to be helpers.

Let us bring Christ the elements of consecration: the rings and the veils.

We stay before the Lord in attunement and unity.

And we will accompany this moment, at the request of Christ, through the song “Consecration.”

Availing ourselves of this moment, which Christ offers to us, to renew our vows with the sacred law of consecration and the law of life of the spirit. Availing ourselves of this moment so that, before the Heart of Jesus, we may renew ourselves in our vows, in our principles and, above all, in service to His Plan of Love.

We prepare ourselves.

Celestial Father,
Who has conceived life in this universe
so that Your Children and Creatures
may recognize You within them
and may praise You.

I ask You,
Most High Lord of the Universe and of Infinite Mercy:
to bless these elements which, as from today,
will represent renewal for these hearts,
which prostrate before the Universal King,
to serve Him unconditionally until their last days
through the vows that have been granted
to all helpers.

May these elements represent union with Me.
But above all, may the inner worlds of these souls
establish their Alliance with me,
espousing Christ, the Redeemer.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


 Song: “Consecration.”


Today, Christ is consecrating this sister with the name “Bethlehem.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “María de Judá.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “Sinaí.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “Betania.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “María del Cenáculo.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “Qumran.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “María de Betsagé.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “Eloheinuh.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “Consuelo de Jesús.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “Estrella de Israel.”


And you, who have been faithful from the beginning and will be faithful until the end, who has pleased My Heart with your works, who have rejoiced the Heart of My Mother with your generosity, today I want to give you a name in this consecration, a very sacred name to Me and to My people of Israel: “Menorah.”

Your name to Me today will be “Emmanuelle,” in honor to the Creator.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And to consummate this Consecration of the sisters, we will say the Prayer of the Advent of the New Race:


may the advent of the new race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype. 
May the Word be alive and build Your temple.
May Your mystery expand within us
and the true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify the perfect unity.


Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

God bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

I did not expect to be here right now, but it has been necessary. 

My Heart is where it is invoked. My Name is where it is called, to remind you once again that I am with you and, being with you, I am with this nation of Brazil, praying and working silently, just as I did in the Passion, therefore nobody should think that I am not doing anything.

The signs from Heaven are internal, they are inextinguishable impulses that reach souls that are open of heart to accompany all that the Hierarchy carries out. 

However, My attention is not only in this country, but in all that is happening throughout the world today. There are worse situations that happen on this planet, which many do not know of because they are situations that are hidden from the eyes of humanity, so that humanity does nothing about them.

But My Heavenly Father sees everything, through the Heart of His Son. Thus, He sends His Son into the world to prepare hearts for His long-awaited Return.

Therefore, I tell you, in truth, that all you experience in this time is not by chance; that if many of you are incarnated at this time, it is for a spiritual reason unknown to many.

Thus, I tell you not to dwell on superficial things. Do not remain in that which is superficial, in everything that is insensitive, devoid of love and truth.

Place your consciousnesses in the right place and you will help the Hierarchies; for this is the last boat that is passing through the world, the boat of salvation through My Word and My Message, through the visible sign that I leave to open hearts that, beyond themselves and all circumstances, are able to perceive the true task of their Lord.

But I left you an important Legacy for these end times, the Legacy of the Holy Eucharist, something that you must be very attentive to when you live it and practice it, because I see that the Eucharistic Celebration throughout the world is becoming transient. 

And this is the great moment for each one of you to deepen and live the merits of My Holy Passion, that is, to live every moment of Communion as something unique and true, that your thirst for Me not be sentimental, but deeply spiritual.  

Because in the face of all the mistakes that humanity is experiencing today, have you wondered how these mistakes will be corrected? Will your Master have to return to bear the Cross?

Therefore, I need of the new Christs, of those who are far from mediocrity and neglect, of those who do not cool their hearts and become doubtful in the face of any attack, but through the strength that I have given you through My Heart, know how to overcome your own limitations and all the barriers that are imposed by the system of this world, without challenging or battling.

Thus, I ask you to rethink your spiritual exercise of Communion with Me, because only through the souls who live Me and feel Me can I pour out My Graces upon the world, for those who value the Eucharist and the Sacraments.

Therefore, each of the Sacraments that I have left for you is sacred and not fleeting. For through the Sacraments which I have left to the world is the one true way of redemption;  just as is the way open to peace, through all who worship Me on the Most Holy Altar.

I ask all My children of Brazil not to seek the solution of this country outside of you. Look for that answer which is within you, in your inner world, and rethink all that I am telling you right now. Thus, many will be able to perceive how, in an ignorant way or due to a lack of knowledge, souls often  waste the Grace of God.

The world is burning with suffering. Wars challenge the migration of peoples and of many nations. Blood continues to be shed without any price and the cry of the Earth is heard more and more loudly through the phenomena of the climate, the expression of all nature. 

Who will stand firm to hold this moment with Me?

Who will not sway before the temptations and challenges of the world?

I know that souls are fragile, but spirits can be strong and invincible, and ready to live that which has to be lived, without anything in return, without acknowledgments, without vainglory.

When souls perceive through this Message, and when the hearts feel the value of the Sacraments that I have left them, then there will still be a little time, the little time that remains for the world so that, through the souls that live My Word and My Sacraments, I can justify the errors of the world that cannot be paid, before the Law. 

Therefore, if souls are conscious and generate merit, not only will they be saved, but also many more souls will be saved, especially those who in life are burning in the fire of hell due to their links with evil.

But do not forget that I come here as the Redeemer of the world, and extending once more My Arms over Brazil, I come to bless that which is most sacred to exist in this place, which are the souls that live God with joy and who faithfully follow My footsteps with effort, beyond their imperfections, beyond all that is unknown to them.

I need to establish here My Spiritual Government for the coming times. South America should be that support for the rest of the world in the times of greatest tribulation. But that does not mean, My friends, that you do not experience afflictions, for as long as you are in this world, you will experience them.

Who is truly with Me learns to overcome within themselves the Law of suffering, learns to transcend themselves, every day a little more, even while taking very small or slow steps.

The most important thing, companions, is the effort and the impetus, fundamental pillars of the determination to be the example that My Father so much expects you to be, for these times where darkness, pride and evil, the children of indifference and ingratitude, reign. 

But you have the Grace to be able to change these events with your honest path of holiness, day by day, effort by effort, so that one day, without being noticed, you will be that Mirror of God on the surface of the Earth. The faithful example of a redemption achieved and lived. Therefore, there is still much to work and build.

Your Master and Lord is preparing for an important task in the Middle East.  It will be the most important of all tasks in recent times. I hope you, in spirit and in heart, can accompany Me, so that once again not only you, but also your brothers and sisters of the world, may receive the Christic codes and the merits achieved by your Lord throughout His experience on this planet.

This Marathon of Divine Mercy will be important for those who will sincerely become self-summoned and spiritually receive the impetus they need to complete being formed as My apostle.

I need to see this as real. I need to see My apostles on the surface of the Earth, just as I have many other apostles throughout the world who live and serve Me, and that their life is only here to repair the Heart of the Lord.

Who else will postulate themselves to live this moment, to be where I need them, as I need them and when I need them?

I have to tell you all this so that you can grow quickly; for I know that you can respond Me, just as you have responded to Me in these recent years.

I want to thank you for your courage to listen to My Words, and for this, I again bless you and give you My Peace so that within you everything is always renewed and thus you may participate in the Holy Will of the Creator, of what He has preciously kept within His Heart, for each of His children.

Be brave and do not be discouraged!

Live your purification as a liberation, as the end of the spiritual bondage of this world. 

My Graces are upon those who would like to receive them.

May peace be with you as My Peace resounds throughout this universe, through those who say yes to Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the King and Sovereign Master of Humility.

I Am here to serve My companions, so that My companions may never tire of knowing the immensity of My Love. A Love that comes from the Father, the Love that created you from the Beginning, that made you emerge from a special Source, which up to this day has been unknown to the whole world.

Today I bring to you, companions, behind Me, the splendid Fig Tree of Light, plenty are the fruits of service, surrender. Plenty are the fruits of those who self-summoned to serve God in these final times.

Glimpse, at this moment, all that the Hierarchy has achieved on the surface of this planet, through the expression and manifestation of the Light-Communities, through the cells that have awakened in these final times to the call of instruction and to the call for transformation.

Therefore, companions, believe, once and for all, that your lives have been renewed. But the path to accompany your Master and Lord in the sacred preparation of His Return to the world is still very long.

Today I come to give you these fruits of Knowledge and sacrifice because this Sacred Fig Tree has been able to yield its fruits through those who have self-summoned, through those who have walked in these times, following the call from Heaven with faith and determination.

There is no other place in the world but within yourselves where you can hold this Legacy that I give to you today, which comes from the Sacred Fig Tree of Light, which throughout times has congregated you for service, for the concretion of the Plan, the Plan of Love and Unity, which has to be present in each human heart.

Therefore, celebrate this moment with Me.

Behold the Sovereign Master of Humility and Surrender, Who knows your names written in the universe, who watches and protects your consciousnesses so that, at each new cycle that presents itself, you may have the courage and bravery to walk toward Me. Because the coming times will present challenges to all.

I will place My Purpose in your hearts and inner worlds so that it may be fulfilled just as I expect and so that this Purpose may allow redemption for humanity. Therefore, you should no longer feel that your lives are yours. Your lives belong to the Lord, because He writes the Will of God and concretizes it step by step, through the life of each being.

I come for a nation that needs to feel me very close. I come for a beloved people that has the destiny of being the cradle of the New Humanity, because the Rays that rule this nation are a favorite of Mine, the important Rays that have allowed the universe to evolve. And your souls are a part of these Rays, under their sacred expressions, through Love and Devotion.

Therefore, Brazil is a country of open arms. It is a country that must continue to be governed by the Queen of Heaven so that all the angels that eternally accompany Her may protect each space and each place of this dear nation.

WIth this, I mean to say to you, companions, that you should pray much more in the coming weeks, and that it may be the spirit of prayer that should inspire you and guide you to make the right decision. The Father will also pray for you, for the Purpose of this nation, so that it may continue to fulfill that which is written in the Heart of God.

Brazil must always be a nation that, through its humility, simplicity and beauty, helps the kindred nations and also the far-away nations of the planet, because the beat of My Christic Heart must always be present here. From here the Return of Christ must emerge, because My promise is alive.

I will come among the humble and simple. My Love will defeat the powerful and arrogant, and once again the New Jerusalem will be elevated, in which all will feel One in the Father and, through the Father, they will feel One with the Son and the Holy Spirit.  

Therefore, I beg you not to fail to raise your voice through prayer so that, as you have asked today, the Angel of this country may consciously be helped by all. Thus, the pressure will be relieved, the mental and uncertain doors will close and the Ray of Love and Devotion will spring from the sincere hearts that fervently invoke the Name of Jesus, so that His Word and His Will may be fulfilled.

Thus, in the coming weeks, I will count on the prayer of all Christians, of all who follow a path toward Christ, and I will inspire this people to an inter-religious unity, where respect for life, love in families, unity among loved ones and, above all, the good may exist, in this humanity.

For this reason, on this day, I come to ask for a special prayer for Brazil until October 30 so that you may help the Angel of this country in all that which It must manifest and achieve in these times. The sacred instrument that you will utilize in this task will be the Rosary so that the Mantle of My Holy Mother Aparecida may be extended upon the spirit of this nation, protecting it from the harassments and the conquerors of these times, safeguarding the heart of this nation from the ideologies that eradicate life and confuse families through uncertain languages.

Thus, you will allow the Angel of Brazil to attract toward this country the Spiritual and Divine Purpose of this nation, which began to be fulfilled with the liberation from slavery, bringing more sensitivity and respect to the humble and innocent.

This is why I ask you to position yourselves in the correct frequency, to disseminate the power of Love, disseminate the power of My Mercy, to be forerunners of the prayer of the heart, and not to get entangled in the world lies.

It is time, companions, for you to consciously help the Hierarchy, because just as I told My apostles such a long time ago, it depends on the penance and repentance of hearts that Justice may not descend upon the world, that My Unfathomable Mercy may descend and hearts may rejoice for their liberation.

I Am here today, also praying for you and your people. I cannot think, not even for a moment, that I will not be able to have My Feet upon this sacred soil of Brazil, because it is a promise that My Father made to Me on the Cross: that, after the times of Armageddon, in a simple and humble region of the planet, the Lord would return to the world.

Pray for the permanence of these spiritual bases. I also call on all My companions from other nations to join the prayer for Brazil, as it is time for you to understand and perceive that you are part of one universal family.

For this reason, My Consciousness is close these days, close to My companions, to those who have their hearts open, just as the Master was, such a long time ago, together with His apostles, sharing His Humanity, Fraternity and Love.

After this dark night that the world has lived and some parts of the world still continue to live, My Presence, through the consecration of new Adorers, will ignite the incandescent flame of peace so that it may remain in the world and not be extinguished, because if peace were missing in this world, everything would quickly precipitate.

This is the reason for the importance of preserving the prayer for Brazil, so that the Angel of this country may intercede before the Father, just as today My Heart intercedes for you, for you to be My testimonial of redemption and forgiveness.

Let the new adorers approach the foot of this altar, because it is My wish at this moment that My priests may bless you with water and incense, so that your souls may live this moment of consecration. Thus, I will also be able to bless you in Spirit, in Divinity, for this sacred and blessed task that you assumed such a long time ago, so that the planet may preserve not only its mental balance, but also the physical balance of the Earth. This must be the great key and the great cause of the adorers in these times, so that My Grace and My Mercy may continue to descend upon the world and souls.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, and before His Presence at this moment of inner consecration of these brothers and sisters, we will support the task that He will carry out for each one of them at this moment, through a song. We will sing “Consecration.”

 At this moment, we offer to Christ the elements for Him to bless them.

through these elements,
deposit Your Sacred Presence,
an expression of the infinity of Your 
Merciful and Eternal Love.

Through these elements,
deposit Your Grace and Your Mercy,
so that souls, through this blessing,
may feel as participants in Your Kingdom,
and may always renew themselves 
throughout time.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Song: “Consecration.”


I give thanks for those who adore My Eucharistic Heart. May It always be your strength and your renewal in the lessons of life, in the lessons of these times. May My Eucharistic Heart of Love always be a power of the Healing and Renewing Love.

Placing My Hands upon you, I consecrate you as Adorers of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.

May Peace be in you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

You may stand up.

Now, the new adorers will make an inner offering to Christ, at this moment, so that He may always impel them to follow this path of Adoration, to recognize His Name and Presence within themselves. Through the silence of your hearts, elevate the offering and before His Presence respond to His call.

We will elevate our inner offering through a simple prayer, at this moment of consecration.

Celestial Father,
who leads us all,
accept our offering of surrender to You.
Guide us on the path of Love,
so that Your Will may be done.


I thank you for responding to My summoning!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In the Inner Presence of Our Lord, we will prepare for the Sacrament of the Communion.

We remain attuned with His Merciful Heart, so that we may relive the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, through the Communion, which will be offered at the Altar.

We will sing the Names of God.


Song: “Sacred Names of God – Canon No. 1”

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After a long time, I once again sit under the Fig Tree, so that souls may approach Me and attain an elevation of consciousness, transcendence of suffering, so that souls may again attain peace, the peace that is lacking at this moment in a way that distances souls from the Path of God, moves hearts away from the Truth.

Come to Me and enter My Inner Temple, the Temple of My Heart, just as many more are within the Temple of My Heart to contemplate, in these times, the Divine Purpose, the Blazing Flame of the Source, which is never put out. It illuminates the inner worlds regardless of where they are to be found because it is an Immaterial Flame, it is a Divine Flame that your Master and Lord also contemplates so as to always follow the Will of God.

Therefore, enter the Inner Temple of My Heart, just as the other Masters of the Hierarchy do. And under this simple Temple, under this Light of the Fig Tree, receive wisdom and understanding for these times, so that the world may learn to make correct decisions, beneficial and fraternal decisions, decisions that may prevent consciousnesses from distancing themselves from the Law and the Truth.

This is why today I have brought you to this Sacred Place, the Inner Temple of My Heart, under the Fig Tree of Light, so that you may return to your origins, your roots. So that you may remember the Principles and Commandments of God, which are the sustenance of your spiritual and inner life, because these Principles and Commandments will always accompany you in your universal trajectory.

See the fruits of this Fig Tree of Light that expand throughout its branches into knowledge and surrender, which reminds souls within their inner worlds that beyond that which is material lies that which is immaterial.

This Sacred Inner Temple of My Heart is present in this Community, founded under the principles by which it was inspired. This great Community of service and brotherhood has awakened other cells throughout the whole world throughout time, bringing to many places of the planet inexplicable inner benefits, unknown Graces, unique opportunities for souls, through the foundation of Faith and Truth.

Therefore, today I bring to all of your inner worlds the Inner Temple of My Heart so that, together with the Master among Masters, you may contemplate, under this Fig Tree of Light, the Flame of Divine Purpose, which is eternal and inexhaustible. Because this is where you should direct your gazes, this is where you should direct your consciousnesses so that you may always be protected by the Divine Purpose and, thus, your souls may be an extension of this Purpose on Earth. Wherever you go or circulate, this Divine Purpose will touch the souls that need it.

Thus, I call upon all those of you who are gathered with Me at this very moment to imitate the Masters, preparing the next meeting of the Marathon of Divine Mercy. Because after so many Marathons of prayer, I assure you that this will not be just one more Marathon, for your consciousnesses have learned to deepen into the spirit of prayer, into an inexhaustible love for the Divine Word, into the manifestation of charity and the good.

Therefore, I tell you not to fear for those who do not understand this Work, because many will stay in what is superficial and will lose the Grace of deepening into this spiritual wealth of Figueira, the Fig Tree of Light, which was founded by the Hierarchy itself with love, devotion and reverence.

Therefore, keep this image of the Inner Temple of My Heart in your memory and minds, during this Conclave of the Masters, under the Sacred Fig Tree of Light.

Thus, I invite your hearts and consciousnesses to be reborn, after the last two years of organized darkness. I invite you to always seek the inner truth, that which is unknown and is alive within you, that spark of Light that comes from the Supreme Source, which illuminates you and blesses you so that you may continue on.

This is why your Master today re-ignites the Sacred Fig Tree of Light, bringing consciousnesses to the origins and principles of this Plan, but also offering souls the fruits of the Fig Tree of Light, fruits manifested through effort, sacrifice and surrender, the true intention of manifesting the Purpose on the surface of the Light-Communities and their extensions on this planet.

This Blazing Purpose, which comes from the Source of Creation, is the Purpose that must not die in you. In these crucial times of the planet, this Purpose must not disappear, neither from the surface of the Earth nor from the inner worlds.

When you are exhausted or tired, overwhelmed or disturbed, remember the Inner Temple of My Heart, embraced by the Sacred Fig Tree of Light, which expresses the fruits of instruction and service, not only for this planet or for this humanity, but also for the whole universe.

I wish many more could appreciate such a Grace, especially those who were permeated by that Grace and are not here today. God has given the simplest His most valuable inner treasures, which do not come from the Material Universe, but rather emerge from the deep Spiritual Universe, where souls can be nourished from the Light of God, from His Love and Unity.

Today, through My Presence, your Master and Lord summons and gathers the inner worlds at the foot of the Fig Tree of Light. This is done so that together we may invoke the power of the Peace, Mercy and Compassion that the planet so much needs, that this humanity and all nations so much need, imploring to God, through this unity between your hearts and Mine, between your hearts and the hearts of the Masters, that the true and sublime Spiritual Government may be made manifest on the surface of the Earth, so that those who claim they rule nations no longer generate suffering, but rather with understanding, wisdom, truth and transparency, they may become responsible for humanity itself.

But I tell you again, My companions, do not seek results and solutions in that which is material. The Truth lies within each one of your hearts. In them, you will be able to enter the Inner Temple of My Heart to find an answer. Remember that in the end of these times humanity must completely elevate itself so that, once and for all, it may abandon world illusion, injustice, impunity, slavery and even arrogance.

Therefore, I invite you all, on these days of prayer, to be at the foot of the Sacred Fig Tree of Light, so that not only the Father may bless you through His Fountain, but also so that the Purpose, which has been foreseen to be fulfilled and carried out may be concretized through the adherence of all hearts and inner worlds.

Therefore, this will be a very important Marathon, because it will depend on the offering of hearts that this Blazing Purpose of God may be fulfilled not only in Brazil, but also in all of humanity.

Thus, We invite those who love their inner worlds, those consciousnesses that are attuned with the Masters of the Light, to be united under the spirit of Mercy and Compassion, which the world needs so much, so that the Principles and Commandments may be lived by all consciousness and they may remember their origins, the experience of Love and Forgiveness that all must carry in spirit to the Universe.

May the Rays of Divine and Unfathomable Mercy fill and permeate this moment.

May souls feel embraced by the Love of God so that, in times of darkness, souls may walk the path of the Master toward an encounter with His inner temple, in the Temple of the Fig Tree of Light.

Let us pray.


may the advent of the new race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype. 
May the Word be alive 
and build Your temple.
That Your Mystery may expand within us
and the true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify the Perfect Unity.


I thank you for being here with Me, for wholeheartedly being at My Feet, close to the Inner Temple of My Heart, at the foot of the Fig Tree of Light, so that the world may be converted and redeemed, and peace may be attained throughout the Earth.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Through the prayer for peace in the nations I come to institute in humanity the New Covenant between humankind and God through this spiritual practice; I come to grant souls many more opportunities in their lives, so that more consciousnesses are able to be redeemed.

A great planetary network of light is being established between the inner worlds of all those who adhere to this practice. Difficult and chaotic situations in the end of these times are resolved, and the spiritual Hierarchy, through that impulse that souls give towards the Universe, can intercede in a great operation of planetary rescue.

Through that spiritual practice of prayer for peace in the nations, the faith and the conviction of hearts in the Spiritual Universe make the defeat of great involutive forces possible and consciousnesses that oppress great nations of the world, as well as all its populations and cultures.

This is the prelude of the preparation for My second Return to the world.

It will be through all the conscious beings, available for the Plan of God, that the most impure that exists in humanity and the planet will begin to be removed; thus, souls will also be purified, and without perceiving it, will transcend their fears, difficulties, and doubts, because they will have the supreme support of the Universal Hierarchy.

Each time this work is strengthened and is consciously taken up by each praying person and collaborator, the opportunities in humanity will expand even more, and even though you may not believe it, nor affirm it, this practice will have repercussions in several places in the world, in the most faraway places of humanity.

Thus, the Hierarchy has the support of all the servers of the Work. Because they always and forever will be the foundation for all of this to happen and they will allow more souls to draw closer to this powerful current of prayer, which goes beyond any religion or culture.

Because souls, in the end of these times, by joining the purpose of the rescue and the redemption of the nations, will allow the discovery, through the power of prayer, of many more attributes and their lives will change from night to day. They will no longer be forged by the forces of chaos, because their faith will be strengthened in Christ and by Christ, and they will be pointed out by the Greater Priest when He returns to the world for the second time.

But first, you must prepare yourselves in your inner world, in order to be able to know the real Aspect of your Lord, Who will come among the clouds announcing the return of the Kingdom of God.

And this will be heard as hundreds of trumpets and the being will hear within itself the call of the Word of God, that will sustain them in the end of times, and will draw to their consciousness what truly exists in the entire Greater Universe.

Therefore, companions, assume this commitment as something essential and indispensable. Thus, you will allow many things to take place in humanity and on the planet, and the energy of Divine Grace and the power of Divine Love may continue to convert the lost hearts, and they will reencounter their origin; they will not feel alone, but rather within the great spiritual family of the Hierarchy.

I invite you to go through these times by means of this practice of prayer for peace in the nations, because the unity among souls and hearts will create an invincible protection, which will first rise up from your consciousnesses, because it will have received the impulse from your higher spirits that will finally wake up to cosmic life.

The veils of consciousness will fall from your face, you will recognize your mistakes and will recognize your successes.

But the Law of Mercy, which will still be active for some time, will balance all the debts and all the undertakings, because the sincere unconditional service of your hearts will open the doors to redemption and the healing of your consciousnesses; you will awaken to your attributes and gifts, you will recognize your talents and lineages, and in that perfect union with the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy, you will no longer lose any more time in this humanity, because you will consciously go toward the same purpose and the same goal, knowing that help will come from the sublime Spheres of the Universe, and your hearts, your inner world, will unite in that perfect spiritual alliance with the Hierarchy.

The most difficult times have not yet come.  But in your hands, you have the power of prayer to be able to transform everything.

As humanity you are unforeseeable consciousnesses. You still have time to change the events of the planet. And even if the planet is greatly purified, the spirits on the Earth that may be united with the Hierarchy will not lose their faith, their trust will not be dissolved. They will experience fortitude through the impulses of the Holy Spirit.

And finally, companions, in that truth that you will live, as from the new cycle, you will be fulfilling your mission and your task in this humanity, and serving this planet in this school of redemption and of forgiveness.

You must be able to reflect what in essence you really are. For this reason, you must set aside the habits and customs of the human life so that the sublime energies of the Universes that the Hierarchy give impulse to, through their presence and their tools, may be able to completely transubstantiate and transfigure your consciousnesses, knowing that the matter will continue being matter; but human matter, especially your cells and atoms, will be able to be alight, once more.

If you seek inner transcendence, you will help to uplift the consciousness of lost humanity. The times of chaos, no matter how difficult, will be able to be transmuted and purified, because the purification of the planet and of the human consciousness will be up to everyone.

And like the great stars of the Universe, the Hierarchy will come to the Earth, in Their sublime Consciousness of Light, in order to once again reestablish the Project of God as it was in the beginning.

But you are still in a time for conquering duality and of being able to draw to Earth the attributes that humanity so needs for these times.

You are presently a humanity in transition and redemption, but know that you may count on the support of the Universal Consciousness of the One, of the All Powerful, of the Highest, of Adonai, Abba, and Emmanuel, in the way that you may identify and feel Him.

The Primordial Source will come to aid the human consciousness at the end of times and all will have the opportunity and the Grace of reencountering their true and deep being.

While I am here with you, I also speak to the inner worlds of all the souls on Earth, and My Divine Spirit embraces many consciousnesses.

In this moment, Divinity descends so as to be able to transform all beings, who sincerely and honestly open themselves to experience it.

Thus, the elements of nature also accompany Me on this day, because everything is a part of a sublime purification of the consciousness, until finally they are able to consecrate themselves.

May your souls receive this impulse of Christ as one of the last, and may you be able to receive from the Source what you truly need so that you may continue to grow within rather than on the outside.

Today I am not alone here. The Spiritual Hierarchy is contemplating this moment, one in which the inner worlds hold themselves ready to take a new step in consciousness in the face of the scenario of the end of times and the next events that will take place on the planet.

The whole Hierarchy evaluates this moment and the sensitivity of hearts before the Kingdom of God.

The Spiritual Hierarchy reflects and accompanies this moment at the request of God, knowing that this is not happening only here but also in the world, in all nations, and in all peoples, in those who have applied to experience the Plan.

My impulses will remove many things, but be sustained in the Divine Mercy of My Heart, because what I have thought of and designed for each one is perfect; you only have to open the door of your heart to Me so that Divine Energy may be able to enter and be a part of your spirits, of your essence, and of your souls.

Positioning your hands in the sign of receptivity, receive then this Grace, that today will not be comprehended or understood, but rather time will reveal it when the Designs of God are fulfilled: that you came to live as souls, as eternal servants on the surface of the Earth within this great universal brotherhood.

My Silence also draws souls towards Redemption and I heal an infinity of miserable souls that, after so much time, receive this opportunity, an unfathomable effect of Divine Mercy.

You can place your hands on your heart.

In this communion with infinite Life, that tries to regenerate the human life, the planetary consciousness, and all the Kingdoms of Nature, severely assaulted by humankind and today being healed by My Spirit, may a new offering to God be  born of your hearts, that in the silence of your inner temple you may proclaim for the Creator through the blessing and the consecration of all of these elements, that will not only transubstantiate Brazil once more, but also the world and many more who wait for this Grace.

All of this is generated by the Love of My Heart, that opens the doors to millions of miserable souls who are in need of the compassion of My Heart to survive, that they may be able to experience healing and forgiveness.

At this moment, companions, I have received into My Hands, from your inner worlds, your offering, that it may be contemplated by the Source of Creation and  be uplifted to Heaven by the impulse of transcendence of all the angels.

In this communion with Life, may human life be respected and above all, those who will be born be respected, so that the world become conscious someday that the life of each being is the greatest Project of Love of God.

Today, I pity the mothers who have aborted, the children who were never born, and the souls that were assaulted.

The Mercy of My Heart reaches all lives, also on the inner planes, so that these souls may have a new opportunity in this Universe and feel themselves to be loved, just as My Mother loves them in every moment and at each instant.

Thus, today I have come especially to ask the mothers of the world for a prayer for the unborn, so that the Father may pour out His Grace rather than His Justice, and so the mothers who have not understood what they carried in their womb may have the opportunity of loving and forgiving again, just as today I forgive them and absolve them, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

This prayer will be done twice a week: on Mondays, in honor of the Mysteries of Joy, for the birth and the rebirth of the inner Christ in all beings, especially in the mothers of the world who got rid of their children; and on Fridays, to remember the sacrifice and the pain of your Lord for this sin, so great in the world, that tries to spread throughout the nations as if it were a new method.

May the spiritual life be respected so that the material life may be loved. So be it.

Prayer of the Angel of Peace:

My God, I believe (x 3)

Just as My Energy transubstantiates your consciousnesses, may these elements that were placed at the foot of My Altar be transubstantiated for the benefit of the souls and the Light on the planet.

So be it.

Celestial Father, who leads us all ... ( x 3)

For the water that was spilled on the Cross, all those who today will take the sacrament, receive the energy of My Grace to that this Grace may expand in humanity and souls feel drawn to My Heart. So be it.

How many Graces are poured out today by My Spirit upon all those who need it, so that they may truly find the joy of living in God!

Bless these elements, Father, so they may be of assistance for all souls and hearts to be able to rise in spirit to Your Kingdom. Amen.

With the same power of Love that was anointed by the women of Jerusalem in the Sacred Sepulcher, today may the children of God be anointed, that they find the path of the purpose and of eternal life, Amen.

Friar Elías:

Let us stand.

Today the angels of the Universe especially remember the Passion and Death of Your Lord.

At this moment and through all of these elements, the bread and the wine, may the great mystery of this Love that gave life to all human beings on Earth be constituted once more.

At that time, I took the bread and knowing the great pain that I would suffer for the world, I offered the All Mighty this sacrifice and He, in His Triune name, blessed it. 

I gave it to My Apostles, saying "this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the atonement of all mistakes."

In the same way, I took the chalice and knowing the suffering, the flagellation, the calvary, and the Cross, through the Blood that I would shed, I offered this sacrifice to God, and He blessed it in His Triune Consciousness.

And I said to my apostles, as well as to many others present:  "All take and drink of It, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, of the new covenant between souls and God until the end of times."

In the name of the Most Holy Trinity these elements may be constituted and transubstantiated in the name of the Lord, into the Body and the Blood of Christ.

Our Father...

And with the Breath of My Spirit, I leave many opportunities on Earth for souls, leaving them My Heart as a living witness of My Love, which comes from the Heart of God.

May those who will receive the sacrament and avail themselves of the Body and the Blood of Christ be blessed!

Today, once more, I leave you My Peace, and My Peace I give you, so that you may be peace on Earth and in all the nations of the world.

May the Celestial Universe and the infinite power of Love, represented in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless you and fill you!

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the good, of charity and of compassion, you will fraternally give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you for having accompanied me in these days, because it has been very important to Me.

I thank you!

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Today I was called by the sweet voice of your hearts; that is what truly drew Me here to be close to your spirits, to be able to engrave in your consciousnesses My Impulses of Light.

Through this scenario, we can understand and feel how much beauty God manifested for us.

The human being only needs to love in order to open the door to the Will of God, and through the steps taken in life, learn to live it.

I wanted so much to be here in Brazil! I counted each day to be able to be here with you. Because you know that I love you and I understand you and I hope for the best for your lives, what you really came to do here as consciousnesses, what you really came to fulfill and to manifest through the Gifts of God.

That which is so sacred and sublime, which is found in the inner world of each being, is what I have come to rescue from the human consciousness, especially from Brazil.

Because that inner and spiritual force of each human heart is what allows Me to be here, just like the other Spiritual Hierarchies, which come with the Silence of God, in complete neutrality, in order to aid the planet and humanity.

The human being of this time, within the end of these times, must establish in itself what it is, what God deposited in its essences since the beginning. That is what will cause the Earth to be repopulated with new attributes.

Good works, cooperation, the good, and the love of all beings is what will repopulate the Earth with new codes and principles.

Because while the world suffers and a large part of humanity is in agony, you have the Grace, companions, of having Me close as Consciousness and Spirit, as Soul and Divinity, that comes to the world in the name of God to awaken the human consciousness to its true reality, which until now it has never seen.

And through your prayers and your love, I have the permission of your souls and inner worlds to be able to help the planet, and the energy of Divine Mercy is able to reach places very unknown to you, where souls are thirsty for My Light and fervently plead for My Redeeming Love.

I come from the Universe, bringing the Consciousness of the Eternal Father so that humanity may become rescuable and does not miss the opportunity of growing inwardly, knowing that the values of faith and the principles of prayer will be what will transform the Earth and make of souls true Temples of God.

While I am here with you, I not only contemplate Brazil, but also the whole world, and I listen to the pleas of My servers and companions, calling them and elevating them through the Consciousness of God; because when I hear the prayer of My companions, I go to their aid.

When the prayer is fervent, it transforms many situations on the Earth, unimaginable things within and outside of the consciousness of beings, because the power of prayer is still unknown. For this reason, do not stop immersing yourselves in this school, because in this way, you will become rescuable beings and instruments at the service of God, collaborators in the maximum work of My Heart.

Today I have also come here to give you My blessing through the Sacraments. Because each time this spiritual practice is renewed, the greater the opportunities of redemption, of conversion, and awakening of the consciousnesses, and a Grace draws close to your lives to transform everything into something sacred, just as the Father needs it.

Today I want you to live this legacy as if for the first time, knowing that through it, you will be able to be renewed, healed, redeemed of your spiritual and inner ills, and as a result, you will heal humanity through the sacred offertory of your prayers and lives to the Kingdom of God.

Let these spiritual treasures be revived today by everyone.

May lives be restored through the Foot-washing,  may history be erased so that the power of the spirit of each being be reborn, and that through the Communion with My Body and with My Blood, the codes of My perfection may enter again into your essences and the temple of your souls, for this will allow you to understand many more things of the Spiritual Universe, of the Sacred Will of God for these defining times. From here is radiated the great Mirror of My Heart for the world.

The oceans do not only cry out for healing, but they also radiate their sacred energies to transform and sublimate the human consciousness.

The Elements unite with this divine conjuncture of the entry of the Spiritual Universe to the Material Universe so that many more souls may be assisted, as well as everything that lives within this planet and that is greatly suffering.

Through the Sacraments, I come to restore your lives and give you the possibility of finding the true love, which will bring Redemption to the world.

So uplift your hearts before My Celestial Church and may your souls, in a deep silence, proclaim the offertory to the Celestial Father, so that more situations may be redeemed and restored, and especially, may Brazil not lose peace. Because the devotion that this people has before the Celestial Universe is what allows peace throughout the times and the generations, and thus, your spirits are also carriers of My Peace.

Today this peace is radiated to the world from the great Mirror of these oceans so that the angelic consciousness may descend, transfigure, and transform what has been corrupted; so that in the transformation of matter and of the spirit, the human consciousness may unify in God and thus, the Divine Grace may descend, which will always bring you gladness and the joy of living in the Celestial Father.

So let us begin, companions, with this consecration so that your lives may also be consecrated to My Sacred Heart, so that an extremely powerful Mercy, like an infinite tributary of Grace, of Compassion, and of Pity, may descend in this moment over Brazil and the world, so that peace, prosperity, and justice for this people may continue to be strengthened.

I have not lost hope of Brazil being the Eden of the New Humanity and that you will be part of this new Eden, which is not something physical, but profoundly inner and immaterial that can be reflected in a spiritual way upon everything created within the material Universe.

Brazil is the cradle of this future emergence. You are a transition so that this can take place.

God wants to establish Genesis here again, as it was in the beginning, so that everything that has been lived throughout the times and the eras may be erased, and the human being, in a profound rehabilitation, may again take the place that it lost after so many errors and deviations.

That is the work of the infinite Mercy of God and it is possible for these times. But first, companions, this will begin within you, in coexistence  with your families and loved ones, in the days of work and labor and in the important moments of prayer. 

Draw to the world the Attributes of the Universe, because humanity is sinking in a great abyss, and during the most difficult moment is when I will return. You should no longer hear My words, but rather feel and see My Presence; it will come from the Glory of the Celestial Father, from the Universe announcing the new time, the resurgence and the advent of hope.

May your faith be sustained by My Love and may your love be sustained by My Spirit, so that you may always be connected with Me in that perfect inner attunement with the Greater Universe.

Let us begin the ceremony.

We stand up.

Father of infinite life, Divine Breath of Spirit, Creator of all that exists in what is visible and invisible, through My Plea, the Plea of Your Divine Son, pour out all Your possible Graces, so that souls may be restored by the balm of Your Love and for Brazil to be constituted as the Promised Land. So be it.

With this water, Lord, bless all those who plead for You, through Your Grace and Your Mercy; that those who cry be consoled, those who suffer be relieved, the ill be healed, and the pain be erased, and may Your Divine Love and infinite Joy return to those who believe in You, so that Your Peace may be established for ever and ever. Amen.

Lord, You who are Life and Mercy, Who vivifies everything You touch and in Your Love re-ignites all who plead to You and also hear You; deposit Your Gifts in these elements so that souls be washed by Your Spirit and souls be healed by the sublime joy of Your infinite Love. So be it.

Wash the feet of the past, activate Your disciples, Lord, so that they may walk in faith and in love, they fulfill , Father, Your Divine Project in the four corners of the Earth. Amen.

And more than two thousand years ago, I left you an indelible spiritual legacy that reverberates throughout time and the generations. It is the great mystery of My Love for humanity through the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

I remind you that at that time I took the bread, gave thanks to God for this Sacrifice, and told My apostles: "Take and all eat of it, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in Remembrance of Me until the end of times."

And upon this bread I leave not only the transubstantiation of My Eucharistic Body, faithfully adored by all the adorers on the Earth, but also I leave My cellular Christic Code, that which achieved perfection in the Passion and the Death.

In the same way, I took the Chalice that the holy women had specially prepared for Me, and God blessed It. I gave thanks for that Sacrifice and said to My apostles: "Take and all drink from It, for this is My Blood of the new covenant between beings and God; Blood that will be preciously spilled by humankind, for the forgiveness of all errors. Do this also in Remembrance of Me until I return in the end of times to give you My living Word."

I transubstantiate this element into My precious Blood in the presence of the Celestial Choirs and in offering to the Celestial Father for the sincerity of all the souls present and united with Me in this moment, for the Redemption of humanity, the conversion of hearts, and the renewal of life. So be it.

In gladness and joy, companions, avail yourselves of these sacred elements that manifest the Sacrifice of the Son of God for humanity and the inextinguishable opportunity for each one of you to learn to love more each day, just as I love you for all eternity.

Sacred Unity of God,
unify our lives,
unify our being,
unify us in profound fraternity.
Amen. (x3)

May the Unity, Love, and Peace that come from the eternal Heart of the Celestial Father be in your hearts, in all of Brazil, and humanity, so that the new Christs may emerge that will repopulate the Earth with the infinite Codes of My Love.

As I said to My apostles, today I say to you: "I give you My Peace so that you may live My Peace and take peace to all the corners of the Earth."

In remembrance of My spiritual Legacy, for the Sacrifice, Passion, and Death of Our Lord, I fraternally ask you to give each other the greeting of peace so that Peace may be in Brazil.

I thank you for having been with Me today.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We give each other the greeting of peace.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
