When a soul is in agony, child, go to meet it, because the time has come for it to receive another help in order to endure what, by itself, it is not being able to endure.

Go to aid those who have given up on life because they do not feel capable of struggling to remain in it. Go to aid those who are weak because they consider that they do not have enough love to surpass themselves and endure the end of times. Go to aid those who are giving up on life because they believe they are a weight and a burden that is being carried by others. Go and give your love to those who are losing themselves because they have lost hope and serve those who, at this moment, need you.

There are many reasons for a soul to surrender to illness and give up on life, and one of them is hopelessness and frailty. That is why today I ask you to fill your heart up with the Love of God and pour it on those who are weak and oppressed, first for themselves, then for their human and spiritual sorrows.

Do not let souls lose heart due to lack of love, but try, child, until the last moment, to make all beings live at least one experience of true Christic Love.

If somebody cannot overcome themselves in love, go and overcome yourself so that you offer your neighbor something that appears impossible to you. 

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

Saint Joseph


Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and the angels and saints will dwell with humanity.

Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and your Lord and King, in the vestments of His Son, will return to proclaim Peace, making all difficulties small, making fears meaningless, making pains nonexistent, making simple the love to others and to God, above all things.

Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and Truth will manifest before human eyes, revealing the secrets of a superior existence, revealing those beings who have always been here to aid humanity, but that mankind has never been able to see.

Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and will reveal that the superior life does not only dwell in the Heights. It will reveal the sacred that is kept in the depths of the planet and that is safeguarded in the beauty and in the fortitude of Nature, because the moment has not yet come for it to be known.

Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and your Lord and God, after having poured out Justice, will return to emanate Mercy upon the hearts, healing upon the spiritual wounds, restoration for the spirit of the Earth and Grace to establish the thousand years of Peace.

Believe, that everything will pass and that what seems the end is the announcement of something new and unknown to mankind. What they call the end is the end of deceit, the end of time counted by the clocks of the world, the end of days and their cycles, so that it may be the beginning of the Eternal Time, the Supreme Truth of God.

Believe that this day will come and keep your faith in the unknown, because all the prophecies of Your Creator Father will come to be fulfilled and the day of His Truth will be a reality in the life of this world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Christ is not only your Master and Lord, King of the Universes, a living part of God manifested among men. Christ is a state of Divine Consciousness, a principle of the renovation of the Love of the Father, which awakens when beings give everything of themselves for love of the fellow being, for love of the Creator and, when they think they have drained their strength, they take one more step, and another, and another, until they surpass themselves, not in their strength; they surpass themselves in love.

God sent His Son to the world to show them a Way: christification, surrender, giving of self, love for all creatures, without distinctions.

God sent His Son to the world to show them a Truth: He, the Creator of all things, dwells hidden within all beings, and all those who decide to step out of the darkness of ignorance to enter the path of love, which is beyond any science, will not only be able to know Him, but above all, live Him. Let the Father express Himself in your dwelling places, within creatures thought by Him, in order to renew and to surpass His Love.

God sent His Son to the world to reveal Life to them. Love is Life. Where there is no Love, there is no life. And although beings may walk through the world and believe that what they experience is living, they do nothing more than go through an experience permeated by illusion, without ever having known the Truth, without ever having experienced Life.

The Creator calls you to enter this Way, to know this Truth and to live this Life, which is His Son, Who is Christ.

Give yourselves always a little more. Do not leave for later the help that is necessary now.

Love, without expecting to be loved. Serve, without expecting to be served. And when it seems you have no more strength, ask the Lord to renew you and to teach you to surpass yourselves in love.

Say to Him: "Lord, my strength has reached up to here. Now, I surrender my body, soul and spirit to You, and make room for You, so that You come and, being in me, You make me surpass myself in love."

Begin by making your being available to God so that you may surpass yourselves in love, and when you have offered all of yourselves to God, it will be Him, within you, Who will surpass Himself, and like in His Son, will raise you and awaken you, in all the levels of your consciousness, in imitation of Christ, the so-called Christs of the New Time. Those who, entering the Way offered by the Lord, will come to know His Truth and will achieve the Life He thought for His children since the beginning.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


"Humanitarian Colombia" is a mission that promotes peace and humanitarian service for those who are most in need. In this instance, for all who are exiled from their nation and take refuge in other countries, in search of a new life, far from the horror and conflicts that these certain nations live.

"Humanitarian Colombia" is one more hand that extends towards the humanity of the Earth, so that, as a bridge of service and fraternity, souls may reencounter the meaning and hope of being part of a new race.

This mission constitutes the synthesis of all the humanitarian missions that were done in the last times.

Given the important service intervention and social aid that Fraternidade performs through its body of original missionaries and of missionaries in training, this new mission will attend to the other part of one of the many social and humanitarian imbalances that exist.

Fraternidade, as a missionary essence of service of unconditional love for the one who suffers, is called by the Consciousness of the Spiritual and Instructing Hierarchy to reunite its humanitarian and spiritual efforts with the aim of relieving human and inner suffering.

The fraternal foundations that Fraternidade has already manifested, attending to the migratory crisis in Roraima, Brazil, opened the doors of consciousness so that the true missionary and selfless spirit could come, this time, to Colombia, so that this network of light, of service and, especially, of love among brothers and sisters, may reach those who wait and cry out for it.

For the new mission "Humanitarian Colombia" the Hierarchy will broaden the action of its planetary work and Fraternidade, which will be united to the UN through UNHCR and UNICEF, will try to rebuild the human and voluntary spirit through works of service and social assistance.

With the presence of the monastic Grace Mercy Order, the missionary life will count on the arm of spiritual assistance of union and contact with the Hierarchy, so that everything that will be removed and worked from the psyche, and the inner world of consciousnesses, may find a path where it can be led and released.

Fraternidade, by assuming the two fronts of planetary work through the mission "Humanitarian Roraima" and now through "Humanitarian Colombia", from the next cycle and in the course of the year 2019, will begin to embrace, with the missionary life and together with the Hierarchy, other humanitarian works in Africa, Asia and Oceania.

The formation, actualization and training for emergency cases of the new volunteer missionaries will help in the future of a new consciousness, based on the protection and safety of the fellow being and of the one that suffers the most.

For this initial mission of "Humanitarian Colombia" the Youth Campaign for Peace and some of its members will be summoned to participate and establish the first foundations so as to relieve pain through love.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Maternal Exhortation

My beloved and dear children, servers of Christ,

On this day, I descend from Heaven to give you a special petition, which will try to attend the migratory crisis that is happening in My beloved Colombia.

It is for this reason that, in the name of My Son, I come to ask for humanitarian aid on the border between Colombia and Venezuela by means of an extraordinary humanitarian mission, which I call "Humanitarian Colombia."

This mission must arrive as soon as possible with the aim of attending, at the other side of the Andes, to My poor and suffering children of Venezuela, who are going through a social and humanitarian crisis.

In Colombia, the Fraternidade will establish a permanent space, in the same way it did in the beginning in the State of Roraima, in Brazil.

For this special cause that today My Maternal Heart presents to you, I wish the Light-Network and brothers and sisters with medical, dental and psychological specialties to be summoned for this first mission.

Colombia, in a short time, has been converted into a scenario of the end of times and My purpose, as in Roraima, will be to contain the wave of spiritual energies that are starting to infiltrate, more and more, in South America.

I ask, especially, that the Fraternidade, through the ONU, presents itself before the authorities of Colombia to announce that in an honorary manner it will, out of love, provide this humanitarian service.

Thus, with the inner strength that I will give each missionary who self-summons themselves for this "Humanitarian Colombia" mission, you will help your Heavenly Mother to succor and relieve the grave suffering.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To the singers of My Heart

Dear children,

Universal life, which is infinite and unknown, can reflect itself on Earth by means of its great Mirrors of Light, as well as through the mirror-souls.

In this day of a new celebration and offering, your singing souls will participate, together with the Heavenly Mother, in a planetary task that will radiate through music.

The music offered for the healing and upliftment of humanity has its own science, which allows it to contact higher universes of consciousness where powerful currents of healing and harmony flow and circulate, which are in this time, of great help and support to humanity.

By means of the offering that will be made today by the choirs of the Communities-of-Light, the Spiritual Hierarchy will attract, as a cosmic magnet, these necessary currents so that the planet and humanity may reach in some plane, a process of spiritual and inner healing.

Thus, singing children, each musical piece and each presentation that will be offered today, will contribute so that the Source of the Sacred Feminine Energy, in its greatest state of Original Purity, may intercede for the consciousness of humanity, so that new attributes may awaken in the souls. 

From the higher universes, a network of Greater Mirrors will start working, so that by means of them, and of the inner attunement of each singing soul, a spiritual communication may be established, which will open an internal door for these impulses to descend from the spiritual orbit of the planet, toward humanity.

In order for souls to be able to approach Universes of this level, the channel of music will build this condition, and thus, the spiritual impulses will reach those hearts, which with sincerity, are connected with the development of the whole task. 

Therefore, the meeting of music today will be different and even deeper in its spiritual counterpart, as from these levels, non-material Laws will activate to help humanity and in consequence, the planet.

Each meeting of music that has taken place, with effort and love on the part of My children, has demonstrated to the spiritual Universe a possibility to deepen in the scope of the Plan of Rescue of the Hierarchy, as well as in the healing of humanity.

In this gala night, in which your souls will be clothed in the best attributes of love and brotherhood, may all that is offered today resound again in the spiritual level of the planet, so that more positive effects of healing and redemption continue to manifest in this race.

As Mother, I wish you a gorgeous meeting of love and of upliftment.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Today I want to announce, as requested by My Son, that your Heavenly Mother will close this miraculous Pilgrimage that has happened during these last two months in Europe.

Europe, as a whole, was liberated again of many errors, not only from the past, but also from the future.

This Pilgrimage has launched new seeds that many hearts of different nations knew how to sow, and cultivate within themselves.

The impulse given through the Pilgrimage attracted important liberations and redemptions to the European nations, that were happening cyclically, as the Pilgrimage was developed.

Although, during these last two months, My pilgrim servants went through difficult and culminating moments, I would like to tell you, children, that the enemy and his powers were defeated many times and they were returned to their deepest abysses, where My Son, for the second time, will go to judge them and redeem them.

Today I take the time to transmit this message, and these informations, so that more each day, the Work as a whole, may know how far a simple pilgrimage can go, or even a humanitarian mission.

Everything that is done for love has a transcendental effect and can cover great plans of consciousness.

Even though the Pilgrimage for Peace has not ended in Spain, it does not mean that My children from this country do not receive the spiritual help they need.

In Spain there are valuable and precious servant souls, in which the Mother of God can found the basis of Her trust, because I know that they will always comprehend Me.

Now that so many nations and peoples of Europe have been spiritually helped, I want to tell you, My children, that the Iberian Peninsula is already prepared to go meet other European peoples and nations, in order to carry My message of peace and of redemption.

The next July 21st, which is a special day for Heaven, for its universal and cosmic conjuncture, the ever Virgin Mary, Mother of Humanity and Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, will appear in the Community-of-Light Flor de Lys, to close the Pilgrimage for Peace, together with Her dear children, giving testimony once again of the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.

There, I will wait for you to share, along with all of your fellow beings of the world, this important moment of synthesis.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Equality among Peoples – Part II

And a New Humanity and a new planet will be built, from the moment in which human beings fraternally share everything they possess and distribute everything they have in perfect harmony, unity and equality.

This will create the condition for the current race to build, within the beings, the New redeemed Humanity

All who manage to accompany this movement and all who carry out this goal will deserve more Mercy and forgiveness, because they will be stepping out of themselves, of all that is petty and mediocre, to begin to live a new state of consciousness.

Thus, there will no longer be the poorest among the poor, but rather a true civilization that will manage to approach the living of the Attributes of God and the manifestation of His Divine Plan.

In this sense, all those who promote in the world balance and equality among peoples will be deactivating the occult groups who instigate and promote, in a perverted way, imbalance and inequality.

The moment will come in which none of these consciousnesses will be able to go ahead by their own means, due to the immense darkness that will absorb them; for this reason, they will seek help, consolation and much aid.

Thus, those who are sovereignly working for equality among peoples will be conceding, without perceiving it, an extraordinary Grace for these souls, and they will receive, although they do not deserve it, the Mercy of God.

At this moment, and in this hour, the Mother of Heaven will intercede and all these souls, lost due to abuse of power and pleasures, will be converted by the imperious Love of the Heart of the Father.

A Divine Ray of Justice will disarm all the world system and everything will change overnight.

Thus, I come to Switzerland to ask for the restorative Communion of the first five Saturdays, so that here, and in the world, many more souls that are lost may receive the spiritual help needed to repent from their errors, and to ask for Mercy and forgiveness.

In the meanwhile, I wish to establish in Switzerland the true devotion for My Maternal and Immaculate Heart so that someday, and from here arises the imperious necessity of definitely abandoning the superficial life and the pleasures that make the souls of people die for not having God.

I need those who decide to accompany Me in this purpose to establish groups of prayer in Switzerland, in order to generate a potent column of redemption and of Light that will spiritually communicate you with Me.

I hope this request will be fulfilled, so that the ever Virgin Mary, Mother of All Peoples and Virgin of Schoenstatt, can intercede to establish the living Love of the Source in the hearts that are hardened and empty of God. 

I thank you, from now, for your cordial and loving response.

After the groups of prayer in Switzerland are created I will say, in a short time, a new request.

I thank you for listening to Me with attention!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Virgin of Schoenstatt


Dear children,

I come to especially ask you to form a prayer group and pray for Syria, so that the Mercy of God may intervene as soon as possible.

For that, I ask you to join the regular prayer for Venezuela together with Syria, since both nations live similar things between themselves.

But this time Syria and its innocent people are object of more war and chaos expanding throughout all the places in that region.

I ask you, children, that this prayer be prayed in the native language of that country, so that the angels of Heaven may have a greater intervention in the innocent souls, who, at this time, are trying to survive this confusing reality.

As you have done it with other nations of the world, children, now you will offer half of a mystery of the rosary in Syrian and the other half in Spanish, so that, in this way, both nations, in spite of their reigning chaos, may be considered as a priority for the divine intervention.

I thank you for responding to this request because other nations of the world are taking advantage of the war in order to continue instilling fear and horror; but, in truth, those nations that incite and provoke wars, do not know that the return of the Law will be very hard on them.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Child, write with attention what I will dictate to you today, this is a divine exhortation of love.

Dear companions and My followers:

Given the material results for the supporting of the Work of Love of the Divine Messengers and the lack of conscious collaboration with resources after all the impulses received during the last Sacred Week, your Master and Lord of the Universe today announces the possible cancellation and the absolute retreat of all the meetings scheduled for the month of May at the Marian Center of Aurora and at the Marian Center of Figueira.

You know that in order to be able to express the Work of God on the surface and above all in this current humanity, it is necessary to have faithful and permanent collaborators so that they can be on Earth the bridge of light or the torchlight that illuminates the times and allows the spiritual Graces to descend to the Earth.

To take care of the Work of Love of the Divine Messengers is not only to attune with it and participate; it also means to collaborate, to support, to donate, to sustain and lovingly contribute with all material that is necessary to supply and furnish, such as, for example, all the life of the Marian Centers and especially of the Communities-of-Light.

In this last cycle of transition, in which My companions are going through various problems and all kind of tests, it has been removed the essential attention of collaboration and of the donation necessary to sustain the Work.

If current humanity, the nations, the continents and above all your hearts reach the point of being without divine assistance in this acute cycle, the world would suffer serious consequences because of the great quantity of accumulated faults.

With this I do not want to generate sensationalism, but it is urgent that you perceive that, through your own acts, ways of thinking or of deciding not to collaborate, you are closing the door to Divine Mercy.

I believe, companions, that after the last Sacred Week you have been faithful witnesses of all material and spiritual effort made for the manifestation of this important meeting and how little help it received from all.

To you, putting the hand on the heart, I ask you to reconsider and put your attention on what is truly essential and what this Work of Love needs to achieve with the loving and sincere help of all My companions.

If this assistance, which today I directly ask you by means of this message, does not come to happen before the end of April, I declare, as of now, that the sacred meetings of May will be cancelled, since to carry forward a work faithful donators are necessary.

I know, since more than two thousand years ago, that it would be very difficult for the souls of this planet to be available to collaborate for love with the Divine Work.

But I ask you, for love, to break this chain of indifference, because on the Day of Judgment, which is approaching, everything will be placed on the table to be judged under the Higher Light.

I thank you for being considerate and responsible!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


In this time, have absolute faith in My Heart, because everything that will happen cannot cause your confidence in the Divine Purpose to waver.

As from now, start preparing yourself for the new challenges and apparent obstacles.

Your Master and Lord will help you to create this faith which must be born from within you, be deeply based on the love of service to fellow beings, on the love for the Instruction received, as well as on the love for the Greater Purpose.

Those three virtues will be able to strengthen your small faith so that it may be strong and immutable in the face of the events in life.

Begin as from now to consolidate that faith in the Heart of your Master so that in spite of everything you may see the Will of God concretized in the different spheres of His Work.

So, surrender, again and again, in confidence, so that everything that is foreseen can happen without fear of failure, abandonment or loneliness.

It is time to move forward with courage, knowing that, above all, unity must reign among hearts receptive to the Greater Call.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


I plead for the world, so that some day the consciousness of the planet may be heard in the inner world of souls, as a great blast of light, and thus, human beings may realize that the Earth needs them.

I plead for humanity so that some day souls may recognize the divine riches of God within themselves; above all, that those souls most distant from God are able to recognize what is precious existing in the essence of each one.

I plead for the Kingdoms of Nature, so that the beings on the surface of the Earth may be able to perceive how much help and care the Younger Kingdoms need in order to survive in these times in which they suffer exploitation, abandonment, and a lack of love.

I plead to the Father for all My praying armies so that they may be strengthened more each day, and make of each meeting of prayer an opportunity for redemption and a compassionate act of mercy.

I plead every day to God for the intentions of all My children, especially towards the planet, which in its silence, talks to the Universe of the suffering it endures in various parts of the world.

I plead to the Father that more creatures may be able to have an awakened consciousness about Creation and about the need for an immediate loving assistance on the part of all human beings.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Lift your heart to God and do not tire of doing so, because at this time the heart must be the secure receptacle for God to live within you and carry forward His great Will.

Lift your heart to the Highest and do not tire of doing so for all of those who, in this time, do not lift their heart to God and do not humbly ask for help.

Lift your heart to Heaven and make each stage of life a moment of prayer, capable of repairing the human consciousness, able to attract from the Universe all the Grace that this world needs.

Lift your heart to the Universe and be part of the stars.

Be encouraged to transcend the differences and all that separates human beings from God.

Be a part of the Christic Heart of My Son so that, at this acute moment of the planet, the souls may find God within themselves and have something to cling to.

Lift your heart to God and make of each moment an opportunity of inner consecration.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

Pray every day for the hearts that, having received all the Graces, have not yet taken even a minimal step towards total surrender.

Pray children, with fervor and devotion, because the attitudes of the souls themselves will defined them by the time of Grace or by the time of Justice.

Do not seek to blame or accuse the hearts that do not show gratitude; help them so that they may feel love and compassion for their fellow beings.

Happily, My children that moment has come in which souls will enter the path of Grace or the path of Justice.

It is for this reason that your Celestial Mother works tirelessly to help to untie the knots of consciousness, works to liberate those aspects of the unconscious world that govern and act by their own decision.

I come to teach you, through the path of prayer, to be merciful, so that the possible accusers of your fellow beings may disappear; knowing that in this time, no one has permission to throw the first stone, because in some ambit there are still debtors.

It will be the love itself of your fellow beings that will free you in order to understand the essence of life from another point-of-view.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the region of Valparaíso, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

When hearts, without realizing it, invoke the power of the Mercy of God, souls that are further away from the place where the Marathon of Divine Mercy is taking place, receive important spiritual assistance that resonates in those consciousnesses for a period of five days.

In this way, dear children, souls are worked upon on several planes of consciousness until Reconciliation can be established as a Sacrament of union with God.

It is thus, My children, that the practice of the Marathon of Prayer allows dissolving the ideals from the planetary consciousness that later on, will affect nations through the great conflicts in the world.

For this reason, the true fervent prayer makes it possible to rebuild, repair, and restore not only the consciousness that prays but also the whole place where that meeting of prayer is carried forward.

In this way, humanity as a race is assisted each time that it is open to the meeting of prayer of Divine Mercy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Throughout time, My Presence is perpetuated within humanity, and coming to assist My children, I become present at the moments when this race is about to deviate.

I come with the authority of My Son, to announce His Return to the world.

Thus, in this very unpredictable time, I spiritually prepare the sheep so that they may follow the pathway that will allow them to find the Heart of Christ.

In this cycle, I go to meet the most lost sheep within and outside of the Church. I go after the most sinful souls so that they may reflect and be in time to experience a true inner repentance.

For this reason, through My Presence in the world and in this cycle, I prepare hearts so that they may face the most absolute and overwhelming change in their lives.

I come to give encouragement, hope and motivation to those who must cross the definite threshold of the times because the more souls that are redeemed and repent, the greater will be the Victory of Christ in the world, and time of the coming purification with be decreased.

Through hearts, I build souls of constant faith and hope.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and within My arms I carry My Son in universal representation of all the children I have.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I help the consciousnesses that most need a way out.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I protect each soul upon My chest, I protect the hearts that consecrate themselves to My Motherhood and I dissipate from their lives all the obstacles that My eternal enemy imposes.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and with My crown of stars, I illuminate the inner paths that the good souls must tread until they meet Jesus.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I offer the childhood of My Beloved Son to each devotee so that they may find their purity and sobriety even in the smallest details.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I prevent many dangers that My children in the world would be exposed to. I decree the infinite Love of God throughout all existence, and thus I neutralize the contrary currents of evil that seek My little ones.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I help each awakened consciousness to be transformed with humility, to come to know their human condition so that, with effort and love, they may transcend it and thus close the doors to the past.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I guide the hearts that ask Me to do so, I build the foundations of love in all those who open to experience Christ.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and in My silence, I prevent many things through divine thought, and thus I establish the Celestial Kingdom in each small heart.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and I move all perdition and deceit away from the path of My soldiers.

I am the Mother of Perpetual Help, and amidst the world chaos, I build the bridges of peace among hearts, My Heart triumphs in each child who humbly experiences Me.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who protects you always and everywhere,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 


Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the District of Miraflores, Lima, Peru to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Where you call to Me, there I am present, because who invokes My Holy Name receives the help which their consciousness requires.

I am the Mother of all impossible causes, I am that Pillar of Light on which My beloved children can lean, and thus find rest and protection.

Dear children, I am that Holy Mother Who responds immediately because of the trust and the faith of the hearts that believe in Me. I am present when hearts call to me; I do not cease spiritually helping those who ask Me with all their heart, because I know it is important to each being that I, as your Mother, can be present in your life.

It is because of this that My Consciousness responds unconditionally to all needs, because I know that hearts must keep alive their trust in God the Father.

In this critical hour for the planet, My Heart is present more than ever, because the time has come for My children to feel that they can count on Me regardless of what happens.

I am that guardian Mother Who protects Her children and leads them on the path of the good so that in humility they may conquer it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who protects and blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of peace


Why are you afraid, if you are waiting for the coming of the Kingdom of the Heavens?

What else do you expect, other than My Light Shining in your hearts?

For what reason would you come to meet Me, if not to be a part of this army of peace that I am building in the world, an army that will have its real mission beyond this Earth, among the universes?

What you will experience on this planet, My children, is a unique lesson that will prepare you and train you to better serve God when you are no longer in this world. The real repercussion of life on Earth must be reflected in the universe. The redemption of your souls and your spirits must be announced to the cosmos as a triumph of the Plan of God in the human heart. It is the assurance of the perfection of His Creation that will have each of your lives as an example.

This world is in agony, and even the blindest and most ignorant can perceive it. There is no creature on this Earth that does not feel, in the depths of its inner self, that a critical time of tribulation is coming. Because chaos no longer just fights the Light; it also fights against evil. And the darkness that reigns within many beings fights among itself for the conquest of souls.

It is for this reason, My children, that even those who ignore the Light do not fail to perceive the oppression of darkness. I tell you these things because you must be aware of what is happening on this planet where you live; because at least some human beings must defeat indifference consciously to establish peace within themselves, and from within themselves, reflect that peace to the world.

If you do not listen to My Words now and if you do not seek to practice them in your daily life, nothing will be gained by your being with Me during all My Apparitions, because if you do not listen to Me and if you do not live what I tell you, I will not be able to build a stronghold within you, so that you may move through the times of transition with assurance, with certainty, with courage, not only for yourselves, but also for those who will seek help from those who believe they have a certain fortitude within themselves.

Many will observe your spiritual life, many will observe the steps that you are taking in these times, and even though they may fear following your examples, at the moment in which this world shakes and the ground under their feet is no longer stable, they will remember that example of that prayerful being, and will look for the help and peace in you that they will not find someplace else. 

Children, the superficialities of your lives are still greater than the life of the spirit. When you are on a day of an Apparition, your consciousnesses are still involved much more with material things than with My Presence. Few are those who awaken and remember that I will be here. The majority think of the event, of what they will sing, how they will organize it.

You must remember every day that you are a part of a Marian Mission. You must feel each Apparition as if it were the last, because one day I will not be here among you. You will want to listen to My Words and they will only resonate within you.

For this reason, unite with Me; unite with My Purpose of Peace. Consolidate a true union with My Immaculate Spirit. Value, My children, value what you experience today! Seek to meditate and reflect every day upon the immeasurable Grace that you receive, of feeling the Peace of God in your hearts, while many suffer in wars, persecutions, while many cannot proclaim their faith, no longer know peace.

Many times I have asked you not to get used to being with Me, but rather, in humility, to recognize that you know nothing about this mystery of My Presence, that even though you have been with Me so many times, you do not know the real origin of My Consciousness, You do not know the grandeur of this moment, because neither your minds or your hearts are capable of understanding Me.

I also recognize the limitation of human beings. It is for this reason that I always return to the world. I recognize the effort of each one, but I also know your potential. Thus, I do not allow you to get comfortable in what you have already achieved, because it is very little in light of all you have received. You are the most blessed souls of this planet at this moment. How much do I ask of you in light of all you receive?

Is it too much, My children, to ask you to be more obedient and humble, more charitable and fraternal, truer, more transparent, simple of heart?

Is it too much to ask you that when you sit to pray, you not only pray with your word, but pray with your heart?

Is it too much, My children, if I ask you to not let this Marian Center die through weariness or through the inertia of your hearts?

Is it too much if I ask you to not let the liturgies that take place here to be extinguished, but that day after day you strive to keep alive the presence of the Divine Messengers in each of the prayers you offer here?

This Marian Center, as well as all the Marian Centers I founded in the Name of God, must be powerhouses of liberation for the planet, a doorway of transformation for souls who find full union with God here.

Who will give their life so that this channel remain open and so that My Heart does not contemplate the world and find doors closed to poor out My Graces?

What will Our Lord feel, My children, when in His Heart and His Hands He has a spring of Mercy to pour out upon the souls of this planet and finds you asleep?

Will He feel that you are affirming the value of each spilled drop of His Blood?

I want you to be ready to lovingly receive all souls who come here, as well as to all the other Marian Centers, for if this is not done, My children, how will I be able to have My children in need of redemption come to this place?

Today I speak to you this way because I need you to awaken. I speak to you as to all My children of this world. I have need of soldiers ready, willing to give their own life, to not rest, to not sleep, to experience hunger so as to give another the food they receive.

Who will be willing to build full union with Christ and drink of the Source of His Divine Mercy when it is necessary to suffer some shortfall so as to give everything you have to your neighbor? For I will ask this of you. I will ask, My Children, that you pray without ceasing, because the world needs this.

You only see what takes place on Earth when you read some news, so imperfect in the means of communication of this world. But My Immaculate Heart contemplates all the abysses of the Earth and knows that more forgotten soul, that soul that no photographic camera can find, but suffers as much terror and as much abandonment as those that are in wars.

It is for this reason that I tell you to no longer spiritually sleep, that you no longer be indifferent in the face of the planetary situation, because if you believe that what you know is serious, imagine all that you do not know in this world.

The planet is in much greater agony than you imagine! Only the power of prayer, My children, of sacrifice, of surrender, of love, is capable of balancing what is happening on Earth. And it is in the small efforts of your daily life that you will be able to find that path of balance and of peace.

Do not think that what you can do is little, because humanity is doing nothing in the face of the great chaos of the world. Those who consider themselves more conscientious must live greater sacrifices, greater degrees of love, they must correspond to what they receive while they pray, they must pray from the heart, they must pray with Me as I have asked them to, as I taught them. Or do you not believe that My attention never leaves this planet, that My Eyes are fixed upon the world and that My Heart receives encouragement when you truly pray? For this is so, My children.

My greatest joy is to find a praying, simple, pure heart, which, in spite of being so small, generates great merits for the salvation of the Earth.

My greatest joy is to find a heart that is willing to be consecrated to Me. That, even without knowing why, responds to My requests and does so sincerely.

My greatest joy is when, in spite of the tiredness, you place your knees on the floor and cry out to the Father for His Divine Mercy.

My greatest joy is when before sleeping, you remember Me, you remember God, and ask the Father for a little peace for this world.

My greatest joy is when a child of Mine perceives the need of a neighbor and stops thinking about themselves to help that one more in need.

My greatest joy is when a child of Mine can stop a thought that seeks to judge another, because they remembered that I have asked them to understand their neighbor.

My greatest joy, My children, is when you seek every day to live something that I haveasked of you, some Beatitude of My Son, like He once told you.

It is not much that I expect. I merely expect the least that you can offer in the Name of God, defeating your own indifference to generate merits for the salvation of this humanity.

On this evening, My children, in light of all that is happening in the world, of so many children who have no place to sleep, so many that die of starvation, so many that suffer fear, so many that at this moment are immigrating from their homes, from their nations, My Heart receives encouragement, a simple encouragement, but because it is real, it will be able to transform many things in humanity as well as in the planetary consciousness.

If these five children of Mine who are being consecrated today should multiply their prayers, the consecration of their souls will count for many, will be able to generate merits for the redemption and the salvation of beings unknown to them. Thus, come to Me with the sincerity of your hearts. Come as children, seeking to live purity. Come to God.

But that is not the only joy of My Heart; I am also glad, My children, when My children propose that I consecrate an image to thus expand My Peace throughout other nations.

I know that it was in the silence of your hearts that you placed that image here on My altar. You do not need to say anything for Me to recognize your will and make of it the Will of God, because when you are sincere and when you have the purpose of establishing peace, God always lives in your intentions. Thus, I will consecrate this image.

I will consecrate this image for My children of Ecuador so that thus, My Immaculate Heart may triumph once again in that Nation. Let the faithful and the simple of heart multiply, who will pray before Me, who will seek My help not only for themselves, but for all of humanity.

Here, My children, I place My Peace, My Immaculate Heart, so that you may carry it to all homes willing to receive Me. May My Graces and Blessings be poured out upon those of pure intention that may be before this image. Let redemption and salvation be a reality for the spirits that, pure of intention, may be before this image. Let the Peace and the Triumph of God be a reality for those hearts that, pure of intention, may be before this image.

Just as I consecrated this image, I consecrate all the images placed on My altar. In each of them I place those Graces that you will need to receive so that you may walk in greater faith, so that you may multiply peace and hope in your hearts.

Be multipliers of My Love and of My Peace in this Nation that I have already consecrated long ago, but that I will renew My commitment to through the consecration of your lives.

Now, My children, I will ask you to sing with joy and that you do not forget My Words.

I consecrate you, I bless you, and above all, I thank you for having responded to My Call; for, in spite of human indifference, being with Me as representatives of humanity that, with great difficulty, aspire to overcome yourselves.

I will help you whenever you are true. Seek My help. I am your Holy Mother and I am here to help you. That is why I come to the world every day. But after having asked for My help, listen to My Words and live each one of them.

I love you and bless you by the Power of God the Father, by the Power of the Son, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, which lives and reigns in My Immaculate Heart. May this Holy Spirit of God live within all creatures that say 'yes' to the great transformation.

I thank you.


The triumph of the heart is the visible result of a repentant being before the Lord and it is this repentance that leads to entering the path of rehabilitation.  While the spirit of repentance does not emerge in the souls, Heaven and the whole Universe will not be able to help the hearts.

The act of repentance cannot be forced or pretended.  The true repentance is born from an expansion of love that it is capable to move, before the Celestial Universe, the state and the principle of all the Laws that rule it.

The triumph of the heart is the effect of a conscious humiliation, which has the immediate result of changing a severe justice for a repairing and redeeming Mercy.

For this, children, the repentance of each being can be the safe door for the love of the heart to triumph once again.  You are invited to live this act of repentance so that the precarious spiritual condition of humanity may at least find a new path to be able to live the emergence of the new humanity.

Beloved children, may the triumph of the heart not be a theory or a wish, but may it be an act of consciousness and of reflection, capable to put in first place the love as an emblem of redemption and forgiveness.

As your Heavenly Mother I piously wish to conduct you through the path of rehabilitation of life and all the consciousness; the Doors of Heaven will not be closed when you simply trust in My call.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who converts you through the Love of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
