In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Father and the Son, the Sovereign and Eternal God, who comes with His Most Beloved Son, Christ the Redeemer, to partake with His Creatures, in perfect and perpetual communion, elevating souls to the Kingdom of the Heavens for a moment.

Behold, companions, the One Who gave you life and gave life to His First-Born, through the Most Pure Womb of Mary, the Womb that gestates today, in Her bosom, the New Humanity, the Creative Womb that offers itself to transform all things.

Now, behold the Mother of the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Triune Consciousness who, from the Heavens, contemplates the world, which is wounded by hatred and revenge.

Behold the Eternal Heart of the Father, the Sacred Heart of the Son and the Immaculate Heart of the Mother. Sacred geometry is formed here, inner matrices are expressed so that all the chosen may receive them within themselves and prepare their inner worlds for the hour of the emergence of the New Humanity.

For this reason, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Gabriel are present here before the Adored Father, the Venerable Son and the Most Holy Mother. The holy archangels justify this moment before Creation, so that once more, the Ark of the Holy Covenant may be renewed by the experiences of redemption and forgiveness of the souls who live in Christ every day.

For this reason, these holy angels, present here, erase from the Books of Divine Justice, the errors that have been committed out of ignorance, dissatisfaction and also guilt. Thus, once again, your souls will be purified before the greatness of God, Who comes to deliver His Blessings and Graces through the Heart of His Son and the Heart of the Most Holy Mother, so that the innocent may be rescued and all those who today suffer impunity may have the Grace of salvation and, above all, the consolation of the Heavens.

Today the Eternal Father, before the Presence of His Son and the Most Holy Mother, Archangel Uriel and Gabriel, comes to gather in His Arms those who are fallen, those who have become trapped in suffering without being able to see the Light, without being able to find Love.

God grants this moment for those who listen to His Call, for those who say ‘yes’ to inner emptiness.

Let us listen to God:

"Children of the Earth and of the universe, elevate your spirits towards Me. I Am the Father, Who blesses and fills you, Who nourishes you with the life of the spirit and of the entire Source of Creation.

Come to Me, My little ones. May the children of the past return to Me, so that innocence may be repaired in the world and Love may take away, from the claws of the enemy, all those who are prisoners and in captivity.

Behold the God of Israel, the God of the patriarchs and prophets, the God of the holy women and missionaries of Christ.

I come here to grant you My Law again, which has been violated and outraged by humanity.

Behold, in My Heart, the cradle of the New Humanity, of which all those with determination can partake, by believing in the promise of the Kingdom of the Heavens, of the triumph of My Will in each Creature of the Earth.  

Praise God, just as nature praises Him, so that spiritual sensitivity may return to the human heart and many more in this world may abandon indifference and may open up to charity. This will establish the forgiveness that the world needs, in the face of the injustice of so much war and unimaginable human suffering.

I Am the Law of Living Love, and through My Love, all has been created for My Children, from the origin of the Earth up to the present and beyond the present.

I Am Adonai, the Resplendent and Living God, the Immaculate Mirror of Creation. I Am the cause of your joy, your beatitude, your justice.

Elevate your hearts to Me, O sacred people of Israel, in the same way as Christ, My Son, was elevated on the Cross and His Heart was pierced by the sins of the world, and His eminent sacrifice made Mercy, rather than Justice, spring forth, through Blood and Water!  

Behold, in My Heart, the perfect relic of Love, which elevates the spirit and liberates the consciousness, which places its feet upon the correct path so that, just like the people of the desert under the guidance of Moses, you also may find the Promised Land, which is within each one of My children. The Sacred Land sown by My Principles and Attributes, by the new patterns of behavior that will elevate humanity again.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

God’s Heart is wide open.

Who will enter the unknown Universe of God?

Who will be One with the Father, just as the Son is One with the Father and just as the Holy Spirit is One with the Son?

My Sacred Aspects can also be in all, in those who recognize and adore the Living God, present today in a Luminous and Eternal manner, under the support of the archangelic consciousness.

Children, may the world seek peace and the end of war, within and outside of you, so that the Promised Land may be a reality, and no longer just a promise.

Listen to the Voice of the Father, Who loves you, the Voice of the Father, Who created you in His Image and Likeness so that you might be happy in Me, because this is what I wish the most."

Words of Christ:

Companions, this is our Father-Mother Creator, adored by the angels, revered by all beings of goodwill, exalted by the blessed ones. Because in truth I tell you that no one goes to the Father but through Me; because I Am the direct Door to Him, just as I hope your hearts will open the door so that I may enter.

Today, the Ark of the Holy Covenant is magnetized by those who renew their consecration to the Divine Purpose.

Behold the eternal and inexhaustible Flame of God’s Abundance, a Flame that nothing can extinguish, because it is the Immaterial Flame of God that illuminates the path of the pilgrims, of those who remove their own sandals to walk barefoot to God.

Behold the sacrificed Consciousness of God, under the image of the Divine Purpose, which aspires to straighten humanity so that it may return to the path of the Law and Love, before it is too late.

My Heart is nourished by this imperious and powerful Flame. Likewise, from this Flame of Divine Purpose your hearts must also take spiritual nourishment, just as the holy angels do and live it in the eternal present.

This is the Sacred Flame, which impels the transformation of life and consciousness, transforming what is corrupt into what is incorrupt.

What is the reason for your existence? What is the motive for your being on Earth?

I come to make it known through the Living, Omnipresent and Eternal God, Who has visited you today in the innermost depths of the spirit, to help the whole world. Revere this unknown yet infinite Grace, which comes to grant reconciliation to all those who seek it.

As I have promised, and under this Impulse of God, I come to give an opportunity to all those who aspire to consecrate their souls to eternal life, to untiring service for the Plans of God.

Let us prepare ourselves for this moment, which I will guide and witness, just as it must be for each soul who seeks the consecration of their life and consciousness. And this is possible through the power of My Blood and the merits that it granted to those who adore My Blood in the Most Blessed Sacrament of Communion.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will prepare ourselves in Christ and for Christ, through a song, so that, at this moment of consecration with the Lord, the spiritual power of His Blood may encompass and radiate to as many souls on Earth as possible, especially to the souls that need His Mercy the most.

Rita from Portugal, the Lord is calling you, come here. He will ask you a secret question.

All has been said. The time has been consummated, just as Christ, your Master and Lord, lived His hour in the Last Supper.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, we will sing “The power of the Blood,” and all of us, together, will accompany this consecration of new helpers.

You may draw near, sisters.

Here, sisters, in this basket are the names of consecration of each one of you, they are Biblical names. Each one now will choose a name and I will read it so that all may hear what their name for this new task.

Sara de Adonai, welcome!



Jokmah de María.

Belén de María.

Altar de Dios.

Inmaculada de María.


Déborah de Israel.

Claudia de Jesús, welcome, Claudia!


Ruah de María.

Lea de Israel.

El Bethel.

Leonor de Dios.

María de Magdala.

Martha de Jesús.

María de Sión.




María Ruth.

María Cleofás.

Anna de Dios.

Aruna de Dios.

Isabel del Bautista.

Emilia de San José.

Magdalena de Jesús.

Phoebe de Jesús.

Amparo de Dios.

Now, we will say a Hail Mary, the Lord’s Prayer and a Glory Be.

We will stand up to accompany the sisters in this offering before the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

I have come from the Universe to bring you peace again, because everything is achieved through peace, especially for those who have never had it. It is this peace that comforts you, that encourages you to continue forward in spite of the times you experience and everything that happens in the world.

Today I come as a Greater Consciousness, greater in your understanding and in all the comprehension that you have acquired about Me.

I Am more than Jesus, more than the King of Kings, more than the Shepherd of souls and the One that governs this Universe and others.

It is with this humble power that I present Myself to you, to tell humanity that you are not alone in the transition you are experiencing today and that you still have not learned to go through.

All your consciousnesses will experience a transition. Each soul will have its own time to live it.

That is why I show My Heart to the world; a humble and patient Heart that is offered in communion to all souls, especially to those that are in need of peace and that still do not know the true love that comes from the Source of My Graces, from the same Source that My Mother uses in order to pour it out over this race.

Today I come to bring you a message for your consciousnesses, a message to awaken the consciousness of humanity, because there is where the great changes will be experienced and later reflected in all the attitudes and actions of human beings.

It is what I come to work on here in Miami: first the spiritual plane of this part of humanity, so that afterwards this can be reflected in matter, because the material life will be the last that will transform during this planetary transition.

And so today My Heart shows you Its meekness and serenity, attributes that will help you all to know how to go through the end of times, preparing the consciousness for what will come and will be shown to all of humanity, regardless of their belief or religion.

This is how the Son of God will reveal Himself to the world, bringing the governance of His Grace and His Mercy to impose it upon the governments that do not work today in the world.

Above all things, I will try to show the sovereignty of My Father to humanity through the recognition of the laws that will make a New Humanity possible out of this race, who must not make the same mistakes as in the past, but rather must have new attitudes that can imprint new attributes of light and brotherhood in the planetary consciousness.

Today I come to you, companions, with My meek and humble Heart so that you may adopt it in your lives and that it may be this meek Heart that always encourages you to seek peace above all that happens in your lives and in the world.

I show this great and last opportunity to all, the one to adopt My Glorified Heart as the teraphim of each soul, as the symbol of the reconciliation and redemption of hearts, as the symbol of unity between the consciousnesses of the planet and the Celestial Father.

With this I demonstrate to you that there is still some time of Mercy for the world.

Do not be afraid to break your resistance so that the real and only spirit may emerge, the one who came from the Cosmos to bring something to this project of humanity, and mainly to serve this School Planet, where it is truly possible to learn about love, forgiveness, and redemption; something that I taught you in the past, when I was among you as the Master Jesus, revealing the importance of the Message of God to you through the Gospels and the Divine Word.

In you I want to build bridges, companions, that will unite with the Universe, with all the Gifts that it holds and about which humanity must come to know in this time.

I want your consciousnesses to be uplifted, day after day, so that you may find some meaning in your lives, a direction for your spirits, and a purpose for your hearts. And that will begin, companions, when you adopt My meek and humble Heart, which is the greatest symbol of Love for all the Universes and especially for the planet.

I once incarnated here, among you, to teach you about Love and Truth, about the possibility of the renewal that your higher consciousnesses can experience when you unite with Me in heart and soul.

I came to Miami to reach the deepest abysses, where souls are not served, not even by the prayers of those who live here.

That is not a judgment, companions, it is a reality that I present to you, in the face of the great imbalance that this race is in. You must be the other dish of the scale to balance the one that is full of many debts.

I invite you to find a balance in everything that exists; that is why I speak to you with spiritual words, so that through them, you may rise up to the true vibration that I present to you today. Because each meeting with Me is different and unique, it is an opportunity to close doors to the past, to heal the deep consciousness, and to renew your spirits before My Divine and Celestial Presence.

I want you to offer everyone this meek and humble Heart, this Heart that has experienced suffering for you and that has endured the Cross to pour out Divine and Infinite Mercy from It.

From you, companions, I want confident, serene, and peaceful hearts. May truth and love always prevail before the errors and the movements of this humanity, which will always make hearts strong to carry forward My planetary Work in humanity.

After this long pilgrimage, Orlando will close a stage within the Divine Plan of God. And from there, companions, the expected synthesis will be completed for the Consciousness of your Divine Messengers, Who have moved forward with these impulses for all the nations of the Americas.

It is that very impulse of Light and of Love that, after Orlando, will prepare all your consciousnesses, regardless of whether you are on the pilgrimage with Me or not, in order to attend to the other part of the planet that has need of the Divine Mercy of My Heart.

I am speaking of Asia and the Far East, where you once went to find within it the essence of Shambhala.

It was that sacred site in Mongolia, as well as the monks who live there in their monasteries of silence, that prepared you for this cycle, in which a synthesis of transmutation and purification is being accomplished and will allow you to fulfill My Purpose.

In truth, it is My ardent desire to reach those countries of Asia, where the Plan of the Redeemer and His Mother must be completed.

When that happens, in a time not too far away, the planet will enter into its final phase.

This is the reason, companions, that I again offer you My humble and meek Heart in a real and conscious way; so that for Me, you may move forward with these great tasks, just like the ones that you have accomplished in these last months, in union with all of your brothers and sisters of the path, who have generated the conditions for the Divinity to be able to work in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico, and the United States.

I would like to hear from the countries of Asia the request for Mercy, the request for the Mercy of My Heart.

In this afternoon, in which a little bit of glory descends over Miami to heal wounded essences, I would like the souls of the countries of Asia that seek the Source of My Mercy, to declare to their Master of Love where they want Me to go, what nation they want Me to visit to carry forward an expansion of redemption to the Asian countries, where the Grace that will grant them redemption and peace in the face of all that has happened there throughout time is still lacking.

In those places, in that part of the world, a sacred indigenous consciousness is held, which in its spirit has the values of brotherhood and love, very much like those of the peoples of North America, who with our passage through North America, recovered a little of what they lost.

This, companions, means the triumph of My Heart, of the Heart of My Mother and of My Father, Saint Joseph.

I want to show the world that My Message multiplies in all consciousnesses, regardless of their race, their people, or their belief, or even their social condition.

I come to deal with matters that are above all these situations. That is why on this day I declare this message:

From the first day that I arrived at Aurora to step on this sacred soil with My Feet, where the Light of My Father still shines, the healing Light for souls in redemption, Aurora is open to all. It still lives there.

It is that eternal dawn that your souls can experience in the lands of Aurora, and there is a soul that I have entrusted this place to, while we are on pilgrimage in the world.

Why do I say this?

Because today I intend to unite all to the essence of healing and redemption of Aurora, where the Holy Archangel Raphael has touched that place with His hand to open the Source of Restoration of consciousness and of the Redemption of all errors, since the origin, to the planet.

I greatly adore the consciousness that I have entrusted the task to, because it has been faithful to Me up to the limits; the extreme limits, and I could say, very acute ones.

I speak of a soul that has always served Me throughout time and in everything that I have asked of their inner being.

Today I wish to give glory to that soul, in the name of this anniversary that you are experiencing with Me, from the moment in which you gave your "yes" to My Mother to take on this planetary task, which is for everyone.

And so I take you into a meeting with the fraternity, regardless of your temperament and learning; because in Aurora, love has always triumphed, and it is that love that is in the hearts that are over Aurora that has allowed Me to come here. Do you understand?

Everything that the Spiritual Hierarchy builds has meaning.

Even though sometimes it is not understood, souls must trust in this purpose that the Divinity presents to the world, as an objective for reaching great spheres of consciousness, in which all hearts may be included in that Kingdom of Light and Love that is Aurora.

But I will go back there again at some time, so that with Me you may experience a Marathon of Prayer.

Aurora came out into the world to free it from error, to call out to hearts, to the lives that were self-summoned, to enter Aurora as an act of redemption and forgiveness.

Thus, My Glorified and living Heart will return to Aurora to proclaim the Celestial Government of the Father over a consciousness, over the nation of Uruguay, that still has to rise back up, to find meaning in its spiritual purpose and its path of redemption.

I leave My gratitude for the brothers and sisters of Aurora, for their perseverance and constancy, because in spite of our being far away, apparently far to many, My Merciful Heart has never separated from them.

Aurora lives in the heart that believes in It. Simply that. It causes the life of every being to be healed and reintegrates it with the Plan of My Father.

Today My meek and humble Heart brings you to Aurora, because I Am the Alpha and the Omega. Aurora is the beginning of all and is the end of all.

I hope that you receive the Light of Aurora with gratitude and love, because I know that many need it to continue onward.

In honor of this Center of Prayer that shines in the darkness of humanity, I want you to dedicate a song to it that is very special to Me, that always brings Me closer to your consciousnesses and unites Me with all the brothers and sisters of South America.

So with this song, I will bless the elements that will turn into the Fount of Grace for souls that will receive them on this day as an opportunity for renewal.

Let us prepare for the blessing.


Today I ask the brothers and sisters of Aurora, who celebrate with Me this day, that from within themselves they petition for a continent of this planet, so that the Father grant them the Grace that I am able to visit it, just as I have visited you during all of these years.

Hail Aurora!

And today, companions, I have you commune with the Gift of the Healing of God through Aurora.

Life is contained in this symbol, the Life that gave Itself for you, endured for you, for all the sins, so that souls would be saved and thus renewed by the great spirit of the Redeemer.

In that time, moments before the Passion, seated at the table, I took the bread before My apostles and all those who followed Me in essence and soul. I gave thanks to God for having come to the planet and for being able to be among those in most need.

I  broke the bread, in the same way that the Centers of Love were spread throughout the Americas, to ignite souls with the Gifts of My Resurrection.

So, in that time, I said to them: "Take and all eat of it because this is My Body that will be given for all for the forgiveness of sins."

Commune of this Body, companions, that brings you healing and light for your cells.

In the same way, I took the Chalice, which today shines in spirit over Mount Shasta. I gave thanks to God and said to them, as I say to you today: "Take and all drink from It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new Covenant and of renewal for all the spirits of the Earth."

Happy are those who drink from this Chalice, for they will be healed in spirit and in soul of all they have done against My Creator.

This is the Chalice that shines in the Centers of Love, which hold the essence of My Christic Life.

Let all hearts of the world be glad, for today you have found the Light again, the saving Light, the redeeming Light, the healing Light of Aurora.

Today I am here, in Miami, with all those who called Me, with My dear companions; but I am also in Aurora, as I was four years ago, to announce there My planetary task and the spiritual preparation for My Return to the world.

Today, all of you are aware that you are preparing for My Return to humanity.

This is a testimony that I bring you, it is a confirmation that I proclaim to you as the moment to take a step toward the Universe of My Love.

Let the Parent Creators use these elements to pour out Gifts over the souls of the world.

Let the Holy Archangel Michael place his Sword of Love over fallen spirits, so that Miami may stand again as a civilization blessed by the Love of God.

Let the Holy Archangel Metatron expand the flames of the fire of the Holy Spirit, so that consciousnesses may be touched by a profound awakening of Love.

Let the Holy Archangel Raphael heal the wounds of the men the women of the Earth, so that souls may rise to the meaning of their paths.

Let the Holy Archangel Uriel awaken inner worlds to the sublime realities of the Celestial Universe.

In that way, and in commemoration of this meeting, for all of these shared years, I bless these elements that change into My Body and into My Blood.

By the authority granted by Adonai, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today everyone was consecrated by My Divinity.

I know that you will not understand what this means, but all I ask is that you remember it and live it until the last days of your lives.

Praise be to God.

Glorious His Kingdom.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Let us intone.

I thank you for accompanying Me and for trying to live Me every day. In this way, I am present in the hearts that are determined to live Me and in all those who strive for Me be a Truth within.

Peace to all, Grace and Mercy for souls.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
