Due to the beginning of the synod of Bishops for the Amazon and this meeting of prayer, which is taking place in Manaus, the Father has granted the world a spiritual reprieve, which in these coming hours will mark the closing of the cycle of that Grace.

This is why all the angels are attentive to the inner decisions of the souls so that, through this decisión, the planet may receive a last Grace that would place it in a rescuable condition.

Therefore, My children, a way to give a response to the Divine Plan is to assume it and with responsibility carry it forward, beyond circumstances and facts.

If souls really place the Plan first, before themselves and before the spiritual reprieve ends, they will allow millions of souls to be considered by the Celestial Father for the arising of the coming Kingdom upon the Earth, which will be free from evils, exploitations, and human and social injustice.

The decision is in the center of the heart of each being, and the Universe will be attentive to the spiritual movement of souls because this will also have repercussions in the Church of My Son, which will need to be redeemed and purified.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

With joy, I can tell you today that your prayers for the beloved Amazon are like flowers of light that are deposited at the Feet of the Creator in order to give Him the offering and the response of the human consciousness, for this precious project.

Thus, I am accompanying the offerings of all of My children, and with love I receive them in My Heart to then be able to pour them out as graces and healing upon humanity.

In this way, dear children, all of the spiritual, mental and material needs begin to be provided, and souls have the opportunity of becoming aware and of awakening.

Therefore, see the powerful effect of the prayer that is born from the heart, a prayer that grants and allows the fulfillment of the Divine Plan in its different stages.

Today the Amazon is once again magnetized by the light and love of My children, of those who love the Lower Kingdoms, and of those who will always seek to restore and alleviate nature so that someday the destructive human being of the surface may perceive that, without the presence of nature, they would die from not having the life nor the shelter of the Lower Kingdoms.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

After the Meeting of Music yesterday, Amazonia has been prepared so that, through the Grace of the Divine Son, it may receive all the Light of the Universe that it will need in order to go through the end of times, as a Kingdom.

Aside from that, dear children, today your Divine Mother will prepare, by means of the prayers of Her beloved children, to enter into scenes of humanity where the suffering of the most little and innocent ones becomes worst, day by day.

For this reason, the Mother of God, the Sun of Life, will reach all the little and innocent ones, in different parts of the world, to help them and rescue them from this spiritual, mental and material condition in which hunger, persecution from war, exploitation of children and also undue trafficking of organs are carried out by a part of adult humanity that has completely lost the sense of discernment and the value that family represents.

My children, I not only will go towards those who despair, in these conditions of survival, but also, as Mother of the spiritual healing of humanity, I will come to hospitals and institutes where bodily suffering retains the departure of the little innocent souls that cannot manage to be freed from their incarnation.

Today, by a special Grace and by the sincere prayers of all servers of the Earth, I will concede immediate relief for this inhumane situation.

Therefore, My children, your support and participation, by means of the Vigil of Prayer, will contribute to and grant that the most innocent may find the relief and rest they so much need.

I will also come to the inappropriate and hidden spaces where the future mothers decide, by the interference of the enemy, to remove from their wombs the lives and love that God gave to them.

Within the coming and awaited for meeting, in the Marian Center of the Child King, on September 25th, I will come to ask all the collaborators of this Work of Love not to forget to help and serve the children, adolescents and youth that are in the Community of the New Earth, because they are the reflection of this part of humanity that needs healing, love and understanding.

I will be very grateful if the Planetary Light-Network groups visit and participate periodically and actively within the group and service life of the Community of the New Earth.

In this way, you will consciously be allowing other service groups in the rest of the world, to be able to assume the relief of suffering of other children, adolescents and youth.

May this vigil be the vigil of the heart and of self-surrender.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Today, with their pleas, My praying children weave the green mantle of light of Mother Nature, and this spiritual mantle gives shelter to the group soul of each one of the kingdoms present in the Amazon and in the world.

It is thus, dear children, that the green mantle of light, woven by each one of My praying children, not only covers the Lower Kingdoms, but also the great angels of the Amazon, the devas, the elementals and the luminous consciousnesses of sacred nature, which are suffering the terror of disappearing and of becoming extinct from their habitat due to the activities of humankind.

Today, sacred nature receives a spiritual relief, as it has never received it before. And this is possible because at least a part of human beings respond to the needs of the most inoffensive beings, of all the creatures that are part of the sacred ecosystem of the Amazon.

As from now, I want to thank My children for having dedicated this Sunday to the prayerful rescue of the Kingdoms of Nature, and I hope that another thousand Hail Marys can be offered in the future for the one and great lung of the planet, for our dear and sacred Amazon.

I thank you for having responded to My call!

Today, in gratitude, I receive your deepest prayers.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am The Aparecida of Brazil…

On this holy day, dear children, when your Heavenly Mother is honored on the altars of the Sanctuary of The Aparecida, I wished to address My words and My maternal message to all the pilgrims and devotees of Brazil.

It is for this cause and for this holy celebration that your Mother The Aparecida is the patroness and spiritual guide of the Brazilian nation, which has suffered so much in the consequences of colonization and slavery.

For this reason I am the Black Virgin, I am the Mother and Queen of the ancient slaves. I am the one who is in Brazil to protect it from domination and from the chaos of these times.

I am in My beloved Brazil to protect its natural and spiritual wealth; I am in Brazil to teach souls to live their redemption and their moment of forgiveness.

Here, in these lands, I have appeared to give testimony about freedom and shelter the entire black race, the original race of this humanity, which was decimated by the white race.

I have come to Brazil as the Black Virgin to be able to unite the peoples and nations through culture, language and divine spirituality.

The Virgin of Aparecida comes to heal the past and close the doors to the slavery that took place between Africa and the Americas.

Today I come to save those who are marginalized and exploited in this time; this is why I am the Black Virgin of Brazil.

I have appeared in these lands to present to My children the spirit of equality and justice. I come to sever the chains of mistakes that are experienced in this people, and I come to guide consciousnesses toward the Grace and Mercy of God.

I am the Black Virgin of Brazil, because I want to teach all of My children that they can see human beauty without contempt for the type of race, but rather through the likeness that God has instituted between Himself and the human being.

I am the Mother of all the blacks and of the slaves.

I am the Comforter of human suffering.

I am the Universal Judge of all the peoples.

I am the Advocate of Brazil.

With My Maternal and Marian Spirit, I come to ask all Brazilians that you take care of and protect your nation from the destruction of nature in the Amazon and of all the native life that flourishes here.

I am the Guardian of the natural beauty of Brazil, therefore, I implore all My children, that you protect this precious Eden that is Brazil.

I ask you to no longer pursue that which is innocent, I ask you to protect peace in the Eden of Brazil.

On this day in which all the pleas are directed to My Immaculate Heart, I would like to see faces of joy on all My children from Brazil so that, along with you Lady The Aparecida, we may have the Plan of God triumph in this dear nation.

I am grateful for the sincere devotion of this people, and because of that I return on this day so that, during the Vigil of Prayer for Peace, this impulse of joy and of devotion may bathe the entire world.

Brazil is the green and devoted heart of the Americas; here the Father has deposited a Purpose, and today I teach you to live it with love, charity, and awareness.

Open your hearts even more, and at the feet of the altar of your Lady The Aparecida say: “Little Mother, Lady of Brazil, here I am to serve you in honor of Your Beloved Son.” 

I thank you for responding to My call. 

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Brazil


Announcement to all the favored children of the Immaculate Heart

Under a just and evident cause, for reasons that show a reality that deserves attention and care, and above all, so that this work may continue in the midst of this spiritual and planetary transition, after a special reflection on some of My children, Your Mother of Heaven announces that She requests the withdrawal of Mother María Shimani de Montserrat, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón and Friar Lucas del Monte Sinaí, during the next three months, so that they may go on a profound retreat of restoration and absolute recovery from the last trip and pilgrimage to Colombia, Venezuela and in the northern part of Brazil.

It is for this reason that, as Your Heavenly Mother, I make use of this daily message to announce to all My dear pilgrims that the tasks and the monthly meetings will continue in the Marian Center of Aurora during the next three months, under the company of Sister Lucía de Jesús; period that encompasses the end of this month of November, 24th and 25th, and the months of December, January and February.

I would like to tell you, dear children, that the result of the pilgrim task in Colombia, Venezuela and in Amazon led to a considerable attrition both of the human resources and of the spiritual and material ones.

By the Law of order and harmony, these children of Mine will go on a retreat and will dedicate their time to reconnect to the spheres of contact with the Kingdom of Aurora; they will dedicate this time to ingress again in the integral healing of life, as they need it so.

The process of healing, which has been offered to them these days in Aurora is considered little and insufficient. This is why the task of recovery will be extended to the next three months.

Dear children, regarding the Vigil of Prayer and the monthly meetings, they will continue, as well as the Marathon of the Divine Mercy, which will be held as it has been so far, and you will have the Grace, on each 5th and 6th days of each month, of reviewing the instructions that My Son delivered to you in the previous meetings. The visionaries who are going on retreat will receive reserved apparitions on those days, as in the Marathon and on the day of The Sacred Call.

I dedicate this special attention to the instruments elected by Your Mother because the processes of transmutation, as well as the physical and mental tiredness during the trips, have produced evident repercussions on their health condition.

As the work of the Divine Messengers must go on in these times of planetary crisis, we lovingly request that all those who pray, place these children of Mine in their prayers, so that they may soon join the mission once again. From March 2016 on, My children will go back to their public task.

I thank you for the union of each one of your hearts in this important moment of healing!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Caracas, Venezuela to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

To My children consecrated as Children of Mary and to all of the pilgrims of the entire world  

Today, before the universe, I have the joy of having My Heart of a Mother be widely accepted by all My children of Venezuela, who today are enduring the consequences of a worldwide food crisis.  

During My important visit to this nation, I received the deep and true call of each one of them, just as in other moments I received the inner call of each pilgrim.

It is for this just and worthy cause that the Most Sacred Hearts, in a special way and under Their Spiritual Will, are sending the entire missionary group to the Great Savanna of Venezuela, so that the Sacred Center of Roraima and all Venezuelans have the opportunity to receive very important assistance from the Spiritual Hierarchy. 

This will require the missionary group to travel throughout all of the territory of Venezuela, in prayer, up to the Great Savanna, just as My Son explicitly requested. Which will mean carrying out a special mission of reconversion of hearts, of  liberation from the webs of evil and, mainly, of awakening and confirmation of the spiritual mission of each child of Venezuela.

Through this labor-intensive task that the missionary group will carry out, it will prevent South America and all of its inhabitants from being conquered by an ideal of restriction and oppression. Children, in truth I say to you that you could not imagine Latin America in such a reality. It is for this reason that the Heavenly Hierarchy contemplated the need of Its children, as It did in Colombia, and Heaven responded to the request of all of the groups of the Light-Network of Venezuela.

So that the Americas may be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, all of the groups of the Light-Network must be closely accompanied, because it will be through each group that some events will be avoided.

This mission to the Great Savanna of Venezuela will involve the fraternal transfer of the Marathon of Divine Mercy of the 5th and the 6th of November of 2015 to the city of Boa Vista, in the State of Roraima, Brazil.

It will also be in this way that the Christic energy of the Merciful Christ will be able to penetrate the consciousness of this whole region and, especially in all of the Plant Kingdom of the Amazon, which is rapidly disappearing.

If the Amazon should come to disappear, the planet would lose one of its great natural lungs.  It is for this reason that the angels will also intercede for the whole of the angelic and devic consciousness.

I ask each child of Mary for the Grace of understanding and of acceptance in total trust, maturity and in the operation of a rescue as a task for all of the servers of the Plan of God.

Children, each place that the Divinity visits is unique. There, in those moments, many doors that repress the souls of the world can be closed.  As you will see, My children, the planet and all of its consciousness are suffering.  If the Divinity were not to suddenly carry out these spiritual actions, which break the control over the material and monetary life, certain realities of the world would succumb overnight.

Dear children of Brazil, I ask that you, who together are responsible for your nation and of the Amazon, support the next Marathon of Prayer in the city of Boa Vista, which will attempt to restore many situations. 

I wish to especially say to the groups of the Light-Network of the south of Brazil that I will be present with you on the 12th and 13th of November of 2015, in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil.  Venezuela waited a long time for this opportunity and for this Grace; it is time that you mature in fellowship and in cooperation, because the planet and its sacred centers belong to all of humanity.  

I thank you for the inner union of all the groups of the Light-Network because My hands work through them for all of humanity.

In hope and in the Plan of salvation,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
