Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The world experiences its calvary, experiences its cross, but I bring you the solution for all this.

The Rosary is your salvation, it is the powerful and unbreakable instrument of God, which your Mother and faithful Servant used for a long time while She was here on Earth.

From My Heart came the school of prayer of the heart, which is the one I need to see alive within you, may you live this inner school every day, so that My Immaculate Heart may continue to triumph in your lives and on the planet.

It is through the groups of prayer, it is through the prayerful hearts that I am able to come to the world. There is no other reason for being here at this moment.

Your prayer is the door that opens for Me, so that I may descend to the world and, while I am with you, I am able to assist those who need it in this culminating hour for humanity.

Today I come dressed in celebration, but also in peace and in hope, knowing that in the world there are many children of Mine who suffer the effects of the very illness the planet has generated.

But this will pass. I pray for you, for the nations and for all the planet, because as a Mother, I hope that humanity will learn this lesson, that it will be able to overcome it and be able to register it in its consciousness so that it does not happen again; because even though the Apocalypse must be fulfilled, I come here to intercede for you, My children, for your nations, peoples and families, because I only want the joy and the happiness of Heaven for each one of you.

Your Heavenly Mother is very simple, so simple and humble, an untiring servant who offers Herself to the Celestial Father for each of your souls, but also avails Herself of this moment, of this special anniversary, so that a planetary task may be accomplished again on the inner planes, where help and redemption are truly necessary.

I invite you to unite with Me in this chain of prayer during the month of the Holy Rosary so that, at each new day, My children, you may be able to awaken, within you and within your souls, an interest in this powerful but simple prayer.

Once again, My children, I will count on each of your beads and your prayers in each meeting of prayer that is transmitted through this Work.

I invite you, My children, to strengthen this commitment to Me as Children of Mary, as Rosary of Light groups, as all those who pray on Earth who, at this moment, need to raise their prayers and pleas to Heaven, so that not only may this pandemic end, but that nothing more come to the world that will make it suffer.

I will tell you something true, each time I descend here to the Earth, I always see the suffering of the world, of millions of souls that still suffer because of their own choices, as well as many innocent souls that suffer because of the choices of others. The suffering has to end, My children, it is possible to live in the joy and the Love of God.

So I am here as your Mother and Queen, so that you may be able to renew your vows this evening, so that the Rosary, in each day of your lives, be an essential and spiritual nourishment for you. For in this way, beloveds, you will drink of the Fount of My Grace, you will drink of the Fount of the Mercy of God; your problems will end, your faith will be strengthened, and you will be My servants, you will be a part of the Legion of Mary.

Today, on this 8th of May, in which Heaven touches Earth, in which God touches your hearts, in which the angels of the universe bow down before the Mother of God, I come to invite you and to call upon you, through the prayer of the Rosary and of your consecration to My maternal and Immaculate Heart, to become a part of the Legion of Mary, of the praying order of the Legion of Mary, a purely spiritual order of which the angels of Heaven are also a part, and many children of Mine in the world who devotedly pray to My Immaculate Heart are also part of this spiritual order.

My Son has asked Me to call you to this, invite you to this spiritual practice, in this way, your souls, your families and all your loved ones will also be contemplated by this spiritual order of the Legion of Mary.

Through the loving prayer of the Holy Rosary, I need you to spiritually carry the Marian symbol of My Heart stamped upon your chests, the "M" of Mary with the victorious Cross of Christ, surrounded by the twelve stars of My Crown.

This is the symbol of the legionnaires of Mary.

I invite you to strengthen, not only your commitment to the Prayer for Peace in the Nations, for Venezuela and for Syria, for the Middle East, for Easter Timor, for South Korea, in this case, also for Japan and China, so that the triumph of My Heart may also occur in that part of the world, just as it should occur in Africa.

All are called to remember what I once asked and requested of you. Prayer will never tire you, prayer will transmute you and uplift you.

I need to form this spiritual order in this end time. The spiritual order of the Legion of Mary was also inspired by the Templars that formed the first spiritual order of humanity, as by the holy women that were the guardians of the Relics of Christ.

I invite you, My children, to enter into this spiritual and angelic order. Your intermediaries will be your Guardian Angels. They are there in silence and in prayer, all the time, and I know that many do not call on their Guardian Angels.

All the treasures, the keys and the tools of the Hierarchy were given to you.

This is the time not only of the legionnaires of Mary, but also of the apostles of Christ. This is the time for your action, your definition and your moment of spiritual service for humanity.

If I have brought you to this point, in this definitive and culminating time of the planet, it is because, My children, you need to move forward with this spiritual mission.

This spiritual order of the legionnaires of Mary has no age limit, no requirements, but rather, three principal vows: devotion, commitment and obedience.

Today I bring to your hearts, but mainly to your souls, the spiritual symbol of the legionnaires of Mary, stamped in the very depths of your hearts so that you may receive it, revere it and accept it, at this moment, in which the servants of Christ need to prepare for what will come.

From your homes and families, you can do many works, although it may not seem to be so. There are infinite intentions in humanity, just as there are infinite needs in the four continents of this planet, that are waiting for your help and intervention.

In this month of May, the month of the Rosary, the doors of the Heavens are open for the opportunity granted to your Heavenly Mother so that the devotion to My maternal Heart may allow Graces and Mercy to descend, which many suffering souls need in this time, especially those who have lost their lives.

Today at My feet I have the world, and in it, all of humanity and the consciousnesses that are self-summoned to be a part of this Legion of Mary.

My wish is that you will be able to respond to My request through this Work, which My Son founded for an extremely important spiritual and planetary reason.

Just as you must give a response to the requests that I have now made to you in these recent days, I will receive the applications for the Legion of Mary with open arms, so that your souls may have the Grace and the experience of further living the school of prayer.

This spiritual order will be fundamental and important when your Heavenly Mother no longer comes to the world nor appears here or in any other place of the world.

The order of the legionnaires of Mary will be that which will support the last part of the planetary transition.

Those who want to enter the praying order of Mary may apply and, as a response, I will give you the spiritual symbol of this Legion through this Work.

It will be a profoundly spiritual practice of each one of you with Me, but those who apply and truly dedicate themselves to not only be My consecrated children with the Sky Blue Mantle, but also dedicate themselves to this practice that I give you today, will be with Me to help in the most culminating moment of humanity, regardless of where they may be.

Now Our Lady is praying for us. We pray inwardly with Her so that Her divine intentions may be accomplished, for the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.

The prayer of the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the prayer of the legionnaires of Mary.

At the request of our Mother, we will recite this prayer a few times so that the echo of Her Voice and Her Words, of Her requests and intentions, may reach as many hearts as possible in the four corners of the Earth, while our Divine Mother opens Her arms and stretches out Her hands toward us, igniting the Light of Her Immaculate Heart to receive these prayers, that we will now recite.

Immaculate Heart of Mary,
strength, light, protection and hope,
in You we are renewed, to You we consecrate ourselves
so that we may be witnesses, now and forever,
of the triumph of Your Immaculate Heart
in all of humanity.
(repeated three times)

And I rise up to Heaven on this evening, while listening to a special prayer that I Myself inspired, a prayer that, among many others, was born in Aurora, the Greater Center of My planetary task with humanity.

And so, receiving this prayer in My Heart and in My Soul, to Heaven I will carry the intentions of those who commit themselves to the Holy Rosary in the times that will come, and of those who will apply to be My future legionnaires.

I thank you for responding to My call.

By the blessing and by the authority, given to Me by God and My beloved Son, I re-consecrate you to My maternal and Immaculate Heart so that you may live the vows of devotion, commitment and obedience to My Marian work.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We will listen to "In a simple gaze."

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition on July 16, 2018, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I choose these special dates to let you know the most simple things of spiritual life, because in that which is simple you will be able to transform everything, in that which is simple you will be able to comprehend everything.

The life of the spirit is simple, but it is also wisdom.

I hope My children will achieve this state of simplicity and wisdom, not only in daily matters, but also in the inner levels, a place where everything begins and everything ends; because it is there, in that inner level, where the experience of your life on Earth and your passage through this Universe is held.

When you cannot conceive in yourselves this simplicity and this wisdom in the life of the spirit, it is because you are not doing it within your material life.

The simplicity of which I speak is not restriction or severe measures.

Simplicity will always lead you to love your neighbor just as they are and to not judge them because of their form or appearance.

My children of the world frequently forget these basic rules of life, because by living these rules, you will be able to be in God and God can be in you.

On this special day, when we celebrate, together with the Heavenly Mother, the anniversary of one of My instruments on Earth, through this I want you to see, My children, that the call of the Mother of God to Her children has always been and will always be simple.

On this path that I invite you to experience, you will also be able to find the humility you need in order to stop boasting about your lives, although sometimes you may not realize it.

Why do I tell you all this, My children?

Because the Work of God, since the beginning of all this Creation, was conceived of in the spirit of simplicity and humility. From there were born and emerged the most beautiful things in this Universe and for this whole material Universe; the spirit of each creature found a dwelling place, up to that which is most physical.

But know, My children, that everything has a correspondence and a communion between Heaven and Earth; within you and outside of you.

When you are not simple, you cannot be real, just as I need you to be, day after day.

Simplicity will not only take you to humility and truth but also to that which is most important: gratitude.

When you have no gratitude in your hearts, you cannot understand the Plan of God when it changes, time and again and from cycle to cycle, or from day to day.

If you are in this eternal gratitude, you will be able to understand the Mysteries of the Father and you will no longer be blindfolded, not knowing where to go or in what direction to walk, because in the life of the spirit, everything is clear, everything is transparent, and everything is crystalline.

I need you to not forget this, children.

When you cannot get around certain obstacles, it is because you have not conceived of the spirit of simplicity within yourselves, which will lead you into humility and eternal gratitude.

Although these words, that I speak to you today, have been heard by you many times, from My own mouth, or from Saint Joseph or from Jesus Himself, I invite you, dear children, to pay attention to the basic rules of spiritual life, because otherwise, you will be skipping the Universal Laws.

With all of this that I am telling you, My children, I do not aspire toward your perfection, but your transparency, your fellowship, generosity and collaboration.

This message serves for all of My children, because each one, according to their timing, goes through their purification and also the moment of their great surrender.

I want, My children, for you to learn to live as We do; the Sacred Hearts lived such a long time ago here on Earth, with no pretension, not wanting anything; always seeking to learn through equality, solidarity and above all, brotherhood.

Humanity, throughout recent times, has lost these principles. This is why souls become archaic and rigid and cannot manage to take their steps when they most need to take those steps toward God.

We have the authority, My children, as Sacred Hearts, of being able to dissolve all these obstacles within souls.

But, children, My children, you have already learned how to listen to Me, to feel Me and recognize Me. You know that what I tell you is true. Each one of you knows what they have to improve and perfect as a perfect offering for the Altars of God.

I am speaking to you about something profound, not something superficial. That which is superficial that may take place in your lives comes as a consequence of what happens within you when you are not in communion with the spirit, nor with the Universe.

We know that knowledge ennobles the spirit, but that is not what you need right now, My children. You need to ennoble your spirits with transparency and the loving collaboration for a fellow being, for the Divine Plan and its important manifestation on this planet.

As Lady of Mount Carmel, I invite you, My children, although you do not believe it, to live the path of redemption and your salvation, because many may believe that they are already saved, yet they are not.

My children, feel the Heart of the Mother that asks and begs to God for the awakening of Her children, even in the simple details.

All this will make the Earth and its humanity transform; it will make the Word of God triumph within you, through the examples of good and of loyalty.

I invite you, My children, to enter this school, which today with all of My Love I am offering to you.

I need you to hear My Voice, not as you always hear it. I need you to hold My words like keys that will be able to open the doors to your conscious and real transformation.

Children, there is a part that is yours to do. Everything must first begin within you so that then the Universe will be able to work and intercede.

The souls of the world, in the majority, are lost; and you know it because you have seen it everywhere you have been, together with Me, accompanying Me on this trajectory of being able to accomplish the Plan.

My wish is that on the day of the Lady of Mount Carmel, you could consider My words with sincerity.

My wish is that My Voice could touch the depths so that the Gifts might be sown that you need in order to live the next steps in this planetary transition.

My wish, My children, is that each one of you could see yourself for a moment, not to torment yourself or feel intimidated; not to judge or punish yourself. That each one of you could see yourselves, just as God sees you, just as the Father contemplates you in His Mercy and in His divine Patience.

There is still, beloved children, much to be done. I need you to understand what I am asking of you.

I have given you the Grace of being near Me, because it is what you need to be on the path of the spirit and in the living of the Plan, beyond any inner experience with the Universe or with all that is higher and even divine.

First, we must begin with that which is simple and necessary. You must not lose the basic rules of loyalty and fraternity; this closes the doors to Divine Providence. The Universe has everything for you and for humanity.

If each one of you knew, with complete awareness, what it is that I have to do to manage to be before you at each new meeting, in truth, you would consider My words and would pray on your knees to express your gratitude to God.

The Servant of God and the Mother of the Universe unconditionally offers Herself to Her children with nothing in exchange.

I want, beloved children, for you to grow, just as I grew, while I was Mary on Earth.

I know that in your inner worlds you keep known and unknown experiences; spiritual and also inner traumas. But everything can be dissolved in the Mercy of God and in the action of His Divine Grace.

I do not want you, My children, to leave My path.

I do not want you, My children, to be far from Me, serving Me in other works.

Children, I need you here, close to My Heart, in a real way rather than one that seems to be.

Sometimes I feel your hearts to be cold. Why are they that way, if everything I give you is by Grace?

I only aspire that My servers walk with loyalty and that they never, never lose brotherhood, because brotherhood will unify you with the Brotherhood of the Universe, and thus, the Divine Consciousnesses of Heaven will draw closer.

The Lady of Mount Carmel comes to offer you a true consecration so that the next doors toward the fulfillment of the Plan, in other parts of the world, may open.

We wait patiently and silently, in prayer, for that moment.

The world still waits for more Mercy and for more help.

I invite you to continue accompanying Me on this path, which will transform you.

I bless this soul, and on this special day, those who have offered themselves as instruments in My Hands, so that more instruments in this vast Universe of God can be consecrated in their real task and to their real mission.

I thank you for accompanying Me on this divine trajectory!

This is all I want to tell you today, and I have opened My Heart so that you could hear Me with sincerity and love.

Special Apparitions

How many wonders God has performed in you through My Heart! Do you believe that has happened?

That is why I come to meet you and to meet all of humanity, where on this day, My profound and divine Grace is granted to the souls of the world.

Today My Heart is glorified by the worthy children of God, by all those who have responded to My call in this last year.

Do you accept, dear children, that I return for another year?

Those present say "yes."

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Mary is smiling.

Today I am here as the Queen of Peace, so that peace may be established in the depths of your hearts. Because if My Peace is in you, peace will be in the world, and the world will be relieved; especially those souls who suffer the chaos of these times.

Another marvel that God has done in your lives through My Immaculate Heart is that you can pray with Me every day, because the value of prayer is to be found in the simplicity of the offering and above all in the love that you can express for God.

It is that love that I seek in you, it is that love that brings Me here from Heaven as a great Divine Consciousness, to be able to continue accompanying you every day, until My Son finally arrives in His Glory and restores the Kingdom of God in this humanity.

Until that can happen, dear children, I will be among you and with you, as long as you call Me by opening the door of your heart and your soul, so that your Heavenly Mother can enter and make every new meeting a sacred oratory for God, a profound praise to the Father and to all Creation for granting this Grace.

With your confirmation on this night, today I am able to say to you, dear children, that I will be with you every day for one more year, until I truly achieve an awakening of your inner Christs, because it will be those inner Christs that will serve in the transition of humanity and of the Earth, until the great promise of Christ is fulfilled, of coming a second time to humanity.

On this anniversary, I want you to be able to offer your hearts, your lives, to a greater consecration, so that each one of your souls can live for this entire race, which must achieve redemption and above all, the Mercy of God.

I want you to come up to the foot of this stage.

Come here, children, because in this way, you will come for all the souls of the world that still cannot find My love of a Mother, nor My Grace, which tries to reach them through your serving hearts.

So today I invite you to be transmitters of My Peace and of My Grace, and thus allow My Grace to be granted to the hearts that are far from God.

And now that you carry the flame of the lit candle, confirm in yourselves, for all of humanity, for all of the planet, and for all the Kingdoms of Nature, your precious original purity.

And thus, on this evening, the Queen of Peace and the Mother of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima unites two Sacred Centers: this Marian Center of Figueira with the Marian Center of Fatima, mirroring over this place the Original Purity of God, what God has granted within you, so that it may be conscious and so that in this time, it may awaken as a gift of praise to the Creator.

I want you to offer a very special song for Me: "Purity, soul of Lys."

I invite you, dear children, on this anniversary, to alleviate your suffering, your pain, and your sorrow.

Place your left hand over your heart and with that burning candle, let us radiate the Purity of God to the planet, that which the Father granted to all this civilization.

I invite My children of Europe to accompany this practice, so that in the Purity of Lys-Fatima we may unite in fraternity and in brotherhood.

I listen to you.

Activate the mirror of your hearts, invoke this essential purity on this night of Grace.

Song: "Purity, soul of Lys." 

May the portals of Lys open.

May the essential purity emerge on the surface of this planet.

May the new codes awaken in the souls that invoke them and that planetary healing be established beyond, and to the ends of the Universe.

Come, essential purity of Lys, awaken in each inner being the Christic flame of Love, the fruit of the new brotherhood.

So may it be.

I thank you, dear children, because on this night, God granted an inexplicable, unalterable, and extraordinary Grace to the world.

Seek the purity of the heart, for it is eternally present there.

Together with the angels of Lys-Fatima, I bless you, I consecrate you, and I baptize you with the Light of the Holy Spirit and with the good of the Most Holy Trinity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now I will listen to "Mary Lys" from your voices.

I thank you!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
