The priestly spiritual force is like a mirror that concentrates and attracts the Divine Energy.
My enemy always wants to destroy that unknown spiritual force that comes from the Source of God.
For this reason, My priest sons are placed under an interior pressure, also unknown, through which My enemy projects and mirrors uncertain realities that, in many cases, are capable of confusing and diverting the aspirations of the priests of Christ.
At this time, My favorite children, the priests, cannot let themselves be taken nor influenced by the harassments that do not belong to them, because they are only stones on the path that try to make them fall, over and over again.
But, My Son, who loves you deeply, has given you the strength of spiritual resurrection, the possibility of rising again, as many times as necessary.
The spiritual and inner mission that the priests of the world have cannot be valued or appreciated with physical eyes, it can only be contemplated by those souls that are capable of praying fervently for My favorite children so that, at each new fall, they may rise from the ground for a single purpose, for the people of God that await them, and that aspire, through the priests, to see the apostles of Christ.
I ask all priests not to be fooled by what does not belong to them, to be brave and always remember that, through the power of the Sacraments, you will find the service so necessary and fundamental to redeem yourselves.
Let us pray every day for the priests. I will be immensely grateful to you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who bless you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
As pilgrims of life, follow the sign that is indicated to you on your path, the star that marks the path to My Immaculate Heart, because in My maternal Heart you have a dwelling to return to, every time you need.
This is the time for you to learn to live within My Heart at all possible times.In this way, My children, you will be supported by the power of My Love, by the great celestial shield of My Heart.
My Heart is this great fort where you will be able to be in vigil, attentive to the events of these times, available and whole to enter the field of spiritual battle; because the hour is coming when My soldiers will enter the space of adversity to dispel the harassments and, with me, through prayer, rescue those who remained spiritually lost.
I need you with a different attitude from the one you have had up until now. I need you within the spiritual command of My Son, just as the Guardian Angels, attentive to and waiting for the next convocation, because in this end time that is drawing close, all is permitted, and you must only seek the Light of the Heart of My beloved Son, which will shine unmistakably in the shadows of this world so that, as a safe harbor, souls can arrive upon firm land.
Children, listen attentively, live My Words, practice them, this is the unknown time of the Armageddon, because, in spite of the dark night, in our Messages lies the fortitude for the weak, the breath for the helpless, the faith and the determination for the tepid of heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Seventh Poem
make my imperfect being
a result of redemption.
Make all my miseries
an act of rendition and forgiveness.
Mother, may Your Heart
fill me through Your Rays of Love
so that I may live
the Sacred Will of Your Son.
Liberate me from the chains that I am still dragging.
With Your Sword of Light, Divine Lady,
cut the spiritual ties with evil
so that the planet may also be liberated
from all that humanity causes it.
I ask, dear Mother,
that You may accompany me in each step,
that You may watch and guard
the treasures that my soul has received
through the Love of Your Son,
because my only aspiration, Queen of Heaven,
is to fulfill and live all that which Christ expects.
For this, raise me up, Mother,
from all my falls;
help me, Mother,
in the moments of great tribulation;
protect me from all harassment.
May my spirit, mind and body
be a temple
where God can remain.
Through Your blessing, Mother,
may I fulfill the promises of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Second Poem
From the chains that imprison us,
liberate us, Immaculate Heart of Mary.
From the harassments that torment us,
liberate us, Immaculate Heart of Mary.
From the darkness that stalks us,
liberate us, Immaculate Heart of Mary.
From the perdition that tempts us,
liberate us, Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Because You, Most Holy Mother,
are the Guardian of faith,
You are the powerful Shield that protects us from all adversity,
You are the merciful Light of God.
We ask of You, dear Mother,
that Your Mantle of Light may envelop us,
that our steps may be guided by You towards our Redeemer,
that everything we do be part of the Will of God.
We long to fulfill the aspirations of Christ,
we hope to be His apostles of Truth
so that the Love of Your Son may be a victory within us,
and Your maternal blessing may make us reborn every day
and in the times to come.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
The greatest sorrow for God is not that His children become lost, but rather that His children consciously abandon Him and justify themselves with hundreds of reasons that in the majority of cases are not true.
It is thus that those who abandon God separate themselves from the Love of the Source and only live in the superficial love of the world.
Souls place their difficulties in what is external because they do not dare to look inward and find their inner problems. This is what makes the souls who abandon God suffer, time and again.
The unhappiness of these children is very great. Only an act of determination and, above all, of love, could reverse the pain that God feels for His children who abandon Him.
To be far from the Father is to place oneself against the Principles of Creation; it is to deny what one truly is; it is to blame when blame does not exist; it is to not recognize that something was not done in time.
These souls become exposed to the influences of the world and to its harassments, even though they may believe that they continue on united with God.
The soul that voluntarily separates from God loses everything, loses that which is spiritual and that which nurtured it to give it life.
I pray for those souls that, without awareness, made quick decisions. I pray for their inner nuclei to not be absorbed by all that is evil in what humanity does.
I pray for those who turned their backs on My Son.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The priestly life and the priests represent, in themselves, the only and safe spiritual bridge upon which devoted souls may access the superior Universes of consciousness.
For this reason, the priestly lineage is something planetary and cosmic, for it comes from very ancient times, previous to the creation of the planet, in which the first priests of sidereal space were who collaborated with the Creator Father so that certain laws and gifts would be present in the latent spaces of Universal Life.
In this way, My children, you can understand that priesthood does not refer to a person. The soul of the priest is what participates in the Mysteries of the Love of Christ each time that, with seriousness, rhythm, love and responsibility, they dress in the sacred priestly garments to be able to officiate at a ceremony, which is not only physical nor routine; it is the opportunity to bring Heaven to Earth so that souls may find the ardent Love of God.
It is for this reason that there was always the wish to spiritually and physically defeat the priestly life. This is the reason for the risks that the priestly life entails in current times, bringing about a lack of contact with the Greater Universe within the priests.
For this reason, to pray for the priests allows spiritual barriers of protection to be created in the face of the harrassments of these times. But all of this depends on the priest himself who, by means of their soul surrendered to Christ, may or may not be able to accomplish their mission.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
With all the joy and motherhood of My Immaculate Heart, I come today again to meet you in this hospital of sick souls so that, under the glory of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, all these consciousnesses, as well as the sick consciousnesses of this world, may receive the Grace of liberation.
I wanted to come back to this place of the mentally ill to teach you, dear children, that humanity suffers this illness throughout time because these souls do not receive love, compassion, or affection soul to soul.
Nowadays, the greater part of humanity is going through serious mental problems due to several spiritual and human factors.
The first factor that has a great influence on the mental sanity of souls is the lack of love and of daily prayer.
The second factor that affects humanity of this planet is the destruction of mainly the Planet and the Animal Kingdoms; this opens great uncertain doors over the human consciousness, which day after day and without stopping, annihilates millions of animals in the world, generating in these small consciousnesses not only suffering, but also an indescribable horror.
The third factor that affects the human mentality is the lack of consciousness or of attention in daily attitudes, in generating hate, enmity, in material and economic failure; these factors open more doors, which cause humanity to become a primitive civilization, capable of self-destruction through their actions.
The cure for all of this, My children, is communion with Creation and especially with nature.
Your Heavenly Mother comes to the world to help it in the great spiritual and mental disease that it is going through.
It is in this way that My Heart of a Mother has much compassion for those who suffer these difficulties. These souls offered themselves for many others to balance the errors of humanity, but mental difficulties are also the product of human spiritual blindness, of the lack of inner peace, and of a deep grief.
As Mother of all the sick, dear children, I want your consciousnesses to wake up to reality and every day to change a little bit more, to make your paths victorious ones to Christ and to the Father God.
May all of you accept the human mistake and, in wise penance, a greater number of souls of this planet may repair, at least with their prayers, what the majority of consciousnesses commit through actions against the Lower Kingdoms and against humanity itself.
In the name of the Light of God I need you, dear children, to take that step for Me!
As I am the Heavenly Mother, I know that not all humanity will change, and that all the planet experiences today, and what it will experience, is because of carelessness, negligence, and terror.
I ask you, My beloved pilgrims, that your groups of prayer become cells of My Divine Consciousness, that you may carry out your daily and weekly prayers for the whole of the planet, so that the majority of souls acquires the Grace of awakening and of a greater consciousness.
Today, in spite of how I see the world, I leave here more tranquil, because I see a sincere and ardent response from My children of São José do Rio Preto, something that all are invited to live.
I love you, I love you very much and with all the Infinite Love of God, I give you the Graces of My Heart.
Have faith and persevere, unite above yourselves; be bearers of My Celestial Peace.
I will always be with you until the end of days.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you in the Lord,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the sick
The Divine Power of Unity
Not even the most seemingly powerful beast will be able to attack My children to the point of destroying in them what I have built with My holy hands. A fortress erected by God is eternal and there is no wind or darkness that can break it down. The basis of this fortress is the living of what I have taught you. Each one of My words consolidates in you the principle of unity with one another and with God.
Children, when lived in fullness, unity is the greatest shield of these and of all times. Even if the ground shakes under your feet, and the forces of your body seem to weaken, if there is unity, there will be no fear and there will be no defeat.
If you are united in heart, you will keep your eyes open and not allow yourselves to be deceived when the adversary blinds the eyes of many with fear and illusion. Those who live in unity will know the truth and will know that false is the power of those who rise with darkness; they will fall and disappear like dust, at the arising of the Christic Light.
If you live unity, you will sustain not only your own spirit, but you will be columns of a great temple which, in the moment of the tempest, will shelter within those who were lost but who still held the hope of someday finding themselves.
The fortress of unity will keep you in neutrality and balance when the coming events cause imbalance in the disbelievers and the humanity of little faith because they did not believe that after the night the sun will shine and that the support of God will always be upon those who recognize themselves as His children.
Unity will make you understand that which happens to you as harassment, that which are the tests and the apprenticeships needed for your evolution. In the spirit of unity among all, you will be able to overcome all these instances in a correct way and with maturity.
Because of this, children, the great learning of unity must be experienced in this time. This is the moment of overcoming the resistances within yourselves, which prevent you from living in fraternity, love and unity with your neighbor.
Learn that those whom you so judge or whom you cannot love nor accept in their paths may be the pillar that will be lacking in your inner temple in order to sustain you firm in the times that will come.
These are no longer times of solitude or individuality; in the past, this was a learning of interiorization of humanity, which prepared you today to live unity, with all who surround you.
Those who are summoned to My army of Light and Peace must be always united. Do not let My adversary bring you down through the corrosive poison of criticism, judgment and separateness, the pillars of the fortress that I am building by means of your constant permission.
Children, when you let the enemy speak through your mouths and separate you from your brothers, sisters and companions of the path, it is not only My Work that you are destroying but, above all, your own possibility of evolving and of keeping firm in the moments of the greatest tribulation.
Because of this, when you feel that your mouths move through the cunning of the adversary, keep silence and ask for My help; cut the chain of evil and invoke the Divine Power of Unity.
Where there is true unity there will be no darkness, and all the battles will be marked by the triumph of Light. Where there is unity, there will be Truth and there will be the Consciousness of God expressing through His children.
I tell you all this so that you may recognize that the triumph of the Eternal Father does not depend on anyone’s own strength, but on the Divine Power of Unity which, together, My soldiers can attract and manifest.
Children, day by day, struggle to make My Heart triumph and for the fortress of unity to grow and support within itself many souls that are seeking refuge in this world of such little fraternity and love.
Where there is unity, a light will be ignited, indicating the path for those who must still awaken in these times.
The seed of unity is already sprouting and growing in many of My children, and it must expand throughout all who listen to Me; because of this, today I make you listen to these words.
I bless you and lead you to the Divine Power of Unity.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Not to want your own will, and to love the Divine Will
This race in the beginning was designed by God to obey and follow a single Purpose. But since My adversary, in antiquity, awakened the temptation and free will in the humankind of the surface, the original Project was distorted, straying from the path of the Divine Will.
It was there that duality, free choice and disobedience to all higher Laws that would rule humanity in times to come until it would be a sacred humanity, entered into the primitive consciousness of humanity.
From the moment Adam and Eve were tempted in Eden to decide on their own life and thus deviate from the Hand of the Creator, what we call self-will entered into the essence of the human being.
This will, devoid of spiritual principles and impregnated with codes of corruptibility, was the action that diverted the new humanity from the path; in the beginning of everything, the first race was the wise Project of a new humanity for the surface.
From the moment the first Adam decided to survive on the planet transgressing the natural Laws, Eve on the other hand awakened the first signs of capital sins.
My adversary achieved what he wanted so much: to make this an inert humanity without self-consciousness.
After so many eras gone by, the culminating moment arrived where, in the first stage, the decadence of humanity would come to an end, and it would be through the apparition of Christ in the world, as the Firstborn Son of God, incarnated to rescue the essence of this thought human project.
Later on, when Christ was present, the whole race, which was already in the abyss of its perdition, was diverted from its own hell through the Passion of Jesus.
The coming of the Messiah of Israel was delicately prepared by the Creator Fathers, by the Holy Archangels. Each one brought and bore in the most pure womb of the Virgin Mother the light cells of transubstantiation and redemption, higher Laws that later on allowed to liberate humanity from evil.
Since Adam and Eve activated in themselves their own will, the human spiritual genetics were spontaneously affected until today by this energy of earthly power of appropriation and domination of all things.
Only those consciousnesses that throughout the ages managed to open themselves to find Christ within have been challenged to renounce and banish this old human code that has been deviating millions of souls from the Purpose until today.
Self-will is the consequence of not accepting in a true way the Love of God, being the consciousness impregnated by its own ideas and concepts, those that are opposed to the Divine Thought.
Although Christ gave life and died for all also with the purpose of deactivating the old corrupt code of self-will, after all the events and facts that Master Jesus gestated in the consciousness of those who listened to Him, meanwhile the other part of humanity strengthened the precarious link with self-will; it was like a ten-horned beast recreated by all involutionary actions of the human race.
The human will has always been honored and appreciated by the majority, this is one of the reasons why in these definitive times, consciousnesses that are committed to the Plan are not able to take their steps when affirming their own will: a chain that ties them to an endless hell.
Those holy consciousnesses that were able to overcome their own will, did it through three factors: first, working every day renouncing themselves, second, searching for the emptiness of themselves and third, serving unconditionally, taking into account that even living all these experiences, there is self-will based on arrogance and pride.
When the disciple of Christ disposes themselves to transcend the states that corrupt the love in humanity, they must have in mind that they will face within themselves their own beasts, which will try to make them give up all efforts.
Some consciousnesses on the surface of the planet, as is the case of those who opted for a consecrated life, have the spiritual mission of dispelling from their consciousnesses all these energies that condemn the evolutionary life of a soul, and they also have the mission to do it for humanity, imitating Christ.
In these times humanity must define the path it will follow, this will be before the expected Judgment that will happen on this beloved planet.
Christ was and is an extraordinary example of life and truth for all those who accept to return to the previous moment of the Plan in which Adam committed the so-called original sin; a sin from which all creatures are born with the code of self-will and free will.
To be able to change this frequency, the determination and effort that are stimulated by prayer will allow disarming the opposite impulses that bring self-will.
To live the Divine Will means to want nothing for oneself and everything for others. To live the Divine Will means to follow step by step what one is asked for, avoiding failure many times.
But we know that humanity of today does not want to follow in obedience and adherence to what the higher Universes are emitting; this leads to an increase of spiritual perdition of the consciousnesses, it leads to submerging oneself in all possible deceptions, it leads to missing the path one has come to walk.
Therefore, God sends His Messenger again to warn you all and the whole world that they are still living their own will and this will not deter the planetary suffering, but rather it is increasing it gradually.
I invite you, children, to do the exercise of cutting the chain of self-will, thus you will have the inner strength to be able to Christify your lives and prepare for the glorious coming of Christ to the world.
Be intelligent and do not allow self-will to distance you forever from the path of your redemption.
Times announce great changes for everybody.
I thank you for losing your self-will and for being born to the Eternal Will of God!
Who impels you to inner purification,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Beast of the End Times and the Woman of All Times
An imminent sign will precipitate over the world and it will clearly reveal to all that the end times have come.
This sign that will arrive in the world will open the last and great abyss, and the raging beast, which was imprisoned in its hells, will come to the surface. The world will not see a material beast because, with its cunning, it is already conquering many innocent hearts.
This sign, that will come to the world from the Universe, will reveal to all who pray how much the beast has reigned in the main consciousnesses of this planet. Its great ostentation is to lead hearts into constant sin, this is why the beast, which is still in its abyss, is strengthened by the desires that all humankind experiences in this material life.
But the beast does not desire souls that are more aware, but rather, with its cunning, it sows indifference and omission.
It does not give up seeking the bravest, its claws are on the great governments of the world, which, as a result, defeats the dignity of souls and their evolution.
When the beast emerges from its abyss, all capital sins will be greatly and decadently exacerbated. As many know, everything will be allowed, even debauchery and superstition.
The beast feeds upon the failure of its fellow beings, but it does not know that prayer makes souls invisible and disengages them from its claws. The beast develops its fury through conflicts, and all that live in conflict draw to themselves the fury of the beast itself.
On the other hand, the soul that prays builds and elevates itself, it knows how to sustain itself and the planet, and is freed from decay. But the beast already knows it must go in search of the children of the Sun.
Because of this, at this hour, the Woman Clothed of the Sun is running to the desert and signaling to Her beloved children that it is time to work intelligently.
The beast will not only try to keep any Christ from being born, but, with its false power, it will try to destroy everything that a consciousness of the Light has inwardly built. To be protected from these clashes of the beast, you must be attentive and vigilant about all the external stimuli that will cause you to lose true Christic codes.
From where it reigns, the beast manipulates the nations, and, at the same time, their governors. One who is truly not in God will not manage to escape these sharp claws, because the beast creates and recreates itself in the capital sins that, in truth, are the roots of evil and the damnation of millions of souls throughout the world.
Each time a consciousness opens the door of its being to these temptations, even if sporadically, the beast is satisfied by these energies, and this consciousness enters the kingdom of the beast consciously.
The beast that subjugates the world is generated time and again by humankind, and humankind itself receives all its punishment from the beast. But a hopeful Light descends from the universe and the Mother of God, the Woman of all times, battles with the beast in another way in order to dispel it more and more from the consciousness of the planet.
The beast knows that it has little time left, but in the time it has left, it will want to carry to its abyss the greatest number of fallen and non-fallen stars. Because of this, the children of the Blessed Woman must not sleep, because in the face of any sly movement of the beast, the battle could be lost.
May the intelligence of the soldiers be vigilant over their desires and expectations as the beast wallows like a pig within superficial and mediocre things.
To weaken the beast, which humanity itself has created and which is now uncontrollable, it will be necessary to love the Plan of God and live it as if it were the main thing in your lives because the beast does not know the inner love of creatures, it does not know the love that Christ teaches, that love that makes the beast weak and sickens it to the point of making it oftentimes immobile.
If this love were always sufficiently great and true, the beast would no longer have its reign in the Middle East.
May the school of the Love of Christ motivate consciousnesses to abandon illusion because while your consciousnesses are on two paths, you will be opening the door for the beast to enter. Be wise and, by your prayer, may the beast be deactivated.
The Woman of all times again points out and marks the path for you so that the majority of souls do not deviate from the path of Light.
But to defeat the beast, the Woman will have to physically and spiritually count on consecrated soldiers so that, at a universal level, this act of consecration will testify and confirm that the beast will be expelled from the planet.
Humanity itself must generate the conditions for everything to be reversed. While uncontrolled desire and capital sins continue to feed the beast, the planet will have no peace.
Therefore, with more awareness and intelligence than the beast itself, help me defeat it through love and unity, which humanity has not yet experienced.
Take refuge every day in the desert of the Holy Woman in order to be protected, because the beast does not know the emptiness of self, it does not even know what that is.
Because of this, without outer motivations, which are the things that attract the beast to the surface of this planet, work in this time to create evolutionary conditions that are the opposite of the conditions that you have always experienced in this humanity.
May My children at this hour perceive that we are now in another time, and that it is urgent to truly change your behavior, for, in this way, the mask of illusion and blindness will fall from many faces that are still asleep and not able to see the Light of Divine Mercy.
I would like to see My soldiers wide awake and not inert because the beast feeds on and also becomes stationed within convenience and minimal effort; it is repelled by sacrifice.
The beast fears the New Christs.
I thank you for accompanying in consciousness the end and awaited times!
Who guides you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I Am the Source of Light for the world after My Blessed Son.
I Am the incandescent Star of Bethlehem that lights with peace the heart and with light and love each soul.
I Am the Celestial Shield that protects the blessed children of God from all ambush.
I Am the Sun of the Universe that pours rays of conversion and redemption.
I Am the Spirit of Peace that traverses the continents in order to rekindle in the hearts the Love of God.
I Am the Sacred Mother of Trust because in My Immaculate Heart your life may rest and in My most holy fullness you will find the comfort that you seek so much; you will find in My silence the healing for your heart and the light that you need to dissolve your problems in peace.
Today I approach your heart and your life, so that you may open to Me the door of your interior and once again, before the Celestial Father, trust your life and your existence to the Sacred Universe.
I come lovingly to encounter you for this special Monthly Apparition, because twice My Maternal Consciousness will descend from the Portals of Heaven in order to solve worldly difficulties, to lift to the Kingdom of Christ many souls that are imprisoned and, primarily, I will descend in order to transmit My Maternal Love to all of those who have said yes to Me.
For this, I Am the Lady of Light, I Am the Woman covered by the Light of the Universal Sun, I Am the one who announces, through Her sweet stars of gold, a coming time of peace and of conversion.
But before, as I have promised before My Savior, the Almighty God, the Mother and Queen of Peace will traverse the greatest number of nations, to awaken in time those who sleep in the illusion and those who have become blind of spirit because of the modernities.
The Light of My Sacred Sword of Love will cut the roots of evil and impunity, the divine power of My Faith will illuminate in Supreme Light the path of all of those that call Me.
I Am the Lady of Eternal Light, I Am the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer. I Am the Star that vigils day and night the steps of the self-convened. My Powerful Heart will always be the relief for the sinners. The Grace of My Spirit will be the water from the Source that will wash your stains.
I ask you, My dears and beloved ones: Surrender! Surrender! Surrender to the Love of My Heart! I do not want to harm you, I only hope that you accept Me as Your Mother; now and always I accomplish the eternal commitment of bringing you to Heaven.
And even though confusion and chaos are embracing the life of many, affirm your faith and do not believe what you live; you must believe in the life of the Great Spirit that accompanies you and protects you.
My feet will stomp on the head of the cunning serpent and My celestial glance will guide the steps of the servers. A new time will shine in the interior of My children and the Supreme Forgiveness will be the cure for all evils.
When the time of Peace has come, the soldiers will lift the flags of Mercy and in love the Almighty will listen to your call and surrender.
I am among the most simple and meek, My Holy Universal Light comes to help all.
Trust what I say to you, I love you and I contemplate you in sacred devotion.
Thank you Venezuela for opening to Me the door to liberation!
Peace and Mercy for all!
Mary, Lady of Light
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more