In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

That night, while I was with My apostles in the Sea of Galilee, a storm came and darkness embraced them, even though I was present in the boat.

Everything seemed about to precipitate, until they called the Lord because their fears were immense, and their faith was tested before the Presence of the Lord.

And even after everything I had taught them, at that moment they experienced their spiritual test, which is something that the world is experiencing today. This is the spiritual test that each one faces to understand within themselves how strong their faith and trust in God are.

The boat seemed about to break that night. The despair of My apostles was immense, simply because for a moment they had forgotten that they were in the boat with God Himself.

Where lies the limit between reality and appearance, between that which is true and that which is false?

For this reason, that night I demonstrated to them that the anonymous and secret Power of God was capable not only of stopping the storm but also of demonstrating how the faith of each one of them was.

In the face of the storm that the world is experiencing today, in the vastness of its suffering and agony, its traumas and aftermath, how will each one of you, in the boat of the Lord, go through this spiritual storm that is approaching?

Remember that, on the top of the Mount of Beatitudes, I taught you how to pray to the Celestial Father and, in trust, surrender to Him everything that happens to you or everything you experience. However, there is no cause with great victims here but rather an intention for each being of this planet to be aware and responsible for everything they have lived and caused throughout time.

Today, the King of Africa is here, with His sovereign and humble Majesty to deliver, to each one of His children of Africa, the treasure of the Reliquary of My Heart, in its spiritual and divine form, so that you may entrust your beings to the Heart of Jesus and so that you may know that, despite everything, there is nothing greater than My Love, because My Love vanquished on the Cross, it vanquished the sin and errors of the world.

And it is this Love that remains perpetually because it is an infinite, inalterable and immutable Love. It is a universal Love that comes to strengthen the souls that seek it, the hearts that, through the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, enter into communion with My Sacred Heart.

The time of captivity is reaching its end, the order has been given to the whole universe. And, through the hosts of angels and archangels, the shackles will dissolve, the chains will break, and souls will be liberated so that, renewed by faith and hope, they may joyfully prepare the Return of Christ to Earth, the Return of the Lord, which is announced today through the voices and prayers of the poorest and most simple from My entire beloved Africa.

I come to embrace with My Light all those who need it, especially those who agonize the most in this country and on this continent, because I Am there with them, just as I Am with you today as Jesus, the Nazarene, the One Who preached and taught on the shores of the Sea of Galilee; the One Who resurrected, healed and liberated hearts; the One Who gave His life for you and your brothers and sisters so that, through the Sorrowful Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, as many souls as possible could receive, in this time, the Grace of eternal life; the most important moment for you to be able to enter Paradise, at the end of your days, just as the one who entered Paradise and had been crucified by My side on Calvary and who was able to recognize the Face of the Lord. This redeemed him forever and allowed him to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, even being a great sinner.

However, here I do not come to point out faults but rather gifts and virtues, the power of the word which, through voice and singing, the sacred adoration to the Lord can express to the Earth and the universe, not only in the luminous form of the Eucharist but also through each inner world and heart that lives in Me and for Me.

Through Saint Isabel’s work of charity, I come to make Africa My new seedbed of Light for the world. Because where there seems to be nothing material or human, worthy or sublime, the Lord, in His Return, will reveal the spiritual wealth that has been delivered to the hearts of Africa;  a spiritual wealth against which attempts have been made to bury and marginalize, and even abolish; a spiritual wealth that will rise like the sun on the horizon, like a flower that opens to the rays of the Sun to show its most intimate beauty and devotion. 

These are the humble souls of Africa. How many important values the world does not know and marginalize! How many souls are incarnated here and have suffered so much, so much, just as your Master and Lord suffered on the Cross!

However, from the apparent defeat arises the power of victory, based on the authentic Love that resurrects life within the hearts that despite everything, and even despite the consequences, trust in the Lord.

On this day, may the promises that Christ made to Africa begin to be fulfilled.

Humanity urgently needs to learn from the spiritual dignity that dwells here, and from the precious, inner and sublime worlds that exist within each soul and each heart.

May the eyes of the world open to come out of blindness and recognize the spiritual universe that dwells and lives in Africa.

The faith of this people, honored and loved by Me, is what sustains the whole world today, and prevents the painful and grave wars from worsening in humanity and in nations.

For this reason, God made Himself humble and poor in a manger, and in this way He will make Himself humble and poor once more, showing His Power through simple hearts, those who perpetually live in faith.

The Call of My Heart to the whole world is reflected on this sacred mirror of water, in My African Galilee, a fertile ground for the seeds of God that will be sown in the coming time; because in Africa an unexplainable Fountain of Graces and miracles will spring, just as Our Most Holy Mother did in Kibeho, Rwanda.

May the voices of the most innocent be heard, may the most hardened hearts soften and open to recognize the need in each place.

It is time to share everything that each one has, because God did not make rich and poor, it was the world that made them. Because God is poor in His Essence, in His Spirit and Divinity, just as His Son is, the King of the Universe, the Bearer of Peace, Good and Mercy.

Although Our Work will be withdrawing in the coming times, know that I will always be able to return here, every time it is necessary and the Celestial Father allows Me. Because the Lord, Christ Jesus, also lives in this time and, in this time, He feels the agony of the world.

I come here so that you may quench My thirst through the love that you give to Me, through the adoration that you offer to Me in each new Eucharist, at each new moment of prayer and sacred praise.

Feel the embrace from the Heavens and from all its dwellings.

May the time of redemption be fulfilled, may peace be established, and may many more resurrect like Lazarus.

I thank you for your goodness and your charity; may these gifts multiply for the whole world.

I give you My blessing and remind you that the Lord comes to seek His dwelling within the hearts of Africa, to repose and rest, just as you can repose and rest in Me when you need it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On a night like this, when the trees embrace you and the stars bless you, I will return to the world, as that Man, Master and Shepherd who was quite close to each one of you, to heal your wounds, to raise you from the ground, to express to you the greatness of My Love for souls.

Today I Am quite close, as you had never thought before; because in this way I Am close to Mine, to those who try every day of their lives to stand up from their falls and carry on, to recognize on their own paths the Footprints of the Lord, the Footprints of the Master, which come in this time to indicate the next path.

While the night in Lys prepares to revere and glorify again the Mother of the Lord, your Master, Christ, presents Himself in this place, just as His Most Holy Mother did to demonstrate to you, in this time, the closeness of Our Hearts, the presence of Our Spirits, the greatness of Our Divinity, which is at the service of Creation and the souls.

For this reason, today I come to this forest and this garden, so that you may enter, with the Lord, the last stage of the agony of the planet, when, for yourselves, My companions, you will learn to sustain for Me this heavy planetary cross, formed by all the sins of the world, by all the outrages and offenses that souls still continue to commit in these times, and mainly by sustaining the cross of the indifference and omission of this world, which I need My apostles to sustain with Me until the time and hour comes for the Return of the Lord.

I want to meet you here again so that you may live, for yourselves, the same experience that your Master and Lord lived in the Garden of Gethsemane, when, in apparent darkness and agony, He found the Strength of God, He found the Faith of God, to fulfill what was pre-established.

Thus, in the same way, there is something pre-established for each one of your lives, for each one of your paths; and this is the time for you to live it, if you wish, it is to accept to live what the Lord has foreseen for each heart of this planet.

And you are not separated from this, companions. Today you are within this request of the Lord, because you are aware, much more than those who are aware in the world. Because this is the very definitive, very culminating hour and moment, to start to prepare the paths of the Return of the Lord through the lives of the souls consecrated to My Sacred Heart, and through the mission that each one came to the planet to fulfill.

With this I mean that God has written already the destiny of each one of you, by means of His Sovereign and Most High Will and, above all, through His Most High and Powerful Love, before you and your brothers and sisters were essences in this Creative Universe.

However, I know that many souls today do not follow or live this Will of God. For this reason, I come to make of imperfect hearts, brave hearts. I come to make of lukewarm hearts, strong hearts that are decided to live the Will of the Lord.

I prepare each one of you and your brothers and sisters, just as I prepared My apostles during Pentecost, so that the Holy Spirit might descend and continue to express My Work of Redemption throughout the ages, and also to prepare My apostles for the moment of farewell of the Master, which each one of My apostles had to experience in their own heart.

And you are at a similar moment, so similar that it seems equal, because after having been instructed and blessed throughout the times, and among so many, so many souls in the world, after having had the Grace of directly listening to the Word of the Lord, I can now tell you that, despite any situation, you are now ready to live what is foreseen by the Eternal Father.

Each one knows in their heart what God says to them, what God reveals to them, what God makes them feel in their deepest inner world.

Thus, I guide My last apostles to the last part of the path of the end of times, when everyone will have to be within the Trust of God and in the living experience of His Love, to help rescue what humanity has lost and, above all, for the great time of redemption that will be preceded by the time of Justice, just as it is written in the Sacred Bible.

Tonight, God hears the clamor and prayers of all His Children. And He hears them through the Heart of His Beloved Son, present in this sacred and humble place in Aljustrel, where souls can find true life, the Divine Life, in the absolute emptiness of their own intentions and expectations, because they can come to drink from the fountain of the purity of Lys, so that more souls in the world may help recover the innocence that this race has lost.  

Do you now understand the reason why I Am here today?

Not only so that, through Galileum, you may listen to My Call, but also so that you may see your souls, reflected here on the great mirror of the purity of Lys, where also the angels of Heaven and of the Earth avail themselves of the spiritual and inexhaustible abundance of this place, where the flame of faith will always be ignited and will be ignited again every time it is necessary, through the soul that surrenders at the Foot of the Kingdom of Lys.

In this new Marathon, which announces the end of a time, and which precedes the next month of August, may hearts open definitively, and just as My beloved spiritual father Saint Joseph has said, spiritual father of all of you, may you carry out a synthesis for yourselves, and realize for yourselves all that in which you have participated with Us throughout the times, and how many Graces and spiritual and inner treasures have been granted to souls.

Now the time has come, now the hour has come, just as it was with your Master and Lord, for each one of your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters, to become a living and resplendent temple radiating the treasures of the Sacraments and of all the Graces that were granted to those who received them through a simple act of Higher Love. In the same way, today this simple act of Living Love allows this meeting between My Soul and your souls, between My Heart and your hearts.

Because I Am the Lord of Closeness, I Am the Light that comes to shine in this night of darkness so that those who have fallen may stand up and continue to walk through the Light that My Living Heart radiates to all. And above all, through the Light that My Eucharistic Heart radiates to you, which you can receive time and again as an inexplicable Grace, so that, more and more each day, you may be a part of Me so that I may, someday, be part of you and you may thus be part of God, just as God is part of His Beloved Son in Holy Unity.

Today, I also come as a pilgrim among you so that, in the seclusion of the Kingdom of Lys, the Lord may meditate with His companions upon the next steps that must be taken for the Work of the Hierarchy to continue to be materialized and concretized. And this Work will be concretized only through the souls that just say ‘yes’ to Me, every day of their lives until the end of times.

I come to fulfill My promise, just as I said to My apostles in the Holy Cenacle: that I would be with Mine until the end of the days, until the time and moment of the Great Return of Christ is fulfilled.

Today I Am here, praying with you and for you, and especially for those who must still take steps in this trajectory that presents itself before each human heart. An infinite and unknown trajectory, which I bring you today as part of the Will of My Father, your Father Adonai.

While the voices of the faithful and devout pilgrims rise as a great mirror toward the Kingdom of the Heavens, through the Sanctuary of Fatima, may a longer time of peace and mainly a longer time of inner peace be granted to the world, so that everything may be healed and repaired from the offenses that the world continues to commit.

Make room for the guardian angels to intercede before God for all urgent causes and mainly for those who most need help. This is the great time of the apostolate, do not forget it.

I thank you for honestly being with Me and from the heart, because honesty will always lead you to truth, and truth will set you free.

Today, the stars are witnesses of this moment, just as the universe is a witness of each Word of the Lord.

May the most suffering and needy beings be blessed.

My Heart is touched, because God has granted Me the Grace that I may be closer to My children of Africa, to be with those who suffer the most, with those who cry out the most, but above all to be closer to those who love the most in the world, through the authentic strength of their faith.

In the next times, may God grant the reconstruction of Africa, so that, someday, the whole world may know who in truth are the souls of Africa. I promise this to you.

May peace be within all those who seek it, may peace be within all those who cry for it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for being here with Me today; because this place, where you are now, spiritually represents to Me a small Holy Land. And what is most wonderful in all this is being able to see that this Holy Land is formed by souls, by the hearts that faithfully respond to the Call, just as many of your brothers and sisters in the world or even within this Work faithfully respond to the Call of God.

Today I would like to linger, companions, on the Gaze of God upon this place, which was founded and conceived for the manifestation of the Plan of God on Earth. However, this place is spiritually alive, for the souls that participate in it, for the servers that self-summon every day, regardless of their life experiences.

The Gaze of God upon this place is special, it is a tender and peaceful Gaze, because He can see His Will reflected upon this place, although His Will is perhaps a little unknown to you and your brothers and sisters; a Supreme and Divine Will that is palpable in this material life, in the experience of this Light-Nucleus; a life that reflects itself through the Will, through what each heart fulfills before God every day.

This is also wonderful for Me, in the face of the difficult planetary situation, in which brothers confront one another, in which entire nations are destroyed by impunity, by the lack of love for others, by the lack of respect for human life itself.

Do you now understand why this place, to Me, is a wonder of God, as so many other places in this Work?

Can you appreciate, companions, the value of this and of the continuity of its expression on this surface?

An expression intimately united to the Retreats of Love, an inexhaustible source that impels you to live the Plan of God every day, even if you do not know how to begin from scratch. This is part of the Greatness of God, of His inexhaustible and inextinguishable Love.

Few are the places in the world, nowadays, that can live fidelity to God; but there is not a mystery in all this, because fidelity to God is sustained by transparency and ardent love for the Divine Will, which is the one that gestates and creates the pillars of the Work of Christ on Earth, through souls.

Without fidelity, transparency and ardent love for the Will of God, it would not be possible for the Hierarchy to work on the planet. This allows, in the face of the spiritual debt of humanity, for the Divine Hierarchy to intervene in these critical times. Because there are places like this, small Holy Lands, which attract God’s Will to themselves through untiring service for those who suffer and have to endure, service for all those who are under the human condition.

I would like for you, companions and friends of Mine, to contemplate and value, from now on, this place and other places of the Work with the same Gaze of God, the Gaze of tenderness and peace-making.

Because He, who is in His Kingdom and in His Glory, takes care, together with all His Children, of each step and each detail, even the most insignificant, so that souls may grow in love and justice, so that souls may learn every day to give of themselves a little more, and to come out of themselves to attain redemption.

Behold My little Holy Land, the new Holy Land of God, among so many other lands sanctified by the Eternal Father on this planet. God ardently wishes for such a Grace to multiply, because it is a Grace for humanity, even for those who would not deserve it, due to their errors or sins.

Then see how wonderful is God’s Mercy, infinite, inexhaustible and inextinguishable, Divine Mercy that can embrace all His Children, Divine Mercy that can congregate all souls, Divine Mercy that can heal all hearts.

I pray, together with the Eternal Father, for more Holy Lands to exist, just as I hope, in the innermost depths of My Heart, that this may happen in Africa, so that the truest and most authentic values of those who suffer may be recognized. If the Heart of the Master is moved with Love for His children of Africa, especially for the smallest and most innocent, could your hearts be moved?

What is there, beyond that which is apparently miserable?

God hides in the smallest and most innocent ones. Thus, God knocks down from the throne all those who say they are powerful, because His Love is present in those who are anonymous, in those who do not seek anything for themselves, in those who distance themselves from any recognition.

Will the world place its gaze, once and for all, on Africa, so that humanity may understand, once and for all, that from Africa the New Humanity will emerge? Why is it destroyed? Why is it colonized? Why is Africa abused?

There is no longer sensitivity in many hearts that go unpunished. However, I will fulfill My promise to return to Africa, just as it is written and just as it was written that I would be here with you today.

This is why I need, companions, that in the end of these critical times, you may place in your hearts and prayers the next Projects of Christ. Because while these Projects are not manifested and concretized, many souls continue to become lost and to be abducted into the fires of hell.

Do you now understand the importance of places and spaces blessed by Me, such as this small community that you express here?

All is being given to you, all is being allowed to you, and all will be requested from you, above all a true inner response that may justify the treasures that you are receiving, because the Grace of God is abundant.

He wants that Grace to multiply and expand in the world so that, through this Work, conceived for the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the servers of Christ that confirm themselves in this time, this Work may reach very distant places of the planet.

Because I have told you once, companions, there will not be many who will serve Me in this end time. But those who serve Me in this end time, although they are few, will have to be truthful. Just as this truth, which has brought you to this present time since the first day that this sacred place, this point of Light for the Hierarchy, manifested itself.

With all gratitude, I would like to announce to you, with all reverence and with all inner aspiration, that I will place here some priests, so that they may sustain, together with your brothers and sisters, this new cycle of the Light-Nucleus, through its sacred task of the House of Saint Lazarus as well as the other projects in which you will participate in the coming times. Because the spiritual channel must be quite strengthened so as to encompass and embrace as many souls as possible, on this and on other planes, who, through the House of Saint Lazarus, will seek relief from suffering.

I want you to know that here, in this house consecrated to My Most Holy Mother, your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, in the deepest and most anonymous silence, finds a place of repose and relief.

It is time, companions, for you to perceive My Spiritual Presence here, and to know that I will never abandon you, but rather I will always impel you to fly with your own wings toward  the dimensions and planes of consciousness where the Will of God must materialize on this surface.

As I have asked elsewhere in this Work, I wish for the Fountain of the Healing Christ here, the Unfathomable and Sacred Heart of Christ, so that those who cross the sacred door of this house may find My Water of Life, which will purify and cleanse them, relieve and renew them for the next service.

The water of the Fountain of the Healing Christ will be blessed not only for the Holy Sacrament of Baptism, but also for those who want to drink it or want to take it with them to bless their homes and families.

See, companions, how simple yet how profound is the Love of God, which hides in what is silent and anonymous, which distances itself from every wish to play the central role and exhibition. Because God is present in the life of the pilgrims, of the seekers of peace and good, of those who will work in these critical times so that the values of human dignity and fraternity and, above all, love, may not be dissolved from consciousnesses.

You will have two more days of meeting with Me in this sacred house. On the days that we still live of Lent, and of inner emptiness through your own deserts, I ask you to offer each task and each service in the name of the Lord. Also offer the days of the Marathon of prayer to My Sacred Heart.

My Gaze will be attentive to the actions of Mercy, so that the grave errors that are committed today in the world and through wars, may be dissolved, and a longer time of peace in the world may be granted.

For this reason, My friends, peace must begin first within you, by your taking care of your words, taking care of your gestures, taking care of your actions, taking care of your thoughts and feelings, taking care of your neighbor before you take care of yourselves.

Thus, fraternal charity, inspired throughout the times by many saints and blessed ones, will not be dissolved in the world, but will rather grant peace; and this fraternal charity will be reflected on faces with a beautiful smile for serving God. Thus, your own sufferings and agonies will dissolve, because the one who serves God becomes liberated from themselves forever.

Take into account all that which I tell you, and hold My Words in your hearts.

Once again I thank you for being here today.

Bless, Lord,
those who listen to Your Call.

Bless, Lord,
those who serve You untiringly.

Embrace, with Your Love,
those who invoke Your Name,
and guide the steps of the consistent.

May the wounds and grievances of hearts be healed,
for all the offenses
that they may have received throughout the times.

Glorify, Lord,
those who serve anonymously,
silence those who speak unjustly.

Because Your Power and Your Light will be in those who
always say ‘yes’ to you and do not step back,
because by surrendering their lives into Your Hands,
by surrendering their consciousnesses into Your Heart, Lord,
the time of consummation will be fulfilled,
just as Your Most Beloved Son fulfilled it when He expired on the Cross.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Like the last rays of the sunset, I will come in the end of these times.

Like the wind that caresses your faces today, I will come at the end of the times.

Like the day that withdraws so that a new day may begin tomorrow, I will come in the end of these times.

And I assure you that many will find it difficult to recognize Me, because I will come with the same Face that I once revealed to My apostles on Mount Tabor, and all that which your Master held as a secret in His Heart will be revealed.

This is why I tell you today, “Be attentive and watchful, because My hour is drawing near,” and My Priestly Presence must not go unnoticed by any of you. Because just as I come today in Divinity to meet you, so I will come in Glory to meet My companions again.

But before the skies open and the clouds move apart, My reappearance will take place in the world and this will be gradual on the whole planet. Because there will be no place where I cannot be. On the contrary, the Son of God will be able to be everywhere at the same time, and thus once again the Law of Omnipresence will be fulfilled in humanity and on Earth, just as it was for the ancient people of Israel, who closely listened to the Word of God, just as it was for the prophets who listened to the Call of God.

My Return will cease to be a mystery to become a revelation.

And today I come here, in the vicinity of Ukraine, to give this Message, because after seeing so much innocent blood being shed in this country, the Lord of Israel presents Himself to this nation and to the whole world, to announce that in these great times of tribulation the hour of the Return of the Son of God draws near and thus the promise  which was once made on top of the Mount of the Beatitudes will be fulfilled. 

Because in that hour all the seals of the Book of the Apocalypse will already be opened, and the seventh angel of the Choirs of God will have already sounded the last trumpet, so that the last seal of the Book of the Apocalypse may be opened.

The great door of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy will be converted into the great door of My Glory and Grace to the whole world. Because I will reappear to small groups of souls throughout the world, just as it was on the path of Emmaus, where I consecrated and broke the bread again to share My Glorious Body with Mine. in the same way I will do it again as in the previous time. In this way, you will be able to recognize Me face to face and will know that I Am Jesus, the Glorified Christ, the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus.

I come to give this Message of hope especially to Ukraine, so that its people, whose faith and trust in God has been taken away, may recover this hope and faith in the Father, may recover the trust of being worthy Children of God, in Heaven as in Earth.

I will not oppose weapons, I will oppose My enemies to convert and redeem them. Just as your Master and Lord, during the three days in the Sepulcher, while His Divine Body was restored and repaired, the Divine Soul of Jesus, in the deepest hells of the planet, redeemed those who were condemned and lost, those who could no longer see the Light with their own eyes; in the same way will I do it, perhaps in a way unknown to most, but this will be fulfilled. This is My Word.

It will be the great moment of redemption of the world, when, for the price of the Most Precious Blood, shed by Jesus, responding to the Commandments of Christ, the angels of God will again descend to Earth, just as they did on top of Mount Calvary to collect the Blood of Christ, with the Divine and Holy Mother,.

Thus, they will return to the world to pour out the Precious Blood of Jesus upon all the Tabernacles that have been profaned and outraged in the world.

And thus, the Light will be re-established in humanity, and everything will begin to be converted, not by the work of a miracle, but rather by the work of the Holy Spirit, who will congregate the 144,000 from the four corners of the planet, the so-called Children of God, who have sacrificed for Me throughout the times and generations, to bear witness of My Word and My Priesthood, for all those who were with Me at the foot of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, to adore Me and recognize Me as the Way, the Truth and the Life. 

Thus, I will gather all, just as at the beginning, just as in Eden, God gathered Adam, Eve and all the little creatures of the Kingdoms of Nature to tell them that they should love God above all things, to be under His Law, His Love and His Light. In this way, within His Laws, all were happy as the angels are happy in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Therefore, prepare yourselves and do not fall asleep. I do not want to see My apostles sleeping while the Lord arrives as a Vigilant, as the Guardian of the Portals of the Light, to tell you that the hour has come in the deep winter night of this world, when indifference replaces love, when evil tries to replace peace.

The Lord of the Universe will descend from Heaven, just as the angels descend from Heaven to help nations and, especially today, to help the Angel of Ukraine, so that He may be helped by the merciful prayers of all of you, so that martyrdom, slavery and war may be dispelled from this world, so that no more weapons may be activated to harm your fellow being. This is the great cause of My Presence in the vicinity of Ukraine. 

Just as the angels of Heaven are present with Me in this afternoon, which is withdrawing, in the same way I want and wish that your hearts, rather than your emotions, may also be present. Because I want imperfect yet true hearts, those who take the risk of seeking purity even while being in this world, those who are not afraid of overcoming themselves, those who do not step back, do not doubt, are not lukewarm.

I seek defined, yet imperfect hearts. I seek those who decide to follow Me until the end. Because My hour is already marked, companions, and the world and humanity must not continue the way it is.

Who will continue to carry the wood of the planetary cross with Me?

Who will cease to be negligent, to be responsible in Christ and for Christ?

Each time I come to the world, as on this day, I must remind you of these principles so that you will not forget them. Because under no circumstance or situation must the vow of your love for Me be dissolved.

If you do not reflect on all these things, why are you here?

The Light of My Mercy continues to descend upon the world, although this is not perceived. But at some moment, this Light will withdraw so that humanity may live its own definition for itself, just as your Master, Christ Jesus, lived in the Garden of Gethsemane.

May this not be interpreted as abandonment. God makes, of imperfect hearts, mature hearts, consistent and available hearts, so that one day they may be unconditional hearts, who have clarity, at the center of their being, about the Purpose that they have come here to fulfill.

While wars unfold in the world, while innocent blood continues to be shed under impunity and false power, while millions of children die of hunger and disease in Africa, who will be able to be in Me forever, so that I may be in them forever and may work and labor without anything in return, just as I did many times in many saints, while I needed it?

Do you understand, in the deepest way, the Christic life, the mirror that Christ needs on Earth, through the human heart, to reflect His aspirations and wills?

I do not come here to waste time, I come here as a Messenger of God because of an emergency. Because My hour is closing, My Apparitions will be withdrawing, because it is the hour of each one of you, companions.

I will accompany you in spirit if you allow Me to, just as I accompanied My apostles in the great time of Evangelization.

Oh, wounded Ukraine, although you are under siege, do not lose the light of your faith, the sacred pillar of trust. Because the time will come for the liberation from your slavery, just as the people of Israel were liberated. The desert will end, darkness will disappear, and the time of spiritual and physical reconstruction will come.

Beloved souls of Ukraine, rise up to Me. Enter the deepest entrails of My Mercy, and I will relieve you and strengthen you in this difficult hour. My Rays of Light and Mercy are upon you.

Rise, Ukraine, and do not step back!

I Am here to heal you. I Am here, Ukraine, as your Peace.

Never forget those who suffer in war, because if someday you live it, you will want someone to remember you. When fear embraces you, and dissociation disturbs you, you will cry out for someone to pray for you.

Do you now understand the reason for My Return to the world?

May the next Marathon of the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy be a Marathon of prayer, may it make you feel in your heart the need to pray for this world and especially for those who suffer from wars and conflicts.

Once again, I will be attentive to the voice of your supplications, because I need that. My Ears will be attentive. My Heart will be attentive. The Tabernacle of My Heart will be exposed for all those who pray this Marathon of prayer with Me.

I want to quench the thirst of the afflicted.

I want to calm the tears of unprotected children.

I want to have the unborn in My Arms.

I want to raise the elderly from the ground.

I want to strengthen the life of the mothers of war and, especially, the mothers who experience war in their families.

I want to establish unity in all beings.

I Am the wellspring that quenches the thirst.

Let those who are without hope come to Me.

Let those who feel alone come to Me.

Let those who have sinned come to Me, because My Love is capable of transforming everything. I will not judge them with a rod, I will teach them about the righteousness of the Law, I will open the door of My Unfathomable Mercy to Ukraine and to the subjected nations of Africa.

I will be thankful to you if you respond to My Call, in this special and unusual Marathon of Divine Mercy.

Remember that My time is ending, and the demand of this world is still very great.

Who will be the apostles who will join the lines to accompany the Lord with nothing in return, with nothing in exchange?

I impart My blessing upon Ukraine and the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Holy Angels of God,
faithful guardians of the Divine Relics,
radiate Light and Peace to the world.
(5 times)

I have fulfilled My promise and here I Am, with the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body.

Revere one of the Sacred Relics of the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

Forms are permeated by the Light of My Heart at the moment.

Corrupt matter begins to be transformed, density is transmuted and elevated, and within the atoms and cells of beings the Sacred Science of Healing is fulfilled. In this way, the bodies of human beings will liberate themselves from this retrograde condition of the surface.

The angels send their voices to the Heavens, so that the shackle of perdition may be broken and souls may be liberated from the cage of spiritual enslavement. In this way, the time of My prophecy is fulfilled. Hearts begin to attain redemption.

The doors of the Heavens open with the help of the saints and angels. Those who dare to cross them will discover in themselves the sacred mystery of the unknown, which will cease to be a higher mystery and become an inner reality in the consciousness.

Thus, the angels, responding to the request of the Lord, begin to remove the very fine layers of planetary illusion. In this way, many veils will slowly begin to fall from your eyes, from all the eyes of humanity and, on the horizon, those who used to be enslaved and now are liberated begin to see the Son of God coming.

And the Son of God will no longer hide behind the Sun. He will no longer withdraw into the stars, because the great mystery is unveiled and, just as it was on Mount Tabor, the Lord will arrive transfigured. 

And that which has always seemed to be unattainable for many, will be a palpable reality for those who have faith and persist on My Christic path. Because the chosen and the self-summoned will feel the planetary cross with Me, not as suffering, but rather as a great moment of liberation.

And that hope that has been suppressed from humanity, due to all the errors it has committed throughout the ages and up to the present moment, will again emerge and appear as a supernatural force in the heart of those who persist in Christ.

Thus, life on the surface will cease to be a calvary, because the school of suffering will no longer be necessary. The law of spiritual debt will be dissolved, and those who have come with Me until the end, will never again know about duality.

There will be no differences, there will be no dissociations, there will be no wickedness, there will be no sadness, anguish or disease. Because those who will be part of the Last and New Humanity will not know what sin is, because sin will have been transcended by the merits of the power of My Blood, and souls will be bathed in My Light, just as My Light envelopes the world today.

Despite the errors and outrages, despite the indifferences and omissions, despite the fact that the majority no longer seeks God today, nothing will prevent Me from returning to the world.

You may feel at the moment that the spiritual desert becomes more and more arid, that you cannot find the oasis to quench your thirst, that the soil under your feet dries and cracks, perhaps leaving the paths confused.

When all seems absolutely dark and it may seem that the Light will not shine at the bottom of the abyss, that will be the hour of the Lord, just as it was His hour during His Death and His rest for three days in the sepulcher.

At that moment and in that time, which are not so far away, I will descend to the hells of this world, in which many dwell on the surface, to put an end to that suffering and despair.

I will come to heal the deepest wounds, and with My own Hands touch your bodies, just as it was in the Holy Land at each place where your Master and Lord passed.

And at the least expected hour, I will open the door of your homes and you will see Me, just as the apostles saw Me in the Holy Cenacle after I had resurrected.

I will re-appear and fulfill My promise. At that hour, the existing evil will tremble and cry, unable to come out of its profound abysses, because I will give the order to Saint Michael the Archangel to close the uncertain dimensions of the planet, because He will pour out upon the world a Source of Light that is unknown, and never seen before.

But this will not be an analogy or a theory. The Source of Light that your Lord will open upon the world will be seen by all. It will have more power and splendor than a rainbow.

And thus, little by little, the spiritual darkness will dissipate, the sick bodies will be healed, the blind who have never seen will see. Many of My enemies will be converted; and I will be upon a Mount, similar to the Mount of Olives, so that all may see Me come in glory.

I know that many still lack preparation for this event. But do not be perfectionists. Be simple, just as your Master and Lord, just as your Most Holy Mother is, just as Saint Joseph is in humility.

Because God is in that which is simple and true. God does not stand out by Himself, because He shows Himself where His Love lives and reigns, not only in the Heavens, but also on Earth. His Love is shown and manifested among the brothers and sisters who love each other, who are capable of giving their life for their friends, just as I did for you.

When you have Me close in your homes, or when you find Me on your paths, at the moment or on the day you least expect, what will you do? Because I will see everything in you, just as I saw everything on the Cross, in the solemn Silence of God.

When you are face to face with Me, what will you say to Me? Will you do the same as Mary Magdalene did, when she found the Lord in the garden of the sepulcher? In this way, I will call you by your names, just as I called Mary Magdalene. Just as I called the apostles, because they were afraid for having abandoned Me.

And how many times have you perhaps abandoned Me, through the brother you do not love, through the service you do not assume, through the step that you do not dare to take, through the lack of prayer? But I will not come to point out these facts. I will come with Love and Mercy, because I know who Mine are.

Therefore, prepare yourselves to meet Me. May your lives be a mirror of gratitude, let there no longer be complaints, may you no longer be petty. May you value and honor all that I have given to you, because just as you listen to Me today, you will listen to Me when I call you by your name and your guardian angels will be witnesses of that moment.

Therefore, you must remember the Tabernacles of the Earth, just as the angels remember them every day and adore them, so that your hearts may be ready for the first moments of the Return of the Lord.

For just as I showed some of My apostles My true Face on Mount Tabor, so will I show to Mine their loved ones who have left. And at that moment, the covenant of Love will be sealed. And through your efforts and sacrifices, you will allow many of your loved ones to enter My Kingdom, just as many have already entered.

Now, the Chalice of the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body is in My Hands. It is the Sacred Heart of Jesus that comes to offer this Chalice to humanity, so that it may be filled with the most precious offerings of My children, because in the self-giving itself of each one of Mine lies liberation.

Give of yourselves and you will be liberated, and the cross of each one will no longer be a burden, because there are worse crosses in this world, and many of them are in Africa. And My children of Africa are brave, because their faith overcomes all adversity and the Holy Spirit guides the humble in heart.

Now, we will do what I have asked of you, before the moment of Spiritual Communion, when this immaterial Chalice will be attentive to your offerings: you will offer the adoration to My Eucharistic Body so that the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body may receive the offerings of the hearts.

Thus, I bless you in this new stage and in this new cycle, when My Love must be brought to the nations of the world. Remember this: the Love of Our Sacred Hearts must be brought to the world and to the nations that need it the most. Do not forget it, because the coming months will be definitive to avoid more suffering in humanity and on the planet.

Let us adore God, the Creator, through His First-Born Son, the Lord of Israel.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I Am the Lord of Africa and I give to eat of My Body, I give to drink of My Blood, to those who cry out for help, for spiritual help.

From the desert of Sahara to the lands of Yemen, from the heart of Ethiopia down to South Africa, My Powerful Cross extends itself, the Cross of the spiritual freedom of souls of Africa, an unimaginable service that many do not want to experience.

Because it is not just about dirtying one’s hands or entering the greatest and inexplicable suffering of those who have nothing, but rather about My Africa having a treasure that is still unknown to the whole world, which is the treasure of the heart of My African children, which is filled with love, although surrounded by suffering; filled with faith, although disturbed by misery; filled with purity and innocence, still living in slavery.

The Lord of Africa will return to His people, first giving the great sign of His Advent through the powerful Light of the Cross of the Redeemer, which will extend itself throughout this dear and beloved continent.

Few are the ones who have committed to Me in this arduous and difficult service for the souls of Africa.

Who else will respond to My Call, leaving their emotions and restlessness behind, assuming the torch of the Light of Christ, which must shine and illuminate all of Africa through servers and missionaries?

Have you perceived yourselves as part of My Light in humanitarian service for this civilization of the surface?

Have you perceived yourselves as part of My Love at each place visited, in which self-giving must be spontaneous and authentic?

I come as the King of the African continent, Who guides the souls of this continent through the Scepter of God. Because despite what happens in these times, and the aggressions that all nations of Africa live, all souls of this continent are under My Light. This is why I will come first for each one of them, for those who served Me and for those who denied Me.

I will appear, at the end of these times, in an inexplicable way. I will give visible signs, just as I did in Israel, so that My companions may recognize Me.

I will come in a form stronger than the Eternal Light, and I will again work prodigies and miracles for those who do not have faith.

But above all, I will live a great moment with My children of Africa, when I will not only be able to embrace each one of them with the power of My Love and My Mercy, but I will also be filled with the love of each one of them, because their voice is heard in the Heavens, the voice of the peoples of Africa resounds in the Ears of God.

Therefore, trust and have faith. The moment of liberation is near, and not even one more tear will roll down upon the face of My children of Africa.

Happy are those who give of themselves for Africa; all My servers and companions who, beyond themselves, have clarity in their minds about what this great service for souls means and represents.

Happy are those who carry with them My code of Love; those who do not fear darkness, obscurity, misery or infirmity.

Blessed are those who serve in Africa without fear.

Blessed are those who have served in Africa at some moment of their lives, because the Lord has everything in His mind and in His Consciousness.

These are the precious pearls that are gifted to the Creator, through the effort and transmuting sacrifice of My missionaries, because I assure you that you partake with Me in the suffering of the Heart of the Redeemer. And each time you carry forward My service for the souls of Africa, you remove from My Heart the thorns that perpetually make me agonize.

Because not only have I made My Mercy known to the world. Today I also made known to the world the Sorrowful Heart of Jesus, to those who have clarity about the Call that I make to them, the Call for crossing the walls of egocentrism, to give of themselves to the world in a true, authentic and simple way.

I Am the One Who announces the coming of that which is new to all of Africa. Because the Lord of the Universe never tires. There is so much to do and so much to serve, that My apostles, My true apostles, do not have time to think of themselves, for their time is to place the other first, even in that which is smallest and most invisible.

If your consciousness starts from this principle that I present to you today, you will fear no other mission or challenge that I may place before you and you will be able to be living testimonies of My Presence in the world, in the places where true suffering exists, where peace, love and tolerance are lacking.

This is what I have to offer to you: that you may partake with Me in this end of times through humanitarian service and your self-giving.

Because a true missionary never goes ahead; a missionary of the Light foresees the Plan, makes it a part of themselves and internalizes it, so that this Plan may be concretized and fulfilled, just as it has been written in the Heavens since the beginning.

Because a missionary of the Light is always unconditionally prepared and available; they have their heart ready to face with Me the end of times. And the center of their principle is the unfathomable Flame of My Love, which is never extinguished within them, because it is the Flame of My unfathomable and invisible Love that guides and leads them. It is the Flame of My Love that grants them the discernment, the science and the wisdom to choose.

This is why, after this August 8, I come to offer you this synthesis.

I wait for the hearts that have decided to be available to Me until the end, wherever it may be, regardless of the place, the moment or situation. With them I will make all things new, and the light of My Heart will always be abundant for those who day by day confirm themselves to Me.

I will give you the power of My Fortitude so that you may serve Me wherever I need you. Because not only can you be the Light of Christ on Earth, through the hands that give of themselves and embrace suffering in themselves to transform it into relief, love, healing and redemption; but to the missionaries who are decided, I will also grant My Divine Thought so that they may spiritually build with Me the foundations of My Return.

If you feel stagnant, blocked or even closed, ask yourselves:

How is my service to the Lord? Is it authentic? Is it strong? Is it a decided service?

Am I really available for the Plan?

Do not fear transformation; as of now, change the concept and the idea of what it really means. If twelve fishermen converted into My apostles, what could you convert into today, in these end times?

My Graces for all have been so abundant and infinite.

My Love for all hearts has been vast and profound.

Africa and the world wait for you so that you may be bridges of solution, bridges of reconciliation, so that you may be centers of love and light in the world. Thus, you will unconditionally allow Me to work. And I will show you, I will make you feel, what that joy means and represents, the joy of serving God without anything in return.

Today, you conclude the preparatory schools, tomorrow begins the school of maturity and absolute surrender.

I come here to throw the seeds into the hearts that offer themselves as a fertile soil to sow My treasures in themselves, and offer, as trees of light, to someday yield My fruits in abundance. Just as some of Mine, in these times, are yielding fruits in abundance and with effort, but this is not enough. I must gather the 144,000 from the four corners of the Earth so that they may wait for My arrival and My Return. And so that My Return may be announced to the world, just as I announce it to you once again.

The time of My reappearance is approaching, and you will find Me among the humble and the simple, among the refugees and the discarded. You will find Me among the children, the youths and the adults who cry out for hope. You will never see Me in palaces or churches.

I have said to you once, as I said to My apostles, that the Kingdom of God is within each one of you, and that is where I forever want to be.

Are your hearts willing to receive Me eternally?

I do not need answers. I need confirmation and predisposition. This is how you will understand what I say to you out of Love, this is how you will be part of My Spiritual Government and be My instruments upon the surface of this planet, so that the true Spiritual Government of Christ may descend upon humanity, mend the errors of all the wars that are experienced today, extirpate the impunity of many rulers, and relieve the great multitudes and peoples who live oppression and evil in these times.

I promise you that I will come as the New Aurora, as that dawn which appears in the firmament. In the same way, My Most Holy Mother will appear, and many will see Her unknotting the great ties of the planet in the domes of churches and in unimaginable places.

Be attentive to the signs of the heart, because all is permitted.

Today, the Lord of Africa leaves this Message to you. Do not take it as a warning, take it as an opportunity for preparation, for the last and great preparation after this August 8, when the last part of the Apocalypse will be unleashed.

In this most difficult hour which the world now lives, I will return as the Lord of the Night, but also as the Lord of the Sun. Believers and even atheists will not be able to hide My Presence.

Happy will be eternally those who will see My Return. Blessed will be forever those who have striven for Me until the end, even without knowing how to do it.

Because, in this most difficult hour of the planet, as it was at Pentecost, I will send you the Great Consoler, the Divine, the Eternal and Sublime God, to make of your hearts and souls great strongholds so that as soldiers of peace and warriors of Mercy, you may serve Christ in the end of these times, because in this way you will make My Heart triumph when you are decided.

With all My treasures in your hearts and souls, make My Presence in the world count, and honor it because, just as I called the twelve at the shores of the Sea of Galilee, today I come to call all to be by My side and follow My Steps, the steps of your own liberation.

For all those who strive, I thank you.

For all those who are confirmed, I bless you.

For all those who serve the poor among the poor, all those who serve those who must recover their values and human dignity, making of each service a moment of great fraternity, I praise you and honor you in the name of My Celestial Father.

Because the signs of your sacrifice and surrender will leave marks in the Heavens and after this great service on the planet, your spirits will return to their origin, where they will serve the Creator Source with all the experience of the love and redemption lived.

And all this legacy, that is from each one of you through your own efforts and surrender to Me, will become a new star in this vast cosmos. And those who come later, in times to come, after they have been born on this Earth and are a part of the New Humanity, will look at the sky at night and will see many stars, as you see them today in the sky. And those recently incarnated souls will recognize the legacy that you will have left in the name of Christ, your Lord. Amen.

Let us joyfully prepare for this Spiritual Communion, reaffirming the Call of your Lord in your hearts. And we will do so through a song, the song that represents My Call for each one of the souls, that song that recounts the passage of Christ as a fisherman of souls at the shore of the Sea of Galilee.

This is what I want you to sing to Me, because do not forget, I Am with you, and you can be in Me.

I Am the Nazarene, the One Who preached, the One Who announced the Good News, Who healed and liberated hearts. I Am the One Who multiplied loaves of bread and the fish, I Am the One Who walked upon the waters, and Who invites you to do the same for the triumph of the Kingdom of the Heavens.

I bless you and again give you My Peace, the Peace that will always strengthen you to move forward, trusting, without fear of anything.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While darkness makes the planet succumb, I come today as the Great Solar Consciousness to give life and renewal to souls, to deter the hells of this world.

I come today as the Great Solar Consciousness so that souls may turn to God, so that the hearts that have not yet repented, may repent.

I come today as the Great Solar Consciousness to bring healing to wounded hearts, to give shelter to those who are exiled and to refugees, to calm the cry of the innocent, of all the children of war.

I come as the Great Solar Consciousness to awaken the sleeping hearts, to bring wisdom to the closed minds, to nourish spirits through My Solar Light.

I come today as the Great Solar Consciousness to bring hope to those who have lost it, to deliver My Love to those who do not have it, to give My Mercy to those who do not deserve it. Because I am the Great Solar Consciousness that comes from the heart of the universe, and that, crossing dimensions and planes of consciousness, comes today to Europe and the whole world to tell all: persist! because the triumph of My Heart is near, although it may not seem so at this moment.

For this reason, this is the time of the apostles, this is the time of those who will give their life for Me, not only by bearing witness of My Word and My Presence, but also by giving their life for Me where it may be necessary, in the place and at the moment when I need them, for there is much left to help in this humanity.

And while conflicts and wars are unleashed, many Angels of the Nations can no longer do anything. And the Angel of the Wrath of God wants to precipitate upon the world, with more than thousands of rays, bringing the power of cosmic and solar elements to correct the world. But the prayer of the consistent and the just, the service of the selfless and unconditional, placates the fury of this Angel of the Universe.

But this Angel does not want to impose punishment, but rather severe correction, as the world has not heard the Message and the warning of Heaven, and souls keep living the same way, with the same ways and habits, as if the spiritual and the divine no longer mattered.

For this reason, My Celestial Mother, just as it has been in these recent days, places Herself between the Angel and you, in order to intervene. Thus, a Universal Judgment is unleashed, the first stage of this Judgment that humanity has begun to live.

But while weapons and ideas of destruction and conquest are carried forward, who will be able to deter this Angel of the Wrath of God? Because the world and, above all, humanity, have been living out of the Law for more than two thousand years now and, for many Creator Angels, the price of My shed Blood seems not to justify it.

For this reason, through the angels that accompany Me today, and, especially the Angel of Portugal, I come to implore the world for a change in consciousness and above all in attitude, because it does not know Higher Laws, let alone Divine Laws.

I need this Message to be propagated throughout the world and that you may listen many times to what I am telling you today, because Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Words shall remain in the hearts open and adhered to offer themselves to build the Return of Christ.

With these angels that accompany Me today, together with the Angel of Peace, we implore the Celestial Father that the merits of the Mercy of Christ may be contemplated, in honor of the suffering that I endured for you on the Cross.

To placate the power of the Angel of the Wrath of God, I come today to expose to you My Thorned Heart, gravely outraged by the wars and conflicts throughout the world and, especially, by the souls that generate the wars and have condemned themselves to the fire of hell, allying with My enemy.

Who will do the same that I did for you?

Who will give their life for their friends, just as I did for you?

Who will be capable of not only having their heart ready for whatever it takes or giving something more to the Lord, but also who will be capable of living something they do not deserve, for love, for the salvation of humanity?

But I do tell you something: do not be naïve, so that you may not be ignorant. The offering that I make to you is in that which is smallest and even in that which is simplest, in the places where your hearts sometimes resist to collaborate with Me, although you do not realize that you are serving Me through your brothers and sisters.

By uniting the efforts needed in these times of tribulation, My Solar Consciousness will be better able to help the world and humanity for the Law of Divine Mercy to be perpetuated and fulfilled in the souls that most need the Light.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy, which in these days you are praying with Me at the doors of the re-opening of the Marian Centers, be a Marathon of supplication, of pleading and intervention with the Guardian Angels of each one of you, so that this situation in Eastern Europe not be precipitated due to an absurd selfishness of humanity, to an impunity that no longer fits these times and which will have to be eradicated from the human consciousness forever.

Because when I return to the world, in the coming time, you will be able to understand and see what the true Power of God is, which is not based on imposition or authority; the Power of God is nourished in its center by Universal Love, which, as a sublime sphere of consciousness, emanates wisdom and discernment to all dimensions and planes.

Today, I am in a place that is different from where you are used to seeing Me. I am in another space of the Community Fleur-de-Lys, which is the most important space for Me, because it represents the house of consecrated life. For this reason, I ask you, in this intimate analogy, that you pray for all missionaries consecrated to My Plan of Redemption, because both in Africa and in the Middle East and Europe, some souls of this Work that I have formed and founded through effort, will offer to give their life for Me, beyond what may be meant or represented by the service that will be offered to Me for the relief and peace of afflicted hearts.

Since two thousand years ago, when I was just a child in the arms of the Heavenly Mother, when I was taken to Egypt to be protected, not only was Our Family the first refugee family in the world, but also My Heart, from that moment up to the present, has been feeling sorrow for the suffering and the pain of Africa, which is the next stage, the next mission that, despite the distance or the moment, I will invite each one of you to live so that the spiritual debt of Africa may be relieved and so that, never again may any human being, in Africa or in any part of the world, dare to throw a life away, because the human race has gone this far, to the point of devaluing life, due to its great ignorance and even to its great wickedness, to the lack of knowledge about the essence of life.

I wish for you to keep this aspiration of Mine in mind that, when the doors to the missions in Africa open, there may be hands, arms and legs that offer to walk on this continent to rescue the innocent and lost, those who are discarded in the landfills of the world.

If you knew what the Father feels when a life is discarded or aborted, I assure you that no one would be capable of doing it, because it would challenge their evolution and even their destiny, deviating their purpose from the path of God and assuming an unpayable spiritual debt, which only My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy can heal.

Being aware of this, and placing this situation in this Marathon of Divine Mercy, I invite you once again to abandon your little miseries, to leave behind your resistances and incomprehension, and to place the mature consciousness where suffering and pain truly exist  in the world so that you can grow as conscious and available apostles, to serve wherever and whenever necessary.

As the Great Solar Consciousness, I assure you that if more souls paid attention to all this, there would be no reason for the existence of wars, exiles, famine, suffering, madness or even adversity, because all would be more fraternal with one another, and would always be impelled by the Love of God, which, throughout the times, has knocked at the door of your hearts, has called your souls countless times, to awaken you to a truth, a truth that has been buried in the consciousness of the world.

For this reason, only through My Return will many situations be repaired and exorcised and a new Spiritual Government emerge from the hearts of all who have had faith in Me until the end of days, so that they may learn to live in communion with the universe and with the Confraternity, without the need to keep wasting time and missing the opportunity to raise the consciousness of this whole planet to the fourth dimension.

Because when you have the Grace to see in the fourth dimension, you will not only understand the Passion of Christ, but you will also understand the point in which humanity is at this moment, a point of inflection that becomes irreversible.

For this reason, do not cease to pray; may your lips not tire of praying and of asking the angels of Heaven to intervene at all moments, because not only must souls be protected from war, impunity and harassment, but also the most innocent and little ones must be protected and prevented from being discarded by their own parents in the landfills of the world.

If many more nations of the world hold on to the ideal of the law of abortion, how can it be justified that no more wars should take place and that no more nuclear bombs should be activated?

After 1945, with the extremely serious spiritual debt of the United States through the atomic bomb, humanity demonstrated to the universe that it knows how to self-destroy and that it has imposed, through corrupt systems, the commercialization and distribution of weapons, to justify the so-called freedom of peoples and nations.

But awaken, companions, we are in the end of times. Since the Garden of Gethsemane, when I drank the chalice for you and for humanity, I did not expect, I confess to you, that the world would reach this moment and be capable of going to such extremes, farther than it went more than two thousand years ago, crucifying your Messiah, martyrizing God Himself, the One who had created you since the origin.

For this reason, once again the very same God, made flesh and made man through His Son, tells the Father again, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

It is time to be on the lines of the Armageddon, because while time passes, not only time ends, but the events are unleashed, and people do not change.

May the Supreme Truth permeate the spaces and consciousnesses so that the sacrifice of the Son of God and all His Blood shed on the path of Calvary, up to the Cross, may justify the atrocities of these times, relieve the cry of children, and, especially, of the unborn, so that the Most Holy Virgin Mary may re-establish the spirit of maternal love in the consciousnesses who today do not know what it is to love; so that life may be respected and loved, so that the life of the innocent may no longer be discarded, so that poverty in many places of the world may no longer be the cause of despair and lack of peace.

May true Justice, which comes from the Divine Source, balance the scales of inequality. Because My great wish is to never again listen to the cry of the children of war, the cry of the innocent discarded in the landfills of the world.

Learn to love life and someday you will learn to appreciate it. While life is used as a justification to generate death and impunity, the world will not reach the healing of all its diseases. For this reason, I thank all those who have been conscious up to now, and, week by week, have prayed for the unborn. There lies the answer to why the world is the way it is.

And although My Heart and the Heart of My Mother are torn within, just as My Heart was torn on the top of the Cross, Our Love is immeasurable and incomprehensible, because it comes to give life to what is dead in those who believe they are alive.

Let us pray to the Celestial Father.

May each one say their prayer to the Father, in the innermost depths of their being, in the silence of the heart. I am listening to you.

May your souls pray to the Celestial Father so that all mistakes may receive the atonement they need.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us repeat the prayer that Jesus taught us:

Angel of the Wrath of God,
calm your sorrowful heart,
receive the fire of our love
and establish peace.


Go in peace, meditating on My Words and concretizing My aspirations.

Be very aware of this, so that it may not be just another Message, but rather the projection of a new stage that all are called to live.

I thank you for having the courage to listen to Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado corazón de Jesús:

On this day of Jesus’ triumphant entry in Jerusalem, let us prepare ourselves, in solemnity and reverence, to receive our King, through the song “Pater Noster.”


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The day of Universal Judgment has come, and, each day that passes, this moment draws closer to humanity. But do not think that this moment, this great universal event, could be a punishment for the planet or for all its inhabitants.

This is the time of correction so that the energy of impunity and world injustice may be eradicated from the human consciousness and, in this way, it may liberated from all inhabitants of the surface of the planet.

For this reason, this day is approaching, and all of you see, with your own eyes, these events happening, which are very painful for the Eternal Father, very inexplicable situations for millions of souls throughout the world.

But on this day, when you receive Me and glorify Me, once again, I come to grant you spiritual amnesty, not only for those present, but also for all who are hearing Me at this moment and who believe in the Word of the Lord.

For this reason, we are, not only as a planet, but also as a universe, at a great moment of inflection, when the powerful currents of the universe, through the manifestation of the Angels and Hierarchies, silently activate to help humanity at this moment.

And although, at this moment, war, persecution and death are the news throughout the world:

Rise up, companions, because the day of your redemption is near!

Rise up, companions, because the Heavens will open when I return to the world!

Rise up, companions, and sustain with faith the banner of My Peace!

You have come, at this time and at this moment, to live these events for Me. For this reason, as My sacred sheep and as My beloved apostles, you will be placed by Me wherever I may need you; this will allow Your Master and Lord to enter those places in the world that are most in need, not only of Ppeace, but also of Mercy.

In this Sacred Week, which is culminating, but also definitive for Me, I invite you to enter the same Christic Spirit of Love so that compassion in your lives may show and reveal to you the true necessity of these times, which, as you know, My beloveds, is not limited to your purifications and tests, but also includes the mandatory need to serve Me, to announce Me and to testify to Me in the place of the world where I might need it so.

For this reason, what is most important in this Sacred Week, besides the fact that your hearts already have to be ready, is that your hearts must already be open to listen to Me, because Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Words shall remain alive and hidden in the hearts that trust Me.

Now that you are at the doors of the Temple of the Father's Celestial Church, let us prepare this moment, blessing this altar that you have offered to My Heart, through a loving yet simple offering of two souls that I have chosen so that, on behalf of humanity and on behalf of My beloved Africa, you may glorify the Lord, at the doors of the New Jerusalem, where all are being contemplated and received by the Celestial Father, Adonai, through the Presence of your Master and Lord.


I invite you to stand up.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And at this moment, let us bring the incense that, at the beginning of this Sacred Week,  will be offered to Our Lord by the sisters from Ethiopia, Martha and Tseguereda. You may come here, before Our Lord.

Let us keep concentrated, at the request of Christ, so that our consciousnesses do not become disconnected from Him, but rather that, through Him, we may sustain this moment of planetary intervention on the first day of the Sacred Week, which Our Lord today blesses and opens for all.


Today, My Heart gathers here the universality of all peoples and races, which, throughout times and generations, have participated in the sacred opportunity of the Project of God, through different cultures, races and peoples, just as it was with the people of Israel.

This incense that you are offering today to your Master and Lord represents the greatest offering for this cycle that prepares the Return of Christ, when the souls of the world unite to Me, to prepare this sacred moment of the coming of the Messiah, the Savior and Lord of the world.

For this reason, this incense, brought from the lands of Ethiopia, not only glorifies the Lord, as it was in the Grotto of Bethlehem, but it also prepares the great planetary moment during Good Friday, when your Master and Lord will again die so that you may have abundant life and live through Me.

I sanctify these elements, just as I sanctify this altar and all who are listening at this moment.

May hope awaken again within you, hope that will lead you to Peace and the Light of God, because the end of calvary is near, and you will participate with me in the Sacred Table of the Return of Christ where, together with the angels, saints and blessed ones, you will eternally enjoy the Presence of the Lord.

May the bell towers of the Cosmos sound. May the doors and dimensions open at this very moment so that, through Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Gabriel the Archangel and Saint Raphael the Archangel, souls may receive, in the depths of their being, My impulses of Christification and holiness, for the victory and triumph of My Heart, for the centuries to come. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


Christ is asking the sisters to pray Our Father in Aramaic, as an offering for the important task that He will have in Africa, through this Work, in some countries of that continent, and so that many more African nations may receive the regenerative codes of Love and Forgiveness.


Through these consciousnesses, your Master and Lord blesses all exiled and refugees throughout the world, especially those who flee wars, dangers and adversity, so that, in My Name and for My Name, they may rebuild their lives and families forever. Amen.


“Adonai, Beloved Father,
who listens, in Your silence,
to the voices of Your children, who cry for You,
sanctify this altar and all the elements
that will be offered on these days
to remember the Passion of their Master and Lord,
for the Redemption and Peace of the entire human race.

May the doors to evil be closed.
May the doors of the Light open
so that the angels may descend
and grant Eternal Life, at this moment,
to all consciousnesses.”



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:




“Most Holy Father of the Universe,
You, who have the power to resurrect all life,
You, who have the power to heal all hearts,
You, who have the power to again raise all Your creatures,
through the water that You have created
in the image and likeness of Your children,
bless the whole world,
bless all those who listen
and, especially, bless, Lord,
all those who flee wars seeking peace,
so that those who take refuge in Your Heart,
through the humble and simple refugees,
may be recognized, honored, respected and loved,
just as You love them, Lord.
Because I have promised to You, Eternal Father,
to return, first for all of them,
so that they may participate with Me in the joy of the New Earth.”


I withdraw into the hearts that listen to Me.

I find relief in the hearts that embrace Me.

I rejoice in the hearts that receive Me.

I rest in the hearts that open.

Thus, I sanctify all that I touch, in order to glorify the Lord, the God of the Universe.

Thus, I prepare you for the coming times so that, together with me, you may build the bases of redemption for the good of the world, for the peace of humanity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us celebrate, at this moment, the Holy Eucharist, in the Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ and, on this first day of the Sacred Week, we will celebrate this moment, at the request of Christ, for all refugees so that, at the request of Our Lord, they may be heard, welcomed and loved as a part of this living humanity. And Christ invites the sisters from Ethiopia to accompany us in this celebration. Let us prepare ourselves for this exercise.


“Father, glorify all that You have created,
unify all that You have built
and accept this offering of the altar
so that You, Father, may be glorified, adored and honored
for the times to come
through the humble and simple hearts
that vivify and adore You.”


At the doors of the New Jerusalem, before the Angels and the Archangels, before all beings of goodwill that at this moment are congregated, by My Love, in this Sacred Week, I again offer the same sacrifice that I once offered you.

That moment that I shared with My apostles, today I share it with you again, taking the bread and offering it to the Father for it to be converted into My Body. Thus, I break it and again share it with all of Mine, saying to them, “Take it and eat it, for this is My Body, that will be given for humanity for the forgiveness of sins.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We adore the Body of Christ, for the redemption of the entire human race, so that the one thousand years of peace may be established.


In the same way, before this Supper ended, I take the Chalice in My Hands again, offering it to the Father so that it may be converted into My Precious and Divine Blood. Thus, I offer it to My companions, saying to them, “Take it and drink it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which today is shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do it in remembrance of Me, because I am already returning.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We adore the Precious Blood of the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world, liberates us and grants us Peace.

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth and, in an act of reverence, let us give peace to our brothers and sisters.


In this Sacred Week, I want to see and feel you with the same faith and conviction as the centurion, and that, before Me, with devotion and fervor, you may repeat this simple yet profound prayer:

I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.


Behold the Body and the Blood of Christ, let My companions rejoice, for I have promised reconciliation and life to them.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thus, we announce, in the Name of the Lord, the Spiritual Communion of all those congregated in the Love of Jesus who are present throughout the whole world.

And, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we will accompany this moment of Communion of all those present, live, so that each one who is present at this moment of Communion with Christ may make their offering for this Sacred Week.

While the priestly brothers prepare to distribute the Communion, let us sing, as one heart and one voice, a song He has asked of us: “The Song of the Centurion.”


I want to convert your hearts into living tabernacles of My Love, because My aim is that you may be instruments of My Father so that I can heal the Earth and thus renew the planet. This is My aspiration for each one of you.

I thank you for having responded to Me, and, in this Holy Week, may your essences receive the Codes of My Passion for the redemption of the entire human race.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may go in peace.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My God,
I believe,
I adore, I wait for and I love Thee.
I ask pardon for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love Thee.

(three times)

Today, before the majesty and the sovereignty of these mountains, I greet you all.

Behold the Resurrected, behold the One who gave His life for you and keeps giving it in these times, for one goal: the redemption and conversion of humanity, beyond beliefs, beyond religions, beyond dogmas, ideas or atheism.

I am the Resurrected, and I present Myself before the world once again, to announce My Message of Peace and of the end of war. So that this may happen, all souls and consciousnesses must surrender before Me. This will allow, before the Celestial Father, for humanity to be thoroughly saved and it will allow areas of this planet not to be lost due to ignorance and wickedness.

Behold the Resurrected, the One who resurrected on the third day from the dead, who rose to the Heavens, who will return in Glory with all consciousnesses and Hierarchies to re-establish in this world the Government of the planet, the true Government of humanity, a Spiritual Government that has never been sown in the external consciousness or within life.

Therefore, when the Resurrected returns to the world, He will not only come in Glory, but also in splendor, to announce to all the arrival of the New Times, the arrival of the New Earth, after it is purified, as it is being purified now, after this Earth and this humanity understand, once and for all, that they must turn to God, because without God, humanity is nothing, it is a dead, fragile and poor humanity.

Through My Words, I come to bring you the riches of the universe, the Word of God that may become flesh within you through examples of charity and the good, which is what humanity lacks, which is what the human race lacks; it lacks the experience of the good and charity so as to find in itself the Mercy it needs in order to redeem and save itself, so that this planet, as a spiritual consciousness, may become rescuable.

I come from the top of these majestic and sovereign mountains of Montserrat to announce to the world that the time of My Return is coming, and that at each new day this Return becomes closer, closer to all.

Keep elevating your prayers and supplications to Heaven for those who do not do so, for those who do not live it, for those who deny God and do not fulfill the Universal Laws. If this keeps happening this way, the world will enter greater chaos.

Be intelligent and do not allow My adversary to advance over this humanity, be peacemakers, be merciful, be representatives of Christ on Earth, through your transformation and the transformation of your consciousnesses. Thus, you will give a living testimonial, not a passing one, you will give a true testimonial, not a poor one.

For this reason, I am here to make you brave and persevering; so that, through My Heart, the Heart of the Resurrected, you may again find life, and your brothers and sisters may again find the life they have lost, the life that I call spiritual life.

Meanwhile, I would like to tell you that the Hierarchies that accompany Me today, the Wise Hierarchies of the universe, untiringly work at this planetary moment, especially for those who are struck by the wars and conflicts, especially for those who keep being discarded, enslaved and martyrized by their brothers of humanity.

The moment the Son of God returns, He Himself, in His Sovereign Presence, will face those consciousnesses that denied Him, especially the ones who rule the governments of this world, who will be, face to face, before the King and the Son of God.

But I will not come to impose a law or a punishment, I will come to demonstrate, even more, the infinite universe of My Love, which I invite you to continue grasping and understanding through consciousness and acts of love. Thus, you will not only be My servers, but you will also be the merciful consciousnesses of God that will attract to Earth the Divine Laws, which, up to today, humanity does not fulfill nor live.

The absence of the Higher Laws in this humanity generates the chaos it is living today and attracts very great inequality and indifference through those who only fill their pockets with wealth, and do not share it with the poorest and most discarded.

Therefore, My Message comes to the most simple of heart, the purest of intention, for the most humble.

I do not come to seek those who are perfect, intelligent or clever, I come to seek those who consider themselves as sinners, those who need My Hearts Flame of Love so as to redeem themselves and keep moving forward on this path toward My Celestial Father, which I offer to you.

Meanwhile, the Eternal Father has His Arms open, but His Heart is filled with arrows due to the hatred, the conflicts, the wars, the indifferences and, mainly, due to the lack of love and fraternity throughout the human consciousness.

I know My Spiritual and Divine Presence, at this moment that is previous to My Return, awakens and activates many Inner Christs that do not live any religion, that do not live any dogma nor practice any philosophy, but rather, through service, their hearts are filled with peace, with bliss and the joy of serving others.

It is there, where My Redeeming and Merciful Love also acts deeply, in the most difficult abysses of the planet, in the hells of the consciousnesses of nations, where only violence, hatred and evil are practiced.

Although everything may seem to be destroyed in some nations of the world, I promise to raise them again, so that they may be the true Kingdom of God that they came to this world to be, but which, for different reasons and motives, their brothers of humanity impeded this Project of Mine for the nations.

I will make new treasures bloom in hearts. I will make new experiences bloom in hearts. And all those who have believed in Me will be able to receive the impulses of My Love, which will bring them wisdom and discernment for these times of transition.

In this way, you will not only be prepared, but also, through your examples of service and love, you will prepare your brothers and sisters, especially those who are not aware of spirituality and Higher Life.

For this reason, I come today especially to Montserrat so that the consciousness may rise to God, so that the human race may turn to the universe and contemplate the starry firmament of this Creation and remember that there is a very special place for each consciousness, for each soul and for each being, which is their origin.

If souls turn to their origin, their spirits will return to their primordial origins. In this way, the spirit of the government of this humanity and of this planet will be rebuilt, when all has been purified.

Many ask themselves in the inner planes: how much time will pass before the Redeemer returns?

Today, I tell you again, that it is not much time; but while I cannot return to your hearts, while you do not give your lives completely to Me, and while you do not resist every inner aspect, I will not be able to return.

It is in this way that I need to justify, before the Eternal Father, this great universal movement. Be conscious of this moment, because there is no longer time.

My Lips pronounce the Words of God’s Will to all consciousnesses.

My Heart radiates the Impulses of the Divine Source at this moment, in the face of this situation of the planet and of humanity.

While I am here, I stabilize the planes of consciousness for all those who need peace, for all those who are fleeing the war, persecution and death, because your Master and Lord knows what it is to die in loneliness. He lived it on the Cross in His own Flesh, at each minute and at each second of the Calvary.

But in this loneliness that many consciousnesses are living in the world today, due to different reasons, to poverty, discarding, inequality, indifference, misery, disease, or even due to wickedness, they find inner strength through My Presence, when they just think of Me.

Thus, I make you walk beyond what you believe you can do, surpassing your limitations, your deserts and even your difficulties. The Love of God is capable of going beyond, and I will give you an example so that you may understand: at this moment, of suffering and darkness for the Ukraine, your Master and Lord has proposed special help for all the essences that are going through this moment through a simple humanitarian service, which is precise, but also profound, because it means bringing the Light of Christ to those places where it is most needed.

In the same way, My aspiration for Africa is latent.

Not only for Europe, but also the whole world, all those who hear My Voice and believe in My Message must keep in mind these two aspirations of your Master and Lord because whether or not there will be greater relief for humanity will depend on these tasks, on these events.

At the next Marathon, I want you to already feel as My apostles, rather than aspire to be My apostles.

The world needs an apostolate, not an apostolate of evangelization, but rather an apostolate of service, of love, of charity and even of redemption; of bringing peace to where it does not exist, of transmuting evil where it is present, through silence and prayer, through the elevation of the consciousnesses.

Thus, you will learn to do the same as I did for you, when I was on Earth. In this way, I will be able to count on consciousnesses that love the Law of Transmutation and do not avoid it, because this is the time to do something for others.

May this Marathon be a confirmation for each server so that, at the next meeting with Me or in the next Sacred Week, I can mention the needs of the Plan that I foresee for the world, that is, to place the consciousnesses at the service of Africa, of the Middle-East and Europe, as well as other places of the world.

But so that this may be real, you must love My aspirations and you must want to live them, concretize and even carry them out, because you know that I can do many things, but now I resign before you, so that you can do more than I did, so long ago.

You must be generators of hope for the world, of a hope that has been conditioned, of a hope that has suffered mutation due to the contrary projects of humanity. You must make the world remember that God gave you life and that life is the most precious thing that the Father gave you.

The world no longer wants to respect life. The world wants to abort life and does not know what it connects to when it makes this movement. If a life is about to emerge, this life must be respected and loved, just as you have been loved and respected since your birth.

If I had never been born in a poor Manger of Bethlehem, the world would not have understood the Purpose of God. If I had not preached, the world would not have understood the Parables. If I had not died on the Cross, the world would not have adored Me as the Firstborn.

Remember that I am a Bridge to God. I am the Great Mirror of Divine Mercy, and, each time it presents itself, it also projects and refracts throughout the whole world, in all souls, under any condition and situation.

The time has come for the confirmed apostles. The hour has come for you to cease to have a tepid heart, to have feet on two paths, on two pathways, because I tell you again, as I once told you, that I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.

I thank you because you pray to My Celestial Mother, as that Great Worker of God works for peace in Eastern Europe, together with all angelic consciousnesses.

Let us keep creating the bridges toward the universe, let us keep opening the correct doors and closing uncertain doors, because evil will be defeated through Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the Sacred Week, Day 1, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The Sun of God will come after the great planetary storm and all the secrets will already have been unveiled.

The great treasury of redemption will be opened and the Patriarchs of yesteryear will summon all the tribes of the Earth so that they may assemble in the Name of the Lord.

The Almighty will show Himself to the world as He never has before.

No eye will be blinded for seeing Him, no matter how intense His luminosity.

To the Earth He will bring all His splendor, all His Power and all His Glory; and the New Christs, who today are being formed in My path of self-giving and love, will participate in this great event.

The fallen angel will already have been redeemed and all perverse forces of the Earth will be expelled, because by the power of prayer of all My followers, and by the persistence and faith in spite of the attacks of the enemy, My Sacred Heart will have Its victory and Its place in all of Mine.

A sword of light will pierce the planet and the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse will be shown.

Those who have not followed God will beat their chests for having awoken too late.

This is the time of My great Mercy for the world.

This is the time in which everyone can be saved and redeemed before everything happens.

The hour is drawing closer, every day, and there is no clock that can support it, it is something imminent, without precedents, it is something unexpected.

Meanwhile, and while there is time, drink of the fruits of My Blood, eat of My Body by the merits It achieved, and nobody will perish.

I come to the world to awaken it for the last time, because the blindness of humanity is very great and indifference covers the ears of the creatures of God.

But I fully trust in those who persist today, because thus My Celestial Kingdom descends to Earth and, through it, My Father descends to give His Grace and His Blessing to the whole world.

I know that you wanted to hear beautiful words. My Love and My Consciousness are also reflected in this. This is the time of humanity´s awareness, it is the time of taking on true responsibilities so that all hearts may cease to be tepid, because I call upon you to carry the cross of the world, just as I carried your sins, although you may not be aware of it.

My Grace, companions, allows you to be able to reach truth in this time, so that, little by little, you set aside the garments of illusion, of world hypnotism and human indifference, which are the deep roots that create the wars and conflicts between nations.

But the suffering will end, not only the suffering that exists within you, but all over the world.

Through you I need to prepare for My coming to humanity. And this is now the moment in which the revelations show that the world is not understanding God´s message.

I need you to continue to build within yourselves the refuge that I will seek at the end of these times, because you must still continue to elevate your consciousnesses to come closer each day to the Purpose of God and His Truth.

I have so much to give to the world, and so few receive it, but if today you are here, as well as the brothers and sisters that listen to Me through this medium, it is because you accept what I want to give you, to bring relief to your afflictions and your suffering, to have you be participants in the communion with God and so that one day you may be His worthy children upon the surface of this planet.

Do not fear the revelations I bring you. They are not symbolic, they are real and palpable.

Nobody will be able to hide from the revelations of God, because if it is God Himself that sends Me to the world and to the beginning of this Sacred Week, it is so that you may continue to grow in love and in fidelity to Me.

I still wait for many to give their lives for Me as I have done for you.

This is why it is necessary that the world relives the events of My Passion, again and again, not to be terrified by what I lived and suffered, which was the most profound of all that was told, but so that someday you may be like Me in example and in word, in the giving of self and in surrender.

Your definition toward Me will allow My Work to be completely concretized in humanity, or not.

The world is suffering, just as many peoples, races and cultures are suffering.

I would wish to embrace the planet even more, because it is drowning due to so much pain.

So in the name of Love, Light and Peace, I come to liberate it with the power of all the tools of My Father, with the principles that exist throughout all the Universe and with the great Higher Powers of this immense sidereal space.

This is why I need you to feel My Words in your heart, that you are able to re-experience them and adopt them as a part of yourselves for when I am no longer among you, because this is the time in which the last prophecy that I Myself preached two thousand years ago will be fulfilled.

I promised to be with you till the end of times and here I am, with humility and at service, with resignation and in surrender, as are many of your hearts, prostrated before God and His Majesty, before His Throne and His Celestial Hierarchies, before His angels, archangels, saints and blessed ones, all of them participating today in the opening of the Great Portal toward Redemption and Peace.

But today I already see the results of this Mystery of Love that is within you and which works silently each time you say "yes" to your Lord, to His convocation and call, in spite of what it may be.

God today feels a deep joy for His children, for all that you have offered Him so that His Firstborn could be here today.

I know that you do not know what this means and represents for the Universe and, above all, for your humanity, but just as I was with Mine so long ago, today I am with you in communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, so that His Will may be fulfilled.

Today again I tell you and request: "Love one another, as I loved you and love you", because I do not come seeking your miseries but rather your fidelity, your perseverance and your faith in the Plan of My Father, Who is in the Heavens.

Today I come with good news. The world will stop suffering, enduring and being lost, because upon the horizon you will see the Son of God come with all the power of the Heavens and the Universe, revealing the mysteries of Creation and of His Hierarchies, opening the eyes of those who are blind in spirit.

And in that hour, I will find you in a place that you cannot even imagine, but I will find you. I will call you by your true and profound name, and I will congregate you as one people and one race, without differences, without recognitions and without protagonists.

Because He Who will come after Me will be more powerful, it is The One Who created you, who gestated you and gave you life, so that in life you could live His Love and recognize Him, just as the Son and His Holy Mother recognize Him.

I Am the beginning and the end.


It is He Who calls you to live in Him and to reveal to the world His mystery, held in the depths of His Eternal Heart, and so the humanity of this time may recover the project it once lost.

The trumpets will sound and the angels will call the peoples, the races and the cultures. And the religions of the world will finally recognize Christ in their neighbors.

And an unknown, unbreakable and non-transferable union will be lived in the heart of the children of God.

And religions will no longer exist, but rather one people and one humanity under one power and one government in the presence of the authority of the Living Love of God.

The Earth and its surface will be rebuilt. The roots of evil will be dissolved, because the redeemed will proclaim the Holy Name of God, as the people of Israel did.

And neither conflicts nor confrontations, doubts nor uncertainty will exist, because the faith of the prayerful and of those who persevere on this path will triumph, and evil will be defeated in its essence forever.

There will be no duality, there will not be two paths, choice will no longer exist because the people of God, which are the races and all peoples, will live in the living God, in He Who since the beginning always wanted you to be participants in His celestial happiness and in His glory.

Have faith in what I tell you, and it no longer matters, companions, who participates or not in this. What is important, in this time, is that you create the condition so that this may happen, so that the littlest ones of today may experience it in the near future.

And the mothers of this Earth will no longer cry for their children. The families will no longer take refuge in another nation. Hunger and injustice will no longer be the evil of the world.

Because He Who comes upon the horizon will bring Peace and everything will change because it is the Will of God. And the world will live in brotherhood. Amen.

Let us celebrate the beginning of this Week as the beginning of the victory of Christ in the hearts of humankind and those who have faith in His non-material Presence.

Opening the doors of My Celestial Church, today I gather you around My table so that you may again be participants in My Body and in My Blood, in the Gifts of God that were given to the world through His Son in order to save it and redeem it.

But may this Supper of today that we will celebrate be the triumphant Supper of the kind and pious souls in the Lord, who will carry in their hearts the triumph of the Love of Christ and the flame of Faith to illuminate the darkness of these times.

In the Name of the Most High, let us prostrate ourselves as I prostrate myself today before the Father, at His Feet.

May the consequences of your suffering be healed and may this spiritual Grace that I bring you today be shared as the great testimony of unity between beings and peoples.

Today I especially pray for Venezuela. The end is coming and you will see the Light on the heights of your sacred mount, the Light that will destroy evil forever, because the Americas are the new Promised Land.

And all the peoples and nations, in the Name of the Lord, are called so that the Americas and Africa will be the cradle of the New Humanity.

So be it.

We can stand up and continue in this building toward that which is divine, immaculate and pure.

Let the steeples of the Universe sound. Let the bells of this community and of this monastery sound, because the Almighty, in this Holy Week, surrenders again, through the mystery of Love and of the Eucharist, to each one of His children.

May you today be washed by the Holy Spirit, be purified by Its Flame of Love so that, free of all fault and all debt, your inner temples may ignite in the communion with the Love of God.

Let us give thanks and let us celebrate, in the depths of the heart, because the God of Mercy, rather than the God of Justice, has heard the voice of the prayerful. And by the merits of My Passion, today the souls of the world and the essences of God are rescued by the faith that the prayerful gave My Heart.

Let us celebrate, because many souls of hell will today enter into Heaven through the work of the merciful.

May the altars of Creation blossom. May the candles of Adoration be lit, because He Who loves you has heard you and His Celestial Kingdom has touched the Earth and healed deep wounds.

Universal Father,

Eternal God of life and all creation,

hear now the voice of Your Son,

Who at the doors of the New Jerusalem

implores for Your Grace and Your Light

so that the world may be bathed by

the potency of Your Spirit, of Your Soul and Divinity,

and so that all may celebrate

the joy of being here today, in You.



Just as You bless Heaven,

May You today bless the Earth,

by the unfathomable power

of Your Mercy and Your Pity.

Erase suffering from the hearts,

reignite the flame of Your Faith in souls

so that at the end of their lives,

in the last breath of their bodies,

they may see the portal opening that will take them

toward Your Celestial Kingdom.



Holy art thou, Lord of the Universe,

for all that You created and manifested.

Holy art thou, Lord, for the life

that You generated and awakened.

Holy art thou, Lord, for having created

women so that they could be mothers

of Your children until the end of their days.

Holy art thou, Lord, for the men

who work Your soil and cultivate it

to eat of Your Sacred Gifts,

of the Gifts of Nature.

Holy art thou, Lord, for having sent Me

to the world as a simple and humble man

to demonstrate the infinite Universe

of Your Humility and Your Peace.


And the moment comes in which the Son of Man will be transubstantiated through the form of the bread and the wine, into His Body and His Blood.

May your hearts relive this moment of the sacrifice and the surrender of your Master and Lord for humanity.

Those of us who can may kneel and those who cannot may remain standing.

Lord, I remember the opportunity you gave Me, of being able to live this great sacrifice for humanity, and in the name of the events experienced at the Last Supper, today I remind you: "Take and eat of It, all of you, for this is My Holy Body that was surrendered for humankind for the remission of sins."

Let us repeat: We adore You, Lord, and we bless You.

In the same way as in the past, today I tell you again: "Take and drink all of It, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which is poured out by the Lamb of God for the forgiveness of sins; do this in remembrance of Me."

We adore You, Lord, and we bless You.

And in union with the Most Holy Trinity, we take each other's hands to repeat the great decree of union of souls with the Universe of God.

Our Father (in Portuguese)

And thus is consummated the mystery of the Love of God in the Eucharist and in the Blood of Christ.

And thus is revealed to the world, in a simple and humble, sacred and blessed way, the Will of God, and the fulfillment of His Project of Love on Earth.

Let us venerate and adore He Who gave us life and the opportunity to love, to forgive and to reconcile.

By the merits of His Beloved Son, may the Lord absolve you and grant you the Sacrament of Reconciliation so that you may feel His Eternal Peace.

I bless you on this first day, at the doors of the time of revelation and of consciousness.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us stand up.

And in the name of Love and Unity, in all humanity, you will give each other the greeting of Peace.

I thank you.


Apparition of Christ Jesus during the Sacred Call, on July 20, 2018, in Dornes, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

If you do not understand the Works of the Lord, join them, because someday you will understand them. I only need that you love what I ask of you and that you always do it well, so that the Father, who is in the Universe, may be honored and glorified, and souls may be participants of His Grace through those who respond to His call.

Do not try to understand what is happening in this time because you will not succeed. Hold on to the sweetness of My Heart, because in this way, you will understand all things in its proper time.

The signs that I bring to humanity are to generate the great change of consciousness and in some cases, it will be painful and difficult, but every change has a reason and a meaning.

What I need, companions, is that you immerse yourselves in Communion with Me so that you can always have My Gifts available, which will be guiding stars on your paths, and above all, in your inner world.

Today I come to seek rest in those who do not tire of being in Me.

Today I come to seek refuge in hearts faithful to My Presence, in those who unite with Me every day in an unconditional spirit and under the protection of love.

Today I come from Heaven to give you something. Through Me, I bring the prophecies of Heaven, which today I show to some so that they can understand what is to come.

After I have left here, after having blessed you, this will come and will be manifested; for this reason, seek to live in Me and unite through Me with all the Universe.

Up there is what you really need. Up there is what you will experience afterwards, but in order for what is above to descend, you must be connected with the Source, and solutions will come.

There is no test in this life that does not have an answer; thus, I bring you that answer, and through prophecy, I bring you revelation.

I have asked to come to this humble place to be able to tell you this, because here nobody who is contrary to Me will find you.

In the refuge of the Communities, I protect My sheep. When My sheep are scattered and do not hear the call of the Shepherd, I cannot protect them and have to reach them in some way, through some sign or some message so that they may return to My Path, so that they may return to the Dwelling Place of the Celestial Father.

The flocks in this time are present on this Earth not only to learn to graze upon new attributes, but to experience a transition and a purification; something that nobody has experienced in any other time. That is why souls fear the pressure of these times. But I come to release that pressure that you may be experiencing in this time.

If I am here, it is because My Father wishes it. If I am here, companions, it is because I have come to offer you My Heart, as that inexhaustible Spring that will renew, purify and relieve you.

Through the Word of the Son of God, I bring you prophecy, something that cannot be understood with the mind; it can only be felt with the heart, although it is a mystery.

Something grand may be experienced here in Europe, but it will depend on that unconditional adherence to the great Messenger of God.

If you are here, it is because it corresponds to you to be here and not in another place. Those who are not here today are supposed to be someplace else, which is to say, in another school and in another learning.

Everything you experience has a meaning and a path. I come to reveal to you through My Word the meaning of this Path, even if it may be a painful path or a joyful path.

I invite you, companions, to find meaning in everything that you experience in life, because you will then not be intimidated; you will find an answer to all that you need and will understand the reason of all that happens.

I feel that you are not understanding what I am telling you; your inner worlds do understand; your souls do hear.

Your hearts may or may not feel My Words, but if I am here, it is because I am indicating to you where you must be, which is here, in this part of the Work that I carry forward with you for a Will still unknown to all.

In that serenity that I bring you today, I ask you to open to an understanding of My Words, because there is no time any longer.

What must be built for the next cycle is important. There are still many souls in Europe that wait for your service. Go out of your homes, of your ways of life, to meet each one of them, just as I, in these two last months, together with My Mother and Saint Joseph, have gone to meet these souls. And here you have a living example of that.

It is time to mobilize for the Plan, because the movement itself and the flow itself, in the very sense of the energy and  the universal current, you will transform imperceptibly and will help to build what is new in what is already old and archaic.

The Plan of God is not hermetic, the Plan of God is not solid; it experiences a constant dynamism, because the Higher Source feeds it so that it can be fulfilled.

The Plan is still to be accomplished and you must be aware of this in your effort, in your dedication, in your unconditional service, in your presence and in your adherence to what is asked for, as much as it is not understood.

The Plan as a whole is based on love, and it is that love which gives it its own intelligence so that souls may awaken and live it.

Today I bring you the Ray of My Sovereignty and of My Fortitude, the Principle of the Governor, because it is time for the Divine Purpose to be correctly aligned in your spirits, so that what is up there in the Universe can descend. It will only be able to descend through instruments, by means of vehicles, of souls and of essences.

The help of the Universe is available to all, and answers to all questions are available. God is full of Wisdom and also in Science. Learn to overcome the doubts in life, the barriers and the obstacles that your lower consciousness may be imposing on you.

Place yourself at the epicenter of Universal Love and let your cells expand through the fluid of that Universal Love that comes to show you the correspondence and the meaning of the next steps of the Divine Plan of Love.

I just hope that you do not miss the opportunity; I will not tire of warning you up to the last moment, because behind everything that does not seem to materialize, in the inner worlds a great work is being built that the glad in spirit and the humble of heart will experience, and will be able to see with their own eyes what has been built with so much effort.

No one has the power in all this that I ask of you, not even I have the power in all that I  speak to you. Do you understand what I am telling you?

Everything comes from God and if He thinks and feels it, it is concretized. But His children, His smallest creatures of this humanity are called to be participants in this Thought and in this Feeling of God, which wants to lead you to expand your consciousness beyond what is normal and superficial.

If I am here, it is because I am offering Myself for that.

The foundations of this community should already rise in the firmament. The pillars of this Marian Center should already be erected, because it will carry its task and its spiritual mission as the counterpart of the Sanctuary of Fatima, to give shelter to all the souls that are not understood, that are rejected, that are discriminated against, and that are expelled because of their spiritual or material poverty.

The essence of Lys and the purity of Lys is in its humility and patience; this is what makes it true, this is Lys in the Mother of God.

You must be the  hands that offer this mystery. That is why you must release from within you that which no longer helps you spiritually. It is time to renew the bases of this pillar in Europe; not only for Europe, but also for Africa.

Africa waits for you. We have already given examples, companions, of how urgent the help for My children of Africa is. When you take the step, I will be able to reach Africa to carry all toward My Mercy, just as I have carried you since the beginning.

I just hope that this will come about and will materialize. Africa must be part of the pillar of My Mercy. And although I know that there are valuable missionaries there, and serving souls there who relieve the suffering, Africa still lacks its main spiritual pillar, which is a next Marian Center that will depend on this, so that it may manifest according to Divine Will.

This will take many souls from the abysses toward My Mercy, from slavery to freedom, from exploitation to the eternal gladness of being able to find God again through the spiritual Centers that serve the Hierarchy.

You have already had thirty years to understand this. It is time to unite for the love of My Sacred Heart; it is time to build rather than to divide; it is time to join forces, to fraternize; it is time to be illuminated rather than become darker; it is time to carry forward the design that God gave you by means of My Heart, through the Source of instruction.

The bases of your knowledge are already erected. It is time to finish building the Temple so that God, in His most infinite Wisdom and Compassion, may dwell within you forever and thus the Plan may be realized.

Do not get stuck in the human. Do not remain in the mental. Ask your hearts: "Father, what am I doing? Father, give me the answer I need. Open my eyes to Your Will and help me to accomplish it, according to Your wish and your divine thought," and in this way, you will know to love more, as I love you, as I understand you, just as I accept you.

I will not have another day or another hour, another cycle or another future time to come and tell you this. This is the only time that I will be able to say it. This is the only time in which you will be able to deeply penetrate My Heart so that you may only accept what I need, which goes beyond human life, the incomprehension or the doubts that My enemy may be imposing.

That is why today, the Governor of Heaven, the Spirit of Wisdom and of Love, comes to bring spiritual clarity and transparency to your inner worlds, so that you may be filled by My restoring Spirit.

I take this time because I will not have another and these words apply to everyone, irrespective of the school you are in, or live. The words are for the awakening of love in beings, for the expansion of the consciousness of the last Christs of the last days.

I do not want more souls to go through the doorway of Justice. I want many more souls to go through the doorway of My Mercy, because in this way, My Heart will triumph, just as it is written in Heaven.

I have chosen this blessed place to tell you this. God still touches this place with His Hand and I want you to never again forget this, because in spite of your being purified or suffering, God has His Hand in this place and under His Hand are all of you. Do you understand?

If God has His Hand here, it is because of something greater that your minds still will not understand. You must love the Will of God to understand it, otherwise, you will experience many obstacles in order to understand it.

Be participants in this mystery and in this revelation that I bring you today.

Here today, through His Son, God gives shape to His Will, so that someone may accomplish it, so that many more decide to accomplish it, not only for this place, but also for all of Europe and Russia; because Russia still must participate in forgiveness and that is in your hands.

In My Silence you will be able to feel My Words and in My Words you will find the keys that you need to open the doors to the new, to what is still to descend from the Universe.

So today I offer Myself in Body and Blood, so that you may experience this Mystery in Me and make it part of your beings every day, knowing that there is something higher and greater that moves everything, that leads you and guides you in these crucial times in which love struggles against indifference.

Let us lift up our gratitude to Heaven and in your hearts receive the appeal of God, the deepest wish of His Spirit, so that in Europe what is written may be realized according to the sacred books of the Universe.

We will celebrate this communion with the Heights and with the depths of yourselves, so that more souls may be worthy of this Mystery and of its revelation, which I bring you through Communion.


Here there are souls that would give everything for Me; that is why I am here, awaiting that moment.

The angels of the Kingdom of Lys are gathered today around the Lord and all the souls present and not present, so that, entering that Universe of Love and of Purity, the doors may open to the redemption of hearts and to the conversion of the spirits that must convert into new Christs.

Through the elements of Nature, the non-material laws are manifested and the Purpose of God is sown on Earth; something that your souls receive forever and which you must care for.


Again I testify to what My cousin John once did with Me, of baptizing Me with the Spirit; but today I not only baptize you with the Spirit, but also with the Grace that converts and redeems the impossible. Amen.

This is My Body that has been given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Eat of it and be participants in My Glory. Amen.

This is My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which was shed for humankind for the remission of sins. Drink of it and be participants in My Mercy.

Our Father...

These are the elements that will give you eternal life. Happy are those invited to partake of these Sacraments, in communion with the saints and the angels from Heaven.

Go in peace and be My Word in the world.

The spiritual foundations of this Center are already manifested. It is time to work and to concretize the Plan, just as God wishes it in His deepest ardor, so that love on Earth may be realized.

After being blessed, you have to fraternally bless with the greeting of peace.

I thank you for listening to Me with heart and soul.

I love you and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Today, Africa beats in My Merciful Heart. And I do this for all who have offended it, those who mistreated it, those who colonized it, and who opened uncertain doors for the perdition of souls.

But today I do not come to speak to you of the abysses, but rather of the infinite purity that exists in each child of Mine in Africa, that through the ages I have venerated and contemplated with love.

For this reason, the hour and the moment have come for your King to return to Africa, to close the last doors and have the Heavens and the Universes descend and put an end to human suffering.

My Blood was also shed for them, to generate salvation and freedom in their souls from all the abysses of the Earth. It is to this end that today I bring the Holy Grail in My Hands, to give you My divine Blood, so that you may commune of it and put an end to suffering, hopelessness, affliction, and human pain.

I come today to pour out My Blood over Africa. In this way, I pour out My Blood over Portugal and Europe, to put an end to human discord, to the exploitation of these times, to the indignation that the children and young people of Africa feel on being mistreated throughout time and the years.

Today, I come to open My Arms and to stretch out My Hands for a sorrowful and suffering continent. I come to offer My Sacred Heart as a universal atonement for all the causes that have taken place on the African continent throughout the last decades.

I come to give the Light of My Spirit and of My Divinity. My Heart rejoices today on having received a humble basket of intentions and entreaties on My Altar. In this way, I want My littlest children of Africa to have the total certainty and assurance that their King is pouring His divine and infinite Mercy over them.

Thus, when I arrive in Africa the next time, I will again consecrate it to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; because, companions, we must give thanks to this great Maternal and Universal Consciousness, which has generated the means and the spiritual conditions so that My Sacred Heart also finally triumphs in Africa.

I come to place the balm of My Healing in each African heart; to seal the evils, the sorrows, and the sufferings generated by the hearts of Europe towards that so wounded continent.

I come to ask of all Europe, that they pray every day on their knees, an Our Father for the re-consecration of Africa to My Sacred Heart. In that way, dear companions, you who are from here, from Europe, and all the souls of the whole world that are aware of the adversity that the African continent lives, generated by other nations and peoples, may open the doors with their prayers and hearts, so that My Celestial Victory may descend over that continent and over all nations.

Today I come to offer this Chalice, this Sacred Grail, for the innocent, for the victims of exploitation, martyrdom, and annihilation.

Today My spiritual Blood is poured out, the codes of life and of renewal, as a great tributary, as an inexhaustible spring, over all those souls that most need it. Here there is a life story; souls that belong to the Project of God and that are trying in these times of crisis, to live hope.

My wish is that each European spiritually and materially take on each one of these "crianças” (little children). I say "crianças", from the Portuguese, because this mission is especially for the Portuguese; for those who are here and those who are not here. I want to be clear, so that you may understand the importance of fulfilling this request of your Master and Lord of the Universe.

In each one of these intentions, as in each one of these photos, there is a story, a past, which must be redeemed, renewed, and restored by My Sacred Heart, and all the entreaties of those who unite with Me in this mission to generate, at the end of times, a healing, love, and unity in all the souls of Africa; especially for the souls that are in this basket, entreating My Merciful Heart for a divine intercession of the Celestial Father, that today I grant by the authority that He gave Me, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Here are one hundred and twenty-eight essences that offered to incarnate in Africa, so that humanity may learn about the suffering of others, about human pain, about torture, exploitation, and indifference.

I desire that all the hearts of the world not forget My beloved Africa and look towards it, because it is still silently suffering.

 The reason for this pilgrimage in Europe is not only for your souls and hearts, which have already received so much, but so that your spirits and your consciousnesses unite with my universal Ministry, and so that you may go two by two, to help those who most need it, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature.

At this sacred moment, when Adonai hears the plea of His beloved Son and the intentions of simple hearts, your Master and Lord will pray for each one of these souls, representing all the souls of Africa and the Middle East.

We will now listen to "Thus spoke the Master."

We place our left hand over the heart, on the chest.

Father, Adonai, Eli, Yahve, You Who has generated life, give it again to Your creatures, so they may vivify You and feel You in the very depths of their spirits.

Eli, listen to the Voice of Your Son, who pleads for His beloved Africa. Dispel the sufferings. Erase the anguish from hearts. Bring alight in the littlest ones the hope of continuing to live You until the end of their days.

May Your angels descend, Eli. Eli is Your Holy Name, Your Holy Name for all of Africa, for Your beloved people, marked by the wounds and imprints of persecution.

Today I return to that people, Eli. Today I return to the origin, where everything began on this planet; to the place where Your first civilization of love, of service, and of surrender was launched, when You poured out Your divine Codes upon them.

May souls recover the trust of being able to live. May all be healed, so that no cell and no body feel the suffering, nor feel the pain, nor lose the faith of believing in You.

Just as you asked Moses to take care of Your People, today I hear Your Voice, Eli, beloved Father; I take care of Your flocks, so that the seeds of life, of regeneration, may be sown in the souls that have been subjected to human punishment, to exploitation, in these times.

May Your Source of Love and of Light descend upon them. May all recover the joy of being able to feel You and may they live in the fullness of Your mighty Spirit, Adonai. 

Adonai Manu, Father, listen to the voice of Your People.

Adonai, Elah, may Your Will be fulfilled.

Eli, Eli, Eli, may all be consummated, so that humanity, which is suffering, may achieve peace. Amen.

These intentions and these photos will return to those they belong to. I will take them to Angola, to deliver them to each one of them, and thus to give them My deepest embrace of love.

So be it.

And now, in honor of the Most Blessed Mother of Heaven, your Advocate, Intercessor of souls, and Mediator of all hearts, in thanksgiving, gratitude, reverence, and devotion, and for the consecration of these elements, which will become the Body and the Blood of Christ, today I will ask you to call and invoke Our Lady of Kibeho.

And thus, I take you toward My Peace, because in the Peace of God, everything is done. In Peace, you can live eternal life, renewal and faith in all hearts that believe in My Sacred Heart.

May the good and love reign. May humanity live the Project of God. May the Kingdoms of Nature be healed and may all essences of this world achieve redemption, so that when I return in Glory, we may all experience the joy of Paradise. Amen.

I thank all those who will carry Africa in their heart, so that My Designs may be fulfilled; and My Mercy, which is the Mercy of your God, may expand throughout the whole world.

So may it be, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Let us continue singing, because today, your beloved Son, will carry the pleas of all those who have invoked for Africa to His beloved Servant, Mother, and Lady of Heaven,.

I thank you. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Listen to My Voice, lost flocks of the world. The Star is approaching the horizon. The great Sun of the universe is drawing closer to humanity to rescue souls, free them from perdition and find in each of them the new dwelling place of God.

Adonai is your Father from the Heights. He is unknown to humanity; from His essence comes Love, Unity and Truth, from which souls can be nurtured spiritually.

I come to remove you from superficial life so that you may find Adonai again. He hopes to find you awake, brave and available when His beloved Son returns to the world.

Through the Light of Adonai, I come to anoint you with My Hands so that you may be blessed by the Spirit of God, may repent and be healed, be freed from all evils and find again the path to redemption.

Adonai hopes to find you awake, for He wishes to have His Works descend through your hearts. Thus, He again sends His Son in a spirit of omnipresence and of truth, so that souls may recognize the sublime Light, feed their spirits again with the Goodness of God, with the principle of His immaculate Love, which will always nurture you and never leave you alone.

Adonai waits for you. Wake up, My flocks! Take the tasks that I give you today. There is much to do for this humanity. I not only need your word, but also your hands to express the love of charity. In this way, companions, you will be fulfilling the principle of fraternity.

Work, companions, in spite of tiredness, work. My Spirit will always comfort you. I can restore all things when you simply allow Me to.

I invite you, My beloveds, in the name of Adonai, to free your inner controls so that the new spirit be forged and be born, renewed by the Presence of Adonai.

His supreme Light comes from the profound Light. That is the principle of Love, which nurtures all universes. Seek the Fount of Adonai; in this way, you will be able to free yourselves from your ties.

Do not waste time any longer, companions, with superficial things. Just as I told you during the Sacred Week, be renewed through My Spirit, at this hour which marks the culminating moment of humanity, the coming of the end and the beginning of the New Humanity.

Thus, prepare your hearts. Isolate your lives from all superficiality. I need to find you in love and in truth, with your hands in prayer and in the works of God.

And in the same way that the missionaries of peace did, freeing their hearts through service and surrender, My infinite Mercy was able to descend into the heart of Africa. But now, I come to this part of the world to awaken the sleeping flocks again.

I bring you the firmness of the New Humanity; the unknown Spirit for this Earth; the great Spirit that comes from Adonai, who renews all things and all forms, who brings hope, joy and Mercy for sinning souls.

I invite you to repentance, thus, your families will also repent. And this spirit of repentance, which is a principle of redemption and of rehabilitation, will expand throughout humanity so it may truly recognize that it must above all things ask God for forgiveness. In this way, you will enter into the philosophy of My Heart and new gifts will awaken in your essences.

Your paths will be freed from ties and on your pathways, there will no longer be stones, but rather a path of redemption and of peace that I come to rebuild in the dwelling place of your hearts.

I give you the Strength of Adonai. I give you the Love of Adonai. I give you His profound Unity so that you may be renewed and be prepared in time for what will come to humanity.

Just as I was in Africa, announcing My Return, I come to meet with you, companions, seeking the apostles of Love, those who will define themselves by transforming themselves, achieving purification to live in transcendence; thus in their own life they will find the path of Light that will take them to Adonai, and allow them to find again the mission they have lost in all this material life.

My Spirit is invisible, but remember that I have already been among you, ascended to the Heavens, returned to the Dwelling Place of God. I am living in the Universe of God, but I will return from that Kingdom to bring redemption and liberation to humanity, and together with the Archangels of Adonai, we will banish evil from this humanity, which subjects the evolution of spirits and carries all souls toward the abysses of the Earth.

But in this hour of Mercy, in which My true Government and the sovereignty of Adonai are expressed, I pour out the Laws of God upon you, reminding you of the Commandments, which are extremely forgotten. Nobody shows any interest in any of them, and thus souls are lost, simply because of being involved in material life.

From the beginning of Creation, if you had lived the Laws of the Creator, the world would already be non-material and your consciousnesses would be in other worlds, experiencing the great universal fraternity, the principle of redemption for this local universe.

Light the stars of your hearts. Your inner Christs are calling you. Awaken from this illusion and look up at the skies. See in your inner worlds the codes that are poured out by My merciful Hands.

When I see you transformed, without fearing anything, without holding any fear, I will be able to say, companions, that it will have been worth it to be here, among you, giving you and bringing you My time before the great need of this humanity, which is submerged in modernity, distances itself from God and divides the union with the Divinity through looking for other unions that do not come from Adonai.

Study My Words, read My Messages, in these are placed the keys for the preparation. Step away from normality, seek always the life in spirit. Let your own prayer uplift you, so that you may find the path again toward infinity, and thus distance yourselves from this world of illusion that moves toward the perdition of all souls.

But in this hour, I come to ignite that which is held within you, the manifested Temple of God that waits to be re-ignited to find again the path of perfect communion with God that it has lost.

My divine Justice is unknown. Thus, in this hour, avail yourselves of My Mercy.

The time is announcing a great change. Thus, be awake and watch with Me in the constant prayer of the heart.

In the Kingdom of My Father, I receive the offerings of this sacred Communion so that hearts may be purified, souls may be freed from all stains, and in this definitive hour, you may find the spring of My Grace, a Grace that will save you, a Grace that will redeem you, a Grace that will give you My Mercy.

Today I am here with you, but also with all My children of Brazil, especially with those that live in the north of this country.

In truth, I tell you that who is with Me feels no separation, because the fusion with My Spirit is invincible and the perfect union that I bring you resides in the Love of My Heart.

Through your prayers, just as I requested in Rwanda, bring the true Justice of God and do not be confused by the things of this world. 

The true Justice of God is found in the temperance of My Heart. If you seek My merciful Heart, you will lose nothing, you will be more just and free, wondrous and kind, for in this way, I will have achieved the transformation of your lives.

Let us consecrate in the name of Adonai.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us repeat:

Praise be to God,
glorious His Kingdom.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Carry My Presence in your hearts, because through My Heart, the existence of Adonai is expressed.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic)

Song: Adonai, Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, we want to say goodbye to everybody by telling a little story about the Apparition of Christ.

Today He brought Adonai in His Presence. And how could we understand that experience?

He was surrounded by the Light of God and it seemed that God spoke through His Word. He manifested Himself with great Majesty, like a sovereign King that rules this and other universes.

Through His Word and His Presence, He manifested the Law of God. And synthetically, He was inviting us, on this day, to remember the Laws of God and to seek that union with the Laws through our prayer.

Christ knows that for us, the Laws are unknown, but He needs us to unite with God so as to be able to live in His Law.

He was inviting us on this day to correct humanity, to spiritually educate ourselves again, basically remembering the Commandments of Moses.

And today He was also telling us that they are basic and primary Laws for this humanity. And those Laws are not being obeyed, Christ said, and nor are other Laws.

For this reason, Christ was inviting us to repent on this day. There is something inside us, said the Master, that must go through a process of forgiveness. And that forgiveness will occur through our acceptance to live redemption.

He is warning us about the events of the end of times, but He does not come to cause us fear, but rather to bring us His Mercy.

He says it is important that we also remember what He said in Rwanda many years ago, and that many did not hear either.

Again on this day, He invites us to remember His Message through all the instructions He has given  over the last three years. The Master says that, in spite of Him seeming to always say the same thing to us, He always tries to remind us of what we should be paying attention to, because from that, we will be able to experience other new things. In essence, He says that our life is renewed there, when we follow the Laws through prayer, by means of acts of service and of charity, of paying attention to fellow beings. And as a consequence, the Master says that our life will be redeemed little by little.

But He knows that the majority of humanity does not want to pay attention to these things. He sees that humanity is walking towards other places. His Heart is distressed because He can do things up to a certain point, He can help up to a certain point.

For this reason, He needs our prayers, our inner adherence, that we basically do what He asks of us in a simple and humble way. He says that in this way we will be helping Him to fulfill the Plan that God has foreseen for this time.

Through this Message that Christ left us today and this story that He asked us to tell, we want to leave this reflection to everybody. And as He asked of us, we invite you to listen to His Message again, to read and reflect on His words, because in these things we will simply find the Light that we are seeking for our paths.

We leave a greeting of peace with you all and we invite you to think of Jesus tonight.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!


See My Heart, highly outraged by the offenses of the world, and revere it; It is the Heart, the preferred wellspring of all. From My Heart emerge the Rays of Pity and the just causes for all beings. Blessed are they who drink from the Fount of My Heart, for they will be resurrected.

While I am here today, I am also in Africa with all, accompanying you, following your steps and guiding you in the silence of My Merciful Heart.

For through your hands and the walking of your feet toward service and charity, I can act in omnipresence and take with Me souls, those who have suffered most for a long time, whom no one remembers in their prayer.

The time of the opportunity has come before the Justice of God descends; therefore, prepare yourselves with courage and bravery. Do not be afraid to banish that which lives within you and no longer belongs to the Plans of the Creator.

While you live your purification, rejoice your hearts, companions, for the time of your surrender is coming and like many souls, you will be at the doorways of redemption to cross the thresholds to My Heart, and definitely, to be merged into My Spirit of Light; then, at that moment, be My apostles, the apostles of the new time.

Today I carry in My Hands the prayers of many of My children to offer them, through My intercession, to your Creator Father Adonai, Who is attentive to the supplications of all when these are true, simple, and respond to the need of the Greater Will.

In this way, companions, Graces are poured out, first upon the most needy hearts and then, after all, upon you, who, in the last row of My army, will receive the part that is your due, which God has thought of since the beginning.

Already some of My companions have received many Graces on the part of My Heart. In the same way, I hope you can respond to My Greater Call, and in the face of the times of crisis and of chaos, you will be willing to serve me irrespective of what takes place within or outside of you, wherever you may be. In any part of the world, I will be present there, in omnipresence, when you invoke Me through My Divine Mercy.

While My Words are being pronounced to the world today, My Light and My Love are erasing, from your hearts, all the consequences of evil as well as the links you have made with it, so that you can be reborn in spirit and, purified by My merciful Love, you may place yourselves in the ranks of My celestial army, because the time of congregating is coming and all the soldiers will unite during the most difficult hour to be able to serve the Creator, in this time of transition.

While some walk toward their purification, do not look around you at the darkness that surrounds you.

Look to the skies, because My Light will come to you and I will wrap you in My Mantle as a good shepherd does with his sheep and soon, companions, you will be residing in the stable of My Heart.

Now, receive My monthly Message in gratitude.

Thereafter, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón receives the monthly Message of Christ of April 17, 2015.

On this evening, I will consecrate the most precious that I have for everyone, which are My Body and My Blood, perfect reasons for your redemption. Happy are those who commune with Me and accept the path of rehabilitation.

At this moment, companions, under the authority that God has granted to Me, as your Master and Shepherd, we will celebrate the consecration by singing to God.

Let the angels congregate, let the Guardian Angels participate in this opportunity of offertory that can be realized by each of you and, again, My Heart be repaired.

Beloved Lord, o beloved Christ,
accept our reparation
through our love, our surrender and our prayer,
so that Your flagellated Heart, Lord,
may be alleviated by our devotion to You.
(three times)

Song: "Adonai, Holy Spirit."

Say with Me the prayer of the Angel of Peace:

Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.


While I bid farewell to this Center of Love, elevating your supplications to the Eternal Father, pouring upon sinful souls My Mercy, to honor the God of Love, of Unity and of Justice, I desire on this night for the charcoal to be lit again so as to give the blessing with the incense to the souls present here, whom I have also blessed with predilection.

On this evening, I thank you for sharing the ocean of My Mercy with Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We wish to share with everyone that today the Master came as the Glorified Jesus, the One we met in the Face He revealed to us on January 5, 2013, and who today came here , to the Kingdom of Aurora, showing His injured Heart. However, wo that Heart there was an infinite portal, where there was a great ocean, which He was telling us was the ocean of His Love. And after that, He addressed His Words to all those present and transmitted this Message to us. He said that it is an inner revelation that He makes for each one of us.

And at the request of Our Lord, we will listen to a reflection of Mother María Shimani about this Message, since Our Lord considers it important that we properly understand what He wanted to tell us.

Mother María Shimani:

The opportunity that we are receiving as representatives of humanity should be very clear to all of us.

Never before in the history of this civilization has the Divine Hierarchy spoken so directly to us, guiding us step by step to experience this final transition.

Our Lord is explaining to us that, through our meetings with Him, of soul to Soul, of soul to Divinity, we have been receiving, directly from His Consciousness, codes of a very high value, which will protect us from now until this process of transition ends in this world. And that He is giving us a special Grace through the requests He makes to us, which allow us, by obeying in love and with joy, to settle the debts that this humanity has and to allow for some events that would be very difficult for our humanity, to be avoided.

Because, although we all know that this world would deserve to experience some significant adjustments through those movements that the planet could experience, many innocents would suffer something they do not deserve, and the Divinity, with His love, not only thinks of and feels those innocents, but also feels all those who have gravely sinned against humanity, because we must never forget that for Our Lord, the most lost of the sinners is that victory He wants to offer to His Father. For His Heart, His Love, and His Mercy, nothing is lost.

So we, through this that we are experiencing and sharing together, are providing a great opportunity for everyone and for all of humanity, something that for us would be unimaginable.

When the human being learns to do the Will of God, when they let go of their own will and with joy obey the Supreme Will, many unimaginable things can happen; something so simple as having gone to Africa, that fourteen brothers and sisters are travelling around Africa doing works of charity, in total obedience and in total service, united to our prayer and that this event was able to avoid many difficulties for this planet.

It is important that we are able to understand what would happen if, as our brothers and sisters were saying in the program of the Sacred Call, we all met together at three in the afternoon to pray for Mercy.

If all human beings revered God, this planet would be a paradise full of life and of happiness for all. Because that was what our Father thought of for this civilization.

With these insignificant things that we do, when in surrender we love and serve God, all the events foreseen can change.

For this reason, Our Lord reveals to us that, when we are united in God, the Kingdom of the Heavens can descend to Earth.

For this reason, we always try to invite you to unite in prayer for this world, to do it from the heart as Our Lord said, without arrogance, in the simplicity of the heart, and so, to definitely change the destiny of this world.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

And now that you have understood what I told you yesterday, receive My Heart in Light and in Glory, and do not separate My Heart from your hearts. Fulfill the promise of being with Me forever.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us repeat:

Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Source of Love and of Truth,
receive our consciousnesses in Your Kingdom.
(three times)

With these simple words, you will be giving God permission for your souls to be rescued through God's Firstborn Son, in the end of times, so that, when I return in Glory to this world, souls can recognize Me, as many of you knew Me in the past.

Thus, on this afternoon of Mercy and Pity, I bring you My Presence; I bring you the remembrance of having been with Me in other times, sharing the Supper with the Lord, the favorite Communion with the Greater Universe.

Once again, I bring your consciousness the opportunity to remember all these things, of being able to relive the passages you have lived with Me, because all I wish is that your lives be close to My Heart and no longer be scourges for Me, but rather sources of love and of truth, as is My merciful Heart for you.

Through this day of merciful prayer, I was able to deeply come to know your inner beings, visit your inner worlds, your greater spirits, and repair many things through the simple practice of prayer. Perhaps you will not notice this great change, but let a little time go by so as to be able to understand what I tell you today.

My Words are not just simple words. Through them, I bring the Light of God to the world. I was conceived to be the Spokesperson of the universe and I will continue to be so until I can return to the world. And while that does not happen, I come with the hope of preparing your inner worlds so as to be able to dispel the shadows and the darkness, those energies that envelop your lives all the time when you simply stop looking at Me for a moment.

I observe you all the time, My companions. Imagine how much I observe the whole of humanity. Through My brothers and sisters on the path, I move past all lives, waiting for yet another soul to awaken and prepare this flock of apostles that will give testimony of My Return to the world.

When the false lies about My Appearance come up in humanity, I will not confuse anybody. My love is unmistakable, because I Am the emanation of a feeling of Love, of a pure and healthy word that brings you the Will of God, as energy and as Presence, for those who simply say 'yes' to Me.

When I told you yesterday that you have the great task of unity, this is not something so simple. You have to work with your inner beings so that My Consciousness can permanently reign. And when I am present among you all and in all, I will be able to carry out My Works of salvation for Uruguay.

Do not stop praying for the priests and for all those who strive to live My Path in the four corners of the Earth, because it is necessary, My children, that the brave be able to bear the great tribulation.

When the time comes for the great division of humanity, your hearts must already be resplendent and the dark stains must no longer exist, those which sometimes permeate your hearts, blind your eyes and take away your faith.

Thus, unite with Me at this time, while the Mercy of My Heart is poured out upon the world. I only hope to fulfill what God asks of Me for this era. So, too, hope the Divine Messengers and all the Creator Fathers, who, in Their Love, hold an awareness for the best idea for this planet, the greatest purpose for this world, the infinite objective for humanity. 

While you comprehend and understand all these matters with the love of your heart, receive My Words in your essences. These are no longer times to experience normal things nor to have brilliant ideas. I am showing you a Path of Light that is very little accepted, that is very forgotten, because souls are involved in other things. The things of the world are stronger and take you from the path of spirituality.

But when you are aware of being able to recognize My Words and My Petition, be willing to wholly transform. Allow My Angels to tear your old garments so that the true being that dwells within you, the high self that is very unknown to humanity, may emerge; for humanity strongly lives the terrestrial life, is involved with the things of the world and forgets to look at the sky, contemplate the stars, feel itself to be part of the universe. All the universes are waiting for your 'yes.'

Thus, up to where We are allowed, the Divine Messengers will travel and do pilgrimages, giving the Message, the warning, the call to attention to humanity, because the great change of this race is drawing closer and you will not be able to say you did not know. I already announced it 2,000 years ago. John described it in the Apocalypse.

The words are being revealed to the world through the facts and the events that take place today, in this XXI century, of profound changes in which souls do not known where to go.

I invite you to become a part of My Fount of Mercy; in this way, you will be able to think of My Heart all the time, and your own reasons will disappear from your minds so that the Will of God may dwell in your consciousnesses.

When I call on you to follow a single path, I announce to you My companions, and I invite you to deeply seek My Heart all the time, to not think of anything but My Heart, so that your lives may be guided correctly and you not miss the path of redemption that is being offered to you.

This is the last word that is being said to the world. Thus, be attentive, vigilant, present in this moment, so that My Codes of Light do not dissipate from your beings and you do not fall again into the normal things of this world because of a lack of love and unity.

In these difficult times, I invite you to seek Heaven, to aspire to find the star of your origin. Let each one live their true mission, no matter what it is, simply following My Steps so as to not be confused and think that you are living a mission just as God wishes.

Thus, He sends Me to represent His universal Voice so that you not be confused and truly hear what I am saying to you. My Words are moving through this Earth, but where will they remain? I seek receptacles for My sacred Words, dwellers of My Mercy that are able to disseminate My Message of Light and of Peace for this race that is being lost.

Meditate on what I tell you.

Many have questions to ask of Me, but I will respond to them over the course of time through the signs of Light that I will give everybody, which will demonstrate what My desire is for all.

Africa is preparing to receive us. I invite you on this afternoon to be carriers and collaborators of this Work, because it will be important in this end time to seek the spirit of reconciliation with the Africans, the redemption and the healing that there must be between the souls of America and of Africa.

I also wish, My companions, that Europe be present on this mission. If you do it thus, many conversions will occur. Your hearts will be released of faults through the service of being and sharing with all My children of Africa, who wait for you and need you in these difficult moments.

So I invite you to be carriers of My Peace, that you may discover, through this sacred mission, how many things I have done through you by means of prayer of the heart.

I will baptize you again with My Spirit of Life, so that you may always be aware of My existence in every place, in the simple and humble hearts that seek God with much love.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus asks us to pray while He consecrates the elements for the Baptism, the Foot-washing, and the Communion. From His Heart, He invites all the connected brothers and sisters to do the same, wash your feet and commune with His Body and His Blood. That you place these sacred Sacraments close to His Presence so that He may bless them as He did in the past.

Jesus asks Me to repeat the following prayer once, and then that we repeat it all together several times.

Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Source of Love and of Truth,
receive our consciousness into Your Kingdom.
(three times)

Uruguay has received a timeless Grace that must remain beating in your hearts so that it may overcome barriers, convert hearts, lift up the fallen,  raise the unredeemed again, and thus the Plan of God may be accomplished.

May this timeless Grace that I give you be able to remain in your lives and you be consistent with this Grace. In your hands will be the permanence of this Grace or its disappearance.

My Heart gives you a star of Light of the universe.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

For the consecration of the elements, at the request of Our Lord, we will sing the Our Father in Aramaic. At this moment, He asks that all the connected Grace Mercy Order carry out the same exercise.

Sung prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).

Let the Lord receive this sacrifice into His Hands so that His Name be praised and glorified by the whole universe, and His Source of Love and of Unity be able to help all souls to achieve transfiguration, the path of redemption.

I am present here, contemplating Uruguay and the world. My Heart is the Aurora that shines in your lives. Seek this essence, the Christic essence of Love, so that your fears disappear and the faith prevail that will carry you into eternal life.

Amid this universal sky that surrounds Me, I consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be a source of Love and of Truth. Thus you will make Me glad.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

For His elevation, Jesus wants us to sing "Primordial Source" and that we remember the glorious Ascension of Christ, which we will also experience in this moment.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We are going to consecrate the communion with Our Lord and we are going to sing the restoring sign of the Orandium of the Passion and the Transfiguration of Jesus.

Christ Jesus:

In fraternal love, I bless these sacred elements that represent spiritual life for people, the essential motive for each soul, for all those who carry them within themselves.

This represents for My Heart, a luminous sign that on this Earth, new peacemakers carry the living sign of Christ through communion and prayer.

I assemble you all in My Heart and I thank you for responding to this Call.

The greater strength lies in the kind and pious heart that says 'yes' to God.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, today Christ manifested as the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

It is the first time He appears with a rosary.

We asked Him what He was doing with that rosary, because generally, He never appears with a rosary. He said to us: "I am praying for you and for the world."

Afterwards, He showed some things that were happening on the planet so that we may be able to compare the opportunity we received with how many, many souls who do not receive that opportunity.

He carried out this reflection for us so that the opportunity that He gives us be able to move through us and not be just something normal, but rather a living memory of His Presence in our lives.

Let's read the special Message He transmitted today on October 5, 2014.

Last Friday (October 3, 2014), the day for the weekly message of Christ, He made a request for prayer and asked us to repeat it.

This message is already available on the Divine Mother webpage, where you will be able to find the Words of the Master.

As a synthesis, we want to respond to that Call He made today about praying for an urgent situation in Africa, because of the spiritual Ebola illness, just as He calls it.

He calls on all His followers, all those who listen to Him, to pray the "Rosary of the Seven Agonies of Jesus", which is also already available on the Divine Mother website.

Christ brought this forward in this way, on this day, because He is directly treating this situation that is occurring in Africa.

He said He is already listening to our prayers, but that He needs many more prayers so that He can eradicate that illness which, according to Our Lord, has already become a spiritual disease.

He says that it is through humanity, through us, that He will be able to treat that situation, relieve souls, heal those hearts that are suffering, and pour out His Mercy.

He asks that we be able to respond to that Call, since it is a serious situation that is happening in Africa and that, even though it is a continent very distant from ours, the Master is showing us how everything is one.

He said that He will be very grateful for the prayers that all can offer.

And after this call of Christ and this message of today, we are going to say goodbye, to thank all those who prayed, all the Communities, the Monasteries, all those who were involved in this day of Mercy.

But this task does not end today; it continues to work on our inner plane. Tomorrow morning, we will be here again to begin the second part of the Marathon.

All that remains for us do is to thank the universe. Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
