To My beloved Africa

Dear children,

Today we will dedicate this work of prayer for the innocent and poorest souls of Africa so that, after each one of them has gone through the learning of misery, of suffering and of pain, it may receive the grace of being before the celestial glory.

Now, with My first and initial monastery of consecrated nuns in Angola, the entire Work is called by the Mother of God to collaborate in some way toward this mission of charity and of service that has just begun.

Just as My beloved Son asked Mother Teresa of Calcutta to serve and be among the poorest of the poor, today I, as the Lady of the Poor and of the Holy Innocent, ask each child of Mine who listens to Me, to be in Africa with the poorest among the poorest, especially with the most innocent, with My little children, with the orphan children and those abandoned by their own families.

I wish that the entire Work, just as all those who are awakening through it, may have in their prayers My beloved Africa so that the celestial goods that will convert into help and humanitarian service can descend from Heaven to be offered in Africa.

With all of this request, My children, the ardent wish of your Heavenly Mother is to bring love to those who do not have it and relief to those who suffer.

This is the time when injustice and inequality afflict the most innocent and poor, those who have nothing. But also, My children, this is the time of miracles, miracles that your own lives can accomplish through your donation, your support and your service to My little children of Africa.

This Work, blessed by the Celestial Father, has the mission of bringing love in order to heal the pain of the world, not only with an expression of tenderness for the one who has never received it, but also through a gesture of service and love to those poorest among the poor.

Africa was and is a continent outraged and exploited by the great nations, but in a short time this will end and those who took everything, and left poverty and misery for the most innocent, will have accounts to settle with Me and with My Son on the day appointed for the Universal Judgment; because, as My Son has said, there will be no stone upon stone in those who built their power on the surface of the Earth. Everyone will live its moment of evaluation and of judgment.

Dear children, I also ask you to include in your prayers the Kingdoms of Nature of Africa, so that, although they are extinguished and commercialized, the group consciousness of each Kingdom may receive today love and forgiveness from the prayer beings.

Africa is the beginning of a greater Work that will place each one of the servers before the opportunity of taking the great step toward  the forgetting of self, without conditions, in service and in love for others.

Remember that Africa waits for love, help and redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

While your Heavenly Mother is still in vigil and prayer over the city of São Paulo, I wanted to tell you that the inner and intense work that My beloved Son performed within you, was very profound and transforming.

Furthermore, your Holy Mother waits patiently for some souls of this nation to become aware and to feel pity for the Lady of Heaven, opening their pockets and helping like good guardians so that the mission to Central America may be carried out.

My intention is not to take anything from you, but rather to have you become aware of planetary fellowship, for the common good of all of humanity and all nations.

Here in the city of São Paulo, there are souls that could, from time to time, impel and concretize all the divine projects of your Heavenly Mother.

Thus, on this Saturday, I bring you this revelation so that the majority truly know that everything belongs to the Creator and His Creation.

For this reason, My children, My aspiration as a Mother is that Brazil, as well as other nations of the Americas, may be able to stand in solidarity and unite, to seek beyond everything, the harmony and Mercy that all the peoples of the world need.

On this day, I come to awaken you to a faithful brotherhood, chastity in material things and austerity in spiritual assets.

I come to teach you to share, just like the Sacred Family shared everything it had.

I invite each Brazilian to weave My Mantle of Light in the world through charity and sharing; thus, you will make the planet a place of equality rather than of imbalance and great poverty.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

