In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I ardently waited for this moment, because, in spite of staying in the world, contemplating souls and their needs, contemplating hearts and their supplications, this moment is also a gift for Me.
In a world that agonizes, the Creator makes His Light descend. Among the simplest souls, the Creator manifests His Presence and, amidst the chaos of the end of times, while the cry of the innocent echoes, God manifests Himself among human beings to demonstrate, children, that His Grace is abundant, unfathomable, infinite.
He just needs hearts to say yes, that they learn to listen to His Holy Spirit in order to be at the right place and to do their own part, collaborate with the Hierarchy, as it was said to you when you were preparing your souls for what you experience today.
Today I open My arms and humbly expand the Light that is in My Heart upon the world, so that those agonizing may feel relief, so that those who live in chaos may rediscover peace.
Many fear the Apocalypse, the manifestation of what was written, but you must contemplate the entirety of the promise. There will be suffering, but there will be peace, and, in the hearts of those who believe and have faith, miracles will happen, as it has been throughout the centuries, throughout times, when pain has been dissipated by the deep love of hearts. Trust that this is possible, and so it will be.
Know how to make of pain the manifestation of God’s Love. Just as the Son transforms miseries into Mercy, making Blood and Water spring from His Heart, so you, children, are potential transformers of the miseries of the world into Divine Mercy, because you were created to renew love and, although this may seem a great utopia in the eyes of humankind, in these times, this truth will be more and more manifested within those who have faith.
But each heart must choose where they will be, which boat they will get on, the one where the Lord rests or the one that is empty. Empty of God, empty of Grace, empty of strength. Filled with the world, filled with human miseries, filled with the old and new capital energies, which make the hearts of humankind shipwreck.
All boats will be launched into the sea. The storm will come for all, but there will be peace where the Lord rests, in spite of the winds, the waves, the storms, there will be peace.
The end of times announces a moment of triumph, the triumph of the Heart of God in those who will persevere, and, it does not matter that they are few, they will generate merits, not only for the human race but also for the races that they do not know, consciousnesses that have committed ancient errors, unknown to the world, but deeply lived in the human consciousness, which even to this day suffers their consequences.
Many ask themselves, “If the end of times has been announced for so many years, prophesied for two thousand years, where is this end? When will it come?”
Children, you must decide to reach this end today, the end of the human condition, of the captivity of this world, the end of childishness, the end of mediocrities, the end of small sins, the small permissions that you give to your hearts to not fulfill the Will of God. You must decide to reach the end today, the end of leaving for later the fulfillment of Divine Will, the end of leaving for later the profound Wills of the Father's Heart as the priority of your lives.
So you ask yourselves what is this Will. If you seek it, you will understand, because, since the Ascension of Christ, His Holy Spirit has been speaking into your hearts.
Who will be willing to listen to Him? Who has silenced their mouths, their minds and their hearts in order to listen to this Spirit?
Many sing, “Come, Holy Spirit! But what will It do when It manifests Itself? What will you do within Its Presence?
The end of times has come. The eyes that cannot see it should open a little more in order to come out of ignorance, of the new capital energy, selfishness, and, its companion, indifference.
Contemplate the world, contemplate those around you. Take time to often contemplate the agony of your own souls, and you will know that the end of times has come.
When will this end come within you? This is a decision of each being.
However, there is an end that can be at any moment. An end that you will not decide yourselves: the end of opportunities, the end of the time of repentance.
Therefore, children, repent now, cry out now, listen now, live now.
If it is not worthwhile to do it for yourselves, do it for the world, for the souls that agonize, for the outraged Kingdoms, for those who have lost faith and do not have the strength to recover it.
If you do not believe in yourselves, believe in Me, because I know that it is possible to transform the world with small actions, to transform souls with small actions, and, that by sowing love among you, within you, this love is sown in the world.
The songs and praises please the Heart of the Father, but it is no longer enough to sing: you need to live it.
In moments like this, the Divine Truth descends to Earth, and the souls that are open can understand this Truth, they can know it, because the Holy Spirit listens through their ears, It opens their hearts, It expands their consciousnesses so that they can understand what they would not be able to understand otherwise.
But, at this moment, cement in your hearts the Graces that descend so that you do not forget when I make the sign of the cross and you leave here.
The greater the chaos in the world, the greater the faith of humanity must be. Do not let yourselves be shaken by what happens on the planet, but transform this into strength, into a spiritual life consolidated by a mature heart, which knows how to balance the events of the world. Do not let yourselves be shaken by the definitions of those you have by your side, because it will be up to each one of you to respond before God for all the Graces received.
But pray for those who give up and for those who weaken, pray for those who become lost, even when they believe that this is not happening. The world embraces those who are weak, closes their eyes, buries their hearts. How will they be able to know the right path? Therefore, pray for them and strengthen their hearts, strengthen their spirits.
Allow higher life to become more and more palpable each day. Open yourselves to discover mysteries, to permeate the unknown within your own hearts, to live potentials that had been hidden, to be that which God calls a human being, that which He created in His image and likeness with deep Love, to renew His Creation and bring it closer to His Divine Source.
I would like to be with you for longer: through My Words, lead you to the depths of your beings, to tell you: “Do not fear, but be strong in God; do not fear, but be true in Christ.”
But I need to return, to keep embracing the world, to keep guiding those who are lost, illuminating those who are in darkness, responding to the small and great requests of those who believe in Me, because when I do these things, I strengthen their faith.
Do not fear to ask. Rejoice when it is concretized, but do not stay there. Strengthen your faith.
This is all I wanted to tell you today. But be attentive, because I may return when God allows Me, when you open the doors to Me, I will be here.
Let us now celebrate the Eucharist, as this second impulse of My Chaste Heart, so that Christ, the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph can cause the bread and the wine to be permeated with the strength that you will need in order to live your definition in the coming days.
I leave you My blessing and My Peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I come for a world that is divided because one part wants to follow God and the other wants to follow the god of illusion.
I come for those who have persevered in Christ. It is My Son who sends Me to Earth, on this day, to awaken consciousnesses and have hearts feel the Love of God.
I come as the Mother of Justice, a Heavenly and Divine Justice, of a Law that today humanity does not know, and that has many times altered because of different circumstances.
But despite this Law, today I reach the deepest abysses of the Earth, where souls are lost in the illusion and the celebration of the end of the year.
The reason for the change of times and cycles is not this. Thus, My children, you who have more awareness and discernment must pray more and offer yourselves more, in order to compensate for what the rest of humanity mistakenly does.
After more than two thousand years since the birth of Christ, humanity has made absolutely no progress. Only small spiritual groups that follow the Law of the Hierarchy have, that with much effort and much heart, have managed to manifest Divine Will upon the surface of the Earth.
But many more consciousnesses are still needed so that you may continue to manifest the Will of God.
To live the Will of God is to live in full and divine happiness, it is to joyfully live the gift of the Fear of God and in daily life carry out the fulfillment of all His requests, no matter how small or big they may seem.
It is at this planetary moment, in which the last and acute transition of humanity will begin, as from the year 2020 onward, when hearts will perceive a surprising reality, because it will come without warning anyone.
And that reality, which is a planetary reality, will place the entire human race before the Law of God, and everything will begin to happen, especially when My Words no longer resonate in this place or in any other place in the world.
It will be at that time and in that hour, dear children, that My messages and instructions must resound in the depths of your consciousnesses, re-experience My messages and apply them in daily life, even if you try, every day, and do not manage to succeed.
I have pity for those who abandon the ship of Christ at this time, and who have not understood, in absolutely any point in their consciousness, what it means to represent My Son on Earth.
My Son has not allowed Me to intercede for them, but I will continue to pray like a good Mother and intercessor, for My Heart will always be placed before My most lost children, so that they may be saved.
Even if this salvation is not immediate, even if the salvation is for the next cycle or the next race, your Heavenly Mother will not give up and the prayers of Her good children, those devoted children, of all the faithful who respond to Her divine and maternal call, will be the fruits I will carry toward the Father so as to intercede for My lost children and also for the impossible causes that the human being is beginning to face at this planetary time.
And so, dear children, today I am opening the Mantle, the Mantle of the Heavenly Mother, so that you not only enter the new time, the end of time, but also accept experiencing the great planetary need that millions of souls have in this world and who are not able to find the light nor see it in the Heart of God.
That is why I am again renewing My offer, not only for each one of My children, for those who respond and for those who do not respond, but I am renewing My offer in this eternal service of the Faithful Slave of God for this humanity and for this planet so that My children who will be in the events of the end of times and who will see incredible things may have the strength to endure that which will come and that which will be present before their eyes.
I would like to bring you divine reality tonight. Today I bring you the inner reality, the transparency of this time, the truth of what is happening because the doors of the Universe are closing.
As Divine Justice begins to descend, I invite you to be in the balance of that Justice, through your thoughts, your feelings, your actions and your words, so that the Law does not fall upon you, but that you continue to be worthy of the Divine Mercy of My Son.
Because when the Law of Justice descends, it will not forgive anything, for it is part of the end of times and of the choice the race of this planet has made.
But My hope, My aspiration and My faith are in those who continue to move forward and who, even in the imperfection, in the intolerance of these times or in the transformation of their lives, do not cease to respond to the Mother of God, knowing that these last impulses and apparitions are definitive; in which your Heavenly Mother not only stretches out Her hands to you, but also covers you with Her Divine Mantle so that you dare to continue taking steps toward Christ, in this transition, in which some will find themselves very much alone in doing all that will be necessary in this time.
Thus, I invite you to assume your tasks with maturity and responsibility as you enter this new year. May you be able to leave behind for good the conflicts, the judgments and the separation that may exist among the flocks of Christ, for He needs you united, always and forever; and when He returns to Earth, He will thus be able to find a safe and real, although poor and simple, place to dwell in the hearts of the men and the women of Earth, to be able to return completely without finding impediments nor borders so that He can come with all His Consciousness rather than periodically.
May the Law of Justice allow, through the intervention of the Law of Divine Mercy, the salvation of the most lost, forgotten and distracted beings of this humanity.
This is why I will go on, I will take advantage of these last times, these last apparitions, in which God has authorized Me to do what is possible and the impossible, so that consciousnesses not be lost, and above all those who were with Christ and now are not, do not lose their souls forever in the fire of illusion, in the fire of damnation and the hell of this planetary consciousness.
For I must justify, one by one, the treasures of My Son in the presence of the Celestial Father. Those treasures cannot be lost nor wasted because they are great inner relics that My Son has placed in your hearts and souls, relics that come from the non-material Universe and which will allow you to do what God needs in the cycle that will come during this acute time on Earth.
It is time to become aware, My children. It is what My Son has asked of Me, it is what He has begged of Me, that you be responsible, that you take on with greater breadth and knowledge what it means to work for the Mother of God and fulfill the promises of Christ on Earth. Because the Law of Justice will not stop when you cry, when you complain or make a request, because the time will have ended.
This is the truth that I want to bring to the world today. For this reason, so that hearts may generate more merits in the short time that remains, you must not only love yourselves, forgive yourselves and be reconciled with God, and free yourselves from the ties and chains of life, but you must love each other more and more with a greater love, with this love that I bring to you from Heaven, so that your consciousnesses may grow in charity and in goodness, so that pride, indifference and omission may be dissolved in your beings forever.
The upcoming times that will arrive will be very important. The next pilgrimages that will take place, official or not, will also be important, because within everything the Hierarchy will be working more extensively than it has ever done before, and will use all the time possible and all Its consciousness to reach the goals that are lacking and carry out the projects that are lacking in this cycle, which is very short, where there is very little time.
Every time you come to Me to consecrate new children who want to enter My Heart, even if they are already, keep in mind the commitment you are assuming, which is a spiritual, soul and inner commitment to God Himself, beyond your Heavenly Mother Who loves you, cares for you and protects you so that you may always learn to walk in Christ.
That should be the consciousness of all the Children of Mary, this consciousness of responsibility, of commitment and of faithfulness, beyond your Heavenly Mother, with the non-material Fount of God Itself that emits His last impulses of Grace, of Mercy and of redemption for souls.
With this awareness, I today call forward those who will be consecrated so that at the feet of your Heavenly Mother, in the same way that your Heavenly Mother is at the Feet of your Celestial Father, you will make your sincere and true offering so that this commitment may be fulfilled and be manifested in this crucial time.
Listening to the hymn of your consecration, we will prepare this moment of blessing and of grace, in which the light of your souls may emerge and reflect the flower of your hearts, and thus make the offering so deserved and so awaited by God.
May this surrender that you will offer today be a surrender for humanity and the planet, for those who are lost. This will be the main reason for your consecration, to pray for those who are lost, for the non-believers, for the atheists, for those who do not experience nor seek divine spiritual life.
In your prayers, place all those children of Mine, so that God may contemplate them someday, and so that more and more souls on this planet may be saved through your prayers and offerings, services and sacrifices, unconditional and loving surrender, and be considered in the next project of the new humanity.
For the new year to come, it will be the inner Christ of each being that must rule and direct your lives so that your souls, which have suffered the consequences of other times, may also achieve the healing you hope for and a reconciliation with God. Do not fear Justice, fear not seeking Divine Mercy.
May the impulse of devotion, prayer and love for God always flow from your hearts, souls and spirits, so that more consciousnesses, peoples, cultures and nations may be healed by the infinite Mercy of God.
And that in this way, with the offering of all the Children of Mary, the door of Graces, of the Mercies of the Mother of God, may be kept open. Amen.
To the children who will be consecrated, place your hands in the sign of reception and from your Heavenly Mother receive the blessing of the Divine Light so that you may be healed and cured inwardly and thus renew your lives in the infinite Mercy of God.
Now, place your hands on your heart and say to me:
"Mother, I accept You, I recognize You, I love You and I live You so that through You and through me, the Holy Will of God may be fulfilled.
May the powerful Light of the Kingdom of the Heavens govern my soul.
May the powerful Light of the Kingdom of the Heavens give me the impulse to serve.
May the powerful Light of the Kingdom of the Heavens open the paths of my life so that, in the time to come, I may recognize the Return of Christ.
So be it.
And today I will give you all these blessed roses, as I have given to many of My children who in faith, in simplicity and in love, have responded to God.
May this flower that I give you today be the symbol of the love and the beauty of the Mother of God for your hearts and so that you may always remember that I will always be here, even if someday I stop coming.
And now, the children of Mary who were consecrated will receive the flower of the Mother of God.
And to merge, concretize and carry out this offering of your souls to the Celestial Mother, we will listen to the Hail Mary of Gomez, affirming and confirming our inner consecration.
From Heaven and from the splendor of the whole Universe, I bless the souls of the world, all those who are gathered together as a family, strengthening the unity of the project of God, in your homes and in the communities, so that what God so much expects may be fulfilled.
May this blessing renew you and give you the impulse to face the coming year with courage and bravery, knowing that My hand will always be stretched out to tightly take hold of you and lead you to Jesus.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for responding to My call and remember to pray for the lost souls.
I thank you.
If you do not pray, the old boat will be shipwrecked at sea and nobody will be able to save it nor everything that it holds within.
The old boat always supported itself through a dogma of faith that has not been worthy; for this reason, its old structures will be shaken, just as a storm passes through and cleans a place.
But who will help in supporting the old boat? Those who inhabit it? No, do not expect anything from them.
The triumph of Love will be that which will save it and will not allow the old and sturdy boat to be lost on the high seas.
That is why, I come as the Fisherman of hearts so that from those least thought of, from those who would have had no value, may spring forth the inexhaustible source of this Love which will save the spiritual matrix of the old boat and all of that which shapes it and inhabits it.
After the tempest, it will be placed where it never was. For this reason, the fortitude of the old boat will be broken; so that its most recalcitrant roots, which will be purified of a history of hidden errors, will be released from that secular sentence.
From the simple ones will spring forth the strength of the faith that will lead to a safe harbor the old boat which, redeemed from its actions, will find a new spiritual meaning, the feeling of becoming aware of having distanced itself from Love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
May the Divine Peace be established in times of chaos.
May this Peace attract meekness to all hearts.
May love triumph in times of battle and may this love recuperate and redeem all that seems lost.
May souls glorify the Father and may His Holy Spirit liberate them from all evil.
May consciousnesses strengthen themselves during the transition of Earth so that they can see the opening of the doors of the glorious return of Christ.
May everything be determined at this hour of definition so that the Plan of God will manifest itself in the consciousness of humanity.
May nobody lose hope or inner strengths, may you rise the flag of the announcement of the redemptive coming of Christ.
May the divine and supreme Heavens open themselves above your heads for the holy angels to pour out the Mercy of God.
May the impure be purified.
May the purified become more pure and, in the essence of the original purity, may all live inner peace.
May the legions of Light formed by all human beings of good will follow the realization of the Divine Plan and may all the navigating servers row and row for the boat of victory to arrive at the port of the Great and Supreme Liberator.
May nobody fear the final time, may everything take place according to the divine Thought.
May the hearts not lose peace.
I thank you for responding to My call.
In vigil.
Your Mother, Rose of Peace
What do you think of when I come to meet you? Where is your heart placed before My Presence? And your spirit, where does it dwell?
Where does God reside in these moments, when His Firstborn Son descends to the world to uncover the catacombs of the Earth and free the souls that are imprisoned?
You are bearers of My Light, and My Mercy is here, for if I am within you, why am I outside of some?
My Heart is stronger than thought and allows all souls that are not deserving of the Grace of God to be awoken, but I trust in many of you in this most sacred hour, in which My Heart shows itself to the world to glorify God and all His creatures that correspond to His Greater Plan of Redemption.
Do you, by any chance, remember where you come from? What motivated you to be here at this moment?
My Path is unique; there are not two paths. My ship is unique, there are not two ships in My Project of redemption. Which will you board? The ship of the world that is submerging or the ship of the Holy Covenant that comes to save you in spirit and divinity?
I do not come to search for what you cannot give Me; I come for that which I gave you, which is called the gift of the Heart; give that gift of your heart to God; thus you will glorify the Celestial Father who is much outraged by this world because in spite of My Mercy being invincible and presented before you to give you life, spirit, and renewal, in other parts of the world, companions, the suffering is greater than the light and there are no souls in this time that can bring relief to such things.
Companions, that is called the great unpayable debt of humanity; but if your hearts trust in My Heart, someday you will be able to be merciful and whole; you will receive the Kingdom of God in your hearts and you will be within His celestial wholeness to show this civilization that a profound change is possible.
I come with the hope that you will synthesize this meeting of today with Me in your lives because I repeat, companions, it is time for the great definition. Your feet cannot walk two paths; I come to offer you one path of light that is called sacrifice for humanity, hope for fallen souls, redemption for those who have fallen, and especially for those that, in their spiritual resistance, do not allow themselves to be overcome by Me.
You, companions, have surrendered your hearts to My Heart. I spent many nights in your homes, to visit you, share My joy, console your unhappiness, bring a deep consolation to your spirits. Many times, companions, I accompanied you in your work, guided your families towards My Most Sacred Heart, and this has been possible because you opened the door for this to happen.
I would deeply wish that on this afternoon, you heard other things, things that come from the Celestial Universe, that are eternal emanations of all the Creator Fathers that assemble in My Cenacle of Light to bring a solution to this Project of humanity.
Companions, you are part of this Project of redemption and rehabilitation; never lose hope nor faith that your lives will be realized in Me, for in this way, I will be present all the time, accompanying your hearts and your families.
I would like to tell you, My beloveds, that through the Sacraments I come to give souls a unique opportunity. When a Sacrament is not carried forward, you are interfering in My Project of redemption, but you are free since your birth into life.
I come to offer you an opportunity rather than an oppression, but these matters will be understood later, after I am no longer here and some years have gone by, in which you will see, as true testimony, all that the Messengers of God carried out and where they led you for an Infinite and divine Higher Purpose for this humanity, for this part of humanity here on the planet.
I bring you confidence in what is impossible to do and believe. I know that many of you feel My Spirit, but I still will not be able to show Myself to everyone; some will see Me after this life through that Portal of Light you will cross as souls towards the meeting of My Kingdom of redemption, where I will be waiting for you, for a new divine fusion, for a new mission in the Plans of God.
Everything that is done here in My Name, such as the Sacraments, has a spiritual and inner purpose that you will not understand in this life, but the experience I provide you with through the Sacraments is indelible and you will see it in the next Earth.
Thus, in these times, on this day and in this place, I come to rebuild what I gave you in the beginning; I come to renew the teachings that I gave My apostles on washing their feet, baptizing their spirits, exorcising their bodies, consecrating souls that come to go through an experience of love in this humanity.
With this, I tell you that the Sacrament of Marriage is a primary project of God. I come to recover the spirit of the Sacred Family in many hearts because that spirit that We placed in the world is being erased from the consciousness of humanity through the suffering, the martyrdom of punishment, that is generated in these times.
Companions, you know more than I that families are disuniting, that souls are being lost because not even the spirit of My prayer dwells within them. Thus, through the Sacrament of Marriage, I come to recover and to renew your lives in that chaste union that I propose for you through a simple consecration to My Sacred Heart.
Simply through the movement and the fact of consecrating your hearts to God, you will re-open the doors so that the blessed and Sacred Family of the universe may descend with its spirit of life to the Earth, fill consecrated hearts, renew the teachings so that your lives may be an example for God, for the universe, for universal life.
And in this way, in the Presence of My Heart, through each Sacrament, you will be testifying, as it was with the peoples of the desert, that the Project of God, will be in recovery in your consciousnesses.
I know you will not understand it. I know you sometimes do not understand what I ask of you because you do not have the structure to be able to understand Me, but the heart that trusts will never fail, for it will be on the correct path, the path of My Sacred Heart.
Today My Words would have been different, but My Instruction must be well heard, not by your minds, but rather by the true feeling of the heart of light that dwells in each of you, that belongs to God and His universal infinity, by His Grace.
You are always free to walk, but I ask you not to forget Me, because all of this weights the universe, due to the atonement that I give you and My Divine Mercy.
Hearts are separating from themselves more and more, and this has repercussions in the families. Families must be the expression of My Love, of joy, of hope, and renewal. If, companions, the family is not sacred or blessed, how will the Project continue in the New Humanity?
Thus, I come to open you a door so that you, who are the first in the perfect list of My Heart, may re-open the doors for those that are lost, that hate, that separate from God the Father.
Each Sacrament is a tunic for your lives.
I will not rest until achieving what My Father asks of Me. I will not rest until My Work is completely carried out in your lives.
You must love the Plans of God to be able to understand them; many want to know them before loving them. My Science is not from this world. I bring you closer to it so that you may grow in wisdom.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Our Lord is calling the coordinators of the areas of Figueira because He wants to tell them something.
While I am waiting, trust in My Divinity; that will bring you closer to God and you will not become lost easily when things are intensified in this world.
Listen to My Voice, companions, because when I am no longer here and My Mother or Saint Joseph either, your hearts must be realized in faith, in trust, in the believability that We were always here to guide and console you, for you must testify to the laws of the Earth on all that happened here, in the coming time.
That will be the definite and important time for each one of you and confirmation to God and His Project of Love. This will allow, or not, the doors to be open for those that will need the consolation of the points of light that were founded on the perfect base of the Sacred Hearts.
This Work will not end when We are no longer here. This is the first part of the preparation; the Work will continue throughout the years, the multitudes will grow because faith will be present as a living flame at the top of this Hill. It will be the primary motivation, the invisible spirit that will call hearts to redemption and the healing of each of your lives.
Thus, the 144 thousand will assemble before I return in Glory, in Body, in Soul and Divinity. If this were so, a part of the Project will have been accomplished. If this were not so, we must pray.
For you, I bless this important Sacrament that is on My Altar, that not only unites hearts and souls but unites lives and families through the spirit of My Mercy.
I thank you for consoling My Heart for the grave sins of the world, for the thorns on My Chest hurt, and you must alleviate this through love and prayer, just as you have done up to now.
Renew yourselves every day and do not tire of working at My side for peace.
In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
Your spirit is like a boat on the high sea, and your life is permeated by many experiences.
Each moment is significant for the spirit, because it must be trained in how to sail in the peace or in the storm.
The spirit is like a boat of light that never loses the momentum to find the stars, because from them come all the Graces, and a new history is written in the soul that lives redemption.
The spirit has premeditated courage and takes the inner strength to overcome difficulties of a possible shipwreck.
Look at your spirit with courage and serenity: everything has a return to the House of the Celestial Father.
Sail as a boat that discovers and gets to know new horizons. The doors of the seas are open; for that stay calm and confident because a Great Watcher will guide you. He is the King of the Universe that fulfills all through His Grace.
Follow the great boat heading to infinity; your time to freedom is close in the times to come.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who leads you in the spiritual boat of Peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace
Do not fear because My Heart will remove your restlessness.
Do not fear because My Faith will strengthen you.
Do not fear because My Mantle will cover you.
Do not fear because you are in prayer united to My Heart.
Do not fear because My Light will guide you.
Do not fear because My Trust will unite you to God.
Do not fear because My Steps will indicate to you the new path.
Do not fear because you have already opened your hearts to My Call.
Do not fear because My Power will save you.
Do not fear for what you have been because in a little time you will be the new for Me.
Do not fear because I will never leave you alone.
Do not fear because it is necessary to have maturity of heart.
Do not fear because My Face will show you the Compassion of God.
Do not fear because you will be tested.
Do not fear because you will be in My Eternal Prayer.
To all I say that you may no longer fear, to the old has come the time of dying so that the new wineskins may receive My Grace and My Mercy.
Quench your thirst for this long walk in My Source of wonders. I know well all of the levels of thirst that the souls live but if you are united to My Merciful Prayer you will victoriously transit through this cycle of great changes.
I Am your Light to illuminate the darkness.
I Am your Path to redeem you on this last pathway.
I Am your Truth to reveal you who truly you are before My Compassionate Presence.
Do not detain yourselves. The boat faces the great storm of the end of times. Row! Row! Row! And do not get tired of rowing because I you give you strength and inner power to act through love.
Know one more time that I am with you because My Heart has chosen you for something great. I thank all of the marathoners of the Divine Mercy for answering from now to My Call for Peace and for the liberation of the evil of the world.
Heaven thanks you.
Under the Powerful Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My messages in the truth of the heart!
Christ Jesus.
As it was in Bethany and Bethesda today I enter into your houses to have dinner in spirit with your souls and hearts.
May on this day of Saturday of unfathomable Mercy your feet walk determined in the direction of My Great Spiritual Boat so that together we may sail in spirit for other lakes, places that one time you knew and that only through My Heart you will arrive to again.
Today I talk to you about the infinite path, that space created by God in this sacred cosmos in which the universe gathers Supreme Consciousnesses that eternally serve the High. For this today do not sleep, wake up to the redeeming principle that with love and truth I reveal to you.
I thank all of those who, for various reasons and facts, equally trust in My Sacred Purpose of Love and Forgiveness, because even though your paths may be confused or not so clear, My Saving Light returns to gather the last disciples, those who in faith and perseverance will walk for many towards the infinite universe.
There, in that sacred space from where I come to announce to humanity My Return, is present the Eternal Loving and Powerful Heart of your Father. Out of Love and Mercy He sends to the world that One who was nailed on the Holy Cross. But now the Son of the Man does not return to carry again the evil of the world. The Son of God comes in Glory to banish the hells and to close the doors of all suffering.
My Sacred Liberation will come to revive those who are dead in life and those who have lost the spiritual union with Me.
Christ, Powerful, Merciful and Pious, returns to live now and always with all of His Ones. In this way, under the Glory of the Plan of God, the one thousand, one hundred and fifty years of peace will cause to re-emerge the Promised Earth.
Only a little more is missing. Who will follow Me?
Under the Love of the Father, be merciful.
Thank you for following My Steps of the Cross with so much love!
Christ Jesus.
When lives are on the edge of the abyss, crossing the dark night, I present Myself as Light and the absolute and safe exit for each being. I come to the encounter of those who decline from various plights on the spiritual path.
My Mercy comes to the world to rescue them from the path of mistakes and of blindness so that they may awaken aspects of life, manifested in a consciousness that has decided to follow Me.
But faith and constancy to be with Me will be, in these unpredictable times of the world, what will define if a soul will be consecrated in spirit to My Heart or if it will live the life that the world offers to it through illusions and fantasies.
The path towards the Light is as straight as a staircase that ascends towards the High. In My Pathway does not exist two paths to get to Me. The soul, during the course of life has the opportunity of recognizing My evolutionary Path and, from then on, to define whether it will follow the Shepherd or its own king.
I am giving to all the same opportunity that I gave during the time of My Passion. The world is at the point of its own game and of its spiritual definition for the Divine or for the worldly. My Heart shelters all of the offers of the souls, but some have told Me from the beginning that in these times they would be with Me to fulfill the purpose of Redemption and of the conversion of the consciousnesses.
For this a boat will not move without the help of the oars. It is necessary to understand the point in which you find your little consciousnesses. I radiate to you My Peace and My Light to strengthen them.
It is time to define with which king you wish to remain: with the Eternal King of the Universe or with the king created by the world?
For this My Spirit comes to liberate souls and to show them the path towards the Lord. Trust in My Mercy.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for understanding My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
And the Lady dressed of Sun will pour the Crown of Stars, so that a path may arise from the bowels of the Earth and through which will walk the new redeemed flocks. Each one of Her stars will be the visible sign of a new cycle and each soul, according to their choice, will enter through a path that will be able to bring them to the Kingdom of the Lord.
At the Greater Door of Heaven, the Beloved Lord will wait for His beloved soul, so that together in victory, they may consecrate the spirit to the Eternal Love of God. The Lady dressed of Sun will manifest Her universal symbol and this will be the sign that will announce the next coming of the King of the Universe.
Blessed are those who will be waiting in joy for the coming of the King of the Patriarchs, because they will be participants of the Good News for the world.
Blessed are those who have given of themselves, in order to transfigure in Christ their lives, because they will recognize the rays that come from the Heart of the Son of God.
And the New Boat of life and of prayer, will sail in deep sea and many will see it arising by the efforts of the little beings of Christ. The New Boat will not be from the past, it will be born as a new child from the womb of His Immaculate Mother.
Many will not understand this mystery and not many will feel the brightness and the strength of its light, that which comes from the Boat and the new flocks. These are the ones brought together for the redeeming mission, those who silently will lift high the torch of light, to show to the world the path of the true conversion.
No one will remain without knowing where to go, because the Boat is already sailing by means of the impulses that it receives from the favored fire of prayer. Those who are curious will want to know the essence of this great food for the spirit, but because they do not know themselves they will see too late that everything starts and ends in the prayer of the heart.
The workers speed up the work of the great bridge to the Great Spirit of God; time flies and the souls slow down their steps towards God. The Bird of the Holy Spirit announces a new call and only will follow in flight the ears attentive to the voice of the heart.
A New Humanity awakens in the south of the world. On the horizon the Aurora breaks radiant, in order to open the cycle of purification. All of the universe comes together so that the Divine Purpose may reach its reality in the sleeping consciousnesses.
Compassion for those who will cry for having depreciated the instruction of Heaven! The Voice of the Great Master will continue to resonate for some more time, while His Light illuminates with love the pace of the New Boat.
The old will be knocked down, because the pillars were not based in living the Law of the Lord. It is time to recognize the Time and to live in the wisdom of the Lord.
The Doors of Heaven are opened to welcome all of those who have been separated from God.
Penance for the proud ones! Redemption for the timid! Mercy for those who do not tire of serving the Great Lord!
The Star of the Universe will announce the great moment for the world, while the New Boat sails to the south of the world; its passing knocks down with love the structures that are already expired. No one will be able to oppose it, because it is filled by the Light of the Great Universal King.
Recognize with faith all that you receive in your hands, because for the expected time there must exist a repentant heart, so that it may be healed by God.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for meditating on My signs with the heart!
Christ Jesus, Master of Love
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more