When a soul emerges from the Source of God, it is sent as an emanation of a cosmic experience towards some place in the universe. When it finally reaches its thought destination, it begins to evolve as divinity, then as spirit, and finally as soul.

The soul of each being is the expression of that divine life that is gestated in the greater universe, and it is the cosmic experience of this soul that enriches the life of the whole cosmos and that of other consciousnesses, just as Jesus ennobled the universe through His Presence in the world.

The soul that travels through the cosmos from experience to experience always finds something to learn throughout time until it finally cannot avoid passing through the main school of love that is this planet, where the Son of God taught about higher love.

It is because of this that each wayfaring soul of the cosmos reaches this sacred planet to learn about love and carry it back as a testimony of redemption to its greater origins. Every soul that goes through this school comes here to forgive and to learn something; there is no consciousness in this world that should not ask for forgiveness and redemption.

The Consciousness of Your Heavenly Mother brings all from different points of the universe so that the hearts may learn in the school of forgiveness and of love. Centuries may go by, as they already have, but until the soul learns to love as Christ loved, it cannot leave this planet. The Law of love is a precious one, because everything that is impossible to forgive, heal, or transcend becomes possible through the school of this love.

Thus, My children, if any part of your inner or outer being does not manifest love, reconciliation or forgiveness, it is because it has not yet learned to love as God needs it to. An essential key is patience, the science of peace, something which the majority of human beings does not pay attention to.

The lack of peace leads to error, to the excessive impulse of precipitate actions and decisions. But if through the power of prayer the Love of God is invoked, little by little all that wounds within and generates chaos will be healed.

It is the lack of real love that is placing humanity upon a dangerous precipice. It is because of this that the Mother of God is again drawing closer to the world to tell you:

“Children, do not love with arrogance, or possessively; search within yourselves for the pure love that God gave you. Humanity suffers and condemns itself daily, and My Son, filled with mercy, cannot pour out His liberating fount. Therefore, search above every error or sin for union with the Eternal; thus you will open the path for Grace to be able to convert the hard hearts.”

I thank you for answering My call!

Who loves you, just as Christ loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I deeply rejoice for finding you here today, reunited in this beloved oratory of My Heart, because all of the praying families are favored before the Heart of the Celestial Father.

Dear children, today I would like to tell you from the depths of My Heavenly Soul that higher and eternal life exists after this life.  Many among you, of those who have already left, learn close to My Heart about the power of prayer which rescues and liberates other souls.

For this, you must rejoice, and each day love the Will of the Creator who wants to see you mature and be firm on this path, which will finally also lead you to find your own dwelling in the Heart of the Celestial Father.

My children, death is a deep step of purification and detachment: in this way, the soul lives a stage of surrender of everything that it lived on the surface of the Earth.  If your souls pray with trust to My Immaculate Heart, you will fear nothing, Your Heavenly Mother takes care and protects each one of Her children who are following the Will of God in obedience, and their brothers and sisters.

You will see, in these times, My beloved ones, that the world will purify quickly, this is not a punishment of God, it is the movement of truly living a change within the consciousness, in order to be able to reach the consecration to the Kingdom of God.

If you are here today, it is because I love you, and will always give thanks for your prayers, for the Plan of the Most High and for this suffering planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to a Higher Life, after this life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When a soul prays from the heart, it creates the conditions for the approach of the spirit.  When such a spirit is awake, this allows higher laws to permeate matter and guide the events of life according to the divine and universal principles that correspond to the Will of God.

It is only when a being opens to spiritual life and awakens faith in that which they cannot see with their physical eyes that all the realities of the Cosmos can be felt within their heart.

It is when a soul awakens that their personality may feel the imperative need of discovering what is beyond material life.  The soul is what causes the mind and the emotions to not feel satisfied with life on the surface and thus direct the three-dimensional bodies to a higher quest.

While you learn and grow in spirit, the soul struggles constantly with the human aspects that are still deeply rooted in the ways of planetary material life.  It is for this reason that, at the same time that you aspire to launch yourselves into the abyss of the Will of God and to surrender yourselves to the mystery that is living under that Will, another part of your being doubts the existence of that abyss, of this possibility of living the Will of God and, according to your own resistances, you may even doubt Divine Existence.

It is when the spirit approaches matter that the soul is strengthened and its convictions become the truth that rule life.  Doubts and questionings will not cease to exist because while you are in the world there will always be an aspect to be purified; an aspect that does not want to sacrifice itself and prefers to remain in the ordinary life of gratifications and worldly pleasures.  But it will resemble an adult that lives like a child and complains, sometimes more, sometimes less, demanding attention for their will to be done.

Why do I tell you this?

Because you need to stop giving so much attention to this child inside of you who does not want to grow, you must start to act with the consciousness of the spirit, with this spiritual adult that understands the planetary reality and that is willing to live according to higher designs, regardless of circumstances.

Many times the inner child is disguised as a great hero because they are totally willing to change the world, as long as they feature great roles in the end of times; but when one speaks of transformation in the little things of life, they do not give it so much importance and think, for example, “Why would I accept humiliations, live in obedience, silence and sacrifice, when I can do great service in Africa?”

My beloveds, know that I speak to your hearts, but today, I speak, above all, to your consciousnesses, because the time has already come for you to understand that the only way out, so that humanity does not become a dead project in the memory of the Creation, is that everyone may assume their own transformation and live the Principles of God within themselves, placing within the human consciousness the codes of a redeemed race.

If you do not rediscover the life of the spirit and let yourselves be transformed by the power of prayer, you will never discover that the salvation and redemption of the souls of the whole world depend on each one of you.

Again, I tell you, allow the priority of your lives to be prayer for the planet, service and the love that transforms everything.

I love you and guide you in the little details in order for your consciousnesses to awaken to higher life.

Pray and transform yourselves.  Imitate Christ. Follow His steps every day. The world needs it.

Your Beloved Father and Companion,

Saint Joseph

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Capilla del Monte, Cordoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The purification of the soul and of the whole being, according to the Law of Harmony, is similar to an inexhaustible spring of water.

This spring experiences permanent times of transformation, its rhythm is continuous, and, thus, each moment is indelible.

Water is chaste and pure, but the spring experiences its path of purification when it encounters all that which is superficial.

In this way, your hearts, which, in the image of God, are very pure, receive all the lessons to be able to grow and mature.

This spring experiences its transformations and you also experience the time of drought, the time of abundance and the time of balance, but you never stop purifying yourselves until you achieve peace.

I am that flow that leads you upon new paths. I am the Mother of all that has been created.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you to the principle of original purity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



When an inner sun illuminates the darkness of your hearts, this is Me, children of Mine, that announces that the end of chaos is near.

This is the definitive beginning of the end, the cycle on which all the steps taken through actions, thoughts, feelings and definitions will be placed on the scale of the Divine Judge, This One that will dictate to angels and archangels what will be the destiny of this humanity.

Before such ignorance and darkness in the heart of most people of this world, the smallest light ignited will shine as a resplendent sun and a creature who remains sane and in the balance of their prayerful soul will be able to guide the millions who will wander with no aim, with no destination, except their own abyss.

My dear ones, My Heart will no longer come to the world to warn you, because this, I have already done for the last eight years here, and for the last thirty years in Medjugorje.  Many times I have come to this world and many were the attempts to awaken you to a life of prayer, of holiness and of pacification.

From now on, the times that will come will no longer expect you to be ready, because the Justice of God will precipitate over the world and each being will live according to the merits earned on their days of existence.

Many will seek the peace of My Heart and will not find it, because they did not want, in other times, to build the path between their own heart and My source of Peace.

I will no longer be able to intercede for the world as before, because until now I have taken many steps for your feet, but the time has come for you to begin your own walk and start to generate your own merits, not only for yourselves, but for all humanity, because today I tell you, My beloveds, that in the time of Justice that announces itself, it will be the conscious humanity itself that will have to open the doors so that Mercy and Piety may descend upon the unbelievers and the dormant in spirit.

Many will regret in time and others will not; for this you must be conscious that the Justice of God will not cause harm to the hearts, but, to each one, it will give what they deserve in order to live their learning in this world.

The humanity that today inhabits the surface of the planet is very old and has had many opportunities to learn and follow the designs of God.  But many preferred to turn the back on celestial things and open the arms to illusion and to the infernal life that manifests itself through the capital energies.

The ray of the Justice of God will break the ignorance of humanity and, those who laughed so much with the king of the hells, will cry for their great ignorance.  Those who teased the Light, will blind their eyes before It, because, after everything that will happen, the King will come and give new opportunities for those who will repent of heart and extend their hands to Him, clamoring for pity.

My beloveds, prepare your hearts and listen to Me carefully, because at this time I will not be able detain the power of My words for the fear that your hearts may feel or for the unbelief that may be generated in some souls, for the incapacity of transforming themselves in order to accept My words.

It is the Will of God that the Truth be revealed to you, because it will be a part of the awakening of faith and of consciousness to see My words being fulfilled in the times to come, times in which I will no longer be here, so close to you.

When My prophecies be a fact, you will look to the skies, where I will be observing you, and some will thank, others will ask for forgiveness, but no one will be able to say that I did not warn you and that I did not let you know about the final days of this world.

But know that such as I announce the times of difficulties and trials, I also tell you that those who may walk in faith will not toddle.  Those who may make of prayer the pillar of their consciousnesses, will always be a door of peace and a guide star to humanity.  Through these ones, I will guide the world.  But you must be brave and persistent, trusting the power of My Word, that announced to you the times of chaos, but also told you that, at the end of all, your King will come, will cross the clouds and the seven heavens, will step on Earth and rebuild it, inside and outside of humanity, so that in it the new humanity may inhabit.

May Peace be the engine that leads you and keep you standing in the times to come.

Pray, pray and trust in Me every instant of your lives, because thus they will be sanctified by My presence.

I love you and bless you, so that in this cycle I shall find you inside My Heart.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

As Your Mother from Heaven, I am pure and worthy of living eternally in your hearts, because it will be by means of the sacred invocation of My holy name that you will be able to heal yourselves from any sorrow and suffering.

Today I am present in two sacred places of healing for the souls in need of the Mercy of God.  Today I am here with you in the Sacred House Brother Pio and I am also in the Sacred House of healing for humanity in Aurora.  I this way Your Heavenly Mother unites through the real time of God these two places, so that you may remember that Your Healing and Co-redeeming Mother has a special predilection for these sacred precincts, totally donated to the souls that seek the true reconciliation with God.

As Your Healing Mother, I approach to you many souls and essences that in these times will need the rehabilitation of heart and life.  If the heart is not rehabilitated through faith and through prayer, how, dear children, will the deep healing of the heart happen?

For this, from the beginning of this work, the Sacred House Brother Pio and the Spiritual Healing Center of Aurora have been manifestations of the Divine Will to shelter and help in the redemption of a part of humanity.  Someday thousands of people will knock on your doors, to ask for help, retreat, healing and liberation, for this your Heavenly Mother has been preparing you for when this time comes, a time that will be signed by the purification of the Earth.

In these two houses of healing I designated the presence of angels from celestials universes far from the Earth, so that they may guard and protect this sacred project. Through the instruction that you have received for over thirty years, you have been formed to, in this time, assume this sacred task, which will not only focus on procedures that may produce relief, but rather, your true medicine, My children, will always be love.

A Love of God that will rebuild lives and liberate faults.  A Love that will close the doors to evil.  A Love that will relieve the soul that may be condemned and captive for so long.  For this, Saint Pio, Your Spiritual Brother, is who will always inspire you and show you the path, here in Figueira as in Aurora.  After fifty years of stigmas and surrendering, Saint Pio, as healer of souls and hearts, has prepared himself to accompany you in this last time of transition.

Beloved children, you count on a precious spiritual help; in this way once again My Immaculate Heart will triumph in your lives and in the life of those most in need of love.  Remember, children, love will always be the master key that will heal the wounded spirit.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who unites you to the Source of Universal Healing,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

A soul that prays with the heart is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it intercessor between God and the humans.

A soul that consecrates itself to a life of prayer is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it instrument of God in the world, door of His Mercy for the most needy ones.

A soul that seeks, thirsty and tireless, the Source of the Universal Life is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it precursor of the New Race, seed of the New Humanity which will live peace, forgiveness and redemption.

A soul that seeks redemption and walks towards the Infinite, without losing sight of the return to the Celestial Origin is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it light in the world, guide of the lost ones, safe path, an example to be followed.

A lost soul that extends its arms to Me is, for Me, favorite, because it represents My possibility of helping many more.  I will call it reason of My coming to the world.

A sinful soul that repents of heart and seeks the forgiveness of God is, for Me, favorite, because it indicates to the Universe that this humanity is still rescuable. I will call it Divine Hope in the human heart.

A soul that does not believe in God, that does not seek Him, that does not repent of its sins and carries on causing evil in the world will also be, for Me, favorite, because this soul will impel Me to be tireless and My Heart will not leave this world until the last one of them has been rescued.  I will call it Victory of Christ in the world and in the Universe because someday this Victory will happen.

My beloved, I wish with these words to say to you that all of the souls of this world are favorite before My Heart, each one of them will impel Me to pour over humanity a different Grace of God.

With the same love, perseverance and joy I will seek those who accompany Me and those who deny Me everyday because My maternal eyes know what they represent to God and just see, in each soul, its Divine Origin.

When My Eyes contemplate the world, they find in each being a possibility of the living manifestation of the Love of God, as well as it happened with My beloved Son Jesus because God Himself lives inside of each being, as well as He lives inside of Christ.

On this day I descend upon the world to bless humanity in a special way, I invite you to be My assistants in this blessing.   It is in this way, My beloveds, that I ask you to put inside your eyes, My maternal eyes and inside your hearts, My Immaculate Heart and in this way, see each creature with My Eyes and feel them with My Heart.

Discover the magnitude that is kept in the essence of each being and help Me to awake the purest in each heart.  Help Me to show this humanity that a Living God longs to live in its interior and this is for all, even for the most lost ones.

On this day, My dears, God calls you to contemplate Him in each being and, in this way, create a condition of Unity in order for Him to awake in the human heart and, thus, a New Race, full of God, may be a reality and not only hope.

I love you and I leave today My blessing and My gratitude to My dear Son, who with His effort, makes My coming to the world possible.

Pray, children of Mine, for all of the visionaries consecrated to My Heart so that they may be strengthened and firm in Christ in the times that will come.

May the Grace of God and His Peace be today in your hearts and in the whole world.

I bless you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The path of total consecration to God is what your Heavenly Mother aspires for you all.

According to this aspiration and in these times, many souls will go through the test that will confirm the chosen path, and I will be there to help you to make the right internal decision without feeling guilty, but only the love of God.

Children, the saint of the last days will be present to help you on the culminating time of the transition of the Earth when the red moon defines the awakening of a new cycle, liberating from the sin and from the errors.

For this reason the challenges and the tests will be the tone that will mark the beginning of this new cycle, free from sorrow and from human suffering.  That is why on this day I bring you the divine consciousness of the universal consecration, a mission that will be for many of My children, the ones that will push the heavy boat of this world so that you may definitely navigate in the sea of Grace and Mercy.

Your structures will move and all the dark control will stop governing so that once and for all everyone may be in Jesus, and Jesus may be forever in you.

Children, grant permission so that My Son governs your lives; in that way no other governor or aspect of your own non-purified lives will be able have determination in the spiritual lives of your souls.

For this, be meek and let My Son conquer you little by little so that He, in His Infinite Glory, may have the instruments to developed the last part of the Plan of God.

Look at your sins as instruction and opportunity for transformation and interior change; in that way when My Son has taken over the kingdom of your lives all the receptive souls will be sanctified.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who leads you to love the consecration,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages
Monthly Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Remember, My child, remember, My soul, that in this life you belong to Me and that every day, until the end of times, I will come to take your most little heart.

Thus, little creature of God, you will allow Me to accomplish the prodigies and wills that Adonai has presented to Me.

Therefore, little soul of Mine, embrace My mystery, embrace My great mystery and submerge into the ocean of My Mercy so that the obedient angels of God may help your spirit to reach the invisible and awaited purpose that your most beautiful life must fulfill.

Allow your soul to cause great states of love for My Heart. Thus, you will be glorifying the Celestial Father through His beloved Son forever.

Promise yourself every day, every single day to come, that you will be faithful to Me and that, in face of the great test that will transform your earthly life, you will follow Me until the end of times.

Be worthy to live in My Sacred Heart, set your goals based on the virtues of charity, service, and good for humanity.

I have something valued and unknown for each soul. Thus, My Sacred Will, which is the Will of the Creator of everything that exists, will be manifested in infinite ways.

Souls can see the Aspects of My Glorified Heart in different ways, and thus, I elevate all creatures to the Thrones of God.

Today I open one last door for you, for My loving offering is extended to all the hearts that, having recognized Me a second time, are called by the Son of God to restart the path that was not completed.

My Spirit allows you to love the Law, even though many do not know it. My love allows you to reconsider and My powerful Heart impels you to reach new steps.

In this time of tribulation, blessed be those who call Me because I will answer them, maybe not as they expect, for My Virtues act in a way unknown to the souls of the Earth.

Be, in this time, that which My Holy Father expects. Proclaim the day of your redemption and your liberation so that, when I arrive in glory from the Celestial Universe, all may know and listen to their Guardian Angels, those who in service and absolute love will guide you towards the spiritual and divine place where I will be found to dine once again with you.

After the time of purification, there will be no more distance between you and Me. You will be able to feel Me, see Me, and know Me as I truly Am. From the beginning, you will be able to know Me, beyond My Transfiguration, you will know My Glorified Face.

But now it is time to keep rowing My boat, to be vigilant and awake so that no headwind from the northeast can submerge the boat and make the waters too rough.

Therefore, constancy will be the key. It will give you the impulse to pray and watch so that, in the face of any false deceit, you may know how to recognize the truth amidst illusion.

Move forward, some will reach the top of the purpose, while others must become bridges of light so that the self-summoned cross it and attain the goal that I left written within your hearts.

While the world seeks other things, I invite you to concentrate your gaze on My Sacred Heart, thus you will prevent that stumbling blocks deviate you from the path and that any lie makes your hearts believe in false truths.

Search for My Heart which is full and open to all, there, no one will perish.

Under the Peace of the Lord, be blessed and worthy.

Thank you for glorifying My Heart.

The Glorified Christ Jesus, the One of the past, of the present, and of the future


I Am the Lady of the Poor, but not only of the poor in matter. I Am the Mother of the poor of spirit, of the poor of heart.  I Am the Mother of those who lack love and peace, of those who lack fraternity in their homes and in their lives.

In this way, children of Mine, I come to demonstrate to you that true wealth does not come from this world and it will not be found in it, until you may be able to discover the most pure font from where all things come.

I Am the Lady of the Heavens, recognized by the angels and archangels; by the saints and the blessed ones; by God and by His Son; and nonetheless, I come to the world as the Lady of the Poor so that you may get to know that it is not with material wealth that a soul is ennobled.  The greatness of a soul is expressed in its pure union with its Creator, that is the true King of all things, and that reigns in all of the spaces.

I want you to know that of no value are the riches of this world, if poor is the heart.  The one who owns the most riches is the one who knows that must give and donate the most to others; not only that which one possesses, but also oneself.  That is because, I say to you on this day, there is no greater greatness and glory than divesting oneself of all that comes from this world, including of one’s own self, in order to find all of the celestial goods.

Dear children, the one who gives it all will always receive from the Lord the assistance in order to continue on the path of evolution; they will lack nothing.  Although God may permit that you may learn by means of difficulties that must forge your spirit, He will never let this spirit perish, and the flame in your heart to be extinguished.

I Am the Lady of the Poor, but also the Queen of Peace, because the greatest treasure that I bring to the world is the Peace which the hearts are lacking.  Embrace this treasure that I bring to you as something unique for humanity and multiply it by means of your prayers and of the surrendering of your lives.

My beloved, never forget that the key to opening all the doors; to understanding and knowing all things, is the prayer made with the heart.  For this, I invite you today to consecrate your lives to this infinite font of Peace and of Redemption that is the true prayer.

I leave on this day My blessing for this Marian Center that grows as it learns with the difficulties of life.

I ask to all those who consecrate themselves as My children, as a symbol of their willingness of consecrating their lives to God, that they may never permit that a true channel of prayer may not be formed here.  This Marian Center belongs to your souls and to the whole world and it must be constantly generating light and love for the Earth by means of your prayers.

For this, I ask you all to not cease to come to this place and to placing here a brick of prayer, so that may be constructed the great stronghold which this Marian Center needs in order to keep fulfilling the mission that God has entrusted it.

I wait for you in prayer and in faith, generating Peace and Redemption for the world.

I count on the answer of your hearts.

Mary, Lady of the Poor and Queen of Peace


When the soul finds the path of devotion and of faith in its life, it also finds the plenitude of My Kingdom.  Devotion opens one by one the doors that humanity closed and that unite it to God.  Devotion is one of the manifestations of the soul that, full of joy, finds in God courage and its refuge of Peace.

Children of Mine, let yourselves be permeated and overcome by the devotion that enters into your lives.  Permit that this manifestation of love be greater than the earthly forces of shame and fear, because God contemplates the sincere intentions of the hearts and knows that which truly goes on in each interior.

Devotion is the manifestation of the love of the soul and each soul has a precious form of expressing itself when it is before God.  Let that your hearts be free in this expression of love and thus allow a holy madness to enter into your lives and to impel you to realize great surrenders of your inner, sincere acts of service to your neighbor, and self-sacrificing service to your little brothers and sisters of the kingdoms of nature.

My beloveds, the devotion that you begin to feel in the heart will open the door so that God will construct in your souls an unshakeable fortress of faith and courage, because through devotion you meet with states of purity that are hidden in your inner world and this, which is pure and that is kept in your essences, reveals to your hearts that which in truth they are, and in this way, strengthened by the truth, nothing is able to deter you on the path to the spirit. Notwithstanding your facing hard trials and powerful enemies, the faith in the truth will always be more powerful, and will pulse to the rhythm of the heart that already fully trusts in God.

Children of Mine, do you understand then My plans for Peace?

My soldiers discover in pure devotion the entry into the great fortress of the spirit.  My Plan is silently manifested in the life of the beings.  To those that open themselves up to live with intensity that which is granted to them to live, a transformation will come without their realizing it, children of Mine, as a result of the grand action of the universal love.

As Mother and Lady of this sacred Figueira I say to you that My plans begin to be manifested in the interior of My little soldiers because the Marian Center, which is the expression of My Love for the beings of the Earth, now begins to spiritually merge itself with the essences of those that walk with Me.

If you walk trusting in My Heart; responding one by one to the celestial indications; you shall understand how our Lord works secretly in your souls and, through you, in all the souls of the world.

On this day I thank you, dear children, for truly opening to Me the doors of the heart, and for allowing that many evils be liberated from your lives and thus from the entire world.

Today I ask you that with greater fervor you accompany Me because My Heart, united to the Kingdoms of Love that pulse in this planet, will liberate a great evil of the world, and will alleviate the suffering of many souls.

Know today that on this hill lives a great channel of planetary liberation that you must sustain through true prayer and the unconditional love of your hearts, so that, in addition to My direct presence in this place, the world will keep being liberated from all the evils because endless is the necessity for liberation of this Earth.

Thus I count on your hearts to be the living extension of My Immaculate Heart in this world.

I love you deeply, I bless you, and thank you for responding each day more to My Call.

Mary, Mother and Lady of the Most Sacred Figueira


Dear soul,

Guard soon your heart in the eternal refuge of My Temple.  In this way you will liberate yourself from impure thoughts and you will see with clarity the infinite light of My Heart.   I will be able to let you know My Sacred attributes, those that will impart special Graces for your life and for the life of others.  

Allow, soul of Mine, that My Redeeming Light penetrate the depths of your little spirit so that all of the days you may be more liberated from yourself and live in the eternal service to God.  Walk in safety by My Side and tell Me through this long walk what is your true aspiration.

O transfigured soul!  I only wish that your life imitate My Apostolate because still there are many who want to get to know Me through your peaceful heart.  Whenever you face the greater tests that you still cannot overcome by yourself, soul of Mine, draw in your thought My Divine Face so that in this way I may remove from your being all of the deceits that the enemy projects on you.

When only you call me or only think of My Heart, trust that the greater help will come to your life because a Good Shepherd will never abandon his sheep.

Dear soul, live Me fully without restrictions.  It is pleasing to Your Lord of Mercy that you pour your spiritual caresses directly on the Redeeming Heart.  And whenever you get discouraged, let that the problem be solved by My Unfathomable Wisdom, in this way you will find answers and infinite Graces that will come to you directly from My Chaste Shepherd Heart. 

Now commune with Me and surrender to Me the best that you are because My Project in your life is still unknown to your consciousness.  Abandon yourself to the Love of My Heart.  I will not hurt you, but I will give you My Kind Peace.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you, dear soul, for marrying My Heart!

Christ Jesus


Do not fear, soul of Mine, to be polished as strongly as an old piece of wood in the hands of the Carpenter.  The greater the polishing, the greater the liberation, and consequently, dear soul, you will be liberated from the game of arrogance and vanity.  A good, well-treated piece of wood will last throughout the times.

Allow Me to mold you according to the perfect designs of My Plans.  Do not fear, dear soul, to be polished so deeply that the impurities of the unconsciousness may be released from you.  Surrender yourself entirely in My working Hands and you will soon see, soul of Mine, how it was necessary for you to detach from yourself for so long.

In new works, God pours His Spirit.  In purified hearts, God pours His Infinite Grace.  Dear soul, drink of the Water that I offer you from My Side so that, living in sacrifice, you may find the way of holiness and goodness.

Allow Me to show you the Will of My Father, soul of Mine.  Abandon yourself in My Heart.

Under the Light of God, be blessed.

Thank you for humbling yourself before My Heart!

Christ Jesus


May the Glory of God live and reign in each one of your hearts.

Dear children, with deep joy I traverse the world and My pilgrim steps conduct Me to those most in need, so that they may awaken the eternal Faith in My Immaculate Heart and the Love for it.

I come as Queen of Peace to establish My Kingdom in the world, because this Earth needs to awaken for Peace, and above all because the human heart needs this universal and divine attribute.

I come today bringing the Peace of My Heart as a primordial attribute for life on Earth, because those who have become peacemakers will not perish before the tribulations that the world already lives.

By the Lord's request I traverse all the nations pacifying the souls so that before the greatest test, the last threshold to be crossed by the consciousness, His creatures may take the steps they need to take, in profound harmony.

Those who have eyes to see and heart to feel know how much the world needs Peace to balance the many conflicts that there are among the beings, among the nations, and between humans and God.

I return to the world once and once more, to give testimony, through My presence, of the existence of a Greater Universe that is alive and full and that awaits the awakening of all beings.

Despite not having the permission to show Myself to the eyes of all My children, still, I can show Myself to the heart of all of those who open the doors to Me.  My presence in your lives does not happen in the mind, My dears, but in the depths of the heart.

Each one of My little children will receive the touch of My Peace, in the form that they need it, and in the form they permit Me to do it.

To the simple souls, devout and of open heart, My kingdom will be shown, but it will not be out of favor to them but out of their own merit.  Their faith will open the doors of Heaven, and the key that blossomed from their hearts will show them the entrance to this Kingdom.

Today I want you to understand that the primordial reason for the existence of all is the awakening of true Love, the Love that donates all of itself, and becomes empty before the Universe.  My Heart, the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, and the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus come, in this time of changes, to show you the path that must be traversed, that unlike what many think is a path of simplicity and humility.

It happens that My children are so separated from Divine life, that many have lost the link with the celestial attributes that were infused in them at their origin.  But today I call you to not be discouraged, because each one of the virtues to be lived is latent in the interior of each one of you, and little by little you will be able to find them, as you seek them.

Awaken, My little ones, awaken! Because higher life awaits you, and My presence calls you to experience this sublime reality. For this I am here today among you, and I welcome you into My mantle, protecting you and leading you always.

I thank this city for opening to Me the doors of the heart.

I thank each devout soul that clamored for My presence in this place, and today I say to you:

Here I am, My dears; your Divine Mother has come to the encounter with you.

May Peace reign in your lives!

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Dear soul,

Seek in your earthly journey the signs that I indicate to you day and night because all of them will lead you to find the path of perfection.

Remain attentive, Soul of Mine, and let that My Voice reverberate in the depths of your heart.  In this way you will quickly find the keys to open the doors of redemption.

Do not allow, Soul of Mine, that rivalries may take place in your consciousness.  Live through My Peace and build always a Castle of Love for others.

Today I give you, dear soul, My Discernment, the inner capacity for you to begin to understand all of the greater things.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for remaining in My Heart!

Christ Jesus


My dear soul,

Accept with joy all the efforts that I send for you to realize because in this way you will receive in Heaven the merits that God has to give to you.  Empty your being from every opinion, live in the sublime sequence of My steps so that in this way you may find in each place the teaching that I want to reveal to you.

Soul of Mine, leave by My feet all your discouragements and look at Me directly in the eyes.  In this way I will be able to tell you what will be the point that you must change within yourself.  Do not allow that the sadness drags you as the strong current of a river.  Detach yourself from that which for you seems to be better and surrender yourself in trust to My Will, because in obedience to the most small will be reflected the degree to which is found your consecration.

Come quickly to My arms and let Me act as I have predicted from the beginning.  Soul of Mine, if in truth you want to listen to Me, open your eyes and observe the universe of messages that I send to you every day.  Do not wish now to understand the reason of everything.  Marry Sister Humility so that you may feel that nothing belongs to you.

Surrender all that you guard and control as a treasure.  Before the glory of My Mercy the self-emptying counts for much in order to be able to begin a new path.  I know that you expect that I appear in front of you and say to you: “Dear soul, I have been waiting for you for so long…”

Those who take the steps towards Christ will be the only ones that will encourage themselves to wear the new vestments of consecration.  But still, your vestment is guarded in the closet of Heaven, waiting for your soul to take the final yes, to afterwards be able to sing in glory and joy its consecration.  

I have warned you in various ways.  Remain attentive and you will perceive that which I tell you.   All of the souls are precious and potential outflowings of My Love.

Under the Light of God, be blessed.

Thank you for remaining in My Heart!

Christ Jesus


Why do you fear, My soul, to surrender yourself to the ocean of My Sacrifice?

In the Greater Kingdom there is Eternity, the sublime place that you will be able to find after the long journey through the fires of the Earth.  Encourage yourself to suffer for others.  My pulsating and luminous Heart will never abandon you.

For this, My dear soul, I let you know a little more of that which I suffered so long ago for you and for the world.  But many souls do not want to drink of this sacrifice that I have proposed for you from the beginning of the redeeming walk towards My Heart.  I will not give you pains greater than those I suffered, but in holy suffering lies the key that will open the doors for those who have fallen from the arms of God.  

O, imperishable soul!  Do not be afraid to find what I propose to you for your conversion difficult.  I rejoice that on your path you find difficulties because the path of holiness consists of the renunciation of self to all. 

My soul, stay very close to Me and allow Me to embrace you so that in the hardest moments you may feel that the Love of My Heart will encourage you to go on.  Dear soul, you must know from the beginning that whoever offers themselves to the Great Shepherd will be the sheep who will transform themselves the most and will graze through bitter meadows.

The Lord wishes to make you an empty instrument so that, upon you, dear soul, the Grace of My Inner Presence may be poured.

Do not lose sight, My soul, that I Am always by your side, showing you the direct path to My Heart.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you, My soul, for donating yourself to My Heart!

Christ Jesus


What are you waiting for, My soul, to divest yourself of the world and live eternally in the comfort of My Heart?

Follow the invisible light that is before you, they are the Rays of My Heart that illuminate during the dark night of the world.

O celestial soul of God! who waits impatiently to resolve all things, in your hands lies the humble power of prayer, an infinite path to reach the Creator.  Remain in the Ocean of My Sublime Emptiness so that in all you may see that there exists a reason and an answer.

Sacred soul, what are you waiting for to give Me your eternal yes?  On My Path I offer you sacrifice as liberation, and surrender as redemption.  In My Kingdom there is only Peace, which many times you look for in external things.  My soul, surrender yourself in My Arms, let the Water that springs from My Body wet your body so that it may be transfigured into a body of light, a perfect instrument in the hands of the Creator.

You still believe that you have not been defeated but My Love is the unending spring that will conquer your being to give you to drink of a new water, a water that will satiate you entirely. 

My little soul, the Lord calls you to find in this time the path of humility and renunciation.  Let My Supreme Light flood your bodies so that they may be the living symbol of the new transfiguration.

Dear soul, the time of dispossession has come.  Accept the Supreme Love of Your Spouse because in this way you will find the inner answer that you so much look for.  Trust in My Presence, I want to make you know the greatness of My Celestial Kingdom.

My soul, clothe yourself with the vestment of purity so that the angels of Heaven may receive you free and surrendered to My Heart.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for surrendering yourself to My Heart!

Christ Jesus


At the end of the message we asked the Master why He was addressing His words to us in these days in such a special way and He answered:

Today I speak to you in this way because many of My own in a short time will marry the Faithful Husband forever.  This is a cycle dedicated to the precious souls, those who always seek the Faithful Comforter.  Therefore, I Am calling all who may want to listen to Me.

Your Master of Love


What are you waiting for, My soul, to surrender yourself to My Gifts?

Allow the Perpetual Love that springs from My Heart to flood you until the point in which you feel an ardent devotion for My Being.

Walk by My side, confident that you are taking the steps towards God.  Forget all that oppresses your heart and elevate your consciousness towards My Inner Kingdom.

The one who seeks the Heavens is the soul that unites itself to the Source of Love.  If you have already espoused Me, then allow Your Faithful Spouse to shelter and guide you through the path of the purpose. During the night, remain within My arms and feel the complete security that you will always be well, despite the circumstances.

Seek Me always, feel observed, My soul, by the sweet Eyes of Your beloved and faithful Lord.  Accept that it is now time to begin a new cycle, a cycle that will be radiated by My Celestial Graces.

Come close to Me, no longer be afraid to tell Me how many times you have fallen by My side.  Look, carefully, Your Companion is extending His hand to lift you up.  Pour your tears of light upon My chest, feel the supreme heat of My Compassion and let the past be flooded with healing and forgiveness.

See the Great Star in the firmament of the night, it is showing you the brightness of My Divine Mercy.

O, My soul!  You have stopped being tempted by the world to become like a flower in My Eternal Garden.

For this, I will always thank you for having abandoned yourself to the loving passion of My Arms because you have already entered into the trust of My Heart. Spouse Soul, live the joy of the great encounter and go ahead so that you may be able to reach My Eternity.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for abandoning yourself in trust to My Heart!

Christ Jesus


The soul is similar to an ardent flame, that which, before any blow of the wind,  must make an effort to remain ignited all the time.

For this that soul that, with humility, may make use of My Fire will not be quenched because it will resist any contrary current.

I only ask you to be united to Me in order to discern step by step, avoiding in this way the excessive movements of your temperaments. The merciful prayer will always bring you light upon all of the subjects. Whoever waits for an answer from the Divine Wisdom of God must only pray with the heart because the answer will come by some path.

For this do not fear making mistakes, fear in truth to be deceived about yourselves and to lose the truth from the Highest. For this My Heart is a mediator between Heaven and Earth, My Heart communicates to you the Voice of the Highest. Be in Me and you will be fine, and now assume the school that each one must take at the end of this time, the school of the redemption to reach forgiveness.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
