During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!

Special daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted at the Sacred House of Mary, Mother Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

My eyes light up when they see the radiance of a life redeemed and changed by the power of the prayer of the heart.

My children, today I descend from Heaven to ask you for prayer for the children of Syria and the Middle East, for the smallest ones suffer the main punishment and injustice.

It is for this sacred cause, My children, that I come to implore that through the thirty-three days of prayer, you hold the intention of interceding for the children of Syria. They experience the consequences of exile, hunger,  rejection and  failure.

As your Lady of Graces, I come to rebuild this humanity, which has lost the values of reverence and sacredness, of fraternity and peace.

My eyes also cry for the smallest and most innocent ones, because the simplest families are the focus of the destruction of unity and love among beings.

The family is a Project of God; it is through family that the values of fraternity, cooperation and peace must be generated. The family can be the main group of prayer; like a mirror, it can reflect the essence of change and redemption to the Universe of God.

Dear children, that is why the Most Chaste Saint Joseph also descends from Heaven every day to help humanity, so that through His Chaste Heart, the values of the Sacred Family may be sown again. 

I descend every day to teach you to truly love, to motivate you to change the habits of a material life that deteriorates the families of each one of you.

That is why, My children, I come to beg you to pray; prayer must be the epicenter of the family. The Project of God in the families of the world must be realized. If the union in families should disappear, the inner and spiritual values that allow all creatures to evolve would disappear.

That is why Abraham, Moses and the Sacred Family of Nazareth worked for the sacred values of the Project of God, which was to have the whole of humanity become a true spiritual family. But the influences of these times, the modernities and the personal projects have distanced families from the Love of God.

That is why Saint Joseph will try to impart His holy spiritual help for all of the Middle East, with the aim that these important values be reintegrated into the heart of all beings.

My children, think of and feel what I am saying to you; each one of you is called in this time to protect and take care of the spirit of the family through good customs, fraternal acts and expressions of universal love.

Let us pray for the consciousness of the universal family that is this humanity. Let us pray for this project to be accomplished.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is united with the praying families of the world,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Enter directly into My Ocean of Peace and by means of prayer, find the breath and the refuge of your souls, mind and body.  Exercise to be in My Heart all the times that it is possible for you and aspire, each time more, to live this encounter with Me; each day that you come in touch with the Peace that I bring from the Heavens you strengthen and mature the inner dwelling place, the place of eternal peace that I construct in your hearts.

I want that My children learn from constancy and from perseverance because without these two attributes, the inner steps of your beings will not be able to be consolidated.

Today it is necessary that you may attain more than an inner experience with Me, more than a moment of encounter with My Heart; it is necessary that you may attain the experience of that which I bring to you, the imitation of My Consciousness which, as well as those of Jesus and Joseph, express the perfect model of life on Earth.

Learn from serenity and from Peace and try, at some times, to leave from the common living of the human consciousness, because today I bring you this possibility as I have brought it over the centuries.

My children, those who know how to see and receive the Graces of God will perceive in the heart that there has not been in the world a more precious moment than this which you live today.

The Divine Messengers arrive to several parts of the world, among the different consciousnesses that are expressed on Earth; they arrive to different nations, different cultures, but bringing one same Message.

I am not here to create a new religion, but yes to unite, in the Heart of God, all the religions that already exist.

I do not ask you to follow some belief, sect or doctrine.  My teaching comes from the Heart of God and to Him it should be turned.

I do not bring you, in this moment, an archetype of religion, but yes, a permanent archetype of life. These are not words that have been meditated on in the interior of a temple or church, they are divine impulses to be lived, applied in the consciousness, transforming all the matter corrupted over the centuries.

My beloveds, I ask you today to take a great leap in consciousness, and those who are encouraged and are impelled to take this leap, My arms will support and lift them until the step to be reached.

However it is necessary that each one has the firm decision of being launched in this transformation of life and, with bravery, to be directed to a new world, which you will not find outside; you will not see it in the material life, unless you construct it in your own interior.

The Divine Life already exists in each being; God Is in His creatures, but these must know how to find Him, hidden and silent, in their own heart.

Seek with patience this hidden God and do not fear to make a mistake in this search, because falling is part of spiritual walking.  Each time that you are faced with a mistake, patiently hold out your hand to Me, and I will place you standing up again.

Follow in this way, among little and great falls; in this way the path will be made shorter, and closer will be the Kingdom of God.

Those who venture to transcend the barriers of their own existence, and to overcome the limits imposed by their own mind, will find a surprise in their lives and in their essences, and all that seems to them so mysterious and distant will become little and close to their lives.

It is then that other mysteries will rise up and greater unknown abysses will become visible to them and, in the vastness of this Universe, they will continue on this journey proposed by God to His creatures.

When walking permanently is your only goal, you will see before the eyes of the spirit the Divine Consciousness that embraces you.

I thank you for being today with Me, unveiling the words of My Heart.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
