Dear children,
Through spiritual struggles, peace will be achieved; this is why the next path to follow in this planetary situation is defined at this decisive hour.
Dear children, today I need you to keep your faith ignited, the faith of the heart and the soul, so that in this way, the love of your hearts defeats My adversary. He does not know love, and fears divine and higher love.
Therefore, My children, with spears of love in your hands, battle for peace by radiating love and compassion in the face of so much human cruelty.
My children, the humanitarian mission in Turkey has moved the spiritual planes. All that produces chaos, as well as terrorism, and the annihilation of innocent people, generates a form of permanent spiritual battle in which the legions of light and the forces of chaos produced by the actions of humanity battle to define the reign.
The Almighty knows that all this is happening and that, day after day, this compromises humanity.
The prayers of all is a powerful weapon that causes terror and fear to disappear from hearts, because the weapon of prayer is full of the true love that your hearts can feel.
My children, let us continue working for peace; let praying soldiers form up in the first ranks of Armageddon, for the planet must be rescued.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
In command and prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees
As the smoke of the sacred incense that exorcises darkness, the clouds of Heaven on which My feet alight exorcise the creations of evil and I establish the Kingdom of Light where it did not exist before.
In this war of end of time, dear children, there is nothing that can oppose the light of the Mother of the Sun, because if it did it would burn due to the intensity of the solar impulse which the divine fire holds.
My children, the angelic tools will always be available to the missionaries and the soldiers of peace so that, seeming nothingness, they emerge and are able to defend themselves from all evil.
The Armageddon already surrounds the planet and very few are willing to accept that the times have changed; resistance to change, even if in part, affects the whole which is the present world, and delays the steps that the majority must take.
Once more I tell you, in this final battle for the spiritual conquest of the next kingdom there can be no interference of any kind because if it were like this the consciousnesses would not be prepared to endure the expected purification of the planet.
Through the humanitarian service and the donation of love, may the false kingdoms created in the great regions continue being deactivated, kingdoms that exist to terrorize the consciousnesses and separate them from God.
True victory will be in those who persevere with the heart. My Son will never leave you alone when among the hearts there is certainty and absolute faith that Jesus dwells and lives in each human heart. This cannot be taken away by anyone or any weapon of physical or spiritual extermination.
The Love of Christ that lives in the hearts is the Love of the Father that embraces you and guides you to the final goal. Today I speak to you of the refugees, your brothers and sisters, who persevere until the end in the sacred hope that someday they will find the Promised Land, after a long exile.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who unites you to the Heart of the Celestial Father,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees
Dear children,
In order to prepare your spirits for the Armageddon which approaches the planetary consciousness, you must begin to seriously assume your own commitment to the Plan of God, showing this adhesion in the little things of your daily life.
My opponent will no longer seek you in the great difficulties because he recognizes that the power of prayer allows you to be in an inner state of vigilance in which the great attacks can be perceived. However, will be the most insignificant breaches that will break the structures which seemed to be so consolidated in consciousness.
Children, many are absolutely sure that they will remain strong and faithful until the end of this battle and they believe they are ready to endure the clashes that will come. What they are unaware of, in their spiritual immaturity, is that they will deal with situations and confrontations that are unusual even for universal life.
The planetary Armageddon now involves all of Creation of God, even beyond this universe, because everyone expects to watch the triumph of love and unity on this planet which has been transformed into a dark spot in Divine Creation.
With this I want to tell you that for God to triumph in your consciousness He must triumph little by little in each small space of your beings. The triumph of God in the human heart is something that each creature must offer the Creator by their own merit, because the Lord will not be able to triumph in a heart that does not open itself to live the absolute transformation and unity with Him.
My opponent knows well the shortcomings of humanity and, having himself created the capital forces that circulate the Earth, he knows well how they infiltrate the human consciousness and about the difficulties that everyone has to overcome them, since they have been gaining ground for eons of existence and today they dominate great part of humanity.
But this same opponent has once been by God’s side, and even if he no longer feels inside himself the potency of the Love of the Creator, he knows well that there is nothing more powerful in all of Creation than this Divine Love. That is why his reign trembles before a heart that surrenders itself to God and that launches itself without fear to the discovery of the prayer that unites it, without intermediaries, to the most potent Love of the Highest.
However, children, few are the ones who allow themselves to be taken by the Love of God and that really take a risk of being burned by the Fire of His Holy Spirit because the Love of God removes all darkness from the interior of beings, it overthrows all structures of evil built in the consciousness and often leaves the being in a state of absolute emptiness and non-recognition of the self, since everyone is so used to living under the yoke of the capital energies.
The Love of God is available to every creature: Its Divine Fire aspires to ignite the hearts. However, in order to receive this Grace it is not enough to ask for it with words. You must clamor for it with the heart and generate merits to receive it through your actions and daily effort.
In the experience of fraternity, charity, obedience, humility, meekness and peace are the keys to unite yourselves to God. In the permanent effort to transcend the dark inner tendencies, the Divine Fire descends to your aid and It deposes the reign of mundane forces in the beings’ consciousnesses.
No longer waste time, children, because My opponent not only trembles, he also acts untiringly, in despair for his imminent defeat. Because of this, be tireless also in the experience of love and unity. Be tireless in the understanding of your neighbor, in the donation of yourself, in the service to the Kingdoms of Nature, in the transcendence of you own pride, of arrogance and vanity. Soon the Supreme God will triumph in your own interior.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children on mission,
Turkey has shown itself to you as an organized nation, from the humanitarian point of view, to be able to help in the great immigrant crisis that has still not ended.
While the disagreements and immigrations continue, the world will not have peace. For this reason, your Heavenly Mother implores the Eternal Father to establish His Justice in the face of so much cruelty and annihilation of good souls.
My children, the time is indicating that we must continue to pray without ceasing to open in the Heavens the extremely powerful stream of Divine Mercy that will be able to lead to Heaven the souls that were imprisoned and decapitated by the adversary.
The board of the Armageddon is still at stake to define who will win the last battle in the coming time.
While chaos manifests in the world, and above all in the lives of the refugees, dear missionary children, may your main purpose be maintaining inner peace wherever you go and the warm smile of love and of fraternity that My children of the Middle East need. It is in this way, My children, that your Heavenly Mother is able to embrace everybody and place them under Her protective Mantle.
Dear children, the Turkish nation has been a school of maturity and of inner definition for each of you, just as it was for your Heavenly Mother when She was in this region to finalize the synthesis of Her existence.
May your synthesis be to define yourselves as a missionary group for the end of times, available to accomplish the call of the Celestial Hierarchy, just as you have done until now.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and guides you, together with you on mission,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees
My children,
While wars spread throughout the world and in the minds of many, the desire for a great global conflict reigns, My Immaculate Heart calls you to disseminate a spirit of peace, to make the great chaos, expanding each day, the reason for your immediate maturity and promptly taking your rightful place in the Army of Peace and of Love, guided by My Heart.
I call you to make the blood shed of the Christians in the world to be the reason for strengthening your own faith and proclaiming even more loudly that Christ reigns within you.
The battle is already occurring: there are no rules, there are no limits.
Just as there are no limits for the evil that occurs in the world, you should also not place limits on your capacity to love. Love without limits, without conditions. Bring hope to the hearts that have lost faith.
It is not that you will be naive about what is happening in the world or indifferent to the wars and the suffering of others, but rather, you will be aware of the battle and will participate in it, proclaiming peace, defeating the cunning of the enemy with acts of love.
Faced with religious wars, live in peace among the different religions. Disseminate respect for the path chosen by each one for reaching the One God.
When the enemy overthrows you and leads you to perdition, do not be discouraged: trust in the Mercy that assembled you in this world and persevere, again and again, in the living of perfection, until your consciousnesses understand that it is time to grow up and set aside childish things, so that you may be true apostles of Christ in this world of darkness.
My children, so that humanity may recognize the times it is living, you must disseminate Mercy and peace. Open the eyes of those who are asleep, make known the times of tribulation, the spiritual and physical Armageddon that has already begun in the world, and that little by little, purifies the Earth, so that you may learn to seek God.
So that humanity may wake up, you need to act and no longer be silent, but rather, announce to the world the possibility of taking acting through prayer and through acts of forgiveness and reconciliation requested by Saint Joseph, as well as through acts of service .
The world is in need of balance and peace, but this will be granted to it through the personal merits achieved by the human heart.
Today I will ask you to make your hearts one with the hearts of the missionaries, both in the Middle East and in Argentina. I wish to establish peace, but for this, it is necessary that you generate merits through prayer and through conscious actions in your lives.
If you knew, My beloveds, of the evil that is precipitating on the planet, you would not waste time on yourselves and with your personal aspirations, but rather you would move toward accomplishing the Higher Plan, to meet the greater needs of this world.
What God needs most from everyone at this time is your maturity, your true awareness of the times in which you live, that you are consistent with all you know and that you do not just be at My Apparitions, believing it is enough to listen to My Words.
While you say you are apostles of peace and say you want to establish peace in the world, yet you are not able to understand a neighbor and defeat your own pride to dissolve the conflicts with those that you have at your side, your Awakening will never be true, and you will not be able to call yourselves soldiers of My Army of Peace, for one who is a soldier in this army lives their peace in the smallest things in life, loves a neighbor in the small details, begins their service with those they have at their side, and thus, little by little, radiates peace to the world.
May My Peace be a reality in the lives of those who say they proclaim it.
Be true with yourselves and to God, for the enemy will use your masks to defeat your hearts with the pride and the vanity that you still experience.
Seek to have humble hearts, children, only as to defeat pride, which causes the wars in the whole world.
I love you and bless you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When we were praying the last decade of the Mystery of the Rosary, we saw Our Lady assisting and working in a region of the Middle East. Moments later, when She appeared, She told us that we were seeing a place in Turkey. She pointed with Her left hand to an infinite number of winged angels gathered together working and flying over the area.
The Divine Mother told us that She had commissioned a certain number of angelic hosts to unite with a specific group of souls present on the planet in order to collaborate with them and assist them in establishing one of the most important Purposes of God: Peace. She told us that these souls, incarnated on Earth for these times, were souls in service to the Plan of God that would help in the times of greatest worldwide emergency.
Our Mother of Heaven showed us that the angels and the souls in service were working intensively in the physical counterpart of the path that the refugees travel at this time inside of Turkey on their way to exile in Europe. She told us that the angels and the souls in service are attempting to contain this situation in a harmonious and peaceful way, working to generate spiritual and inner relief in each one of the brothers and sisters exiled from the Middle East.
Following this explanation of Our Lady, She transmitted the following message:
Dear children:
The summoning for collaboration and cooperation in the mission for the Middle East has already been made by the International Humanitarian Federation, and all are spiritually in the last preparatory steps for departing on this important task. And as it was done in Africa, Your Heavenly Mother, together with the instructions from Saint Joseph, will closely guide this risky humanitarian mission.
My missionaries of peace are already working together with some angels in Turkish territory. This sister nation is caught in the middle of two opposing realities: on one side, the Arab war, and on the other, the entry doorway to the countries of Eastern Europe.
Turkey is the main route for all of the refugees. But My missionaries of peace will not only find out about the needs of this nation, they will also see the reality of the peoples of Syria in search of a new way of life.
The main effect of the war falls on the children, over the littlest ones, those who must transcend the consequences of hunger and the lack of water.
That is why the three Sacred Hearts already can be found in the spiritual region of the conflict, preparing the way so that humanitarian and praying assistance will reach the greatest possible number of people.
My missionaries of peace will meet with other missionaries, and in the name of peace and of voluntary service, they will unite their inner forces of love and of labor for all of the refugees.
The main deficiencies present in the faces of My children of the Middle East are fear, exile, hunger, and the lack of human love. It is for this reason, dear children, that this forthcoming humanitarian mission will place not only the missionaries of peace, but also all of the work in the reality of the true Armageddon, of which there is an attempt to spiritually stop, so that it will not expand across the world.
The war is not only the cause of the precariousness of humanity; the planet as a whole is immersed in several conflicts, which are first gestated within families, and then in all of humanity, coming then into great nations.
Divine Justice is active, but the time of Mercy is also in force. That is why this next humanitarian mission to Turkey is considered by the Plan of God to be a mission of Mercy. It will be through service, and through any need that must be fulfilled, that the energy of Divine Mercy will be the main source for the transmutation of the contrary negative streams, which feed on the wars.
My fourteen missionaries of peace, in the name of God, will be consciously entering a global area of great mental and spiritual conflict, safeguarded by the Archangel Michael. It will be like entering a great storm that is occurring in a precipitated and unmeasured way.
The motto for the missionaries of this new mission will be: “The Grace of God is our stronghold”. The secret Mercy that must be disseminated through each act and service will turn back human desperation and may bring a little of peace to hearts.
The humanitarian mission to the Middle East will open other doors, so that the Project of the Hierarchy can be requested in other regions of the planet, where similarly complex needs of assistance exist.
The union of each missionary of peace and of each one who prays with the three Sacred Hearts in a true, faithful, and loving way makes it possible to not run certain risks.
In the times of Armageddon, may the faith and the trust in Christ be the shield and the greater strength that will generate absolute surrender to the Plan of the Father so that His precious Will be fulfilled.
My Son has gathered all of you together in these times; for this reason, each soul is called to be a part of this work of redemption, without attachments or forms.
May Our Light be present in each missionary of peace. May Our Love fill them so that Peace will reign.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In preparation and vigil,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children:
If pity did not exist, the world would already be lost, not only because of the accumulation of its sins, but also because of the trickery performed by My adversary. But he knows that I can step on his head with My feet and he fears that this may happen.
The Compassion of God overcomes every fault or evil. It is in the school of compassion where I need you present so that you may learn to love your fellow beings, beyond their mistakes. This will help them heal the spiritual wounds of the past.
Today, I come to show you that once again Divine Pity saves, rescues and redeems you. In these times, My adversary activates his plans against his enemies, against all the promoters of peace. Therefore, you must be prepared in prayer and in vigil. This is part of the Armageddon, of its first phase which is unknown to humanity, since it has never faced it.
Everything will come to light, the deepest and most hidden things will be purified; for this you must prepare yourselves, without anxiety or fear, with patience and harmony, in spite of your own adversities or abysses.
A true mother never abandons Her children, She accompanies them closely with eyes of wisdom and discernment.
My children, within yourselves, aspire that all purification may soon pass, so that the spiritual being may finally be born.
In the meantime, continue in prayer, do not fear for anything. Truly, you will know what you never knew of yourselves and you will see what you never saw of yourselves.
God allows all of this so that, once and for all, you may enter His Heavenly Kingdom, in purity and love.
You will never lack help, here We are.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who watches over you, in love and compassion,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
From My most pure womb, the new priests must be born who, illuminated by the rays of Christ, may experience on Earth the expansion of His sacred task.
From My womb, the new human beings must be born, sprinkled by the Grace of Christ, just as the rain does, so that the sense of fulfilling the Purpose may come from Him.
Today, all My priests, My favorite children, are contemplated by the Love of the Celestial Mother, so that within all of them may emerge the needed inner strength that will lead them to carry out the Works of Christ Jesus.
From the priests must come the example of holy discipline, a constant and indelible union with Christ so that from them may emerge the example of simple service. The living presence of the spirit of Christianity is expected from priests, so that the bridge between Heaven and Earth may be established.
The greater spheres are the true dwellings of all priests. While on Earth, human thought and feeling must be directed towards the Celestial Universe; this will help them to perceive the needs for service to be physically or spiritually provided within humanity.
The priests must be supported by groups of prayer so that they never lack divine protection for the righteous fulfilment of their spiritual task. Young priests are the first expression of the life of Christ; in them must be reflected the example of the priestly love that Jesus expressed at the beginning of His early public life.
Knowledge is the school of priests, not as something scholarly, but rather the wise knowledge that the heart provides, which directs the gaze upon the spiritual need of souls.
As well as having guardian angels, priests must also have godparents to assume them spiritually and always support them when necessary.
The priest of this time must learn to guide the flocks through the power of faith and the living authority that is granted by Christ Himself.
The priestly life in this era is the most difficult; as witnessed by Master Jesus Himself, for in the cycle of Armageddon, priests must work harder to establish themselves as true inheritors of the holy virtues of Christ. They will achieve this through the sacrifice that the presence of purity brings, through permanent surrender that attracts constant wisdom, through renunciation that reflects humility, and mainly through the love that allows the presence of Christ to be reflected through their actions.
Priestly life is a constant practice of elevation and supporting this work is a mission of all those who pray. Without true and striving priests, Christ would not exist in spiritual life; this is what My adversary generates in the priests of the Church of Christ when they are alone and do not have the power of inspiration .
The Holy Cenacle of the Lord is the refuge for each one of them. Let us pray for the priests, for through them the steps toward Christ can be taken.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the end, the war and the persecution of humanity will finish when the majority of the men and women of the world repent from the heart and confess to God all of their sins. Until this happens My Immaculate Heart will not triumph.
For this I lovingly ask all of My children that listen to Me and that answer to My designs to continue to pray, so that peace will not only be reached, but also so that peace will not disappear from the human heart.
Every material war is a consequence of a spiritual and involutionary conflict; every war between humans and between nations is fomented by pride and by power that time and again attempt to defeat the human civilization.
For this, children of Mine, raising My hands to Heaven in sign of prayer and of piety, I implore to each one of you, creatures of the Earth, that you transform your arrogance into love, that you exchange your wrath for peace. Thus, in little time, the Father will have in His sight enough examples and testimonies for the world to receive a great amnesty and not to self-destroy.
Be one with your guardian angels. Be one consciousness, one mind and one heart in the times to come. In an extraordinary way, the Sacred Hearts are gathered in prayer in the Celestial Universe for all of you and for the whole project of the Earth.
I need, dear children, that you become conscious of what that means for these times of spiritual Armageddon. May your hearts be very united to Mine so that no force contrary to the Light of God will continue dominating the planetary consciousness.
I ask all of the praying beings of the world for an answer for all of humanity, that must be immediate enough before the Celestial Universe of Your Father.
The great abyss that once was seen by John the Apostle is already being opened. In truth, dear children, no one could ever interpret well the Book of Revelations. There has not been any erudite or religious person that has achieved it, and this is so because the symbols reveal themselves as a message by means of the heart.
In face of the lack of truly understanding that these are no longer normal times, but rather Apocalyptic moments, dear children, under the divine authority that has been entrusted to Me through the full state of My Grace, I will be assisting you in interpreting each one of the signs of the Apocalypse.
Many will be opposed in the face of this, but when Your Heavenly Mother, who comes from the Greater Universe begins to speak, everything will occur as it was seen by John.
No longer believe that all that is being prophesized will happen in another moment of humanity; the race is gravely condemned to a severe Final Judgment and the angels have been preparing themselves for a long time for this moment.
But finally the Immaculate Heart will triumph in the life of all those who will have transformed and redeemed themselves, giving thus space to the powerful divine intervention that is given at this time.
Dear children, while the hands of the clock indicate the passage of time, all is precipitated quickly. This is the cause of so many guidelines and requests for prayer. Your offerings will be lovingly welcome.
The Americas will have to face the greatest oppression in order to materialize the project of the Promised Earth, for this your spirits are summoned by Me.
I thank you for embracing My call with faith!
Who shelters you in face of the times of spiritual battle,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Before the powerful presence of My Heart, the abysses of the Earth close so that souls may leave their prisons and be elevated, in redemption, to the Heart of God.
The angels of the universe descend on this day with your Mother of the World so that those who were lost may find the liberation from their captivity.
The powers of the cosmos materialize in the voice of those who cry out through prayer.
Hearts are led to live a miracle of love and of forgiveness because they truly prayed from their heart to all the Heavens.
The present hour marks new steps for those who cried out for redemption. The voice of your prayers broadly resounds in your previous generations, and the chain of errors of the past is cut and liberated by the Angel of Redemption.
Nobody will remain outside of this circuit of miracles. What has always seemed impossible to liberate will be liberated.
You are going through a time of special Graces; Graces that must be utilized, because those who are further away from God will also be benefited.
When prayer is proclaimed by peace and good, the universe acts so that the mediocre and the atheists may awaken to the power of the Kingdom of God. There will always be praying beings resolved to work for the Plan of God and all of them will be the ones who will generate the conditions for more hearts to be redeemed.
Imagine a great army of souls waiting for the second Coming of Christ and keeping the doors to the Divine Universe open so that the unity between souls and God may not be broken.
Imagine thousands of angels lifting all the prayers of those who cry out up to the Greater Thrones so that the Father may have the happiness of granting you His infinite Mercy.
Just imagine how many uncertain doors are closed when there is an absolute union of all with the great and only Purpose.
Imagine how much malice and adversity will be dispelled and taken from the path of souls when the supplication is real and has no false intentions.
Think for an instant of all your Most Holy Mother can do with the volume of your prayer, and how many souls who are deported in this world have the Grace of finding again the path of forgiveness.
Inwardly think about how many spiritual benefits the sick receive, those who are completely lost and above all, those who have externally condemned themselves.
See how the flow of a good prayer disarms the cruel ideas of wars and conquests of peoples and of nations in the minds of humankind.
See how the redeeming Love of Christ triumphs when just one or more hearts feel within themselves to call out to God so that He may be among all.
So then, see how infinite is the power of a prayer that cooperates and builds the bridges between the celestial dimensions and souls.
See how the prayer from the heart has no boundaries or impediments. See how this spring of Light, which is generated by a group of consciousnesses in the name of all of humanity, powerfully deactivates the roots of evil and its false works. When one believes in the power of the Divine Word, it is fulfilled on this plane and on others.
In times of battle and of the Armageddon, let prayer be that shield which protects and leads hearts toward peace.
Today, children, I would like these instructions to be very clear for you, so that you may truly understand that each meeting of prayer is a planetary opportunity for all and for the Kingdoms of Nature.
For each praying being, I leave the divine inspiration of a good and worthwhile prayer, essential in these times, because it strengthens the path of surrender to Christ, your Lord.
I thank all those present for the effort of having carried out a good vigil of prayer yesterday.
United to each praying heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Open your mind so that it may be permeated with the energy from the heart.
Open your consciousness and participate in the changes of the world.
Open your spirit and perceive the decisive time of the consecration to God.
Open your eyes and notice the battle between the Kingdoms.
Open your inner intuition and recognize the angels and archangels working for redemption.
Profoundly open yourself, because nothing will be as before; whoever can not feel this, could be left behind.
Thus, the Mother of the Sun prepares Her small and bright suns to definitively join the Marian armies. They will be consciousnesses prepared by prayer and communion to face the Armageddon.
Human kind believed this would take longer to happen, but truly the time has come in which the entire planet will define which side they will be on.
This is why the Governing of the universe activates the mirrors of the heart so that the self summoned are prepared to support the transition of the times.
The Mother of the Sun tirelessly works so that everyone may awaken to the reality of fully serving the Plan of God. Thus, the chains of many will be broken so that they may achieve the freedom of walking in Christ and serving according to His precepts.
It is in this way that the redeemed ones are being summoned to carry out tasks that were not foreseen. That is the science of Creation, to reveal to the soldiers their true principles and consciously help them so that they may fulfill the great Mission.
From the universe all the suns are being united so that together they may ignite the key of redemption, the key that vibrates in their hearts, the key of light that opened the doors to all the Masters. The stars conjugate their elements so that the vessels of the call may awaken, just as it has been foreseen.
The moment has come to help humanity, which is immersed in chaos and pleasures. The time has come to rescue the values of yore, the codes that made the planet a sacred consciousness.
For this reason, everything that has been experienced so far has been a small preparation. In a short time, the great planetary task will emerge and then all the soldiers of Mary must be prepared when the Woman Clothed with the Sun leaves the desert and the Archangel Gabriel institutes the divine redemption.
Then, many doors will be closed and those who have been consequent with the Law will revive the impulses of Christ. This is why I ask all of humanity to sanctify their lives soon, before it is too late. I ask you to carry out a life of cooperation and fraternity, so that the worldwide arrogance may disappear, as well as the hatred that poisons the hearts. I ask My children to never forget solidarity, because that will make you invincible and good.
I pray to Almighty God so that the majority, who are lost in the hells of modernity and tastes, may have a sacred opportunity.
I ask all of the prayer beings to live by means of the spirit of constancy and not to allow my adversary to deceive them with lies; for the Light only comes from God and if you believe in this powerful light, you will not have mirages. If your hearts are meek and good, you will fear nothing.
Carry on praying for peace, because day by day the world provokes the rage of God and His fair punishment.
Learn not to play with the Laws, be humble and do not stop conquering your own conversion.
My Son loves you and wishes to see you happy for serving the Creator.
Finally, the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will be seen in the hearts that have truly accepted Me as the Mother of the World.
Remember that the promise of a thousand years of peace is in force, work for its establishment and for the Kingdom of God to descend in times of great tribulation.
My Heart protects you and loves you eternally.
I thank My children from Porto Alegre for having responded to My call!
Who blesses you, in the name of the Love of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
The times that are approaching will be different from the times that have already passed. The creation of the Universe will have its maximum performance during the culminating moment of Armageddon.
Dear children, the Eternal Father will send His Angels to help the planet and the Messengers from the Heights will come to battle against the beast of seven heads.
Children, the moment is already something else, nothing will be as it has been until now, for this in silence and prayer I have been preparing your consciousnesses so that they may participate in a mission never known before.
Dear children, humanity is submerging day by day and My armies on Earth are no longer bearing the friction of the times. For this your hearts are worked so that the true task and the important mission of each server may be fulfilled.
Dear children, the time is already setting new events, the way out is found in prayer and in the profound union with My Son. But the Higher Angels will come to help you when your Heavenly Mother has to take care of the other part of humanity.
Children, the time of the great change and the profound experience with the Higher Universes has already come; this will no longer be distant from all, it will be very close in order to awaken the true science of all things.
While everything is about to happen, vigil united to Me; thus you will not miss the opportunity of growing internally. The Father needs your sincere act of love.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who awakens you to the Higher Life,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In decisive times such as these, the spiritual war will have its respite, but this will be possible when your hearts, ready to serve the Plan of God, live the path of true prayer, which we teach you every day out of love for Creation.
Dear children, the souls of the world are assembled for redemption and peace so that you not lose sight of the path toward the Purpose of the Celestial Father.
The difficult time you are experiencing is called the Armageddon and, as Celestial Hierarchies, we know that many of you do not know how to face the traversing of the times. This is not the first time that the planet has experienced this; humanity has already gone through various times, and one of them was when Jesus incarnated in Israel.
Humanity was faced with its errors after the Crucifixion of Jesus, and even more so after His Resurrection. This brought about consequences up until today, and only a small part of the race adopted the call of Christ as faithful and true. It is for this reason that My Son, minutes before dying, gave Me to you; and as from that moment, Heaven, the Will of God, and the Earth, which is to say, the experience of redemption of souls, were fused so as to allow Forgiveness and Mercy to awaken.
Now that Our Most Pure Divinity descends from the universe to bring the world a new warning, humanity is at a greater turning point than it seems. This generates insecurity in the spiritual life of souls because they do not know how to find God in the middle of the chaos.
The chaos is generated by humanity; it is a deviant current that triggers fear, panic and apprehension. But the principles of Love and of Truth are the gifts that the Divine Messengers are pouring out meeting after meeting, as a last lifeline. In this way, in redeemed hearts, the Celestial Hierarchy generates the possibility of again finding the path of the sacred and the pure among the horrors that many souls are living today.
God wants the world to not self-destruct and lose the Grace of being reborn in the Promised New Earth. The doors are open for those that want to submerge in the ocean of the Mercy of God. For this to be possible, and so the codes of the Most Holy Divinity may be sown in your spirits, you cannot keep the vows or commitments made with the realities of these times.
My beloved children, you must be collaborators in a magnificent work that is being done through your essences rather than through your skills. That attitude of true surrender and of a profound union with the Purpose of God will be the difference between being close to or far from Universal Will.
All are called to rebuild the Earth. All are assembled to prepare for the glorious second Coming of Christ in their inner beings and on the whole planet. It is for this reason that Our divine words will not tire of being poured out in your lives and consciousnesses until somebody manages to represent, in soul and body, the Kingdom of God. This will prevent the Project from failing through malice, folly and sorrow.
We thank you from Heaven for praying together with the Spokespersons of the Universe!
Who blesses you now and always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace, in the sacred presence of Her Chaste husband Saint Joseph, Laborer of God and of all souls
The world does not comprehend yet what is to live without the Love of God, the Love that heals, liberates and renews all things.
This full Love is rejected by some souls of the world that have only placed their eyes on their own fulfillment, on the conquest of peoples and entire regions on the Earth.
This has brought the separation of the spirit from the earthly being as consequence, breaking the true fusion that the Love of God promotes.
For this reason, My eyes do not stop crying and begging to the Celestial Father for His Divine Mercy because it will be through those who answer to My call that the Work of Peace will be concretized at least in one part of the world.
My spiritual wish is that everyday there may be souls in prayer that are capable of helping to change the events that humanity itself generates through the ambition of having more and more each day. In this way, My dear children, My sorrow is not for the tests that are difficult to overcome, My maternal anguish is for the serious destiny that the humans are suddenly creating in many nations.
The Grace of God will purify their debts and soon they will be liberated from all. But now, those called by Christ for the end of times must be willing and determined to carry out unexpected missions and rhythms of prayer increasingly wider; in this way the beast will not place its claws on some nations, those which must be guarded by the Light of My Maternal Heart.
Thus, My beloved children, aspire to be nothing, aspire to be in God and to follow His designs. Many religious and lay people are surrounded by the influences of this current world, which diverts their attention from God.
One of the reasons why I have asked for the mysteries of the Holy Rosary is to take away from illusion and hypnotism whoever engages in all those things. I hope that in face of the seriousness of the times of Armageddon My praying children, after the thirty-three days of prayer, do not lose the inner impulse of pleasing and relieving My injured Heart.
For your sincere help, even though it is a very small answer, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in the sinful souls. The cup has not been broken yet by the ray of the Angel of God´s Justice; you and I are preventing it.
I thank you for answering to My urgent requests!
Who encourages you to walk in faith,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this day, My message of Peace and of inner preparation for all.
At the doors of a new time, My Heart continues to guide you through the path of redemption, a path that all have been called to live before the beginning of the Armageddon.
My Heart is donated to you like a flower when it opens itself to the rays of the sun. My sole purpose is to make you aware of the truth that very few live in this cycle; a truth that is hidden by the impure hands of a few people of the Earth.
For this, I come outside the Church in order to recover and to rescue the dignity and the affiliation of all of the souls with the One and Only Celestial Father. In the Church of Christ, My voice was pronounced many times and is still doing so through Medjugorje in this time, but for My children it seems that many years of warning and of messages are not sufficient.
So that you may not waste the precious time that God gives you in this moment, I come so that on this 8th of August you may learn to love the Word of the Heavenly Hierarchy, which as life and vibration, guides you and shows you the way.
Children, the present time indicates a decadent reality in the life of humanity, and it will not be necessary that I talk about this today, because you already see that around you.
It is for this reason, as well as for many others, that My Son comes in this cycle to ask you for the consecration to His Most Sacred and Blessed Heart, so that your lives in matter may represent at least ten percent of the materialization of the Plan of God for this humanity.
Children, the state of the world and the consciousness of this humanity is in this way because the omission of the majority blinds you completely and does not let you see the graveness of a world that burns in flames all of the time.
For this, as your Mother of the Apocalypse, I come to warn you over the importance of having, in the coming times, a spirit of peace, of neutrality, and above all, of love and of hope.
When a consciousness resists changing certain habits of life, those which broadly influence in the atrocious conquest of the forces opposing the Plan of God, the essence misses the cycle and then it must wait for the next opportunity.
But My Grace is infinite and it is such sublime Grace of God that reunites all under the same goal and the same spiritual proposition. I come to save the last roses from the wildfires of this world; I come to awake the consciousness to the higher realities, where the Sacred Purpose of God reigns and dwells.
I come to remind you of the scared path of prayer, and at the same time I come to remove the blindfolds from your eyes again and again, and in this way you will be able to see what My blessed Eyes can see about the destiny of this world.
I come so that the scripture of John the Evangelist will be fulfilled, in the same way as once Jesus fulfilled it by being the Messiah of Israel.
Now, all has already been said, it is time for acting from the heart but without haste; the need of Light and of Mercy is great for you and for the kingdoms of nature that are the target of great disasters, human errors that are irreparable in the Heart of God.
When your attitude is fair, the Universe shows its balance. When your action is precipitated, falsely powerful and petty, the Universe will be fair in all of the levels of consciousness.
Enter in the new cycle with a greater expansion of your hearts and with a little less of your own ideas. God needs you complete, humble, and blissful so that you may finally become columns of a Plan that is in danger of not being accomplished. It will be enough to pray, pray and pray, and to be a collaborator of the Heavenly Hierarchy, cooperating with the development of the mission of all of the Heavenly Brotherhood.
I bless this day that has come at last, so that all will be purified, and in love will consecrate themselves to the Holy Spirit of God.
I thank you for answering to My final call!
Who unites you to the Divine Principle of the Supreme Will,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As Lady and Mother of the entire universe, I deign to descend to your beloved planet in order to awaken you to the purpose of the greater Task.
Closing the doors to evil, the hearts reconsider and are placed before their spiritual and inner task, for the time has come, and humanity urgently needs solid pillars to carry forward the Plan of the Divinity.
That current of Light cannot be interrupted or cut off by anyone. The prayer of the heart will keep you united to this Divine Principle and thus you will achieve the expected steps in the consciousness.
Children, you knew that the time of the Armageddon would come. Now, on your paths and in your families, you find beings hypnotized by the modern illusion of this world, and no one manages to perceive the absence of the spirit of peace.
You knew that these times would come; this is why you were led to understand the Will of God, and now it is necessary and indispensable that you are able to live it fully.
Children, you knew that these times would come. The Father expects you to be sacred vessels into which the Rays of Mercy can be poured and become part of the life of each soul.
Dear children, you knew that these times would come. While the hardest things are taking place in this last humanity, your Eternal Father takes care of the emergencies, because if He did not take care of them, you would have no perception of things or of your realities, and thus you would lose the meaning of the inner mission.
Now, the time indicates transparency in the work; you have been called to participate in the Work of your Heavenly Mother. The need grows and it must be filled.
The Universe counts on the consciousness of everyone. My Son hopes to be able to pour out His Gifts of Mercy over all. With attention, seek this Legacy.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who elevates you to the essence of the Purpose,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
In the name of the Mercy of Christ, today I dignify Myself to visit this holy house, such as your Heavenly Mother visited the house of Martha and Mary to demonstrate that, through the lesson of absolute service to the Plan of God, many doors open themselves so that Graces may descend and the souls may receive the help they need.
My children, opening My arms and extending My hands to you, once again I come to give you the Peace of My Heart in these times. Times in which the life of the souls are at risk; the eternal game with My adversary will define the existence of the Kingdom of God in the largest amount of lives possible.
The offer of your surrender to the Plan of God and of your selfless service to others, creates, in these times, the so necessary and urgent merits for the salvation of humanity.
And while the game between light and darkness has already begun, your Heavenly Mother comes to aid you and help you to walk in confidence towards God, so that you be able to cross your own internal abysses and transcend the barriers of the internal difficulty.
If you are with Me and I can be with you, despite the time of your purification, you will not lose sight of the walk of My humble feet along the gardens of peace and love, along the internal gardens of My Heart.
Dear children, do not allow anything to close your hearts. My adversary also wants to imprison your hearts in this illusory and material life so that you may never again feel My Love. But remember that prayer is the great key that opens any door and heart; for this, brave and encouraged to live the purification of life, take My hand and you will not get lost in any abyss.
As the Mother that loves you and protects you I will take you through the path of peace and ascension.
Children, take the first step and live in time the act of forgiveness and reconciliation; may your hearts not be hurt by anything, accept the cross and carry it in confidence next to My Son, as He carried it out of love for you.
This captivity of suffering will end when the majority takes the first step; thus, also My Immaculate Heart will triumph. I leave you this reflection for you to study it.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who gathers you to love and forgive,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I will not ask that in a short time you be different from what you are today. For the Father, your time of purification and ascension is set.
Therefore, allow yourselves to be transformed as your Father has foreseen since the beginning.
Live in Christ and be in Christ because the only path that is left for you to traverse is the path of redemption.
If you are not united, how will you continue?
Grace has touched your lives but you must be consistent with this Grace that unifies you and renews you all the time.
Dear children, be with Me and not on the other side of the path. I need you always faithful to those who guide you out of love; this will protect you while you are on Earth.
Obedience is the gift that will fulfill you and will prevent you, all the time, from making mistakes.
Therefore, children, may you be able to observe the true path in these times, because discouragements and inner crises will be the barriers that you must overcome through love and unity.
At the doors of the human Armageddon be aware and grateful for what you receive, at least live it for those who do not receive even half of all that the Universe gives you.
Submerge yourselves in My Heart and thus you will be free.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who unites you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
For the sake of the Source of My Grace, you shall be washed during the culminating time of your difficult purification.
For the sake of the Light that flows out from My Grace, you will be healed during the greater cycle of your liberation.
For the sake of the Love that is born from My Immaculate Heart, you will be consecrated during the definite moment of your interior congregation.
Children, My rays demonstrate to the world its lack of gratitude and respect towards the Creator of all things. Thus, to those who have encouraged themselves to face the interior Armageddon, I say: only find encouragement in the Sacred Spirit of the Divine Messengers of God.
Children of Mine, the time of your captivity will end, no longer feel in yourselves any tie that may link you to the past, but celebrate with joy the great day of your redemption. Do not fear to meet all that has made you get lost and distracted from the sacred path offered to you by My Beloved Son.
My adversary may laugh at you and at your falls, but My Invincible Heart shall raise you and take you to the Ocean of the Mercy of the Redeemer where you will find the possibility to remedy your own evils and sins.
Remember, dear children, that you are at the beginning of the planetary tribulation and that everything which is occult to the eyes of your fellow humans will have the time for its purification.
Bend your heads towards the ground. The God of Mercy will liberate you from all perdition. Your Eternal Father wishes to find you replenished for the Christian life that you have chosen to follow, so with your efforts and works dedicated to the Lord you will prepare the path through which My Son will come to establish the final peace.
Do not permit yourselves to be frightened, you already knew that the time of surrender would come as an offer to all, but actually, many children thought that they would be removed from their own captivity in another way.
From Heaven I extend you My hands so that you may unite to Your Celestial Mother, to Your Mother of the Divine Piety. I expect all the time to be able to guide you and help you to remove the old impurities that do not let the true soul, renovated in the Lord and in His Holy Spirit, be born.
Free from bitterness and resentments, live the time of your purification with gratitude and faith, without ceasing to understand that you are getting free from your own prisons of the past.
Aún necesito, hijos, que sostengan la bandera de la Paz que Yo les he entregado, pues el Plan deberá cumplirse por encima de vuestras debilidades y pruebas. Quien aspire a ser una consciencia diferente delo que hoy es, pídalo al universo, la voz de vuestras súplicas será escuchada por los Mensajeros de Dios.
I still need, children, that you raise the flag of Peace, which I have handed you because the Plan must be accomplished above your weaknesses and tests. Whoever aspires to be a consciousness different from what they are today, ask for it to the universe, the voice of your supplications will be heard by the Messengers of God.
Do not waste time in your small matters, day by day My adversary makes the souls get lost from their true spiritual path, this is something planetary now.
Follow My steps without looking backwards!
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you in the Mercy of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Continue to pray the Holy Rosary every day, because it will be through the mysteries that were lived by the Sacred Family that, in prayer will be revealed the path of redemption and peace.
Today, My little and beloved children, I present Myself to you again as the Lady and Mother who bears the outrages and the sorrows of the world. I present Myself as the Mother who together with you carries the cross of annihilation and martyrdom. Help your Celestial Mother so that at least by your sacrifices, requests and supplications, My Infinite Grace may intercede for all.
When humanity faces, from cycle to cycle, hard and difficult tests, My Immaculate Heart prepares itself in the name of Christ to pray for you and to help you lovingly to correct your deviant paths.
In this time, My children, the world is heading towards a spiritual and planetary disaster. For this My Heart assumed the seven principal sorrows of the world with the aim of relieving the innocents and of reverting, by means of your prayer, the sufferings that never end.
I need at this moment that your missionary consciousness be available, that which may be able to renounce and donate itself completely, in the hope of collaborating and of reverting in time, the consequences of a humanity in the path of total decadence.
Many of the events that are happening today are part of Armageddon, of an Apocalypse that awakens and develops rapidly because of the unjust actions of humanity. If at least the law were respected and the Divine Life of each soul were loved, many sorrowful experiences that your world now faces would be able to be removed from the reality of humanity and to be converted in peace through the immediate prayer of all.
But what is to come has not yet arrived; repentance and penance is something that humanity has never practiced with the heart. But it will not be necessary to live your own flagellation; it is enough with all the injustice that My children face today. True repentance will spring from your hearts as an act of restorative love and inner balance in the face of the human atrocities that are happening today.
If humanity does not urgently change its attitude, I tell you that the Angels of Divine Justice of God will approach the world in order to put in order all that is apocalyptic and unjust.
I pray for you from My Maternal Kingdom and I hope, beloved children, that you rest upon My arms in order that I may relieve you from this fatigue and tiredness that never ends.
Remember that love conquers all evil. I have taught you to love life, to love others and to love your work. Now it is time to reflect the love in this world, like a flower that opens up to the rays of the sun.
Generate the Source of Love, live in the Heart of My Son and help in order that My seven sorrows may be converted into redemption and love for all. Follow in My footsteps! Because I only wish to take you to Jesus, to the arms of the Great Redeeming Love.
May the souls hear My Call!
May the hearts be bearers of the Mercy of God! I will always wait for you in prayer.
I thank you for relieving My seven sorrows.
Thank you, My children, for answering to My call today!
Who helps you, Who redeems you and Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Lady and Mother of the Sorrows
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more