These are times of spiritual needs, but also of material ones.
These are times when only the opening of the heart and willingness will allow for bringing healing and redemption for souls.
Therefore, this is the time for embracing the needs of those who suffer, as well as welcoming those who have never been loved.
This is the time to express what each heart holds, to awaken good, peace and solidarity.
In this sense, I wish to tell you that just as the seasons change, the needs of the souls also change.
For this reason, through the pilgrimages, I take you and place you before meeting all needs, mainly those that require greater love and forgiveness.
This is why the experience with the Sacraments during these last years have represented the possibility that all could learn to avail themselves of the Christic Love, in order to know how to share it and give it, in the same way that I give you My Heart as a safe refuge.
Thus, I wish to tell you that only during the pilgrimages, beginning with the next meeting of prayer for the Amazon, pilgrims shall be welcomed and, according to their needs, they may approach one of the Sacraments in order to receive it.
For this, as from the next month, the 4th shall be eliminated and on the 5th and 6th, during the process of the Marathon during the morning, Sacraments shall be offered to those who need them.
In this way, two or three confessionals, two spaces for the Sacrament of Baptism as well as for Foot-Washing, and one space for the Sacrament of Anointing and the Anointing of the sick shall be placed.
Thus, while the exercise of the Marathon is taking place, the spiritual needs of souls will be served, and at the same time souls will receive the Graces they need.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
There is still inner pain that I feel, even having experienced the Passion. That inner pain comes from the visions that My Father revealed to Me in the Garden of Gethsemane, and which nobody has yet managed to alleviate.
That pain is a consequence of the actions that many of My Own commit and, without realizing it, absolutely believe that everything is alright.
I speak directly about those who have a deeper commitment of consecration than the rest. These souls are the ones that sometimes put My Projects at risk.
However, as I know the human condition, I know what the impossibility of experiencing transformation may mean in certain moments.
Nobody can be transformed or redeemed if they want to remain under the same conditions and situation in which humanity is to be found.
The transformation of the aspects of the being must be clear, and those aspects must not rule over the soul, and even less over the spirit of the disciple.
Therefore, the openness of heart is a shorter path, for avoiding suffering and great resistance.
This is the time to give all for Me, so that humanity and everything that lives on the surface of the Earth, even if they do not deserve it, may receive an opportunity, just as you were called by Me.
With a more peaceful and humble attitude, you will manage to transform your lives and will be a perfect example of My Presence.
You will erect My spiritual Church from the ruins it was turned into by those who have dirtied their hands in sin, and you will be able to embrace My Cross, sharing in My joys and My sufferings as if they were a part of you.
What else do you expect? Am I not the Way, the Truth and the Life?
I thank you for your inner solidarity!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Those who with joy pray to Me a mystery of the Holy Rosary by the Sacred Manger on the 24th of December and, in addition to that, ignite a candle of light, will be giving the universal permission of removing from eternal earthly suffering the souls that are the most desperate and that have condemned themselves to worldwide purgatory.
For this the 24th of December will be something more than a simple manger. If your hearts keep themselves united to My Precious Heart during this day, the Christic codes that are engraved in the Sacred Blood of Christ will also be deposited upon those hearts that may open to Me the inner door.
I wish during this day to reign among people and God because to the hearts that may receive Me humbly through the message of the manger, I will let them know My Sacred Gifts of Unity and of Redemption.
I invite you that, in truth, you prepare yourselves for this day. God has given Me the permission to consecrate again the hearts that are most separated from Me for some reason. On the 24th of December I will come to the world as a new star of the night, that which will shine in the inner firmament of each being.
Opening the doors of your inner dwellings, celebrate in God the Divine Mysteries of the birth of Christ. I will be thankful to the devoted souls for uniting themselves for an instant to My Greater Task, in this way the world will again be relieved by the action of My Divine Mercy.
Guard your lives in the Sacred Manger of the Lord Jesus.
Under the Greater Good of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for celebrating with Me the birth of the Inner Christ!
Christ Jesus of Mercy
Prayer to be recited especially during the Christmas Eve of the Lord and at the end of the Holy Rosary of the 24th of December.
Act of Consecration of the Sacred Family of Nazareth
Divine Rays descend from Heaven
over the dear city of Bethlehem.
The Angels announce to the shepherds
the Birth of the King of Humility.
Jesus is known by His Sacred Name,
He is the Prince that was born from the family of King David
but His identity does not belong to this world,
His Wise Spirit comes from the Holy Spirit of God.
The Jesus Child has arrived to the world
to liberate it from error.
He is the Savior of all the races,
He is the Messiah of the Celestial Annunciation.
The Angel Gabriel has dictated His Sacred Name.
The Most Holy Virgin has sheltered in Her bosom the Creator Power
from Her most pure womb has been born the Savior,
from the Most Holy Mary has awakened the Redeemer Christ.
Before this great universal mystery
our hearts consecrate themselves
because the prophecies of the Patriarchs have been fulfilled
and the Son of God has defeated death with His Divine Passion.
Every race has been renewed
by the victorious coming of the Son of God.
From Bethlehem has emerged the Eternal Light for the dark world.
The Orient has been united to the Occident
and nothing will ever more be separated
because we have received the Mercy of God.
We are sheep of the Great Shepherd Child.
We are redeemed stars upon the Earth.
May this Holy Birth of Christ impel us to continue walking.
Nothing shall detain us.
Nothing shall torment us.
Nothing shall separate us from God.
We are members of the Sacred Family.
We are children of the Most Hoy Virgin.
We are faithful companions of Saint Joseph.
In Christ we shall fulfill the Will of God
as it was in the beginning,
now and forever.
When you surrender your life to Me I can fully transmute all of your being, but when you hold suspicion of some things, My Redeeming Light stays outside your dwelling place.
How will I be able to know that which you need, if you keep the door closed to your deep fears?
The one who fully trusts in Me will lose nothing, I will always give them the key so that they may open the right door. When you make repetitive mistakes, you must have the consciousness that you are human, frail, feeble, and exposed too many influences; when in truth you appeal to My Presence every day, I will be able to act through your little heart.
In this time My disciples will be in the face of their own spiritual and moral fears. I ask you that, despite your doubts and constant faults, do not stop appealing to My Heart; know that since the beginning of My Birth in the world, the Father has given Me the authority to liberate you and to redeem you.
The path that I offer you is divine, but will always be full of tests and renunciation, and even if your souls are not ready to face them, I will present to you unusual challenges that will cause you to mature and to grow.
I only ask you to not lose the sincerity that you have constructed with My Heart; today I want that your esteem be raised from below, and that you may smile to life, to the coming of My Divine Mercy. I will always listen to you, do not be afraid of showing yourselves before Me as you are, I need transparent sinners and wandering souls, the ones who want to live with Me a new life full of redemption and peace.
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
I give absolution to you always, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for redeeming yourself before My Humble Heart!
Christ Jesus
My Universal Consciousness rejoices itself when the souls open in trust the doors of their houses to Me so that My Mercy may be able to reign.
For this today I invite you to answer to My call for the universal liberation and redemption of all of the races through the Trustworthy Source of My Divine Mercy.
I want you to know that My Presence is in all of the paths of the souls. As I have been once in Middle East I have also been in Orient to remind you of the commitments and the Graces that the Universe had once deposited in My Heart.
With this revelation I ask you to remember the loving commitment that each soul has made with Me since always, thus you will allow Me to realize the works that I have planned in the hearts.
I need the wide openness of your heart in order to open again the doors for those who have them closed. I only ask you to live Me as Your Inseparable Companion of the Path. In this way you will help, from the consciousness, to rebuild what has been destroyed in the consciousness of humanity.
I come today to let you know My true Love for you, that love that the Father gestated within My Heart from the first Moment. Today I Am with you but tomorrow I wish to be with the world to tell it: “Come and follow Me, it is time to find the true Peace.”
Under the Infinite Love that comes from God, be blessed.
Thank you for living within My Heart!
Christ Jesus
While the world changes quickly and very few want to separate themselves from the seduction and the temptation of sin, My Rays of Mercy come straight from Heaven to permeate and radiate all the orbit of Earth.
In this way those hearts that open themselves will always receive the greatest help from My Divine Mercy.
All of humanity is in an era of profound transition. My Redeeming and Shepherd Consciousness intends to bring you back each day to the truth that you are today living.
This is why I need My New Apostles, those who, out of love, are willing to transmute and to offer to their God small sacrifices that will alleviate, throughout the Universe, the weight of the Law that will fall upon the current humanity.
But before this can happen the threshold of My Mercy is opened so that in the Paradise of My Heart you may find the Source of Light and of Peace, the Source that will allow you to overcome the changes and the purification that will come to all.
Whenever in the whole world I find souls at My eternal service of prayer My eternal tears, those that I have cried after My Resurrection, are dried by the warm prayers of My servers. They act like sun rays that radiate a supreme strength to My Heart.
Under the Mercy that comes from God, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving My Words in the heart!
Your Master of Love,
Christ Jesus
May your heart remain silent so that you may hear, now and always, the truth of My Words.
May your peacemaking be more profound than the great oceans so that in the right hour you may be able to perceive the truth and the wisdom about things.
Enter now into the Universe of My Heart so that I, from this day on, may take absolute control of your life. For this you must open space and place for Me so that My Merciful Rays may be able to act and transform.
Walk by My Side without observing what exists around you, concentrate your being in the divine power of My Love and wait for the coming of My Supreme Grace.
Trust what I ask you because it is time to awaken to the Supreme Consciousness.
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for remaining in My Heart!
Christ Jesus
When you surrender all to Me I will give you the goods that are guarded in Heaven.
Now that you find yourself before the doors of donation and surrender, walk without delay for that which your heart must realize. But you know that I Am there to help you to cross the bridges that are broken and to help you to climb the lofty mountains towards your spirit.
This time is the time of all for the whole. Nothing compared with your possibility of serving Me will overcome your expectations because now the Lord is building in your dwelling the path of ascension.
That nothing more important than your life may afflict your thought or feeling because in all this journey God will accompany you in the inner silence. I want to be in your life the one that no one has been able to be because I will never disappoint you. My Inner Love does not belong to this world, My Christic Love, that which comes from the universe, is like a resplendent star that sends you its rays of salvation in every hour of the day so that you may perceive that My Presence is in all places.
To the extent that the disciple takes steps towards the Plan of God, greater will be the efforts to live the inner transformation, but your indestructible fortress is found in My Heart. My Heart is the great wall that sustains the battles of all of the fires.
May you now be able to look at Me in the eyes and tell Me: “Yes Lord, here I am in spite of my falls and doubts”.
My Heart rejoices in the souls that only confess to Me the truth because My Love is infinite and It heals any inner wound.
Stay in Me and you will recognize in truth who you are for God.
Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for remaining in My Heart!
Christ Jesus
My Heart of Light visits every home on the Earth and It remains alive with love and with peace when the dwellers open to Me the door of their lives so that I may be able to enter.
For this time I come in the search for those who have once said yes to Me. Now has come the time to unite yourself perpetually with My Heart and to surrender yourself to My Invincible Love.
Today My Spirit of Truth and of Love descends to heal the wounds that are still open in many of My ones. For this I call all to live the great opportunity of life. I Am pouring My Grace upon those who must take the steps towards My Heart and that now will recognize Me as a One and Only King of the Heights.
I ask you that you give the permission to trust absolutely in My Consciousness. In this way I will show you the path of your redemption and the questions in your lives will be dissolved. You only must trust that all that you life has a reason for God and whoever unites themselves to Me in prayer will elevate their consciousness and the divine laws will heal them entirely.
Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My Words in the heart!
Christ Jesus
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Today, before His Apparition, the Master surprised us with a gesture of Love.
We asked Him, “Master, where are You now?”.
In a matter of seconds, He showed us a scene. He was among all of us, levitating in the air with His angels, while He indicated to them what they should do: some relieved the heart, others calmed the spirit and others also healed parts of the physical body.
Then, the Master presented Himself today, positioning Himself upon the stage and directing a broad smile to us.
Then, He transmitted the following Message:
Know as from now that My Universal and Christic Consciousness prays perpetually for you so that the new flocks may truly awaken to My planetary call.
As in the Garden of Gethsemane, in vigil, fasting and prayer, now from Heaven I share My primordial graces for the hearts that open themselves to listen to My loving voice.
Today you have already passed fervently through the phase of the first stage of the merciful prayer; this in Brazil and in the East has already generated infinite fruits for the hearts that most need it.
But the soul that trusts in Me enters into the Infinite and unknown Heaven to receive the baptism of My Light and the sacrament of My Reconciliation. For this day of special spiritual Grace for all, today I invite you to consider Me present in your lives, because you must know that My Eternal Heart is there when only you call for It in love and in devotion.
To all of those who encouraged themselves to answer to My request of prayer, I thank you because a new sun in the universe is being gestated, so that the souls may mercifully receive its rays of radiation of peace and of redemption. This sun of which I speak to you today is the essence of My Heart, that is being found by all of those who call Me in prayer day by day.
In this way My Spirit imparts repairing Graces in the essences that simply say to Me: “Come Master of Love”.
On this day My light impregnates the forms and the created spaces and this is possible as a loving consequence of the offering of all the participants in the Marathon of My Divine Mercy. And in this way time will pass and, through Me, you will see faith grow in your lives, and nothing will ever be able to separate you from the path of consecration and of holiness that I propose for some of My own.
But everyone will always have a great place in My Consciousness, a place of renovation, of healing and of faith to be comforted in the tests that the Lord sends you to mature your beings.
My friends, that tomorrow your fire may be extended, and that it may embrace greater celestial spheres. Remember that I only want souls in profound contemplation and adoration to My Mercy.
I come to demystify the fanatics, because My flocks of peace and light are formed by work and sacrifice; in them I will institute My New Dwelling Place upon the Earth, seeking the essence of the pure souls.
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My call from the heart!
Christ Jesus, You Inner Shepherd
I knock on your door: may I enter?
Let Me be with you and talk to you about the wonders of God. I am here to listen to you, know that you will have all My Comfort. Be deceived no longer, take My Hands to proceed in the path of sacrifice.
Be still and in silence tell Me what you need. Disturb your heart no longer, only concentrate your gaze on My Sacred Heart and feel the beating of My celestial rhythm. Stay in Me and seek to live the great experience of redeeming love with Me.
Seek the warmth of My eternal company and see everywhere the light of My Omnipresence. Meet with your friends to talk about God and only do this in perpetual prayer. Nourish yourself with My Word of Life and before any need of help, call Me because I will listen to you.
Stay in My Kingdom, live in My Kingdom and feel yourself as a part of the infinite ocean of My Mercy. Empty your heart of the past and you will allow that the chains be liberated from you so that the light of the true being may emerge. Think of Me. Do all in My Name so that your actions may be sacred and charitable for those who need relief.
I Am here, calling at the door of your house. I Am arriving in the silence and in the Glory of God, your eternal Celestial Father.
Under the Good of God, be blessed.
Thank you for living My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Shepherd.
Dear apostles,
The trajectory to get to Paradise will still be a little more extensive, but My Heart is rejoicing when the disciples unite themselves to Me through the chant of love. In this way My Paternal Spirit radiates the Christic codes upon the consciousnesses that in faith and in love persevere in complying with My Call.
It is the hour of the Mercy, for this, day by day permit that by means of the merciful prayer will be accomplished My Great Project of redemption in your essences.
My servers:
I want to be the Water of your water, Heart of your heart, Spirit of your spirit, Divine Breath in your inner, Truth before all things. Open to Me the door of your beings so that as a Good Worker I may reform and construct My Life in your lives, My Heart in your hearts.
Time indicates a single direction, straight to the essence of My Merciful Heart. For this the permanent life of prayer will never make you tired, but still, it will give you strength so that when I return I may collect the precious fruits that you have cultivated in the center of your being.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for be living in My Heart!
Christ Jesus.
The heart that opens to Me the door of its house and of its heart will always be blessed by My Merciful Presence, principally in the moments of challenge. The heart that deeply unites itself to Me in prayer will harvest the fruits of gold, those that I will give to you as a treasure from the Heavens.
For this, in this time of changes and of tests My Return, is prepared first in the interior of the consciousnesses, and in this way My Spirit is congregating as many as those who in other times have distanced themselves from My Path of Redemption. As a Good Shepherd I unite again the flocks and I silently lead them to new pastures, clean and fresh, with renovating airs and rich fruits for the heart and for life.
But to get to this Sacred Promised Earth My Heart must first lead you through the path of sacrifice and of prayer so that, in the name of humanity, you may be able to redeem the evil that the world generates before the most scourged Heart of God.
For this His Beloved Son, that One who will be seen and will come through the clouds is pulsating as a radiant sun inside of the lonely and empty spirits in life, in those who have committed themselves with Me.
Today I come to your encounter to close a cycle and begin a new one, a cycle guided by the light of My Sacerdotal Love, a cycle that will try to place your beings on the correct and safe path. Nourish your spirits with My New Parables and Instructions that I pour to you day by day from Heaven.
I am united to you to walk in love by your side. For this I need souls that are willing to live in My Great Miracle of Love, a love that trusts that it will not fail you, not even a single time, a love that is powerful and similar to the action of your love.
I want to be your Love when you simply permit Me to, in this way you will live the great miracle of love. May the apostles, as it was in the origin, walk together two by two to carry out My Mercy and this will not be a promise, it will be a reality that you will fulfill with Me.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus, Your Only King.
Dear brothers and sisters and servers of My Sacred Heart:
Today I am present before precious souls that in their walking seek to encounter Me all of the days of their lives. For this today I ask all of them that open their hearts to encounter Me within their beings because there I am always present to listen to your concerns and to quench the thirst for My Eternal Presence.
But a good disciple can never permit to be overthrown by the consequences of the arrogance of their own life. He or she must walk amongst the thorns as if they did not exist because if you did this you would transcend the barrier of the material life and you would approach to the encounter with the Divine Spirit of My Sacred Heart.
May tiredness not be the separation of your beings from the greatness of My Being. May the living of sacrifice for these times represent the immediate liberation of the world.
As I did, some of My ones, those who consecrated themselves to the Eternity of My Soul and to My Divinity, must with braveness carry the cross of purification and of surrender. To many of the saints of the past I asked the same that today I ask to all of your hearts.
This time merits the realization of great works of redemption, liberation and transmutation of humanity. For this I return to the world to confirm who will help Me to lift the heavy cross of grievances and of unfair sufferings that has been caused by your present humanity.
Out of the Grace of the Father My Hands have already endured the nails on the Cross, the nails of the liberation of humanity, and now will be necessary good disciples so that you may sustain the liberating current of the purification that humanity must go through.
Count on the infinite power of merciful prayer, prayer that every day at three in the afternoon will bring you close more each day to My Celestial Kingdom and to My Supreme Will so that It may be accomplished according to the designs of My Father who is in the Heavens.
May Mercy liberate you whenever you pray with faith and devotion to My Divine and Unfathomable Heart.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
The one who has the courage to open the wings of the heart will be able to arrive quickly to My Kingdom of Peace and Redemption, because the soul that day by day surrenders itself to Me by means of merciful prayer will receive the precious gifts of My Sacred Heart.
In this time the flocks will be only one because through them I will always intend to prodigiously share My Graces of Love and Mercy. That heart which at three in the afternoon opens its door to Me will be aided by My Spirit that comes from the Universe as an immaterial and divine presence. In this way It will erase from the memory of its soul all of the sufferings caused to My Merciful Heart.
But My Grace that comes from Heaven and from the Kingdom of God descends all of the days at three in the afternoon to be multiplied in love, truth and fraternity. My Heart looks for thirsty souls and souls that may still not know the greatness of My Universal Love.
In this time I gather the sheep so that they may graze new laws, very close to Me, at My side, without losing sight of the path of redemption that each one must go through in this world.
For this My Sacerdotal Spirit comes again from the Universe to free from sin all of those who may open themselves to recognize that the Son of God is near and that He will arrive at each one of your lives to unite you again in Peace and in Love.
Something that this world lacks today, the world that God perpetually contemplates, is to live in the Love of My Heart, something important that humanity forgets about. If you live in this love, the alliance that must exist between My Disciples will be able to be materialized in the same way that I created it between the apostles.
My dears, today I gather you and I come to your Prayer Gathering to open the doors of your hearts because this will be the way for this final time. Open the doors of the heart, in this way your spirits will be redeemed and they will find the safe path towards the victory of My Light.
Tirelessly unite yourselves to the indispensable hour of My Mercy because once more, through the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, I will be able to liberate from hell many who live there perpetually for not having met love and for not having accepted My Redemption.
I belong to you in Heart, Soul and Divinity and I give you, for the beginning of these journeys of prayer, My Peace and My Mercy in the hope that soon may blossom within you the fruit that I have left to you, a fruit that will flourish in the spring of My next coming to the world.
May Peace be the shield for you and may faith soon transform you.
Go ahead, My companions!
Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for sharing My teaching from the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.
And whenever you feel a lack of consolation or feel perturbation, confusion or disquietude, repeat with full trust and love towards Me:
Lord Jesus,
Only and Favorite Son,
Christ Redeemer,
keep me in Your Heart
for all Eternity,
and liberate from my heart all evil,
in Glory to the Universal Father.
At each step taken by each one of My Companions I, as Son of God the All Powerful, conquer many souls, those that through My Redeemer Love find the path of Reconciliation with My Eternal Father.
Today I want that you open to Me the door of your consciousnesses to be able to enter and, through each one of you, to arrive to more souls, above all those which lose themselves in the midst of illusion.
I want that those who already let Me inhabit their inner worlds follow Me in all, without fear, without vacillating, because it is in them that I am depositing the inner strength that will give the sign so that other children of My Flock may be encouraged to walk with Me through the paths of this world.
I need those who do not aspire to anything else but to live of My Love in this Celestial Fire that My Father ignited in Me and that burns eternally in the Universe.
I want that you learn to serve this Fire that redeems, that forgives, that transcends all of the barriers of the minds and finds real space inside of the essences of humans.
I want that you burn in this Fire that is My Fire of Love which comes from My Father.
I do not offer you tranquility, only the infinite and glorious security of My Love.
I do not offer you a future, only the eternal present to eternally serve together with Me the Universe and the Plan of My Father.
I offer you sacrifice, renunciation, surrender, so that in this way you may help Me to save this, our humanity.
I only offer you My Eternal Love, My Love of the Master, of the Elder Brother, of the Friend, of the Companion in this sidereal task.
Here I am, present before all of you so that you may feel Me, so that you may surrender to Me what you are, so that you may follow Me for all Eternity.
I believe in you because I love you and I call today those who want to be My Companions.
I wait for you in My Sacred Heart.
Thank you for listening to My Words and to guard them in the heart.
Your Master, Christ Jesus.
May the return to My Heart be sought always so that no soul may lose the opportunity of getting to know Me.
Open the door of the heart because I always want to enter to make you feel the ardent devotion for My Heart. Seek Me even in tiredness because My Love will give vitality to your consciousness so that you may be able to take the steps.
Without fear follow My Course because I will always indicate to you the path to enter the Kingdom of consecration. I Am present here sharing My Brotherhood. Quiet your heart in My Heart. Go ahead leaving the past behind and being born to the life of the spirit.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.
For all those who have closed the doors, I will open them, so that they may enter My Redeeming Kingdom without delay.
Dear brothers and sisters:
The path to be treaded still is long and I only ask you that you keep the faith in your hearts kindled, because in this way My Heart will recognize the disciples and the apostles of the New Time.
Know that I do not get tired of calling you day by day to redemption, because if you are redeemed, all will pass and your souls will dwell with Me in joy, contemplating the Father by means of Creation. Do not delay in coming to Me, because I await you and I will always meet you keeping vigil with Me in the prayer of the heart. Feel My Peace, because I shall return to fulfill the promise of the end of time.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for keeping My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
In the hour of My Mercy the light of the Greater Kingdom is expanded through all the boundaries of the Earth and this Divine and spiritual Light touches all that which may be open, in soul and in spirit, so that the love of God may dwell.
During the 15th hour of each new day My Universal Consciousness gathers and congregates all of the essences that throughout time were My Favorite Apostles and who at some time carried My Redeeming Message.
For this today, in this new cycle of changes and challenges for humanity, My Power that is the Divine Power of God is propagated as a rain of Graces upon the hearts that are attentive to the sublime signs of Heaven.
Today I am before disciples from the past that, reverberating as essences inside of My Celestial Kingdom, I come to awaken to the true face of the worldly task that God has entrusted them by means of the presence of My Sacred Heart.
Dears, it is a joy to gather all of My Companions of the Cenacle, followers, devotees and those who adore My Blessed and Sacred Heart, with the aim of sharing the time of My last Mercy upon humanity.
In the merciful hour the doors of hell and of perdition for souls are closed only from the prayer of those creatures who are willing to call Me in joy and love. In this way My Arms shelter all of the necessities of My Children on the Earth and the Divine Mercy, the Source of wisdom, love and salvation, is radiated to the hearts of all of humanity, mainly towards those who would not deserve it due to the state of sin in which they live.
In this way I gather My Flocks, calling them to the time of the apostolate of prayer and of service because in this way My Heart will be present amongst the littlest and humblest souls of the world. Today you are in My Faith and in My Shelter of love.
Under the Greater Good of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for reverencing My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of the world.
Rest all your being in My Heart and may your words only reverberate by the strength of prayer.
May your eyes only see Me and may they recognize in Me the favorite savior and redeemer love.
May your feet walk without delay towards My Encounter so that at the end of the infinite pathway your soul may discover the merciful greatness of My Soul.
May your hands caress the softness and the mystery of a devoted prayer that may construct a long bridge towards the Kingdom of the Lord.
May your feelings and thoughts be brought to My Hands so that My Consciousness may transform matter into light, darkness into brightness, sadness into joy.
Let yourself be guided by the impulses of My wise Heart because in this way you will always see the steps marked by Me on the path towards eternity.
Open yourself entirely to receive My Comfort because I have always aspired to consecrate your heart to My Heart.
Do not see how much you have failed Me, just recognize the powerful Love that I give to you day by day so that you, in trust, may walk towards Me.
Just let Me enter into your life and heal your wounds. My Sores have already been the beginning of the liberation of the world but now My Hands are the end of the healing for each heart.
My Rays illuminate you even when you believe that you get away from Me. For this, smile at each challenge, leave space so that I may guide your little spirit. Just tell Me Yes and I will comfort you whenever you need because above all things and circumstances is My Divine Love for you, for your prompt redemption.
An unknown Kingdom waits for you, a Kingdom that is not from this world but only from God.
Walk towards Me without delay. Let us go ahead!
Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more