Souls do not know in depth the unfathomable mystery of My Love because this is only revealed and becomes known when the soul yields in totality and surrender.
When the soul comes to know the unfathomable mystery of My Love, they can never be the same again, because, although small and imperfect, their consciousness begins to be part of My favorite spiritual helpers who, through prayer, collaborate and assist in the trajectory and destiny that all other souls must go through. The souls who are helpers of My Heart also have it clear that their service is inner and anonymous.
In this time, when the attention of many souls is placed far from My Heart, I prepare them, after almost twelve years of Messages and Instructions, for these souls that are chosen by Me to finally decide to not only be victims of My Love but also to be simple instruments in the blessed Hands of Christ.
Therefore, be attentive to the moment that everyone is living in this cycle, internally and externally, so that the transparency of heart and purity of intention may be the guiding star that indicates the next paths to go through and learn.
In His silence, Your Master and Lord prepares this moment so that as many souls as possible may abandon the zone of imperceptible spiritual risk and enter the perpetual state of Grace and Mercy, without losing the sense of wisdom.
However, to reach this, the souls who offer themselves must purify their most intimate intentions; they must be honest with themselves; they must practice truth by example because there is absolutely nothing that can be hidden from God, for His Science and Understanding know each one down to their innermost and most unknown depths.
For this reason, so that you may be truly deservers of Grace, you should identify how many times the Law of Grace has embraced your lives and consciousnesses, and even everything around you.
However, the world insists on learning through suffering and guilt. This paralyzes the consciousness, leaves it immobile and uncertain about the next step.
But just as I did with Lazarus, one of My best friends, I invite you and call you to resurrection, so that your lives, as well as your feet, may be purified and cleansed of the dust of the past. Thus, you will learn to be reborn by yourselves, in attunement and unity with the celestial spheres.
The most magnificent thing that exists for an awake, selfless, and self-given soul is to find the path to the Infinite, this sacred pathway thought of from the beginning by the Eternal Father so that, through Me, all might have Life in abundance.
However, it is necessary that souls, in this material life, learn to love and grow through the goodness that the universe can teach and instruct them in.
Know that in this life there are not two realizations but only one, which for you should be to be in communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Thus, you will be under Grace and the Will that still waits to be fulfilled in most.
Be brave and become divested of yourselves. Seek to be nothing so that, at the end of these difficult times, you may be guided toward the sacred goal of your lives.
I Am here, opening the Tabernacle of My Heart to those who, decidedly and without delay, accept to bear with Me the weight of the cross of the planet, which is transformed by Redeeming Love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts.
Who blesses you and blesses all of Spain,
Your Master,
Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On a night like this, when the trees embrace you and the stars bless you, I will return to the world, as that Man, Master and Shepherd who was quite close to each one of you, to heal your wounds, to raise you from the ground, to express to you the greatness of My Love for souls.
Today I Am quite close, as you had never thought before; because in this way I Am close to Mine, to those who try every day of their lives to stand up from their falls and carry on, to recognize on their own paths the Footprints of the Lord, the Footprints of the Master, which come in this time to indicate the next path.
While the night in Lys prepares to revere and glorify again the Mother of the Lord, your Master, Christ, presents Himself in this place, just as His Most Holy Mother did to demonstrate to you, in this time, the closeness of Our Hearts, the presence of Our Spirits, the greatness of Our Divinity, which is at the service of Creation and the souls.
For this reason, today I come to this forest and this garden, so that you may enter, with the Lord, the last stage of the agony of the planet, when, for yourselves, My companions, you will learn to sustain for Me this heavy planetary cross, formed by all the sins of the world, by all the outrages and offenses that souls still continue to commit in these times, and mainly by sustaining the cross of the indifference and omission of this world, which I need My apostles to sustain with Me until the time and hour comes for the Return of the Lord.
I want to meet you here again so that you may live, for yourselves, the same experience that your Master and Lord lived in the Garden of Gethsemane, when, in apparent darkness and agony, He found the Strength of God, He found the Faith of God, to fulfill what was pre-established.
Thus, in the same way, there is something pre-established for each one of your lives, for each one of your paths; and this is the time for you to live it, if you wish, it is to accept to live what the Lord has foreseen for each heart of this planet.
And you are not separated from this, companions. Today you are within this request of the Lord, because you are aware, much more than those who are aware in the world. Because this is the very definitive, very culminating hour and moment, to start to prepare the paths of the Return of the Lord through the lives of the souls consecrated to My Sacred Heart, and through the mission that each one came to the planet to fulfill.
With this I mean that God has written already the destiny of each one of you, by means of His Sovereign and Most High Will and, above all, through His Most High and Powerful Love, before you and your brothers and sisters were essences in this Creative Universe.
However, I know that many souls today do not follow or live this Will of God. For this reason, I come to make of imperfect hearts, brave hearts. I come to make of lukewarm hearts, strong hearts that are decided to live the Will of the Lord.
I prepare each one of you and your brothers and sisters, just as I prepared My apostles during Pentecost, so that the Holy Spirit might descend and continue to express My Work of Redemption throughout the ages, and also to prepare My apostles for the moment of farewell of the Master, which each one of My apostles had to experience in their own heart.
And you are at a similar moment, so similar that it seems equal, because after having been instructed and blessed throughout the times, and among so many, so many souls in the world, after having had the Grace of directly listening to the Word of the Lord, I can now tell you that, despite any situation, you are now ready to live what is foreseen by the Eternal Father.
Each one knows in their heart what God says to them, what God reveals to them, what God makes them feel in their deepest inner world.
Thus, I guide My last apostles to the last part of the path of the end of times, when everyone will have to be within the Trust of God and in the living experience of His Love, to help rescue what humanity has lost and, above all, for the great time of redemption that will be preceded by the time of Justice, just as it is written in the Sacred Bible.
Tonight, God hears the clamor and prayers of all His Children. And He hears them through the Heart of His Beloved Son, present in this sacred and humble place in Aljustrel, where souls can find true life, the Divine Life, in the absolute emptiness of their own intentions and expectations, because they can come to drink from the fountain of the purity of Lys, so that more souls in the world may help recover the innocence that this race has lost.
Do you now understand the reason why I Am here today?
Not only so that, through Galileum, you may listen to My Call, but also so that you may see your souls, reflected here on the great mirror of the purity of Lys, where also the angels of Heaven and of the Earth avail themselves of the spiritual and inexhaustible abundance of this place, where the flame of faith will always be ignited and will be ignited again every time it is necessary, through the soul that surrenders at the Foot of the Kingdom of Lys.
In this new Marathon, which announces the end of a time, and which precedes the next month of August, may hearts open definitively, and just as My beloved spiritual father Saint Joseph has said, spiritual father of all of you, may you carry out a synthesis for yourselves, and realize for yourselves all that in which you have participated with Us throughout the times, and how many Graces and spiritual and inner treasures have been granted to souls.
Now the time has come, now the hour has come, just as it was with your Master and Lord, for each one of your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters, to become a living and resplendent temple radiating the treasures of the Sacraments and of all the Graces that were granted to those who received them through a simple act of Higher Love. In the same way, today this simple act of Living Love allows this meeting between My Soul and your souls, between My Heart and your hearts.
Because I Am the Lord of Closeness, I Am the Light that comes to shine in this night of darkness so that those who have fallen may stand up and continue to walk through the Light that My Living Heart radiates to all. And above all, through the Light that My Eucharistic Heart radiates to you, which you can receive time and again as an inexplicable Grace, so that, more and more each day, you may be a part of Me so that I may, someday, be part of you and you may thus be part of God, just as God is part of His Beloved Son in Holy Unity.
Today, I also come as a pilgrim among you so that, in the seclusion of the Kingdom of Lys, the Lord may meditate with His companions upon the next steps that must be taken for the Work of the Hierarchy to continue to be materialized and concretized. And this Work will be concretized only through the souls that just say ‘yes’ to Me, every day of their lives until the end of times.
I come to fulfill My promise, just as I said to My apostles in the Holy Cenacle: that I would be with Mine until the end of the days, until the time and moment of the Great Return of Christ is fulfilled.
Today I Am here, praying with you and for you, and especially for those who must still take steps in this trajectory that presents itself before each human heart. An infinite and unknown trajectory, which I bring you today as part of the Will of My Father, your Father Adonai.
While the voices of the faithful and devout pilgrims rise as a great mirror toward the Kingdom of the Heavens, through the Sanctuary of Fatima, may a longer time of peace and mainly a longer time of inner peace be granted to the world, so that everything may be healed and repaired from the offenses that the world continues to commit.
Make room for the guardian angels to intercede before God for all urgent causes and mainly for those who most need help. This is the great time of the apostolate, do not forget it.
I thank you for honestly being with Me and from the heart, because honesty will always lead you to truth, and truth will set you free.
Today, the stars are witnesses of this moment, just as the universe is a witness of each Word of the Lord.
May the most suffering and needy beings be blessed.
My Heart is touched, because God has granted Me the Grace that I may be closer to My children of Africa, to be with those who suffer the most, with those who cry out the most, but above all to be closer to those who love the most in the world, through the authentic strength of their faith.
In the next times, may God grant the reconstruction of Africa, so that, someday, the whole world may know who in truth are the souls of Africa. I promise this to you.
May peace be within all those who seek it, may peace be within all those who cry for it.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more