Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Just as you are, you must come to Me.
Just as you feel, you must come to Me.
Just as you speak, you must come to Me; for I will not judge you nor will I condemn you, for the flaws exist to be transformed, the imperfections live in your consciousness to be transcended.
But do not move too far ahead, follow the time of the heart, therein lies every answer.
Be humble and accept yourself as you are; when you do so, you will know what is beyond you, you will know the value of your soul and spirit.
Do not want to be something you will never be, everyone has their own cross and you must carry that cross without complaining or reproaching yourself.
Assume the part that corresponds to you in this trajectory.
Humble yourself if necessary, but without being pitiful.
Remember to become empty of yourself."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Now that you are already in the Lenten desert, seek within yourself the answer that you long to hear and follow what your heart dictates, for the heart knows that it must fulfill the Lord's ardent aspiration to make you into a blessed soul, even while you are still on Earth.
A blessed soul serves without complaining. A blessed soul is unconditional. A blessed soul has their heart ready for anything.
Find, in the desert, the hidden mystery of God, in what is apparently arid and solitary. You are before the revelation of God's abundant Love, a Love that has no end and renews all things.
May your life be an expression of the inexhaustible Source of God's Love."
Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Companions, today I bring you the Most Holy Body of your Lord and the Sacred Chalice of the Redeemer so that, in this month of May, you may offer a Reparative Communion every day, that God may hear the heart of His children and the supplications of those who truly pray, asking for this humanity and for this planet so that, in this end time, souls may be strengthened and learn to go through the end of these times, revealing and definitive times, times in which humanity will come to know the Truth, in this cycle of the Apocalypse.
I pour out the Rays of My Heart upon the Sacred Eucharist that I carry today in My Hand and upon the Sacred Chalice of the Redeemer so that the Body and Blood of Christ may be that divine, perpetual and eternal unity that souls need in this end time.
It is there, in that divine strength, in that essential union with the Sacrament of the Altar where you will find the strength, the courage and the bravery to overcome these times, rather than anywhere else.
For this reason, today the Light of My Spirit pours out not only upon the Most Holy Body of your Lord and the Holy Chalice, but also upon the world and, especially, upon humanity, upon those regions of the Earth where conflict, the pandemic and terror plague innocent hearts.
In this divine union that each one of you can achieve, through this special offering during the month of May, you will be truly united with Me and, as a result, you will be united with Higher and Cosmic Life.
Thus, in spite of what may happen, help will come from the universe through its powerful currents, through its sublime energies, through the sacred material and nonmaterial rays that must fill souls so that they may finally concretize the realization of their mission and their commitment to Me, so that the whole human race may learn to overcome these times and, above all, learn to go through them.
For this special offering, during the month of May, it is fundamental that the priestly life may be the one that, with the strength and the momentum of the heart and of love, will instill the help that souls need through the Sacraments that I have given you.
Now that, for millions of souls, it is impossible to commune with the sacred form of the Body of Christ or of the Precious Blood, this is the time for living a spiritual Communion, just as real as the usual Communion that you have always experienced.
It is in this spiritual union where your commitment will be strengthened, and those adversities, shadows and uncertainties will not prevail, for each day that you work with and experience this union with Me will allow Me to also act and work through you.
I especially dedicate My Message to all souls, to the silent and anonymous good hearts that pray for the priests, every day, because the spirit of prayer, the power of prayer will cause you to understand, beyond appearances, the spiritual essence of the priests in this end time, in which healing, redemption, reconciliation and Mercy for the whole world will be achieved through priestly life.
It is in this commitment and in this union that each one may be able to truly live with Me, through My spiritual Heart and the Light that emanates through the Rays of Divine Mercy, that I will be able to pour out and place in the hearts of the priests the attributes and above all, the designs that I have thought of from the beginning for each one of them.
While humanity is worried and agitated because of not knowing how the coming time will continue, I invite you to each day further deepen into this union with Me through the spiritual Sacrament with My Body and with My Blood.
In this time, I am also considering the adoration that is offered to the Holy Eucharist, because the more adorations accomplished, the more practices are spiritually made, and souls are also benefited by this spiritual practice that will allow hearts to be kept in balance, in that basic balance that humanity today does not have because of all that worries it and the uncertainty that it feels in this time.
Everything that I left, more than two thousand years ago, for the whole world, are important keys for today. That was the reason for the spiritual living of the Sacraments and for unchangeable and permanent strength that they have throughout the times.
In this way, through the Sacraments, in a spiritual way, you will find the strength of renewal and of faith and, in spite of everything that may happen in the world, souls will feel safe; because you will not become ill; your souls will rejoice and, with Me, they will celebrate the victory of My Heart within each one of them.
I need you to understand, in a broader vision, what this means to Me: that this living of the spiritual Sacrament within each one of you will be able to demonstrate to the Eternal Father that the treasures that I gave you are in safe places and that these very treasures that I gave you bring about results in redemption and in conversion.
This is the time in which, through the spiritual Communion with Me, through the Marathon of Divine Mercy that everyone will be able to experience, everyone will become strengthened and be able to understand, beyond everything, the essence of what I have done throughout the last years.
Because everything that I have done, up until now and since the beginning, has only been a preparation in your lives and spirits so that your consciousnesses would not be afraid nor doubt about being able to face these times and constantly lead humanity toward an elevation of consciousness, because as much as only a few make this effort and this surrender, all this will always benefit the rest of humanity and those who perhaps would not deserve anything, not even a Grace, will receive it.
It is thus that the Love of My Heart is multiplied in all hearts that offer to not only pray for the priestly ministry and priestly life, but also so that the Work of My Mercy and Redemption may be carried forward by the companions that I have summoned to live this life and this spiritual principle, among many others.
I want you to be attentive and have a clear vision that this is the time and the moment for living what I have so much hoped for throughout the times and generations.
I have worked and I have presented Myself with the same aim and purpose, and that will not change until I return to the world, in which your Greater Priest and Lord of lords will move forward with the institution and the advent of the new time, of the new life, of the new humanity.
If your spirits and souls are strong in the Communion with Me in this crucial time, nothing will happen to you; on the contrary, you will help those most need it, those who are weak of spirit, those who are tepid of heart, those who are not poor in life, those who have lost their faith, those who are not humble, those who do not accept Me.
All your offerings will multiply and I will accept them because I will return them in Grace and in Mercy for those who do not deserve anything.
It is in this way that, little by little, I invite you to experience the same school of overcoming, of surrender and of faith that I lived for you until the Cross, so that your last breath, in the last minute of your life, may also be an offering.
Think about and meditate upon what I tell you. I will not ask you for impossible things, but rather I will ask you for what you can really give Me, because I need to be in hearts, I need to be consoled by souls, I must have a space and a place in the temple of each heart so that you can suffer with Me, in silence, for the freeing and the transmutation of humanity for not having conformed to the Law, and not even to My Eternal Father.
You must understand what I am telling you, for these are now My last Words, in this end time. And you must not forget anything that I have told you, because I need to be living in the hearts and souls that offer to live this great surrender for My Heart and My Consciousness.
It is thus, through this path, that you will achieve Greater Life and Cosmic Life. First, you must yield so that I may triumph in the world through you.
Thus, today I bring you the Most Holy Body and the Sacred Chalice, the fruits of the surrender and the merits of the Passion of Jesus, so that the world would not forget that, before all this, there existed a man of Nazareth, Son of a carpenter and of a humble Mother, who fulfilled and carried forward an important task for humanity, pouring out His Blood for sinners, pouring out His Water for those who were lost, freeing the whole planet, to the deepest layers of this world.
Let the power of My Blood justify you before God. Let the power of My Water purify you before God, because I will wait for your great and definitive step, until it be necessary, until each one of you understands that, if I have come here to meet with you, speak with you and instruct you for such a long time, there is a reason and a purpose, because nothing is by chance.
May this Marathon of Divine Mercy awaken within you the flame of healing that humanity needs and, above all, the planet that is in agony not only for this pandemic.
Humanity had to become ill to be able to understand what condition the planet has been in for so long and, even so, how the planet and its nature have responded and expressed in the face of humanity's stillness.
Through the Kingdoms of Nature, see the message that the universe leaves to you, and do not resist anymore. Dare to live the great change in consciousness so that everything may revert and be healed.
While that does not happen, the world will continue to suffer and your Master will also suffer in the hearts that open to receive the Cross that your Master lives in this current time. A Cross that wants to be shared with those who persevere, with those who are selfless, with those who are unconditional, with those who work, day and night, in humility and for peace, with one end and one goal; that Divine Will be fulfilled.
Through the Sacrament of Communion and of the Blood of Christ, I bless you so that this task of the Marathon of Divine Mercy may be profound and true, so that it is not just some time passing by, but rather an imperative and definite need to respond to God until it hurts.
I thank you for the union, the perseverance and the strength of determination in these times.
Remember the spiritual offering during this whole month of May so that, together with the consecration of your lives to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your beloved Celestial Messengers may once again carry to God the fruits of redemption.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
It is when a soul works for Me from the heart and without obligation that it achieves extremely high degrees of love through their service.
It is in this way that the soul, through the service that it is selflessly giving, is freed from the errors and the faults that for some reason it may have committed.
Serving souls are the first that achieve spiritual happiness, and they not only cease to feel the lack of love in another, but are fully filled by the Love of God.
Thus, when you feel that you are not well or that you inwardly lack something, place yourself in service with all the strength of your heart; in this way, your being will expand in proportion to the love that you have given in each new service.
On the other hand, the soul that is most needy or always complains, this is because they have yet to give of themselves and surrender so as to feel free of themselves.
The key of these times is the giving of self.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The Christic life of each being is immortal and always continues to evolve according to their needs for learning and maturing. It is accompanied by the soul, which is what most learns from all the inner and essential life, because it corresponds to the soul to carry out the synthesis of all the experiences it has had here on Earth.
The soul has the mission of carrying all the learning acquired in this school to its higher nuclei and, from there, move forward with an evaluation about the successes achieved and errors committed so that, in the next stage of its lessons, it may assume certain principles it did not live before, nor applied as paramount.
The school of Christic life is based upon the absolute love that a consciousness can widely develop during its incarnation.
In the majority of cases, souls not so awake to the life of the spirit only hold the experience of a very personal love, and when the time comes for them to move on to new schools, the love of those who surround them gives impulse to their spirit so that they may feel encouraged to find ascension and, in this way, definitely unite with the Greater Love that created them.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Souls that thirst for God seek the consoling love of the Father. The bridge for those souls is the religious and priestly life, which is offered in communion with Me to be a witness of the Love of the Redeemer.
Thirsty souls do not seek the perfection of the consecrated one or of the priest because their own spiritual thirst allows them to recognize that the consecrated life is the mystical home that souls need in order to be able to find God.
In this case, the priest is capable of taking care of and protecting their own temple so that the Consciousness of Christ may dwell within it, a place from where their Lord will perform all the necessary wonders and blessings.
The most thirsty souls will always need that bridge offered by the priestly life so they may awaken to the gifts necessary for walking in the spiritual life.
Without the presence of consecrated priests, the Plan of Rescue would not make sense.
That same existence that comes from each priest, which is divine, allows them to carry out their office and thus fulfill Divine Will.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Fiery Bases of a Community and Group Life - Part VII
In a Community, there should be a spirit of unity and of peacemaking so that, on that path, each member can allow the best of themselves to flourish and bring it to the path of evolutionary building.
The Community is formed as a diverse spiritual family, as a mirror of the original Project of God for the sacred peoples.
In this diversity, the beliefs and the ways on how to carry forward a Community must be transcended, thus, disagreements among its members will be avoided.
The values previously detailed, which the Community must live, will gestate new attributes in the consciousnesses so that, on that path of formation and learning, souls may begin to perceive not only their virtues, but also the Grace that attracted them to start living a different life that makes it possible to add values, even within daily routines, but, mainly, so that the consciousnesses may be filled with spiritual virtues that, with time, will attract neutrality and patience, which will show that which is wonderful in each being.
The spiritual family that forms a Community will achieve unbreakable unity by means of the consideration for the one who transforms and tries, every day, to live something new and profoundly evolutionary.
The members of the Community are the inner brothers and sisters of that soul that is slowly transforming, or that can also take a leap in its process of redemption.
The Great Brotherhood is the spiritual archetype that the Community must achieve so that, someday, it may be conscious of fulfilling the Aspirations of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I recognize your efforts in spite of the deserts, but inner deserts exist so that every day you can make an effort for Me and thus fully experience the Gift of the Fear of God.
In this exercise of constant overcoming and transcendence is to be found the great opportunity for taking steps and raising one's consciousness.
Take each stage as a moment for overcoming the limitations and resistances of your own being. Make each stage the spiritual triumph I need because, beyond the circumstances, your Master and Lord will guide you upon the path of humility and the giving of self.
Dare from break free from the concepts of your mind and let the soul rule in these times so that you do not become discouraged, so that you may be My instrument wherever I need you.
This is the time to rebuild the human consciousness. This is the cycle to say "yes" to the Great Master.
A perfect Plan waits for you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
When you cannot do anything for your life, give it to Me so that I may perform miracles of Love.
When you are unable to find meaning or reason within your being, give Me your life and I will perform wonders in your being.
When you believe that you have lost everything and nothing makes sense or has reason any longer, give Me your soul and I will do works of redemption.
You cannot justify that you are unable to do anything for your life, because I will give you the strength and the motive to understand the reason to be here and to live in the school of this world.
Do not believe that you came to Earth to be a normal person; you are part of an existence still unknown to you, and one day you will understand why He lovingly created you in His image and likeness.
You must penetrate the mystery of such a vast and not temporary Love, which allowed Itself to be nailed to the Cross in flesh, so that your redemption could be assured.
So, imitate Me, not in perfection, but rather in the infinite possibilities of stepping out of yourself every day, so as to be able to triumph in love and in surrender to that which is Greater.
This is the time to live the void and submerge into the Universe so that your star of origin may be the one to guide your steps toward the carrying out of service, out of love for a Greater Love.
Dare and you will not regret carrying the cross of these times with Me, just like the Cyrenian carried it, out of love for the unknown, to Mount Calvary.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The rain that falls from the sky today is the crying of the angels, upon seeing the five thorns of pain in the Heart of their Master, caused by the religious life and by humanity.
So that the Heart of your Lord may be alleviated, today I come to give you the "Rosary of the Five Thorns Nailed in the Heart of Jesus", so that you may pray it for all those who are ungrateful and indifferent after having received from Me the celestial treasures, which were wasted and not valued.
I give you this rosary, so that you may pray it as many days as possible, so that the Eternal Father may see the appeals of His good children for the greatest sinners and so that the five thorns of pain may be removed from the Heart of your Master.
Each time an indifferent soul commits an action against the Law and the Universe, the thorns are nailed even further into the Heart of the Redeemer.
If this prayer is prayed before the Blessed Sacrament, the merits it will generate will benefit the rescue of some deep nucleus of souls that are indifferent, so that they may have an opportunity in the next world.
If this prayer is prayed within the families of the Light-Rosaries, the pilgrim devotees will heal the punished Heart of Jesus with their voices, and many Graces will be granted to faithful hearts.
Now I will teach you the "Rosary of the Five Thorns Nailed in the Heart of Jesus."
Union bead
For the faith, devotion, service and love of all pilgrims,
may the punished Heart of Jesus be healed and alleviated.
First decade
For the thorn of ingratitude, nailed in the punished Heart of Jesus,
may the surrender and love of the pilgrims restore our Lord.
Second decade
For the thorn of indifference, nailed in the punished Heart of Jesus,
may the service, charity and fidelity of the pilgrims repair our Lord.
Third decade
For the thorn of disobedience, nailed in the punished Heart of Jesus,
may the obedience, loyalty and transparency of the pilgrims repair our Lord.
Fourth decade
For the thorn of infidelity, nailed in the punished Heart of Jesus,
may the purity, humility and simplicity of the pilgrims heal our Lord.
Fifth decade
For the thorn of the lack of love, nailed in the punished Heart of Jesus,
may the faith, light and consolation of pilgrims rebuild the Spirit of our Lord.
Thank you for being responsive to Me!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
It is in the most humble and simple places on Earth where God can be present, and thus have the power of His Mercy become known to the most miserable and lost.
For this reason, each opportunity that presents itself is a door of Light that opens in the face of spiritually complex, painful and sorrowful situations.
And so, before the hells, the power of Mercy descends to help and rescue incarnated souls that are more ignorant and fragile due to the adversity of these times.
All this is possible when a soul opens its heart and implores God for help. In this way, not only the consciousness, but also all that is around it, that needs Mercy and Light, is benefitted.
This power increases and doubles when, in the time of Mercy, souls pray and unite with the Passion of the Lord.
It is in this way that other very needy souls find themselves drawn to this celestial Light that is present, and receive much inner pity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In order for your being to become depersonalized and truly become different, sometimes certain tests or learnings arrive, that perhaps for your mind make no sense or have no explanation.
But for God, everything that happens to you indeed has an explanation, and the Father will always hope that every experience that you may live or go through will help you to take steps in the evolution of your soul and your essence.
Only certain experiences can help you perceive that, if in truth a situation did not exist, which made you change your position or your opinion, you would not by any means manage to take the Christic steps that at this moment and in this time, I need you to be able to take.
Thus, your irritation or discouragement have no value because you must know that your destiny is already written in the Heart of God.
When there is suffering, lack of understanding or tension, it is because you still have not managed to clearly perceive that there is something within you that must die forever and no longer be there.
It is only with faith and a great deal of determination that you will manage to overcome the limits of consciousness, but for me it does not matter if you do not manage to do so; what really matters is that you try again, every day.
Allow yourself to be guided by what the Universe and spiritual wisdom are gradually showing you and never try to modify the occurrences, because then you would be delayed much longer before finally being able to reach Me.
Trust, surrender and be nothing; in this way, you will allow Me to be part of you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Awaken within yourself the mandala of light and of love and allow it, through prayer, to manifest its perfect and harmonious shape.
Let your inner mandala manifest in its perfect design, expressed by the light of the soul, the note that characterizes it and the representation of its spiritual relationship with the Universe.
Finally, let your inner mandala contribute, to today's humanity, all the love, devotion and reverence that it needs so that it may again unite to God and thus enter into inner contact with the Higher Laws.
Let the light and love of your inner mandala be built by the fervent and sincere prayer of your soul, just as by the untiring giving of your being, at the service of the Greater Plan.
Let your inner mandala reveal to you the gift and talent of being able to serve God within the Universe of the vast purpose so that thus, you may join with the inner mandalas of your brothers and sisters to form the great mandala of brotherhood and goodness; attributes which, in solidarity and in fraternity, you will be able to give for the descent of the Greater Mandala of God, which will allow you to enter into His Kingdom and Eternity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Prayer of the Sacrificed Soul
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I thank you for keeping this prayer in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I thank you for keeping this prayer in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In spite of any circumstance or situation, I do not want you to cease to smile at me, because nobody more than me knows the power of the trials upon you and the importance that they have to completely transform your life.
Therefore, do not let yourself fall nor get discouraged. I Am the force that sustains everything and that impulses everyone to carry forward the Designs of God.
Be willing to smile at me, all the time, although your heart does not feel to do so. I Am the one who can give you hope. In Me is the liberation of your prison and the end of your captivity.
Nothing that may happen to you today is by chance, everything has a motive. Therefore, in trust, affirm yourself in Me and you will manage everything. You will be able to raise your consciousness through the profound feeling of My Love and therefore see, with other eyes, all the wonder and truth that I perform in the life of those who follow Me.
Do not embitter your consciousness, feel within you the splendor of My Rays caressing the most intimate and secretive place of your soul, making each part of your being an inner space of consecration to God.
Fly, fly to Me with the wings of the soul and never fail to see near you the great portal, the great goal, almost realized.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
That which a soul receives when it is sick and is visited has much more value than hundreds of medicines because, if during the visit there is love and effort to help the sick one in some way, that represents an opportunity and a Grace that the consciousness will never forget for the rest of its life.
Therefore, every time you visit a sick person, remember you are visiting Me, and that I will be waiting for your affection, love and sympathy, in order to heal the heart that suffers.
Each exercise of service, whatever it may be, represents the possibility for the servers to enlarge their degrees of love and, getting out of themselves, to take steps that otherwise they would not be able to.
For this reason, I am present in each one of the situations of life so that human beings may learn to serve and to take forward the works of Mercy that help to balance their omissions or their indifferences.
Every opportunity of service is a Grace of being able to find more strength and determination in the moment of surrendering to God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
There are certain mysteries that come from God and that are a part of His Will.
The soul that loves them will one day be able to understand them because, in essence, those mysteries are the revelation of a spiritual destiny for the coming times.
These mysteries, which gradually take form and are established, are safeguarded and protected by the Creator Source so that, when the desire of God is to reveal them and show them, they may be led by the impulses of the original Source.
There are many Sources of Creation that exist in the Spiritual Universe and all of them serve a Greater Source that is called the Creator Source, from which all the divine and cosmic impulses arrive, which form a sector of the Universe because the other Sources feed and spiritually guide other principles, in other Spheres of the Universe.
The time will come in which the Source of Creation will place the planet Earth within the system of Universal life, which has been expected to happen for quite some real time, and this event will occur as the inner Christs are awakening.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more