Lent is a moment, children, for coming to know Christ again, to recognize Him with a new gaze, a gaze with neither veils nor fears so that you may know who He is and who you are as you stand before Him, what you are called to experience upon facing the Son of God.
Many are those who walk at the side of Christ, eat from His Body, drink from His Blood, participate in His wonders and hear His Words; but few are those who look at the Lord without veils before their eyes, without walls before their hearts and know Who He is, and also discover themselves before Him.
But Lent is this moment, for in it the Lord says to you: "I Am that I Am, I Am He Who Is; One with God, the very God made Man and Spirit."
And in hearing this revelation of the Son of God, your eyes open so that you can not only recognize Him but also recognize yourselves.
Lent is a moment for deciding to seek Christ and to experience the revelation of His Presence; let yourself be flooded by His mysteries and transformed by His Love. Or else, children, let yourselves see Him pass by and do wonders, see how hearts are transformed upon listening to Him and even so they remain blind and deaf to Him.
Choose life, life in Christ, life in Truth, life in the freedom from yourselves. Choose the fading of the dust.
Do not cling to yourselves, to your virtues and skills, to your convictions and knowledge, to your minds and beliefs. Cling to Christ, to His Celestial Truth, to His Presence, to His Life.
This is the meaning of Lent: to prepare and to define oneself in Christ.
You have My blessing for that.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Peace is a divine gift in the heart of those who have entrusted their lives to the Most High Father.
Peace in spiritual life comes from the giving up of all the results of your works. As much as the heart strives to transcend its own limits on behalf of the fulfilling of the Will of God, it does not become attached to the results, not even within itself, in others or in anything.
In these times, to not wear out the heart nor the willingness to continue forward, you must remain in peace and go through the days of inner conflict and of purification with a certain trust in what is to come, rather than involved with the transition that you or others are experiencing.
God has given you the opportunity to be purified under the gift of His holy Peace, under the protection of His Marian Centers, and during a period in which chaos is still beginning its cycle of expansion.
Happy are those who avail themselves of the blessings given by God, for He expects that, in a coming time, you will no longer be walking on the basic paths of your own transformation, but rather that you are helping those who will have to bear the sudden awakening they will experience and the inner and outer changes that will violently, so to speak, take place on the whole planet.
Be more simple, I will not tire of telling you, because when you discover the gift of simplicity, you will no longer entangle your consciousness in the everyday things of life and will not lose spiritual energy in conflicts which, from now on, will be the common experience of the human consciousness, and which will also grow in intensity.
Everything depends on one who goes through their purification and on those who are around them. If you learn to experience everything in a natural way and without fear, you will be able to help so that the process of each will be less painful.
I do not ask that you be indifferent in the face of the tests that you or your brothers and sisters experience, but that you try to bring the balm of simplicity and of peace to these situations, recognizing in a mature way what is to be transformed and moving toward a cleansing of your own inner mud.
I know that inner and outer reactions will happen that you will not be able to control, and that you will only be clear about them when, in an instant of greater lucidity, you will reflect upon what is happening to you. Do not think there is no solution for what you are living, but rather, little by little, try not to become involved so much with your own processes.
Be more direct and even colder with yourselves. Perceive an error and try to transform it. On recognizing that you fell and only realized this on finding yourself on the ground, stand up and continue to walk, for further ahead you will be able to open the eyes of others, so that so many falls can be avoided.
Serve and sacrifice yourselves with peace and with courage, because selfless service will help you to discover the truth of the greatness of the Plan of God and that, in the world and even around you, there exist greater needs than yours and greater problems than those of your own purification.
Love the times in which you live, with the certainty that the triumph of God in your lives will be generated through those transformations that sometimes are uncomfortable, but will always be worth it.
In the simplicity of My words, I leave you My peace, so that from My Divine Spirit you may receive all that you need for consecrating matter.
Let everything be on behalf of the manifestation of the Will of God.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, peace-bringer and simplifier of human hearts
In order that you can be the ones who open the doors of the world to the existence of a new humanity, by means of the dissemination of the Divine Principles, expressed in the Words of the Messengers of God, you must be, first, disseminators of the transformation, by means of the conversion of the old human customs into universal and celestial principles.
How to do it?
By being what you aspire to find in your neighbor, because the true aspiration of the manifestation of a new humanity already exists in the hearts of all of those who are awake in this time, awake to fulfill the Will of God.
It is in this way that you can seek in your interior those purest aspirations about how the world must be and how the beings must be and to transform this aspiration into life, by means of your own experience of all this.
Do not be attached to what you were or what you are. Let yourselves be unknown and, even if sometimes you feel that you are not the ones who act, think and feel, that what you are is not something true, it does not matter. It will seem difficult in the beginning. You will find many personas and lose others, but, in the permanent quest of transformation, the soul will be in charge to lead you to what you are in truth and which, sometimes, is so distant from what your mind can imagine.
My Heart comes here to help you, to guide you in this path which is long but simple and it may be more or less long, depending on the courage and on the determination of each one.
I want that you know that everything that you do, no matter what it is, must be done on behalf of humanity. Not even the personal transformations must be sought only for yourselves, because you will run the risk of thinking that you are being lost from yourselves, but you will be losing yourselves from God, in the illusion that you are attentive to your own evolutionary process.
Know, companions, that the essence of humanity is that you can be fraternal and simple in all and, thus, find the true love. For this, never walk for yourselves, never have your own projects, never have a personal aspiration other than not to aspire to anything, so that it may be done as God has aspired for His creatures.
I love you and I bless you in the mission that the Lord has entrusted to you.
Trust in the Power of God in your lives, because He will triumph before all of the impossibilities of the human beings, always and when you allow yourselves to love and to be transformed by Him.
Peace and compassion for all that aspire to reach the goal.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions and servants of God,
Today I invite you to meditate, with the essence of the heart, on all graces that you have received and that you keep receiving until the days of today. I invite you to meditate on the true reason why you have been gathered by the Divine Messengers and on what is the potential that is hidden inside of each one and that, in this time, God aspires to reveal to you.
Know, My beloved ones, that I do not come to the world only to instruct a part of humanity, so that in this way you may become wiser and may have a life a little more peaceful to enjoy. My Chaste Heart has a clear mission, that has been delivered to Me since the beginning of My arrival to this world. At the request of the Most High Lord, I come to open the human consciousness and provide to it the possibility to live according to the Will of the Creator.
I come so that, little by little, drop by drop, humanity may cease to be a wound in the Heart of the Father and may become the concretization of His expected Project, a favorite one in the Kingdom of the Heavens.
The responsibility of those who listen to Me is huge and it would neither fit into your minds nor into your little hearts. It is for this that, day by day, the Divine Messengers invite you to trust in the Words of God pronounced by the Sacred Hearts, because the true essence and reason why we come every day to this world you will hardly be able to understand.
Know that the Creator counts on a few soldiers that are willing to follow Him unconditionally; that are willing to leave behind what they have been in order to be reborn in a new humanity, completely opposite to what today expresses itself in the world.
In the midst of the ignorant and blind humanity, the few who try to keep their faith are being suffocated by the armies of darkness, and you are before the Voice of God that instructs you day by day to be simple of heart and humble, because this is the only way to balance everything that today happens in the world.
As incredible as it may seem to you and sometimes absurd, I tell you, companions, that the Creator counts on each one of those who are able to listen to His Voice and follow It. And your daily efforts to transform yourselves, even though they may be minimal, are being placed on the scales of the Celestial Judge.
All the instructions I bring to you are brought in order to mitigate the Justice that will descend upon the world, but for that, you must not only consider the words of the Messengers of God to be beautiful, but you must also live them. If this were not so, what value would Our coming into the world have?
I will guide you and deliver My last impulses to humanity, in the Divine Hope that at least one soul will listen and live what I have to say and teach.
I plead to God every day for the awakening of hearts, so that at least a few may discover how simple it is to follow the steps of God and how true is the celestial freedom that is found by abandoning the old and opening oneself to be a seed of the new humanity. In Portuguese when you say “uns poucos” it means “a few”. The use of “ones” is redundant because it is implied that we are talking about people. So if we say “a few ones” it sounds very strange to the reader.
I love you and I will guide you untiringly.
Saint Joseph, the Faithful Peacemaker of God
I come in this afternoon to reveal you the supreme truth of My Heart: one of pillars to the consecration of spirit is the love to solitude; solitude that finds the Heart of the Eternal Father, and inside Him, all the Creation.
The consecration of life requires from beings to abandon all the expectations towards the others and towards themselves. May you not want to achieve anything, not even an spiritual attribute, to demonstrate your progress to anyone.
As long as you are tied to the need of showing results in your transformations, you will always stagnate in the same point and, now and again, you will find the same miseries as always. Because the definitive transformation comes from the true consecration to God and to be consecrated to God is to surrender to Him everything that you are. Even if you may not obtain any results or achieve any goal, it will not matter what you have accomplished, because what you are belongs to God and to no one else.
When I talk about solitude, I talk about detachment from companions in your paths. I do not mean by it that, from now on, you must be physically alone; I only mean that you must take your own steps, even if you are the only ones in the whole world assuming a path of transformation. And even if everyone around you do not recognize this path and do not make any effort to traverse it, you must do it anyway.
The consecration must be between the soul itself, the spirit itself, and God. No interference from life on Earth must move you away from the possibility of launching yourselves into the abyss of surrender to the Creator.
One of the reasons, My dears, why humanity does not reach the Celestials Principles, is the impossibility of most beings to detach themselves from everything that the others expect from them, and also to walk without depending on steps of others, on external encouraging from those who accompany them.
As you see, this path is hard and arid, but the source found once you cross this desert is eternal, and if a being is able to arrive at it, they can quench the thirst of all of humanity.
Know that, even though this path is filled by the spirit of solitude and of surrender, you will do it for all those that have not encouraged themselves to walk. The merits generated by one of you will result into the salvation of many souls.
For this I tell you again: consecrate yourselves to the Creator every day and live for Him, and not for anyone else, nor for yourselves. Thus, you will abandon the necessity of doing deeds that do not build the Project of God for the insecurity and the fear to not be accepted by the others.
The Lord expects you to clean the floor you walk, to remove the dry leaves and to see the marks of His Feet on the ground. Follow His Footprints. There was nobody more lonely and detached from Himself and from the world than the Son of God, His example and Eternal Salvation.
Under the Love of Christ, I bless you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more