In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I am making you contemplate the Light of Emmanuel, because you will need it in the coming times. Without this powerful Light of Emmanuel, you would not have the strength to overcome, nor strength during the battles.
In spite of the cross or what it may represent for you, in spite of the path of sacrifice that the universe offers to you in these times, in spite of all these circumstances, always keep in mind and above all in your heart that the Light of Emmanuel will not perish; and that you, His creatures, His children, are a part of this Great Consciousness of the Supreme and Cosmic Source.
Because towards this Source, you must return someday, with your experience lived, with all love learned, with all redemption experienced, so that your consciousnesses may be converted into a visible sign in the firmament, into a victory achieved through the Love and the Light of your Redeemer, the Christ of all times.
For this reason, may your banner of peace not fall from your hands. Hold on firmly to My Peace and you will achieve everything.
Never forget to have a peaceful and humble heart, a heart that is open to listen and dialogue, a heart that does not defend itself, a heart that loses its autonomy and all the control it believes it possesses. Because by having a clean heart, although imperfect, everything, absolutely everything, through the Light of Emmanuel, and through My Presence, can be Christified.
The time has come, after this Sacred Week, and in this last meeting with Me, to draw the final events that will be a part of in the coming times, great and enriching experiences that you will be able to live if you are attentively open and adhered to the events that will present themselves.
The central axis in the end of times will be this last Gift that we will invoke from the Holy Spirit, which will be the keynote of this moment: the Gift of Fraternity, which rules today the other Gifts present in the Menorah, because the heart of Fraternity is love for your neighbor, self-giving for the fellow being, all the relief that you can generate through your lives for a greater goal, for Peace.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We stand up so that, together, at the request of Christ, we may light this last candle of the Menorah, keeping in mind each one of the Gifts that, in this Sacred Week, were attracted by the Heart of our Redeemer.
Today, may this seventh candle that we will light synthesize an experience for each one of us and a new time that is approaching toward the aspiration of fulfilling a higher service.
“Adonai, may the world not forget
that all are brothers
in the Eternal Love of Your Heart
and that the axis that will unite all these Gifts
in these times will be Fraternity.
Fraternity will impel the awakening of the other Gifts
in the consciousnesses and hearts that,
at the end of this task and of this Sacred Week,
will offer, through the symbol of the Menorah
in this journey with Me,
to consciously live, with all the effort of the human heart,
with all the momentum of soul and spirit,
with the aspiration of relieving Your Heart and of repairing it
of all that has happened in this world until the current times.
For this reason, I ask You, Emmanuel,
in the name of Your Most Beloved Son,
for souls to have the Grace, from this day on,
to replace capital energies for Divine Energies,
so that consciousnesses may recognize Your Presence within themselves
and rejoice for the joy of this re-encounter,
under the descent of Your Celestial Kingdom.
Here, in this Menorah, I also deposit My last seven aspirations, which are united to the aspirations of God the Father for all His creatures, not only of this planet, but also of all the universe. Aspirations that you will know and will be revealed when you simply live these Gifts that I Have offered to you during the last seven days.
In the same way, today your lives are initiated into a definitive path of consecration, in which your souls will have the opportunity to assume the government of themselves, so that the greater spirit of each being, that spirit, that consciousness that has its name written in the universe, may conclude this trajectory in the school of love and forgiveness, of service and fraternity toward its fellow beings.
For this reason, today it is not only seven Gifts that are lit before your eyes. In your hearts today are lit the seven aspirations of God and of His Divine Son, ruled by the Greater Law of Love, of Unity and the Good, thus allowing, in these planetary times and though this Menorah, for the door to the universe to remain open, a door through which all souls will have the last chance to return to God and to find again the path to the Love and Light they have lost.
You will now light your candles.
Thus, as I promised to My apostles and to the holy women, I promise to you again today. Receive the Light of My Spirit, so that the Light of My Spirit may be present in the world and in all the souls that need it.
Be strong through My Light, be humble through My Heart, be good servants through My Teachings; because My aspiration is to be able to meet you someday face to face, so that we may celebrate together with humanity the great Supper of Reconciliation, the new Easter of Peace.
Now, in the silence of your hearts, you will raise a request to the Father. I listen to you in silence.
Now take your hands to your heart, praying for this intention and for all intentions of the good souls, saying to My Heart:
Prayer: “Christ of Light.”
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The priests may come here, please, for the blessing of the oils, which our Lord will use today, through the priests, on this last day of the Sacred Week, for the Anointment of the Sick and the special Anointment of those who are even more sick.
“Lord, just as you saw Your Son in the sepulcher
being anointed by the hands and hearts
that loved Him and love Him eternally,
in the same way I ask you today to bless these oils,
not only so that the sign of Your Powerful Cross
may infuse the consciousnesses,
but also so that You may open the definitive door
to the healing of hearts,
for them to also glorify You eternally,
until the one thousand years of Peace may be fulfilled.
Now, I will infuse My blessing upon you and the world, preparing you again to live with Me the perfect alliance, through My Body and My Blood, through the Sacred Celebration of the Eucharist.
Once again, I ask you to be attentive to the descent of Graces that will take place through the Eucharist and the Anointment of the Sick, because on this day you must celebrate the opportunity to be reborn.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now, Our Lord is calling here some members of the Choir, so that we may sing together with Him the song “Hallelujah.”
Sister Faustina de Jesús, sister María Jerusalen, Patricia and sister María Verónica.
First, Our Lord will bless the sisters and then bless all of us. Then, we will sing “Hallelujah,” thanking God for this meeting, for this Sacred Week, for all the spiritual impulses received and for those unknown spiritual impulses that our beings received on this journey.
Let us stand up.
The voice that sings is a prayer that is elevated twice, because in the first impulse of the voice there is contact with God and with the second impulse of the voice there is the descent of His Grace, which fills the soul that sings, and especially blesses and glorifies the voices that act as instruments to glorify the Redeemer and the Father in the Heights.
For this reason, may this task be perpetuated, may voices never cease to sing, until peace may be established and they sing together with the King when He returns.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And now, I bless all those present and not present, all those who drank from the Fount of My Words during these eight days. I bless all who made this Sacred Week possible, one more treasure that is held in the memory of brave and available hearts, who, through degrees of love and service, offer themselves as apostles of Christ to prepare His Return.
I bless you and I thank you for this Meeting.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
FrIar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The sisters may sing, and then we will all sing together.
Song: “Hallelujah.”
And now, with this praise to the Heart of the King, we will prepare for the Eucharistic Celebration, and then for the Anointment of the sick.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
With gladness and joy, I gather you together at this moment because, in the inner planes, I gather many cultures and peoples together that came to this country of Canada to experience an opportunity and hope.
For this reason, companions, I have gathered you together here, in this place; I have gathered you together here in this country so that you could closely understand the significance of this moment.
It is a synthesis among cultures and peoples that is being experienced at this moment, and it is through My Christic Presence that this takes place.
This is why I have asked you to accompany Me, so that you could come to Canada so that the bases of My Redemptive work with you could be founded here, for this is one of the Aspirations of God for this planetary moment, in which all souls and the essences of the world, as well as the cultures and the peoples, must prepare for the new time, after this transition of the Earth, in which souls will live inexplicable things, will go through unknown experiences, which will need to be supported by faith and a love for God through the heart of all His children.
With this, I want to more clearly explain that the Aspiration of God for having come here to Canada is to give an impulse that is not only spiritual, but also material, in the concretization of new points of Light in the world, formed by the integration of souls, unity among hearts, and the experience of group life among all members of this humanity.
In this case, I am speaking about the cultures and the peoples that emigrated to Canada, however, they did not lose their principles or attributes of life, all that which they had learned since the origins of their countries.
And that is very valuable for God because, in some way, Canada has managed to welcome and receive all these souls, not only opening doors to opportunities and hope, but also opening inner and spiritual doors, so that after thirty years, during which many people emigrated to this country, this is the moment and is the opportunity for the Spiritual Hierarchy to begin to carry out a work and carry it forward.
This is the message that today I want to bring to all My companions; but especially to those who accompany Me here today, to the brothers and sisters who are here in the city of Toronto, and who opened their hearts without thinking or meditating upon it, to receive this direct impulse of your Master and Lord, the consequence and the result of which will be of spiritual and inner benefit for many more souls, for all those who emigrated here to this country, and who are also considered by the Mercy of God.
What characterizes all the peoples and cultures that established themselves in Canada is the simplicity of their lives, the attributes they live through what they have learned in their lives, and everything they have built through their cultures and languages, without ceasing to bring continuity to what each country and nation represents, not only as a culture or as a people, but also as spiritual consciousness.
Canada will enter a new spiritual stage with the assistance and the collaboration of all the foreigners that are here and who have become well integrated into this country and this culture, in which they were inserted in the life of the daily community.
This creates important pillars, beyond everything else; these spiritual pillars that the Hierarchy needs, in order to found communities; these new communities that will open and will come forward through the faith and the trust of souls in God; because they will not lose their principles nor life attributes, but rather, these attributes and principles will expand throughout the consciousnesses.
And so, as is written in the Bible, the peoples will unite and will fuse as one consciousness, beyond what they may have learned and experienced. And this will occur through love, understanding and acceptance of the different cultures, so that the universal ecumenism that comes from love may continue to be gestated and live in this country of Canada.
The aspiration of the Spiritual Hierarchy is to expand this impulse from Toronto to the rest of the country, so that more souls and consciousnesses may have the Grace of receiving direct teachings from the Hierarchy, not only for their material life, for their family life, but, above all, for their spiritual and inner life.
In this integration and ecumenism that is experienced in Canada through all the foreigners, the necessary and essential bases are created so that the Hierarchy can continue the Work upon the planet; and through these souls and hearts that are found here, that have experienced survival, overcame suffering and pain and, above all, that have incarnated transcendence and the Love of God, managing to overcome all the limitations of their consciousnesses.
Through the Work that the Hierarchy must establish here in Canada, with all the representatives of its neighboring nations, through this labor and this Work, the Hierarchy will be able to help you. And you will also receive the Graces and the Mercy that you need in order to awaken.
Thus, today My Consciousness and, above all, My merciful Heart, on this very special day, at this very special time and in this very special meeting, establishes the spiritual bases that the Father has established so that, from the inner planes, this Aspiration of God may begin to be built, until it is able to completely materialize.
And this will be done through the souls that will be self-summoned, that will feel the call to deepen their spiritual life and again find the path toward that constant and eternal communion with the Eternal Father.
For this reason, I will dedicate a special time for this task in this country, whatever time is necessary, because these souls that have emigrated to Canada and that are living in this country represent their nations of origin, all their peoples and cultures, and from here, the Hierarchy will be able to help all the souls that, up to today, experience difficulties and tests, and cannot manage to move forward by their own means.
It is through the opening of simple and humble hearts, it is through the love and the trust of those who believe in My Name and invoke it, that I can reach other souls in the world that not only experience suffering but also persecution and slavery.
It is in this way, companions, that the balm of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy reaches them with time, closing the deepest wounds and, in this way, I renew souls so that they may continue onward in the trust and under the guidance of God.
Today, with you I come to celebrate this moment and the establishment of the new Monastery of the Mercy of God, that will embrace and protect all the immigrants that are here in Canada, through the virtue of the service and prayer that will bring all of them an understanding about life and a deep union with the Plan of the Creator Father.
The spiritual bases of this work are founded here today by your own Master and Lord, and this will bring everyone, not only infinite opportunities, but infinite Graces for those who need to feel loved, understood and accepted again, so that their inner wounds may be healed and closed.
Today I bring this message because I know that everyone will hear it and will reciprocate with their Master and Lord so that this may be accomplished, because it will be from the Work and within this Work of Love and Redemption that the means will emerge to carry forward this aspiration of your Master and Lord, which comes from the Father.
Here in Canada, with the time in which this work and this Aspiration of God will develop, many cycles and possible stages of spiritual and material growth will be experienced so that souls may reach the Portal of Liberation and thus feel renewed, consoled and loved by the Father, as by His Divine Son.
As a High Priest, I celebrate this moment with you, because it is a moment of celebration and joy, hope and much Mercy for all those who need to find it within their lives.
Thus, I bless and consecrate this moment and these spiritual bases, which I am establishing today in Canada, so that a new stage and a new cycle may begin, as has been foreseen.
I am grateful for the adherence and the accompaniment of all My companions, and I especially thank My dear daughters of Ethiopia, who represent all of My beloved Africa, which is at the center of My Heart, in this great moment when your Master and Lord will place His Feet again upon that continent, to free it from captivity forever.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May peace be in this house and in those who have lost it.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Companions, those who can, kneel before Me to revere Adonai.
Pray inwardly with Me the prayer Sacred Mercy, while I deliver My Message of Peace for the world.
Blessed are those who believe without seeing Me or hearing Me. Their faith will be invincible in the face of all evil, because My Heart chooses those I have gathered for this sacred task.
While I speak to you, listen to My unmistakable inner Voice. Feel My Love, which is what is most important.
Thus, after this prayer, you will have confessed to Me. The Rays of My Mercy will have participated in your lives, bringing renewal and forgiveness for you and for the whole world.
In My celestial Presence, which congregates you to walk in love, I bless these elements that God provided for you; through the wheat to make the bread that becomes My Glorified and Living Body; through the grape of the sacred vine that becomes wine to give you to drink of My Blood; and in all this mystery, I reveal My Love to you.
Let us pray.
Our Father (in Aramaic).
In August I will show Myself to the world, in Mercy and Redemption, to hearts that open to receive Me, through this renewal that is the Communion with My divine Principles.
I thank you. May peace reign here.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us listen to "Supreme Son of God," at the request of Christ.
Let the bells ring, as My Divinity rises to radiate Graces to a world deserving of Justice, but invaded by the ocean of My Mercy.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
In this way, after the Presence of Christ and before sharing this message, we want to tell you how He came here today as the Glorified Jesus, that glorious Face that presented Itself on January 5, 2013, here in Aurora.
The Master came very joyfully; there was a spiritual happiness that filled Him and we didn't know why. But in spite of that inner happiness that He expressed to us, He showed several images at His Feet of what was happening in the world, mainly with the unborn and all that is done through those who are not born. What He was showing us was pain. In a matter of seconds, He came with a golden and brilliant mantle that covered His tunic with light. He was surrounded by various angels that came before He arrived, prostrating on the ground, here on the heights of this House of Prayer.
Also, at the moment when He began to transmit the Message, the Master indicated that we write His Message here, on the altar, because He has done that task with many saints, with all those He says He addresses through inner speech, to give an important message. He asked that we do it this way, because He would reveal an inner aspiration to us, that we will share with everybody.
The Message transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón can be seen at the link: July 17, 2015.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more