During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Your Master and Lord, together with the whole Spiritual Government of God, is today gathered in this place of the planet to contemplate and evaluate the planetary situation.

In an extraordinary way, I present Myself here, given the emergency of these times, so that, in the face of all that which you can see and are participating in, you may not contemplate it as something normal. I have told you many times that this is a definitive time, and it is definitive also for the Spiritual Hierarchy.

In the face of what the world still does not want to change, the Hierarchy encounters  great resistance. This prevents the Spiritual Laws from descending to Earth, prevents the Fountain of Grace from flowing as a powerful wellspring in all souls and in all hearts.

We are making a decision at this moment, which encompasses not only the planet, but also the Solar System, contaminated and interfered with by the emanations of conflicts and wars; for the great spiritual veil is still being torn, and there is no one who can stop this.

This is why the Hierarchy must impose Its hands so that this situation on the planet does not precipitate itself. Thus, I come to announce this moment to you so that all of you may accompany the Hierarchy in all that it observes and contemplates, especially the risks that humanity is living.

I cannot fail to tell you this reality, because the times urge, because humanity places itself in a dead end, even although all Inner Centers of the planet are already working.

I come as a Messenger of Peace. I come as the Mediator between souls and the Laws. Because if there is no change in this situation of the planet, many will pay the price of a few, of those who are not aware of what they are doing.

This is why, companions, it is time to be vigilant, because while everything happens in the world, it is necessary to pray more and more, so that the balance of the planet, which is at risk, may be maintained at a minimum harmony, although this is insufficient.

These are times of tribulation, but also times of opportunities, of the decisive and last Graces that I Myself will pour out upon the world so that the souls and hearts that accompany Me and all their families may have the necessary strength and the unshakable faith to face these times of darkness, just as your Master faced it from the Garden of Gethsemane up to His Death on the Cross, until the last moment of His expiration.

I come to place you, time and again, in this school of inner growth, so that your own miseries, which are small in the face of the great miseries of the world, may be dissolved and transmuted by the power of the faith you have in Me.

Thus, I will always help you, although this planet may be at war and in conflict, although the crises of the peoples and nations may continue, although many of My brothers and sisters continue to disappear in the Mediterranean Sea without the majority helping them.

The pain that My Heart feels today is indescribable. That brothers confront their brothers, that peoples and nations raise their weapons to defend themselves from something that does not exist, that only My adversary imposes through these ideas in the minds of those who govern the nations.

Today, I come to attend to more than one situation of the planet. In truth, in these times, the Hierarchy attends many situations at the same time, given the emergency and the risks that this surface is going through.

This is why the Inner Centers of the planet, known as Retreats of the Spiritual Hierarchy, do their utmost and a little more so that the imbalance on the surface may not swallow the whole of humanity into an abyss without return. I must tell you things as clearly as they are, because many in this cycle still live illusions and lose their sense of discernment.

It is time to survive. Everything is at stake, but we must not challenge the times nor the events, because the one who raises their sword will die from the sword. And this is not symbolic, companions.

It is time to be clear about what must be done, and what must not be done. Because as time is precipitating itself, decisions must be made with caution, so that no one is harmed. And this begins in what is small, in what might seem to be unimportant. It is from there that the Hierarchy begins to work; it is from there that it begins to make Its decisions, invoking the Light of the Holy Spirit of God, so that each step and each decision may be guided.

Today, the Council of the Spiritual Government of the universe is gathered, together with your Master and Lord, the Christ, so that once again We may avoid a greater disaster and, in some cases, a disaster without return; because the human being still believes they know everything.

Arrogance and impunity blind some hearts that rule the nations of the world and believe they will remain unpunished. But it will not be like that, because Divine Law must not be tempted, Divine Love must not be outraged, Higher Will must not be denied.

I would like you to be with Us as you have never been before, because all need help, all need Mercy and Redemption.

Today, from this sacred place in the Alps, which has been exploited and violated without respect for the laws of nature, I come to restore Creation, to restore the human consciousness, which has been corrupted throughout the ages, which has distanced itself from the Truth, making life artificial. However, the essence of life can never be corrupted, the angels of the universe will not allow it.

Know, companions, that I continue to be attentive to the voice of your supplications. Because while you are here with Me, listening to Me so closely, there still are many souls that cannot hear Me or feel Me, that cannot receive even a drop of My Love because there are situations that prevent it.

Think, then, for a moment, what your Lord feels in His most absolute silence, when He sees that His own family of humanity, to which I belong, destroys itself, losing its sensitivity in the face of so much suffering.

I cannot fail to come at this moment, and I again withdraw in the Heart of the Father, where I can find strength, so that My brothers and sisters may also have strength.

I thank you for accompanying Me. This is very significant for Me and also for the world, wounded and outraged by evil.

May hope not be lost.

May joy not be dissolved.

May Peace be established. Just as Peace is in Heaven, so may Peace be on Earth.

I bless you and encourage you to continue on for the advent of the One Thousand Years of Peace. I bless the Alps, humanity and the whole Earth.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Oh, holy angels of God, respond to the appeals and calls of the Divine Mother, so that nations may convert to God.

Holy angels of the universe, help lost souls, especially those who need it the most.

Listen to the plea of the Mother of God, who comes to meet your holy consciousnesses, just as the Mother of God comes to meet Her children on Earth, to make them, My littlest children, remember that there is very little time for conversion. However, your Heavenly Mother is already pregnant, to announce the birth of the New Humanity.

Therefore, this is the time of inner preparation. This is the hour when souls must be ready to live what they have never lived before, to learn what they have never learned before, to grow internally in what they have never grown before.

This does not mean that My children will live unimaginable situations, but rather, My beloved children, that you will live experiences that are necessary in these times, because it is necessary to mature the commitment to God, so that this sacred commitment, which each one must fulfill, may be a profound commitment and no longer a superficial one.

This is why I ask the angels of the universe to participate in all this event, because I know that many souls are disoriented today, as they cannot see, on their paths, the Light of God’s Purpose, because the attention of My children is placed on superficial, ephemeral and illusory things.

Therefore, I come to remind you that the commitment of each child of Mine is gradual, but that in many cases this commitment will be immediate, because souls need to do what they have come to do here on Earth. And this will mean that My children will be removed from their own will, to live the grand Will of God, just as your Heavenly Mother lived it in fullness, in infinite happiness, for She was responding to the Lord.

This should be the spirit of each child of Mine: the happiness of responding to God, rather than the obligation of obeying Him, because God, in His Essence, is so Simple, but at the same time so Powerful and Glorious, that He hides in His Humility and shows Himself in His Creative Beauty.

He is visible to all. He is not visible to the opulent, the greedy and the selfish. His Infinite and Divine Love is for all. He becomes great in the smaller ones. He reveals Himself in the simplest ones. He hides from those who claim to be powerful.

If this were not the Essence of God, how could the Living God be?

His Love is so great and merciful that He created the angels of Heaven so that they might praise and adore Him. Not in His Throne, but rather adore His sacrifice and His surrender, the infinite surrender of God for His Creatures.

There is no being in this Creation, there is no angel in Heaven, there is no consciousness on Earth, there is no Kingdom of Nature that does not feel capable of imitating Him, imitating the Father-Mother Creator. See how this is fulfilled in harmony, in peace and balance, through the beauty of Creation.

Thus, I told you a few days ago that humanity had learned to destroy its own creative essence.

How great is the Mercy and Grace of God, who, with His Love, overcomes all errors, grants Forgiveness for all offenses and omissions, surrenders to the world again through Our Sacred Hearts.

His Cosmic and Infinite Love can never be destroyed or dispelled. From the ruins life can rise again, from falls the spirit can rise again, from perdition the Light emerges again, just as the Light of God and of all His angels of Heaven illuminate Estonia and the whole world today.

What is it that impels the universe to make this movement?

What is the cause that allows the existence of this Work of Love and Mercy?

I summarize it for you in one answer: the Love of God. Aand I say again that it is the Love of God that permits it all and grants it all. Because many of My children, especially those who are far from God, still have not decided to commune with the Merciful Love of the Father, because they think that God will not forgive them.

I tell you, My children, to no longer think of the God of Justice, think of the Great God of Love and Infinite Mercy. His Heart is offended today by the atrocities of war, by the omission toward the refugees and exiled, by the immeasurable death of the needy in the Mediterranean Sea and by so many other situations that many do not know, but which happen throughout the world.

Even so, the Heart of God is always open to His Children, and His Eternal Light is always there to radiate and bless you, even if you make a mistake or start from scratch again.

What relieves Our Sacred Hearts is that you may rise again, time and again, just as My Son did after falling three times during His Sorrowful Passion. In this way, with this attitude, you will be able to be born again as many times as necessary.

But careful, My children! The only victims in this world are the unprotected and the helpless, the children, youths and elderly people who do not have the opportunity that you have, of raising your heads to see the sunlight every day.

Do you understand now the difference between true and false victimhood?

I come to make you truly grow; this is the request of Christ, Our Lord. This is the work, the tireless task of the angels, who, in this end time, work without time or delay so that the great sphere of the Earth may not come out of its balance and peace.

But while innocent blood continues to be shed, while laboratory experiments continue to take place, while the propaganda of abortion continues, without the least degree of piety and sensitivity, while weapons continue to be activated and military forces enjoy the suffering of others, how do you believe Justice will not come?

Therefore, prayer from the heart will always be essential.

Today, the Lady of Peace is here, barefoot in surrender, surrounded by God’s Light, giving Herself through Her Hands, pious through her Heart, the Lady of Heaven is present here, because I do not want to see My children suffer without reason, I want to see My children rejoice, just as the elements of nature rejoice, responding to the Mother of God.

This is the Message that I wanted to leave to you. Tomorrow I will continue to instruct you. It is My wish to be in this very place with you, to continue to build the Work of God on the inner planes.

I thank all those who have prayed in different languages so that My Love may expand to the whole world.

I am infinitely thankful to all those who trust this Work of the Divine and Unfathomable Hierarchy, especially those who make it possible for this to be a reality on the material plane and to be a Miracle of God on Earth, in a time of suffering and pain.

The Light of My Maternal and Immaculate Heart fills everything, the Light of My Heart dispels and renews everything, so that peace may be achieved.

Opening My Hands, giving My Light, surrendering My Spirit, loving all My children, once again I implore the Creator:


Eternal Love of God,
listen to the Voice of Your Servant and Slave.

Pour out Your Peace in the world.

Heal the wounded souls.

Grant Forgiveness to those who need it the most.

Oh, Holy Creator God!
Relieve the wounds of the Lower Kingdoms,
through the service of Your holy angels.

May everything be renewed, now and always,
in Your Name, Lord.


I thank you for responding to My call.

May My Peace be with you, My children, and with the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I invite you, once again, to walk upon the  waters and follow my steps without fearing that your feet might fail, because I invite you to walk upon the Sublime Consciousness of the universe, where your beings will be able to expand and achieve realization, through honest union with Me.

This is why today I come walking upon the waters, so that you may have faith when you walk upon the oceans, without fear of failing or sinking, because I come to rescue you at this time. I come to call you by your names so that you may follow My Path toward the Light of God.

Because after this entire trajectory lived and experienced on the planet, as I once told you, your souls and consciousnesses must merge with the Immaterial Source so that, finally, this Human Project may be renewed and in this way the New Earth may be concretized on the surface, free from sin, indifference and arrogance.

Therefore, walk upon the waters, just as Peter did, being the most imperfect apostle of all. And, even so, he overcame himself when he saw the Master walk upon the waters.

What sustained Peter upon the ocean?

Not only was it due to the sight of the Lord of the Night, but also due to the awakening of his deep and inner faith was that which helped Peter overcome his own limitations of consciousness and of material life. His faith, permeated by his love for the Master, allowed Peter, the apostle, to reach Me upon the waters. This is why I told him: “Have faith.”

And today, I tell you to have faith and trust all that I tell you and ask of you, because times will come when you will not only have to learn how to walk upon the waters of the consciousness so as to learn how to sustain yourselves and not sink, but the time will also come for you to learn to sustain your loved ones and families, so that at least a smaller group of consciousnesses and souls may safeguard the Sacred Project of the universal family on this planet.

In this Work, founded by Me, the mission with the families is the most important, because you must not help change the ways of families, but rather you must express through your examples the values of a spiritual family. Values that are being lost in families in these final times for different reasons and motives, through the interference of modernity and for how distant from God souls live.

As a member of the Sacred Family of Nazareth, I invite you to pray with Me, for the next Holy Week, for families, so that the main cell of God’s Project on this planet may continue to express itself through an evolutive family, which will be in communion with Creation and nature.

This is why today I bring you the values of the Sacred Family of Nazareth, because you need them, the most important facts that I lived together with My Mother and Saint Joseph, trying to leave expressed on this surface the values of Divine Spirituality.

In the face of the needs of the families in these times, if this spiritual situation is not attended to, the Human Project will not be able to be fulfilled.

For this reason, when I return to the world, I will also call your families and the families of the whole world to be physically present during My Return, to receive My Message, and also My Paternal Blessing, so that the innermost nucleus of the families of the world may be liberated from spiritual slavery. In this way, each family member will be able to finally fulfill their Purpose, the mission that each family member came to live in this end of time.

So that all these aspirations may be fulfilled, you must dare to walk upon the waters and overcome your own limitations of consciousness, dissolving your fears and anguishes, being reborn, time and again, through My Call.

For this reason, today I place you again before the Universe of God’s Consciousness, through this Mediterranean Sea, so that the deepest wounds may be closed, especially in those who have shipwrecked and, even as family of this humanity, were not helped, were discarded.

I come to place Myself before you and God, as a Mediator and Spiritual Judge, so that the faults committed here may be mended through the step upon the waters, which My apostles will take, without forgetting that this humanity needs imperious redemption.

For this reason, upon this Mediterranean Sea, and as a Fisher of souls and hearts, just as I told My apostles on the Sea of Galilee, today, before this Mediterranean Sea, I tell you to board My spiritual boat, because you must still get to know universes of love that you do not know, you must still know universes of service that you still do not know, and you must still reach the safe harbor of the Heart of God, because when you arrive at this Spiritual and Sublime Harbor all will be consummated, just as the Son of God had His consummation on the Cross, at the moment of His Expiration.

I not only want My Message to resound in this ocean, but also My Message and My Word to reverberate in your hearts and lives so that you may keep in mind that it is time for you to become different, and that, divested and empty of yourselves, without any burden on your backs or consciousnesses, it is time for you to freely walk upon the oceans, just as I ask you, feeling the elevation of the spirit, communion with the soul, the favorite union with My Heart.

Today, I leave this Message for the brave.

Today, I leave this Message to impel the tepid.

Today, I give this impulse to those who have the courage to follow and recognize Me as your One and Great Master among the Masters, as the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Today, I will stay in prayer upon these oceans, helping their great spiritual consciousness, the spiritual consciousness of the oceans, faithful witnesses of the errors and indifferences of the world, which is now being repaired and spiritually re-built.

Therefore, walk with faith upon the oceans and do not lose heart. No longer consider yourselves miserable or sinners. Consider yourselves as a part of My Mystical and Spiritual Body, cells of the Great Body of Light of Christ in redemption. In this way, you will live, to a greater extent, that which I ask of you and, at this hour of planetary inflection, your spirits will help you to fulfill My aspirations on this material plane, just as I have expected for so long.

My boat has a place for each one of you. I always wait for you to sail in the Consciousness of God, through the absolute void and the encounter with the Whole.

Lastly, I would like to thank the brothers and sisters who are here and came from different places of Europe to meet Me face to face, to reaffirm through them the union with Me, to say to Me:


“Master, here I am
and here is my heart for You.

My heart, Lord, is Yours
and I give it to You in trust
so that you may convert it, Lord,
into an instrument of peace,
into the profound emanation which I feel of Your Love,
so that this Love, Master, may radiate to the world
and to all those I have around me,
so that Your Love, Lord, may liberate souls
and we may all celebrate, at this hour,
the communion with Your Love,
the Blazing Love of Your Merciful Heart.”


This is what I hear from honest hearts, from those who do not fear transformation and from those who take risks by saying ‘yes’ to Me at each new step.

With this feeling from your hearts, I withdraw and retreat in prayer, fulfilling, in this third Apparition, that which the Father has asked of Me. Leaving you ready to enter Israel, where you will be able to feel Me very close, so that also your brothers and sisters may feel Me close, despite the distance, so that we may continue to commune with the Love of the Creator.

Now, I invite you, once again, to prepare for the Spiritual Communion and to offer this Communion for the refugees and discarded throughout the world, so that the unfathomable universe of the Mercy of Christ may justify the grave errors of war, destruction, abortion, discarding and human indifference, so that all may be converted, just as My Heart converted you at each step of the Cross, renewing planetary life.

I bid farewell, in gratitude, love and faith.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
