My Divine Mercy is more extensive and deeper than the sea, in it I submerge the souls inside My Light, so that they may be transfigured and redeemed.
I give My Divine Mercy to drink to the souls that agonize and despair. My Divine Mercy is purer and more crystalline than water, so that they may rely on this life raft.
My Divine Mercy is more limpid, clear and luminous than Heaven, I enter the souls in it so that they may elevate and sanctify themselves as God needs.
My Divine Mercy is more beautiful, lovelier and more precious than the flowers and lilies of the field, because in it souls attain the spiritual joy of serving and living God.
My Divine Mercy is higher, stronger and more robust than all mountains, because in it I place souls on the path of ascension and transcendence, so that by means of My loving confidence, hearts may learn to overcome their own fears and challenges.
My Divine Mercy is more infinite, broader and more extensive than the stars, because through it I place the souls in the Universe of My Love, so that they may be healed from their mistakes and liberated from their constant trials.
My Divine Mercy can be much more to all of you, It will be enough to invoke it with love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I know that sometimes you get tired and fall asleep before Me, but do not worry, My Apostles also fell asleep during the culminating night of My Agony.
Now your tiredness is understandable, it can come from sustaining the fulfillment of the Plan for a long time, of living the permanent purification, of struggling and fighting against My enemy; facts, that the majority of humanity does not know and ignore, because it is spiritually asleep.
I come to encourage you, so that, regardless of how you are, you continue working for Me for love, so that the Purpose and all the Wills that My Father desires to concretize in humanity, are fulfilled.
This is the time of great changes, of challenges, of deserts and tests.
Follow My Path despite all the fatigue. I assure you that the victory of My Kingdom lies within you.
In My Arms you will rest and restore your consciousness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Many are the servants who work in My Name and realize works of peace and good in the world. This goes beyond religion or faith, because through them I take forward the highest work of My Divine Mercy.
In these souls I allow to descend the power and essence of My Works so that through this chain of love and fraternity, the rest of humanity can feel the invisible and silent presence of My repairing and healing Love.
This service, which is offered by all of My servants of the world, has them meet other servants of Mine, and thus the spirit of brotherhood and peace is established; there the Celestial Church manifests, which unites, with love and light, all servants.
Through My servants, I can supply the spiritual needs of humanity. And gestating through them Christic Love, more conflicts and confrontations are avoided in the world by the mere fact that there are souls donated, in service to My Heart.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira - "Come brothers"
In this song we find several keys that reveal to the consciousness the correct procedure to be able to access, in an appropriate way, the subtle vibrations of the Cosmos.
Beyond being a procedure itself, the song "Come brothers" represents an inner invocation, a call of the souls of the Earth that aspire to reach that union with the infinite and with all of its spheres.
In order for that to be possible, the song points out a few basic rules to be able to contact all that exists and all that inhabits the Greater Universes.
The first key is to change the attitude, to say "yes" through prayer, alignment and elevated singing; to change the vibration in order to be in the correct attunement and on the correct plane.
That door will open through the channel of devotion, because devotion will take us to express what we truly are, beyond appearances and methods.
When the consciousness manages to change plane and vibration through prayer or elevated singing, it is from that point that other Laws, attributes and principles, held in the inner world of each being, begin to be visible and available for the materialization of the Divine Will. Because on changing planes, the consciousness distances from errors and their consequences.
The second key presented in the song is the act of sharing, from inner world to inner world, all the good that each consciousness has, transcending the limits of their own provisioning and the distrust that may exist.
In that sense, dying to self, at each moment, the soul incarnated on Earth will be able to serve with joy to the inner siblings, and thus, the consciousness will be granted the cosmic grace of freeing itself from debts, breaking the ties and the limitations of matter, attaining, little by little, the phases of inner transcendence.
This awakens in the consciousness a sense for the reverent and for the sacred, merging its spirit into the song and into the honor to the inner siblings, creating in this way, an alliance with the Universal Brotherhood and opening the spaces to continue towards the infinite.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The eternal life is the greatest treasure that souls receive for having served God, on this planet and inside this humanity.
The eternal life is the triumph of the server of God, the one who has learned to transcend the limits of matter and their own inner limits, fully seeking, in each stage of their life, to accomplish the grandiose Will of God.
The eternal life is for all, therefore you must always aspire for it.
Each moment of service, of prayer and of unconditional surrender for the neighbor is an opportunity of deepening in the aspiration of finding, someday, this eternal life, in order to merge with God in His most mysterious Essence, in the depth of the Temple of His Heart.
You must learn with this example, companions, to overcome the limits of matter and to find the meaning in what is infinite and eternal.
Material life does not end here, your spirits are the ones that will forge new schools and new learning experiences, which will reach new spheres and will embrace new pieces of knowledge to be able to keep recreating this Creation.
Each time a server reaches this self-transcendence, the confirmation of the Plan of God is fulfilled.
But if more souls in the world encourage themselves to do it, this will enrich the Work of God and the Graces that come from His Heart will not cease to descend to humanity, because their lives will be this Mirror that God needs in order to retract His Attributes in these critical times.
The origin of your existence, and everything you have lived throughout the times, is a precious inner legacy that will constitute the New Humanity when it begins to form itself spiritually.
Each effort that you make in your lives, however small it seems, will help God and the manifestation of His Divine Plan in the whole sphere of the Earth.
You must apply the Attributes of God in your lives, little by little.
It will be worthless, companions, that you risk to live all the Attributes at once, because in a parallel way will be your transformation and redemption; and you must rediscover in you, all the time, the reason and the purpose that has brought you here, to this awakening of the profound consciousness to be able to serve God, just as He thought for each one of you.
What I tell you today, companions, is nothing new. Eternal life pulses in the Universe, it is part of all the Universal Life, which recreates itself, time and again, in order to strengthen the degrees of love in all consciousnesses that are part of this Creation, within the different planes, within the different dimensions.
I want you to encourage yourselves to practice the legacy that has been delivered to you.
It is time for new servers to emerge in this humanity.
It is time to open the doors to knowledge even more so that the mysteries may cease to be mysteries and this humanity of the surface may be conscious of the true reality that goes beyond this planet and this local Universe.
If your lives aspire to this eternal life, living each test with gratitude, living each learning experience with joy, you will allow new principles to come to your lives and to be an example for many more that will need the inner Source of Love to be able to endure these times and these great definitions that are approaching humanity.
The last August 8th was already the beginning of a new cycle. September confirms this moment again.
It is time to pay attention to the events of humanity and to apply the superior Laws, not only in your consciousnesses, but also in external life so that more souls can be saved and live this inner joy of having been able to serve God, just as He thought from the beginning, from the beginning of your origins, since before you were an existence or a molecule of light.
The Work will continue with the trajectory ahead, there is still much to do, to rescue, to redeem and especially to forgive.
Your response on this day is the example of your understanding, that you are little by little opening yourselves to be able to understand the Hierarchy that is the one that guides all this from the beginning of Creation.
You know, companions, that your first Hierarchy is the Creator Father and then all those who are below Him, until the Instructors of the surface, who are sent to the world throughout the times so that humanity may not forget the essence of its origin, the main reason of its purpose, which the forces of chaos manage to distract and dispel from the consciousnesses.
But you, companions, who have more tools than the majority of humanity, will have greater responsibility than your neighbor.
Everything you do in this time will have repercussions in good.
Therefore, it is important that you have the principles clear within you in order to know how to proceed correctly, to open yourself correctly to what must continue being transformed.
The evolution of humanity must continue ahead.
Today a new school begins for the disciples that have opened to My call, for all those who knew how to welcome Me here, as well as in their hearts, knowing that the Hierarchy does not lose time before the events that are unleashed in humanity.
There is still time to be able to revert the errors of the world and this will first begin with your examples, living a worthy life, living a true commitment, far from illusion or any fantasy, being conscious of the importance of the change, of the transformation of times, and of the upliftment of the consciousness.
Today you have climbed another step inside of the Plan of the Hierarchy. Do not descend from it, keep elevating so that the Hierarchy may trust and work.
Each one has their part in all of this. What is firmed in the Universe is not erased, even if the consciousness is no longer present here.
Those who have commitments with the Hierarchy and have not understood them will not be able to think they have never had them, because it is a spiritual commitment, signed before the Lords of the Law. Even if the consciousness carries another life, it will never be able to separate from this commitment. Even if it does not fulfill it, this commitment will again present itself somehow to remind the consciousness of what it owes to God.
Therefore, those who are not here are suffering and those who remain can feel peace, beyond their purification, because the Plan is built with the consciousnesses and it is fulfilled with the “yes” of everyone.
The Hierarchy does not expect the suffering of anybody else nor the incomprehension of the fellow being.
The Hierarchy expects the ardent devotion of each heart that knows how to respond to the breath of the spirit, which will open to hear and to understand beyond the forms.
The Work is not a person, it is the manifestation of a Divine Will, it is one of the great branches of the Tree of the Purpose; if you take care of it, it will always sprout and give new fruits.
The fruits that you have received have been the Graces that we have delivered to you.
Now you will have to keep plowing the land to sow again in this new cycle and so that you can harvest in the future what God will give you by means of your trust and the fidelity of all.
You will build fidelity by being true of heart and word. This will make you free so that you can serve more and more and so that, in spite of any circumstance, you never feel tiredness of waiting for God, until He decides to come, as today.
The memory of love is never erased. The experience of love that you can live with the God of the Universe Himself will enrich your lives and will give you the inner strength that you will need in order to face the last times.
But you must fulfill the attributes so that the inner hope never lacks in you, in spite of how the times the purifications may be unleashed.
Through this new step that you have climbed, a new school will open, which will deepen in the one that has existed and which will bring to all the greater consciousness of what God needs to reveal to you so that you may keep learning and thus, be renewed, as you are being renewed today.
Your Instructor went to a new school. He is opening the path for you to be able to arrive there; for your spirits, your true superior beings, be able to bring from these spheres what the world needs today, aligned with the Hierarchy and obedient to sacred knowledge.
It is time for you to be conscious with what you have come to live and of what you have come to accomplish in this cycle and in this time.
It is not about just listening to the Hierarchy, it is about working together with the Hierarchy, it is about assuming, with joy, each new summoning. This will allow the planet not to sink and humanity not to be crystallized with its own errors, with its own actions, with all deeds, which lead souls to lose the sense of their existence in this world.
The door of My Mercy has opened the space to this new school, in which your Instructor is to be found today with ancient brothers from other stars who on this day meet him again to keep living this trajectory towards Infinity, to keep emitting the impulses of light that all disciples who have remained here, on Earth, need, in order to keep transforming themselves until they achieve to be New Christs.
We will keep rebuilding the Plan by means of the servers, of those who have self-summoned.
We will restore this humanity by means of all the superior beings that, in spite of living the school of love and forgiveness, are offering themselves to follow the steps of the Hierarchy and help to elevate the consciousness of humanity, of dimension and plane.
May My Words be able to resonate beyond your ears.
May the Instruction of the Hierarchy and the word of those who instruct, and have offered themselves to God to live it in the name of many more, keep being sacred.
May there no longer exist resistance to changes.
The Glory of God has been given to you, now you must glorify your lives so that this Glory may return to God and the Universe may be recreated once again.
This will begin with the practice of your responsibility, of your adhesion and your union with the Plan, in spite of any circumstance.
Those who have left here, some time ago, are welcome today, because they have always had a place in My Heart, otherwise I would not be here, it would not make sense.
But it is time to correctly live what the Hierarchy asks for, divesting yourselves of your own will and even your own beliefs, otherwise you will not be able to live the new cycle. No one can be left behind.
Therefore, I am extending My Hand to you today, as a Master among the Masters, as an Instructor among the Instructors of the Universe.
I still have My Hand extended to humanity, because I know it needs help and that it will not be able to do it by itself.
Receive, then, the encouragement of the Instructor of the Universe, of the Humble Lord among the Humble Lords, of the Bearer of Peace among the Bearers of Peace, of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
I will always come to give you everything I have, because I was born to be able to be the Word Incarnate and thus be able to be the Example for all My companions and friends who, throughout the times, must follow the footprints of the Lord.
Today your spirits finish an inner academy because your Instructor has left to new schools to be able to instruct new disciples who need the same grace that you have received.
Today I leave you the Instructors that are here today so that you may live the new school, which I need you to live, with your hearts open, in communion with your souls and in gratitude to the Universe.
Thus, there will be more time for the planetary rescue so that many more can enter My Boat before the deluge of Justice comes.
I give you an example, but I tell you truths.
Offer, then, your heart to God, so that your commitment may be reconfirmed and nothing be wasted. Thus you will please your Redeemer and I will come to bring you more Good News, as today.
Bring to Me the Communion here to bless it.
Incense and water to bless.
We stand up.
And at the request of the Master, in this consecration and in this inner confirmation of each one of us, we will live at the request of the Master a profound work of detachment, but also a profound work of gratitude to Trigueirinho and we will bless these elements together with the Universal King, the ashes of the Master Trigueirinho and through the song “Blow of the Spirit” we will raise our offering to God emitting all of our love and our gratitude for having met the Master Trigueirinho in our lives.
You can give hands to one another.
In homage to Trigueirinho, we will sing the song number twelve of the twelve songs that were composed by José Trigueirinho called “With your permission.”
We will sing now the song “Primordial Source.”
Let us inhale.
In the name of the Universe, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
Second Series of Poems
Twelfth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
My Lord and Celestial King,
reveal to me, in this life,
the projects that You have thought of
for my consciousness.
That, in truth and in sincerity,
I may be able to respond
to Your Designs every day
in order to manifest on Earth
the Divine Will.
Dear Jesus,
make me free of everything
that compromises my consciousness
so that I can take steps towards You.
Empty me constantly
so that I may have the Grace
of receiving Your most immaculate
and pure Celestial Principles.
And even if my consciousness
does not come close to the truth,
due to incapacity or some other reason,
I ask You, Lord, to help me
find the perfect meaning
of Your Designs so that,
as an apostle and servant of Yours,
I may represent on Earth
the testimony of redemption.
Remove from my heart
all feelings of vainglory.
Make me small and simple,
just as Your Spirit, Lord,
is simple and small.
Because if I am full
of Your consoling Love, Lord,
I will be able to share it and,
by means of the example
of service and charity, transmit
the vivifying force
that You provide us with,
time after time.
I offer You this moment, Lord,
so that it may be contemplated
as the true offering
my human heart.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
First Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
O Jesus!
sometimes it is difficult to remain
here, in this world,
amidst so many tests and temptations.
Sometimes, Lord,
I feel that I will not manage to reach You
because my own miseries
make me suddenly sink.
From all of this, save me, Lord,
I do not want to offend Your Heart
with all of that which sometimes
seems to have a life of its own within me.
Submerge me, Lord,
into the ocean of Your Mercy
because I know that thus You will purify me
of all my martyrdoms and condemnations
as many times as necessary.
Make disappear, dear Jesus,
this executioner that dwells within me,
that judges me, that frightens me
and that puts me in a place with no way out.
Help me, Jesus,
to be that which You so much hope for.
May I always be able to feel
thirst for You and for Your Presence
so that, someday, my entire being
may learn to become Your spouse.
Dear Jesus,
empty me of my human condition,
clean my inferior consciousness of so many shortcomings
and finally, Lord, place Your Peace
where I still do not manage to have it.
Because after all this inner struggle,
I know that You will triumph and make me worthy
of being able to be close to You forever,
serving You for all eternity.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In the hour of Mercy My invincible and powerful Heart comes to the world to heal souls and to raise again towards Heaven all who have fallen from it.
In this time of Graces I call you to meet Me and to walk in trust by My Side because the Lord, Your God, hopes that His Children look again at Him in the eyes and tell Him: “Eternal Father, I trust in You”.
Only through the channel of My Heart will you be able to find the necessary strength to go ahead without interferences or pains. I hope in the silence of My Spirit that you surrender to Me all that separates you from love and from truth because there is no Superior Grace than living the greatness of My Love and of My Truth.
A truthful heart will never fear showing itself as it is. A truthful heart will never fear being found in fault and being judged because truth must spring from the Love of God and the Love of God is the wise science that will allow you to understand all things.
I only ask you to drink from My Blood and to eat from My Body in absolute trust because in this way you will receive for this remaining time all the infinite merits achieved by Me on the Cross.
I leave in your memories the joy of serving and of loving your fellow humans because in spite of the indifferences that exist among the consciousnesses there exists the powerful Truth of God which will demonstrate to you the path of humility and of emptiness of oneself.
Walk now towards the new life, free from sufferings and from swords of battle because in My Christic Love is found your possible redemption.
Under the humble love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for listening to My Words with the heart!
Christ Jesus Eucharist
I come to My disciples to encourage them to walk at My side because after the long journey of life will finally be born the true spirit of eternity in each one of the Servers of the Lord.
For this, in this time, join inner strengths through the joy of serving those who still have not been divested from themselves. Day by day My Heart approaches to you in order to demonstrate to you that the perfect path is built only through the love of the heart.
I will lead you to impossible challenges, but I will never leave you alone.
I will give you never-to-be-forgotten sufferings, but I will always assist you because in truth the time has come for the “very few ones” to fulfill the Perfect Plan that is designed in the Heart of God.
All the time, I will sustain you between My Arms. When loneliness seems greater than joy, it is the sign that in truth you are living My Christic Path and you will be forming yourselves as the New Christs of the current time.
Pray for those who do not manage to take safe steps towards My Heart. They need your love and spiritual attention. I accompany you always, even in the falls of life.
Under the Infinite Grace of God, be blessed.
Thank you for living in My Heart!
Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more