From the city of Vancouver to the city of Quebec, there are spaces not yet known to the human being, in which the Spiritual Hierarchy keeps important treasures for the next cycle of humanity.
In Northern Canada there are also special and even impenetrable places where the Spiritual Hierarchy has sacred spaces that help the whole planet.
So Canada experiences a spiritual and intuitive counterpart that needs to awaken on the surface through a group of souls that will unite in the name of the Hierarchy to carry it forward.
Because of this need and reason, the Work of Christ through the consecrated life will assign a number of brothers and sisters so that, together with the Spiritual Hierarchy, Canada and the United States may be able to move into their proper place again through self-summoned souls, thus fulfilling the part of the Plan that is necessary in this cycle.
The Hierarchy and the Work of Christ, through the consecrated Light-Communities, will make the necessary efforts so that this part of the planet, which is the crown of the world, does not remain without the necessary impulses to carry forward the Work of love, redemption and charity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
By the infinite Mercy of My Heart, I descend to the lowest places of the Earth, to bring the Light of God to the world, that Divine Light which will redeem all consciousnesses and all spaces, the powerful Light of God that will redeem all times and all epochs, all facts and all events, so that the humanity of the surface may have a new opportunity and may know how to benefit from it.
Therefore, your Lord and Redeemer visits the most complex nations of the Earth where apparently nothing happens but, within the inner planes, they suffer much the consequence of their acts and errors. Errors that have not been forgiven yet, acts that have not been redeemed yet, and that only in this current time and within this final time will they begin to be liberated by the prayer of those who cry for God, by those who build toward Heaven the nonmaterial Churches through their profession of faith and through their daily prayer, their mantralization with the Heights, with infinity, with the Universe.
Only My merciful Heart can deposit here in Hungary a new opportunity, like also in the other nations that are witnesses of past errors that still have not converted, nor been forgiven.
But My intention is not to step back, it is not to remember the past nor the history. My intention is to liberate you from the chains, from the oppressions, from everything that makes you follow an involutionary course, from everything that makes you lose peace and hope in God.
Only the Son of God and no other consciousness, not even an angelic one, can take charge of this situation, however much the angels of the Universe may participate in this within the inner planes, and are removing the hells of the Earth so that they may be finally closed before the Second Coming of your Master and Redeemer. It will be the Son of the Supreme, the Son of the Creator, the one who is at the right side of the Father who will come to unite the religions into one belief, the belief of love and of compassion.
Therefore, companions, everything that will happen here in Hungary, everything that happens in Romania with the Holy Father, at this moment, everything has a sense and a spiritual reason that impels the Divine Fount of Creation to try to recover the planet at least through faith, faith in the celestial, faith in the divine, in the nonmaterial.
God sends His Son as a means of salvation for humanity, and the Son announces the Word of the Father that is Holy and Sacred so that the inner ears may listen to the good news of the time of liberation and of the time of peace.
But it will be necessary to yield and to humble, to surrender and to trust, so that what is in the Universe can descend to the Earth and make of the new nations a new Eden with redeemed creatures, forgiven and reconciled by the Spirit of the Love of God.
By means of the next Marathon of the Divine Mercy, you will offer to the Father your prayers for the nations of the world, especially for those nations that still keep deep inner wounds, which no one has manged to heal, not even through charity nor through love.
Therefore, this message must become conscious within each one of you, knowing that you not only take care of your homes, of your groups or of your works, but now you must take care for those who do not take care of themselves, who do not love themselves and who do not reconcile with God, and in millions of cases die without seeing the Light, the Light of God, and remain in the dark.
I want to put anend to the darkness of the world, which humanity itself generates with its actions and acts, with its feelings and thoughts. The psychic and mental plane of the Earth must be transmuted by all, through the collaboration of all, although the situations accelerate more each day.
You must not lose peace, nor the certainty that you are building the Plan of the Return of Christ to the Earth. You must always be within My Heart to be in the Divine Protection and in the fortitude of My spiritual Temple, of My Celestial Church, which congregates everyone so that you may drink of the Water of Life, of the Fount of Love and of the renewal that I bring to you, time and again.
My Heart contemplates all necessities of the Earth and My Spirit elevates all intentions of the children of God, including those intentions that are not pure and that you have as conveniences, but I purify all intentions because I know that the inner worlds need an opportunity in order to be able to reconsider and truly love.
Therefore, I welcome all needs, I receive all requests, I hear all supplications. This is the time when the Heart of God is attentive and open to feel the voice of your supplications, because no one on the surface of this Earth will be able to miss the opportunity of awakening and of truly uniting to God.
Therefore, everything you do will be for something that must happen after and before I return to the world, under the Glory of God and the splendor of all the Universe. On the surface of the Earth there are still many fallen stars that must find again the path of redemption, and these fallen stars are within the nations and also within the religions.
Fraternity will be this basis that will build the Temple of Redemption for all these fallen stars that must resume their commitment with God and recover their faith in the Light of Christ. For this reason, I offer Myself directly to you and to the world as a Door to the House of God, our Father, so that His Divine Attributes may be among you and may fill you.
I make you apostles of the times of tribulation so that you may learn to win as I won in the silence of the Cross and in the true and deep Love that exorcised all the hells of the Earth at that time.
The world needs a high and incalculable Love and you can be instruments so that this Love may come here and build new things in the world, for peace to reign in all spaces.
Eastern Europe must be a people renewed in faith and in the trust in God. And this work has just begun through the self-summoned, those who are internally called by Christ, your Master and Lord, to serve Him in His Plan of Redemption and of Love.
Celebrate this Marathon as an opportunity of living the apostleship of these times, regardless of the place or of the necessity, intention or cause, because I will place you where I need you, however it may be or however much it takes. I will place you in the place where love, healing and forgiveness is most needed. I will put you where the Light has never descended.
The work of the apostleship will prepare the Return of Christ. For this reason, union among religions will be important; the union in love, in human fraternity, in faith and in charity will impel the world to become aware that it must make a great change before the last day of the final transition comes, when your King Himself, the Christ, and the Archangel Gabriel will judge that fallen angel that has caused everything throughout the times and the centuries.
Everything that is done now is for these times that will come. The Fount of My Mercy is still open to the whole world, just place yourselves under My Light with the intention of the heart and the consciousness to be able to be purified and transmuted, to be able to be consecrated as My Apostle of Peace.
I thank you for your reception and response to My call!
My Mercy still springs as an infinite Fount from My Heart to the most lost and suffering souls of the whole world.
I bless you,
Songs of Figueira - "At the Supper"
In this song, we enter into the temple of the heart and we withdraw during the night to pray with the Master.
The soul leaves behind miseries and fears to accompany the Master in the great ceremony of Communion.
In this song, the expression and the manifestation of the Communities-of-Light is prophesied and confirmed, these being guided by the Hand of the Great Shepherd who, gathering the People of God, celebrates with the self-summoned.
The preparation starts with a daily prayer to receive the Master of Love at the great conclave. He demonstrates His Love for all beings and withdraws, as Spirit, into the soul of each being.
When all are called, the room of the great encounter is revealed so that they may enter into communion with the Most High and thus souls may remain in the Lord.
He reveals the great moment of Communion, offering Himself to the Father, but also asking all to be vigilant and to pray always so as not to lose the way towards the Heart of God.
The Lord shows Himself to be loving and resplendent, and receives into His Kingdom all who have been called to serve Him, bringing them before the Throne of God so that they may receive the Graces from the Celestial Father, and thus revere Him forever and ever.
This song demonstrates the fidelity towards the Lord, a fidelity that we can live through daily prayer and thus find the path of return towards our origin.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My Mercy is poured like rain on a spring afternoon and it brings the Source of renewal and the presence of the eternal to the planetary life.
Thus, Divine Mercy reaches the hearts most in need of love and of light, but is also poured on all those who respond to My convocation.
On this afternoon, Divine Mercy restores inner worlds, pacifies troubled hearts, and unifies the souls that live the Divine Purpose in My Name, which will continue its trajectory beyond the stars.
For this reason, always remember that My Love is immutable, and My Compassion, eternal; thus I will take you with Me towards new spheres and in those dwellings you will encounter your true origin, the story written in the Mirrors.
Remain united with Me, because from today a new and unique cycle began, to expand the foundations of the Divine Purpose in the entire planetary sphere.
In My Celestial House today I have a new dweller and I have received him rejoicing because his mission was fulfilled, just as My Celestial Father thought it.
This is reason for happiness and for joy.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Message
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
From the Heart of the Universe comes the Instruction for humanity.
It has always been like this, but today I am inviting you to enter with Me into one special Source of Instruction and knowledge, which until today has been inexhaustible, which has always remained alive throughout times.
Today I am talking to you especially from the Pleiades, an inner place from which much knowledge arose before the origins of the Earth, before the manifestation of the first humanity.
From this place many spirits were sent, wise consciousnesses that had their formation in knowledge and gave Instruction to the world throughout the times.
Therefore, Instruction must be considered as the first rule of life, the one which will always lead you to straighten the path and maintain your consciousnesses on High.
Today the Pleiades, as stars, make themselves present and come to meet the self-summoned so that they may feel within themselves the impulses of the Universe, impulses that will be revealed for the manifestation of the Plan of God in humanity.
For these critical times, the Pleiades keep participating in your humanity, they keep pouring out their knowledge upon the sphere of the Earth so that, in the spiritual plane, everything may be conceived and later be lived by the human consciousnesses on this surface.
May you understand today how much sacred knowledge has arisen from these great stars of the Pleiades which, time and again, emits impulses to the whole Universe so that the consciousnesses may catch the information that they need to be able to grow internally, and thus be bearers of peace.
Attract toward yourselves this superior consciousness of knowledge and Instruction, thus you will always hold in your lives this extended hand that will be the guide of Instruction, which will lead you to forge, in your true beings, that which you came to fulfill and live in these final times.
It is time to reignite this commitment within you, this sacred memory with the Universe and all its Instruction.
Instruction is like a wellspring that is never exhausted, it is like the river that never ceases to run to bathe the fields and the forests, to nourish the land with its wealth and minerals.
See, then, this sacred knowledge as something vital, because the last impulses are now coming to humanity, they are being poured out for the formation of the New Humanity.
From this place, receive all the love of Instruction. Receive in your hearts the impulse of something sacred that comes to unveil the new being and to bring Truth to the consciousness, without allowing it to become confused nor be deceived by the supposed instructions that will come from other paths.
I told you once that by your fruits you will be known. Instruction will be this key that will reveal that which is hidden and will leave in evidence in what is not true.
For this reason, each word that comes from knowledge and Instruction is vital because it will make of your beings consciousnesses free of themselves, from the constant current of errors of the race of these times.
The sacred knowledge will help you reverse the chaos of these times, it will help you to transform and vivify everything, in the plentitude that knowledge and Instruction have, because they come from the Source.
May the Sun, which can awaken in your heart, recognize this legacy.
Sacred instructions from the Pleiades are sent to humanity to form the last disciples, to make of each consciousness a teraphim of the new cycle.
I invite you to revive what is sacred in the Universe, what comes from such faraway places of the Cosmos so that you recognize your true identity and thus not be disturbed by the material life, by the human condition, by the errors and the suffering.
May you find this portal of exit to the heart of the Pleiades, in which the first rule of Instruction is the prayer of the Wise Spirits that have given of themselves throughout the times to serve humanity, to help elevate the consciousness to the true purpose and to the true meaning of existence.
See, then, companions, the importance of knowledge in these times. There are many who are still in the desert, seeking the water of life to quench their thirst, but cannot find it because they are within themselves.
Now that I have opened this Source for you, go and drink, drink of this knowledge as if it were the last water that existed on the planet, to give the most wonderful codes of the Universe and of the Brotherhood, to bring to your consciousnesses the true memory of their commitments signed in the Universe, as original essences, as part of a great Project, that has not ended yet.
Commune, then, with the wonders of the Pleiades and of its Constellation.
Feel the love of the Pleiades beat in your hearts and, in this sacred symphony, emit your ray of gratitude to that which is superior so that more keys may be given to humanity, so that more inner Christs may awaken and thus the talents in all beings may be shown; talents which will be at the service of your Master and Lord for the end of these times, and that, united, will be essential for the Work of redemption.
Emit, then, your song of gratitude to the Universe, may your spirits embrace this flame of knowledge and may it be welcomed in the depths of your beings in order to awaken the virtues that are necessary to remove the majority from spiritual drowsiness and inertia.
May the treasures of the Pleiades show themselves today to the simple hearts.
May the light of the Pleiades radiate to the humble hearts and may the consciousnesses commune with that which truly exists and has always been eternal.
This will safeguard the last Tribes of Israel, which are in the world to fulfill the great prophecy of the return of your Lord.
Be brave and say “yes” in trust.
Receive this encouragement and this hope from the Universe in these critical moments of humanity and the planet so that the true attributes and principles of evolutionary life are not erased from the memory of humanity, but are present for the most urgent times of humanity.
I embrace and hold My Heart in those who truly hear Me, in those who, above all, understand and adhere to My Purpose.
I also pray for those who do not understand Me and for those who do not follow Me, because everything will be in evidence someday, and this is not far away from happening.
For this, I pray, for this I implore, and for this I invoke My Father.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Second Message
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today My Words must resound in the depths of beings, so that beings may understand what is happening.
From the Great Council of the Hierarchy, today I come to visit you and to emit My message to you for the world, for all those who follow My Steps and also for those who have stopped following me.
Today I do not come to talk about anyone in particular or about any specific situation that corresponds to the planet or to humanity.
Today I come to talk about the Project of God that must be fulfilled through all those who are self-called by the Hierarchy.
As in other moments, I come from a special place where the Great Council of the Hierarchy is gathered together at this moment and for the evolution of this planet and this humanity.
We are at the doorway of a new cycle, we are at the doorway of a next August 8th, in which Heaven, the Universe, descends to Earth and to humanity to do its synthesis again and meditate upon the next steps to be taken.
Humanity has changed the events, so meditation is necessary to perceive what is really happening.
Today I come from a place in the Desert of Chilca, in Peru, where the great Councilors of the Universe are gathered to prepare for that moment.
As Master among masters, as a Guide among guides, as a Messenger among messengers of the Hierarchy, I come to announce this important moment to you, so that you may not only be aware, but also responsible before the Plan.
Each one knows what they can give Me. Each one knows what they can contribute for the manifestation to take place.
I do not look for the perfect, nor the imperfect. I do not look for what is advanced, or modern.
I seek the truth of every human heart, of each servant of this Earth, of each of the self-summoned who has been called through the ages to serve and unite with the Hierarchy.
You must keep on the path of the next events. You must not allow leaving the Hierarchy, because the Hierarchy needs to be in these events in order to accompany humanity and the planet.
Today's times are not the same times that took place yesterday.
Day by day events change, within and outside of beings.
Day by day you face a new definition, a new step.
The spiritual Hierarchy does not ask for what is possible. The spiritual Hierarchy asks everyone for what is simple, and what is birthed by the heart, which is what helps to manifest the Work; the pillars of that manifestation must be supported by the collaboration of all.
As in the coming 8th of August, so important and decisive, the self-summoned must be where the Hierarchy is, where the Universe has chosen, the place for giving the impulses so necessary for humanity through Instruction and Grace, through Mercy and healing for all souls.
I would like to know where the attention is of those who say they are with Me.
I would like to be able to understand, beyond all things, the feeling of the human beings of this period.
You know, companions, that My Consciousness has no limits, but still, after all I have experienced on this planet and with this humanity, I am learning with you, time and again.
You must embrace the Truth that reveals the Plan of God to you; you must be sustained by this Truth in order to be able to move forward.
You must not deceive yourselves, you must not create mirages with yourselves. You must come to know that each new cycle that begins on August 8th is an opportunity for renewal rather than inertia.
The instability of these times will be transmuted by the responsibility of all, by obedience, and especially by adherence.
These are the reflections that the Councilors of the Hierarchy are studying and meditating upon, because if the knowledge in the essence of human beings is not clear, it will not be so in the manifestation.
You must learn to live as the Hierarchy lives.
The Graces of Heaven have already been given. Undeserved merits were devised for many hearts.
Now it is time to reconsider and truly know what you are participating in together with the Hierarchy.
Purification is not just a moment of pain or discomfort.
Purification forges a definition and a constant transformation in human beings.
Remember that the scale of this planet must always be in balance, who will support it?
Do not just make the effort to seek the good. Do not make the effort to seek your own convenience or your own satisfaction.
The ministry of the New Christs should be as crystalline as water and as pure as sunlight.
You must build in yourselves what the Universe needs in order to create the new race, to be able to manifest the New Humanity.
The need for consciousness is a concern of the entire Hierarchy, on the part of the human beings of these times.
The Plan of God is not something one can use because it is convenient or only as long as one needs it.
I came to teach that to My Apostles and to all those who ever listened to Me.
The legacy of the Project of God is immaculate and sublime, and we owe everything to Him, because it was He Who created us and manifested us to be present in these times.
You must forge in yourselves the determination to persist.
Many human beings in these times are surviving, but those who are with the Hierarchy do not need to survive, they need to persist, they need to build and to sustain together with the Brotherhood.
Thus, sacred knowledge will not be lacking and divine impulses will not cease to descend; because each being receives what they need, according to their moment and their time.
For this reason, companions, we are gathered together as Counselors of the Hierarchy to reflect, learn, and meditate.
The Plan must continue to manifest as foreseen, through the adherence of all, through the constancy of all, and mainly, through the love of all.
The Plan of God cannot be lived with tepidity or coolness.
You must seek in yourselves that fire that once awaken you and called upon you to serve, and in that fire you must always renew yourselves.
After all that has happened in Europe, the time has come for you to clearly hear what I have always wanted to tell you; I have waited for sixty meetings to be able to say it, so that in you could mature that seed that I once placed there when all this began.
You must place your love in what really exists, beyond all of this, of all that is physical or material.
The Universe waits for a true response to be reflected in you that is in accordance with what you have received and experienced through the intervention of the Hierarchy.
Thus, the legacy will not be in vain and there will be simple but true receptacles that will hold the essence of the Plan within themselves.
Be supported by the words I am giving you today, fortify your faith in the vibration that I bring you today, and let your hearts live temperance, just as I lived it to carry out what My Father needed to occur, when I was once present, here on Earth, together with you and for you.
The Plan of God is not a passing emotion, nor is It something that souls can reject on their own; around you there are examples of this and see how much you are unnecessarily suffering.
The consciousnesses of this world have no notion of what the Plan is, not only because of their ignorance, but also because they do not know, even though they sometimes think they know.
The Councils of the Hierarchy need your maturity and your adherence so that many more positive events that have been foreseen can occur and will not be interfered with by anyone.
My Merciful Heart waited until now to be able to tell you.
My Merciful Heart expects reflection from you rather than chaos.
Now the time has come for each one to assume their part, with transparency and maturity, without blaming anyone.
Each of you are precious pieces within this Plan and even though you do not know what that means, believe in what I tell you, because it has value and fidelity.
Know that everything that occurs is to mature consciousnesses and souls, to have them someday experience the sovereignty that exists in the Universe and in all the Brotherhood. This causes Creation to be recreated, this always leads to awareness and responsibility in the face of events.
In this Marathon, may all think about the step that is necessary to take in this time, without waiting for this to occur a long time later, because the hour has come to take that step.
I encourage you to live the Plan with greater consciousness and responsibility.
I encourage you to be part of a Spiritual Hierarchy that up to now humanity has never been a part of because of always remaining immature.
I tell you again, I do not need perfect beings, I need conscious beings who will always dare to transform everything and experience everything out of a love for God.
That will take the Plan up another step and to another level; that will bring down to Earth the treasures that have been kept for so long in the Universe and that wait to be revealed by the Hierarchy.
From the Great Council of the Spiritual Hierarchy in the Desert of Chilca, we bless you and we await, as guides and masters, for your correspondence and loyalty; this will cause the Universe to entrust you with new things.
Take My Words as an opportunity for inner growth and not as a complaint, because My time among you is already ending, just as My time with My Apostles ended at some point.
Listen to My Words as many times as is necessary and extract from them all the impulses you need in order to be able to change, before everything is about to happen in humanity.
Be Mirrors of the Light of the Plan for these times.
Be what the Universe needs you to be in this cycle, because thus, everything will change.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My Most Holy Mother, in this time, gathers together those who are self-called to serve the Plan of God.
On the other hand, My Mother seeks the redemption of the greatest possible number of consciousnesses, which have not yet taken any step, but which are within the time and in the energy to be able to do so.
Thus, through the Work of redemption of the divine Son, the one who is not able to do so will be given the impulse to take a significant leap in their life.
The time has come to embrace the call and to make it part of yourself, every day. That will help uplift the consciousness of the servers, so that in the end, they may be unconditional collaborators, and demonstrate it to the world as part of the Victory of Christ.
In this time all will be guided so that the new Christs may be born on Earth, who will populate the planet with new teachings and experiences of love.
I thank you for placing my words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master Christ Jesus
I have finally come here to be with you and never to separate Myself again, if you allow Me so.
I have finally come here to liberate those who have needed it since a long time, and this is due to your intervention together with My redemptive Work in this final time.
I Am this Most Holy Heart that presents Itself to you to show you the Universe of God and for you never to lose the filiation with My Father, who is in the Heavens.
I ardently expected to be here today with you for you not only to proclaim My Divine Mercy, but also for you to feel Me in the depth of your hearts and lives, in each space of your beings, in each aspect of your consciousnesses.
I am finally here, companions, to pray for My Argentina with My Mother, Saint Joseph, and all the angels of Heaven that have come here extraordinarily to elevate to the Universe the prayers of the children of God, of the self-summoned.
I need that in these three days that you will be with Me to adore and love Me, you venerate My Most Holy Heart, that is your Eucharist, the perfect union with God that dissipates all evil, that liberates the bonds and that brings healing to the hearts.
I am finally with you, companions, so that you can renew your vows with Me once and again, without leaving behind My Projects, that are the projects of your lives, of your families, of the whole nation that is also in its transition and in its test as all the nations of the world. If you, companions, strengthen this vow with Me you will not perish, and the nation will not perish either because there will be consistent hearts that will follow My Path in spite of what happens and you will face the challenges, those that will reach the encounter of everybody to confirm the great Project of God, that is His Love and His Unity with the whole Universe.
Today I come especially, companions, with the angels who adore My most holy Body in the Eucharist, and today I am here with you with a very special company, who gave the impulse to the revelation of My Sacred Heart: Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, who brought in advance the revelation of My Divine Mercy, first through My Sacred Heart, and then through the union with Me. What greater treasure did I leave you at that time, as well as with Saint Faustina, who showed you the path of the apostolate and the devotion to My Rays of mercy that are present nowadays among you to purify you, to consecrate you to My Lord?
With each guardian angel feel the Universe of God that approaches itself to this material and illusionary reality and opens the eyes in all the inner worlds of the souls that are still searching for a way out. If you persevere, companions, the people will persevere, and in spite of the time that is approaching, the hearts will be with Me to honor God and to make His divine Project descend in each heart and in each consciousness.
Today I come, companions, finally, for you to be between My Arms and to feel My Love that gives you warmth for the cold you feel, that gives you strength for the fears you might feel, that gives you joy in each test, in each challenge, that gives life to those who are dying spiritually.
I need to live in your hearts all the time and a little bit more. I need you to hold Me in your lives as the biggest testimony that redemption and peace have given you.
I open the doors of the Universe to those who do not deserve it; I hand opportunities to all the hearts who listen to Me and who live Me in the plenitude of love.
I am here, companions, finally, so that through prayer we may restore many consciousnesses that still wait for salvation and liberation.
In the most holy presence of My Heart I adore, contemplate and love you, and dissolve from your memories all the imperfection in whoever really believes it.
I am here today, companions, to summon you to be My missionaries not only in Argentina but in the world, because I need missionaries in each country for the doors of evil to close and the Work of God to triumph in the simple hearts.
See My Sacred Heart that reveals itself to you for you to adore It and feel it in your hearts. This is the Love that surrendered Itself to you and to each of your brothers and sisters. This Sacred Heart is the fountain that quenches the thirst and that renews you from time to time. This is the Heart that comes from God and that pulsates for each consciousness of this Universe; it is the Heart that brings you peace and hope in times of darkness; it is the Heart that gives itself as light for the inner and outer paths. This was the human Heart that carried the Cross and all the sins of the world until today. It is the heart that is not much honored, that is full of Grace, mercy and healing.
How much My Heart hurts for being full of love and not to be able to shed it on those who do not invoke it! The thorns of indifferences and sins do not hurt Me so much, what hurts Me is the rejection that the hearts feel towards Me, because it is not I who am with you, but My Father through Me, it is the Universe of God in life and hope. Drink from this Heart that sheds a fountain of Blood and of Christic life for all. Receive the rays of My Heart in your hearts and say, “Lord, I trust in You.” With this confidence you will not fear and through this confidence you will be able to do anything.
Today I do not come to see what Argentina has not done well because this is of no importance for God or for His Plan. Today I come to see where I have left the talents and how they have flourished through each one of My companions. Today I come to touch your talents in the depth of your hearts so that you can awaken and serve Me in brotherhood.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Many of those who are indifferent in this nation today receive My Divine Mercy because you have opened the door for this to happen and persevered in faith and confidence to My Sacred Heart, this is incalculable for Me, even though I see all things and your inner worlds. The souls are unpredictable because without being aware it, they hold invisible keys that open the doors of the Heart of God.
I thank you, and let us honor Our Father who is attentive to the voice of all His children in Argentina for them to cry out for more mercy, for more redemption and especially for peace.
I will glorify this altar that you have prepared for Me in the simplicity of the spirit and of giving. The beauty of the altars is in the gestures that you emit to My Heart, in the hands that place each flower, in the arms that give themselves to lift My Image to the world.
The Lord listens to the prayers of all of His children and opens the doors of His Heart to receive the call of all creatures on Earth. Thus He establishes His Love in all consciousnesses that unify themselves through His Presence and His infinite Love. He banishes all that separates the souls from His Divine Kingdom and from His Glory. With His Angels of Heaven, He establishes the mission for each one of His children, and whoever accepts Him with all their hearts will never cease to serve Him or to have the opportunity to do so as He has thought it.
Today I bless those who have always been loyal to Me in joy as in sadness, in confirmation as well as in discouragement because I never leave behind who is with Me and lives Me.
I bless these elements that will be the divine life in your cells and bodies and will reach the greatest depth of your beings for you to be in constant renewal and in My Peace.
I renew and also redeem you and I embrace you with My Light whenever you simply ask Me for it.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us give thanks to God and to all His Glory.
I thank you, companions, for being with Me today in truth and simplicity.
Celebrate My Being with joy and may the Holy Spirit guide you until I return to your encounter. Amen.
The Glorified Christ Jesus
Invocation to the Original Plan of God
The Celestial Powers
unite in the Universe and
the rays of Liberation
and of Transmutation
expel the corrosive energies of evil.
The soldiers of Light
unite to the principle of Universal Love
and all the treacherous doors
are closed by the Great Awakening of Humanity.
Peace is established
in all of those who listen to the divine call
and the planet as a whole
receives the opportunity of Liberation.
The Celestial Masters
radiate the power of the stars
and all self-summoned
respond to the Greater Will.
The redeemed New Humanity emerges
because Christ, the Master amongst masters,
has returned to the Earth.
All souls are responsive
to the fulfillment of the Divine Plan
and the new Suns participate
in the Great Current of Fraternity.
The Celestial Universe
descends to the planet
and all that has been created and thought of
by the Mind and the Heart of God
receives the codes of christification.
The soldiers become resplendent flames
and illuminate the darknesses of this world.
The Great Master of Love,
Jesus Christ,
guides and accompanies
the evolution and the redemption
of all of the children of God.
The Plan of God is fulfilled in this era.
The Original Project
becomes possible and true
because the summoned respond to the
Universal Voice of Adonai.
Emmanuel becomes visible
amongst the creatures
and all the human beings
recognize His Spiritual Paternity.
The Divine Plan is vivified
in the existence of all of the beings
and the planet Earth enters into the thousand years of Peace.
The Universe manifests its true spiritual identity
and all of the living humanity,
in the four corners of the Earth,
receives in Glory the arrival of the Universal King.
All undergoes a new cycle,
all is transformed,
transmuted and redeemed.
Humanity is blessed
by the rays of the Universal Love
and all those who have awakened
commune again in the
Sacred Supper of Reconciliation.
Those who are oppressed
are liberated.
Those who are ill
are healed.
Those who are prisoners of themselves
become free.
Those who invoked the blessed name of God
are consecrated.
All is reconstructed.
All is restored.
All is elevated to the foot
of the Greater Celestial Altar.
The forces of evil are redeemed
and removed from the entire sphere of the Earth.
The New Humanity breaths Peace,
Harmony and Love.
Now the original promise is fulfilled
under the Supreme Light of the Creator.
This prayer is a spiritual and internal invocation for all of those who have been and will be self-summoned for the end of the times. It is an affirming prayer of internal and spiritual help for those who follow the steps of the Redeemer.
Under the Glory of God, be blessed.
Thank you for decreeing through My Sacred Heart!
Glorified Christ Jesus
In this time, I come to the world as the Greater Priest to prepare the paths of those who will return, on their own, to commune with Me in My next advent to the world. In this way, I fulfill the Designs of My Father and embrace all souls so they may feel My Sacred Heart.
In the Light that I radiate is the Truth, the main reason for My Coming to this world, as the Spirit of Truth and Life. In this way, I gather together all My new disciples so that, through Me, they live the Truth that I lived in past times. I gather the self-called and the forgotten who have been left behind, missing the opportunity for Christification.
My Heart prevails throughout time, while I send permanent impulses to all the spirits that live on the face of the Earth, but not all respond to Me as I would wish. Many times, I must build up the maturity of the wheat, for My Father needs it to make use of it and thus accomplish the Divine Purpose of pouring out His Mercy in this wounded world.
While everything is about to happen, I immediately gather you together around My Holy Eucharistic Table, so that the greatest number of essences may receive the Gifts I achieved during the Death, Resurrection and Glory out of infinite love for all My flocks.
In this time, I ask you for faithfulness to My Most Sacred Heart. Thus, I will be able to know and see with how many talents I will be able to carry out My Works of Peace in the world in this time. Thus, the training of the new apostles is urgent.
I come directly from the Celestial and Spiritual Universe to give the last warnings to everybody. Help those who sleep in the illusion of this human dream to wake up; you can always count on My Sacred Divine Intervention. I need you ready to be able to give your best at any moment.
Believe! Your cells are redeemable, and through Me, they will be sanctified by the Law of My Mercy. Be patient and do not rest within yourselves, but rather open the door of your hearts to Me, so your souls are able to listen to Me as the One Greater Voice.
Feel the power of My Trust, the Peace that never ends and the true Love of My Heart that tightly embraces you and supports you until you fall back again at My side. My Hands, together with yours, are the preferred safety and fortitude that I can bring to you.
For this reason, be as clear as water in all the ways of life; thus, I assure you, My beloveds, that you will achieve purity and in a short while, will be My saints of the end days.
Under the Love of God, be blessed and peaceful.
Thank you for remaining in My Heart!
The Glorified Christ Jesus, Priest of Peace
And the Lady dressed of Sun will pour the Crown of Stars, so that a path may arise from the bowels of the Earth and through which will walk the new redeemed flocks. Each one of Her stars will be the visible sign of a new cycle and each soul, according to their choice, will enter through a path that will be able to bring them to the Kingdom of the Lord.
At the Greater Door of Heaven, the Beloved Lord will wait for His beloved soul, so that together in victory, they may consecrate the spirit to the Eternal Love of God. The Lady dressed of Sun will manifest Her universal symbol and this will be the sign that will announce the next coming of the King of the Universe.
Blessed are those who will be waiting in joy for the coming of the King of the Patriarchs, because they will be participants of the Good News for the world.
Blessed are those who have given of themselves, in order to transfigure in Christ their lives, because they will recognize the rays that come from the Heart of the Son of God.
And the New Boat of life and of prayer, will sail in deep sea and many will see it arising by the efforts of the little beings of Christ. The New Boat will not be from the past, it will be born as a new child from the womb of His Immaculate Mother.
Many will not understand this mystery and not many will feel the brightness and the strength of its light, that which comes from the Boat and the new flocks. These are the ones brought together for the redeeming mission, those who silently will lift high the torch of light, to show to the world the path of the true conversion.
No one will remain without knowing where to go, because the Boat is already sailing by means of the impulses that it receives from the favored fire of prayer. Those who are curious will want to know the essence of this great food for the spirit, but because they do not know themselves they will see too late that everything starts and ends in the prayer of the heart.
The workers speed up the work of the great bridge to the Great Spirit of God; time flies and the souls slow down their steps towards God. The Bird of the Holy Spirit announces a new call and only will follow in flight the ears attentive to the voice of the heart.
A New Humanity awakens in the south of the world. On the horizon the Aurora breaks radiant, in order to open the cycle of purification. All of the universe comes together so that the Divine Purpose may reach its reality in the sleeping consciousnesses.
Compassion for those who will cry for having depreciated the instruction of Heaven! The Voice of the Great Master will continue to resonate for some more time, while His Light illuminates with love the pace of the New Boat.
The old will be knocked down, because the pillars were not based in living the Law of the Lord. It is time to recognize the Time and to live in the wisdom of the Lord.
The Doors of Heaven are opened to welcome all of those who have been separated from God.
Penance for the proud ones! Redemption for the timid! Mercy for those who do not tire of serving the Great Lord!
The Star of the Universe will announce the great moment for the world, while the New Boat sails to the south of the world; its passing knocks down with love the structures that are already expired. No one will be able to oppose it, because it is filled by the Light of the Great Universal King.
Recognize with faith all that you receive in your hands, because for the expected time there must exist a repentant heart, so that it may be healed by God.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for meditating on My signs with the heart!
Christ Jesus, Master of Love
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more