Do not let yourselves be deceived; many within My Church will use My Name to defend themselves, but the weight of their faults will leave them in the void of the abyss, because they will become naked before all eyes.

You should not defend yourselves, because I have already said it once, by your fruits you will be known.

Whoever sows in My Land will reap wonderful fruits, but whoever sows in their own land will have rotten fruits.

Let nothing surprise you; the Church that I once founded on Earth is falling down, because its foundations are rotten for not having sought for strength in My true Heart.

But not all shall be lost; the time will come in which humanity will come to know the last witnesses and they will not arise from the apparently constituted Church.

Those witnesses will be the humble of heart, who have no power, autonomy, or prestige.

With My own rod I will cleanse the impure Church of its gravest sins and when I return, the Celestial Church, the only one I have taught, will triumph.

In the meantime, may those who follow My Church repent and not seek the mote in the eye of their fellow being; first let them take out their own, because they have already hurt and offended the Lord with hundreds of innocent children who trusted in My weak priests.

Let My Church not judge My other Works, because the fire of purification is coming and will penetrate everything.

Meanwhile, the new Church, which has no name, already sails on its boat, out at sea, and no one will be able to stop it.

I thank you for considering My heartfelt Words!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Through My Wounds, I illuminate the dark abysses of the Earth, and each time I descend here, I release the fallen prisoners, carrying a great part of souls that are lost into the deep oceans of My Mercy.

Through My Wounds, I exorcize the psychic sphere of the Earth, and the Elohim purify the crust of the planet in order to detoxify it of the perverse currents of My adversary. Once again, the Archangel Saint Michael buries his powerful non-material Sword of Light and all the shackles of perdition and of damnation are dissolved on the coming of the extremely powerful transmuting cosmic fire.

Through My Wounds, the innocent are protected, as long as someone cries out for them and pleads for Mercy. Thus, all who are exploited, at some point, will be freed from their slavery and, once again, Mercy will triumph.

Through My Wounds, I establish the beginning of the Kingdom of the Heavens and souls are freed from the spirits, that wander the world, in order to condemn consciousnesses. What is most impure on Earth is cast out and the spirits in constant sorrow are consumed by fire and in brimstone so that any vestige of malice may vanish.

May the light of the power of My Wounds and the Glory of the Archangel Michael triumph again, so that peace may be established.

Thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Teacher, Christ Jesus


Second Message

Listen to the Voice of your Master and make it part of yourself at every moment.

I Am the Lord of the Universe and the Redeemer of the World who comes in this time to submerge in the internal abysses where the consciousnesses live their reality, where they must face what they have never faced, and from where they must seek the way out to My Sacred Heart.

I Am the Lord of the Universe and I come to submerge myself in the darkest abysses of the planetary consciousness and I attempt, through My disciples, to withdraw souls from perdition.

But no one is free from living their own abyss and from being able to know it at any moment of this final time.

You must dare to overcome these difficulties by means of My Merciful Love.

Because My Merciful Love is an incandescent flame that enlightens everything, that transforms and pacifies everything.

There is no other remedy you can seek but this Merciful flame of My Heart, which at this moment radiates to the world, to help it.

Then live the transition of these abysses of the consciousness and of the great abyss of humanity, in which millions of souls are submerged, without even perceiving it.

Do not be afraid of knowing this truth that the abyss of human consciousness is in. Do not be afraid to cross it.

Do not be afraid to cross this desert, where someday you will feel alone, as if nothing had meaning or answer.

The world and its humanity have never faced this abyss, in any other time or in any other era.

You are part of a definitive transition that walks towards the great awakening.

For this, you will have to transcend the obstacles, you will have to know how to overcome the tests, you will have to know how to be above the challenges.

I will not get tired of looking for you and of calling you.

Humanity is a great abyss that must be reversed by Love and Light, by the triumph of peacemaking hearts, by the absolute donation of servants, by the expression of love of the hearts, in every sense.

And although your own inner abyss may hurt, go ahead.

There is no greater abyss than the one that this world lives at this moment, from where many cannot get out, because they do not have inner strength, nor courage to do so.

The great abyss of humanity is the mirror of the planetary purification, of these such profound roots that must be removed from the soil in order for the earth to be plowed and for new seeds of Light and awakening to be sowed, for new forms of knowledge to be sowed, as well as new forms of life that humanity has not lived nor known so far.

For this reason, before the inner abyss of your consciousnesses, the inner Sun must shine, that Star that the Father gave to you, your essence, which is the principle of all Creation and of this universal life.

Hold on to the Sun of your inner essence and overcome the abysses of these times, so that, in this way, you may learn how to overcome everything and help those who will not be able to do it by themselves.

I give you the most emblematic tools so that you can do it, so that you can transcend times, first in yourselves, and then in humanity.

I give you the key of Communion with Me, every day, because it is something that becomes inextinguishable before darkness, because it is the Love that triumphs in the Body and the Blood of Christ, when every being communes with Me in humility and penance.

I give you the key of Adoration, so that you can find My Existence in the Eucharist, My Spirit and My Divinity in all that has been created, so that you may cross the portal to My Kingdom.

When your eyes contemplate My Living Body, I can renew everything, even if it seems impossible.

In that spirit of being able to overcome everything with humility and courage, do not fear to dive into the abyss of humanity, because some, in representation of the majority, will have to learn, by all means, to seek the way out to the new portal where the Sun of God will rise on the horizon to dispel the darkness and the abysses of consciousness.

By My Sorrowful Passion you already have the base to do it.

Your Master and Lord knew the abyss of human consciousness and of the planet, endured and suffered this reality, but never, never let Himself be defeated, knowing the Father had put Him before a test of great Love.

May that Love that comes from Me never be emptied in you, but rather may it increase in degrees and in steps of confidence and unity.

You are already learning to accompany your Master in a Work that is for all humanity, which does not restrict itself to a group of souls, to a community or to a spiritual center; we are talking about great and unknown things, about having the vision of the whole and not just of a single place, about expanding consciousness as God expands it to embrace His children in love and in peace.

Thus, I come to give you the same internal forces that I received during My Agony, so that you may learn to endure everything, at least for Me; so that you may learn to live everything, at least for Me, and, thus, you may, at this time, give great testimonies of love and transcendence, greater than those I lived in the past.

Because what you live at this time, as humanity and as a planet, I could not have lived it at that time, in the Gethsemane Garden, nor in the Passion.

What must be defined in this time is very big and exceeds all borders and all limits.

For this reason, the work of overcoming the inner duality will be very hard, the work of maintaining a balance will be great indeed and all this will be for a Greater Purpose that I wish to conceive in the souls of the world and in those who are awakening.

Have courage to overcome the abysses of human consciousness and to not have restrictions in asking for forgiveness as many times as necessary, because in this way your hearts will be at peace, they will be in good, they will be in My Mercy.

Do not leave to cross these abysses of the end of times, because on the other side awaits your Master and Lord to lead you towards the Light that is eternal and invincible.

Thus, I come to strengthen you with all the possible impulses so that you may give, at this time, testimony of your transformation to the world and so that it may not only be a theory, but rather a reality that motivates other hearts to live the great transformation.

May your essences be the ones that, today, are in the highest of Heaven, in the most sublime of the Universe, so that you may shine and thus your inner abysses may be closed so that peace and Light may reign.

Receive, then, My Sacerdotal Blessing, reminding you that this Marathon is a moment of great reflection for souls, in order to prepare to take a new step, although you believe you are not ready.

I bless you and give you My Mercy, to all who hear in love and in faith, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Although the pressure is great, My Grace is infinite and can save souls. Therefore, I have come from the universe today to bring you peace, the peace that is missing in the world, and that is dissipated due to the darkness. But My Kingdom can become visible in the meek and pacific hearts that carry this peace to the world as an emblem of union with the Celestial Father.

I have asked everyone to come here, to this Sacred Center, to establish a purpose in your consciousnesses that goes beyond your understanding and is experienced in the spirit.

Today I have come from a very special place on the planet where I experience a retreat and a profound silence to meditate before the next steps that humanity must take. I would like to elevate you to that place, but first, you must pray so as to be able to enter it. This place of which I am speaking to you today is the desert of Shambhala, where the true inner reality exists, where everything had its origin, at the beginning of the Creation of My Father, for this planet and humanity.

Today I put you in this place so that you may seek Shambhala and thus remember what your purpose is for these times that are coming. But I will request this only to a few because I cannot do it for the whole world. The world is very distracted and thus it will not be able to see Shambhala, but you who do know it and have known it, relive these principles. Enter into the desert with Me, way into the desert, to find the temple within you, so as to be able to hold on to these gifts during the time of tribulation that you will still experience in the world, the tribulation that has not ended and that has just started.

I am your Shepherd and I guide the flocks of My Father. This is why I call you to enter into the inner Shambhala, and not to forget your true face, that which comes from time to time to live this experience of love and forgiveness that humanity has forgotten.

If I am to be found meditating and in retreat in the desert of Shambhala, why will you not do so? After the decision that My Father has made, new things must be thought from the heart so that spirits are able to be born in the works and carry out the designs of God. Therefore, the retreat is important, your inner retreat in the face of so much demand from humanity, in the face of so much service, and of spiritual and material need. I invite you to be in an inner retreat for you to be able to perceive things from another point of view, just as I see them.

I take you all to the desert of Shambhala so that you may open your eyes and in this reality of the inner Shambhala, you can discover and understand what the Hierarchy needs. If your hearts are united to this mystery, you will be able to be in Shambhala, because Shambhala is the main source of Love that has emerged on this planet to establish in the world the spirit of confraternity and unity with the universe that today's humanity does not experience because it is separated among brothers and nations. Therefore, everything that you do, do it in the name of the Lord, each action that you perform, each work that you carry out, each word that you proclaim must be in the name of peace and not of disunity. 

Times are still difficult and many do not want to believe it. I need the self-summoned to see the convenience in which they are and how great the call from Heaven is, which summons souls to serve, surrender, and renounce everything.

I promised you that I would return, first in My Divinity so that afterwards you could see me resplendent among the clouds as the Sun of the universe, which will establish the new humanity for all worlds. This moment has arrived, companions. I am returning, although you do not see Me. If in previous months, in previous meetings of prayer I led you to know to the Law and adopt it in your lives, I made you go through the Middle East to refuge souls in your hearts, now why do you not follow me to the inner Shambhala where everything started for this planet?

I invite you to the desert so that you can be empty of everything and of any circumstance because I will not be able to place My new Principles in souls full of other things. Therefore I invite you to the inner retreat, to prayer and silence so that the world can be saved. This is the simplest thing that I ask you, companions; I do not need that you surrender to me your families, your work, your material life. I need you to elevate yourselves in consciousness, so as to be able to abandon these things, which should come in second place so that My primordial Work can be accomplished. I am not saying, companions, that your families should be abandoned nor that your jobs should not be attended. I need your consciousnesses to be in the priority that My Father needs in these final times. If I am returning it is to call you, to form you as the army of the 144 thousand that must be ready to answer the planetary need, the call of the Plan, and the Work of God in the whole universe.

Dear companions, we are speaking of great things and not of tiny things. Terror is being spread in the world and pain is becoming more acute, and someone must relieve it so that nothing is lost in this humanity. This is why I come as your Shepherd today, to lead you to discover, in Shambhala, your inner void and everything that has always filled it, time and again, time after time. But do not fear. Who is speaking to you will not abandon you, will not leave you aside, because I will share your purification with you, as I share the purification of this unredeemed humanity, which is far from God and especially far from love, the true love of the universe.

We are doing the impossible for the world not to continue deviating towards the abyss. Therefore, the efforts will be extreme and you will be aware of this. And when the time comes for each one of you to be able to give your maximum, to totally surrender to My Father, you will not be able to say that you did not know. Just as I once told My apostles that I was waiting for them to follow Me to the Calvary and in the Passion, today I tell you not to step back, for My Glorified Heart will be your sustenance at the most acute moment.

My heart can make you be reborn because My Mercy allows it. And if you are in My Mercy, you will embrace My Grace. My Grace will fulfill you and thus you will be in My Divinity, the Divinity of Christ that humanity has not yet known nor reached at any time. Therefore I demonstrate My Glory to you so that you can know My Grace, and in My Grace, you can be divinized in the name of My Father, in honor to Adonai and His Eternal Kingdom, which always awaits all His creatures to pour out upon them His Love and Peace from time to time, from epoch to epoch.

Do not be frustrated, do not be disturbed. Answer in obedience and you will know the reason why. Embrace My Call and you will feel My Divinity that always awaits you so as to guide and conduct you to the Kingdom of My Father.

Through this call to the inner retreat of Shambhala, I am inviting all souls to mature consciously and to cease doing what is no longer necessary in these times. Because when you are busy with useless things, I only observe you and wait for you to be able to awaken to feel My Voice in your hearts, the Voice that cries out, before the Celestial Father, for this Project of humanity.

May this Marathon be the deepening of the spiritual life of every being and thus the reconfirmation of your vows may be established before this definitive Project that must be fulfilled. May this Marathon not only go through Aurora but also through each one of you so that you can perceive what I am telling you.

I cannot continue giving more responsibilities to those who already respond to Me. Souls have a point of tension to bear My Designs, now the time has come for you to abandon your insignificant things so that everything is balanced and you embrace My Call and fulfill a part of the plan that is still waiting to be concretized. In this way, the 144 thousand will be born and will cease being written in the sacred book of the Bible to become a reality at this time. These 144 thousand consciousnesses are on the entire planet in different regions, nations, cultures, languages, and beliefs within the spiritual Christianity of the planet. Thus, I establish the symbol of My Divinity through My Grace, because if you love the power of My Grace experiencing My Divine Mercy, you will understand the magnitude of this proposal, and thus you will respond in time.

See your inner Shambhala, which calls you to unite to the Masters and thus reconfigure the Plan under the reign of Christ, your Beloved Lord. The doors of the desert of Shambhala are not open for making you suffer, but for you to enter into the path of the void that your hearts need to experience, and being free from all this, to carry out the Works of the Master in the simplicity of spirit and in the humility of soul through service to others.

May your hearts be re-ignited in this proposal, may your voice truly cry out for My Mercy after so many Marathons of prayer. May your souls ask for that which they need, for I will give it to you. Do not be afraid of the void, because the soul attains its freedom in the void. The soul becomes divinized in the presence of My Priestly Spirit.

I wait for you in consciousness and in love towards the Plan,

The Glorified Christ Jesus



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

When we were praying the 150 beads of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, the procession with the Most Blessed Sacrament was taking place in the Marian Center. While the brothers and sisters walked and followed the Most Blessed Sacrament, I saw, among the people, a being that was the Master, but with a different aspect from what He is. He was thinner, with a short beard and hair, and He was walking and singing among the people. Later on, I saw the brothers and sisters entering into the House of Adoration, and as they passed through the door, He touched with His Hand the head of each one, carrying out a sort of healing that cured them inwardly. Following that, I saw the group during the adoration, and Christ in the same person I had seen during the procession, seated at the back of the room.

Soon He showed the image of a field, where there was a group of sheep that were walking to a specific place. Although He was not present in the image, He had us understand that He guided that flock. At a certain point, the flock encountered a great and dark abyss at the bottom of which fog could be seen.

When the Master appeared, He had a great golden six-pointed star on His chest and His Heart was in the center. He was surrounded by many sheep, with a small baby lamb in His Arms, and He was caressing it.

Based on that image, Christ transmitted His message to us:

I hold in My Arms the most spiritually ill of My sheep so that it never loses its trust that, in spite of the time and the moment of its purification, I will not abandon it. Although it has distanced itself from Me through its mistakes, I have it return to My flocks, because above all just or unjust causes, your Shepherd knows what the divine Purpose of this being is.

You, as sheep, are facing the great abyss of the times, and you must learn to walk among the shadows safe within My Heart.

First, I tell you to not fear because the Lord, your God, will show each one of you that which is saddest and most unjust within you. In this way, you will be consciously invited to live the Law of purification, which is completely supported by the merciful love of My Heart. God will not abandon you because you failed or made a mistake. But your Father that is in the Heavens will apply Divine Justice so that you may soon be free of all adversity.

Second, in this great abyss where the world is, you will see the opportunity for consciously purifying yourselves from all stains and that, just as I teach My disciples, you may love one another as brothers and sisters and unite with one another. At this hour, when hundreds of souls are lost in the darkness, you must be very united, because it will be this inner union that will cause the fountain of love to spring out of nothing, and it will be that extraordinary love that will heal impossible things in the consciousness.

Third, in this abyss of the world, you will see that souls and hearts will face their truth, something they never thought of or saw. The blindfolds will be taken from their eyes and then everything will tremble, but again I tell you not to fear. The Son of God will assist you just as the woodsman assists in a great fire. My Water of Life will dissolve all disgraces in its perfect complement of love.

Fourth, in that abyss, you will see the revelation of humanity and the moment all are going through. Just as it was written, nothing will remain hidden. What is within the soul and the body will be visible, as well as the trickery of the false, those which before were invisible to many will be as visible as the dawn.

There will be no governor, nation, or humanity that will not be exposed before the Universe of God just as they are. Every lie, deceit, or human power will be revealed, and everyone will know it. It will be the moment in which the seeds that I gave you will blossom within you, mainly the seed of compassion and love. In truth, I tell you that if you do not practice these attributes from now on, the transition of the Earth will be difficult and hard for many.

There will be no more resistance that can remain in place, all will disappear. But if in the face of all that is revealed, you searched for the essence of transformation and honesty, unimaginable and unexpected things will happen, something that will go beyond that which you call miracles.

In this definitive time, I will be counting on the fingers of My Hands all the acts of Pity and Mercy that will occur and which, motivated by Me, you must carry out, overcoming shame, the evidence before others, or even sadness.

Joyful will be those that consciously place their spiritual aberrations at My Feet because I promise to help them exit this abyss.

Finally, My glorious Heart will want to see, during these days, those who say they are My apostles preparing, under the luminous power of prayer, for going through the times with courage and without fear.

That this Marathon of omnipresence, which I call it in this way today because I will be in several places at once, may represent for My followers the unique opportunity of overcoming themselves so that all human cruelties that happen today on the planet, to all the Kingdoms of Nature and to humanity itself, receive the Grace and the amnesty of Divine Mercy.

I will be by your side, together with your voices, imploring the Celestial Father that I may soon return to guide you again towards the New Humanity.

I give thanks for the union of all at this moment. The Lord pours out His Pity and His Peace upon you.

Do not lose your inner strength, live through faith. If you are in this time of Armageddon and tests, it is because you are prepared to experience it, at least for My glorious Return. Transform yourselves into peace, as the entire universe awaits you.

Under the infinite Love of Adonai, be blessed and meek.

United with all the prayerful beings of Mercy,

The Glorified Christ Jesus


Whoever holds on to My Sacred Cross will not fall from it because My Cross will elevate you to the infinite.

Only for love I gave My Life for you so that the flocks that had deviated themselves from the path should return to the presence of God. For this whoever is on My Redeeming Cross will receive Grace because on the Cross is found the transformation of life and of the heart.

Every day at 3 pm I bless you in spite of your faults because My Cross is already victorious in the Heavens. Whoever follows the path of the Cross through silence and prayer will be able to discover the abysses that you still have to cross in order to free yourselves from the past.

But My Holy Cross is truly the bridge that will always unite you to Heaven and that will banish you from the past so that a better life may emerge.

My companions, for whoever in these times does not accept their own cross, does not love it nor is thankful for what God has entrusted to them, it will be hard to climb the steep hill of sacrifice, that which will lead you to liberation. For this reason, take your time, and meditate on the experience of My Cross and allow your hearts to mature in sacrifice and in faith. The Cross is the victory of redemption.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living on the Cross every day, on the Cross of Redemption!

Christ Jesus.


When lives are on the edge of the abyss, crossing the dark night, I present Myself as Light and the absolute and safe exit for each being. I come to the encounter of those who decline from various plights on the spiritual path.

My Mercy comes to the world to rescue them from the path of mistakes and of blindness so that they may awaken aspects of life, manifested in a consciousness that has decided to follow Me.

But faith and constancy to be with Me will be, in these unpredictable times of the world, what will define if a soul will be consecrated in spirit to My Heart or if it will live the life that the world offers to it through illusions and fantasies.

The path towards the Light is as straight as a staircase that ascends towards the High. In My Pathway does not exist two paths to get to Me. The soul, during the course of life has the opportunity of recognizing My evolutionary Path and, from then on, to define whether it will follow the Shepherd or its own king.

I am giving to all the same opportunity that I gave during the time of My Passion. The world is at the point of its own game and of its spiritual definition for the Divine or for the worldly. My Heart shelters all of the offers of the souls, but some have told Me from the beginning that in these times they would be with Me to fulfill the purpose of Redemption and of the conversion of the consciousnesses.

For this a boat will not move without the help of the oars. It is necessary to understand the point in which you find your little consciousnesses. I radiate to you My Peace and My Light to strengthen them.

It is time to define with which king you wish to remain: with the Eternal King of the Universe or with the king created by the world?

For this My Spirit comes to liberate souls and to show them the path towards the Lord. Trust in My Mercy.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for understanding My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Only through the call of the Holy Spirit can the soul advance. In this way it will not fall back and it will be able to recognize that, through each fault committed and not transcended, it will be able heal itself every day a little more.  

On the path of the sanctification of the spirit and of the divinization of matter whatever seems to corrode us must be expelled and whatever encourages the sacred must stay in the consciousness. 

Nothing is separated on the path of transformation. First we must recognize that we are nothing so that afterwards we may be able to form part of the Whole. Path after path travelled one encounters many obstacles and the soul must be the master that may conduct life, sensations, feelings and thoughts.

If the consciousness manages to merge itself with the rhythm of the soul, other realities and possibilities will present themselves at the door of life. Deep changes will happen when the consciousness recognizes that in making mistakes one transcends and in experimenting one consecrates oneself.

I am speaking to you about entering in another law. I speak to you about the absolute consecration of spirit and of matter and this is what will be difficult for those to reach who have offered themselves to this path of Christic life.

But the Heart of the Great Master is the Mediator between the earthly tests and the spirit, the Heart of the Master is the Comforter and the Reconciler between the life and the spirit of each being. 

For this it will be important to consider that in the Holy Spirit new doors will be able to be opened because the gifts of the Father will be transmitted to the heart of the creatures.

It is through the Holy Spirit of God that the transcendence of the impossible turns possible. You must allow that your dwelling place be touched by the unknown Light of the Father, Light of wisdom, everlasting Light that comes from Peace. While you walk in this material life your spirit will find the abysses proper to matter, the ones that you must transcend.

However, we must not close the eyes in order to escape, but we must open them to find the spirit that has its dwelling place in the depths of your soul, that which will save you in the difficult moments. You can count on the infinite compassion of My Heart.

Courage to the Christians, hope to those who have said yes to consecration in the end of times.

Under the Glory and the Forgiveness of God, be blessed.

Thank you for opening yourself to the encounter with the Holy Spirit of God!

Christ Jesus. 



For you I gave My Life and today I come to the world again to give My Spirit for all of you. Thus I want that you know My unfathomable, strong and powerful Love, a love that redeems you and forgives you, purifies you and liberates you all of the days. Come today to the Source of My Unfathomable Love because thus you will recognize that My Light also illuminates the great abysses of the world.

I come to pour over your hearts this unfathomable and majestic love, a love that I poured on the path towards the Cross, a redeeming love that I radiated to those that deserved it and did not deserve it. In the same way that the love of My Heart opens the doors of the deepest abysses, in this way I can also see the strength and the intensity of your love for Me.

Dears, I come to you to strengthen you and to encourage you to walk in the power of the faith of the heart. Love and faith will sustain you above all things and at the right time you will know how to act. For this leave your beings in the Source, in the Fountain of this Love because abandoning yourselves entirely to My Heart will erase from your memories the times that you have not felt beloved.

My Love converts you little by little, it molds you like a new wineskin so that the instruments may be at service of My Creator Father. Companions, may the love be your important mission because in love you will heal yourselves and for love you will redeem many causes that still are not solved in your hearts.

But when you trust in the power of My Love you will be able to take the step that you so much wait for, the definite step for consecration of the spirit and of the inner world. Be part of this Love of God, be a reflection and flashes of this inexhaustible Source of Graces. Be peaceful to be able to get close to this Infinite Love.

Under the Divine Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for feeling My words of love and comfort in the heart!

Christ Jesus.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
