During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As the Lady Who waters the Sacred Figueira with Her Light, today I come to meet you, dear children, to strengthen its original principles, to make its attributes, gifts and virtues flourish, and so that this Grace may multiply beyond this place and in all places of the world. Because you know that humanity needs to recover the Principles of God, which it has been gradually losing throughout time.  

For this reason, God revealed the Commandments to Moses, the basic and essential Laws for evolving and awakening, so that each creature of the Earth, by following these Sacred Commandments, might learn to live and apply the Law.

Our Sacred Hearts work on this in the face of a hostile and uncertain planetary scenario.

Today, the Sacred Family draws near the world so that the values of faith, love and unity may be present within each one of you and your brothers and sisters, mainly in the places and consciousnesses in which these spiritual values have disappeared.

This is why I come to water the Sacred Figueira with My Light. It has borne many fruits throughout time and years, and this has not been in vain, dear children, because there is a Higher Purpose that has congregated many souls and hearts here throughout time, who follow a spiritual and inner call that makes them contemplate and recognize the Sacred and Solemn Figueira in each one.

The Spiritual Hierarchy gathers at this moment, also to protect and help families, so that they may not be exposed to the dangers of the world or to the interferences of these times.

For this reason, the work of prayer in families must continue, nourishing the spirit of the members of each family, opening the door of Heaven so that the Higher Grace may descend, mainly upon the families that need it the most.

This will create an important network of prayer in the world, just as the Rosaries of Light must be. I want these groups to multiply and, above all, to be strengthened. In this time, living without prayer is a condemnation.

I am not speaking about a repetitive or mechanical exercise. It is your hearts that must be in an attitude of perpetual prayer so that you may be well connected with the higher planes of consciousness, and the Wisdom and Discernment of God may continue to guide your steps toward the goal that each one has to concretize: being a servant and apostle of Christ.

Today, Our Sacred Family of Nazareth presents itself to the world on the inner planes so that you may be internally touched by Our Simplicity, Humility and Love. Because without these attributes and foundations in this time, in the face of so many threats that the world lives, I confess to you, dear children, that it would be impossible to carry out a work.

Accept the time of correction as a Grace. Can you imagine how many times My Son corrected the apostles?

Life must always be aligned with the Law, so that the Will of God may be followed, just as He has determined it since the beginning.

At the foot of the Sacred Figueira, the Spiritual Source of God is being opened again. Have many of you recognized this wellspring?

Therefore, purify yourselves, cleanse your hearts and lives, and renew yourselves through this impulse that My Immaculate Heart brings to you; because just as We have said to the world, Our task is now coming to an end because the expected moment of the Return of Christ is drawing near, with clear and forceful signs.

For this reason, do not give up, do not be lukewarm. Prepare yourselves for this moment that is coming.

This is a time of profound confirmation. This is the hour when My Son, through His loving Gaze, contemplates those who are confirming themselves to His Heart, because the apostles themselves experienced it in that time, just as the holy women also experienced it.

Christ wants you to be completely different. He needs to continue molding your consciousnesses. This is the Message that He sends to you today. Will you allow it and not resist?

Our Words must not be wasted. They reach you and the world as small seeds of Light to be sown in the inner temples and this must not be in vain, because the Grace of God must not be wasted either.

And how many Graces have you received from Our Hearts throughout time? Have you been able, at any moment, to measure the immensity of this Grace, in the face of so many disgraces that many souls live?

Be humble and grateful, dispel from yourselves the pride of the heart, for it is a fog that deceives and confuses.

Humble yourselves before the Sacred Heart of My Son, just as He humbled Himself at the foot of the Cross and allowed Himself to be crucified for the world, just as He drank from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane, even though He knew that He did not deserve it.

This is the time, My beloveds, for you to live what you want to profess, that which you believe about God; but let it be with one goal, may it be true and from the heart, without conditions or personal rules, because everything is still to happen on this planet. I speak to you about what is still to happen as Grace and Mercy of God.

My Son needs pure instruments, free of personal intentions, of personal wills. As a Mother, I will not tire of saying this to you, because it is the same that I repeated to the apostles in the Cenacle, and your Celestial Mother wants good and peace for each one, under the sacred spirit of the Unity of God.

In truth, I tell you in the name of My Son that in this time there is no other path to follow but the one toward the Heart of God. Each one was placed upon the path that they must tread, but not upon a path chosen by you, it is the path of God and you must not become confused with this.

Because God wants you in the happiness of His Kingdom, in the universe of His Peace, and not in the suffering that you choose. The Will of God cannot be altered. If this happens, My children, you will be living your own will, the human will. Therefore, do you understand how the world is today?

Before so much Grace and universal Mercy, why suffer in this time?

But I also know that there are souls that suffer unjustly in this world through wars; they are the innocent of God. This is why We Ourselves, the Sacred Hearts, take care of and help these suffering souls; but you are not suffering souls, you are souls that have had direct contact with My Grace and the Grace of My Son, just as with the holy humility of Saint Joseph.

Have you ever thought about this? Therefore, to perceive it,  it is necessary to be in an attitude of humility and resignation, just as your Heavenly Mother was before the call of the Archangel Gabriel.

Thus, I come to bless the families that during these nine days have prayed the novena for their reconsecration to the Sacred Family of Nazareth so that each one of the prayerful families may be this mirror of the Sacred Family and, through the lessons and life experiences, they may come ever closer to the spiritual archetype of the Family of Nazareth. This is possible when you are in prayer and in family.

The spiritual and the human family of the surface of the Earth have the need and necessity to be rebuilt in its values, its purpose and also in the Will of God for each family; because each family must reflect a gift and a virtue of God that may purify the members of this family, consecrate them and align them to the Will of God.

Each family is a cell for God; a living cell that must embody, in itself, a purpose that is already written. For this reason, today I also come to pray with you, as the Mother and Lady of the families of the world, so that you may be a mirror of God on Earth, something real, true and attainable; a purpose that may be concretized through clarity in intentions, on the path and in the destiny of families.

Thus, let us pray to God for the sacred intentions of Christ, in this hour and through this Message, because the Source of Grace is now withdrawing so that the portal of the holy and wise Justice of God may open, filled with His Eternal Love, which will place all of humanity in order, peace and harmony.

And you must support this, you must be pillars so that My Son may work. He counts on this.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

May those who have offered themselves to be Children of Mary today draw near here with Mother Ana Catalina, at the foot of the manger, to experience their moment of consecration.

And let us support this moment so that we may also renew our vows as Children of Mary.

Each one will receive their T-shirt of Child of Mary and will place it upon the palm of their hands, as a sign of offering to the Immaculate Heart of our Mother.

And after this moment of consecration, which Our Lady will carry out, you will be blessed through incense, water, and the Sacrament of Anointing.

In the silence of your hearts, make your offering to our Mother.

Dear children, God does not tire of giving His Grace and Love to the world. And it is through this Grace and this Love of God that spring today from My Maternal Heart, that I also come to consecrate you as My children, the Children of Mary; and I accept your offering to this consecration; so that, from now on and for the times to come, you may be pillars of prayer on Earth, flowers that will be offered in My Celestial Garden in prayer, service and full charity for those who suffer and need the most.

And so that all this offering, which you will make in the coming times, may amend the sins of the world and mainly the outrages of war, this will be your mission as Children of Mary, do not forget it.

By the authority that My Son has granted to Me, in the name of the Eternal Grace of God, which springs in an inexhaustible manner from His Supreme Source, in the name of the angels who accompany Me, I bless and consecrate you as My Children, Children of My Maternal Heart.

I accept you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us sing “Land of Mary” to accompany this moment of blessing.

*Figueira, the name of the Light-Community where the apparition took place, means "Fig Tree" in Portuguese


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Despite My farewell, as well as the farewell of My Beloved Son, I will continue accompanying the steps of those who have decided to live in fidelity to God.

We are at a moment similar to that of the apostles of the past, when, after the Ascension of Our Lord, He sent the Holy Spirit, the Great Consoler, so that, as blazing tongues of fire over the heads of the apostles and of Our Lady, the Holy Spirit could guide, from that moment on, the Christic Work of evangelization and apostolate.

I want to tell each one of My children that, after these seventeen years of meetings, you are at this similar moment, for you to make an inner decision from each one: whether you accept, for the rest of your lives, this path that My Son has offered to you and in which your Most Holy Mother has lovingly and maternally taken care of each one of your souls up to the present moment, as precious flowers in the Gardens of God.

For this reason, I Am here, dear children, not only to celebrate this moment with you, as a loving, humble and serving Mother, but I Am also here today, sent by God Himself and at the request of Our Most Beloved Lord Christ Jesus, to support you at this moment of transition; because the moment so long awaited by Christ since the beginning has arrived. Since the year 2007 up to the present moment all has been a preparatory experience, in which there have been learnings, successful acts and errors.  

However, on this day, dear children, My beloved ones, it is My wish that My sweet Voice may reverberate in your inner worlds from this day on. That from this moment on, and for the times to come, you may continue to study the Gospel of Christ, the one that He has been dictating from 2013 up to the present moment, as well as that each one of your lives not only may continue to be immersed into the power of the prayers of the heart, but also into the Divine Instructions that My Son has left in the parables and in the infinite and profound experience of the Sacraments.

Thus, dear children, as My Son has announced in recent days, this August 8 places each one of you before the closure of a cycle, but now of a really definitive cycle, in which certain situations will no longer ever be repeated, not only in you, but also in the whole world.

But also this August 8, so definitive and special, places you before the path of the future, that Project that God still has thought of carrying out through souls, through each heart that has always said ‘yes’ to Him.

As a kind Mother, I come to support this moment in each one of My children, and I also come to thank in person each of My children who has dared to respond to My call until today, who has opened up to listen to My spiritual summoning from the first moment, when each one of you made contact with My Divine and Sovereign Word.

Now it is no longer time for more Messages. It is time, dear and beloved children, for you to be My living Message on Earth, with all its attributes, with all the spiritual treasures, with all the Graces that were granted to you, from the first moment and from the first day when each one of you had the opportunity to be before Me at an Apparition.

I want you to know, My beloveds, just as I want each one of My children in the world to know, that this moment that I remind you of today of your first contact with Me, this moment will never, not ever, be erased from your souls.

In it is found the impulse that you needed in your lives. In it is found the spiritual bridge that I placed, at the request of My Beloved Son, on each one of your paths, for you to come out of the unreal life, to enter the real life of the spirit.

I want you to keep this very much in mind at this moment and, on this day, August 8; because from this moment, and up to the present moment, you will understand the Work of Redemption and Mercy that My Son has built in each one that He has called upon through their spiritual name.

Today, My angels, who accompany your Lady, write this final moment in their Books, in which, through your most sensible and true decisions, as My Son has said, you will begin to write this new history in this new cycle.

And upon your backs and above all within your hearts, there will no longer weigh the agony of the guilt for what you did not do well or the step that you have not yet dared to take.

My Son, in this month of August, came to liberate you so that you may definitively be His new apostles, the Christs of the last times, as it is written in the Heart of God.

But now, My beloved children, this path will demand from each one greater responsibility and honesty. For this reason, My Son came to remove from your faces the masks that you have created, so that the true being and the true soul, which dwells in each one of you, may arise and emerge.

Definitively allow the spirit, in each one of you, to govern you; for each one of your spirits, which was created in the image and likeness of God, already knows from the beginning what it is that you came here to do on Earth; what it is that you came to learn, out of love and for redemption; what it is that you came to fulfill according to what the Will of God has determined.

Now, after seventeen years, I can contemplate you and observe you as adults on the spiritual path; I can contemplate you as persons and above all as souls who will no longer hide in guilt or in playing the role of victims, who will no longer step back before the Call of God, who will no longer hide from the need that will turn up on your paths, but rather will fulfill it with bravery and determination under the impulse that the Divine Purpose provides for you.

Because My Son, I remind you, is preparing His Return to Earth, and this will not take long to happen. Everyone can see, with their own eyes, the cruel scenario of the surface, the conflicts, the wars, and the impunity that only worsens.

However, this moment had already been written; and now it is necessary, through the bravery of each prayerful heart, through each brave heart, to face the end of these times, which is now coming.

For this reason, My beloved children, it is imperative for you to live fidelity and truth, because in this way your own feet will not be confused about the path and will not deviate through unnecessary experiences, but in your minds and above all in your hearts, with the power of the spirit in each being, you must visualize the Divine Purpose in front of your eyes, the blazing flame of the Love of God, which was created in the Source, which is eternal and inexhaustible and drives the renewal of this whole universe throughout the cycles.

My children, will you enter this new cycle that Christ is presenting to you?

I do not need you to respond at this moment. I need you to first listen to My Word and then live it, for you to be able to respond to My Son with maturity and discernment.

My beloveds, the world is drowning in its own emotions, and this generates confusion and conflict.

As the Law of Harmony approaches the Earth, to correct humanity for all the Laws it abandoned and from which it deviated, it is inevitable, My beloved children, that on this August 8, the events precipitate on the planet.

However, do not take this as a warning or as something extraordinary; the currents of the universe exist to align souls with this trajectory that God created since the origin of each being.

Do you now understand the importance of this decision in this new cycle?

Many impulses have been received, your souls have welcomed these impulses throughout the times. Now it is moment for this Divine Instruction and this Sacred Spiritual knowledge to become flesh of your own flesh, to become word of your own word, to become concretized in the material life and on all planes.

For this to happen, there is still a little time, as My Son has told you, for you to amend your lives and correct yourselves. Because great will be the events that will come to the world and you must be strengthened in faith when We are no longer here, because We pray and because We contemplate this great day, when you will, for yourselves, assume the Plan of God.

I want to thank all those who have consecrated themselves to My Heart and to those who will live this consecration day by day and those who will renew this consecration to My Immaculate Heart throughout the coming times.

Today, when the Infinite unites to Earth, when the Divine Source contacts and draws near humanity for all My children to return to their original purity, from the Sacred Kingdom of Lys and from the unfathomable heart of Aurora, where your Mother once presented Herself to call upon the world for a change in consciousness and for the blazing awakening of hearts, I come to renew your act of consecration to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, under the spiritual and special blessing that My Son has granted this day for each one of you.

May this consecration fulfill you, renew you and impel you to continue moving on in the rebuilding of this humanity, and upon the return of faith and hope in hearts, so that everyone, someday, on some plane of your consciousnesses, may feel healed and cured by the Grace of God.

I thank you for these seventeen years of so many shared moments, so many supplications heard, so much devotion granted by each one of My children. Because all that you radiate to Me, does not remain in My Heart, but I return it as Graces and opportunities for souls, because it is to Our Creator that we owe the gratitude and glory for all that we have received.

I bless you in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Most High Creator, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today the Sacred Figueira, in this month of August, begins to show its first sprouts of the advent of its new cycle, its original and primordial cycle.

Sacred Figueira,
welcome all your children as a Spiritual Mother,
all those who were called
to be under your treetop of Light,
to be nourished by the roots of your Instruction.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us.

At the request of Our Lady, we will close this work through a song that She has asked of us. We will sing “Mirate a Ti” (Looking at You) and, through this song, each one of us, at this moment, will make their inner synthesis before the Immaculate Heart of Mary, deeply giving thanks for all that was received and entrusted to us.

From the Kingdom of Lys, in Fatima, we thank each one of the brothers and sisters who, throughout these 17 years, has faithfully sustained this Work. And we invite you, in the name of Our Mother, to confidently enter this new cycle that Christ, out of Love, presents to us.

Thank you!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
