The triumph of My Heart will happen in those who listen to Me…
The triumph of My Heart will happen in the children of the world who listen to Me and accept My call as something primordial for their lives; thus, little by little Your Mother of Heaven, when She is invoked in prayer, will be able to dissipate the darkness of the nations and establish the Kingdom of God in the world, a Kingdom that is awaited by the innocents.
Through the spiritual exercise of the Mystery of the Rosary for all the nations of the Americas, the one that started in these last days, the universal Divinity has placed all Its attention on the response, inner and soulish, that the hearts have given before the call for prayer that has been made by Your Heavenly Mother.
In this way, through the response of the different nations of the Americas, the adversary started to lose the power of regional and worldwide action, weakening all its malign networks, the ones that previously interfered in the consciousness and in the awakening of the peoples.
The answers manifested by all those who consider themselves in this moment children of Mary, allowed that the foreseen events in the Apocalypse of John were transformed by the intercession of Mary and by the simple prayers of the open hearts.
In this week that ends today, the angels of some of the nations of the Americas recovered the spiritual strength to be able to act, and the guardian angels of the praying people implored for the presence of fourteen of the principal choirs of the ultraterrestrial Heaven, thus Your Heavenly Mother, being in charge and in command of this whole divine summoning, received celestial permission to expel certain malign creations that would compromise even more the debts of the consciousness of the nations.
Due to the prompt response of the self-summoned to this task of prayer for the different nations of the Americas, from this day on, the praying people will obtain the celestial merit of becoming mediators together with the voice of Mary by means of the unbreakable column of prayer of the Holy Rosary.
In this biweekly recitation and entreaty, proposed for the next six months, the Americas in total will receive the Grace of rethinking in time, of being able to change some habits and customs and to welcome in the spirit of each nation, an unexplainable atonement in face of the committed faults. This will lead, dear children, certain people, nations and regions of the Americas to be relieved during the process of planetary purification.
If this channel of prayer for the nations, as it is being activated, would include more consciousnesses in this impulse and in the planetary network for peace, it will be so, dear children, that through the prayer of the Holy Rosary and through the means of communication, I will be founding a network of planetary prayer. A network in which all the pilgrims, devotees, praying people and children of Mary will have the opportunity to pray united for the same aim, that will be to cause the triumph the Immaculate Heart of Your Most Holy Mother.
If everyone fulfills these requisites of participation and of compromise for the expansion of this network, the results that will obtained in less than six months will be gradual; this means that all the Americas will be praying united as one heart and by the same aim together with the visionaries to whom I have confided all these souls for them to reencounter God and His blessed Path of love.
It will be in this way, dear children, as everyone prays the Mystery of the Rosary, that the possibility of intercession of the angels of nations for certain decisions that unfortunately would compromise each individual in each country, will increase.
The formation of this planetary network, through its members and devotees of Mary in the different nations, will allow to create a bridge of light with the Universe, the recovery of the spiritual principles for many consciousnesses and, most of all, the integration among cultures and the inner filiation with God.
This purpose of the network of the planetary prayer will receive an impulse for each praying person on Earth. This will be the way that each praying being will come to know the talents that Christ deposited in their heart and will be able to embrace this call as something real and necessary in these times.
The triumph of My Immaculate Heart will happen through the response of all.
I thank you for responding to My call!
I great you on this birthday of Mother María Shimani,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am that universal Light of Aurora that illuminates the wounded spaces of the consciousness, bringing healing and a cure to the whole being.
I am that Ray of Aurora that purifies the corrupted particles of humanity and transforms them into codes of redemption.
I am that Spring of healing of Aurora that renews everything it touches and radiates principles of redemption.
I am that green Flame of Aurora that in devotion, elevates those who cry out for liberation.
I am that precious and green Crystal of Aurora that scatters victorious lights upon the souls that confirm their union with that state of redemption.
I am the green Star of Aurora that summons the soldiers to the path of a profound awakening.
I am that brilliant Light of the Kingdom of Aurora that calls disciples to inner instruction; in this way, I form the redeemed legions of Christ in this end time.
I am that green Fire of Aurora that like a torch, illuminates the path of the followers of the Plan.
I am that invisible Mirror of Aurora that attracts the principles of brotherhood and unity.
You, children, can be Aurora each time you unite with it and affirm your union with the Hierarchy.
May the New Aurora awaken in the life of each being. May the suns, which still do not shine, recognize the great convocation of the Plan.
Aurora calls you to form the first ranks of the armies of the Plan. Aurora invokes its Sacred Center so that the self-summoned awaken to the Plan.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In the healing Light of Aurora,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My beloved children of Brazil and the world,
Today I gather you all in this sacred oratory of devout souls in the city of Joinville so that you may give testimony that My loving presence is still here among you and that the pilgrimages of the Divine Messengers are active.
Children, I came from Heaven to ask for your collaboration and cooperation so that the pilgrim mission in southern Brazil can end just as the Celestial Father has foreseen in His Heart.
Each pilgrimage that is fulfilled through your collaboration means a major step toward the salvation of souls, and above all, towards the establishment of a greater approaching time of peace.
My children, today I call on you again to be collaborators in this sacred work that encompasses not only your planet, but also the Universe. Whenever We, the Messengers of Heaven, descend, it is to bring peace and healing for humanity.
Each place where you must visit in pilgrimage in the future with effort, dedication, and transmutation cannot remain without the assistance of Heaven. You, My beloved children, are the ones who hold the keys and the tools to open the doors of Heaven so that the Hierarchy can draw closer.
Today you must not only be My children, but also My servants, instruments that help Your Heavenly Mother to materialize Her plans of Peace. The pilgrimage in southern Brazil is not yet ended, and the work that is being developed through the most recent meetings with the youth in the different cities, is awakening a fountain of Graces in the hearts that are not yet redeemed.
Dear children, Your Most Holy Mother will expand the pilgrimage in May, as well as in June, when the mission will deepen in the hearts of the self-called.
It is at this moment, children, that I prepare you to take new steps in the life of the fraternity, of charity with the Evolutionary Plan, and in the equitable donation of things. The planet is your home and all are invited to take the steps in the name of love and redemption of humanity.
Children, My spiritual pilgrimage through nations and continents will be expanding given the urgency of recent times, and for the awakening of those who are still sleeping.
My coming to the city of Joinville has the mission of having the European consciousness, which is to be found here, recover its affiliation with God, and thus liberate Europe from all the mistakes made over the last hundred years. Joinville is the synthesis of the European consciousness that must set aside individualism in order to learn to unite with fellow humans in charity and equality. For this reason the prayer groups that are here will have the demanding task of awakening sleeping hearts, so that they may participate in the school of redemptive prayer that I am indicating to them.
Children, may this call for a more fraternal and conscious collaboration remain in your consciousness, and especially in your hearts, in face of the need to fulfill My plans of Peace at the end of times.
I will sincerely appreciate the contribution of everyone. As the Master of Light says, the hand that donates is never impoverished; this is Law in the Universe.
I thank you for responding to My call for Peace.
Who gathers you in the Heart of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear,
Do not distress your heart for what you have not yet managed to do or to transcend.
Break the barriers of inertia and illusion through the powerful fire of My Heart and wait in vigil, for all will be accomplished.
Follow Me in the goal of making your life a small sacred temple through the purification of your acts, feelings and thoughts. Everything has its cycle; it is useless that you hurry to see the results.
Patience is the master key of those who persevere and of the innocent. When you are not able to embrace transformation, hide in My Immaculate Heart and trust; under My Mantle you become invisible.
Walk by My side holding My hand tightly, and in each step you take, feel that I will teach you to overcome all the abysses of the consciousness.
The true disciple must know their own human condition so as to learn to love beyond the human conditions of others.
Let the flow of My call make you feel sure of the path you travel, because for God, failure does not exist; all that exists is the lack of love in those who still do not love.
To experience the school of redemption is a purpose for all the self-summoned. I wish for your heart to be purified until it is as pure as it is when you draw close to My maternal Heart.
I do not cease attending to those who need special help; all are favored children to Me. Let the path of transformation be the stepping stone so that someday, your soul may be converted in Christ.
Forward! Continue forward and without discouragement; humanity will finally be consecrated through the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
A group of monks from Aurora gathered together to pray the Rosary and wait for the coming of the Divine Mother. When we were on the last mystery of the Rosary, I saw clearly that the Middle East was being spiritually worked upon by the prayer, and I saw the Most Holy Mother above all those countries, pouring out an intense white Light that was coming from the palms of Her hands, from Her Heart and from all of Her aura. The Most Holy Virgin was stretching out Her arms towards that region in an attitude of constant offering and, at the same time, She was supplicating for all of those nations through a profound silence, while observing everything that was happening there.
When the Virgin Mary appeared where we were praying, She showed Herself enveloped in a Mantle that had the flag of Syria imprinted on it. Mary embraced this mantle with love and fervor, supplicating to the Father.
Like a great Mirror of Light and of Love, I descend to the world to withdraw it from the evil in which it lives, because the world is absent from the Love of God.
I descend in glory toward the darkest areas of the planet, so that My Mirror of Light can dispel the ideas and forms about a frightening war. Thus, your prayers will always be the lights that will shine and will not allow evil to reign in the hearts of humankind, an evil that has expanded throughout the world.
The victory and the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will take place through all the souls that, in the most critical hour of the Earth, when the great abyss is completely open, will be the consolation for despair, will be the inner strength for transformation, will be the living word in the essence of those who seek the union with their Heavenly Mother.
In that hour, when everything will be evident and never again hidden, firmness and prayer done confidently will be the path for finding the way out. Souls will have nowhere to run to during the time of the purification of the Earth.
We are already in the first hour of the Judgment; the whole Universe will know on which side each soul from the Earth will be. The harvest has already ended; the straw and the wheat are spread all over the field. The time has come for the angels of Heaven to present the offerings of the fruits of the children of God and the result of what each soul has sown for these end times.
Your Mother is in permanent prayer, waiting for the last trumpets to be sounded by the seraphims in the direction of the Earth, a time when the winds will blow strongly and the Earth will be purified.
I know that many of My children do not believe this will happen; what was written in the Sacred Books is being fulfilled and this is the proof that there are very few who have taken the step towards the Lord. But there is still time for true repentance and forgiveness; your lives should already be corrected and aligned with the principle of the Lord of the World.
In this very critical hour, faith must be the unbreakable pillar, the immovable structure, serene and meek, which can support other consciousnesses when everything happens.
God, in His profound silence and reflection, did not expect so much human indifference and such little response on the part of His children to the call for a great change.
The Servants of Adonai have already decreed each of the words entrusted by Their God, few have heard and it is already late; hearts still sleep in their castles of mud and the great current of the cosmos is drawing closer with strength to the planet and to the solar system.
For this reason, your Mother descends like a great Mirror, so that you may understand that it is time for the majority of the self-summoned to reflect good things, following the principles of the Law and the Truth, so as to be protected from self-deceit.
Heaven knows that souls know nothing about the Apocalypse, because this is an experience that unfolds in the end times that all are going through.
If you transform yourselves, you do not resist and you make My true Heart triumph in each of your lives; maybe, beloved children, many will not suffer what they have not sown well.
Be those mirrors so necessary in these times, mirrors that must be as an offering in the Hands of God so that He may reflect His principles of Love and of Unity, something that all of humanity has forgotten.
Thus, be consistent with the call and in this way, you will not deviate because of your own human impulses. The Father awaits you with His open Arms to make known to you the power of His Love, a Love that in these times is not sought.
I hope that in this time of definition and of Judgment for the whole planet, your hearts may be raised to the Lord; thus, He will receive a true response of love from your inner beings.
Today I am praying and observing the spiritual Judgment that all of the Middle East is going through; thus, you will understand, dear children, that something is about to happen.
All we can do is pray, pray and pray and never fail, thus your hearts will be protected.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In prayer and vigil,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees
Open your mind so that it may be permeated with the energy from the heart.
Open your consciousness and participate in the changes of the world.
Open your spirit and perceive the decisive time of the consecration to God.
Open your eyes and notice the battle between the Kingdoms.
Open your inner intuition and recognize the angels and archangels working for redemption.
Profoundly open yourself, because nothing will be as before; whoever can not feel this, could be left behind.
Thus, the Mother of the Sun prepares Her small and bright suns to definitively join the Marian armies. They will be consciousnesses prepared by prayer and communion to face the Armageddon.
Human kind believed this would take longer to happen, but truly the time has come in which the entire planet will define which side they will be on.
This is why the Governing of the universe activates the mirrors of the heart so that the self summoned are prepared to support the transition of the times.
The Mother of the Sun tirelessly works so that everyone may awaken to the reality of fully serving the Plan of God. Thus, the chains of many will be broken so that they may achieve the freedom of walking in Christ and serving according to His precepts.
It is in this way that the redeemed ones are being summoned to carry out tasks that were not foreseen. That is the science of Creation, to reveal to the soldiers their true principles and consciously help them so that they may fulfill the great Mission.
From the universe all the suns are being united so that together they may ignite the key of redemption, the key that vibrates in their hearts, the key of light that opened the doors to all the Masters. The stars conjugate their elements so that the vessels of the call may awaken, just as it has been foreseen.
The moment has come to help humanity, which is immersed in chaos and pleasures. The time has come to rescue the values of yore, the codes that made the planet a sacred consciousness.
For this reason, everything that has been experienced so far has been a small preparation. In a short time, the great planetary task will emerge and then all the soldiers of Mary must be prepared when the Woman Clothed with the Sun leaves the desert and the Archangel Gabriel institutes the divine redemption.
Then, many doors will be closed and those who have been consequent with the Law will revive the impulses of Christ. This is why I ask all of humanity to sanctify their lives soon, before it is too late. I ask you to carry out a life of cooperation and fraternity, so that the worldwide arrogance may disappear, as well as the hatred that poisons the hearts. I ask My children to never forget solidarity, because that will make you invincible and good.
I pray to Almighty God so that the majority, who are lost in the hells of modernity and tastes, may have a sacred opportunity.
I ask all of the prayer beings to live by means of the spirit of constancy and not to allow my adversary to deceive them with lies; for the Light only comes from God and if you believe in this powerful light, you will not have mirages. If your hearts are meek and good, you will fear nothing.
Carry on praying for peace, because day by day the world provokes the rage of God and His fair punishment.
Learn not to play with the Laws, be humble and do not stop conquering your own conversion.
My Son loves you and wishes to see you happy for serving the Creator.
Finally, the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will be seen in the hearts that have truly accepted Me as the Mother of the World.
Remember that the promise of a thousand years of peace is in force, work for its establishment and for the Kingdom of God to descend in times of great tribulation.
My Heart protects you and loves you eternally.
I thank My children from Porto Alegre for having responded to My call!
Who blesses you, in the name of the Love of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the doors of the inner and celestial worlds open so that the redeemed can enter and invoke the sacred name of Emmanuel.
May the self-summoned get together to create the alliance with the Holy Spirit of God.
May the so-called children of Adam recall the principles of the ancient race so that the Laws become visible and the universal Harmony establishes itself.
May the consequent ones manifest the wise gratitude and, from now on, banish the human aspects which led them to damnation.
May the brave ones purify themselves so that, clean of all stains, they can receive the rays of the transubstantiation.
May the pilgrims and the searchers of the sacred knowledge never get tired and never stop searching for the source of Humility.
Everything is ready to take place in the new Humanity; the old acts and the old customs will be banished so that the new and sacred Sun of the Universe can shine within each soul.
May no one stop the descent of the Kingdom of God so that those who are farther away from the Truth can rediscover the meaning of being in this life.
Forge ahead disciples of Christ! Walk barefoot from your old alliances with the world, this will free you from everything and make you worthy of the divine and infinite Mercy.
I thank you for answering to My call.
Who unites you to the Principle of Love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
It is the repentance from the heart that will take you to the healing and to the redemption of your own aspects, those that are part of the earthly life.
My main call in Kibeho was to make humanity rethink through the recognition of its sins and the conscious repentance; this was not possible in Rwanda because pride and the considering the culture of that place as their own, led the whole nation to a bloody destiny.
I went to Kibeho trying to avoid this serious tragedy, which is already history, but still has not been healed in the heart of My Rwandese children. They did not live love, they forgot about it and only headed to defend the culture and the realization of their personal works. Here is the great failure of this humanity, to carry forward its own ideas and modern principles and afterwards, end up in the abysses, leading millions of souls to desperation and sorrow.
For this, children, in Kibeho, the Lady of the Word, tried to make us understand that in the existence of the One and Only God, all should obey the Divine Will so that chaos would not reign and the spirit of peace would be manifested. But in those moments it was quite the opposite and the humanity of that place preferred to turn a deaf ear to the urgent call that was coming directly from the Queen of Heaven.
Today, My children, I teach you to get to know the devious and confusing paths that our humanity traverses, and how the pride and the lack of internal humility before the Will of God, modifies the destiny and the spiritual futurity of a whole nation.
Even though the revelations transmitted in Kibeho were very clear and precise, only a small group accompanied in fidelity the call to conversion, to prayer and to repentance. In this era, in which serious actions by humanity continues to occur, and the life of a brother is taken away by the own hands of another brother, the world goes off and loses its innocence without giving rise to receive a greater help.
For this My Son sends Me to be among you, so that you may start living consciously the time of your purification and so that all the self summed by the Merciful Universe of God may prepare themselves to face the end of a time.
The constancy and the absolute faithfulness of the people of Rwanda could have avoided the bloody tragedy. Now, even though very few truly listen to the call of God, your Heavenly Mother invites you for the last time to live the faithfulness before the Higher Plan, which calls you to realize all that is possible in what seems impossible.
The spirit of prayer and forgiveness will be the matrix keys so that in the end of times, the Plan of the Highest may manifest. For this I come from the Universe to help you, to redeem you and to place you active in the immediate service for peace.
Who will encourage themselves to follow the Queen of Heaven?
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who bless you and unifies you in the Heart of the Celestial Father,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
While Jesus prepares Himself again to resurrect in spirit into the consciousness of every being that opens itself to live redemption, your Heavenly Mother is already beside the sepulcher, waiting in prayer and vigil, for the Redeemer and King of kings to liberate the souls that are prisoners of condemnation and martyrdom.
For this, children, I invite you today to imitate the holy women of Jerusalem, those who were absolutely and unconditionally faithful to the Master, so that in the moments in which humanity lives its worst hell, may exist inside and outside of you, a spark of light and hope, the essence that will strengthen the spirit of the self summoned.
The Master rests on His bed, surrounded by incense and violet flowers and anointed by the oils of light that restore His martyred Body. His Spirit, on these times, works extensively and combats, together with the angelic armies, all the expressions of evil.
Children, prepare yourselves, keep vigil and keep on praying so that the Redeemer of souls, outside of the sepulcher, may find you quite awake and then, may put an end to human captivity.
Dear children, such as the holy women, wait for the resurrection of your interior Christ, the one which, over the years, has been oppressed, denied, judged and subjected to the forces of distraction, of lack of control, of desire and of the superficial materialistic life, preventing Him from awakening. Act intelligently and abandon the prison in which you placed yourselves.
Your internal Christ will resurrect for the second time, after having borne all the horrors of a life of illusion, empty of spirit and of love.
For this, children, prepare yourselves before the great moment of self purification comes, when your internal spirits must be already strengthened by the fire of prayer, of service and by the permanent confirmation to the Plan of God.
There is no longer anything else to be done, only to wait for the resurrection of Christ within the sepulcher of your beings.
Attentive to His arrival, you will sing alleluia giving thanks to God for having become aware of how much time you wasted on the material life. And for those who are still trapped between the chains of the unrestrained temptation and lust, pray, because through your acts and offer of love, Christ will also try to go to the encounter of the lost.
Today is Saturday of Alleluia, the angels sing: the Savior has resurrected!
¡I thank you for answering to My call!
Who waits for you outside of the sepulcher for the resurrection of the Lord,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children,
In this state of Grace, that which on this dawn I bring to all of you and for this nation, I want that you to listen in your hearts to the song of My maternal voice.
This song brings the Celestial Light that covers the spaces, liberating the souls from the oppressor, that one that has always tried to distance My children from God.
Today, upon the mirrors of light of this Aurora that emerges before your eyes, My peace reaches to all the spirits and all the kingdoms.
Today, also I want to express to all My children the gratitude of the Celestial Hierarchy for the unity and love that all My soldiers are beginning to express. From this love and unity is that from which the new race will emerge for this planet. In this way you begin today to live timidly the fraternity between your beings, so in this way you must continue along the path that My Son is showing you.
This fraternity begins to be glimpsed among you, where not only are you answering to the requests of the Divine Messengers, but that also you have begun to strengthen between yourselves the spiritual ties of love that, through which you are learning, spiritual ties that will form the basis of that which we crave so much – you, little children in evolution – and Us, the Divine Messengers. We see in your inner beings how the christic essence has begun to shine, that which will conduct you through this transition.
When the prayer groups are more strengthened, you will begin to live together with Us, your Divine Masters, a spiritual fusion; we have said many times, that even though evil will be spread with fury over the Earth, so also will the Light and Love of God be established and shine in the hearts of those who truly clamor for the return of Christ, the Redeemer.
In these moments, the love of the Celestial Hierarchy will be like a great voice that will resonate in the spirit of each redeemed child of God, and will have an echo in the whole universe. Then all the stars of the cosmos will hear the singing of the self-convoked ones who, gathered as the 144,000, will take the great step towards the new time of the 1000 years of peace.
There will emerge a new race that will prepare the New Christs, those that will teach the whole universe about love and forgiveness. Remember that My Son promised once that you would do greater things than He had done.
Therefore, these things that My Son was referring to, were based on the love that He has lived and taught, which will be multiplied in the new time through the coming Christs, those that will emerge and become someday masters of the Masters.
And all this, My beloveds, will happen in this time with those that merge themselves in sincere prayer, pure of intention and empty of expectations, that which is born from each essence.
Strengthen yourselves My beloved prayerful soldiers, strive each day for living fraternity, so that unity and love may be the pillars of this new humanity that you are building.
I am with you, I Am the Lady dressed of the Sun that comes in this Aurora to light the mirrors of light that will clean your spirits so that you may enter into this new time.
Thank you for being with Me today.
Who blesses you and loves you,
Mary, your Mother of the Sun and Universal Queen
May the Power of God descend to Earth so that souls may be freed of the pressures of material life.
May the supreme Gift of the Love of God incarnate, as verb and energy, in all essences that are rehabilitated through forgiveness and prayer.
May the kingdoms of darkness be dispelled from the face of the planet so that the currents of Divine Love that come in aid of humanity, may re-establish the spiritual mission of each creature.
May the Portals of Heaven open, today, so the power of healing may descend and the new Aurora once again ignite wounded hearts through a greater reconciliation.
May the original innocence of souls reawaken, so that the spirit of brotherhood guide the purpose of the self-summoned.
Today, the Voice of the Messenger of God can be heard in the universe, because the Plan and Infinity aspire to live in the depths of the hearts that were called.
All the spiritual towers that have fallen rise up to Heaven, and the sun of the universe illuminates the paths of those who have given their great 'yes' to God.
The kings of Heaven assemble and celebrate the eternal redeeming communion with Jesus Christ, the Lord and Master of Love.
Nobody in this world will fail to hear the call, because the strength of the Love of God promotes an unbreakable union of souls with the Higher Kingdom.
Those who have again found the path they once lost, rejoice, because the Spokesperson of Heaven calls on you to be rehabilitated. Thus, from your beings release the reins and the ties of the past, so that among hearts, the spirit of peace may arise.
I gather up all your needs in My Heart. God contemplates the purity of the just and the mercy of the good. It is now time to embrace the opportunity and not retreat.
The Heart of the Great Master calls you to a greater unity, because supreme life must be gestated in redeemed beings.
Hold in your hands the divine flame that illumines you, and do not cease to look at the firmament that accompanies you.
Be bearers of the restorative and liberating message. Be stars that are part of the new Universe of God. Praise the Father as the angels in Heaven do and be worthy of receiving universal Graces.
Rebuild humanity with prayer and no longer be separate because of appearances. Recognize the Voice that comes from the Universe, the hand that caresses your face, the Mantle that protects you from all evil, the eyes that contemplate you with kindness and love, the divine smile that encourages you to continue forward and the maternal embrace that welcomes you.
Feel the Kingdom of My Peace in your lives, the calm that penetrates you, the serenity that reassures you, the luminous spark of My Heart. Be My soldiers and help to redeem this beloved suffering planet. Accept My convocation and, through prayer, profess the love of God.
Do not cease looking at or listening to Me. I am the same mother and woman that gestated Jesus, the Savior, and now I am your Mother of hope.
It is time to close the hell of this world so that Christ can return soon. In your hands is the power for your transformation, in your hands and hearts, the spring of the prayer of the heart can be born.
Receive My call with joy and rejoicing. Sing to God every day; in this way you will alleviate His scourged Heart of Love.
I am with you in the silence as well as in the joy; I am with you in the healing as well as in sickness. Purify yourselves in time and receive My maternal Love.
My wish is that renewed charismatic groups of prayer emerge from Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata, Bahía Blanca and Viedma, which represent the Law of Healing for humanity. This you will achieve through your inner union.
I thank all My children of Argentina and the world for having responded to My maternal call!
Your Mother Mary, Mother of the God of Mercy, blesses you and heals you.
Peace on Earth.
The doors of the Seventh Heaven are open so that humanity can approach the gifts that will allow it to cross the threshold that separates it from the Great Kingdom.
My children, with joy I come to the world to bring to your lives an opportunity of redemption and permanent renewal. Know that to achieve the fulfillment of the Plans of God it is necessary to renew oneself by the adherence to this Plan every day.
In this last time, all the winds blow for the strength of the soldiers of God, self-summoned for these times. Many can think that the winds blow to make them lose and give up carrying the flag that they have been holding in their hands for so long, but I tell you, My children, that all the winds and storms you have to experience in this time, within and outside of you, will forge the soldier of Christ so that the victory of the Lord within your souls can last throughout the centuries and be strengthened for when the true time comes to establish the good and the kingdom of the Universal Love in all spaces of this infinite.
Therefore, do not get discouraged in the face of difficulties. Know that the greater the proof, the greater will be the inner strength and maturing, and also the more love of the Plan of God will be molded in your essences and in all the particles of your beings.
You must experience a battle on all the levels of consciousness in this time, because even the smallest cell of your bodies will be purified so that all life that inhabits the Superior Life is adhered to what must be built in this world, and that is why I am here, consecrating and consoling you every day.
I come to the world tirelessly, because I know the greatness that will come from the soul that opens itself to truly experience the Divine Purpose within itself.
I know the Plan of the Highest, My Beloveds, because He was gestated in My Universal Womb. I know what the Thought of God is for each of His creatures, therefore I can speak to your heart about the steps that each one must take at this time to achieve redemption and peace, principles without which the Greater Plan cannot be fulfilled.
My Beloveds, through My Words I mold the Law of the Spirit of God so that you can understand it and more than that, so that you can enter into the higher universe of greater understanding to which these Words lead you.
Let me permeate you with My Divine and universal Word and open your heart and consciousness so that I can make you understand My Words and I can lead you to the purpose for which they were spoken today.
I called you to the Marian Center of Holy Spirit with the purpose of definitely consecrating it to My Heart and thus, to hand over to humanity, one more door of salvation, because from now on, it will not be the laws of Earth that will govern this place, it will be the Divine Laws and the Power of My Heart of Light that will mold the Will of the Lord in each thing. And, for every soul that approaches here I want the doors to be opened for them, knowing that you are opening the doors to their redemption.
Each word that is pronounced among you in this place must be My Word of life, that descends upon the most simple things and strengthens the union and fraternity among the beings at each moment. Each action that you experience must be an act of union with your neighbor and with God, so that the souls may receive the opportunity to mold the impulses that they receive from the Highest in the whole life of matter.
My Beloveds, I want to make this Marian Center a door to the Seventh Heaven, and make each one of you, the gatekeepers that lead the souls to a higher reality. May this be the refuge for the souls that search so much and never manage to find the Divine Life.
I love you and bless you under the Light of My Universal Mantle.
Be happy and rejoice because a new time must come for all. Always renew yourselves before My Presence, so you will not miss the opportunity to follow the path of your evolution and you will not stop in this material world.
I am more than you can see, feel or understand, but if you do not open yourselves to discover the power of My Presence, and just hold on to what the world teaches you about Mary, you will never find the path for a superior life.
Let My Words sound in your hearts and listen to them, each time, as if you know nothing, for if you think you already know everything about what I say to you, you will miss the opportunity to discover the impulses stored between the lines of My Words.
Under the Light of the Spirit of God, I bless you and I consecrate you for all of eternity.
Mary, Mother and Universal Queen
I Am the Source of Light for the world after My Blessed Son.
I Am the incandescent Star of Bethlehem that lights with peace the heart and with light and love each soul.
I Am the Celestial Shield that protects the blessed children of God from all ambush.
I Am the Sun of the Universe that pours rays of conversion and redemption.
I Am the Spirit of Peace that traverses the continents in order to rekindle in the hearts the Love of God.
I Am the Sacred Mother of Trust because in My Immaculate Heart your life may rest and in My most holy fullness you will find the comfort that you seek so much; you will find in My silence the healing for your heart and the light that you need to dissolve your problems in peace.
Today I approach your heart and your life, so that you may open to Me the door of your interior and once again, before the Celestial Father, trust your life and your existence to the Sacred Universe.
I come lovingly to encounter you for this special Monthly Apparition, because twice My Maternal Consciousness will descend from the Portals of Heaven in order to solve worldly difficulties, to lift to the Kingdom of Christ many souls that are imprisoned and, primarily, I will descend in order to transmit My Maternal Love to all of those who have said yes to Me.
For this, I Am the Lady of Light, I Am the Woman covered by the Light of the Universal Sun, I Am the one who announces, through Her sweet stars of gold, a coming time of peace and of conversion.
But before, as I have promised before My Savior, the Almighty God, the Mother and Queen of Peace will traverse the greatest number of nations, to awaken in time those who sleep in the illusion and those who have become blind of spirit because of the modernities.
The Light of My Sacred Sword of Love will cut the roots of evil and impunity, the divine power of My Faith will illuminate in Supreme Light the path of all of those that call Me.
I Am the Lady of Eternal Light, I Am the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer. I Am the Star that vigils day and night the steps of the self-convened. My Powerful Heart will always be the relief for the sinners. The Grace of My Spirit will be the water from the Source that will wash your stains.
I ask you, My dears and beloved ones: Surrender! Surrender! Surrender to the Love of My Heart! I do not want to harm you, I only hope that you accept Me as Your Mother; now and always I accomplish the eternal commitment of bringing you to Heaven.
And even though confusion and chaos are embracing the life of many, affirm your faith and do not believe what you live; you must believe in the life of the Great Spirit that accompanies you and protects you.
My feet will stomp on the head of the cunning serpent and My celestial glance will guide the steps of the servers. A new time will shine in the interior of My children and the Supreme Forgiveness will be the cure for all evils.
When the time of Peace has come, the soldiers will lift the flags of Mercy and in love the Almighty will listen to your call and surrender.
I am among the most simple and meek, My Holy Universal Light comes to help all.
Trust what I say to you, I love you and I contemplate you in sacred devotion.
Thank you Venezuela for opening to Me the door to liberation!
Peace and Mercy for all!
Mary, Lady of Light
Blessed shall they be called in the Kingdom of the Heavens who on Earth cause the seeds of life they received to blossom.
Blessed are those proclaimed in the Kingdom of the Heavens who in life suffered the difficulties of the world and with joy, knew how to surpass the obstacles so as to cross the threshold to a new race.
Blessed shall they be known in the Kingdom of the Heavens who strove until the end of days to overcome material codes and institute divine codes in their being.
Blessed shall be those who today are self-summoned to serve in an army of peace, and untiringly, trust in the Woman Clothed in Sun, Who holds them in Her arms and in Her Mantle of Light.
Blessed shall be in My Kingdom those who are already blessed on Earth, for they have known the Word of Life, loved It, expanded It and pronounced It, so that It echoed in all the hearts of the world.
Blessed shall be those who are before My eyes, who recognize My Presence and the Divine Presence of My Son, without fearing the judgments of this Earth.
Blessed before God the Father will become those who today mature in silence the fruits of salvation and with valor, grow in faith and in love for the Plan of God.
My children, those who are imperfect today, if persistent in the Divine Purpose, will be My blessed of tomorrow. For they will accomplish the Plan of God without perceiving it, and even though it may many times be in the secrecy of their own inner world, they will cause a new race to blossom in the image and likeness of God, of His Divine Love and Unity.
All efforts made today will culminate in the glorious victory of tomorrow. For this reason, do not look to the past nor dwell on what you are today, but rather place all your faith and trust in the promises of the One Who is perfect and Who promised that, in those who give of themselves from the heart, He will carry out miracles of transformation and of eternal conversion.
Allow yourselves to see through My eyes and feel through My Heart; in this way, you will find the perfection that sleeps within each being, and with Me you will be able to see the birth of new suns, which will shine beyond this Earth.
My little ones, I come to the world to cause you to awaken and to give you all the opportunity to change and redeem the past, transforming it into a present of Glory in service to the Most High. For this reason, simply open your hearts and your consciousnesses and, in this way, the Messengers that descend from Heaven at the request of the Great Lord, will work in all the spaces of matter and of life on Earth.
You may not trust in what you know about yourselves and may find it hard to believe in the transformation of matter that is so corrupted; but your trust should not reside in yourselves, but rather in God and Those that come before you and Who descend from the Throne of the Creator with a Purpose sent by Him for His creatures.
God knows each one of you perfectly and knows the hidden potential that you must develop. Thus, simply say 'yes' daily, and like good children, allow yourselves to be led by your beloved Celestial Mother.
May the Child King, born into your essences, now grow without stopping, and mature the divine life that is born on Earth.
I love you and I lead you, causing the Power of the Spirit of God to grow in your hearts.
I thank you.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
My maternal voice is unmistakable among the universes. For this reason, I always come from Heaven to announce the eternal state of My Peace.
With joy and blessings, today I want the bells and bowls to ring for three minutes of your time and before the beginning of the vigil of prayer, because this gesture of celebration will announce the coming of the inner Christ to your little hearts.
Today My Immaculate Heart comes back to Her second house of prayer in the world, because the first house of prayer in the world is the Kingdom of Medjugorje.
In truth, My beloveds, in My Heart there are no differences, there is only a great mission to fulfill, a mission that I lovingly share with some of the self-summoned for the planetary service, for by this sacred answer the world is still able to sustain itself.
Dear children, today I come to your encounter as the Lady of Bethlehem, I want that all My beloved children, during this night, return interiorly in heart and soul to the great moment of the birth of Christ.
If you are able to experience this mystery as true and important, your souls will open the doors of the heart so that the Christic codes may be preciously cultivated in your hearts.
God wants to rescue the day of the Birth of His favorite Child within the spiritual heart of humanity, for the enemy has not been able to destroy the true love that He created through good actions, for some attributes, which a part of humanity expresses nowadays on Earth, allowed to safeguard the world from its self-destruction.
Dear children, I wish for My message to reach the heart of all of those who listen. My Son hopes that today you can live it as something sacred and devout.
Each time in the world a date is celebrated fraternally about some event of the Sacred Family, opportunities for special Graces are opened in Heaven to be poured upon the world as a source.
May this night be of Peace for all and may you offer to God this unusual peace of the end times for those who do not live in peace and for those who experience great suffering in their lives.
I thank you for this gesture of love and reverence before the Manger of Bethlehem.
I am grateful for the good inner response of the pilgrims for being able to concretize the mission of the pilgrim omnibus of Divine Mother a reality, for behind every heavenly request, there is the holy Will of the Father.
Rejoice and sing lovingly to Christ, because He will hear you today throughout the world. Let us thus reverse the evil upon Earth through the love of the heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you on this special day,
Your Holy Mother Mary, Queen of the Star of Bethlehem
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more