Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And through My Light, I come to touch the innermost depth of your being so that your most unknown miseries may be purified, and the center of your being, which is invisible in the eyes of the world, because it is anonymous and silent, may be part of My Project on Earth.

How many I have touched with My Divine Light throughout time, and when I made them feel their moment of liberation and purification, they doubted. But the light that I bring to you comes from Love, a Love that is still unknown and infinite. This is what is most Sacred that I have to offer you and your brothers and sisters.

In the face of a cruel and unjust planetary scenario that goes unpunished, I want the center of your beings, as a living flame, to be at the service of My Project. And I want all those who were once touched by My Divine Light not to forget it, because everything I give is not in vain but rather for an end, for an immaterial purpose. Therefore, make room within your consciousnesses for that which must still be liberated, transcended and transmuted.

However, today I do not invite you to look at imperfection but rather at the inner perfection, which  God has placed within your essences and souls from the origin. Without this inner life present on the planet and in this time, great will be the difficulties for your Master and Lord to intervene in humanity and on the planet.

My pillars and my solid foundations on the surface of the Earth will only be established through the souls of those who respond to Me and live Me. I do not come to ask you for that which is impossible, I come to ask you for that which is true and which lies and eternally lives within you.

It is this Divine Life that in this time of planetary transition must descend through you by means of your spiritual life but also through your works of charity, good and peace.

In this time, I need to build the bridges between Heaven and Earth, between souls and God; and this will only take place through those who follow Me and live My Message, for innumerable Graces have been granted throughout the years and time, Graces that many of you and your brothers and sisters still cannot measure with your minds but only contemplate with the heart, a heart that is capable of feeling the Love of Christ and His omnipotent Mercy.

This desert will be arduous to cross, but I come as the Fountain that quenches all thirst and resolves any situation when souls trust in Me and My Word because My Word is fulfilled in the one who believes in Me and hears Me.

God has been so generous throughout time that, with His own Hand and His own Light, the Light of His Love and Grace, He manifested and granted this Work, the Work of the Hierarchy.

See how great is the charity of the Centers of Love on Earth, which receive and welcome souls, but also let them go without conditions or judgments. This is the silent work of Love of the Centers of Love of the Hierarchy, which does not condition but rather redeems, which opens the doors to the truth and so that all can be bearers of peace.

Behold the Centers of Love of Christ on Earth, which, in their solitude and anonymity through the Heart of the Hierarchy, contemplate the events in the end of these times and above all the events of those who were once touched by My Light.

Each gesture of Mine, as well as each Word, each Grace imparted as well as each Mercy delivered, is written in the Heavens, just as it is written within your souls. You must respond to this Grace, companions, because God observes you in His sidereal silence, in His cosmic withdrawal and in His omnipresent Power.

Brave are those who have come this far and those who will persist, because just as I transmuted and redeemed the world with twelve apostles, in the same way, with so few in this time I will make My Purpose persist in souls.

The door of Christification is still open and has not closed. Who will have the courage to cross it, to no longer be anything and so that the All may be in you, just as the All is in the Divine Son, the Firstborn?

Meanwhile, in this cycle of reconstruction of the spiritual foundations of this Work, the Laws are reestablished again, and this places souls before their own reality but also before their own commitment, which they cannot forget was signed in the Heavens.

Value all this before My Presence withdraws, because when this moment comes, which is not very far away, you and your brothers and sisters must bear testimony to that which, for many years, you believed and received through Me in trust, fidelity and will, because it was for a Higher Will that is unknown and incomprehensible to this race.

Thus, My work will be perpetuated in consolidated and firm hearts, in willing and decided souls that know how to be instruments on the surface of the Earth to reflect, in simplicity and humility, the Christic values, all that which I have shared with you throughout time, just as that which I shared in the past with My apostles.

For this reason, do not forget to love one another as I love you. In this way, you will be aware and have knowledge of everything, you will understand and accept the life of your fellow beings and your brothers and sisters, you will have your hearts open to welcome the one who suffers and even the one who is purifying, because all are equal before God, because you are His children on Earth, in the Eden that He has entrusted to you since the beginning.

And thus, He sends Me so that, through the Light of the Love that touches and contemplates you again today, Aurora may offer its brilliance and its immeasurable and anonymous Light, as it has always done. In this way, you will know that you are before a mystery that you will feel in your hearts due to its vibration and Grace, the Grace that gathers you time and again, and that reminds you of the Brotherhood.

On this second day, empty your hearts and consciousnesses so that I may reach the innermost depths, where you cannot reach. Because in this time of purification and challenges, it is My Spirit that gathers and helps you, just as I have always done from the beginning, from the first day you said yes to Me.

Do not fear that which you cannot endure, do not suffer with that which you cannot transform. Because if, in his imperfection, Peter walked upon the waters and almost drowned because he doubted his faith, I will come just as in that time, in the storm of the night, when everything will seem very difficult, to bring the Light to the world, that infinite and invincible Light that generated and created the Son of God and made Him be born in the manger of Bethlehem.

It is this Light that will come in the right hour and at the opportune moment to save you and save many more who, in the world, suffer the horror of wars, the wickedness of hunger, the suffering of disease, loneliness and abandonment.

Let the children come to Me, the smallest ones in the whole world, because the Kingdom of the Heavens will always be theirs, because through them you will remember your own original purity and essence.

May the stigma of hatred, vengeance and wickedness be transmuted by the inner power that dwells in Aurora so that many more may have the Grace and opportunity of redemption.

May the time of hope be fulfilled.

May the time of renewal be reflected in My apostles, in those who are decided to rebuild My Work on the surface, because the Lord sees even that which is the smallest and most silent, because I Am there, in that which is the smallest and most silent. You will always find Me there when I no longer speak to you publicly, because in My Word lies the Water of Life, which quenches all thirst, which dispels all darkness, which reignites the heart that is dead in life. Because just as I resurrected Lazarus from the condemnatory death, in the same way, I have the power to resurrect your spirits if you allow Me to.

May the sheep gather in My fold; the Lord calls them to graze in the New Time, to take new steps in their service to the Plan.

May hope help you to endure these times, may it sustain the wounded and outraged humanity.

May families be the enclosure of love and peace in the oratories of the heart.

May the awaited time be fulfilled now and always. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My Voice echoes in the deepest silence of the universe, in which the inner worlds can hear and recognize Me. It is in this deep silence of the universe that the Father seeks the response, through wisdom, science and understanding.

Silence permeates the deepest layers of consciousness, of life and of every vibration, because in this deepest silence of the universe lies the response of God, which many times you try to find or even hear.

So that wisdom may permeate life, silence is the preamble. This sets the consciousness apart from possible errors, because the Wisdom of God is the certainty and conviction of His Spirit, which knows everything and impels everything, in this and in other dimensions. Without this Divine and Inner Wisdom, inner life would make no sense.

What was the first thing that the Father manifested in this Creation? It was the science of His Inner Life, which later on impelled Creation and everything that was created. There this matrix can be found. There this Purpose is revealed for everything that exists, for everything that lives and vibrates in this universe.

Each element, as well as each particle, each atom as well as each cell within this cosmic science, fulfills a purpose and a duty, because it exists so that it may reflect the Will of the Father, just as the holy angels do in Heaven and on Earth.

In this macro-universe of life, in this space of existence, of evolution, each element, particle or life fulfills its Purpose in the manifestation of the spirit, the mind and matter.

It is in this perfect communion, in this alignment with what is higher and internal, that one’s own consciousness must be connected, united to and even merged with Creation, so that the Principle of God, which is immutable, may manifest, reveal and build His Will in everything that was created by Himself at the beginning.

Within this infinite Creation you must contemplate the Purpose and Origin, so as to transcend the events, facts and even wounds.

If your consciousnesses do not travel in time-space, where the Divine Life vibrates and exists, the Great Purpose that created this existence, all the universes, dimensions and planes, how will you be able to overcome the end of times?

It is time to look at what is essential within yourselves, because that is where the answer is, that is where the next step is, separated from the ideas and thoughts, from everything that you might believe is better.

God is not to be found there. He manifests Himself and presents Himself to souls through His Sovereign Silence and His infinite Divine and Inner Life, so that He gradually builds His Will through them. Today is the time for you to live this, not only to receive or hear it.

Remember that My Words record a code, an impulse in the ether of the planet, so that this wounded humanity may spiritually resurrect and start anew with hope, with the arrival of what is to come, the advent of Christ.

You must think as the angels do, you must feel the way they do; in that way, you will realize how much it is still necessary to sublimate and transcend.

But it is in the origin of this existence, where the Whole is present and inner life vibrates and is present, that the Love of the Father mirrors itself with power, and puts everything in this universe in its place. But not with Justice, but rather with Mercy, through a Sublime Wisdom so that all that was created may learn to evolve and grow.

You must imitate the nature manifested by God to you, its cycles of withdrawal, as well as its cycles of expression and expansion; because just as the seed sprouts so that someday the fruits may be born, in the same way life loses its own leaves and once again sprouts and re-emerges so strongly, through the Light it receives from Heaven, which strengthens the spirit and expresses the surrender in those who live in  fidelity to the Lord, Our God.

Today I want to leave you in this level of consciousness because, when I am no longer with you, you will have to seek, within yourselves and in an impersonal and mature way, the power of love and of faith. This very same inner state that I present to all, despite the different schools you are going through.

However, do not forget what I taught My apostles and the people of Israel: that in the Eyes of God, all of us are equal. To God there is no one better or worse, good or evil, awakened or asleep. God knows who each being is within their inner existence.

Can you, by any chance, value this gift, just as God values it with His amplitude and love?

In this way, you will learn how to see your neighbor with the eyes of the soul, rather than those of the mind. Thus, you will be able to recognize, among your miseries, the Inner Christ, this little spark of Light that God placed in each of His children, so that in this life and in this universe, each one may bear life in abundance.

I believe we are already before the possibility to take this step that I ask of you today, to come out of the conflicted third dimension and enter into the time of the Brotherhood, when everyone is considered, when everyone is contemplated, when everyone is heard without being judged. Because if God had placed His rod upon you, you would not be here.

Do you now understand that His Infinite Love cannot be measured by prejudice? That He, the Almighty, as a Father with open Arms and an  expanded Heart, wants to have you close, so as to fulfill His Will?

How many, really how many souls need this and do not have it!

Be attentive to recognize, with gratitude, this Grace, so that in you, some day that is not far away nor distant, the wise Inner Christ may be born, the One who does not measure with a rod, but rather loves through His actions; the Inner Christ who welcomes through His Heart and is capable of feeling the miserable as a part of His own misery. Because this is what I lived for you.

With fervor, embrace My Call, and receive it also as a blessing, as an opportunity to open a new door, which with hope may look at the future and, with determination, may close the door of the past so that you may not become lost in superficial things.

Because in truth I tell you that without love, nothing is possible. How are the degrees of your love? Where does love act in you? Do not forget it.

May God’s Wisdom strengthen you. May the Love of God raise you so that you may walk decidedly toward the Purpose, that Purpose which is written in the Heart of God, because we owe Him honor and glory.

I thank those who strive and make efforts to transform themselves, those who can look at the Light of the Face of Jesus every day, in order to be blessed.

May peace promote peace, and may peace grant unity and strength to those who say ‘yes’ to Christ.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear children,

That which is most pleasing to God, at this time on the planet, is the emptiness and silence of hearts. An emptiness of intentions, of expectations and dreams, and a silence that leads each one to look inside themselves to know how their inner life is.

At this time and without this premise, it will be difficult for souls to be able to transcend certain cycles and to be able to go through certain experiences, which must find you free of yourselves; because in the inner emptiness the inner life is born, and in the silence of self one can listen to the Voice of God and thus recognize His Holy Will.

Imitate the example of your Heavenly Mother who, being the Slave of God, received in Her bosom the Call of the Eternal Father so that His Will could be fulfilled. At no time was there a why or a questioning.

God calls you, at this time, to enter with joy into this state of emptiness so that you may recognize in yourselves His Love and Compassion.

I am here with you, in this hour of the planet when everything is purified, so that souls may find the path of peace and goodness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come as the Light that dissipates darkness.

Today, I come through the symbol of the Sorrowful Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Behold this deed before your eyes and within your hearts.

From the most profound abyss of Light of My Consciousness, inner life emerges, a path I build within the souls that follow and seek Me. Without this inner life, nothing is possible.

Behold that which is most profound in My Being and Consciousness. This is the enclosure that I have for all those who dare to enter Me through the narrow doorway of humility, so that what is superficial, arrogant, what believes to be superior but does not exist may separate from you; so that your sensible resignation, your true humiliation, your essences of peace may enter Me.

Without this inner construction that I offer to you, it is not possible to materialize the Plan and the Purpose of God on Earth. For this reason, today I come to try to remove the blindfolds from the eyes of those who are blind, of those who have lost the path of the spirit, and also of those who have never found it.

See before yourselves how the world is. Is it not a sufficient sign that inner life has become lost, even in great religions, in which the communication of these times is more important than the inner communication among souls and all the spirits that live in God?

I want you to remember that I call you to My Path to rebuild the communion with inner life, the sacred emblem of the spirit that vibrates and communes in higher dimensions and that, in the example of its life, reflects the Simplicity of God, without pride or arrogance. Therefore, this is a decisive time, it is a crucial and significant time.

Through this impulse of My Sorrowful Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, I come so that you may remember that, just as your Master and Lord had to cross the narrow doorway of humility, surrender and the acceptance of all sins of the world, in the same way, you are also called, if you accept it, to carry the Cross of humanity with Me, the sorrowful Cross of this humanity. However, I know that you will not fully understand this meaning, because it is something spiritual.

In silence, I contemplate you and I contemplate humanity, which walks toward its definitive state of spiritual disconnection.

This is why God sends His Messengers and Hierarchies, to remind everyone about the path of the spirit and of inner life. The more souls seek the path of inner life, the more they will understand what is unknown and everything that is immaterial because there lies true life, which must be reflected in harmony and attunement with this surface to be in perfect communion with the Heights.

Today I bring you a very abstract part of My Being, which I have never revealed to the world, and that I know you will not understand it with your minds, but which you will only be able to feel with a heart that opens itself to grasp My cosmic and spiritual impulses.

My Inner Life, which is the Life of God, is a Law. In it, the absolute Love and the perfect science between the Laws of the universe and of the spirit are reflected.

Then, I tell you: how many times a day do you contemplate your inner world? How many times do you allow your intuition to guide you, rather than your preferences?

Do you understand the difference between being in communion with inner life and being in relationship with superficial life?

I do not need to give you examples of what happens in the world, because you already see them with your own eyes.

Inner life needs to be reestablished in many more consciousnesses and hearts so that your own incarnations may not be wasted or lost.

What incomprehensible pain does My Father, Who is in Heaven, feels when the essences created in the image and likeness of God become lost in the abysses of the world, or even when many incarnated essences are led to the abysses of the world without deserving them.

This is the time of effort and the exercise of communion with inner life so that even material forms may be permeated by the sacred cosmic energies that, as currents of Light, Love and Wisdom, permeate everything they touch and wherever they circulate, removing the excesses of the superficial and materialistic life of humanity, even of those who claim to be spiritual.

Because this school of the Earth, of this planet in this universe and within this Creation, is lived up to the last moment, up to the last expiration, just as I lived it on the Cross for all of you, being a Man Who learned how to love and forgive, despite the weight of the Cross of the world's errors and injustices.

When I speak to you of the New Christs, I Am not speaking of something theoretical or romantic. This is not My vocabulary. I Am speaking of a Christic life that externalizes the Truth and applies it in all its consciousness, in communion with all the Laws of the Universe, without skipping the rules of the Commandments.

This is why humanity has reached this situation, and it could become worse if communion with inner life, which is urgent for your Master, is not recovered.

I want you to know and remember that this Work, in which you participate due to an inexplicable state of Grace and an unknown merit, has been graced with the sovereign spirit of the Instruction and Knowledge of the Hierarchy. This is what, in a silent, anonymous and simple way, has reopened the doors so that souls might recover and continue to recover the path of communion with inner life.

Do you now understand where you are and what you are here for?

Ask yourselves this without fear, but with honesty, and I would even say with courage, so that the mirages of superficial life may no longer exist but rather the profound contacts with the inner world. These contacts must not enrich the personal or spiritual ego but allow your souls to govern and fulfill this incarnation, which for many is the most significant, the incarnation of passing from one state to another, internally, anonymously.

Therefore, divest yourselves, divest yourselves every day, although you may believe you have done so; because the inner life, which is unique and inextinguishable to God, is wise, merciful and just; solemn, sacred and immaculate for the one who opens themselves to understand, live and experience it, and through their own heart, nourishes the flame of the Divine Purpose, which guides souls in this school of redemption and forgiveness.

How many more are seeking this path and still do not find the door to enter!

The Hierarchy entrusts to you the reconstruction of this path that is purely spiritual so that, later on, it may reflect itself in that which is material. And may that Law that once was fulfilled in the origin of this Work, through the venerable brother José, be fulfilled and applied in as many souls as possible, souls who, regardless of their school or even of their errors, receive an opportunity to commune again with their own inner life, which in essence is to commune with the Life of God.

Today I can share with you that which is most profound that I have, but also the most sacred that I express, not as something I own or something personal, but rather as something that is part of God, of the Living, Resplendent and Merciful God Who, in His silent cry, waits for His sons and daughters, all His creatures, to rise again from the abysses and find within themselves the path toward the origin of inner life.

If inner life reigned in the world and in many more souls, conflicts would not exist.

If inner life reigned in the world and in many more souls, there would not be conflicts or incomprehensions. Because the language of inner life is unique and comes from the Holy Spirit, which, with Its Gifts and Graces, transforms the souls that open themselves to find again the meaning of incarnating here, in this world and in this end time.

Only one Message and not even My Words would be enough to express the greatness of inner life, which is humble, austere and pure.

However, the foundations for the reencounter with inner life have been given and unconditionally granted by the Spiritual Hierarchy since this Garden of Gethsemane, which was the witness of the most unknown pains of Christ for the souls of the world.

In the face of the darkest shades of humanity and of many hearts, may the Light of inner life shine again in the abysses of the Earth, so that the fallen stars may rise to the Heavens in redemption and love, and may become a part, as so many consciousnesses of the universe, of the great existence of the inner life that God nourishes with His Cosmic and Divine Fire, which guides souls as sacred flowers that seek the rays of the Sun of God's Heart.

Lord, God of the Universe,
may the presence of inner life
be fulfilled once again in Your children,
so that everything may be renewed in Your Name, Adonai.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
