In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Unfathomable and Loving Heart that never repents from what it has done for souls.

Behold the Patient and Merciful Heart that gives it all for His. This is the Eternal and Infinite Heart that waits for His companions to take their steps.

Brave are those who have trusted in My Call. Graced are those who have been faithful to My Precepts and My Will, because this is the time for the spiritual and inner reconstruction of souls.

Great is the thirst I still feel for those who do not recognize Me or serve Me, who do not find Me in the gaze of the sick, the prisoner or the poor.

How much Mercy is held in simple hearts, in those who are capable of coming out of themselves to be blessed by the Law of Grace!

Today I Am here for a France that needs Me, for a world that invokes Me through the strength of the prayer of the heart. Although wars worsen and conflicts expand, I Am here as the unfathomable Light that comes to dispel darkness, first from yourselves to then dispel the darkness of the world.

Be reborn within the life of this Heart that gives itself and serves God; that tirelessly continues to do so after Its Death on the Cross, when Water and Blood flowed out from My Side, as they continue to flow out today from My Side in pale and red rays of Light to justify and save the most sinful souls and especially the souls that, being on My Way, have rejected My Call and offended Me.

You know that I do not come here as a judge, nor as an executioner. I come as this Heart that silently suffers and endures the ignorance of souls and hearts and, mainly, of those who have doubted My Call in these recent times. But the Truth, which comes from the Heavens, is greater than all miseries and errors. The Truth, which comes and emerges from the Love of the Father's Heart, is greater than all incomprehension and ignorance.

I demonstrated the Way to you through the Way of the Calvary. However, I do not want to see you as victims of this world or victims of yourselves but rather, I want that, through your repentance, penance and prayer, you may one day be victims of My Love; a Love that is capable of accepting, a Love that is capable of recognizing and a Love that is capable of living what God establishes.

This is why souls suffer; this is why souls endure and some agonize; because they resist living the Will of God, which goes beyond all human or mental understanding.

I want you to remember and I want you to know that I have something special for each one. I have a treasure held in My Merciful Heart, which is still waiting to be given to My companions.

I have walked by your side in these last eleven years. Now is the time and now is the moment for you to live My Words and, as I once told you, for you to be My own Gospel, written on Earth through the souls that love and serve Me.

My Work, founded through this Work, could not continue to be as it was. This is why the time has come for the withdrawal of Our Sacred Hearts so that, as I have told you and I tell you again today, each one may walk with their own feet. Because you lack nothing and you will lack nothing when you are in harmony and balance with the Law of Love.

All Our manifestation throughout time has been greatly merciful and patient. Now is the time for this Plan, which God has foreseen for each soul and heart, to be fulfilled.

This is the time for you to be the Plan manifested and concretized on Earth, even while living your human lives; your spirits and above all your hearts can be truly united to God, receive from God His Divine Impulses, and hear the Voice of the Creator within your own hearts.

Woe to those who have not understood the change in this Work, which is the Work of the Hierarchy! Nothing is static in this universe, not even in the Spiritual Universe. When you see that this is happening, know that a great impulse and a great change will come, as it is happening now.

Happy will be those who will be reborn through this moment. Happy will be those who adhere without questioning. Blessed will be those who embrace this moment without leaving any door open to doubt. Because the one who has truly trusted in Me, as they claim to have, will go very far. And everything they have experienced with Me, throughout the last eleven years, will not have been something purely emotional or transitory; because I do not come to this world for this, I come through an unknown Law of Grace so that you may be aware of the emergency of the planet and the imperious need of the souls that suffer in this crucial time, without seeing the light, without finding peace, without being able to feel the Love of My Merciful Heart, as you can feel and experience today.

The calvary of the planet is here, before your eyes.

Who will accompany the Master while He carries the Cross, without being a victim of themselves to be a victim of Higher Love?

Who will not step back when the final moment arrives, when the Coming of Christ is announced at dusk and the stars bear witnesses to this moment?

Who, at the end of times, will recognize their own Inner Christ to no longer recognize their ego and their human identity?

Because I come to make the miserable the most perfect. I come to make the humble the most glorified. I come to remove power from those who are blind, from the ambitious and from those who have not repented from the heart.

Those who believe that I Am here, let them follow Me, for My hour is coming, just as My hour came in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Who will accept the Chalice, the same Chalice that the Father offered to Me in the Garden of Gethsemane?

Who will drink of the Redeeming Blood of Christ to be converted into a true apostle of Mercy?

I pray for those who still claim to be confused. The Truth has been revealed and there is no other because the Truth is one and solemn.

I find relief in seeing those who contemplate the stars of the new time, the rebirth of the principles and attributes that founded the Work of the Hierarchy on the surface.

Blessed will be those who may accompany this moment and no longer make any value judgment or criticism, because the treasure that has been entrusted to you is very great, it is a spiritual responsibility, rather than just a human responsibility.

God has opened the innermost cores of His Heart so that all of you, souls of the Earth, could see into the innermost depths of the Creator and could feel the essence of His Higher Love.

The Source of Grace must not be wasted and it will never be wasted.

Happy are those who are consistent and reverent, who recognize Adonai as their only God.

I thus come to renew the times.

I thus come to illuminate the inner dwellings.

I come to give life to that which is seemingly almost dead in spirit, in soul and heart; because the price of My Blood cannot be measured or calculated.

The Blood shed at this hour by My Heart, flagellated and outraged by the wars in the world and the suffering of the innocent and of those who have to endure, is a Blood of Love and Redemption, which comes to offer itself in an inexhaustible and inextinguishable way to save lost souls and those that have been unjustly condemned in this Work and in the world.

Behold, in My Hands, the Book of your souls, which the Lord wants to write again today, at the request of God, so that your lives may definitively be Mine.

Father, forgive those who do not know what they do,
just as You forgave the prisoner
who was nailed on the cross by My side
on Mount Calvary,
and You let him enter Your Paradise.
Receive the offering of Your Beloved Son
for those who are not consistent so that they may be consistent,
for those who do not believe so that they may believe,
for those who no longer feel so that they may feel My Love,
My consoling Love.
Resurrect from the miseries of the world
 those who truly suffer.
Anoint with Your Light, Lord,
those who need it the most.
Blood and Water of My Heart
are offered for the conversion
of souls and nations.
My Heart is empty
and wants to be filled with your love,
with the love of those who hear Me,
with the love of those who believe in Me,
with the love of those who serve Me.
Adonai, hear My offering,
the offering of Your Servant and Firstborn Son.
May Your spiritual treasures
be shared with souls,
just as today the Kingdom of the Heavens is shared
with those who are present here,
although they do not understand it.


May My Words be held within your hearts, rather than in your minds; because the mind can be deceitful and may confuse, just as it has confused many who have forgotten My Love. However, I come to spiritually resurrect those who most need it in all parts of the world, mainly the essences.

Today the mystery of the Cross presents itself before you, the mystery of each nail that pierced My Hands and Feet. Then, Love triumphed, rather than pain, although I felt it in My innermost entrails and in My Life, which, at each second of the Calvary, was fading away to save souls.

This is what brings Me here today to tell you that My Love is inexhaustible and eternal because it is the Love of God, alive through His Son and, by means of His Son, through souls.

I come to consecrate the vows of the consistent, the faithful, and those who adhere.

May the Lord God of the Universe, Adonai, cause His inner gardens to blossom with the beauty of the souls that love and honor God and His Most Holy Mother, Mary, the Mother of all, the Mother of Christ, the Savior.

May the miseries be dissolved so that the life, the healing and the forgiveness of the Heart of Jesus may be reborn.

May peace be in you and in the suffering world.

May peace rescue those who die in the violence and martyrdom of wars.

May God grant a time of peace to the world, because the scale is about to break and the honest prayer of souls will save everything.

Behold Your Inexhaustible Love, the Love that does not tire, the Love that sustains and renews all life.

May France and the world be blessed so that those who have not repented may repent.

Today, My Light shines on the mountains again and, above all, in the temple of those who adore and love Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.