Series: The Sequoia Trees - Part I

Trees are the life of the planet and they regenerate every living being, simply with their plant presence.

The Sequoia trees are the greatest manifestation of the Power and the Will of God. They attract the materialization of Divine Will to the Earth. They express Will in their growth, expansion and beauty, this is the reason why they are so large and tall, so that the human consciousness may remember this is the way that God must be reached, so it may live His Will rather than its own, and so that the spirit may not lose its ardent aspiration to rise and transform, according to the need of the Plan, so that everything in this Universe may be recreated again.

The great trees are the guardians of the cosmic portals that enter the Earth through the inner planes in order to have it become ever more elevated and closer to higher reality.

The Sequoia tree represents the Sacred Spirit of the immortality of the soul and of the evolution of consciousness, under the principle of the righteousness of the good and of service.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It is in the silence of God where the greatest and most precious treasures of Creation are kept. Witnesses of all these treasures are the trees, in their diversity and manifestation, in their expression and beauty.

Trees are the temples that bring to Earth the Principles of God. They attract from the Universe the higher energies that humanity needs, to elevate its consciousness and be healed.

Today you are in a place where I have expected you to come for many years, one of the most important places in the world for God.

Here lies not only the witnesses of the Creation of the Father, since millions of years ago, but, even more, present here are the guardians of the original legacy of humanity which, through the sacred White Mountain, are the ones that guard and protect this sacred knowledge that comes from the Brotherhood.

Northern California is the inner receptacle of the original legacy of humanity, something that today the minds do not know, and they now hear it for the first time.

The great watchers of the Plant Kingdom are present here, fulfilling a task since millions of years ago, since before humanity existed upon the surface as consciousnesses and as beings.

I have brought you all here, in the inner planes, so that you could remember and participate in the Origin of your origins as humanity of the surface, as consciousnesses that must evolve and attain the degrees of love through Me, as well as through the Kingdoms of Nature.

These great trees are witnesses of the errors of the different civilizations of humanity, of the events that happened and marked Creation, not only within this planet, but also outside of it, in the Universe, throughout Existence.

They feel all that humanity of the surface has done, all that humanity has generated since the first moment in which it existed upon the surface of the Earth, up until today.

This suffering is transmuted by the great trees of Northern California, as well as by another part of the Kingdoms, and humanity has still not become aware that this happens.

The trees of Northern California are a great mystery for humanity of the surface. It is time for humanity to discover the value they have and the spirituality they bear as a soul group of the Plant Kingdom.

They are also the great guardians and watchers of the inner Retreats of the planet. They are present throughout the Andes, each species and each tree, fulfilling a main function, essential for God.

They are temples that hold the one thousand portals to which humanity needs to access through the true and only time that surrounds them in the Universe and in the Solar System.

Through the great trees, you will find access to the superior reality, and you will be able to experience all that this superior reality holds, which comes to meet those who seek the Peace and Love of the Universe.

Trees have experienced the suffering that the planet has lived and all that humanity has generated toward it. Even so, they are present here, sustaining that which the humanity of today cannot sustain, donating that which humanity of today cannot donate and give to the Eternal Father.

Their silence and immobility make them great and strong to sustain the axis of the Earth and the heart of this planet.

But now is the moment for all this to come to light, for no one to be ignorant, any longer, for nothing to be imperceptible nor hidden any longer.

They need the love of the humanity of the Earth in order to keep fulfilling their spiritual and inner task.

They were also witnesses of what happened to your Master and Lord, long before your Master and Lord existed among this humanity, through the incarnation in the humble manger of Bethlehem.

The great Archangels of God were who helped, and the gave Their knowledge for creation and for the manifestation of this expression and beauty of God, through the devas and the lower angels. Because the trees beat and vibrate in a most important melody that humanity of today does not know.

By simply approaching them, it is possible to recognize and feel them, and know that the great trees kept in Northern California are the old ancestors that did not want to leave the planet in order to help it in its process of evolution and healing.

The great ancestors of the Indigenous peoples of North America are here. Their wisdom, their humility and their love have allowed them to express this grand manifestation of the Creation of the Plant Kingdom, which surpasses the limits of human consciousness, not only mentally, but also visually.

The great trees have a lot to give to the humanity of the Earth. They only need to be recognized so that their essences can open up and be shown, just as today they are shown to you, in profound and unconditional simplicity.

Their offering and surrender were so great that they gave of themselves, through the wood of the Cross, to be able to help humanity, through the surrender of the Son of God. This is why they are the great witnesses of yesteryear and are the ones that bring to humanity the sacred knowledge of Creation.

The trees are a life not yet understood, and they have, in their composition, that which the human being needs in order to evolve and awaken, each day more.

In these sacred spaces of the plant universe, the sacred Hierarchy also retreats in order to be able to think and meditate upon the next steps of this humanity and this planet, just as of the whole Universe.

God is found in the simplest places, where He is visible in His different manifestations.

I want you to know that the great trees of the planet will keep being the witnesses, but, in this cycle, they will be the witnesses of the final time.

Humanity has damaged, outraged and wounded them, and the blood of their sap has a price for the whole human race. The lack of connection with the Heights and with the Universe is the reason for so many psychological and psychiatric imbalances.

They also lived their passion, so similar to that of your Master and Lord. Therefore, the reconciliation and forgiveness of humanity are indispensable for these times, so that this chain of damage and destruction of the Plant Kingdom may be cut.

Rejoice, because you are conscious of all this knowledge and, above all, of what they have wanted to say for millions of years, and yet, no one has heard them. Today is the first time that this happens, because your Master and Lord offered that all this might take place, according to the Will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

When human beings of the surface understand why each Kingdom exists, humanity will evolve and no longer become lost in sufferings and tests.

This is why these great trees are in the North of this planet. They are the great absorbers of the divine principle and energy for humanity. They have been fulfilling this and doing this for millions of years. It is an eternal service of love for souls and for all planes of consciousness.

Now I say to the world that this is the moment to rebuild the Planet and heal the Kingdoms of Nature, to plant trees and regenerate life, the soil, and, above all, the consciousnesses that have never been attentive to Creation and that are here to serve it, to make it grow and awaken.

The inner Retreats offer these keys for all human beings, regardless of their spiritual, mental or material condition, because the great trees of North-America are present and exist so that the men and women of the Earth never forget to return toward the Origins of their essences, which is love, harmony and inner and spiritual balance.

Although the world is in turmoil, in the silence of the Temple of Trees, of the one thousand portals, the planes of the One Divinity open so that all may receive and welcome the donation that they give, in their silence and firmness, so that healing may regenerate the consciousnesses, and the consciousnesses may find the path to enter into communion with Creation.

In silence, listen to the soul group of trees, of the great witnesses and guardians of North America and the world.

May humanity react and no longer self-destroy nor destroy its lower brothers and sisters, which in this case is the Plant Kingdom, nor may they longer destroy the elementals, devas and angels which, in their quietude and silence, watch over and protect humanities evolution as a race and as consciousnesses.

Be touched by this powerful light that comes from the great trees of North America and, from the coronary to the South of the planet, may all be transmuted, transubstantiated and elevated under the unconditional love of Creation and of its great rulers of the Universe.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Through His Divine and universal Messengers, God silently contemplates humanity, just as He contemplates everything He has created for His children.

If the trees could speak, you would hear their pain. If animals could express themselves, you would understand their suffering and anguish. If everything created could pronounce itself, just like if stones could speak, humanity would become terrified by everything it has done against evolution.

Although this keeps happening and a part of humanity keeps committing the same errors, there is a solution and a way out.

Therefore, God silently contemplates you to be able to somehow hear the response from humanity.

The Kingdoms of Nature are a part of the evolution of beings, they could never be separated from the human being nor could the human being be separated from them.

Everything follows a cycle, everything follows an evolution. And if this cycle and this evolution are transgressed, the evolution of the human being and of the Kingdoms will remain incomplete, and the suffering that is generated toward the lower Kingdoms must somehow be transmuted and liberated.

Therefore, it is not only time to have more consciousness but also to have a good and healthy attitude towards the lower Kingdoms. If the lower Kingdoms were not on this planet, the planet would not express itself, nor would humanity.

The human being must find the sense and the meaning of the presence of the Kingdoms of Nature. They are part of the communion with its spirit and its soul.

The lower Kingdoms are not there to be exploited nor constantly transgressed. This keeps the human being from evolving and awakening to the great universal knowledge. This keeps them from climbing the stairway toward the Infinite, to be able to someday find Truth and Wisdom.

Therefore, the human being itself stagnates its evolution and does not conclude it. Therefore, very few offer to unblock this evolution of the human race.

The steps are towards ascension, towards the path of the spirit, toward the fulfillment of the personal mission of each being.

But as long as humanity does not see these deeper and more internal things, it will never be able to understand the Plan of God nor its existence, because it will be out of the Law, it will be out of balance and harmony.

In order to attain new spheres and to be able to Access the new knowledge that exists in the Universe, the Laws must no longer be transgressed.

We know that there is unlimited ambition on behalf of the human being that is already uncontrollable and unsustainable. Therefore, all efforts made, all prayers said, all services rendered, not only for your neighbor but also for the lower Kingdoms, will help this part of humanity to someday awaken and become aware of all that it does, so that it can correct it.

As long as animals die, there will be incurable diseases for the human being. As long as great extensions of woods are cut down or clear-cut, there will be conflicts among nations.

Everything has a consequence, everything has an origin. Nothing is separated. It is a chain that the human being cannot break by themselves. Only with the spiritual help from the Hierarchy will these chains and this oppression be liberated; but repentance is needed, it is necessary to feel within the heart all that is happening and to help reverse it.

As long as nothing happens, as long as a part of humanity does not listen and does not welcome the call that comes from the Hierarchy, the change will not come and humanity will keep suffering its own consequences.

It will not be able to be only the minority of humanity that experiences the change of consciousness or the awakening. All are called to take care of and to protect that which they have received, because it is unique and does not exist in any other place of the Universe or on another planet.

Therefore, all Hierarchies, all Messengers and all consciousnesses of the Universe contemplate the planet and humanity with love, because God gave them all the best that He has so that His children could grow, mature, learn and evolve.

But this cycle broke since the errors committed by Adam and Eve. And new races, civilizations and cultures arose to try to correct that which had been done by the deviations experienced and by the errors committed.

But not all cultures, consciousnesses or civilizations attained the evolution that God needed. Therefore, new races emerged, new generations emerged, so that the Plan could continue forward. And the most important: so that this genetic Project could attain a more elevated vibratory state.

As the experience was not sufficient, as it was not sufficient to attain the aspirations and have them concretized by the human beings, the cultures or the peoples themselves, even having lived the great process of contact and of union with the universal Hierarchy, the Father surrendered Himself through His beloved Son so that this Project, so that the human genetics, which were lovingly thought of and meditated upon, could be corrected through the Christic Love that came from the Source of universal Love-Wisdom.

Throughout the times, after the passage of Jesus on Earth, there were examples, testimonies and experiences of consciousnesses that attained degrees of Christic Love. But few managed to live the same states that My Son attained up to the height of the Cross, until the last moment of His expiration.

For this reason, He shed His Blood and His Water for each one of His companions, so that the Earth and its deepest locations were permeated by the Blood of Jesus, so that this testimony of Love and of redemption remained held in the spiritual memory of this race and of this planet.

All these codes attained, all these planes lived and experienced by My own Son, were very deep spiritual experiences that He left to the world so that souls and especially essences could benefit from this precious and pure energy, the Christic Energy.

Now that time and humanity is in a culminating moment, it is time for the consciousnesses that surrender and that give themselves to Christ to access these Codes of Light in a spiritual and internal way, reflected in the attributes of service, donation, fraternity, surrender, prayer, Mercy and Peace, so that healing may be established not only in your consciousnesses but also in your neighbor, in your brothers and sisters, known and unknown people, in all beings of this surface.

May this love reach the deepest and your most intimate place in this crucial time, not only so that your faith and your confidence may strengthen, but also so that these codes of Christic Love may reach the consciousnesses and the lower Kingdoms that most need them, penetrating into the hardest and most resistant layers of consciousness, of suffering, of oppression, of slavery, of conflicts.

And this harmony and this universal peace will be attained upon the surface of the nations, in the peoples and in the continents, when this Christic Love is truly lived and you accept it as a part of you, in deep communion with the Divinity of My Son.

This will allow the genetic Project, which God thought of from the beginning, to continue forward, even in the times of Armageddon and Apocalypse. The doors to wisdom and to Cosmic Love will not close, although the events may trigger in some regions of the Earth and in some parts of humanity, so that the human being can learn, become aware and truly repent.

It is no longer necessary for the human being to keep suffering and undergoing all that it does and all that it lives. To be in the Law means a greater effort, not only of maintaining the consciousness and the mind open, but also of participating in these Laws by living them within you and by practicing them externally, so that the sacred people of God may again gather, may again unite, may again congregate in the name of the Christic Love of My Son, which will always lead you to peace and to the perfect vision of the reality of these times so that everything may be reconciled, redeemed and healed in the human consciousnesses.

The planet, but especially humanity, is before two paths, and it must choose one of them, not in an impulsive or egoic way, but in an intuitive and loving way. They are two different destinies, they are two different realities, they are two different situations and two different results.

Therefore, before this cross-road or this decision, you must pray, pray and pray so that all of humanity as one consciousness and one civilization may choose the path that will free it or condemn it forever.

For this reason, the Laws of Mercy act, govern and proceed in the humanity of these times, so that souls may recover the feeling of loving God, of seeking and finding Him, knowing that the Father, in His eternal silence, waits for you with His Arms open to receive you and help you.

But now His children are the ones who must choose and decide. All the help of the Universe will come according to the response of the human consciousness and of the availability of souls.

This decision is in the heart of each being of this planet, but do not forget to pay attention and to reverse the damage caused to the Kingdoms of Nature, which are inoffensive if compared to humanity, and which are here to balance their emotions and their thoughts.

The lower Kingdoms offer to transmute inconceivable situations. And, in spite of the mistreatment and of the aggression they receive all the time, they do not cease to give and to surrender, so that humanity can evolve and attain the maturity it needs in this cycle.

Open your eyes, not the physical, but the inner eyes. Open your ears, not the physical, but the inner ones. Perceive, feel and contemplate the planetary reality and you will understand all that we are telling you, because what is most important in this time is to do good and to proclaim peace. Thus, no longer will nation rise against nation, nor people against people. No longer will brothers hurt brothers and thus, the Light will never lack and Love will always come because it will be emanated from the Source of the Universe.

We are here as universal Consciousnesses, to help you to live the change and so that this change may testify, on behalf of each being, love for the divine.

I thank you for accompanying Me and for listening to Me in these times.

May the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be in you and give you an impulse to live that which God so much expects.

Weekly Messages

Dear children,

May My Words remain in your hearts, so that the seeds of Light that I give you today may soon sprout and someday become fruitful trees; those which, in greater donation and surrender, shall be at the spiritual service of God.

Therefore, My children, in order to preserve and protect the seeds that I give you, you must only maintain the daily exercise of prayer. Because prayer will be like a rain that will fall on those seeds so that, in fertile lands, they can express and manifest themselves as sacred attributes which, in union to the Heavenly Father, will allow the surface of the Earth to maintain the Codes of Light that the world urgently needs to be able to cross the times of transition with love.

Every gesture of love towards the Heavenly Father will also allow His Celestial Kingdom to be more present in humanity and especially within His children.

In spite of the difficult times of trials, never stop praying from the heart so that prayer may always lead you to God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part IV

Within the lands granted to the Center of Aurora, on the surface, in the areas of Redención 1 and of Redención 2, the system of cultivation must be expanded.

First, within the spaces that will be dedicated for this conclusion, a process of preparation of the land must be generated through a plan of agroforestry, a method of recovery and of increasing awareness about the care of the soil so that, in a true ecosystem, the water may find a channel and a way to nourish the land.

It is already time for the members of the Light-Community and the Monasteries, as well as the collaborators, to learn about the care of the soil and the preparation of the land for future cultivation.

In this sense, bringing in new knowledge and applying it to an awareness of group life, the role of the Light-Community, in its mission and purpose of self-sustainability, will expand and be strengthened.

Natural and organic cultivation within the Light-Communities will be the main basis for survival during the most critical cycle of the planet since 90% of humanity makes use of and digests toxic plant foods which, in current times, represent the reason for an 80% lack of health and low quality of life.

In Aurora, it will be necessary to organize a space and an infrastructure to keep a seed bank that can provide 95% of the living food which comes from vegetables and fruit trees.

In order for that aspiration of the Hierarchy to become a reality, amongst the residents, the consecrated and the collaborators, a group of support and work must be created to gradually bring this aspiration into materialization, term by term.

It is important that all members of the Light-Community and of the consecrated life of Aurora learn about the agroforestry system and about the cultivation since, at the end of times, it will be essential that any brother or sister know how to recognize the conditions of the soil in order to be able to sow and later to harvest.

Organic and non-genetically modified food is a mission of the Light-Communities in order to preserve not only a quality of life but also the natural principle through which foods were created.

Each region where there is a Light-Community must develop the system of cultivation and care for the soil, according to environmental and ecological factors.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Act of Reverence and Love to the Kingdoms of Nature

I wish I could be like a bird
to just praise and sing to God.

I wish I could be like the water of the oceans
to only mirror the Peace of God.

I wish I could be like a tree
that rises up to reach the Kingdom of God.

I wish I could be like a flower
that opens every morning to show its devotion to God.

I wish I could be like a plant
that decorates environments to leave them full of harmony and light.

I wish I could be like a dolphin
that amidst the waves overcomes itself to reach God.

I wish I could be like a sunflower
that opens every day to receive the light of the Sun.

I wish I could be like a crystal
that guards the most beautiful thing it has
in order to express its love for Creation.

I wish I could be like the wind
that blows strong and constant
to reach all corners of the Earth with love.

I wish I could be like fire
to illuminate the days of darkness.

I wish I could be like the land 
that tirelessly gives itself to be the womb
that gestates Creation again and again.

I only wish that the trees were not cut down,
to not leave the planet without beings that rise towards God.

I only wish that birds were not hunted 
so that the Earth would not be left without beings that fully praise God.

I only wish that the earth would no longer be transgressed with toxins and chemicals
so that humanity would not run out of living food.

I only wish that the oceans were no longer contaminated
so that marine life would not die soon
and the seas could continue to mirror peace.

I only wish human beings were aware
that the planet is our home and that we depend on it to live.

I only hope that all of us will be in communion with the Kingdoms
so that, for a moment, we may feel their constant suffering
and thus we can relieve them, without transgressing Creation.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Trees and life - Part III

Although the potential of trees is alive and they purely express the love for God through their beauty, their harmony and their elevation, the task of trees on this planet has not been accomplished yet.

Like all beings, trees also came to the world to live a learning of love, but what differentiates the learning of the Kingdoms of Nature from that of human beings is that the Kingdoms need the expression of love from humans in order to evolve.

Trees fulfill their function of maintaining the union between Heaven and Earth and are always inspiring hearts to turn to God and to their own self. But in life together, with other trees, in the forests, in the woods, many times they express typical characteristics of the retrograde condition of this world, such as competition and struggle for life, thus destroying the lives of other trees.

For the Kingdoms to express absolute love, they must receive this love. Trees are constantly trying to assist humanity so that one day they may realize that evolution is only complete when assistance is mutual.

I tell you these things, children, because everything that God manifested in life was to lead you to higher degrees of love. And now that the greatest Commandment, that you must love your neighbor as yourselves and God, above all things, is now in your consciousness, today I come to complete this Commandment, because the human consciousness is ready to understand: Love your neighbor and the Kingdoms of Nature as yourselves and God above all things. Thus, you will understand that the Father is in everything: in your neighbor as well as in the Kingdoms, inside of you and all around you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Trees and life II

When the Lord created the planet and manifested it through His purest Thought of Love for life, He put into each detail of Creation a deep spiritual science in which everything that lives and inhabits the Earth contributes towards the renewal of Love and towards the return to the Heart of God.

The duality, chaos and evil created by humankind are fruits of the deviation of the human consciousness from the Heart of God. Through their choices, beings choose to be in God and discover, in communion with Creation, the path of return to His Heart, or they choose to remain in the illusion and entanglements of human limitations.

The Creator allows certain things to exist in order to guide humanity towards overcoming and the mastery of oneself and not towards the abysses of the world, through which souls enter every day.

Nature is still a mystery to be unveiled by the human consciousness, and that will not happen through their limited science, but rather, through their heart that is capable of entering the divine science and understanding it through the simple presence of the Spirit of God.

Trees, children, are the bond that keeps the Earth united to Heaven and do not allow the human consciousness to totally separate from God. In spite of human actions, wars and indifference, trees silently penetrate with their physical roots, into the depths of the Earth and, with their spiritual roots, reach the center of the planet, maintaining the union between life on the surface and the essence of the Earth.

With their treetops, trunks, branches, leaves and physical flowers, trees maintain the path of elevation to the Heart of God. And with their spiritual treetops, they reach the Heavens and nourish themselves in the Sublime Sources so that, by transforming the air that life breathes on Earth, they may also bring the graces and the spiritual food that allows consciousnesses not to lose peace and the possibility to love.

Trees were born to serve and they love their service thus, children, despite being outraged so many times, they do not cease to grow, bloom and offer their fruits in this world.

Contemplate the donation of trees and, sending them your eternal gratitude, let your consciousnesses be guided to the essence of the Earth and to the highest of Heavens, remembering in this way the true reason for their existence.

Trees do not forget what they were created for. Through them, you should also start to remember.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Trees and life - Part I

From the interior of the Earth, the Plant Kingdom absorbs the wisdom and the story of the human evolution, holding this legacy within itself, and it offers it constantly to God through its elevation, its physical and spiritual growth.

The great forests are large receptacles of wisdom, great mirrors, that return everything to the Heart of God that He sends to Earth as divine rays and vibrations, which assist in the evolution of all of life. In this way, life on Earth is always renewed through the emanations of the great trees. The Lord receives the human experiences in the Creator Sources and renews them, sending new rays and impulses to Earth according to what humanity needs to evolve and return to God.

If hearts would only contemplate the forests with gratitude, they would be able to feel and perceive these and other mysteries of the science of life.

Trees are communicators, mirrors of God, that receive everything that He sends to Earth and they also communicate in the development of life to God.

Contemplate the Kingdoms with reverence and, in silence, search for the mystery that is kept within in them. Thus, child, perhaps one day the mystery about yourself will be revealed to you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the Kingdoms of Nature, God finds His dwelling place.

In the Kingdoms of Nature, the Creator expresses His perfection.

In the Kingdoms of Nature are kept the mysteries of the Universe and the keys to enter the new life.

In the love for the Kingdoms of Nature lies the expression of the new man.

In the love for the Kingdoms of Nature lies the healing for all physical and spiritual illnesses and weaknesses, because the secret of life is the mutual support amongst everything that was created.

If you want to live healing, serve and heal the Kingdoms of Nature. If you want to rise to God, help a tree to live its upliftment. If you want to learn how to live love, let yourselves be loved by the Animal Kingdom, and with them, learn how to express the love that exists within you, without fear or shame. If you want to be firm and faithful, learn with the offering of the minerals. If you want to be transparent and express likeness with God, contemplate, love and revere the oceans.

The Creator has granted you the grace to renew yourselves every day through the renovation that the Kingdoms of Nature constantly live.

Renew yourselves in love, contemplating the Kingdoms.

Overcome yourselves in love, serving the Kingdoms.

Be more love, living in communion with the Kingdoms and, thus, you can be called worthy children of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I have come from Heaven to bring you My Peace and My Hope.

This is a reason for My Joy on seeing so many children that are being consecrated to My Heart, to have My plan triumph in the world, which are the Plans of God, in this humanity and on this planet.

Today I open the doors of the Heavens for each one of you, My children, so that you can enter, in consciousness and in devotion, the Great Kingdom of Fatima that waits to awaken the original purity in you.

You know, My children, that Europe has need of this purity. This purity must be in all the hearts that live here, so that the Work of My Son can continue forward.

Do not get tired, dear children, of listening to My words, for today I bring you the sign of My star of Light, the star that indicates the new time in humanity and that I once made appear in Fatima, at the foot of My Mantle.

This star indicates that the time of the purification of hearts is coming, so that, clean of every stain, you can be able to enter into the Kingdom of God and never again be separated from the truth that dwells in the higher worlds.

Dear children, today I finish My pilgrimage through Europe. And from this moment on, I will be sowing a new cycle when I return here once again, to embrace you and console you, so that your hearts may definitely be healed and apply for this Redeeming Work that My Son offers to each human heart.

In the same way, dear children, that I am united to each one of you and, through My words, am preparing your true consecration, I am united to each of My children of the world, to each light that emerges from each Marian Center and that unites to My Heart in this moment, so that My Work can spiritually expand in the world, and in this way, in all the souls that most need it.

It is in this way, dear children, that through your souls and hearts, I am weaving this Light Network that is expanding throughout the continents of this planet, to reinforce the alliance of hearts with God and so with His Divine Purpose, which I come to lovingly offer to each one of you today.

Extending My Hands to you, I again pour out My Graces, just as I poured them out in Argentina, a Grace for each one of you; what you most need in this life and for this spiritual path that I invite you to experience with Me, through prayer and the faith that your hearts must profess today, as the greatest testimony of love of the triumph of My Immaculate Heart here in Portugal and in Europe.

I come to this city once again to tell My hearts, My little children, who have already been initiated in this spiritual task for so many years, that you must renew, that you must take the step, so that many more souls can approach here; and that not only Portugal may receive the Grace of My Heart, but all the souls that are in Europe, waiting for this awakening, for that definite step, which they came to experience in this incarnation.

It is in this way, My dear children, that My star of Light rests at the foot of My Mantle and reveals that sign to all.

The New Christs must wake up, be the new legionnaires of the Lord, live His Word, His Testimony of Love, His Purpose in each one of you. It is in this way that you will transmit to the whole planet this spiritual impulse that I bring you today through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Dear children, the hour has come for you to sign that spiritual document in the sacred book of My Heart, where your names have been written since a long time ago, so that, together with Me, united with Christ, your Lord, we may accomplish this Redeeming Work of the end of times.

I need you to leave your homes to seek the hearts that are most in need of Light; I need you to be My arms and My hands in this hour, to carry forward this Work of the Redemption of souls.

Your hearts are full of instructions, for you have received them over the years, through My faithful Son, whom I brought for you, so that you would be able to grow inwardly and learn to live in brotherhood.

Dear children, do what I ask and you will not repent (regret it). Souls must draw even closer to My Heart, to be the light in these times of darkness. For this reason, I bring and present this purpose to you, a divine purpose in the Eyes of God, which must be accomplished by each one of you.

It is thus, dear children, that My Work will not only be in the Americas, but also beyond Europe, for I wish to reach the hearts of Asia, of the Far East, who need My Voice, an Embrace, My Consolation, My Heart, My Light, to be able to continue walking in this crucial time of the planet.

You have that commitment, dear children, as European consciousnesses, to open the doors for those hearts that are so far away.

It will be the language of your hearts, the love of your spirits and souls that will open the doors for all those hearts, for there are still, dear children, many souls that must deeply know Me.

I am not only the Virgin Mary, I am the Mother of the world, I am the Greater Governor, I am the one Who rules your lives and souls, I am the shepherdess that leads the flocks of My Son toward the Temple of the Heart.

That is why I am here today, renewing your vows before leaving for the Americas, to meet all My children and unite all the hearts of South America and of the world at the Marian Center of Aurora, where the ninth year will be experienced with everyone, the anniversary on which My Consciousness definitively came into your lives.

Nine cycles will be completed and new doors will open so that hearts may be guided toward their purpose.

My wish, dear children, is that you accompany Me in this great summons that I am issuing for you to be with Me at the Marian Center of Aurora, receiving a little more inner healing for your spirits, for all your peers, for all the consciousness of the planet, which so needs servants of peace, warriors of My Heart, who in their forbearance, may achieve redemption.

Opening the doors of the Kingdom of Fatima, I congregate hearts in the Love of God and all those who join this moment, so that in this beloved Europe, peace may be experienced and professed as the purpose for these times.

Today I come as the Lady of the Great Star, to show you My Sign of Light that is still to be revealed in the simple hearts that lovingly follow My steps, with the living of prayer, of Peace, of Service, and of Love. An absolute love that fills you, renews you, redeems you, that uplifts you to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

I am that Lady of the Great Star, who brings to all the revelation of the Universe, of the true Consciousness, the One Consciousness of your Father that is still not known to the world.

Fatima is a preparation for that moment. I thus bring continuity to My Work in this time.

After having opened the doors in Medjugorje, here, dear children, I bring continuity to My spiritual Work so that souls may be consistent with God, and just as I have requested throughout time, through various visionaries, humanity may be able to accomplish what in truth it came to do, so that the New Humanity may be born.

It is through the children who are being consecrated today, just as those who have already consecrated themselves through the apparitions, month after month, time after time and cycle after cycle; I thus institute, dear children, the seeds of the New Humanity that will sprout in the next time. This is the sign that My great star brings, the promise that will, at last, be fulfilled in each one of My children, as long as you are consistent with all that I request of you.

You, dear children, are part of My celestial and worldly Work. You are pieces of this great puzzle that I come to put together again in the world, after My adversary destroyed it.

I come to concretize the true purpose for your souls in your lives, the task that you must carry out with Me in this universal summons that I issue for all today.

And this moment that you share with My Immaculate Heart will also serve for those who will be consecrated in the future, taking on their faithful commitment to Me to make all efforts to accomplish My designs, to accomplish the Will of our God, of the Most High Father.

On this tree I leave the presence of My Love for all the Kingdoms of Nature. Here I leave the sign, on this small tree, that the Kingdoms must be revered and that they also need your prayers.

You, dear children, as a single race, are here and have been here up to this time, in this planet so loved by us, because the Younger Kingdoms have generated that Grace for all.

You know that they greatly suffer the consequences of human actions, the destruction, the blasphemy, everything that humankind does against their evolution. And even so, dear children, they continue to give of themselves because of you and for you until the end of times, until My Son returns.

Tell the unjust human beings not to destroy Nature, to take care of the Kingdoms, that they do not assassinate the whales.

They, dear children, are destroying the evolution of the Creation of God and that is one of My profound pains because of the lack of consciousness, above all because of the lack of love.

Tell all of Europe, and beyond it, to take care of the Younger Kingdoms, to sow codes of light through service to each one of them. In that way, on the day of the final Judgment, you will not be judged because the Mercy of My Heart will have acted.

Have you asked yourselves at some time, dear children, why do I long so much to be over the trees? I leave you this symbol to meditate upon.

A tree represents the Wisdom of God and you, as unconscious human beings, destroy that spiritual wisdom that the Plant Kingdom reveals to the world.

Many of those who are not here today, who were forerunners of that destruction throughout time, became aware of all this after having left the Earth.

I pray for them, for the souls of purgatory, so that they may reach the Light of the Celestial Kingdom.

Let yourselves, dear children, not follow the same paths. Warn all hearts, mainly the most unjust, that they are in time to change their attitude.

The whales cry because of the consequences of humankind. Remember that I Am the Mother of the world, Mother Nature.

And when Nature is destroyed by humankind, you are destroying My Consciousness. But My Love, which is more infinite, powerful than all the errors of the world, brings the Grace of awakening your consciousnesses and the consciousnesses of your brothers and sisters for this magnificent Work of Redemption of the hearts of all the beings of the Earth.

Let us pray.

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth, intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.

One more.

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth, intercede for us and for the Kingdoms. Amen.

Remember that the whales are the mother consciousness for the planet. In their original purity and their innocence, they embrace all the beings of the Earth; because they balance the oceans, and also all the mental consciousnesses. Remember this instruction.

And now, dear children, together with My angels, let us celebrate this moment of consecration for taking on this commitment to Me, to be carriers of My Peace and of My Grace for all of humanity that  needs it so much.

And thus, I will bless the sacred objects you have brought to My Altar so that they may be given to those who most need them. In this way, you will work on your detachment, because My Grace will fill you beyond the objects.

Be merciful, as the Father is Merciful with you.

Carry peace to all those who need it and do not forget that a fellow being must be first in your lives.

Let those who will be consecrated today as "Children of Mary" come here.

While the doors are still opening, sing the hymn of your consecration.

Flowers of light are poured out...

Three Hail Marys...

My very dear children, today I leave the Grace of My Heart so that it may take shape in your lives as the greatest testimony of your change and as a response of your hearts to the call of My Son, Jesus Christ.

By the authority the Father has granted Me and from all the choirs of Lys with all the angels of Heaven, I bless each one of your hearts and families, establishing peace and the good in each one of My children, the renewal and hope of all the hearts of Europe, so that you may fulfill the purpose of following the path toward your freedom and redemption at the moment when My Son returns, glorious and victorious among the clouds.

I place My hand over your heads, praying to My Son.

I thank you for responding to My summons and for being carriers of the celestial peace that it is possible to live in these times.

I love you, bless you, and embrace you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And now, being consecrated, proclaim this hymn in union with all the "Children of Mary" in the four corners of this world.

Go in peace.

I thank you for having helped Me to fulfill this pilgrimage and remember that I promise to return, when God so decides.

I thank you!


Dear children, 

I am also de Lady of the Garden, who, among flowers, herbs and plants, meditates upon the sacred Passion of the Lord.

I am the Mother of the Garden, who, after the Passion of the Christ, went to the places where Her Son suffered and passed through.

I am the Lady of the Garden, and, with My hands, I gather the ripe fruits that are ready to be offered to God and I watch and take care of the fruits that are still ripening.

In the garden of My Heart, all varieties of flowers are kept, herbs and plants, created to show to the world the beauty of God.

I am the Lady of the Garden, who contemplates with a sweet gaze all that was created and its grand beauty.

I am the Lady of the Garden, I am the one who waters with Grace all flowers, herbs and plants so that, nourished by My Love, they can grow strong and fulfill their missions.

I am the Lady of the Garden and I am also the Mother of the Sun, who illuminates all Her children with rays of Mercy.

I am the Lady of the Garden, the one who prays in silence for the seeds to sprout and flourish in the beauty of God's gardens.

I am the Lady and Guardian of all the gardens, and I ask My Angels from Heaven to protect with their wings all the small flowers that are growing at this time, I also ask for them to prune and restore the older trees, for them to be purified and yield new fruits, in praise to the Creator God.

I am the Lady of the Garden, and through My humble prayer, I make that which was once dead flourish.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who guards the garden of the souls that unite to God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Garden


I am the Sacred Tree

I am the Mother and Lady provider of all Graces.

I am the sacred Tree of the Universe, I am who bears fruit, and from the fruit are born all the seeds which are sown and germinated in all My children.

I am the sacred Tree of Figueira(1), I am the trunk that supports and transmutes My children.

I am the treetop that blossoms from era to era, reflecting the great beauty of God.

I am the great root that sustains all life and gives regenerative strength to all spirits.

I am the great Figueira; you are My favorite fruits that I cause to ripen with the rays of the solar Heart of My Son so that you may give the new seeds that will be sown in the new humanity.

I am the sacred Figueira Tree; you are also part of My leaves, expressing life, healing and renewal.

Oh sacred seeds of My beloved Figueira! may new fruits sprout in other fields that will be offered to the Celestial Father.

You are also My branches, and I am the great sacred Tree that unifies you and makes you participants in the perfect union with the Creator.

You are part of My entire sacred Tree, you are the result of the continuous work of the sacred Tree. Be the branches, be the leaves, be the fruit and seeds of My beloved Figueira; express the love of knowledge and practice it, the hour has come, the time is now.

The sacred Tree of Figueira has already planted its foundations of instruction in all hearts, it is time to experience it, to adore it, and to love it.

Oh sacred seeds of redemption!, sprout in those fields where there is loneliness in the consciousnesses; sprout in service and in charity, as do all the Kingdoms of Nature. Be the seeds that bear My Light and My Mercy, be the living mirrors of the divine message.

I am the sacred Figueira, let no one forget. I am the sacred Tree of renewal and peace. I wish, beloved children, for you to someday stop being seeds and to become trees grown in love and in sacred knowledge.

Revere all the fruits that My sacred Figueira has given you, it is the cradle of the new fruits, it is the seed nursery of the new humanity.

Oh, little figueiras! (fig trees) May your growth be as elevated as prayer, may your fruit be as beautiful as the flowers of My immaculate garden.

In the coming time, you will see all the little figueiras (fig trees) in the sacred forest live by the Light of God and are as expressive as eternal devotion.

Embrace My sacred Tree of Figueira with love so that in this internal union your feet may walk barefoot and liberated from everything toward the eternal garden of the Heart of God.

Children, allow to sprout within you that which is the purest and holiest, that God has poured out through love.

Let us be united in spirit as one, around the beloved Figueira of light.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who congregates you in prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


(1) Figueira in Portuguese means fig tree, and is the name of the Marian Center where this Message
         of Mary was transmitted.


Enter in communion with the kingdoms of nature and learn to love the essence of the Creation.  Observe the kingdoms and learn how to live permanently under the sublime Laws of God, in perfect harmony with the Creator.

In His Divine Plan, the Creator granted an attribute for each expression of His Divine Face, for the kingdoms of the planet to manifest.

Commune with the peace, with the harmony, with the beauty of the waters; commune with the healing and with the liberation of the minerals.

Commune with the elevation of the trees and with the constant spirit of self-giving of the Plant Kingdom which, in its humility, always delivers the best to God, no matter how it will be treated, cared for or loved by others. The Plant Kingdom knows of the Divine Law of self-giving to God and to His Higher Plan. Contemplate this kingdom and through it discover the secret of the emptiness of self. 

Contemplate the Animal Kingdom and learn from its love for life; learn to defend the Laws of God, to take care of your neighbor and to be always faithful to the One you fully love.  Learn from the plenitude of the Animal Kingdom and, with the same naturalness of heart, be a guardian of Life and of the Perfection of God.

Contemplate in your inner world the angels and devas, who in the invisible create and recreate the beauty of this manifested world.  Learn from them to manifest beauty in silence, to work in secret and to deliver the best, without the need for anyone to know of your existence.  Live the sublime attribute of humility that the angels and devas express in the world.

Contemplate the elements and how they complement one another; then discover how to share what the other needs in order to express themselves.  Be like the wind, which permits the existence of fire, and gives to its neighbor all possibilities for being that which is perfect and which is latent in their interior.

And, learning from the Kingdoms of Nature, express that which is most sublime that the human being has: its possibility of learning that which is most beautiful in all Existence, and of living it, within itself, in the essence of love for the Creation.

I love you and wait for you to have simple hearts and meek spirits, always willing to observe the Creation and to learn; always willing to love and to give from yourselves that which is missing in the other, for them to achieve perfection.

Your beloved Father and Instructor,

Saint Joseph, Apprentice and Servant of the Kingdoms of Creation

My children,

Keep praying for the coming of the Holy Spirit and for Sacred Peace because many of My children are already approaching to live the conversion of the heart. And this conversion starts by recognizing oneself as a child of God that is redeemed by Christ and forgiven by His merciful love before God.

Know today dear children that I call you to hope and to persistence in each one of your hearts, in this way you may be before the Heart of the Father in constant contemplation.

Dear children, in the face of any external or internal situation in your lives I tell you to trust God and unite yourselves to the redeeming principle of My Son because in this way My mantle of protection will support you above all things.

Today I also remind you how important it is to be in adoration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the eternal communion with His Blessed Spirit of Love. Because those who are in Jesus find the strength and courage to transcend the limits of the transformation of their own heart.

Collect your hearts in the Heart of My Son because in this simple exercise of adoration you will allow the flame of compassion and of fraternal love to manifest for each one of you.

Open your consciousness so that the fountain of Graces that are helping a big part of humanity may come closer as a gift of peace and light over God on each of your hearts.

Know little children that I accompany you, but now the moment has come for your lives to mature as the fruit and for your hearts to grow as the trees. With the heart converted into a beautiful flower for the Creator, you will be in correspondence with the Plan of Peace for the world.

Let us pray for love of all My children. The task begins now, it is the time!

Thank you for answering and responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Daily Messages

When a flower opens up it expresses the love of the Creation, thus dear children, your lives must be manifested in beauty and purity as the flowers.

Dear children, with immense trust I place you all close to My Immaculate Heart so that you may take the steps towards the Heart of My Son.  Know children, that in the path of prayer your lives will approach the consecration of your souls before the kingdom of God.

The fruits that My Son has entrusted you with such a long time ago and that are called talents must be awakened by the imperious exercise of prayer.  But, My children, so that these sacred fruits of the talents awaken in each one of you, first the soul must renounce and die to itself so that it may be born under the Grace of the Holy Spirit.

Each path that My children pass through brings to them big and hard lessons that in some cases strengthen the spirit and give firmness to keep going through the path of consecration.

I want to tell you dear children that this is a special time of Graces such as Conversion for each one of My children of this humanity.  For this today I invite you to remain in the joy of donation and service to God the Father because thus your lives will be led to the sacred feet of Christ.

Your hearts are true little lights that at each moment must be lit up again to shine in this world through peace.

For all this know that My merciful love day by day wants to help the hearts of this world.

So, your hearts must be persevering and firm as the trees that elevate themselves to God.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
