Just like the rain which falls on My beloved Figueira, so have your hearts been washed and purified through the Sacrament of Confession.
Thus, I give you My blessing, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Remember you will always be able to see your hearts purified and cleansed. You must not fear expressing what you feel or what you are enduring.
Through My Sacred Word and My Unfathomable Presence, I come to seek in you sincere, although imperfect, hearts, hearts that are capable of saying yes to the path of transformation and consecration.
And so, through My Grace, today I pour out upon the world the deepest Light of My Heart, so this indulgence may encompass the whole planet and all possible souls, especially My smallest brothers and sisters of the Kingdoms of Nature.
Everything, absolutely everything, is touched by that Grace of God which unites and reunites them again in My Presence. Because just as I have told you in these days, there is no other reason and no other motive at this moment for your Lord and Master to present Himself here, than for the reason of Love and of Peace.
Work through this Love and labor through the Love that I give you.
Now that your paths have been purified, do not allow yourselves to go back, do not allow yourselves to return to the past; rather, decide, now and always, to cross the doorway of hope that is opened by means of My Heart, so that all may enter the Kingdom of the Heavens.
I know that you do not know what this signifies.
How many times have you stood before the Kingdom of the Heavens? How many times have your guardian angels allowed you this opportunity to you?
And this does not mean that you do not continue to experience the afflictions of the world. Because a true Christ on Earth, a disciple of the Master, is transformed and is redeemed through their afflictions, not so as to be imprisoned by them, but rather to know how to become free from themselves every day. This is so simple, but for many it seems difficult.
For this reason, you must not forget the Grace that assembles and unites you, that special Grace that I have shared and extended to everybody during these days of confession and reconciliation.
Now it is time that your lives be affirmed through My Heart, present in the Eucharist, as a symbol and Sacrament that renews life and consciousness in each moment and at each opportunity you have to receive communion.
Will this attitude of reverence for the sacred, which must be reflected at this time in your lives, before the Holy Communion with the Body and the Blood of Christ, you will be communing of the same code and the same essence that the holy apostles experienced in that time; a code that transformed them into ambassadors of peace, into heralds of the Gospel of Love, into saints on Earth.
For this reason, you must ask yourselves at this time and in this hour, if you are truly willing to follow this path as many, in other times, followed it and accompanied it through the Call and the Voice of the Master.
For this reason, remember when My Life and My Presence touched your hearts. It is what My Heart wants to feel from you in this time of tribulation and of darkness.
Let your transforming love, let your consecrated life, let your reverence for the Hierarchies be able to again and again touch My Heart, not only through the life of the Sacraments, at the important moment of your Communion with Me, but also through the works of peace and of charity.
This is the time, this is what I expect from each one of you, to see your hearts burning, feeling and experiencing, before yourselves, the blazing flame of the Divine Purpose which I bring to you and which renews you.
Because how many times have I had to break your very chains? How many times have I had to dissolve your very restraints and also untie the knots of the consciousness?
But how many times have you and your brothers and sisters faced the Greater, the Infinite and the Non-material?
That is the path you must decide to follow in this time: that your material life should become a non-material life, in correct communion with the Law and the Purpose. Because in this time, companions, many things will be offered for everybody, but they will be hollow and empty things because they will not have the essence of the Christic Love which I convey and give you.
Thus, I need you as ambassadors of peace rather than of conflict. Have you not seen enough conflict in the world, that there should be more?
I want your lives to be lives of reconciliation and of peace, of reverence in light of the Sacred Instruction received, from the beginning times when the little Figueira began to grow, to mature and bear its first fruits.
I want to see you together with Me before this origin of Figueira, before the solemn energy of the instruction and of the Hierarchy. It is time that each one of the seventy two attributes(1), which were received here, be lived so that your lives may ardently live the consecration of spirit, mind, and heart.
In this way, your consciousnesses, in a simple but true way, will deserve the fruits of this Kingdom of Figueira and you will allow this legacy to reverberate and beat in hearts, above all in those who are called to awaken.
But you are awake, you are aware, you are responsible for this spiritual legacy which was selflessly offered so it could expand and grow in the world through small Islands of Salvation.
It is always good, companions, to return to the essence of the origin, again and again; for great are the threats present in the world and in humanity, great is the spiritual, mental and moral confusion.
God has given you an instructor who was incarnated in this world, whom you should always recognize and give thanks to as your master. He was and will always be a special disciple and friend.
Have you seen in his eyes the Kingdom of Mirna Jad reflecting time and again on his countenance, in each spoken word and teaching, as well as in his heart, which always radiated peace and solemnity?
If My friend José was able to live it and do it and offered himself for you so that you could also live it, do you truly believe that He opened the door for you to the world of reverence and of peace, to the Sacred Kingdom of the Greater Hierarchy? I can tell you that he did.
For this reason, I Am here once again to confirm it and state it, because today, while the internal bellfries of Mirna Jad are resounding in souls, the blazing flame of the sacred and the reverence for the Divine Purpose can once again beat in everybody.
Recognize now the Graces you received from the beginning and the blessing of the unfathomable and infinite Hierarchies that are here today, together with your Master and Lord, to testify to and record this moment in their Sacred Books.
Could it be that in these Sacred Books you saw your original names? This is what I was contemplating today before arriving here for this encounter. In this way, just like Our Names, your names can also shine in those Books like stars in the firmament. Could it be that you, through My Love, will be able to shine like stars on the Earth and decide to live the virtues that God granted you from the origin?
Everything has been given to you, everything was entrusted to you. It is time to give honor to this unique Legacy, silent, anonymous, and imperceptible to the majority of humanity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Christ is saying if you can ask the children to go and play in the woods, where the angels will entertain them.
The little ones are already in My Kingdom. Will you come to be small like those children, so as to enter, in innocence and purity, the Kingdom of God?
Those present say 'yes!'
Now, first receive the Anointment of My Light, before you receive this Sacrament. Hold your hands in a sign of openness and of reception.
By the merits achieved by My brother José, receive the balm of his spirit at this moment when, as a father and instructor, he encourages you to continue onward so My Plan may be accomplished.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
In the Presence of Christ, Our Lord, while we prepare for the Sacrament of Communion, we will intone "Breath of the Spirit," placing ourselves before the Kingdom of Figueira, before all this legacy, before all this spiritual treasure, which was born and sprouted as a source of instruction for hearts.
And at the request of Christ, we will sing this song, radiating a profound gratitude and reverence for José.
(1) Christ refers to the main seventy-two attributes, of a total of eighty-four that were received.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I have told you once that I do not want you perfect, but rather truthful.
I have told you once that I do not come for those who seek opulence, power or revenge. I come here for the sinners.
I have told you once that I do not come seeking the material or spiritual rich. I come here for the humble and simple in heart.
I come here for those who want to find Me and feel Me, for those who accept to open the door of their hearts so that I may enter.
I do not seek something grandiose. I seek something simple, but at the same time profound, intimate and divine.
So that you may know what I need at each new step, you must incessantly seek unity, for in unity there are no differences, in unity there is no enemy of Mine, in unity you will find the peace that you seek so much.
But if first of all you are not in unity in your inner world, in your essence and life, you will not be able to be in unity with Us or with your fellow beings.
In these times, when humanity experiences its own condemnation, when indifference is the energy that dwells in many hearts, I ask you not to move away from My Love, to act and work just as I act and work, to imitate the Lord of the Universe in His immensity of Mercy, Love and Compassion.
For the treasures I have entrusted to you have an unknown and incalculable value for the world, and the greatest treasure that I have for souls are My attributes: truth, transparency, unity, love, compassion and fraternity.
If any of these attributes is lacking in your lives, tirelessly work on them, and do not lose the little time that is left, for I repeat to you again, just as I have told you many times: love one another just as I love you.
For as long as this does not happen and We see it, the world will continue to grow darker through its own indifference and division.
Do not believe that just because you experience the path of the spirit you have won everything already.
Look to your side, contemplate the pain of your brother and sister, and recognize the Christ that suffers in silence. That is where love must begin to emerge, more than in words, more than in accomplishments, more than in expectations and much more than in instructions.
Because if love is not the center of the living flame of each being, nothing makes sense on this planet and in this humanity. I came to the world to teach you this path, and if it seems that I say the same things all the time, it is because you do not experience them.
My Mother, who is in Heaven and on Earth, the Mother of all of humanity, gave you a lesson on humility the other day. Were you able to recognize it? Were you able to accept it?
May Our Words not dissolve in the ether of this world, but rather linger. Therefore, observe yourselves, without judgment and without condemnation, and acknowledge that which you still do not yet live or feel, especially for your neighbor.
If these foundations are not solid in your lives, the Plan of God will be in vain. His trust is placed on those who love Him and love their brothers and sisters. Therefore, abandon the appearances and differences, and learn to quench the thirst of the Lord.
The signs that I have left to you throughout the times are visible.
In My revelations, I presented to you the reality of God. The most profound mysteries of the Love of the Creator are present on each Face of Christ. But this presence of My Heart, of My Love, of My Truth and My Path, can you recognize it in your fellow being?
God is so humble and so simple, that He hides in those places where many cannot see Him. Just as Christ is present in the Eucharist, God is present in the hearts, especially in those who truly surrender out of love, entrusting their lives in the Hands of the Father, just as the Son of the Father trusted in the Father at the top of the Cross.
Many are the wounds that the world causes Me, but many more are the wounds that sometimes My companions cause Me, without being aware of what this means and represents.
Those who are responsible for guiding the Plan of God on Earth, those who are responsible for many souls in this world, are those who must resign themselves the most before the Lord of the Universe, so that nothing becomes twisted, so that the Purpose may be aligned with the principle of the Law, and so that the manifestation of God’s Will may be fulfilled and not altered.
I know that you did not expect Me to say this and perhaps many cannot understand what I am talking about, but this Message is for those who do know what I am talking about.
The responsibility for all souls is very great and this has a universal weight.
To follow My Path is not an emotion. To follow My Path is not something temporary. To follow My Path is to learn how to live in the Law. To follow My Path is to learn how to love at each step, just as I loved you at each step that I took in this world.
Close the doors to all that is not real. Place your energy upon all that is vital and urgent. Do not lose My brotherhood, do not waste it or discard it, for the Heart of the Father might be offended. And who will justify this offense before God?
Do not forget to treat one another as brothers and sisters, because when you learn how to do it you will learn how to treat one another as souls and someday as essences, just as God treats each one of you, without exception.
The debt of this world is very great. Do not collaborate in making this debt become graver. You are aware of all the treasures that I have given to you out of Love.
The Plan must be fulfilled and not be aborted. Can you understand what I Am saying to you? My Words must no longer be symbols or abstract drawings.
The truth of My Words must reach the heart of all; because if you do not live through your hearts, you will not live in the truth.
And this is what I come to ask of you on this day: that, in the solemnity of My Sacred and Unfathomable Heart, you may live in the heart, in the heart that loves and does not condemn; in the heart that does not separate, but rather unites; in the heart that accepts, rather than rejects; in the heart that can go beyond itself for the salvation of others.
I repeat all this to you because you are not grasping it. My work for this Work is not in vain.
The pillars of this Work, which take care of all souls, are quite responsible. This is the same I taught My apostles in the past. Because to be My apostle is not a task, it is being capable of awakening one’s own Inner Christ and loving, and it is being capable of tirelessly working for the awakening of the other Inner Christs without condemning them, without oppressing them, without distancing them from love.
Where is the Love that I gave you, companions?
If in the face of the apparent desert you escape, if in the face of the apparent abyss you run away, if in the face of the apparent storm you are not united, how shall My Love triumph in the world?
Open your eyes and do not deceive yourselves. The deceiver of all is very close and you do not perceive it.
With the swords of the angels, cut all evil. But above all, evil dissipates through love, through the love that heals, through the love that cures, through the love that liberates, through the love that unifies, through merciful love.
On this day, of the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, may souls perceive and feel the Burning Love of the Lord so that peace may be established, so that unity may be reflected, so that brotherhood may be fulfilled, so that the Works of God may be carried out.
No longer waste your time in that which is unnecessary and useless. How many souls are suffering and need your help! Step out of your own center and open yourselves.
All that which surrounds you needs redemption. Be a bridge, rather than a tunnel. Be a portal, rather than a wall, be a star, rather than an abyss.
The Love of My Heart must not be wasted. I have invited you to consciously drink from My Chalice. Will you be able to continue to do it?
In My Project there is fraternity, love and unity.
Today, the angels are witnesses of all that I Am saying. And the Heart of Jesus strives to say it, for I have no more time. And souls still do not decide to live in My Love, in My Will and in My Truth, which is the Truth and the Will of the Father.
I would like to finish this cycle with triumphs, rather than with anguish. I would like to finish this cycle of Apparitions with treasures, rather than with disappointments. I have invited you to live something unknown, and you still have not understood it.
Be silent to understand what I am saying, withdraw to perceive what I am showing you and give thanks for the opportunity to live in humility. Because when I Am no longer among you, you will remember these days. And what will you do with all that I have given you out of Love?
Do not forget the Sacrament of Confession, especially all religious men and women. The Sacraments are the doors to your liberation, they are the doors to My Mercy, do not turn your backs on them.
Be humble, rather than proud, be simple, rather than vain. And through Me, you will know how wonderful it is to live in God, because He is already very much offended.
Let us offer, on this day, the Spiritual Communion, as an act of reparation and pardon.
And I ask for Grace from the God of the Universe and of Life, for the unity of all servers, for the Higher Love among servers, for brotherhood among those who serve Christ. Because if these pillars are not part of yourselves, you will not manage to go through these difficult times.
Do not forget what I have said to you, because you are not experiencing it.
I come to say this to you out of Love, an infinite and unknown Love, which at this moment emanates from the Source of Creation.
I thank you.
O! Blood of Christ,
poured over the world,
purify our souls,
relieve our hearts.
Have pity on us, Lord.
(3 times)
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will prepare for the Spiritual Communion, fulfilling that which Christ has asked of us: carrying out an act of reparation and pardon on this day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, asking for the Grace of unity, brotherhood and fraternity.
While we prepare ourselves, we will sing a song at the request of Christ, “The Power of the Blood.”
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
With gladness and joy, I gather you together at this moment because, in the inner planes, I gather many cultures and peoples together that came to this country of Canada to experience an opportunity and hope.
For this reason, companions, I have gathered you together here, in this place; I have gathered you together here in this country so that you could closely understand the significance of this moment.
It is a synthesis among cultures and peoples that is being experienced at this moment, and it is through My Christic Presence that this takes place.
This is why I have asked you to accompany Me, so that you could come to Canada so that the bases of My Redemptive work with you could be founded here, for this is one of the Aspirations of God for this planetary moment, in which all souls and the essences of the world, as well as the cultures and the peoples, must prepare for the new time, after this transition of the Earth, in which souls will live inexplicable things, will go through unknown experiences, which will need to be supported by faith and a love for God through the heart of all His children.
With this, I want to more clearly explain that the Aspiration of God for having come here to Canada is to give an impulse that is not only spiritual, but also material, in the concretization of new points of Light in the world, formed by the integration of souls, unity among hearts, and the experience of group life among all members of this humanity.
In this case, I am speaking about the cultures and the peoples that emigrated to Canada, however, they did not lose their principles or attributes of life, all that which they had learned since the origins of their countries.
And that is very valuable for God because, in some way, Canada has managed to welcome and receive all these souls, not only opening doors to opportunities and hope, but also opening inner and spiritual doors, so that after thirty years, during which many people emigrated to this country, this is the moment and is the opportunity for the Spiritual Hierarchy to begin to carry out a work and carry it forward.
This is the message that today I want to bring to all My companions; but especially to those who accompany Me here today, to the brothers and sisters who are here in the city of Toronto, and who opened their hearts without thinking or meditating upon it, to receive this direct impulse of your Master and Lord, the consequence and the result of which will be of spiritual and inner benefit for many more souls, for all those who emigrated here to this country, and who are also considered by the Mercy of God.
What characterizes all the peoples and cultures that established themselves in Canada is the simplicity of their lives, the attributes they live through what they have learned in their lives, and everything they have built through their cultures and languages, without ceasing to bring continuity to what each country and nation represents, not only as a culture or as a people, but also as spiritual consciousness.
Canada will enter a new spiritual stage with the assistance and the collaboration of all the foreigners that are here and who have become well integrated into this country and this culture, in which they were inserted in the life of the daily community.
This creates important pillars, beyond everything else; these spiritual pillars that the Hierarchy needs, in order to found communities; these new communities that will open and will come forward through the faith and the trust of souls in God; because they will not lose their principles nor life attributes, but rather, these attributes and principles will expand throughout the consciousnesses.
And so, as is written in the Bible, the peoples will unite and will fuse as one consciousness, beyond what they may have learned and experienced. And this will occur through love, understanding and acceptance of the different cultures, so that the universal ecumenism that comes from love may continue to be gestated and live in this country of Canada.
The aspiration of the Spiritual Hierarchy is to expand this impulse from Toronto to the rest of the country, so that more souls and consciousnesses may have the Grace of receiving direct teachings from the Hierarchy, not only for their material life, for their family life, but, above all, for their spiritual and inner life.
In this integration and ecumenism that is experienced in Canada through all the foreigners, the necessary and essential bases are created so that the Hierarchy can continue the Work upon the planet; and through these souls and hearts that are found here, that have experienced survival, overcame suffering and pain and, above all, that have incarnated transcendence and the Love of God, managing to overcome all the limitations of their consciousnesses.
Through the Work that the Hierarchy must establish here in Canada, with all the representatives of its neighboring nations, through this labor and this Work, the Hierarchy will be able to help you. And you will also receive the Graces and the Mercy that you need in order to awaken.
Thus, today My Consciousness and, above all, My merciful Heart, on this very special day, at this very special time and in this very special meeting, establishes the spiritual bases that the Father has established so that, from the inner planes, this Aspiration of God may begin to be built, until it is able to completely materialize.
And this will be done through the souls that will be self-summoned, that will feel the call to deepen their spiritual life and again find the path toward that constant and eternal communion with the Eternal Father.
For this reason, I will dedicate a special time for this task in this country, whatever time is necessary, because these souls that have emigrated to Canada and that are living in this country represent their nations of origin, all their peoples and cultures, and from here, the Hierarchy will be able to help all the souls that, up to today, experience difficulties and tests, and cannot manage to move forward by their own means.
It is through the opening of simple and humble hearts, it is through the love and the trust of those who believe in My Name and invoke it, that I can reach other souls in the world that not only experience suffering but also persecution and slavery.
It is in this way, companions, that the balm of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy reaches them with time, closing the deepest wounds and, in this way, I renew souls so that they may continue onward in the trust and under the guidance of God.
Today, with you I come to celebrate this moment and the establishment of the new Monastery of the Mercy of God, that will embrace and protect all the immigrants that are here in Canada, through the virtue of the service and prayer that will bring all of them an understanding about life and a deep union with the Plan of the Creator Father.
The spiritual bases of this work are founded here today by your own Master and Lord, and this will bring everyone, not only infinite opportunities, but infinite Graces for those who need to feel loved, understood and accepted again, so that their inner wounds may be healed and closed.
Today I bring this message because I know that everyone will hear it and will reciprocate with their Master and Lord so that this may be accomplished, because it will be from the Work and within this Work of Love and Redemption that the means will emerge to carry forward this aspiration of your Master and Lord, which comes from the Father.
Here in Canada, with the time in which this work and this Aspiration of God will develop, many cycles and possible stages of spiritual and material growth will be experienced so that souls may reach the Portal of Liberation and thus feel renewed, consoled and loved by the Father, as by His Divine Son.
As a High Priest, I celebrate this moment with you, because it is a moment of celebration and joy, hope and much Mercy for all those who need to find it within their lives.
Thus, I bless and consecrate this moment and these spiritual bases, which I am establishing today in Canada, so that a new stage and a new cycle may begin, as has been foreseen.
I am grateful for the adherence and the accompaniment of all My companions, and I especially thank My dear daughters of Ethiopia, who represent all of My beloved Africa, which is at the center of My Heart, in this great moment when your Master and Lord will place His Feet again upon that continent, to free it from captivity forever.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Ark of the Holy Covenant was in Noah's Ark, just like in the hands of Moses and in the Temple of Solomon.
Today it is in My Hands, to bring a spiritual impulse, definitive and precise to the world, within these times of chaos.
This Ark, contemplated by the angels and archangels, holds within it the revelation that humanity needs, the most sacred writings of the Universe, the thought transmitted by the Mind of God, within Divine Purpose.
This is the Ark that will be part of the New Humanity and will no longer be kept in the inner confines.
it will be placed upon the surface, soon after My return to the world, when I will have already assembled all My flocks, from all times and from all generations; when I will have overcame evil through love, and thus transcended duality in each human consciousness.
That will be the prelude to the advent of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which will carry the Holy Grail to humanity, with all the Divine Codes, with all impulses transformed, sublimated and elevated by the Consciousness of the Son of God; with all the divine experiences that once lived on Earth among the apostles and followers; with all the codes of the Resurrection and of the Transfiguration, as well as the codes of the Ascension.
I know that you do not know what this means and what this represents, because it is something that will take place in this humanity.
Meanwhile, companions, may your perseverance with Me not be poor, nor weakened; may your trust in Me not be mediocre, nor indifferent; because the difficult times will come, but for those that trust in Me, the treasures of Heaven will not be lacking.
Just as from the planes of the Divinity, today I bring the Ark of the Holy Covenant, the Lamb that was sacrificed and that rose among the dead, bringing the victory of Love and Truth, glorious and resplendent, which will return to the Earth in His great Divine and Universal Consciousness, never before seen by any human being of the Earth, only contemplated and admired by the Mother of God.
This is the Divine Consciousness of the Firstborn Son, of the risen and glorified Son, Who will return to the world for the second time.
Keep vigil and be in adoration for this revelation. Continue to wholeheartedly and constantly pray, and the fruits of the new time will come to your hearts and lives.
But the time of darkness, which the human race has generated for this time of Armageddon, is necessary and essential because souls must learn to overcome inner duality through the strength and the power of Love.
It is no good to Me, companions, if you give up. After everything that I have given you, your thought must be in My thought and your feelings must be My sublimated and uplifted feelings.
Thus, you will not perish and you will not lack the keys for opening the doors that will lead you to the Kingdom of My Heart, to the House of the Celestial Father, even though you are still on the surface of this planet.
Today, in My Hands, I bring this Universal Teraphin so that it may be contemplated and admired.
In this material Universe, the Ark of the Holy Covenant represents the Will of God manifested for this Universe and for all of created life within the physical plane.
There, in that Sacred Ark, is to be found the pure story of God before He thought of and conceived the Creation, as well as the most evolutionary story of the Universe: the triumph of many humanities and the story written in many stars, as well as the story of His Firstborn Son and of the Divine Conception in the most pure Womb of the Universal Mother; the story about the accompaniment of all the angels and the defeat of the great hells of evil; the story of Archangel Michael in humanity and the divine fusion with the Divine Son, as well as the incalculable and unalterable presence of Archangel Gabriel within the Consciousness of the Mother of God; the presence of Archangel Raphael and the humble and simple experience of Saint Joseph.
And furthermore, companions, this Sacred Ark holds the evolutionary story of the first humanities, of those who were able to represent God in a simple and true way, those who were able to experience the mysteries of the Universe and draw a fraternal life of brotherhood toward the Earth, those who learned to sustain the Plan of God through the difficult times, both in the past and in the present, the story of love experienced by the great patriarchs, the experience of redemption of the apostles, the sanctification of the women of Jerusalem and all of the commitment relived and lived again and again throughout time, until the present time, by all of those who committed themselves to Me, throughout the whole history of humanity and the planet, to be a part of this Divine Covenant with the Sacred Ark of the Celestial Father.
Now this entire history will not be able to be interfered with, nor stopped. It depends on you, on your willingness, your adherence and your unconditional commitment so that your life story, your story of redemption, forgiveness and rehabilitation may be part of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, like the triumph of the transfiguring Christic Code in each human consciousness, in each human heart, in the spiritual life of each being.
For this reason, I encourage you to continue onward. The weight of your cross will pass and My Word, which is eternal, will triumph.
The only thing that I ask of you is that you be constant, consistent and responsible with the Divine impulses you receive, because I tell you again today, companions, with the humility of My Heart, that My time with you is close to coming to an end so that the New Christs may be seen on Earth as the bearers of Peace, Mercy and Good.
You are called to bring continuity to My divine Work and to submerge in the chaos and the tribulation to save souls, and even though it could be necessary to give your lives for Me, I will then be able to testify that your surrender has been real.
I have not come to ask you for the impossible, nor what you still cannot give me. I only ask you to walk by My side, that you be sustained in Me, that you trust in Me, and that you ask for My Mercy, just as the Apostle John did constantly, availing himself of each moment to be close to the Lord, to be close to God, in communion with Life and the Spirit of God
May the Ark of the Holy Covenant represent for you the symbol of the elevation of consciousness and the permanent aspiration to achieve the Kingdom of God, knowing that nothing that happens is by chance, that everything has a meaning and a goal for the Celestial Father.
If your inner hells are very large or if your joy is infinite for your souls, there is nothing to fear, because everything has its reason. Unite with this Creator Principle and, from the Ark of the Holy Covenant, receive today the last impulse of the Redeemer, for the transformation of your lives and the redemption of your beings, in the name of the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Standing before the Celestial Church that today gathers you together, before the priests of the Universe and the patriarchs of the Divine Word, before the angels of Heaven and all human beings who throughout history became sanctified by means of the experience of My Love, before the thorned Heart of Jesus and the silent agony of Mary because of all that is happening in the world, before the strength and the power of prayer, before the trust of all My disciples and pilgrims and the Love of all My kin, before the presence of the throne of the Celestial Father and of His Non-material Source, I accept and receive the re-consecration of Brazil to My Sacred Heart and today I extend to this people a special and atoning Grace that must be cared for and protected by each one.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The Master is lifting up His right Hand to bless Brazil and placing His left Hand over His Heart.
Christ Jesus:
Today I beg you, Father, that you rest in the love of Your children, and that you rejoice in the purity of the souls that consecrate themselves and that You may be alive and present in each human heart, so that the beat of Your Spirit be the pulsating of the heart of each being, the infinite beat of Your Love and the glorious expansion of Your Grace.
Bless this people, Lord, and all the humble beings that, in the silence of their simplicity, represent Your Work on Earth and live the ministry of My Heart.
And before the higher Universes that grant this Divine intervention, I re-consecrate Brazil to My Sacred and Unfathomable Heart, so that the Christs of this people may sustain the end of times, the three days of darkness, as true witnesses of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
May the strength of their faith never break, may the temperance of their hearts be supported by the temperance of My Heart and may the Fire of the Holy Spirit place the divine word upon their lips, so as to defend My Redeeming Work in these end times.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Before blessing the elements that souls will avail themselves of to receive My Grace and My Mercy, I wish to announce to the whole world that the continuation of this Work with the Divine Messengers will experience a pause towards the end of this month of December and that it will continue on when all has been fulfilled, not only on a spiritual level but also on a material level.
It depends on you and of the whole world that My Word and My Presence reach more places in Brazil in order to support it and assist it, as well as My Divine Word reaching other nations of the world and other continents.
God recognizes the efforts, but the efforts must be balanced and just.
All are deserving of the Grace of My Presence in this end time and in the nations of the world it will not be easy, and you know this.
It is a commitment of humanity that My Presence and My Message may be in other places of the world until the Celestial Father may indicate it and consider it thus.
I still have plans to fulfill with you and with humanity, which are the plans of the end times and of the last spiritual impulses that each Sacred Heart will give the world before the most difficult moment of humanity.
We thirst for good souls and also for repentant hearts.
The Rescue Plan will be built with the cooperation of all, under the Law of the Brotherhood.
At the request of My Father, I am announcing this pause and this break.
And the response of everyone and of the whole world will be what will allow Me to continue onward. Otherwise, in the name of the Law of Divine Justice and of the Law of Equilibrium, Sacred Attributes for the Universe, We will only be able to continue until the end of this month, but you will not cease to receive Our Words.
We will not be able to be present in those spaces where we should be. You know that Our Consciousness is omnipresent and it would not cost anything to be in any place that is necessary, but I am giving you the opportunity to serve God and of lightening your spiritual debts so that you may finally be reborn in Love, and may help others to be reborn in Love.
I will patiently be in the heights of the mountains so that in these next months I may hear your response.
God bless this moment, so that each being may become more aware and take up what they have come to fulfill in the name of Love and of Unity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We can stand for the consecration.
Christ Jesus:
Lord, you know that souls love You. That is why I ask you, Father, to accept all the offers that are made to You today, so that Your Project of Love may triumph. Amen.
Bless this water, Lord, so that Your Grace may spread throughout the world, and like the water that falls on the planet as rain, it may turn into a rain of an infinite Grace of Love in souls, so that all may be fulfilled. Amen.
Father, baptize those who have suffered with Your Spirit, so that the spiritual illnesses may dissipate and disappear from the human consciousness.
May the infinite flow of Your Love, may the spring of Your Grace, of Your Forgiveness and of Your Healing sanctify those who today will be baptized by Your Spirit, in union with Your infinite Love. Amen.
Pater noster....
Abhun debashmaia....
Lord, anoint, with this oil, sick bodies, exorcize possessed souls and free souls from the currents of evil.
Through the powerful union with the cross, may all evil be defeated and removed. And just as the Son of God was anointed by the Women of Jerusalem, today may those who will be anointed be restored and repaired by divine healing. Amen.
By the power of the Ark of the Holy Covenant may the codes descend.
And we make a memory of the Mystery of the Love of the Son of God during the last supper, when He took the bread, giving thanks to God for the sacrifice, the Father blessed it and giving it to the apostles, I said, "All take and eat of it, because this is My Body that will be surrendered for humankind for the atonement of sins."
In the same way, your Master and Lord took the Chalice, not only to radiate peace to the world and the redemption of humanity but also so that the Father sanctify it and bless it, and, giving it to the apostles, I told them to drink of it because "this is My Blood that will be shed for humankind and for the martyrs for the forgiveness of sins."
Do this always in My Memory.
Here is the Body and the Blood of Christ, Fount of Mercy and of Salvation for all the souls that trust in Him.
Happy be, My companions, all those who will avail themselves of this Sacrament. But before, confess and repent so that the Divine Body and the Precious Blood may purify your souls and sanctify your hearts. Amen.
Trust that all will be fulfilled as God has foreseen.
In your trust is the key to the concretization of the Plan.
If as from now you begin to live and to deeply feel, the Plan will be fulfilled, as has been written.
May your hearts be glad, because Brazil has re-consecrated itself to My Merciful Heart, and it will deepen its re-consecration in the coming months, with the constancy and the devotion of those who pray and the cry of all the people of God.
Glory to God in the highest, Peace on Earth to all beings of goodwill.
Stretching out My Arms in the sign of the cross as a testimonial to the true Love of God for all His creatures and the planet, I unite you with the Power of the Sacred Cross and the infinite mystery of its exorcistic impulse.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen (x3)
May peace be in all the inner worlds so that it may be in all humankind on the Earth, as well as in all the nations of the world.
Let us continue to pray for Peace, for the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
So be it.
You will fraternally give each other the greeting of Peace, so that Peace may be in the families of wars and in all the families of the world that are not able to live Unity on this Sacred Christmas.
I thank you!
In the house of My Father there are many dwellings; all were created for each one of His children.
Each one has the dwelling belonging to them; one day they will return to it with all they have learned and lived; that is why it is time to keep memory of everything that the being experiences on Earth, everything that comes from the Universe and from God.
It is time to get rid of the suffering and the agony, because in the Dwelling of My Father will enter all your wonderful learning, everything that you have lived here in My Name.
Everything that you do and experience here is concomitantly written in the Universe.
Each decision that you make in your lives, also has an impact in the Universe.
Each step that you are encouraged to take for Me is something that also has an impact in the Universe.
This is also what allows the Plan to be realized on Earth and is what makes that which God so wants to manifest for His children to descend from the Universe.
Today I come to remind you of the importance of this Dwelling of God, because you must preserve it and protect it from everything that will happen in the coming times.
If you still do not know that you have a place in the Universe, know today that you have it. That place will allow to recreate Creation, toward that place will go all knowledge lived and experienced.
For this reason, you must persist, because in the Dwelling of My Father all the good that you have learned, not only in this life, but also in other times, will be kept.
I want each being of this planet to know that the experience does not end here, nor on this material plane.
The infinite awaits you so that you may live new things, go through new experiences.
All that you sow in this time will be harvested in the future. That is why you must know well what you do and what you live, so that the treasures of My Father are not wasted.
The time has come for becoming aware of all the riches of Heaven and how many times they descend to Earth and try to unite with souls, so that they may live new experiences of love and of redemption.
All that you cultivate in this time will have an impact in the immediate future.
It is not necessary, companions, that I give you examples, because you have already seen them with your own eyes.
Those who cultivate bad things on My Earth will always come out losing, because Love is Wisdom and Wisdom is the Love of God.
Where His Son is, God is, and if you are in Me, truly, you will be able to be in the Father. The Laws are always fulfilled equally for all.
Each one knows what in truth they must do in this time. All that I need is that you always sow good things, because this will not only help you, but also the world.
Humanity has forgotten, to cultivate true attributes, for having distanced itself.
Humanity has become perverted and has deviated, that is why I come from the immaterial Source of My Father to remind you about the sacred attributes which are essential to live in this cycle.
It will be those attributes, like Laws of Light, that will protect you from yourselves and from others.
The time has come to unmask the wolves that are disguised as sheep.
But it will not be necessary for anybody to do, the Law itself will demonstrate it, as it has demonstrated in this last cycle.
Faithfulness to Me is not a passing thing. Neither is obedience a passing thing.
What I ask of you is permanent, true and immutable.
Therefore, if your paths are well seeded, you will cultivate good fruit, it does not matter that your lands are miserable, dry, arid, or empty. Through the Fount of My Love, everything is possible for your lives only when you are sincere with Me.
Today I need you to take that step toward a definite Truth because thus you will be able to be more brotherly, you will be able to live in more fraternity and be considerate with the fellow being.
The attributes of which I speak to you are not of this planet, nor of this universe, although there are other humanities that know them.
The attributes come from My Father and from His immaterial Source and this renews all things for those who truly want to live them.
Because through My Fire I bring you the illumination of your cells and atoms, so that in the deepest of your beings you may learn to live in the Brotherhood through the attributes that I bring you for this time.
That is why I repeat to you again that your first attribute is to love as I love you, and to love the other as you love God, in an immeasurable and infinite way.
If you have not yet achieved this attribute, keep on trying every day: forge in yourselves an unconditional love that goes beyond your miseries and your tests, beyond all the limitations and all the obstacles, and so you will be able to be New Christs that represent their Lord here on Earth.
I no longer want to see a spiritually miserable humanity.
Some of you must achieve much more than I achieved on the Cross and in the Passion.
You must and you can surpass Me in love.
No longer wait to be able to do it; live it with an unconditional effort every day; thus, your hearts will be similar to Mine, even though you do not believe it.
If I descended to Earth and was human and transmuted the human condition, what will the creatures of My Father be able to do, more than what I once did, being direct and intimate children of His immaterial Source?
You do not yet know your virtues, you only know your capabilities. But I come as the Lord of the Universe for each one of your capabilities to transform them, someday, into sacred virtues.
You must only surrender everything to me. Each one according to their time, even though there is no longer time.
It is time to surrender everything to Me and to trust in what I have foreseen for you.
The moment has come to close a cycle and to begin a new one.
Everything that you were not able to live before, you will not be able to live in this new cycle.
Encourage yourselves to unveil the mysteries of the universe with the expansion of the love in your consciousnesses.
Because to the humble will be revealed the Mysteries of God and from the arrogant and the prideful will be taken all the powers they think they have in a personal and human form.
The Law is again fulfilled and again written.
I come to teach you the path of redemption through love; this is what will make your dwellings fruitful and eternal.
And it will not be necessary to live in this world, nor in another what you have already lived, because you will have learned it as a life lesson and a lesson in humility.
I want your hearts to become peaceful, to be small, just as I was small in the arms of My Mother; in this way, the Project will not be lost, because it will not be in the hands of the arrogant, but rather in the heart of those that are humble themselves before God every day and who truly do penance, transforming all things, overcoming all times, vivifying the Sacred Spirit of the Lord.
Only the humble will enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Only the peacemakers will know the Kingdom of God.
All of them will never return again to the Earth, because they will know new dwellings and will remain in them to advance in their evolution and in the awakening of their spirits and a new Earth will begin with christic beings.
The law of suffering will be forgotten, and pain will no longer be remembered.
Love will reign and peace will be abundant in those who were unconditional with the Lord in spite of their miseries and their tests.
I need you to be clean of heart, not only at this moment, but also for the coming times.
I need you to be in ample resignation and in strict obedience, so that you may come to know other mysteries of the Universe that will not try to glorify your spirits, but rather make them more humble, more humble than I once was, as in the simple manger of Bethlehem.
Thus, companions, you will be able to love what you have never loved, forgive what you would never manage to forgive, because you will be in another state and in another vibration.
Thus, you will help those who most need and those who have nothing, spiritually speaking.
I will thus be able to withdraw and say that My task with you and with the world has been fulfilled.
I will thus be able to prepare to return without shifting My Consciousness so much through this Universe.
But I will never abandon you. Who is with Me will never feel abandoned.
Who is with Me will never lack love because they will have understood the mysterious Will of God, that from time to time tries to be written in the heart of men.
Empty yourselves before the Lord of the Universe so that I may place the new in you and withdraw the old from your consciousnesses.
Today you have offered Me a marvelous day through your songs and prayers; that is what gives Me the impulse, that moves Me to come back here all of the time, to be at the side of those who truly hear Me and activate, in themselves, My Words one by one.
From the Solar Source I have come , from the Spiritual Universe I have descended, from the House of My Father I have arrived, to bring you what you need today with all of My Love; so that you may remember, companions, that I will always renew you so that thus the mandate of God may be fulfilled; that you love one another, just as I have loved you and continue to love you.
That is the deepest mystery of Creation.
Love will make your abode luminous and your spirits clean.
Let us celebrate this moment with complete confidence. Let us thank God for all that has been received and let us rejoice in His Heart so that His Word may be fulfilled in the People of God.
May the mystery of this existence be revealed.
Today, spiritually, I will not only consecrate new adorers, but also those who will adore Me someday, as those who have adored Me until now.
Remember, companions, that there is a dwelling place of light for each one of the children of God, and that dwelling place waits to find you and receive you, so that in it may be kept the greatest experience of His Love on Earth, so that the angels of the Universe may elevate that experience to the Father, in order to re-create this Creation.
My word is like living water and comes to quench the thirst of those who are disturbed, of those who suffer, of those who for some time have been in their desert, asking God for a Grace and an opportunity.
Today I offer you the Word of Life like living water for your souls, so that the balm of the Love of the Lord may unify consciousnesses and banish the enemies, so that the Plan may triumph. Amen.
Today I will deign to consecrate these elements with special gratitude, so that the fruits of My Spirit in the souls may also reverberate in the sacred dwelling that you will come to know some day.
For this reason, I wish to hear "Your Word is Living Water", so that your souls may be worked upon at this moment by the essence of the Divine Sacraments.
For those who are able to, we will stand.
Song: Your Word is Living Water.
Here is kept one of the greatest treasures of the Dwellings of God.
Blessed will be those who avail themselves of it to feel the Universe of God in their hearts while they are here on Earth.
That is why I offer you My Body as a symbol of reparation and of healing for souls.
I also offer you My Blood as a symbol of purification and of renewal for all the spirits of the planet.
This is the Body and the Blood of Christ, which gives you Eternal Life.
Here is the symbol of those who unite with Me through the offering of each new adoration; in them is built the Temple of God, which one day will become immaterial and eternal and will be especially kept in the dwelling that God has destined for each being.
Receive this symbol of adoration, as an act of gratitude on My part, and a renewing blessing for your souls.
I now want the adorers here, who will be consecrated today.
And now that My Mission is accomplished in you, I expect it is already reverberating through the times, by means of your adoration, your prayers, and your acts of love, so that the evil in humanity may be removed from this world, so that the Kingdom of God may be established in each human heart, and many, many more may know peace.
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for this day and for the day that will come tomorrow, in My Name, fraternally give each other the greeting of peace.
I thank you.
I have come from the Universe to bring you peace again, because everything is achieved through peace, especially for those who have never had it. It is this peace that comforts you, that encourages you to continue forward in spite of the times you experience and everything that happens in the world.
Today I come as a Greater Consciousness, greater in your understanding and in all the comprehension that you have acquired about Me.
I Am more than Jesus, more than the King of Kings, more than the Shepherd of souls and the One that governs this Universe and others.
It is with this humble power that I present Myself to you, to tell humanity that you are not alone in the transition you are experiencing today and that you still have not learned to go through.
All your consciousnesses will experience a transition. Each soul will have its own time to live it.
That is why I show My Heart to the world; a humble and patient Heart that is offered in communion to all souls, especially to those that are in need of peace and that still do not know the true love that comes from the Source of My Graces, from the same Source that My Mother uses in order to pour it out over this race.
Today I come to bring you a message for your consciousnesses, a message to awaken the consciousness of humanity, because there is where the great changes will be experienced and later reflected in all the attitudes and actions of human beings.
It is what I come to work on here in Miami: first the spiritual plane of this part of humanity, so that afterwards this can be reflected in matter, because the material life will be the last that will transform during this planetary transition.
And so today My Heart shows you Its meekness and serenity, attributes that will help you all to know how to go through the end of times, preparing the consciousness for what will come and will be shown to all of humanity, regardless of their belief or religion.
This is how the Son of God will reveal Himself to the world, bringing the governance of His Grace and His Mercy to impose it upon the governments that do not work today in the world.
Above all things, I will try to show the sovereignty of My Father to humanity through the recognition of the laws that will make a New Humanity possible out of this race, who must not make the same mistakes as in the past, but rather must have new attitudes that can imprint new attributes of light and brotherhood in the planetary consciousness.
Today I come to you, companions, with My meek and humble Heart so that you may adopt it in your lives and that it may be this meek Heart that always encourages you to seek peace above all that happens in your lives and in the world.
I show this great and last opportunity to all, the one to adopt My Glorified Heart as the teraphim of each soul, as the symbol of the reconciliation and redemption of hearts, as the symbol of unity between the consciousnesses of the planet and the Celestial Father.
With this I demonstrate to you that there is still some time of Mercy for the world.
Do not be afraid to break your resistance so that the real and only spirit may emerge, the one who came from the Cosmos to bring something to this project of humanity, and mainly to serve this School Planet, where it is truly possible to learn about love, forgiveness, and redemption; something that I taught you in the past, when I was among you as the Master Jesus, revealing the importance of the Message of God to you through the Gospels and the Divine Word.
In you I want to build bridges, companions, that will unite with the Universe, with all the Gifts that it holds and about which humanity must come to know in this time.
I want your consciousnesses to be uplifted, day after day, so that you may find some meaning in your lives, a direction for your spirits, and a purpose for your hearts. And that will begin, companions, when you adopt My meek and humble Heart, which is the greatest symbol of Love for all the Universes and especially for the planet.
I once incarnated here, among you, to teach you about Love and Truth, about the possibility of the renewal that your higher consciousnesses can experience when you unite with Me in heart and soul.
I came to Miami to reach the deepest abysses, where souls are not served, not even by the prayers of those who live here.
That is not a judgment, companions, it is a reality that I present to you, in the face of the great imbalance that this race is in. You must be the other dish of the scale to balance the one that is full of many debts.
I invite you to find a balance in everything that exists; that is why I speak to you with spiritual words, so that through them, you may rise up to the true vibration that I present to you today. Because each meeting with Me is different and unique, it is an opportunity to close doors to the past, to heal the deep consciousness, and to renew your spirits before My Divine and Celestial Presence.
I want you to offer everyone this meek and humble Heart, this Heart that has experienced suffering for you and that has endured the Cross to pour out Divine and Infinite Mercy from It.
From you, companions, I want confident, serene, and peaceful hearts. May truth and love always prevail before the errors and the movements of this humanity, which will always make hearts strong to carry forward My planetary Work in humanity.
After this long pilgrimage, Orlando will close a stage within the Divine Plan of God. And from there, companions, the expected synthesis will be completed for the Consciousness of your Divine Messengers, Who have moved forward with these impulses for all the nations of the Americas.
It is that very impulse of Light and of Love that, after Orlando, will prepare all your consciousnesses, regardless of whether you are on the pilgrimage with Me or not, in order to attend to the other part of the planet that has need of the Divine Mercy of My Heart.
I am speaking of Asia and the Far East, where you once went to find within it the essence of Shambhala.
It was that sacred site in Mongolia, as well as the monks who live there in their monasteries of silence, that prepared you for this cycle, in which a synthesis of transmutation and purification is being accomplished and will allow you to fulfill My Purpose.
In truth, it is My ardent desire to reach those countries of Asia, where the Plan of the Redeemer and His Mother must be completed.
When that happens, in a time not too far away, the planet will enter into its final phase.
This is the reason, companions, that I again offer you My humble and meek Heart in a real and conscious way; so that for Me, you may move forward with these great tasks, just like the ones that you have accomplished in these last months, in union with all of your brothers and sisters of the path, who have generated the conditions for the Divinity to be able to work in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico, and the United States.
I would like to hear from the countries of Asia the request for Mercy, the request for the Mercy of My Heart.
In this afternoon, in which a little bit of glory descends over Miami to heal wounded essences, I would like the souls of the countries of Asia that seek the Source of My Mercy, to declare to their Master of Love where they want Me to go, what nation they want Me to visit to carry forward an expansion of redemption to the Asian countries, where the Grace that will grant them redemption and peace in the face of all that has happened there throughout time is still lacking.
In those places, in that part of the world, a sacred indigenous consciousness is held, which in its spirit has the values of brotherhood and love, very much like those of the peoples of North America, who with our passage through North America, recovered a little of what they lost.
This, companions, means the triumph of My Heart, of the Heart of My Mother and of My Father, Saint Joseph.
I want to show the world that My Message multiplies in all consciousnesses, regardless of their race, their people, or their belief, or even their social condition.
I come to deal with matters that are above all these situations. That is why on this day I declare this message:
From the first day that I arrived at Aurora to step on this sacred soil with My Feet, where the Light of My Father still shines, the healing Light for souls in redemption, Aurora is open to all. It still lives there.
It is that eternal dawn that your souls can experience in the lands of Aurora, and there is a soul that I have entrusted this place to, while we are on pilgrimage in the world.
Why do I say this?
Because today I intend to unite all to the essence of healing and redemption of Aurora, where the Holy Archangel Raphael has touched that place with His hand to open the Source of Restoration of consciousness and of the Redemption of all errors, since the origin, to the planet.
I greatly adore the consciousness that I have entrusted the task to, because it has been faithful to Me up to the limits; the extreme limits, and I could say, very acute ones.
I speak of a soul that has always served Me throughout time and in everything that I have asked of their inner being.
Today I wish to give glory to that soul, in the name of this anniversary that you are experiencing with Me, from the moment in which you gave your "yes" to My Mother to take on this planetary task, which is for everyone.
And so I take you into a meeting with the fraternity, regardless of your temperament and learning; because in Aurora, love has always triumphed, and it is that love that is in the hearts that are over Aurora that has allowed Me to come here. Do you understand?
Everything that the Spiritual Hierarchy builds has meaning.
Even though sometimes it is not understood, souls must trust in this purpose that the Divinity presents to the world, as an objective for reaching great spheres of consciousness, in which all hearts may be included in that Kingdom of Light and Love that is Aurora.
But I will go back there again at some time, so that with Me you may experience a Marathon of Prayer.
Aurora came out into the world to free it from error, to call out to hearts, to the lives that were self-summoned, to enter Aurora as an act of redemption and forgiveness.
Thus, My Glorified and living Heart will return to Aurora to proclaim the Celestial Government of the Father over a consciousness, over the nation of Uruguay, that still has to rise back up, to find meaning in its spiritual purpose and its path of redemption.
I leave My gratitude for the brothers and sisters of Aurora, for their perseverance and constancy, because in spite of our being far away, apparently far to many, My Merciful Heart has never separated from them.
Aurora lives in the heart that believes in It. Simply that. It causes the life of every being to be healed and reintegrates it with the Plan of My Father.
Today My meek and humble Heart brings you to Aurora, because I Am the Alpha and the Omega. Aurora is the beginning of all and is the end of all.
I hope that you receive the Light of Aurora with gratitude and love, because I know that many need it to continue onward.
In honor of this Center of Prayer that shines in the darkness of humanity, I want you to dedicate a song to it that is very special to Me, that always brings Me closer to your consciousnesses and unites Me with all the brothers and sisters of South America.
So with this song, I will bless the elements that will turn into the Fount of Grace for souls that will receive them on this day as an opportunity for renewal.
Let us prepare for the blessing.
Today I ask the brothers and sisters of Aurora, who celebrate with Me this day, that from within themselves they petition for a continent of this planet, so that the Father grant them the Grace that I am able to visit it, just as I have visited you during all of these years.
Hail Aurora!
And today, companions, I have you commune with the Gift of the Healing of God through Aurora.
Life is contained in this symbol, the Life that gave Itself for you, endured for you, for all the sins, so that souls would be saved and thus renewed by the great spirit of the Redeemer.
In that time, moments before the Passion, seated at the table, I took the bread before My apostles and all those who followed Me in essence and soul. I gave thanks to God for having come to the planet and for being able to be among those in most need.
I broke the bread, in the same way that the Centers of Love were spread throughout the Americas, to ignite souls with the Gifts of My Resurrection.
So, in that time, I said to them: "Take and all eat of it because this is My Body that will be given for all for the forgiveness of sins."
Commune of this Body, companions, that brings you healing and light for your cells.
In the same way, I took the Chalice, which today shines in spirit over Mount Shasta. I gave thanks to God and said to them, as I say to you today: "Take and all drink from It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new Covenant and of renewal for all the spirits of the Earth."
Happy are those who drink from this Chalice, for they will be healed in spirit and in soul of all they have done against My Creator.
This is the Chalice that shines in the Centers of Love, which hold the essence of My Christic Life.
Let all hearts of the world be glad, for today you have found the Light again, the saving Light, the redeeming Light, the healing Light of Aurora.
Today I am here, in Miami, with all those who called Me, with My dear companions; but I am also in Aurora, as I was four years ago, to announce there My planetary task and the spiritual preparation for My Return to the world.
Today, all of you are aware that you are preparing for My Return to humanity.
This is a testimony that I bring you, it is a confirmation that I proclaim to you as the moment to take a step toward the Universe of My Love.
Let the Parent Creators use these elements to pour out Gifts over the souls of the world.
Let the Holy Archangel Michael place his Sword of Love over fallen spirits, so that Miami may stand again as a civilization blessed by the Love of God.
Let the Holy Archangel Metatron expand the flames of the fire of the Holy Spirit, so that consciousnesses may be touched by a profound awakening of Love.
Let the Holy Archangel Raphael heal the wounds of the men the women of the Earth, so that souls may rise to the meaning of their paths.
Let the Holy Archangel Uriel awaken inner worlds to the sublime realities of the Celestial Universe.
In that way, and in commemoration of this meeting, for all of these shared years, I bless these elements that change into My Body and into My Blood.
By the authority granted by Adonai, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today everyone was consecrated by My Divinity.
I know that you will not understand what this means, but all I ask is that you remember it and live it until the last days of your lives.
Praise be to God.
Glorious His Kingdom.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
Let us intone.
I thank you for accompanying Me and for trying to live Me every day. In this way, I am present in the hearts that are determined to live Me and in all those who strive for Me be a Truth within.
Peace to all, Grace and Mercy for souls.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more