After the Passion, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ, the apostles and disciples of the Lord remained some days in deep silence, allowing their souls to assimilate, spiritually and humanly, all they had experienced.
This period of silence was necessary so that they could understand the Grace of the mission that God had entrusted to them.
The world remained the same, humanity seemed not to have changed, but their hearts were inflamed by an unquenchable love that lasted for centuries, until today.
History repeats itself, my children.
The spiritual cycles are like a huge spiral in ascension to the Heart of God and, in each turn, the impulses are renewed and the hearts seem to relive, in different ways, the same events. And so it is.
Today you are in a new turn of this evolutional spiral in which the Lord handed to you the same impulses of two thousand years ago.
These impulses resonate within you, transform you, move you, break barriers, dissipate illusions, so that your beings may be molded according to the Will of God.
Be aware of what you experience and, for a moment, allow your inner world to assimilate all the impulses received. Meditate upon the Words of Christ, again feel the states in which He places you each day and, finally, perceive what you are called to experience in these times.
You have My Blessing for this.
Chaste Saint Joseph
When Christ says to His companions, "Come and follow Me", they heard His call like thunder within; something that, with a single sentence, awakened their spirits and gave them the impulse to follow a new life. But all this took place on the spiritual levels, while their minds continued thinking and questioning, and their emotions continued unstable and susceptible to the influences of the world and of the human mind.
The apostles followed Jesus because of the potency of His Presence, without knowing who He was. His teachings transformed them, His Presence brought them security and peace. Everything that He did was extraordinary, like a true dream, something different from everything that had happened throughout time.
Spiritual life was the axis of society, and all the people felt honored by being beside a true prophet, united with the Love and the Power of God. But when the Passion of Christ began, while during His agony, the apostles saw in Christ the humanness of fear, sweat blood, suffering, and their beliefs shattered, their structures broke apart, and all the glory that in some way nourished their more human part, from one moment to the next, withdrew, knocking their vanity and their human condition to the ground.
To come to know the sacrifice placed them in an inner struggle between the mind, the soul and the heart, where their assurance ceased to exist, and their knowledge seemed to disappear. The Plan of God was revealed as something different from everything they thought and the renewal of His Love first occurred upon the Cross, and then in the Glory.
Today, children, the path of Calvary has begun for you. After years of extraordinary spiritual experiences, which uplifted you and transformed you, now the sacrifice comes to confront your human condition and overcome the barriers that stop you from living a full surrender, for the renewal of Love.
The cross of these times comes to reveal to you the outcome of the Plan of God, which will show to be different from anything you imagined. You will face contradictions and challenges that will forge within you an awakening of faith and the renewal of Love.
You will finally understand that the union with God begins in the Cross and then in Glory. It is through unconditionally living His Love that you will achieve unity with Him.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Children, recognize yourselves as part of an infinite, which you ignore, due to your own smallness.
The fact that the Creation is not understandable for you or that not all knowledge is inside your minds does not mean that it does not exist.
The Work of God in this time must be definitive and generate the awakening that the souls have expected so much for hundreds of years.
In all religions, just as in all spiritual groups that have existed on Earth and that began with pure principles, the interference of the human mind many times diverted the Purpose of God, and this made souls wonder if the religions are, in truth, being guided by God or by men.
This is how faith began to be lost in the human heart and the Creator sent His Messengers, so that will be Themselves those who guide humanity.
The Divine Messengers, children, are not only here among you. We have also tried to guide and warn other groups and religions, but even so, they were not capable of listening.
The Voice of God is trying to silence humankind in order to straighten their path and remove human power and authority that some think they have over souls throughout the whole world.
The human heart has lost confidence in their fellow beings because the one who is not reliable cannot rely on the other. This is why, children, many deny the Words of God pronounced over times.
The one who is transparent and true in their faith recognizes the truth when it is before their eyes, and does not fear or doubt when listens to the Words of God, because they know they are capable of following them, even beyond themselves.
Children, if you want to recognize the truth, be true. If you want to live plenitude and launch yourselves into the Will of God without fear to deceive yourselves, then, do not deceive your neighbor, do not lie, do not manipulate, and attract for yourselves only wisdom and truth.
You will live in peace and without mistrusts when you are able to sow peace and trust in the world through your works, your feelings and your words.
You will be able to proclaim yourselves as apostles of Christ when, in truth, you follow His Words and live for Him and not for yourselves.
Humankind would not fear the destruction of the church if they did not know that it is about to collapse, due to its own actions.
You do not need to fear the destruction of the Work of God if you know that it is truly of God and not of humans and if you know that you will do everything, in obedience of the Designs of God, so that this Work may be sustained.
Today, children, I teach you to be true, because in this way you will recognize the truth. There is no other way to perpetuate a Work but with truth and the living example that you give to the world.
Do not fear the words of humans because the one who points out false lies in their neighbor is the one who tries to hide their own.
Follow the truth and work everyday so that you may be each day more transparent before God. In this way the masks of illusion will fall by themselves.
The one who warns you for you to be true and humble,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,
There is no use repeating that these are times of emergency in the world.
Our Words must reach the whole planet. There must not be even one soul that does not know the Presence of the Messengers of God in this place (1). For this reason, today I ask that you disseminate Our call without fear, without being ashamed of proclaiming your own faith, without fear of not being accepted or recognized by those you respect and love.
Just hold in your consciousness that everybody needs to wake up, that there will no longer be any time for the illusions of life because prayer will be the only way out for the planetary situation.
Do not think about what beings will feel, do not worry about what the minds of the people in the world will manifest; simply glimpse the need of souls to be reconciled with God, of praying and of uniting with the Plan of the Creator.
The immediate response of consciousnesses upon entering into contact with Our Words does not matter. What really matters is that the seed of light will be planted within the beings, and when they come to the moment of real need, they will have something to resort to: they will remember those valleys in Brazil (1) and also that refuge of peace among the orange groves (2); they will remember the mountains that hold the Holy Spirit of God (3) and also those that safeguard the future of humanity with the Codes of the Child Jesus (4), so they may be placed in the little ones of this world.
Announce to your families that your lives are no longer the same; announce to your acquaintances, announce to those unknown to you who are in need of peace. Announce to the rich, announce to the poor. Announce to the healthy and to the sick, to the young and to the old.
Let the future of the planet find the essence of peace in the hearts of the youngest, and may those who leave this planet, the eldest, carry the discovery of love wherever they go after this life.
I make this request of you because souls must not miss the opportunity of experiencing love, since this is why they came into the world.
Let the doors of the hells close before the prayerful response of all the hearts that awaken in time.
Let the Perfection of God, which exists within all creatures, not be exchanged for the innumerable capital woes that the enemy sowed in the human consciousness.
I call on you today to be true apostles of Christ, without fear or shame, even if you seem mad, let it be the holy madness expressed in your hearts.
Let your loving and fraternal actions be the testimony of Our Presence in the world. Let your capacity to forgive and to be reconciled with others be the proof to human eyes that God is among humankind, through His Messengers.
Thus, today and every day of your lives, go, serve, be reconciled with your neighbors, ask for forgiveness, serve those who hate you, love those who persecute you, pray as the priority in your lives, as if prayer were water without which you could not live.
Disseminate, announce to the world the Message of God, of peace and transformation, the call to awakening and redemption, through His Messengers. Something will resonate in the human consciousness, as long as you are sincere in all that you do.
Before proclaiming with your mouths, live with your senses, with your intentions, and with your heart all that you aspire for beings to know. Be carriers of peace and hope for this world lost in illusion.
Let us not allow a part of the Heart of God to be extinguished.
I love you and I bless you always, so this blessing may come alive in all the spaces of the human consciousness.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
1. This refers to the Marian Center of Figueira, Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
2. This refers to the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay.
3. This refers to the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Cordoba, Argentina.
4. This refers to the Marian Center of the Child King, Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more