Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Fatima, Santarém, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light, which comes from God, I illuminate the paths of My children.

I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I guide the paths of the servers of Christ.

I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I deposit and pour out the Gifts of God upon the most needy souls in the world.

I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I establish the Kingdom of the Heavens, first in the inner world of each being and afterwards in the consciousness of the world.

I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I indicate to My children the path of ascension and redemption, because in this way the consciousnesses will be liberated from the past.

I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I fulfill the promise of the emergence of the New Humanity.

I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I bring from the Celestial Universe what humanity needs most, so that new patterns arise that will cause the consciousness of the world to change.

I am the Lady of the Light and I raise My children towards the Source of Love. This Source can be closer to the world when the hearts surrender to Me.

I am the Lady of the Light and with this Light I decree the beginning of a new cycle.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Commune of Luz-Saint-Sauveur, the High Pyrenees, France to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Raise your consciousness up like the mountains and feel part of a great mystery.

Before your eyes all the secrets of the Universe are being unveiled.

The safest keys are given into the hands of the humble.

The Portals into infinity open so that the most simple are able to pass into the innermost spaces of universal life.

In a cyclic and harmonious way, the most sacred treasures are shown to those who want to see them so they can recognize within themselves the greatest treasure of Creation, Love.

The sojourners in faith light their torches in the Great Fire of the whole of existence and illuminate the dark paths of those who still cannot recognize their own inner light. They never separate, because, in their depths, they know a purpose must be fulfilled.

Because of this, little by little, the veils of consciousness fall away so that each spirit, as well as each heart, may become aware of the effect of its deeds and experiences of yesteryear.

But, in the face of the sign of Truth, the travelers bow down because they know that upon their path there has always been the infinite hand of Love that guided and safeguarded everything.

The eyes of those who have not surrendered fill with intense tears, at last, they can feel that it is only love that transforms, elevates and heals all things.

The time has come for the seekers of the path to place all swords at the foot of the Temple so that the surrender of all mistakes may be accomplished.

While the mirrors light up before the gaze of the pure, the first moments of an unforgettable peace are reflected within the scenario of life.

Each step the pilgrim takes is a step that the sleeping humanity takes.

Each unconditional surrender is the Cross of the redeeming victory that is shaped on some part of the surface.

Thus, what is far from hearts begins to draw closer, and the Source of Love returns with an unknown momentum.

The Work is done in the name of the indifference of the majority, and the arches of light open, beyond everything, to those who did not deserve to see them.

The apostles feel within themselves the action of Mercy, and nobody remains without knowing that the time of redemption approaches.

The gardens of souls are prepared, a place where the Master, among masters and sages, will place His humble Feet.

In the meantime, everything is purified within and outside of consciousnesses in order that the majority may be free from old mistakes.

A light of renewed hope emerges on the horizon and everyone can see it.

Thus, you are again called to the living of true love.

Those fallen into darkness are removed from those spaces.

Love becomes Mercy to save whoever wants to be saved.

The time of the clock is showing the promised hour.

May the followers of the Light and of the storms wash their feet in the Fount so that, cleansed, they may sit at the table, awaiting the Great Master.

An inexplicable wisdom descends into even the most foolish minds. The purpose is that the hardest of heart may open to the coming of the universal Truth.

The paths of old and heavy histories are modified.

Justice and its severity are changed by the action of Love and its eternal power.

Everyone is gathered together, in spite of their differences and histories. All, without exception, are placed for a moment in the Arms of the Divine Father.

All perceive that there have never been winners or losers, but rather souls that experienced various paths of redemption.

Thus, the new sun rises in the universe of those who were in the shadows, and the Light begins to blossom like the roses in a winter garden.

Everything is transformed. Grace, as a greater principle, makes everything possible.

The soldiers, holding hands, unite to concretize the last phase of the Plan of Redemption.

In the Books of the Universe these moments are written.

May the inner ears be attentive to hear the sacred word of the Light that transfigures all things.

In unity, the banner of redemption is raised.

In love, the Return of Christ is fulfilled.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Sphere of Light of the consciousness

Each human being, as a created spiritual essence, carries a Sphere of Light within the consciousness, which holds the Love the Creator gave them from the moment in which they were created.

We call this sphere the Essence or Sphere of Light of the consciousness. It is as important as the life, for it will respond in the future as an experience in each one of you.

This Sphere of Light of the consciousness holds the most positive memories of your existence, as well as the memories of the acts of Love and of Mercy experienced in the school of this planet.

It is this Sphere of Light of the consciousness that your Heavenly Mother comes to care for and protect from Her eternal enemy.

The Sphere of Light of the consciousness is capable of providing an experience of Love that the soul may have lost because of suffering or error.

This Sphere of Light is capable of bringing to spiritual life the gifts held in the Source of Creation, and of radiating them to all the deep nuclei of a being.

The Sphere of Light of the consciousness is the only living memory of what we once were, of what we are and of what we will be, for it can grasp Divine Will, and in this way, provide the human consciousness with the necessary impulses to live a more evolutionary life within the different Laws of the Universe.

This Sphere can unblock a spiritual or inner process which the mind sometimes generates.

The Sphere of Light of the consciousness is capable of reminding us of our origin and our beginning in Creation.

It can do all things.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


When a soul or a heart surrenders and places itself in My arms, I can heal it and have it feel what is new, what is hopeful, and what is good.

When a soul places itself in My arms and trusts, I can spill the codes into it that it needs to achieve peace during its time of redemption.

When a soul places itself in My arms and trusts in My designs, I can have it become similar to the souls that exist in Paradise.

This is why surrender is not a resignation or martyrdom, but rather an opportunity of emptying as life and as an instrument, because in this way, all that is to be redeemed and forgiven will achieve its inner liberation.

In order to surrender into My arms, the soul must trust in the Love that I can give it through those who surround it, because the Father needs each soul, each life, and each heart to be capable of keepening its degree of love, because love is what will make of each consciousness a full server of God.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from Assisi to San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The power of faith is capable of conceiving in hearts high degrees of devotion and of trust in the Creator, because faith conceives a state of unity with the Supreme Source of Creation.

Faith is capable of drawing to itself a state of Grace that allows converting and redeeming all things. In this sense, faith goes hand in hand with the energy of Grace, because the two principles represent the possibility for the human being to achieve union with their inner universe every day.

Faith also is the bearer of the essence of love, because the spiritual foundation of faith is to be found in love and unity. In this way, faith, as an energy, permits the correction of corrupt states of consciousness and places the soul on the path of peacemaking, the good and the positive.

Faith allows the generation of a condition of upliftment of the consciousness and balances the lack of trust in Divine Will.

Faith is everything for planetary life, since faith, as an attribute, lifts up the human consciousness again.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Fatima, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

God has Mercy on those who persist on His Divine Path and those who aspire every day to be better in love, unconditionality and kindness.

God has Mercy and Compassion for those who follow Him in spite of tripping, of being wounded by themselves and of falling from the path.

God has immense Mercy on those who repent from their heart and those who give Him their life so He may accomplish His Will.

God has Mercy on those who try every day to practice, one by one, the Words with which He instructs, by inspiring the Sacred Hearts to pronounce them.

God has Mercy on those who recognize themselves as unworthy, imperfect and full of error.

God has Mercy on those who work every day to be humble and honest with themselves and with their brothers and sisters on the path.

God has great Mercy on those who consecrate themselves and those who have left a life of consecration, for His deep and ardent desire is that humanity respond to His Son, the Christ.

God has Mercy on those who fear feeling separated from Him, on some plane of consciousness or far from His Love.

God has Mercy on those who surrender to the end and those who want nothing more for themselves, but rather only live in His eternal Grace, in His divine Faith and in His powerful Love.

God has so much Mercy to give that the majority of His children forget to go and find the Water of Life from the non-material Fount of His Creation.

God waits every day for you to simply look up to Heaven and say: "Father, here am I, may Your eternal Will be done rather than mine. Make me in likeness to Your Son, free me from ties, from the faults that imprison me, so that only Your Peace and Your Truth abound."

Simply with just these words, the Kingdom of God will be descending to the Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and always consecrates you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I purify your hands, so they may be free of self and gifted to the All.

I purify your feet with the Water of Life, so they may be clean and free at the moment of walking toward peace.

I purify your hearts, so they may be free of all stain and thus have great and expansive feelings of love.

I purify your eyes, so they may see God in every place.

I purify your ears, so they may inwardly hear the Sacred Word of God as unique and true.

I purify your mouths, so they may pronounce elevated vibrations, and that silence may penetrate into the depths of each being.

I purify each aspect of your beings, so that in the morning you may be free of everything, of any tie or any prison.

I purify, purify and purify in order that your souls govern, and your divine essences emerge into the awareness of each being.

After purifying you, I will definitely consecrate you so that you may be instruments and examples of the total human redemption. That will be the testimonial of the inexplicable victory of your Heavenly Mother in this humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Lisbon, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

With the Light of My Mirrors

With the Light of My oceanic Mirrors, I come to radiate the wondrous Universe of God to the world.

With the Light of My oceanic Mirrors, I balance the consciousness of the planet and generate, in humanity, a greater time of peace where none exists.

The Light of My Mirrors generates the approach of higher Laws to humanity, Laws that allow the descent of the Grace and Mercy of God.

 The Light of the Mirrors dissolves ideas of conflict and wars, and they become more powerful and luminous when souls pray to the Mother of God.

The Light of the Mirrors averts and appeases human anger, and expands the essence of Love in all spaces where unity and love do not exist.

The Light of the Mirrors can penetrate the human consciousness that opens its heart and its soul to recognize them. In this way, when the Light of the Mirrors is contacted with simplicity and humility, other Laws act upon the planetary consciousness.

I want the world to know the Light of the oceanic Mirrors, lovingly directed by My Immaculate Heart through the life that divine science has.

The Mirrors are part of that spiritual and divine science that is capable of lifting up each space and each soul to greater universes of consciousness.

With the Light of the Mirrors, I come to avoid the worldwide catastrophe that could be easily generated by the wars and the bombs created by the ignorance of some nations.

The Light of My oceanic Mirrors acts upon the unconscious of the planet, bringing codes for a new cellular atomic programming for humanity, in order that its consciousness wake up in the morning with a different feeling and seeming. 

The Light of the oceanic Mirrors draws streams of healing from the universe, since they acquire all that is positive and evolutionary which surface humanity needs.

When the oceanic Mirrors are active, they generate the conditions for the elevation of the terrestrial consciousness and of the Kingdoms in all their diversity.

The oceanic Mirrors can instruct humanity on states of prayer and attunement. They can also inspire the building of a more fraternal and peaceful consciousness.

The oceanic Mirrors are part of the Kingdom of Lys, a Kingdom of prayer and of healing; they are present in the Atlantic Ocean and help to achieve a greater state of peace. It is enough to be in inner attunement with them for them to begin to be spiritually active.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Lisbon, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Unity, a stronghold against evil

Unity first emerges from the higher universes of consciousness, directly from the Source of Creation, known spiritually by the name Abba.

That powerful energy of higher Unity is what has allowed, as a gift and as a principle, the manifestation of the universes and, from there, all the planes, from the spiritual to the material.

Unity is born of the non-material Source of God, for it is nurtured by the essence of Love.

If Love, which is unique and invincible, did not exist, it would be impossible to generate a unity of purpose.

This stream of Unity, which is born from the Primordial Source, is similar to a cosmic electricity, a positive fire that helps to unite the molecules or particles of Creation through a unique vibration based on Love and on Truth.

As Unity descends as a principle, on the different planes of consciousness, all that is created can contact it.

But Unity is part of a spiritual and non-intellectual science that give impulse to a spirit of cooperation and adherence among those that seek their Source.

In the Material Universe, specifically on this planet and in this humanity, Unity as an energy is in the background.

For this reason, Christ came to the world two thousand years ago so that humanity could disconnect from indifference and become connected with Unity; a principle that, during the Passion of Jesus, was one of the factors that defeated the adversary.

Unity is capable of concretizing the Plan in matter through a spirit of fellowship that souls can conceive of within themselves.

When spiritual Unity is absent in some way, for example, from a group of souls that have and are accomplishing the same purpose and mission, the vibration of Unity moves into the background, because there is a prevalence of personal rather than collective decision in the consciousnesses. Then the spirit of the Purpose is lost and becomes unachievable.

In this acute stage of the planet, in which personal realization, the accomplishing of individual goals, and a concern with the self are highly stimulated, the spirit of Unity weakens when interfered with by states of arrogance, pride and power.

This has repercussions in consciousnesses at the moment of their making delicate decisions in their lives, within a work or a spiritual purpose, because of not being connected with the Source, with the true essence that created them. The sense of Unity begins to withdraw from everybody, to the point of becoming almost unachievable.

It is thus that, from that moment, other situations begin to emerge; and what before was flexible, becomes rigid, tense and difficult.

The adversary has taken care of astutely instilling a state of ownership, of control in this humanity, and that souls only care about their lives and nothing else.

This corrupt mechanism of indifference, generated in the whole human consciousness, will be one of the great beasts of the Apocalypse that must be defeated by the Woman clothed in the Sun.

We are on the path for this to take place; for this reason, the planet will be stirred up in all senses and in every possible way, in order to remove this state of superficiality from the human consciousness.

There is still time, in the planetary clock, for souls to manage to set aside the world indifference and let themselves be permeated by the powerful principle of Unity, which will allow them to strive all the time against the traps and the plays that their own consciousnesses present them with.

Unity is a very important stronghold, for when it is truly present, nothing bad can happen.

So as to not leave the sacred spirit of Unity, you must watch yourselves, as well as your intentions and motives in the forefront; this will protect you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The art of singing...

Dear children,

We have reached the closing of a cycle, a cycle that from the beginning helped the consciousness of humanity by means of music, of the voices and of the instruments.

In this cycle that closes today, you had to learn to tune your patience, to uplift raise more and each time more the love of your hearts in each new music encounter, and to work the surrender of your lives for the unity and the fraternity among all the participants.

From now I tell you, that all My singing children were placed, throughout the last times, in the test of the constant self-improvement in order to be able to free the human race from everything that conditions its evolution and its awakening.

Thus, through the encounters of music, you were facing the own human condition, which is a determining factor in humanity, which hinders the free walking of the soldiers of the Plan.

In truth I say, to all My singing children, that in these encounters of music, love was never lacking although it might not have been apparently present in everyone. The love offered during all the meetings helped gestate the necessary conditions so that your Celestial Mother could work with humanity and with the planet.

To all this, to My dear singing children of the group in pilgrimage, the last challenge has come on this day: to give all for all, placing themselves in the school of sacrifice, of effort and of renunciation, so that on this afternoon the music can give the necessary fruits that will prepare you to begin a new cycle of these encounters.

I affirm that it is difficult to gather to sing such different consciousnesses form one another, it is a true miracle that in times of planetary crisis, the encounters of music have been realized victoriously.

In this way, for all this to be possible, you never lacked the help from Heaven and from the angels, so that the essence of the encounters of music and its purpose could be fulfilled.

Today I also dedicate this message to a little child of Mine, the one that has been for your Celestial Mother the testimony of perseverance and of effort, at the moment of dealing and working with the souls in this audacious mission of gathering to sing for the healing of humanity.

I send to this little child of Mine, all the Love of the Mother of God and from now I give thanks that the planet has been so, but so helped by the gatherings of music held, and that this has avoided the activation of wars.

In the closure of this cycle of encounters of music, I will ask each singer, instrumentalist and composer to reflect about everything that has happened and that, placing your hand over the heart, you confirm to your Celestial Mother how you can help better, so that these impulses continue reaching humanity.

With more consciousness about the true events that move the encounters of music, your lives will be more fraternal, selfless and available to fulfill the designs of My Immaculate Heart.

For last, remember that these encounters of music dissolved the earthly hell and placated the planetary chaos.

I leave you this reflection, waiting that in the next encounter of music, in six months, the consciousnesses will have elevated themselves in fraternity to the divine Purpose.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you in love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

When I come to ask you to pray for the oceans and seas, I also ask that you pray for the continents and nations; in this way, all of Creation will be spiritually included in this proposal for redemption and Grace for this planet.

It will be in this way that all the Kingdoms, from the Mineral Kingdom to the Angelic Kingdom, will be assisted by the powerful stream of prayer and of peace.

I would like all My praying children to be able to penetrate this mystery of the universe of prayer, because each time you activate the prayerful verb, you are allowing the Divine Source to descend and draw closer to the whole human race.

With the prayer for the oceans and for the Kingdoms of Nature, your Heavenly Mother can intercede in a broader way, and although humanity continues to commit offenses against Creation, My Grace today grants you an opportunity for more souls to awaken and feel within themselves the need for a change toward the good and peace.

While the planet and your race are spiritually congested, your Heavenly Mother comes with aid and with love to rescue you, and in this way, establish a state of greater fraternity, wisdom and love in the human race, even though the majority of My children have lost everything.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and prays for you every day,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My Son ascended from the Mount of Olives to Heaven and the Universe of the Father received Him in praise, glory and rejoicing.

The Son of God returned to His Celestial Home with the mission accomplished and He promised to return to humanity in the end of times. The Celestial Home was illuminated by the Presence of the Redeemer and a golden Cross was placed on the right side of Our Lord.

From His Son, the Father received the warmest affection, which flooded each divine space, causing it to become more sublime and fraternal among the angels and archangels.

The Son of God was crowned, and at the Feet of His Father, received the blessing of the universe and of all Creation.

At that moment, everything shone and was reflected in the universes. An expansion of Love radiated to every living being and what was previously spiritually dark achieved illumination and redemption, because the beloved Son emanated divine and unfathomable Mercy from His noble Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

While My beloved Son was preparing to face the most cruel moment of His sacrifice for humanity, the holy women spiritually entered into seclusion and prayer to accompany their Holy Lord in their heart.

The sufferings and sadness that My beloved Son would face for an ungrateful humanity, would help to uplift it to a level of consciousness it had never reached up to that time.

Jesus came to the world to renew everything and make of this race a rescuable project, in order that the New Christs would awaken, throughout the ages, to continue the Work of the change and redemption of humanity.

My Son came to surrender Himself completely, so that humanity could learn to truly love and be free of expectations and results.

Jesus opened the door of humility to the world through His Sacred Passion. What He experienced in that time allowed other spiritual realities to manifest in this period.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While the holy women were already near Jerusalem, on the other hand, the Divine Son was also approaching the town in which He would be repudiated and would die for all.

By an act of infinite love and incomprehensible for the human mind, My Beloved Son would surrender all His Life and Divinity for the salvation of humanity and of the planet.

During the trip to Jerusalem, which My Beloved Son took with His apostles, Peter asked Him why He, being the Messiah and the Savior of Israel, should have to go through this experience.

Jesus, attentive to the movement of His adversary, declared viva voce that the Will of God would be fulfilled in this Universe and on this planet and that nothing nor nobody could tempt or alter this Divine Will.

In this way, Jesus awoke in His apostles the fortress and the faith so that in the difficult moments of the Passion of Christ their consciousnesses might stay serene and not full of fear for believing that all had been a failure.

The surrender of Jesus made it possible to test the trust of His followers in something that is Greater and Divine. The Passion of Jesus allowed to reveal to the world its inferior condition, at that time, of all of human consciousness.

Jesus, before entering Jerusalem, shed upon His people the most elevated luminescent codes so that at the crucial moment the apostles might guard themselves spiritually from all the forces and energies that would be moved.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While Jesus travelled through the cities, one by one, the souls could feel and recognize the sanctity of My Son because, in reality, the Holy Father expressed Himself through the noble Heart of Jesus.

This permitted that the souls could be participants in many Graces, although My Son already knew that His hour was drawing close. Jesus, beyond all He would endure, never kept from manifesting His joy, because through His joy, He transmitted many things to the souls; through His smile He left a message of hope and of victory, which would be kept in the memory of the most simple ones.

The Lord attracted to the world the Kingdom of God and, being with the children, He demonstrated that it is in the smallness of the most simple and humble things that the truth about our true being is kept.

Through the parables or through the most concrete examples, Jesus attracted from the Universe the essence of Instruction and, in the most simple persons, He left engraved the Principle of Wisdom.

Thus, nobody remained without the possibility of internally knowing the essence of Love and of Truth, which through Jesus expressed themselves in the whole of Creation.

He attracted toward humanity, in that time, the knowledge about the Kingdom of God. Such knowledge in this material Universe lies in all that has been created.

The Lord helped each soul to feel, to a certain degree, one with the Creator; because being in the Father and the Father in them, the true state of Unity could manifest itself.

Jesus benefitted from all time He had available to make concrete the Will of God; this would culminate in His Passion, in His Death and in His Resurrection.

I thank you for responding to My call.    

Who blesses you,    

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Just as there are millions of stars in the universe, there are millions of essences that are daughters of this universal Creation. 

In this vast universe, the Spiritual Hierarchy accompanies the awakening of these essences upon a path of redemption and of peace.

In the vast universe, there is life, life in everything the Father created in order to express the  different degrees of love. 

Thus, essences can learn about love through life experiences that take place in this universe, until some consciousness attains the highest degrees of love, just as Jesus attained them in past time.

This is how Creation is recreated, so that evolutionary life advances, and deeper steps in love and in truth are taken, bringing wisdom over all things.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

With inner prayer arises a beautiful flower that makes consciousness and life shine.

Prayer is a beautiful flower that opens and illuminates spaces; it is the expression of the love conceived by each being throughout their experiences.

Prayer makes each part of the consciousness more elevated. This allows atavistic forces to be released, because prayer brings to consciousness many realities as well as other matters.

Prayer is that portal that indicates the true and only path toward an encounter with peace and good.

Prayer is the mirror in which each soul is projected into the universe, and this draws new principles, because prayer makes each aspect of life something redeemable.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

On this day it is a joy to see souls in consecration that aspire to live the Plan of God; souls that, in spite of all the circumstances, persist over time, given impulse by faith and love for Christ, My beloved Son.

Within consecrated souls lies the refuge of My Son, where He can find consolation and joy when each being offers, even the smallest part of themselves, so that He may reign through them.

Today, I wash your hands, dear children, so that they may be blessed.

Today, I wash your faces, so that your eyes may open to the Divine every day.

I wash your feet so that they may be purified and you may open to take new steps along your paths.

I wash your wounds so that they may close and no soul loses the joy of again finding God.

Today, may each part of your being be washed by the water that comes from the Source, which nurtures the life of the spirit and of the consciousness.

May the consecrated souls receive the impulse of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit so that all may be renewed, and at the next dawn, they may be awakened by hope and deep faith.

May the souls that are being consecrated renew their vows to the Plan of God, because if your faith has brought them to this part of the path, it is because you are walking with Me toward a definite re-encounter with love and peace.

I thank you for responding to My Divine call!

Who vivifies you in Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


With a ray of Light of My Heart I penetrate the Earth with Grace, and moving the Mirrors of the Cosmos towards the planet, souls receive and capture the impulses of the Universe.

The great power plants of the Cosmos retransmit its codes to humanity and the spirits united with the Father receive the gifts that, as from today, will be a part of their evolution.

The Mirrors of the Cosmos emanate infinite impulses and all beings of goodwill find an inner meaning to their lives. And in this way, a deep communion is established between souls that awaken and God.

Everything renews itself. To the point where those who used to be far from the Christic path resume their commitment of yore, and in this way, the Glorious Face of Christ is drawn over the light of the Mirrors, and new sublime codes are introduced in the matrix essence of creatures.

Those souls feel the impulse; those souls feel the call. Nothing is lost.

Hearts manage to quench their age-old thirst and after so many centuries and after so many experiences, the future race, formed by Mirror beings, awaken their main mission.

What is that main mission?

That of radiating the Love from the Source to a planet in darkness.

Each soul receives from the Universe what it needs, and each heart is nourished by new and unknown Laws.

What before seemed impossible to a human consciousness, the acquired spiritual impulse makes redeemable, and their soul places itself on the step that corresponds to it within the Plan.

Everything is transformed and the doors to Cosmic Knowledge are opened so that creatures may rediscover their essences and their original purity.

But the hour indicates that the most conscious beings, the tireless servants, must be attentive to the movement of the Mirrors, for the time has come for illuminating the consciousness and having these impulses be as if they were the last.

Drink of the knowledge and believe that it is this Divine Water that will quench the thirst for knowing who you are in truth and what you have come to fulfill.

It is in this way that the Laws resurrect old collaborators of the Evolutionary Plan, so that the sick planet may be healed by the virtues and the tools that each sun will offer to the Universal Father.

We are in the end times and the sacred Instruction of the Universe will make each soul and each being more conscious and helpful.

A stage closed in the last months and a new one has already begun.

Do not miss the opportunity of unveiling inner mysteries and of bringing them to the surface of your consciousness so that they serve as a cooperation with the Plan.

The material and inner time is precious. You have never crossed such a definite threshold before. You have never known the Portal towards the Real Time of the Universe before this. Because the time has come to penetrate into it through the flow of love of the heart.

Because in this way, no matter what happens, or how much the Earth trembles, you will be in profound brotherhood and the fruit given by the Fig Tree*, as a sacred tree, will serve as aid and as support for those who will have a spiritual hunger for evolutionary matters.

Be attentive, each step you take will mark a fulfillment of new stages. It is time to abandon the individuality of consciousness and to embrace forever the fraternal group life.

Remember, children, the words of Jesus: “Love one another as I have loved you”.

May this be your firm premise and may the Laws of Spiritual Unity among beings be fulfilled, so that indifference, omission, and abandonment may be extirpated from the unconscious of this humanity.

In this way, you will be able to be in communion and service with all the human and planetary needs which will emerge overnight.

I wish, children, that each stage that you live be well taken advantage of and that nobody else, consecrated or non-consecrated, closes the door to the cosmic assistance that is arriving.

So rediscover your true civilization and be part of this Divine Project that must be carried out through the faithful and conscious collaboration of everyone.

May the Islands of Salvation appear after having been built by the hands of all.

May My Children be true caretakers of these Islands, and be guardians of the Grand Portal through which Christ will appear for this world.

Pour your miseries into My Heart, for I will transform them and they will be, in a short while, roses in My Garden of Light.

Believe in the true and the pure which exists within you, and in this way, the Earth will be repopulated by new principles of love and of unity.

Do not cease to capture what the Mirrors are emanating; they indicate to humanity that an end cycle is being lived.

Forward, My warriors of Peace!

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you with the Light of all the Cosmos,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May the flame of the Holy Spirit illuminate your paths so that they may be filled by Its Gifts of Wisdom and Love, because by receiving these celestial attributes, the souls that are disciples of Christ will acquire greater wisdom, discernment and love for accomplishing their tasks.

May the flame of the Holy Spirit give you the impulse every day to live the transcendence from forms and liberation from obstacles, for by receiving the Holy Spirit within yourselves, the consciousness is able to further understand the Plan of God.

May the flame of the Holy Spirit enter the very depths of the spirit of each being so that inner truth may be revealed, and, in this way, the doors may open to forgiveness so that everyone may go through them.

Allow this sacred Flame of the Holy Spirit to envelope you and make of each soul a precious instrument in the Hands of God.

“Come Holy Spirit and transform all that was created
for the Glory of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who gives you the impulse,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
