Special Apparitions

I come to offer you, My children, My Rose of Light and of Peace, as a means for your conversion and redemption. This Rose of Light is the symbol of My original Purity, the Purity that comes from God and His Source, which was lovingly cared for and prepared by the angels of Heaven, before I was created by God.

My children, accept this Rose of Light that is born of the gifting of My Heart, not only for Italy, but also for the souls of the world; for My children of Africa, for My children of Asia, of Oceania and of the Americas. This Rose of Light that I offer you is for everyone.

From the very depths of My Soul, from the very depths of My Spirit, I come to offer all souls of Italy this Rose of Light, for in this way, the Celestial Father will be able to contemplate your purity, your effort in transformation and in redemption, and when He sees the Rose of Light in each one of His children, He will not pour out His Justice, but rather will pour out His immense Grace. He will pour out all the Love that created you from the beginning of the Source.

My children, may this Rose of Light be in your hearts as a spiritual, inner and silent communion with the Heavenly Mother.

I come to bring this symbol and this example of charity of My Heart, because from My children I wish for their prompt conversion and redemption, so that someday they may reach the Kingdom of the Heavens and they will descend to the future Earth through the New Humanity.

If My Rose of Light is in you, My children, you will be able to offer an example of life, of kindness, and of charity to others.

Europe should never forget that service is the path for finding the Pity of God that it so much needs, just like other regions of the world are in need of other attributes of God, not only for transforming life completely, but also for living His Holy and Divine Will.

With this Rose of Light that I bring you today, My children, to Italy and to the whole Universe I exhibit the essential Purity of the Mother of God, one of the most immaculate and great mysteries of God that comes from His non-material Source for all the creatures of the Universe, for all the galaxies, all the stars and all the suns.

When opening to the inner life, everything, absolutely everything is permeated by the essential Purity of the Mother of God.

What I need, My children, is for you to cultivate within yourselves this spiritual symbol of purity so that, day by day, you may learn to reconsider and to change, so that you may learn to live in the Commandments of God, especially so that you may learn to take care of your planet, of humanity, and of the wounded Kingdoms of Nature.

Open your hearts, My children, for this mystery of Love that I bring you today. I am interceding for you, as I have never before interceded for Italy.

That is why I come today, My children, as the last Messenger of God, to announce to the world the Light of Christ, which is drawing closer to humanity and to all the planet through the Purity of the Mother of God.

I need your lives to be an example not only of charity, but also of love; and you will learn to reconcile with one another. In this way, My children, you will learn to recognize the Sacred Face of My Son in your brothers and sisters. It is what My Son needs today from Italy, that all recognize His Holy Face in your brothers and sisters and in your fellow being, so that He may establish Peace, so urgent in your people as well as in the whole world.

I need you, My children, to sow on Earth the purity of your hearts, because humanity has completely lost it.

The Purity that comes from God is within you; it will illumine the Earth, all that is created, and all that is manifested, and thus, everything will transform according to what God has expected for such a long time.

Be encouraged, My children, to find your purity again and to ask yourselves where it is. I offer Myself as your Mother and Queen through the true path of prayer so that you may find this path again and help your brothers and sisters to be able to find it again, because with this simple act of charity, when expressing the love and the good in all of this people of Italy, many more will find again the meaning for being here on Earth, and before everything happens in the world, many will feel called to live the path of conversion.

My Son gave you an incalculable treasure for humanity through the divine Sacraments so that you may always be blessed, renewed, and filled by the Divine Spirit of God that comes to the world through His Messengers to open the eyes of your consciousness, so that you may see beyond the material, and also beyond the spiritual.

It is time, My children, that in awakening your original Purity, you may also see the need of the whole world. Learn through love and the good to cover the needs of your fellow being, to alleviate suffering, to bring peace where it no longer exists, where it has been missing for a long time.

At this moment, your Divine Lady ignites Her Crown of Light, by means of Her twelve stars, to illumine each one of the nations of Europe in this pilgrimage with the Messengers of God, to sow the new attributes on Earth, arid and very dry lands where the spiritual Source no longer exists.

But I cause them to sprout like in Lourdes, the water that will heal you and that will save you. I offer you, My children, the Water that flowed from the Side of My Son, the spiritual and material Water that flows from His Side, bringing the light to the world and healing to humanity.

Every day, My children of Italy, practice small gestures of love and of service. Keep your cities and your peoples in harmony. Take care of the hygiene of the environment so that you never lack health. Love and respect what God has given you. Contemplate and love the Kingdoms of Nature.

Build the city of Naples through these gestures so that you may someday perceive that a spiritual Universe far from Earth, but within this universe, waits to descend to the world to awaken your spiritual consciousnesses. And in this way, like the ancient patriarchs and prophets, move forward to live the Plan of the Most High with bravery and love, just as He thought and gave it to the people of Israel.

With examples and education, remind those who do not have any to take care of the environment; nature will be deeply grateful to you. Spiritual harmony will be set in place so that other things may happen, not only here, but also in the rest of Italy.

As testimony of that essential Purity that emerges from My Heart, today I come to consecrate new Children of Mary. At this moment, I will listen to the instrumental version of the hymn of your consecration, so that your Heavenly Mother may be able to bless you and commit you to a new mission for many more souls, which someday hope to awaken to the Consciousness of God so as to realize that they never lacked the Love, the Grace and the Mercy of the Father.

May those who are going to be consecrated approach.

With such different souls, one from another, I come to bring the Spirit of renewal of My Son, knowing that Europe has need of a very profound change to achieve the Divine Attributes of God that will transform life on Earth, that will bring awareness, light, and redemption to humanity.

Under this Spirit of Love that comes from My Son, I entrust you with the task, My children, of praying for Italy so that more of your brothers and sisters of this nation may someday commit to praying as you do, knowing that the commitment of My children in this time is for humanity and all the planet; giving the Purity of My Heart to each one of you.

Thus, I renew you, I heal you, and I grant the Mercy of God to you and your families, to your nations of origin, to the European continent, to all of humanity, knowing that you must always remember that, beyond your nations, histories, or past, it is possible to redeem and renew everything. And that you will always be brothers and sisters in Christ so that He may always bless you and fill you with His Merciful Love.

My children, for this step that you are taking today before your Heavenly Mother, I am very grateful. You do not know what that means to Me. Someday you will understand it, when you are in Heaven with me in the Celestial Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

This new step opens for you the doors to new learnings, to new schools, to new challenges. You will be safeguarded by your Celestial mother, in obedience, in humility, in resignation, in absolute trust and in surrender.

In the name of the Purity of God that flows from the heart of His Universe for all of humanity and the planet, as an inexhaustible Source of love and of compassion, beyond the errors of the world and the injustice of humankind, I bring you the maternal blessing, the love of My Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of My Son, I thank you all for having accomplished, up to this moment, this second stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace, and now Croatia and Hungary will prepare to receive us, so that more light of the Divine Source may continue to be poured out in Eastern Europe and also the whole world.

I thank you for responding to My Call and as a greeting to your Celestial Mother, I invite you to sing the hymn of your consecration.

I thank you.

Special Apparitions

May the Glory of God be in this place forever!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Opening the doors of the Celestial Universe, the Consciousness of the Mother of God penetrates the deep dimensions of the Earth to bring souls a grace, an opportunity.

Because I am not alone here, but rather surrounded by the Hierarchies of Light, those great Consciousnesses of the Universe that contemplate, time after time, the Divine Plan of God and Its manifestation in the different worlds.

With the great dome of the Sky, Today I bless all souls of humanity and, while My portals open, the light of the New Aurora emerges in the heart of those who believe in it.

At this moment, a spiritual intervention is established between the Universe and the Earth, between the souls and God, and an extraordinary Grace permeates all spirits of the Earth to grant them the peace, the redemption and the living Love of God within each human heart.

In this way, the stars of My Crown of Light descend today over the Earth, surround the orbit of this planet to ignite it, not only in light, but also with all the attributes of God, with the twelve main currents of His Divine Spirit that will make the Earth a rescuable planet and a redeemed New Humanity that will finally follow the Commandments of the Lord.

For this reason, hear the Voice of the Mother of God on this unique and extraordinary Day, in which not only your souls see themselves benefitted by the Greater Universe but also your higher beings participate in this circumstance; those beings who came to the Earth with a principle and with a mission, which in these definitive times will be revealed to the one who wants to open, to know it. Because this mission and this spiritual principle will be an important and fundamental contribution for these definitive times, I would say, a grand spiritual and internal task that each soul will be able to donate to God with the plenitude of its heart and of its life, constantly donating itself to the Creator in surrender, in service and in sacrifice.

This commitment of each being of the Earth is vital for these times. For this reason, dear children, the great Hierarchies of Light, gathered today around your Celestial Mother, contemplate the great opportunity that the souls of the world have in this universal and cosmic conjuncture in which the most awakened souls, those most available for this new year that will begin, will have the grace to take a new step under the blessing of God and of His Divine Trust, thus concretizing His Principles and Wills, materializing His Projects and fully living His Plan.

You must not miss the opportunity of understanding what God needs because His Words are not wasted, they are water of a living fountain for all souls of the Earth, for all those gathered by His Love.

From higher Universes comes the help to the world; the unknown becomes known, the mysteries are unveiled and the doors open for the sacred Knowledge of God to descend once again to the Earth and this may strengthen souls in their commitment to the Plan and in the experience of God´s Principles and of the purpose that the Father has for each being.

For this reason, I say that it is a unique and unrepeatable opportunity for this new year that is beginning to not only be permeated by conscience and wisdom but also by the awareness on the part of all of what must truly happen for this new cycle, with the contribution and the collaboration of all creatures of God, of all servers of Christ, of those who fully want to live in the Lord in order to always find His Kingdom.

It is in the silences of My soul when the most important codes descend and souls can nourish themselves by the Truth.

From this spiritual nutrition, the soul finds its path, returns to its origin and awakens to the Divine Consciousness, finding the meaning of its existence and the increasing capacity to truly love without conditions, transcending limits, frontiers and difficulties.

Because it will be the Love of each one of you for the Plan of God that will allow His Works to keep occurring; this will allow everything to take place and nothing, absolutely nothing, to be changed by the indifference of humanity or by the mediocre collaboration of souls.

To concretize the Plan of God and its next goal, the collaboration and the adhesion of all is necessary; a truly interior adhesion so that it may later be an exterior and true adhesion that can fulfill the precepts of God, according to how He has thought and destined for the world.

But while this does not happen, My children, God will wait in His Kingdom for the answers of His children. And His Celestial Kingdom must descend to the Earth in this critical time because otherwise the planet will not survive.

It is necessary, My children, that you understand beyond forms, beyond the mind and the heart; that you can unite to the Source in order to find the meaning of His principles and the manifestation of His projects for these acute times of the Earth.

All of the knowledge that has been given must be the base for your reflection and awakening for your next step within this year that will begin, waiting for a sincere and honest response from all hearts to the Celestial Father; for a response that comprehends beyond knowledge, that understands beyond wisdom, that accepts beyond forms and that adheres wholeheartedly and in an unconditional way to what God needs.

All these changes and all these experiences will form this great response on the part of the human consciousness which will grant, on the part of humanity, the continuity of the Plan and of its manifestation for these times.

But it is important that in this cycle which is ending, that each one of your hearts, each one of your consciousnesses, make an inner synthesis, perceive the reality, awaken to the Truth and become aware of what it must become aware of, not losing the Word of the Hierarchy, not losing the meaning of the Message, so that you find the next keys that you will need which will open the doors to the new opportunities and to the descent of the new graces that the world so much needs, as well as humanity.

I do not want this year to end with some ignorance, with some incomprehension or with any doubt.

I wish that in this year that is ending your response may be sincere and truly honest to God.

I repeat it again so that you may understand it and accept it, so that you may live it and especially practice it, knowing that there is still a lot to do in this humanity that is ill, that is sick from distancing from the Love of God, for believing in self-love, in fantasies, in illusions, in the mirages that the whole world offers day by day, time after time.

But your reconsideration before the Hierarchy, the awareness of your honest and true response will create new opportunities, new conditions for the Universal Grace and the Cosmic Mercy to reach more hearts of the Earth and to more nations.

Remember that I still expect to reach Asia and Oceania and this goal must be concretized by all for this new year that will begin.

I will not stop coming to the world until I can concretize this spiritual mission, together with the union with all of My children and under the response of everyone.

This will allow the Work to be expanded in humanity, the missions of service and of charity in very distant regions of the planet, where there is true desperation, chaos, disease, indifference and loneliness of many hearts.

But now, My children, you, who are carriers of the Grace and the Mercy of God throughout times, have all possibilities and all means to accomplish this and also to duplicate and spread this call to more hearts in the world that must awaken to the awareness of these times, to the emergency of these times, to the necessity of a fraternal life and of service to the souls of the world.

The healing of the planet is in your hands, the change of consciousness is within you and the upliftment of this humanity is through your prayer.

Comply with My requests during these next months. Be obedient and go to the Marian Centers, do not let comfort submerge you, make the effort that is necessary, that is just, which God deserves from each one of you for all He has given you in these last eleven years.

Thus, My children, although storms may be in humanity, darkness on the planet, tribulation in the lost hearts, I will not get tired of coming to the world, again and again, because I will carry in My Heart of Mother the sincere response of My children so as to be able to show it to God and thus continue forward with His Plan, that the Kingdom of the Father may live and dwell in all hearts so that His Love and His Plan may triumph.

Perhaps, in this night, you expected to hear great things, more revelations that My Heart can impel, but this will be possible, My children, when your response expands, surpasses barriers, transcends fears and when you can absolutely adhere to what I tell you, knowing that behind each one of My words there is a purpose, a meaning and a spiritual objective that your consciousnesses do not reach yet.

For this reason, My children, open your inner senses, open your heart and welcome My words with the sweetness of Love with which I give them so that your lives may be enriched in God and may live the plenitude of His Wisdom. There is still time to change.

A great part of the world will cry for not having changed, but if the change is born in very few, everyone, in the majority, will feel impelled to change, even as small as it may seem.

For this reason, My children, in this night of glory, joy and love, in which the portals of the Universe are open to uplift your consciousness and the whole planet, the consecration of the Children of Mary on this special night is an undeniable, non-transferable and immediate commitment. A commitment of praying for the plans of the Most Holy Trinity and of committing, in material life, to mirror this higher Will through the acts, the virtues, the service and the surrender, which will be the means that will transform your consciousnesses to be able to live Christic Love someday.

May those who will consecrate today be placed at the right side of the altar and come here with the encouragement that I grant you, that I grant to all souls, to all those who Hear Me and to all those who live Me, because the unity of our consciousnesses is where the Plan of God will be built and will be manifested; and its blessings will be unlimited.

His Graces will expand in your consciousnesses and hearts and thus, your lives will completely transform according to what He has thought for each one of your essences.

For this reason, My children, today I consecrate you so that you can live the commitment with God on behalf of millions of souls that do not live it, that are immersed in world hypnotism and illusion and that will suddenly awaken to their reality and experience when My Son returns for the second time, to the Earth.

But you will have the opportunity, children who will consecrate today, to help these souls that you do not know, putting them in prayer, in each act of love and service, so that the Divine Grace may touch these consciousnesses and more souls may be able to transform according to Christ, according to His Principles of Love and Truth.

Hearing the hymn of your consecration, may the Fountain of the Supreme Grace approach this beloved Aurora so that the hearts may feel the joy of living in the Love of God and in the Grace of His Wisdom, which heals the wounded hearts, cures the consciousnesses that have been injured by evil and dissipates all spiritual and internal diseases.

Aurora, in the name of God, grants you inner healing and the absolution of your debts so that this commitment may be true and transparent, loving and humble, following the steps of Our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, the Savior.

Placing your hand on the heart, receive the Light of My Spirit, reaffirming the commitment to God and the goal of materializing His Purpose for these times, so that more souls may attain healing, redemption and forgiveness, just as today you, My children, before the Universe of God, attain it through an extraordinary Grace and through an infinite atonement, fruits of the Work of Mercy.

And today, the angels of the Most Holy Son will transubstantiate the elements offered at the feet of the Mother of God, which will convert into the Living Body and the Living Blood of Christ so that the souls may feed on the reparative communion with God and on His Sublime Essence, which is eternal in the whole Creator Universe.

Just as I wash your souls, I wash your heads, your hands and your feet with the Fount of the Holy Spirit so that your lives may be repaired in the communion with Our Savior.

May the Divine Blood of Christ be shed as a code of light within the souls thirsty of the Love of God.

May the Water that flowed out from the side of Christ descend as healing for the hearts.

In this night in which the world does not keep vigil nor adores, may the Lamb of God, who was sacraficed and taken to the slaughterhouse, be recognized and adored by his faithful followers in the whole world, so that his attributes of Grace and Mercy, sources of healing and renewal, may expand in humanity in order to make it rescuable and sacred someday, just as the Heavenly Father needs it forever and ever. Amen.

Eat from the Body of Christ, drink from the Blood of the Lord and trust that everything will be repaired and will heal according to how God has thought.

This is the Body and the Blood of Christ, happy will be those who, in this night, serve from the Lord, Amen.

Our Father...

And now that you have been consecrated with the Spirit, be consecrated with My Peace, in the hope, in the faith and in the Love that you will understand, for the coming months, what God needs from you so that His Will may be fulfilled in the whole Earth and within all of humanity.

I consecrate you, children, and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In happiness and in joy, in the name of My Son, you will give one another the salutation of peace for peace to permeate the Earth.

I thank you!

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary on May 21, 2018, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Today I come to the world as the Lady of Silence so that, in silence, humanity may hear the Voice of God, that sacred Voice that echoes throughout times and brings the announcement of the new and of the salvation of humanity.

For this to be possible, My children, and so that humanity can truly listen, today I bring you the Gift of Silence, so that it can be awakened in you and in your brothers and sisters, so that through this Gift you may comprehend all things and, above all, feel all the requests that our Sacred Hearts announce to the world, again and again.

Today I come as the Lady of Silence, so that many more souls may hear God within themselves, so that through the path of silence peace may be established in the world through the ears that listen to God with sincerity and fervor; because it will be this silence that will transform you, it will bring the renewal of your lives and consciousnesses.

From the Celestial Universe today I come to you as the Lady of Silence, because I know that most of My children still do not listen, and the Word of God, My children, cannot be wasted.

With this welcome that your hearts lived today before My Presence, I invite you, My children, to deepen into the path of silence for humanity; so that away from the noises, the distractions and the perturbation, you can glimpse into the inner Universe of each being the path of healing, a path that will lead you to the truth and to the elevation of consciousness.

If you now listen to the Lady of Silence, it is because Her words bring a potent energy which will permeate your cells and consciousnesses with the Gift of Silence that the Mother of God has lived on Earth, from the birth of Christ to His ascension, and a little more, after that event.

The Gift of Silence, My children, will lead you to reflect on the Passion of Christ and you will discover great mysteries that are kept in the Passion of Jesus; I would say, sacred celestial merits that humanity needs at this time to be able to live the redemption and conversion, the total transformation of the Planetary Consciousness to a Consciousness of compassion and love, not only for the Creation and the Universe, but also for the whole planet and its Younger Kingdoms.

The Gift of Silence will make you see the truth and the need of the planet and even more: if you unite silence and prayer you will see many more things, as the Mather of God sees in this difficult time.

It is this Gift of Silence, the one that I must take to Europe in this cycle, in order to take My children out of the great planetary distraction and illusion.

You, My children, who are here, have heard, by means of the Gift of Silence, at some point. This is why I need this Gift to echo through these times, may it first incarnate in your lives so that afterwards it may incarnate in the world.

The Gift of Silence will lead humanity and especially Europe to become conscious of what it is not doing well and of how urgent it is, My children, to change the planetary situation.

Therefore, between your hearts and as sister nations, there can be no differences or omissions.

The Gift of the Silence of God is for all, and on this special day I come to generate it within you, because the Gift of Silence will bring humanity to have more wisdom and, above all, discernment before the trials it will face.

If, My children, you still do not understand what to do with your lives and do not have a clear answer as to which path to follow, it is because the Gift of Silence has not yet penetrated your beings; your thoughts have not been silenced, your feelings have not been quieted, there has not been a moment of peace in order to be able to reflect.

Through the path of prayer of the heart that you experience in these times, I invite you, My children, to invoke the power of the Gift of Silence; so that not only your lives but also the planet is transformed, so that there may be a greater time of peace in humanity and especially in those who are more disturbed and immersed in darkness and evil.

By means of My Immaculate Heart, as the Lady of Silence, today I pour out the power of this spiritual Gift so that it may be propagated in the world, in order for My Immaculate Heart to triumph for many more centuries, by the help of My children, by the response of My apostles and the sincerity of the servants who are prepared in this time to build the Plan of God on Earth and, above all, to manifest it step by step, according to the designs of our Father-Mother Creator.

May the Gift of Silence, My children, lead you to the understanding, so that the flame of the Wisdom of God may spring up in your heart. And when you have to make a very important decision in your lives, the Gift of Silence can intercede and bring Light to the necessary answers.

I only ask you to help Me build the Work in Europe and in the world. Today is Europe, but tomorrow it will be another part of the planet; for example, Asia and Oceania, which are being specially prepared by My Heart, so that it first gestates internally in you and then becomes a reality and not an extensive and extreme request to ask for loving help.

Through the Gift of Silence, that today pours My Immaculate Heart into the world, I come to speak to you about the importance of fulfilling the designs of God, not only through the path of prayer and faith, but also through collaboration, unconditional and permanent.

Children, it is important that you clearly understand My words so that you do not get confused. Everything I say and decree comes from the precious Source of God for the world; and today, it is the Gift of Silence that acts through this moment, but tomorrow it will be another gift or other Virtue of God that will act because of the great planetary need, because of the great urgency of a true and not a tepid response, a response that can overflow with love in your hearts, to make them everyday wiser and worthy to be receptacles of the designs of God and to fulfill them, one by one.

I do not need you to make great efforts to fulfill My call. Through the Gift of Silence that I bring to you today, I ask that your effort be true and transparent so that My enemy cannot confuse you.

Remember that my desire for Europe is to step on the head of the serpent and keep on stepping on it, in order for many, many more souls in the world to be able to enter through the heavenly door that I am opening at this time, through My Immaculate Heart, that everyone may cross and pass through, so that no one is left behind, none of My children, however small a believer they may be of the Will of God and His designs.

I invite you to be precursors of this Gift of Silence, so that the Gift may impel you to carry out the Will of God, just as it is presented and displayed.

With this love that today I give you from the depths of My Spirit, and as I have done in other moments, I implore you for collaboration, because greater things must happen and this will depend on the response of My children and the sincerity of their hearts.

Again I say to you, My dear children: May the Gift of Silence show you the truth of all this, which goes beyond the power of men and the will of souls; it is a Higher design, which your Heavenly Mother is weaving and building in the world through the nations and the response of Her children.

I would like, tonight, that your immediate response, your unconditional collaboration and your greater dedication to God, were like this flowers placed at the foot of My altar; and that today I can raise to Heaven, not only your prayers and supplications, but also your confirmed response before the Mother of God.

I know that you will not reach full consciousness about the Mysteries of the Father yet, but believe, My children, that through the Gifts of God and the experience of each one of them, you will be able to reach it, because this is My desire of Mother, for your spiritual and inner growth in these times of emergency.

Europe needs a lot of help, like you.

I invite you to live, through the Gift of Silence, what the Holy Family of Nazareth lived in fullness and love; not only sharing what little they had, but also donating themselves unconditionally to those most in need, to the great Will of God, for it to be fulfilled, even though at some point our poor and humble minds did not understand it.

Love can do all, transform all and reach all. That is what opens the Gates of the heavens, so that the Graces may descend and the consciousnesses are redeemed according to the Will of God.

I invite you, My children, to pray for this cause, for the mission in Europe and Africa, because very difficult things could happen in those places and much more blood could shed, not only in the Middle East but beyond that region.

I do not want you to see My Face full with tears, but full of love, sweetness and light, reflecting the joy for the response of My children, who become aware before everything happens and who's hearts move more than their minds to carry forward the Will of God, the infinite Work of His Mercy and His divine Pity.

With all this, I invite you from tomorrow on to pray, with your Heavenly Mother, a novena, for the concretion of the Plan of God in Europe and Africa; so that each step that will be given and each effort that will be lived, can be realized by all in an unconditional and true way.

For this I ask you to invoke, through prayer, the Sacred intercession of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph; and that through His presence and His divine intercession, this Work is fulfilled as planned, with the help of My children, with the sincerity of their hearts, with the truth of each of their lives.

On the ninth day, I will announce if this mission will be fulfilled or if the tragedy in Europe will be installed.

As the Lady of Silence and Dame of Justice, I would like to see the plates of the scale in balanced and not in imbalance, as it is at this moment.

Balance in the world is build, by the consciousness of the humanity of the surface, and this brings opportunities to the world and the plenitude of God in the hearts of the simple.

This is all I wanted to say today, thanking you for the love that I have felt in you today, the fervent devotion you have expressed and the peace that you have implanted through this offering to the Mother of God.

I would like these sacred expressions of love from My children today to be repeated, celebrating with the Heavenly Mother the triumph of the Plan of God on Earth, in order for the angels to spread throughout the world the infinite Graces from the Heart of God, which will transform those who suffer and heal those who are sick of spirit and body.

Receive now My blessing, placing your hands in the sign of reception and gratitude.

Beloved Mother of the world,
incandescent and Universal star, 
pour your powerful rays upon the whole world, 
pour the codes of the precious Blood of Christ, so that all may be purified and we may be worthy of living in the Kingdom of Abba. (x3)

Let us raise all gratitude and honor to God; and also to all the angels of Heaven for transforming and transubstantiating all forms, within and outside of beings, and in all the planetary consciousness.

I would like that on this day of celebration and light, confirming your absolute 'Yes' to God and the fulfillment of His Plan on the surface of the Earth, we offer to our Creator Father, on this sacred day, the song 'Hallelujah', as a praise to the Father and as a moment for each one of you to make an offering to the Creator, so He may welcome it in His bosom and thus, He may mightily express His Mercy.

I bless you and I thank you for responding to My call, up to the present.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My very dear children, one hundred years after being in Fatima, today I am here among you, with this humanity, for this beloved planet which from the beginning has been a part of a project greatly appreciated by God, which must be concretized in this end of times.

Today I come here, dear children, with a special Message that is born of My Immaculate Heart, to announce it to all the souls of the Earth, especially those who are the favored ones of Your Celestial Mother.

Today I am not here alone, dear children, but also with the Presence of the Father and the Son; and this Sacred Trinity, which is being established today in this Marian Center, benefits many souls in the world, resolves many planetary situations, dissolves many evils that were about to happen.

With the love that comes from My children of the world, with the love that comes from your hearts, I can transform this humanity and this planet into the spiritual and physical model that God expects. It is enough, dear children, that you follow the indications of your Celestial Mother so that My Immaculate Heart not only continue to triumph in your lives, but also on all the planet.

The Message that I want to bring to you and bring you closer to today is about the important events that took place yesterday in the Sanctuary of the Aparecida, and today in the Sanctuary of Fatima in Portugal, moments in which the souls most appreciated by My Immaculate Heart went to meet with your Celestial Mother, not only to implore and plead with Her for healing, but also to pray with Her to stop new events on this planet, just like a hundred years ago.

I want to tell you, dear children, that with the two meetings carried out, both in Brazil and in Portugal, many situations that perhaps your minds are not able to understand today, were stopped.

Thus, today I invite you to place My Words in your hearts, because it will be the place where they will truly be perpetuated and cause the sacred virtues of the Divine Family of Nazareth to grow in you.

With the meetings that took place on these two days, not only Argentina was aided, but also the whole world, but especially the places of the world where nuclear and atomic tests are done, which are at the point of being activated in humanity.

But this was stopped in the thoughts of those who idealize it, as well as in those consciousnesses who carry it out.

Humanity does not have control in their hands or in their actions. Power itself is held by Our Creator, although humanity knows absolutely nothing about it.

See how simple, dear children, can be the act of love that can be born of your hearts for the Celestial Father, and everything that He must do on this planet and with this humanity.

The souls of Asia were also helped, especially those that face annihilation and torture; and in truth I tell you, dear children, that these events also cause My Immaculate Heart to suffer.

But I gather up the strength to continue to come to the world through your prayers and your presences. This is what motivates Me to continue coming to the world, because I know that on this planet, in spite of there being imperfect souls, there are true hearts that want to work for the good and for peace.

On this afternoon, dear children, when your Celestial Mother unites this Marian Center with the Marian Center of Fatima in Portugal, I want you to be able to fully understand how important the meetings, the calls and the convocations are that Our Sacred Hearts are doing in these critical times through the Pilgrimages for Peace, of which the aim and the primary reason are to avoid there being many more disorders in the world than those which already exist, many more revolutions than those occurring, and mainly, avoiding the continuation of the human massacre of this humanity. 

I want you to feel in your hearts the true call of My maternal Heart, just as you have felt it since the last Marathon of Divine Mercy up until today; taking care, accompanying and carrying out each detail to be able to honor God Our Creator, who continues yet to be very offended and who today is repaired by the prayers of your hearts, by the pleas of your souls and by the true intentions of your spirits.

To follow the steps of the Celestial Mother in these times, dear children, means to make new decisions in your lives and experience great changes, changes that you have never experienced before in this life, for the main reason of helping the evolution of this planet and the survival of this humanity.

I would like, dear children, that from your hearts a vow of commitment to Me be born every day, so that I may perform through you the thousands of wonders and of miracles that I still want to carry out in your consciousnesses and in the whole planetary consciousness. 

Through these pilgrimages for peace, the Divine Messengers untiringly and unconditionally come to build on the surface of this planet the bases that will be used in the future for the New Humanity.

We know, dear children, that your humanity of the surface is going through a great and definitive transition. I ask, dear children, that you not fear what Our Hearts have announced, but rather you live Our Message daily, so that future events be diverted, dissipated and transformed by the light that can be born of your hearts.

I can no longer see souls suffering in the world and how consciousness of this humanity daily decides to take other steps that separate them from God, and especially, from the universe of His Love.

Thus, I invite you on this afternoon to renew your vows, so that you may be more merciful and carry this so needed Mercy to the world to be able to close the wounds of many hearts and lives, and bring the peace that the world so needs in these times.

I would like, dear children, that these wonders, these miracles of love that we can do together through these meetings of prayer, which greatly help the planet through the avoidance of catastrophes, will be able to be repeated.

May these meetings be able to be renewed, may they be able to give you the impulse to live your inner transformation, and in these times, find the path of return to Christ.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

It is in this way that I reveal to you that My Mission in this world, together with each of you, is much broader, deeper and more infinite than what your hearts imagine or know.

Today, My children, I come to this place to broaden your understanding, not only in relation to these times, but also in relation to the mission that each of you has with Me.

I called you here not only to heal your lives, your souls and your spirits; above all, I called you, My children, so that united with Me, we may heal the wounds of this planet, heal its wounds that go beyond the Kingdoms of Nature, that go beyond the consciousness of this planet, beyond the human consciousness and reach the Heart of God, wounded daily by the outrages that His children commit out of a lack of awareness, out of ignorance and a lack of love.

Today I call you to a reparation of the Heart of God and of human life, of the consciousness of the Kingdoms of Nature and the spirit of this planet which untiringly sustains you, although you do not see it, do not know it, do not know about its mission or its perseverance.

Today, children, I come to share with each of your hearts, the pain I feel for this world, not only so that you suffer, so that you feel this pain in your hearts, but so that your consciousnesses wake up to know the planetary need, which is beyond your homes and the sorrow that your hearts may experience.

There is so much in this world to be repaired, to be healed and to be redeemed, My children, that I need you to hear My call and that you simply pray with Me for the redemption of this humanity.

In the face of all that is happening in this world, it is so little that I ask of you, that you pray for peace, that you not only pray for yourselves, but for all of humanity, and that you also serve, that you provide an example and testimony of the change God makes in your lives every day.

I want, My children, to expand My Kingdom of Peace beyond Fatima.


(The transmission is interrupted because of an electrical outage)


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Do not worry, dear children, for My divine and universal Presence is powerful and transformative, and everything that I can touch is liberated.

Everything is in universal order. Everything is under My immovable and non-transferable Peace.

Continue to listen to My Message.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

What I want to tell you is important for the confirmation of your spirits upon a unique path, which not only leads you to peace, but also builds the triumph of My Immaculate Heart on this planet.

For this reason, in the same way that at this moment I ask that you have an immutable peace, and that with Me, it be invincible, irrespective of interferences or the chaos there may be on this planet; within you, My children, I want to build true disciples of peace and companions of Christ, so that My Kingdom may expand out through this world beyond the sacred places I founded and that, through each of you, My Peace reach the four corners of this Earth.

In this way, children, I come on this day to reveal the importance of you being confirmed in My Plan, which in truth, is the Plan of God, a single Plan for the redemption of this planet, for the renewal of this universe, as well as for all of creation.

I want to lead you through simple things, simple actions and real transformations so this Plan may be accomplished.

For this reason, I ask that today, at My Feet you give up all human will and ambition which does not build what I hope to build within you. Like warriors of this time, that you place your swords at the service of God so that they do not fight for some other reason, but rather for the establishment of peace. And that, in Fatima as well as in Lourdes, as well as in Aparecida or in Aurora, My army be a single, invincible one, because it acts together with God for the reparation of His Heart and for the transformation of this planet.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this afternoon of Grace, I also come to bless those who will be consecrated as new children of My Heart.

Thus, you will now take, dear children, the water of this basin, blessed by the Holy Spirit, so it may be sprinkled over those who will be consecrated by a priest, as a symbol of consecration and of renewal, closing the doors of the past and opening the doors, the new doors, to the Celestial Kingdom.

May this consecration mean to live the commitment with God in a perpetual and eternal way, so that all that surround your lives and paths may also be able to receive the Grace of being consecrated someday to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart.

In this place, and through this new army that is being consecrated today, I want to see true warriors of peace who, in Argentina, make the importance of this Marian Center and the spiritual task it carries out be known, when souls simply place their feet on this place, for this will help more souls in this Argentina to once again recover the light of love and mainly experience the path to their redemption.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us fetch the water. Sister Amerisa, if you would, please.

Let us prepare at this moment and in the Presence of the Most Holy Mary for this consecration of the new Children of Mary who will represent Argentina and the future which this nation must live as part of a New Humanity.

So be it.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Beloved and Almighty Lord, yesterday, through Your faithful Servant, You deigned to bless this small and humble source so that from here the New Christs may emerge.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will ask the new Children of Mary who will be consecrated to stand, place their hands in a sign of reception and let us prepare for this consecration.

We will intone the hymn of your consecration.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

When a soul is consecrated to God, it can mirror the Divine Attributes of the Creator on the surface.

Divine Thought is done through the souls that are consecrated, to find again in each moment the love of the universe and all of Creation.

I leave here, dear children, with the joy of having accomplished this important call through you.

I invite you and I call you to accompany Our Sacred Hearts until the end of this pilgrimage, through which many more things will be avoided.

So be it.

I bless you, under the authority that My beloved Son granted Me and under the authority of the Supreme Celestial Father.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My call.

See you soon!

Vigils of Prayer

Today I place My hands upon your heads to plead to the Divine Son.

I come on this night and to this Marian Center to give you a small message, since you have opened your hearts to me, and thus, I could enter to strengthen your lives and consciousnesses.

I come from Heaven to tell you that I will not be with you here for a time, but My Heart will be your fortitude, because I will go to meet My children of the world, in Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

My Word will also reach Medjugorje and I will unite races and cultures in My Heart.

So important will be what My Son will do together with Me in Italy that in a short time you will understand what the real need is for your Heavenly Mother and Her Beloved Son to go on pilgrimage for such a long time in the world.

This is only a preparation, dear children, for what will happen in Asia the next year.

I would like you, dear children, to accompany your Heavenly Mother on the pathway of pilgrimage that we will be treading.

From Our Hearts, We would like to see in your hearts the same fruits that flourished in the pilgrimage through Central America, Mexico, and the United States.

Now your Heavenly Mother goes to meet those who suffer most in the wars. And in Her silence and prayer, and in adoration of the Most Holy Son, She will go to dissolve the evils that generate suffering, pain, and desperation; and this will be possible because of your contribution and trust in the step by step of this pilgrimage for peace.

Now more than ever, I want your hearts to also cause to blossom this Marian Center, which has become a spiritual base for the planet; in which many sources of instruction and of inspiration descend, from where souls of the world are inwardly acquiring them.

In this way, My dear children, I leave you the task of always igniting your inner fire, so that many more souls may be touched by the Light that your Celestial Mother brings you in this time.

In this way, I will feel more tranquil, because I will see the apostles of My Beloved Son take care of and protect this Marian Center and its liturgies, as it has been from the beginning.

Remember that your prayers and liturgies in this Marian Center, during the pilgrimage of the Divine Messengers in Europe, will be generating the necessary spiritual conditions for what will take place in Asia in the coming time.

Everything is united in a great network of Love and of Light.

Your participation in this next pilgrimage from this Marian Center must be unconditional, as you fulfilled it, My children, in the pilgrimage of Central America, Mexico, and the United States.

Europe, in this next pilgrimage, will be a bridge to reach Asia; thus, all the Europeans will also have to generate the foundations for this pilgrimage in Asia to take place.

Now I ask you, My beloved children, as your Mother, the Queen of Peace, that you concentrate your consciousnesses and hearts in all that the Messengers of God will carry out in this next stage in Europe.

You know that this will always be My home, the same as the home I once had in Nazareth.

Now My spiritual home is the planet and you are within My spiritual home to work together with your Heavenly Mother, until the end of days, for Redemption and Compassion in humanity.

Today, in a special way and through this little message of love, I am uniting Medjugorje with this Marian Center. Because in Medjugorje there are very valuable souls like you are; there are workers of the Plan working in silence for your Celestial Mother, so that more each day, Medjugorje may be the principal source of conversion and of confession for all the nations of the world.

Do not forget that the next thirteenth of May I will be in Fatima, for the great moment of the expansion of your Universal Mother in all of this Universe, and beyond it, by means of the sacred purity of Lys.

It is in this way, dear children, that I show you the true task of your Celestial Mother for the world.

My gaze is also on Asia, because there, many of My children proclaim, in their tiny faith, for the descent of Divine Mercy.

Remember that after this Sacred Week, after all that My Son gifted you with, this task has become planetary and goes beyond this Marian Center of Love.

With My hand on My Heart, I invite you, dear children, that in love, in collaboration and in faith, you help your Celestial Mother, just as you have helped Her in the recent times, to concretize and manifest each one of Her requests; because behind each request there occultly exists a greater benefit for all of humanity.

I would like that, as from this new cycle that you are experiencing, dear children, you may share the Love that you have received from the Divine Messengers.

The lack of love in the world is very great. This is also the main cause for your Divine Messengers to be in a pilgrimage throughout the world, so that the essence of Love and of Truth may not be lost in humanity; for My wish as Co-redeeming Mother is also that our beloved Pope Francis gets to know this Work more deeply than he already knows.

If this comes to be in love, I will not only unite the creeds, but also the hearts that hear the voice of your Celestial Mother.

And this will be a part, after the next thirteenth of May in Fatima, of the triumph of My Immaculate Heart in Europe and Russia.

So be it.

I thank you for responding to My call.

I ardently desire that the words of your Celestial Mother resound in your hearts so that they may be fruits of Light and of Love in the world.

Again I thank you for concretizing My call and I bless you under the intercession of My beloved Son, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

May Europe wait for Me with great gladness, rejoicing, and jubilation. Your Celestial Mother is again on the way to the great meeting with all the consequent hearts of the beloved servants of the Plan.

I thank you.



I have come from Heaven to bring you My Peace and My Hope.

This is a reason for My Joy on seeing so many children that are being consecrated to My Heart, to have My plan triumph in the world, which are the Plans of God, in this humanity and on this planet.

Today I open the doors of the Heavens for each one of you, My children, so that you can enter, in consciousness and in devotion, the Great Kingdom of Fatima that waits to awaken the original purity in you.

You know, My children, that Europe has need of this purity. This purity must be in all the hearts that live here, so that the Work of My Son can continue forward.

Do not get tired, dear children, of listening to My words, for today I bring you the sign of My star of Light, the star that indicates the new time in humanity and that I once made appear in Fatima, at the foot of My Mantle.

This star indicates that the time of the purification of hearts is coming, so that, clean of every stain, you can be able to enter into the Kingdom of God and never again be separated from the truth that dwells in the higher worlds.

Dear children, today I finish My pilgrimage through Europe. And from this moment on, I will be sowing a new cycle when I return here once again, to embrace you and console you, so that your hearts may definitely be healed and apply for this Redeeming Work that My Son offers to each human heart.

In the same way, dear children, that I am united to each one of you and, through My words, am preparing your true consecration, I am united to each of My children of the world, to each light that emerges from each Marian Center and that unites to My Heart in this moment, so that My Work can spiritually expand in the world, and in this way, in all the souls that most need it.

It is in this way, dear children, that through your souls and hearts, I am weaving this Light Network that is expanding throughout the continents of this planet, to reinforce the alliance of hearts with God and so with His Divine Purpose, which I come to lovingly offer to each one of you today.

Extending My Hands to you, I again pour out My Graces, just as I poured them out in Argentina, a Grace for each one of you; what you most need in this life and for this spiritual path that I invite you to experience with Me, through prayer and the faith that your hearts must profess today, as the greatest testimony of love of the triumph of My Immaculate Heart here in Portugal and in Europe.

I come to this city once again to tell My hearts, My little children, who have already been initiated in this spiritual task for so many years, that you must renew, that you must take the step, so that many more souls can approach here; and that not only Portugal may receive the Grace of My Heart, but all the souls that are in Europe, waiting for this awakening, for that definite step, which they came to experience in this incarnation.

It is in this way, My dear children, that My star of Light rests at the foot of My Mantle and reveals that sign to all.

The New Christs must wake up, be the new legionnaires of the Lord, live His Word, His Testimony of Love, His Purpose in each one of you. It is in this way that you will transmit to the whole planet this spiritual impulse that I bring you today through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Dear children, the hour has come for you to sign that spiritual document in the sacred book of My Heart, where your names have been written since a long time ago, so that, together with Me, united with Christ, your Lord, we may accomplish this Redeeming Work of the end of times.

I need you to leave your homes to seek the hearts that are most in need of Light; I need you to be My arms and My hands in this hour, to carry forward this Work of the Redemption of souls.

Your hearts are full of instructions, for you have received them over the years, through My faithful Son, whom I brought for you, so that you would be able to grow inwardly and learn to live in brotherhood.

Dear children, do what I ask and you will not repent (regret it). Souls must draw even closer to My Heart, to be the light in these times of darkness. For this reason, I bring and present this purpose to you, a divine purpose in the Eyes of God, which must be accomplished by each one of you.

It is thus, dear children, that My Work will not only be in the Americas, but also beyond Europe, for I wish to reach the hearts of Asia, of the Far East, who need My Voice, an Embrace, My Consolation, My Heart, My Light, to be able to continue walking in this crucial time of the planet.

You have that commitment, dear children, as European consciousnesses, to open the doors for those hearts that are so far away.

It will be the language of your hearts, the love of your spirits and souls that will open the doors for all those hearts, for there are still, dear children, many souls that must deeply know Me.

I am not only the Virgin Mary, I am the Mother of the world, I am the Greater Governor, I am the one Who rules your lives and souls, I am the shepherdess that leads the flocks of My Son toward the Temple of the Heart.

That is why I am here today, renewing your vows before leaving for the Americas, to meet all My children and unite all the hearts of South America and of the world at the Marian Center of Aurora, where the ninth year will be experienced with everyone, the anniversary on which My Consciousness definitively came into your lives.

Nine cycles will be completed and new doors will open so that hearts may be guided toward their purpose.

My wish, dear children, is that you accompany Me in this great summons that I am issuing for you to be with Me at the Marian Center of Aurora, receiving a little more inner healing for your spirits, for all your peers, for all the consciousness of the planet, which so needs servants of peace, warriors of My Heart, who in their forbearance, may achieve redemption.

Opening the doors of the Kingdom of Fatima, I congregate hearts in the Love of God and all those who join this moment, so that in this beloved Europe, peace may be experienced and professed as the purpose for these times.

Today I come as the Lady of the Great Star, to show you My Sign of Light that is still to be revealed in the simple hearts that lovingly follow My steps, with the living of prayer, of Peace, of Service, and of Love. An absolute love that fills you, renews you, redeems you, that uplifts you to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

I am that Lady of the Great Star, who brings to all the revelation of the Universe, of the true Consciousness, the One Consciousness of your Father that is still not known to the world.

Fatima is a preparation for that moment. I thus bring continuity to My Work in this time.

After having opened the doors in Medjugorje, here, dear children, I bring continuity to My spiritual Work so that souls may be consistent with God, and just as I have requested throughout time, through various visionaries, humanity may be able to accomplish what in truth it came to do, so that the New Humanity may be born.

It is through the children who are being consecrated today, just as those who have already consecrated themselves through the apparitions, month after month, time after time and cycle after cycle; I thus institute, dear children, the seeds of the New Humanity that will sprout in the next time. This is the sign that My great star brings, the promise that will, at last, be fulfilled in each one of My children, as long as you are consistent with all that I request of you.

You, dear children, are part of My celestial and worldly Work. You are pieces of this great puzzle that I come to put together again in the world, after My adversary destroyed it.

I come to concretize the true purpose for your souls in your lives, the task that you must carry out with Me in this universal summons that I issue for all today.

And this moment that you share with My Immaculate Heart will also serve for those who will be consecrated in the future, taking on their faithful commitment to Me to make all efforts to accomplish My designs, to accomplish the Will of our God, of the Most High Father.

On this tree I leave the presence of My Love for all the Kingdoms of Nature. Here I leave the sign, on this small tree, that the Kingdoms must be revered and that they also need your prayers.

You, dear children, as a single race, are here and have been here up to this time, in this planet so loved by us, because the Younger Kingdoms have generated that Grace for all.

You know that they greatly suffer the consequences of human actions, the destruction, the blasphemy, everything that humankind does against their evolution. And even so, dear children, they continue to give of themselves because of you and for you until the end of times, until My Son returns.

Tell the unjust human beings not to destroy Nature, to take care of the Kingdoms, that they do not assassinate the whales.

They, dear children, are destroying the evolution of the Creation of God and that is one of My profound pains because of the lack of consciousness, above all because of the lack of love.

Tell all of Europe, and beyond it, to take care of the Younger Kingdoms, to sow codes of light through service to each one of them. In that way, on the day of the final Judgment, you will not be judged because the Mercy of My Heart will have acted.

Have you asked yourselves at some time, dear children, why do I long so much to be over the trees? I leave you this symbol to meditate upon.

A tree represents the Wisdom of God and you, as unconscious human beings, destroy that spiritual wisdom that the Plant Kingdom reveals to the world.

Many of those who are not here today, who were forerunners of that destruction throughout time, became aware of all this after having left the Earth.

I pray for them, for the souls of purgatory, so that they may reach the Light of the Celestial Kingdom.

Let yourselves, dear children, not follow the same paths. Warn all hearts, mainly the most unjust, that they are in time to change their attitude.

The whales cry because of the consequences of humankind. Remember that I Am the Mother of the world, Mother Nature.

And when Nature is destroyed by humankind, you are destroying My Consciousness. But My Love, which is more infinite, powerful than all the errors of the world, brings the Grace of awakening your consciousnesses and the consciousnesses of your brothers and sisters for this magnificent Work of Redemption of the hearts of all the beings of the Earth.

Let us pray.

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth, intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.

One more.

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth, intercede for us and for the Kingdoms. Amen.

Remember that the whales are the mother consciousness for the planet. In their original purity and their innocence, they embrace all the beings of the Earth; because they balance the oceans, and also all the mental consciousnesses. Remember this instruction.

And now, dear children, together with My angels, let us celebrate this moment of consecration for taking on this commitment to Me, to be carriers of My Peace and of My Grace for all of humanity that  needs it so much.

And thus, I will bless the sacred objects you have brought to My Altar so that they may be given to those who most need them. In this way, you will work on your detachment, because My Grace will fill you beyond the objects.

Be merciful, as the Father is Merciful with you.

Carry peace to all those who need it and do not forget that a fellow being must be first in your lives.

Let those who will be consecrated today as "Children of Mary" come here.

While the doors are still opening, sing the hymn of your consecration.

Flowers of light are poured out...

Three Hail Marys...

My very dear children, today I leave the Grace of My Heart so that it may take shape in your lives as the greatest testimony of your change and as a response of your hearts to the call of My Son, Jesus Christ.

By the authority the Father has granted Me and from all the choirs of Lys with all the angels of Heaven, I bless each one of your hearts and families, establishing peace and the good in each one of My children, the renewal and hope of all the hearts of Europe, so that you may fulfill the purpose of following the path toward your freedom and redemption at the moment when My Son returns, glorious and victorious among the clouds.

I place My hand over your heads, praying to My Son.

I thank you for responding to My summons and for being carriers of the celestial peace that it is possible to live in these times.

I love you, bless you, and embrace you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And now, being consecrated, proclaim this hymn in union with all the "Children of Mary" in the four corners of this world.

Go in peace.

I thank you for having helped Me to fulfill this pilgrimage and remember that I promise to return, when God so decides.

I thank you!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
