In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As the Mother of the World and Mother of the Original Peoples, I come today to step upon this sacred ground with My Feet, so as to bless it again. I come to dissolve the valley of tears of all Indigenous consciousnesses, elevating hearts and consciousnesses toward God, so that they may receive the Father’s Grace and the Universal Mother’s Love.

But this is not the only aim with which I am here today. I am also here for the soul of this nation, so that this nation may find, in the end of these times, through the souls that awaken to universal knowledge, the possibility of responding to the Will of the Eternal Father.

The spiritual debt of this nation to other nations of the world has not allowed this people to express its spiritual archetype and Purpose. It has not allowed the consciousnesses of this nation to be liberated from evil.

This is why the path that I offer to you, which is the Christic path, is the way out. A path that will lead you to re-encounter your true Spiritual Purpose, through the Will that the Father so much hopes to fulfill in this nation.

Not only God, but also the whole Universe, knows that the souls of this nation are directly affected by all that which this nation decides to carry out in these times, and souls inevitably remain under this spiritual prison.

This is why I come today to step upon this sacred ground of Oklahoma, with My Feet, so that the entire North-American people may remember the values of the Indigenous Consciousness. Despite all that has happened in this country throughout recent times and the compromise that this country has made with the world, these spiritual values, kept on the inner planes, are still alive.

Thus, just as the North-American people of the great Indigenous nation did, the North-Americans of the current times must turn toward their inner worlds and ask themselves, “What am I doing, and what is the goal of my life?”

In this way, dear children, very slowly, souls will have the door open toward the great awakening, and this people, so deeply contemplated by the Eternal Father since the beginning, will receive the Grace of forgiveness, redemption and rehabilitation.

But I tell you again, dear children, as I have said throughout times, that it is necessary to follow just one path, the path that will always lead you to the Heart of God, because in It you will be able to understand His entire Manifestation and Presence.

This people of the United States must not only continue to pray with more fervor and determination, but it must also supplicate to the Universe so that it may receive the Grace of liberation that is much needed due to the compromises it has made with evil, with My enemy, a condition under which millions of souls in this country are stuck.

However, as your Mother, who loves you and considers you, as the Mother of the whole Indigenous Consciousness, of all original peoples who live here, I come to give you this opportunity to again find the path of rehabilitation and forgiveness, which are important bases so that, through hope, the true aim of each one of your lives may re-emerge, the true Purpose of this nation, so that, through its soul, it may fulfill its written Purpose and be a nation that co-operates and collaborates in the face of the needs of the poorest nations.

All that I am saying now may seem daring to you, but it is not so if there are souls that awaken, if there are hearts that gradually adhere and  that dare to break their own structures to live the Purpose of God fully, that is, His Divine and Holy Will.

This will slowly allow the spiritual bases of the Purpose for this country to gradually manifest themselves, not only here in Oklahoma, but also in other parts of this nation.

My children, I need you to understand the importance of this spiritual and inner moment.

I come here with the permission of My Son to bring expression make flourish that which needs to manifest itself here, not only on the inner planes, but also on the external planes. And the consciousnesses that awaken to the Spiritual Purpose, which are a part of this nation, a nation that is in much need of love and light, will be the pillars that My Son so much expects to see expressed on the surface of the Earth, so that the Plan may be reflected here, the Plan that God so much expects. And this goes beyond a mere ‘yes’, this goes beyond absolute adherence.

What is most important in all this, My children, is unity, which will allow the defeat of the pillars that evil has here and will also allow the dissolution of the contrary currents that dwell here, directly speaking of the soul of this nation. 

In this way, you will also help the angel of this country, which carries too much weight on its back, a weight that must be relieved not only by perpetual prayer or selfless service. It is necessary for souls to be aware of this collaboration so that this angel may carry forward its Purpose and service for the United States, because, as the events take place in the world and many of them are fostered and executed by this country, uncertain doors continue to open, and there is no one who can stop this.

This is why I come here for this cause, to close these uncertain and invisible doors, so that souls may no longer live this spiritual captivity that is created and infused by the spiritual debt of this country.

In simple words, My Son sends Me to bring liberation to that which is tied, to break with His Sword the chains of illusion and materialism, which imprison souls, preventing them from emerging and awakening.

In just one Message, dear children, I am trying to tell you many things, but I would have much more to tell you, than just this moment of meeting with Me.

Do not think that everything will change overnight. If your lives change and if your lives transform, you will be like a drop in this great ocean, a drop which, however small, invisible and insignificant, if this drop of Light that your souls are were not in this vast ocean, which is this Plan, this would not be possible, this moment would not be possible.

Thus, you will be able to understand and also perceive how infinite and inexhaustible the Grace of God is, which goes beyond all times, but also all events. It crosses all structures and forms so that His Love may reach His Children, His Creatures, so that His Presence may reach that which is essential, the spirit of each North-American, which must be wide awake and attentive to receive the impulses of the Hierarchy with gratitude.

Since days ago and for the days to come, I will keep praying for you and for your brothers and sisters of this country.

I know that achieving what God so much aspires for and expects will be a sacrifice and also a great surrender. But faith and, above all, trust, transcend all forms, all ideas and even all limitations, because the heart that lives through faith is a heart ignited in a flame, in unity and in divine life, and this allows the fulfillment of any task or commitment.

I ask all My children of the United States to ask yourselves, for the sake of pity and charity:

What is my true spiritual commitment?

What am I doing to fulfill it and live it?

Do I perceive the Presence of the Hierarchy, not only of Its Word, but also Its Love?

What must I do to fulfill this commitment?

How much longer must I wait to be able to live it?

Do I understand that this commitment goes beyond myself and that all has a greater cause?

I leave these questions to My children of North America. And as the Mother of the original peoples, I ask you to contemplate the history of these original peoples and, in perfect communion, recover the values that they live on the inner planes.

I thank you for being here on this day and for listening to Me with bravery, openness and gratitude.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, Mother of the Indigenous Nation.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


With the imposing sweetness of My Heart, I return to this nation to bring peace. With all the sweetness of the Heart of My Son, I come to close your spiritual wounds, to bring a cure to your souls; I come to bring healing to your souls.

Dear children, listen attentively to My Message, because while I am here with you, the Universe of God is with all of you and with each child, in each corner of this nation.

Dear children, I come to strengthen your faith; I come to bring hope, gladness for everybody.

Dear children, live in My Faith; proclaim My Faith to the world. I come to free you from this captivity that has become interminable.

Dear children, listen to My Voice with your heart. My Words decree new Laws for your lives. My Heart proclaims the greatness of the Love of God in you.

Dear children, feel My Immaculate Heart. Listen to My Voice within your hearts. Thus, a divine energy, at this very moment, will come to you to establish peace. Believe in My Peace, because My Peace is invincible and is possible. In this way, dear children, you will help your fellow beings in this whole nation, which must also be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, see the example of the children of Colombia who, in their greater devotion and peacefulness, received My Immaculate Heart with an intense and infinite joy, for the times that will come.

Dear children, it is not the first time that you hear My Heart and that I am present in your lives, walking meekly beside each of you. I come to have your lives flourish. I come to wake up what is truest that exists in your essences. This, dear children, is called the Inner Christ, something that nothing and no one will be able to erase, because Christ lives in you. He and His Heart are invincible; if Christ lives in you, you are invincible hearts.

I come to bring you a miracle of Love, the miracle of My merciful Heart that is present at this moment, enveloping the spirit of your nation so that the doors to redemption can be opened.

Dear children, experience this moment as a great sacrifice. Let your hearts no longer have sorrows. Let your hearts be joyful in participating in this communion with My Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, I am present here and in the home of each of My children who, at this very moment, receive My Words in their hearts to be able to unify their lives with the Sacred Spirit of God.

Dear children, feel My Heart to be the only reason for your lives. Concentrate your paths through My sanctified Heart, so that many more souls, just like yours, will be able to wake up at this moment to the call of redemption of My Heart.

Dear children, in spite of what may happen, in spite of what you are experiencing, do not desist. What is most sacred within you is the purity of God, is the purity of the Sacred Hearts that come to reignite your inner flames so that the doors to the Light may be opened.

Dear children, no longer fear; I am with you. Believe this is possible above all things, any thought and feeling or action that can torment you.

Dear children, with My feet, step on the evil serpent, for it will stop causing hearts to suffer.

May all those evils that exist and disturb hearts disappear from this reality; for those evils cause you to fear, cause you to distance yourselves from the Heart of God.

I am your Intercessor, I am your Mother of Coromoto, I am the Mother of your people Who comes to ignite the true purpose of your lives in your hearts; what you know as a sacred mission; what you, since your birth, came to accomplish in the name of the Celestial Father.

Dear children, while I am with you, many uncertain doors are being closed so that your hearts and your minds are able to hear the Voice of God, can feel the Kingdom of God, which is infinite, powerful, invincible, glorious and blessed for each of you.

Dear children, as your Lady Untier of Knots, I come to release the knots of your consciousness, because everything that happens begins and ends in the consciousness of all My children. But if your hearts truly love, truly forgive, truly become reconciled, this will soon end.

Dear children, in you I come to reactivate your affiliation with God, something that can never disappear. You come from the Universe, you come from a greater and infinite Source that is called the Love and Unity of God. This can never be cut off by anything.

Dear children, believe in the affiliation with God. Hold tight to that affiliation with the Most High; in this way, your cells full of fear will be reignited through the gladness of My Spirit, of My Spirit of Peace and of Change, of Mercy and of Forgiveness that today I again bring to your land.

Dear children, My Son sent Me to you and I send you out to preach peace; to carry the relief, calm, serenity that you have in your hearts, the great Christic principle that is called the Power of Love. If Love lives in your hearts and if you believe in the Love of God, why do you fear, My children? Is not God more powerful than all humankind?

The false kingdoms will fall to your right and your left. As My Son said in Jerusalem: "No stone will remain upon stone."

Woe to those that cause evil and do not look to the Heart of My Son! Woe to those poor human beings! Who will pray for their conversion on the day of the Final Judgment?

Dear children, I come to announce Heaven to you from My Heart. I come to free you of your sins and faults through the power of My infinite Mercy, sacred Source of Love that My Son gave Me at the foot of the Cross.

Carry your cross. Do not fear, My children; there will not be more weight than that which you can bear.

I come to free your paths. I come to open the doors of Heaven, in the spirit and the soul of each of you. If you called Me, today I am here among you, My children, because God  deeply desires it.

Be forerunners of the Mercy of God. If your acts are merciful and you carry charity to all souls, without fearing what may happen, many things in this nation will be freed.

A large part of the horror today is released by My Holy Heart, together with the hosts of Light that eternally praise the Father, together with the Archangel Michael, Who buries His Sword in this soil so that souls may be freed.

Happy are those who believe in what I say, for they will see the result in their lives. That is the great miracle that I bring you today, My children; the miracle of the Love of God that can never be extinguished in your cells. As long as you believe in love, you will be invincible and will not fail.

Dear children, throughout time, I have been at the culminating moments. Throughout time, I brought you a Message of Peace. Dear children, listen to the Voice of My Heart that pours out Its Mercy over your beings.

Dear children, affirm your commitment to Me. I come to stretch out My hand to you so that you may hold tightly to it, not feel any fear, but rather that you be able to walk firmly toward that sacred purpose of the New Humanity.

Dear children, do not forget to pray for your brothers and sisters, mainly for those that are no longer in this country, so that God may grant them the Grace of being able to return to their true people, to their true purpose from the heart of Venezuela.

I come to make your hearts beat. I come to bring you the fire of My devotion, something that can never be put out if you pray with Me, with that fervor that is characteristic of you.

Dear children, ask of Me what you want.

Dear children, I am your Mother of Grace. Grace is what you need to be able to be reborn in your heart, to be able to revive your spirits for the sacred mission that I entrust to you today.

Dear children, I am the Mother of all the indigenous peoples. And here, in the past, there were sacred peoples that commended their soul and their divinity to God. Recover those sacred principles. Recover the indigenous consciousness of love. In this way, Roraima will shine, and you will be participants in this sacred mission of changing hearts, not through words, but rather through a simple act of peace and of love.

What you are experiencing today is because of a lack of Love for God. God is full of Love for you. God has need of your hearts, My children, so that you may become peace-makers of the great Redeemer of all times.

Thus, in this month of October, the month of the Holy Rosary, I bring you the revelation of My Immaculate Heart. Today, I place on My hand the Blessed and Immaculate Heart of Mary as a sacred offering, which will always beat within you when you allow it. Who will be able to take away My Heart from within you? Nobody will ever be able to.

My Heart is divine, is sublime, and becomes stronger and more powerful when My children pray from the heart.

Dear children, the beast fears these things. The Love of the Mother of God is invincible and infinite in Its hope. If you believed in these simple things, My children, it would not matter that you have nothing to eat. What is most important, My children, is that your soul and your life will be nurtured by the Spirit of God. Who lives through the Spirit of God will never thirst, will never be hungry.

Dear children, if the saints from the past, in deep fasts and abstinence, managed to live through the Eucharist, do you believe in the power of the Communion of Christ?

Dear children, where Christ is, evil is not. If Christ is in you, God is in you and I also, My children. That is invincible for the times that will come.

Blessed are they who cry, for they will be consoled.

Blessed are those who are good of heart, for they will be rewarded in the Kingdom of God.

Blessed are the humble and the peaceful, for they will always achieve joy. Let that joy, My children, that nurtures you all the time, never go out; in this way, you will gladden the Heart of God, that is quite offended by the injustices of the world.

I offer you My Heart as a Rose of Light, the Spiritual Heart of your Mother, that beats in the whole universe, listening to the pleas of Her children, radiating all the Love of the universe to all those who believe in inner rebirth.

If in your hands there is a lit flame, do you believe that this is the symbol of peace? Do you believe that a soul is being alleviated? That is possible when you live in faith. I come to bring you the Gift of My Faith, which is something invincible. When it is lived in the heart, faith will always triumph. And My Heart will triumph in you when you believe in faith, because faith is the Love of God, is the Unity of God, is the compassion for all the universe.

Dear children, today, not only those who are here ask for you, but also the whole world, all My very dear children that at this moment, are united with the proclamation of My Heart.

I come to bring you the advent of the Spirit of Christ, that Spirit that will help you to walk in these times of tribulation. Continue to pray, honoring the Heart of God, so that in this way, He may also glorify you.

Let us pray:

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,
Redemption, Redemption, Redemption
for this planet.
(seven times)

Dear children, in the gladness of My Spirit that conceives of peace and redemption, today I would like to especially consecrate the Children of Mary, these children who will be consecrated in My Celestial Presence. Let those who will be consecrated come here; I am waiting for them.

Dear children, when your voices sing, Heaven immediately responds to the request of hearts and the pleas of souls that seek peace.

Today, I come from Heaven, as your Patroness of Coromoto, to bless you, just as I did the last time, placing My hands on your heads.

I implore the Almighty for the Grace of His Light and His infinite Mercy, which will make you strong and invincible; and thus, in spite of any consequence, you will always be free.

Remember, My children, that you must be worthy children of God; and if today you become worthy and consecrated to My maternal Heart of a Mother, it is because you are giving your 'yes' through this consecration so that the spirit of peace, unity and love among the hearts of the world may be established.

If you, My children, are generators of the Love of God, the Love of God will triumph and My work will be accomplished, at least in the Americas.

I pray for you. I pray for this people. I pray for this country, together with the Guardian Angel of this nation, and in the presence of the celestial choirs, of Christ and of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph.

In this sacred triangulation, with the power of infinity of the Cosmos, I establish, My children, the definite consecration of your spirits and souls, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Sing. Now you are Children of Mary.

I thank you for responding to My call, and remember that through your lives, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I love you and bless you, in the name of God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, we want to leave a little story with you about what happened during the prayer work.

When we were working with the prayers we were reciting, the angels, at the request of Our Lady, began to go through each corner of Caracas and strong beams of Light began to draw close to the souls that most needed it.

In the essence, in the heart of each brother and sister, they placed a molecule of Light. Something that came directly from the Creator. It was something powerful, luminous and invincible.

And when that molecule of Light that they placed in each brother and sister ignited, everything that was around which was dark, disappeared. And a sort of positive spiritual strength was engendered within each one, and manifested through the heart as the Love of God. It was as if it was something that renewed each one.

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
