Marathon of Divine Mercy

Look now, attentively, at My Divine and Glorified Body, revealing the nine hundred seventy-seven blows and flagellations I received for each one of the sins that I assumed out of Love in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Look at each one of the marks and stigmata that all the adverse situations of the world leave in Me today; however, My Heart, which is infinite in Love and Mercy, burns and at the same time overflows in eternal and inextinguishable Graces.

With devotion and reverence, look at how the very Body, Soul and Divinity of Christ humiliated themselves to grant, to the most sinful ones, all the Graces that souls need.

Before the ardor that My Heart feels, contemplate now how the situations of the world, and mainly of souls, leave Me almost naked once again; just as it was on the top of Mount Calvary when the soldiers, in their blindness and denial, cast lots for each part of the Mantle that covered the wounded Body of the Lord.

Imagine they would do this to Me again; I would no longer be able to bear it, not for the pains caused but rather for the denial still brought about by many before the offering of My Redeeming Love.

I wish to have new wineskins in My Hands so that the codes of My Blood and My Water may once again be deposited within the hearts that offer themselves to live their time of purification, just like the little Child Jesus lived it for you in the sacred offering of the Temple.

Remember that in the face of everything, even in the face of the unknown darkness of these dark times, the Law and the Light will always prevail. Because for the Law of My Father the impossible or unattainable does not exist, as long as His sacred people and each one of His creatures upon the surface of the Earth fulfill the Law and live in it, the Law that makes the spirit sacred and ennobles the consciousness that follows the Law as a fundamental guide for the spiritual path.

Therefore, keep watch in this crucial time, for the Lord draws near again to once more gather and unite His scattered sheep and some sheep that are lost in very superficial things.

Commune of this moment with Me and receive it as a Grace and an extraordinary amnesty for all those who, in war, persecution, exile and illness, experience injustice.

I Am the Light, and this Light, which is Christ, comes to you in the name of My Father, so that this inner and eternal Light, which is imperishable, may remove the gloomy crust of confusions, disappointments and differences; because I call you to be one in Me, so that your Master may be One in each disciple and servant; as I once told you in the Gospel: “In this world it is not possible to serve two lords, because the only omnipotent Lord is your God, Who is in the Heavens.”

Do you now understand why I drew a line on the ground Myself? Did you understand the significance of this spiritual symbol?

I have come so that you may have abundant life, and this inner life, which I offer to you, is free of pretension, personal freedoms and unilateral decisions; because true freedom is granted to you in spirit, which will be the one to render its synthesis when one day it stands before the Celestial Father.

This Marathon of prayer is really different. I hope the presence of Mine may be deep, rather than passing, because I return here not only because you need it but also because all of humanity needs it, and I respond to the Great Eternal One in gratitude and obedience.

May the reencounter with inner life in each one be a reality that may emerge again, so that the life of the spirit may give you strength and renewal in the end of these times; a moment that is so necessary for each one to make their decisions with discernment and without too much haste, because the world is in the precipice for having abandoned communion with the Law and, above all, with the elevated feeling of gratitude, reverence and austerity.

I encourage you to go within the inner world and be in silence before My Truth, the Truth that I revealed to you last December.

I wish good and lasting peace to all of you.

The door of the Truth of God is open, who will recognize it?

I thank you for keeping each one of My Words within your hearts.

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Dear and cherished children,

While humanity goes through its deepest, darkest night and many can no longer manage to see the Light on their paths, I call you to have gratitude for all that you have received from Heaven.

While deaths and exterminations tear apart the Heart of God for the innocent, and mainly for the children who die, I call you, children, to value deeply all that you have received from Heaven.

While many of My children replace family life, love and unity with modernities, I call you, children, to revere all the instructions and teachings you have received.

While the world, for the most part, experiences disasters of nature because it does not listen to the pain of Mother Earth and many children lose everything they have worked hard to build in a lifetime; I call you, children, to be grateful day and night that you still have a home where you can live and rest, a Community where you can be without worrying about having to work to survive.

While hunger, disease and forced exile strike millions of children around the world, I call you, children, to become aware of the Law of Providence and Manifestation.

Dear children, in the inequality that the world is experiencing, I call you to be equal.

In the excesses and ambitions that souls live, I invite you to balanced austerity.

In the lack of dialogue and in the escalation of violence in the world, I call you to dialogue, to listening and to respect for your neighbor.

In the spiritual blindness in which many are submerged and in the resistance that many hold, even those who claim to follow Our Steps, I call you to openness of heart and repentance.

If you, children, at least consider each one of My Words, I assure you that you will help Me to help the world regain peace and communion with the Law.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

On this day I come from Heaven and, still being over the State of Sao Paulo, I expect the hearts of all of My children to feel moved, so that one day the spirit of charity, cooperation and good will be awakened in them.

In this beloved Brazil of Mine I find highly devoted hearts and lives that can truly contribute with My Plan of salvation in the world.

It is for this reason, dear children, that your Heavenly Mother will be in vigil and prayer during the month of October over the city of Sao Paulo, just as I was during all the Agony, Passion, Death and Resurrection of My Son, but this time I will be on My knees waiting for some consciousnesses to awake and take account of the importance of collaborating with this mission of peace to Central America and Mexico.

Why, dear children, do I manifest this to you?

It is not a threat or a greater pressure that I impose to you, it is a reality that goes beyond your understanding and consciousnesses, I try to approach you everyday to My plan of co-redemption that is established through the celestial command of Christ.

I hope that during this month of October, in which we will celebrate Aparecida, the Patron of Brazil, My little children will manage, with determination and faith, to accept this call of fraternal and mutual collaboration with the divine Plans of your Most Holy Mother.

My Beloved Son prepares Himself from Heaven to descend and carry out an important task all over the State of Sao Paulo.

It is for this cause that as of now your Heavenly Mother prepares you for this moment so that your hearts and not your minds may be receptive for the Sacred Words of Christ.

I need in these days that your lives sacrifice something so that My Plan may be fulfilled. I invite the children of Mary that have been consecrated with the heavenly mantle to make this exercise of sacrifice and austerity for the planet and for the Most Holy Son of the Universe.

I will thank you in advance for your most sincere effort.

I thank you for accompanying Me in the realization of My work of peace for the world!

Who unifies you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

When a simple but honest heart responds to the call of Heaven, on the spiritual plane of the whole humanity, a channel of light and correspondence with the Celestial Kingdom is established. It is in this way, dear children, that through simple hearts that respond to Me, I can dissipate the currents of evil and drive them away from My most lost children.

When a simple heart responds, a new Law acts upon the consciousness and what once seemed very difficult to transcend becomes possible, and the doors to the new life open so that the heart can take up its task again. Therefore, dear children, have a simple heart; in order to have it, you must work diligently on humility, which will lead you to find the simplest path of all.

Simplicity, dear children, does not mean extreme austerity, abandonment, or untidiness; a simple heart must reflect transparency, rhythm, and inner ceremony with the rhythm of the universe as it is gradually revealed to you. It is the lack of simplicity that leads to wars and conflicts.

Dear children, be simple of heart just as John was, even when he was at the foot of the Cross; a being that counted on the Celestial Mother to nourish himself with motherhood, love, and wisdom.

If the world were truly simple and more innocent, nothing evil would happen in this time.

I invite you at this time to be the bearers of a simplicity that brings you, in your hearts, to see the true needs of all souls and of the planet. In this simplicity of heart, you will be victorious in your humility and redemption before Your Master and Shepherd.

May the simple and pure of heart enter the Kingdom of Heaven to adore the Glory of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
