Walking toward Bethlehem is moving toward a meeting with the unknown, empty of expectations and completely certain that the Plan of God and His promises are being accomplished.
Walking toward Bethlehem is following the Will of the Father, manifested in the events of your lives, with peace and gratitude, in the certainty that everything is fulfilled according to celestial designs.
Even though the path is long and tiring, even though the inns have their doors closed, and humiliation is the chalice that God has given you to drink, continue to walk and trust.
Walking to Bethlehem is gradually setting aside your dreams, aspirations and desires; setting aside your plans and thoughts about how the Plan of God is to be accomplished, because the Creator will always surprise you.
Walking to Bethlehem is gradually allowing yourself to be transformed and polished by the path so that, when arriving at that humble manger, you finally understand the Will of the Creator and give thanks for His Wisdom.
Walking to Bethlehem is being able to welcome within yourself the difficulties and tests, and even after so many humiliations, being ready to forgive, just like the One Who is being gestated within you, and will come to forgive all things.
Walking to Bethlehem is being able to say 'yes' to God and persevere, even when humankind says 'no' to you.
Walking to Bethlehem is giving permission for a new life to emerge and not being afraid of all the corrections and transformations that this new human will cause within you and in the history of the Earth.
Reaching Bethlehem is giving birth to the first step of a new cycle. It is there, in Bethlehem, where you will understand the Divine Will for this planet, for you will find humility, simplicity, unity among the peoples, cultures, religions and hearts, and, above all, the love that renews all things.
Allow yourselves to be guided toward Bethlehem, and there, everything will begin to be accomplished. This path is held within you. You have My blessing for finding it.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May each day of your lives bring you new opportunities for experiencing peace.
May each test bring with the gift of overcoming, and the blessing of transcendence.
As humanity, you are walking towards Bethlehem, having to experience efforts, sacrifices, the overcoming of limits and trusting in the protection of God. You are faced with the mystery of the New Humanity, which you know to be a reality, for it is already being gestated and at the point of being born within the womb of Divine Creation, which expresses within all creatures. However, you do not know what that New Humanity will bring to the world, how it will grow, how it will develop or how it will fulfill its mission.
You are on the road to Bethlehem, looking for the cradle of humility so that God may return alive to His Creation. As human consciousnesses, you always want the best for God and for His Plan, but the Creator will surprise you, bringing His Son into that which is simple, small, poor of self, humble. Christ will be reborn in the hearts of those who do not fear giving the kingdom of their own inner self so that a Universal Sovereign King may establish His Reign. He will come to dwell within the hearts of those who do not fear being defeated and that, out of love, become eternal servants of that beloved King of the Stars.
You are on the road to Bethlehem: you are no longer what you were as a race or as a human consciousness, because God has already begun to descend towards the earthly spheres. However, you are still before the mystery, that for you is the rebirth of Christ, of the multiplication of His existence, which will be renewed in the hearts and in the flesh of many.
I come to the world as a guardian of this divine principles, which is the Christ within you, because I have already walked towards Bethlehem, I have already experienced the anguish of not knowing what the world would become after the birth of Christ, and the fear of not being worthy to hold such a King, hidden in such a small creature; the fear of not being a good guardian for the Child God and of not managing to let Him grow and manifest as the Lord expected.
But that fear was defeated by Faith and by the Love emanated by Christ, Who even though being so small and fragile, He never hid His Glory and His Filiation with God. The fear vanished when I perceived that God is the real operator of His Will, and it is enough to flow in it for His Plan to be accomplished.
I tell you all of this because you are on the road to Bethlehem, faced with a great event, marked by difficult tests and severe lessons, which lose their severity in the greatness of the return of Christ.
After some time, those hearts that have opened will begin to understand what the Will of God is, on Its own; that He not only "commands" but He also sends the means and fosters the fulfillment of His Works. It is only necessary to trust and let the Lord make of your lives simple instruments for the concretization of His Plan, which is already a truth and a reality that needs to manifest.
Do not stop walking towards Bethlehem and, now that you already know where God wants to be born, do not seek comfort, luxury, nor the refinement of good dwellings, according to human concepts; follow the path that leads you towards simplicity, peace and true humility, for it is there that God will manifest His Glory.
Praise be the Lord, Who returns to the hearts of humankind, to one day return, not just in Spirit and Divinity, but also in perfect likeness to His creatures, in sanctified and resplendent flesh and humanity, showing humankind the path of their evolution.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, who prepares for the birth, the rebirth and the return of Christ, Our Savior.
Sister Lucía de Jesús: When Saint Joseph appeared, He was showing us how the majority of people in the world were preparing for the Christmas festivities just for pleasure and for the material celebration of this day. He told us that for God, it is very important that aware human beings prepare for Christmas from a spiritual point of view and open the way with singing for the coming of the Spirit of Christ to the hearts of the world.
Saint Joseph dedicated this message to the meeting of Music for the Healing and Elevation of Humanity(1), because today He wanted to disseminate a different way of life for everyone, a quest for higher life through the singing done in the Light-Communities, so that the brothers and sisters who are at home looking for a light to follow the Path are able to be inspired by this moment of singing.
He said:
On the day before the celebration of the greatest universal event, when God became man and decided to live among His creatures so that He Himself could be the example of how to concretize His Supreme Will, I will ask you to rejoice your hearts and that you announce to the world the Grace of experiencing the full consecration of your soul to the Heart of God.
This evening, while you sing, fill your hearts with humility, the same humility God had on being born in a poor manger in Bethlehem. It is the humility experienced by the human heart that prepares the path for a Greater Light to make your hearts Its dwelling place.
Not only on this day, but on all the days of your lives, allow peace and joy to prevail; let it be a true joy, that transcends that which you know as happiness, because humanity is very confused and has already lost the sense of seeking an inner joy and only tries to complete its existence with pleasure and comfort; in this way, it experiences permanent dissatisfaction, because what comes from God is only completed in Him.
Demonstrate to the world that it is possible to find true joy, a joy that comes from the union with the Father and the Grace that it is to live for Him.
With actions, prayers, and songs, fill the emptiness in which the human heart is to be found.
Through the word, bring spiritual meaning to life on Earth and allow the light that emanates from your hearts, when they are devoted and simple, joyful and whole, to illuminate the eyes of those who are blind and walk in darkness, looking for a way out of the gloom of their lives.
I bless you and with joy I tell you I will sing at your side to alleviate the world and the wounded Heart of the Most High God.
Your friend and companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
1. Program created at the request of the Virgin Mary, transmitted by Misericordia María TV on the 23rd of each month.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more