In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
A story is written in the Mirrors of Heaven, a story that you should come to know today. It is the Will, but it is also the impulse of your great awakening, of the awakening of consciousness that all the creatures on Earth should experience, although we are in a time of transition.
Within the Mirrors that I rule throughout the universe, the Will of God is deposited, and, through this Will, His most ardent aspirations are written. One of these aspirations, My children, is that humanity be withdrawn from illusion, from world illusion, so that it may enter the Celestial Truth, that which we call the “awakening of consciousness”.
If today you have come here, and if others arrive later, it is because you have already begun the path toward the great awakening, toward the discovery of your true inner being, which can allow you day by day to step out of appearances and illusions. May all of you have the Grace of coming to know your essences and of being aware that you are a part of a great system of universal communication, a system that the planet integrates.
Today I want to lead you through My Divine Consciousness toward these spaces. I want you, just like your Celestial Mother, to only contemplate, in reverence and in solemnity, the great network of the subtle Mirrors of the universe, of which a part of your being is a part.
It is toward this origin that you must return today, because, by returning to your origins, My children, you will allow the consciousness of humanity to be elevated and transmuted. You will allow the suffering, the anguish and all the conflict of the world to be dissolved by the spiritual Light of My Mirrors, which can descend to your lives through sincere and true prayer.
Today, this great system of great universal communication is latent and present at this moment upon the world, upon what you call the orbit of the Earth, so that this humanity may be helped and alleviated, so that the soul of your planet may be withdrawn from the hell in which it lives in this time.
Do not forget, My children, that My Son and His Heavenly Mother have incarnated here, and that we are a part of this humanity, we are great universal Consciousnesses that understand the human condition and work every day towards sublimating this inferior condition by means of the great keys of Love, Mercy and Peace.
I want you to enter with Me into three specific mirrors that today I reveal to you, to your souls and to your inner beings, which are the Mirrors of Love, Peace and Wisdom.
For a moment, open your inner eyes, feel your inner senses, and contemplate the Purpose of God, which, through you, must still be revealed and built.
In these Mirrors lies a part of your existence, of your origins, of your universal trajectory. You can perceive that you are not only matter, but that what is true is your spirit united to the Divine Spirit of God. You can perceive, at this moment, how through a simple but loving attunement with Me, you can reach God and come to know, from within yourselves, the purpose that He has for each one of you.
Today I make your essences return toward the great Mirrors of Creation, which have their foundations upon the Mirror of Unity. Let it be Love, Peace and Wisdom that lead you to build, within and outside of yourselves, Sacred Unity.
All of you have walked much throughout this universe. So many experiences are registered in the Mirrors of Creation! What a long trajectory you have lived throughout the times, the eras and the generations! And you still aspire for your awakening? So that once and for all you may recognize that you are not only what is imperfect, but rather that within yourselves, within the innermost essence of each being, there lies the Perfection of God, which was thought of by the Eternal Father Himself, before the emergence of Creation.
Do you dare to love the mystery ever more? So that the mystery may some day be converted into a revelation, and the sacred secrets may be unveiled so that souls may awaken and know, beyond everything, that each one of you has a purpose and a mission to accomplish in this life and in the next one.
Work for this, every day, strive for this, every day, because the Kingdom of God is drawing near and the Sacred King of the Universe will meet you again, face to face, and will ask you for the talents that He left within your heart. In this crucial time of humanity, may these talents be converted into virtues, into concrete actions, into the expression of the higher Love of God in all situations and circumstances so that, My children, you may learn, each day more, to love among yourselves.
For this reason, God still awaits, through your service, that through your surrender and obedience to the Plan of the Creator, you may come to know His Will, which must be the will in you in the three planes of manifestation: material, mental and spiritual.
With the effort that you experience in this time, with dedication to the life of prayer and to service for your fellow beings, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature, many are approaching this truth written in the story of the Mirrors, because within it your spirits will live the synthesis and find the meaning and reason for having come here to Earth, to live this school of forgiveness and redemption.
For this reason, today, I tell you, My children, that many of you can count on the sacred places that are present throughout the Americas, places where the different Purposes of God beat, not only for this planet, but also for all souls of humanity.
Sooner or later, the consciousnesses will face the Will of God, and they will have just one instant to decide which path they will take.
But today, I not only come for you, so that you may keep walking toward this Will and toward this Purpose, so that the great awakening may be more real in each one of you, but I also come as the Mother of the World, for all those who have lost the path toward the Purpose, for the most lost.
In this time of tribulation, a point of Light of the Third Order of the Brotherhood shines upon the surface of the Earth, which after 33 years has become a reality. May the Sacred Star of Divine Union between Heaven and Earth, between souls and God, between the servers and the Hierarchies, shine within your chests.
Carry within you a feeling of true concretion, not only of your path of redemption, but also of concretion of the Divine Plan, by means of all those who someday self-summoned to respond to this call of the Brotherhood.
I want to tell you, My beloved children, that the loving and compassionate gaze of the Hierarchies is at this moment upon you and especially upon this wounded and outraged planet.
Who will dare to go, together with Us, to the rescue of the essence of this planet and of this humanity?
Who will dare, together with Me, to listen to the cry of the soul of the Earth, subjected and enslaved by human beings, by those who outrage Creation?
May your prayers and all your services, in the coming times, mend the mistakes that are being lived today, and, above all, the grave climatic causes that the planet is experiencing today.
Do not cease, not even for a moment, to pray, although you may see in the coming times a dark sky or even the Moon painted red like blood. Do not see the horrors nor listen to the cries of despair of many nations.
Elevate your hearts toward God and cry out with the power of the Divine Word. May your words not only be words, may your prayers be decrees in the moments of greater tribulation, may your hearts burn in the love for service so that many more souls may have one last opportunity.
This is what is emitted today by the Mirrors of Love, Peace and Wisdom, Mirrors that not only remind you of your origin, where the principle of your harmony and balance exists, but also Mirrors that reveal today the true situation of humanity, where evil has conquered many hearts.
Because if you have ever been struck, as My Son was struck, stand up. Because if you are ever humiliated, do not respond, and, thank God. Always practice the good, because in the good you will find peace and the certainty that you are serving God, in spite of the consequences.
Today, I extend My arms toward the wounded world. Today, I open My Mantle so that all My children, those awakened and those not awakened, can be under Me, under My spiritual and maternal Light.
For 33 years, since 1988 began, the Hierarchy was waiting for this moment, for a united Fraternity to be present in the three planes of consciousness. Today, this great spiritual triangulation is complete, the Brotherhood of the Divine, the Brotherhood of the Universe and the Brotherhood upon the surface of the Earth, prepared to face the last moment of the Armageddon, the great and last battle between the Light and the darkness.
I also pray, from this day on, that all My children, all possible consciousnesses, may have the Grace to recognize the Return of Christ, who will not come as many may think, but He will come in an indescribable way, and I would even say an unknown way, because no one has seen and no one knows how He will come, but the hearts will feel His arrival in the very depths of their beings. At that moment, in spite of where they may find themselves or wherever they are, they will start walking toward the Return of Christ, and many will hear about His arrival.
But pay attention not to be confused. Many will use this moment to benefit themselves. The true Return of Christ is the one which you will only feel within your heart. If your hearts do not feel the Return of Christ, it is because it will not be My Son, but rather others who will pretend to be Jesus.
But those who in these last eight years had the Grace of His Presence, within this Work of the Mercy of God, have learned to recognize Christ as a sacred spiritual vibration that leads them to peace and to feel His ardent Love. In His Words you will always find strength, in His Sacraments, you will always find salvation.
As hard as these times may be, never lose faith, because if you have come this far, My beloveds, how much more will you be able to do in the end of these times? He died for you, to give you eternal life, because, in Him, all will always be renewed, rest assured of this.
As the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity of Aurora, today I bid farewell, and, after fourteen years, I am here again to be close to all My children, to bring them the healing of the heart of Aurora, which will always be able to shine within you, if you just trust in the Light of Aurora.
Let us recognize the Grace of God, at this moment, and, just for an instant, let us see, My children, all that has been built through effort and surrender, and, especially how much your lives have changed up to the present moment. Believe in the power of the Love of Christ so that all may be renewed, although it may seem impossible in these times.
Today, I bless the planet, I bless the continents, especially all the regions that are suffering the catastrophes of these times, all those who are exiled and take refuge in other places of the world, fleeing wars, mistreatment, blood. Today, I pour out My Light upon all those who are sick, lost, forgotten, forsaken, impoverished and miserable.
May this Light of Aurora that you have received throughout these years, by an act of true Love and Mercy, be deposited in the places that need it the most. May this spiritual family bless the families of the world so that, once and for all, upon this horizon of Creation, the New Humanity may emerge, the New Humanity may awaken, the New Humanity may arise.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I leave here, listening to a poem that was made for My Heart. May this poem, that you will hear today, through a song, confirm you to My Heart forever.
I am very grateful.
See you soon.
I come to offer you, My children, My Rose of Light and of Peace, as a means for your conversion and redemption. This Rose of Light is the symbol of My original Purity, the Purity that comes from God and His Source, which was lovingly cared for and prepared by the angels of Heaven, before I was created by God.
My children, accept this Rose of Light that is born of the gifting of My Heart, not only for Italy, but also for the souls of the world; for My children of Africa, for My children of Asia, of Oceania and of the Americas. This Rose of Light that I offer you is for everyone.
From the very depths of My Soul, from the very depths of My Spirit, I come to offer all souls of Italy this Rose of Light, for in this way, the Celestial Father will be able to contemplate your purity, your effort in transformation and in redemption, and when He sees the Rose of Light in each one of His children, He will not pour out His Justice, but rather will pour out His immense Grace. He will pour out all the Love that created you from the beginning of the Source.
My children, may this Rose of Light be in your hearts as a spiritual, inner and silent communion with the Heavenly Mother.
I come to bring this symbol and this example of charity of My Heart, because from My children I wish for their prompt conversion and redemption, so that someday they may reach the Kingdom of the Heavens and they will descend to the future Earth through the New Humanity.
If My Rose of Light is in you, My children, you will be able to offer an example of life, of kindness, and of charity to others.
Europe should never forget that service is the path for finding the Pity of God that it so much needs, just like other regions of the world are in need of other attributes of God, not only for transforming life completely, but also for living His Holy and Divine Will.
With this Rose of Light that I bring you today, My children, to Italy and to the whole Universe I exhibit the essential Purity of the Mother of God, one of the most immaculate and great mysteries of God that comes from His non-material Source for all the creatures of the Universe, for all the galaxies, all the stars and all the suns.
When opening to the inner life, everything, absolutely everything is permeated by the essential Purity of the Mother of God.
What I need, My children, is for you to cultivate within yourselves this spiritual symbol of purity so that, day by day, you may learn to reconsider and to change, so that you may learn to live in the Commandments of God, especially so that you may learn to take care of your planet, of humanity, and of the wounded Kingdoms of Nature.
Open your hearts, My children, for this mystery of Love that I bring you today. I am interceding for you, as I have never before interceded for Italy.
That is why I come today, My children, as the last Messenger of God, to announce to the world the Light of Christ, which is drawing closer to humanity and to all the planet through the Purity of the Mother of God.
I need your lives to be an example not only of charity, but also of love; and you will learn to reconcile with one another. In this way, My children, you will learn to recognize the Sacred Face of My Son in your brothers and sisters. It is what My Son needs today from Italy, that all recognize His Holy Face in your brothers and sisters and in your fellow being, so that He may establish Peace, so urgent in your people as well as in the whole world.
I need you, My children, to sow on Earth the purity of your hearts, because humanity has completely lost it.
The Purity that comes from God is within you; it will illumine the Earth, all that is created, and all that is manifested, and thus, everything will transform according to what God has expected for such a long time.
Be encouraged, My children, to find your purity again and to ask yourselves where it is. I offer Myself as your Mother and Queen through the true path of prayer so that you may find this path again and help your brothers and sisters to be able to find it again, because with this simple act of charity, when expressing the love and the good in all of this people of Italy, many more will find again the meaning for being here on Earth, and before everything happens in the world, many will feel called to live the path of conversion.
My Son gave you an incalculable treasure for humanity through the divine Sacraments so that you may always be blessed, renewed, and filled by the Divine Spirit of God that comes to the world through His Messengers to open the eyes of your consciousness, so that you may see beyond the material, and also beyond the spiritual.
It is time, My children, that in awakening your original Purity, you may also see the need of the whole world. Learn through love and the good to cover the needs of your fellow being, to alleviate suffering, to bring peace where it no longer exists, where it has been missing for a long time.
At this moment, your Divine Lady ignites Her Crown of Light, by means of Her twelve stars, to illumine each one of the nations of Europe in this pilgrimage with the Messengers of God, to sow the new attributes on Earth, arid and very dry lands where the spiritual Source no longer exists.
But I cause them to sprout like in Lourdes, the water that will heal you and that will save you. I offer you, My children, the Water that flowed from the Side of My Son, the spiritual and material Water that flows from His Side, bringing the light to the world and healing to humanity.
Every day, My children of Italy, practice small gestures of love and of service. Keep your cities and your peoples in harmony. Take care of the hygiene of the environment so that you never lack health. Love and respect what God has given you. Contemplate and love the Kingdoms of Nature.
Build the city of Naples through these gestures so that you may someday perceive that a spiritual Universe far from Earth, but within this universe, waits to descend to the world to awaken your spiritual consciousnesses. And in this way, like the ancient patriarchs and prophets, move forward to live the Plan of the Most High with bravery and love, just as He thought and gave it to the people of Israel.
With examples and education, remind those who do not have any to take care of the environment; nature will be deeply grateful to you. Spiritual harmony will be set in place so that other things may happen, not only here, but also in the rest of Italy.
As testimony of that essential Purity that emerges from My Heart, today I come to consecrate new Children of Mary. At this moment, I will listen to the instrumental version of the hymn of your consecration, so that your Heavenly Mother may be able to bless you and commit you to a new mission for many more souls, which someday hope to awaken to the Consciousness of God so as to realize that they never lacked the Love, the Grace and the Mercy of the Father.
May those who are going to be consecrated approach.
With such different souls, one from another, I come to bring the Spirit of renewal of My Son, knowing that Europe has need of a very profound change to achieve the Divine Attributes of God that will transform life on Earth, that will bring awareness, light, and redemption to humanity.
Under this Spirit of Love that comes from My Son, I entrust you with the task, My children, of praying for Italy so that more of your brothers and sisters of this nation may someday commit to praying as you do, knowing that the commitment of My children in this time is for humanity and all the planet; giving the Purity of My Heart to each one of you.
Thus, I renew you, I heal you, and I grant the Mercy of God to you and your families, to your nations of origin, to the European continent, to all of humanity, knowing that you must always remember that, beyond your nations, histories, or past, it is possible to redeem and renew everything. And that you will always be brothers and sisters in Christ so that He may always bless you and fill you with His Merciful Love.
My children, for this step that you are taking today before your Heavenly Mother, I am very grateful. You do not know what that means to Me. Someday you will understand it, when you are in Heaven with me in the Celestial Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
This new step opens for you the doors to new learnings, to new schools, to new challenges. You will be safeguarded by your Celestial mother, in obedience, in humility, in resignation, in absolute trust and in surrender.
In the name of the Purity of God that flows from the heart of His Universe for all of humanity and the planet, as an inexhaustible Source of love and of compassion, beyond the errors of the world and the injustice of humankind, I bring you the maternal blessing, the love of My Heart.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of My Son, I thank you all for having accomplished, up to this moment, this second stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace, and now Croatia and Hungary will prepare to receive us, so that more light of the Divine Source may continue to be poured out in Eastern Europe and also the whole world.
I thank you for responding to My Call and as a greeting to your Celestial Mother, I invite you to sing the hymn of your consecration.
I thank you.
In this time, I want you to be My ambassadors of Peace, so that My Heart may travel the world through your hearts and essences, which are clear in the Eyes of God.
I waited a long time to be here today with you. I prayed and adored My Son, so that on this day, I could fill your hearts and the hearts of all your brothers and sisters of this country, who in spite of the consequences, never lost their faith in My Heart nor in the Most Sacred Heart of My Son.
But if I am here today, dear children, I am with all the Americas; I am with each one of you, bringing a piece of the Heaven of God, so that your lives may be sanctified through the Presence of My maternal Spirit.
Today, a great knot was untied by My merciful hands, and this was offered by your hearts through the prayer of the heart, which unites all your spirits with Mine, to thus concretize the Works of Peace.
If I come to this part of the world to proclaim with My Voice from Heaven, for this dear Colombia, it is also to seek, from your hearts, a continuation of your groups of prayer, which will be essential in these definitive times.
Finally, today My Heart does not cry. My Heart is glad on seeing hearts with such significant responses.
I deeply want the Heart of the Father, dear children, to be pleased on seeing your hearts filled with love and with prayer.
I want this spiritual impulse that I bring you today, dear children, to not be lost in your lives, but rather that your paths can be Christified in the name of the Lord.
Today I come from the universe to assemble all your souls in this greater task that, over the last months and through your intercession, we have prepared together so that all of this, on this holy day, be possible here in Colombia.
I would like to return here someday, because I know that here I can find simple hearts receptive to the Call of God and to this proposal of living peace in the end of times.
While on the other side of the world, many hearts are martyred and annihilated, I come to give you the spirit of My Grace so that your lives and families may testify to the Presence of God in these times through the Sacred Hearts. And if your hearts are consecrated today, you will be speaking a great 'yes' to the whole universe, and a new door will open so that other souls, through you, are able to reach My Heart.
My Son thirsts for you; I also thirst for your love.
Every day, throughout time and the centuries, I come to seek brave hearts that can help Me to concretize this Work of co-redemption.
Dear children, today My Heart leaves you a blessing, opening a new door to the universe so that your lives may recognize spiritual life; because today the time has come for your great awakening to this Divine Purpose that many do not want to see because of the great commitment it means to work for God and for His Plan of Redemption.
Today I come to bring relief to your hearts. Today I come to bring joy to this nation. From Heaven, a Ray touches the Earth through My maternal Presence.
Today, I unite this place with Fatima, so that all your spiritual life of prayer may be a great mirror of Light that reflects upon the world to release evil from the Earth and all the consequences of the chaos.
Persist, My very dear children; I come here to help and guide you. I come to bring you the state of My Celestial Peace because it is what your lives most need; it is what your souls wait for so as to be able to live in God in these times, in spite of the critical consequences that many of your brothers and sisters bring about in humanity.
Through My Most Sacred, Pure and Immaculate Heart, I pour out the Mercy of God upon you so that your faults may be dissolved and you may be consecrated again, in the fullness of My merciful Heart.
But today I am not alone here; your angels accompany My Celestial Presence. Today, with gladness, My Spirit celebrates with you and new seeds of Light are sown in your hearts.
Do not cease to water those seeds of Light with your prayers. Talents must sprout in each of you so that this Marian Work may expand throughout all the Americas, and all the Americas may be a great pillar of Light in the end of times.
In this place, in all these American peoples, are held precious relics of Light, potentials of the Holy Spirit that are kept in the spirits of all creatures, and beyond you, in all the Andes mountain range.
Imagine, dear children, how much spiritual abundance awaits you, how many divine keys can be given to all when your hearts and minds simply open to the conception of the universe, to that divine union with the totality of the Creation of God.
I come to bring you, dear children, a message of hope, not only to you, but to the world.
Pray, dear children, not only for your precious Earth, for your sacred people that have held the memory of the love for God.
Pray also for Venezuela, pray also for Ecuador. In this way, dear children, you will be opening the doors even further so that the angels of each nation are able to work through your hearts and manifest, in these times, the Purpose of God in each of you.
That is to say, I need you to be firm, resolved, so as to be able to follow Me in this call which I proclaim today in My Sacred name and the Love of My Son.
I know, dear children, that today you would like to tell Me many things, but My Heart knows it all and feels it all.
Keep My Words in your hearts, for I always listen to you. I contemplate your needs and pleas and, as a response of the Love of God, today your Most Holy Mother of the Universe is here, in Cali with all of Colombia, as a response to your request.
Do you understand, dear children, what that means in these times?
Do not fear, dear children, to be able to face your errors, so that these may be purified and transformed. Remember that in each of you there exists the Purity and Essence of God.
Awaken to that Purity that the Sanctuary of Lys-Fatima lovingly pours over you today, in your lives and all the lives of the world; freeing you from the prisons on the planet, from captivity, from the wrecks that many hearts of Mine are experiencing because of not being able to find peace and the simplicity of the heart.
But in your sacred land there is no lack of simplicity. You are simple. Thus, as your Mother of Divine Simplicity, I come to ask that you accompany Me on this journey, in this call that I make today to a world without peace; in this way, you will gladden the Heart of the Celestial Father, which is very injured by your brothers and sisters of the Earth.
Now, petition Me in the silence of your hearts.
I bless you all the time and visit your homes, when you open the door of prayer to Me. I rejoice when I see you praying with Me. I rejoice when you sing to My Heart, because it is the Heart of God.
As a sign of all this greatness of the universe of My Heart, today, in the Presence of the Holy Spirit, I again consecrate new children of My Immaculate Heart, which on October 13, show God that the Original Purity will not be erased from hearts, but rather will triumph until the New Earth.
Angels and archangels unite with this moment and the Spirit of God enters this nation to bring peace to hearts, to free souls, to fill hearts with the love and unity of all the Celestial Universe.
In this way, beloved children, today, in your hearts carry the sign of My maternal Love.
While I am here with you, I am with all of Colombia and with all the Americas, united with My praying children for this purpose of achieving peace, the peace of the heart.
Today, let the children who will be consecrated come, representing this sacred land, the Colombia of My Love.
I am waiting in silence, dear children, for you to assemble in this oratory, the Oratory of My Heart.
Feel My Peace, the sublime warmth of My Heart. Feel the breeze of My Spirit that fills you completely, feel God through My Divine Spirit, feel all of Creation, all of nature through the angels. Feel the protection, feel the Love that heals all things and redeems all things, feel My kindness which unifies you. Feel My Spirit that renews you, feel My Peace that illumines you to new horizons, feel the absolution of God, feel the Original Purity that unites you to all as a single brotherhood.
In this profound feeling, let your hearts be glad for being today with your Celestial Mother, Who loves you, heals you, unifies you and renews you in the perfect Purpose of God, Who reveals your true mission to you in this end time.
And today, having you all with My Immaculate Heart, I come here to call you to peace, so that you may be carriers of My Peace, and so that you never forget peace.
I come here, from Heaven, to thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sing with gladness and gratitude.
All are My children in the Creator Universe.
And today, I bless these holy images and all these sacred objects, so that they may be the perfect symbol of the union of souls with God and with His Purpose of Love.
Thank you, Colombia, for all that you give Me!
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
To close this meeting, we will give tribute to the Virgin Mary with the Hail Mary of Colombia, to thank Our Lady, the Queen of Peace.
Song: "Hail Mary."
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Thank you, Mother, for all that You give us!
Until later, Colombia!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more