In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And through My Light, I come to touch the innermost depth of your being so that your most unknown miseries may be purified, and the center of your being, which is invisible in the eyes of the world, because it is anonymous and silent, may be part of My Project on Earth.
How many I have touched with My Divine Light throughout time, and when I made them feel their moment of liberation and purification, they doubted. But the light that I bring to you comes from Love, a Love that is still unknown and infinite. This is what is most Sacred that I have to offer you and your brothers and sisters.
In the face of a cruel and unjust planetary scenario that goes unpunished, I want the center of your beings, as a living flame, to be at the service of My Project. And I want all those who were once touched by My Divine Light not to forget it, because everything I give is not in vain but rather for an end, for an immaterial purpose. Therefore, make room within your consciousnesses for that which must still be liberated, transcended and transmuted.
However, today I do not invite you to look at imperfection but rather at the inner perfection, which God has placed within your essences and souls from the origin. Without this inner life present on the planet and in this time, great will be the difficulties for your Master and Lord to intervene in humanity and on the planet.
My pillars and my solid foundations on the surface of the Earth will only be established through the souls of those who respond to Me and live Me. I do not come to ask you for that which is impossible, I come to ask you for that which is true and which lies and eternally lives within you.
It is this Divine Life that in this time of planetary transition must descend through you by means of your spiritual life but also through your works of charity, good and peace.
In this time, I need to build the bridges between Heaven and Earth, between souls and God; and this will only take place through those who follow Me and live My Message, for innumerable Graces have been granted throughout the years and time, Graces that many of you and your brothers and sisters still cannot measure with your minds but only contemplate with the heart, a heart that is capable of feeling the Love of Christ and His omnipotent Mercy.
This desert will be arduous to cross, but I come as the Fountain that quenches all thirst and resolves any situation when souls trust in Me and My Word because My Word is fulfilled in the one who believes in Me and hears Me.
God has been so generous throughout time that, with His own Hand and His own Light, the Light of His Love and Grace, He manifested and granted this Work, the Work of the Hierarchy.
See how great is the charity of the Centers of Love on Earth, which receive and welcome souls, but also let them go without conditions or judgments. This is the silent work of Love of the Centers of Love of the Hierarchy, which does not condition but rather redeems, which opens the doors to the truth and so that all can be bearers of peace.
Behold the Centers of Love of Christ on Earth, which, in their solitude and anonymity through the Heart of the Hierarchy, contemplate the events in the end of these times and above all the events of those who were once touched by My Light.
Each gesture of Mine, as well as each Word, each Grace imparted as well as each Mercy delivered, is written in the Heavens, just as it is written within your souls. You must respond to this Grace, companions, because God observes you in His sidereal silence, in His cosmic withdrawal and in His omnipresent Power.
Brave are those who have come this far and those who will persist, because just as I transmuted and redeemed the world with twelve apostles, in the same way, with so few in this time I will make My Purpose persist in souls.
The door of Christification is still open and has not closed. Who will have the courage to cross it, to no longer be anything and so that the All may be in you, just as the All is in the Divine Son, the Firstborn?
Meanwhile, in this cycle of reconstruction of the spiritual foundations of this Work, the Laws are reestablished again, and this places souls before their own reality but also before their own commitment, which they cannot forget was signed in the Heavens.
Value all this before My Presence withdraws, because when this moment comes, which is not very far away, you and your brothers and sisters must bear testimony to that which, for many years, you believed and received through Me in trust, fidelity and will, because it was for a Higher Will that is unknown and incomprehensible to this race.
Thus, My work will be perpetuated in consolidated and firm hearts, in willing and decided souls that know how to be instruments on the surface of the Earth to reflect, in simplicity and humility, the Christic values, all that which I have shared with you throughout time, just as that which I shared in the past with My apostles.
For this reason, do not forget to love one another as I love you. In this way, you will be aware and have knowledge of everything, you will understand and accept the life of your fellow beings and your brothers and sisters, you will have your hearts open to welcome the one who suffers and even the one who is purifying, because all are equal before God, because you are His children on Earth, in the Eden that He has entrusted to you since the beginning.
And thus, He sends Me so that, through the Light of the Love that touches and contemplates you again today, Aurora may offer its brilliance and its immeasurable and anonymous Light, as it has always done. In this way, you will know that you are before a mystery that you will feel in your hearts due to its vibration and Grace, the Grace that gathers you time and again, and that reminds you of the Brotherhood.
On this second day, empty your hearts and consciousnesses so that I may reach the innermost depths, where you cannot reach. Because in this time of purification and challenges, it is My Spirit that gathers and helps you, just as I have always done from the beginning, from the first day you said yes to Me.
Do not fear that which you cannot endure, do not suffer with that which you cannot transform. Because if, in his imperfection, Peter walked upon the waters and almost drowned because he doubted his faith, I will come just as in that time, in the storm of the night, when everything will seem very difficult, to bring the Light to the world, that infinite and invincible Light that generated and created the Son of God and made Him be born in the manger of Bethlehem.
It is this Light that will come in the right hour and at the opportune moment to save you and save many more who, in the world, suffer the horror of wars, the wickedness of hunger, the suffering of disease, loneliness and abandonment.
Let the children come to Me, the smallest ones in the whole world, because the Kingdom of the Heavens will always be theirs, because through them you will remember your own original purity and essence.
May the stigma of hatred, vengeance and wickedness be transmuted by the inner power that dwells in Aurora so that many more may have the Grace and opportunity of redemption.
May the time of hope be fulfilled.
May the time of renewal be reflected in My apostles, in those who are decided to rebuild My Work on the surface, because the Lord sees even that which is the smallest and most silent, because I Am there, in that which is the smallest and most silent. You will always find Me there when I no longer speak to you publicly, because in My Word lies the Water of Life, which quenches all thirst, which dispels all darkness, which reignites the heart that is dead in life. Because just as I resurrected Lazarus from the condemnatory death, in the same way, I have the power to resurrect your spirits if you allow Me to.
May the sheep gather in My fold; the Lord calls them to graze in the New Time, to take new steps in their service to the Plan.
May hope help you to endure these times, may it sustain the wounded and outraged humanity.
May families be the enclosure of love and peace in the oratories of the heart.
May the awaited time be fulfilled now and always. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I come to this, one of My Houses, to commune with My companions, just as My companions commune daily with Me, not only in the Sacrament of Reconciliation that is the Eucharist, but also commune through My Love, in My inner Presence in you and among you, beyond tests, purifications, deserts or uncertainty.
I come here, on this special day, to renew you, because you have lived Me, because you have felt Me, because you have received Me into your hearts many times.
But now it is time to serve the planet and humanity.
This Work is for humanity and the planet, for the relief of suffering, for the rescue of those who are lost, for those who have lost faith, for those who do not find any meaning nor reason for living at this moment, the Work is for all of them.
My Work will be through you, through what you have conquered and done until now as a service Community and as brothers and sisters on the path.
You have taken steps in which My Heart has rejoiced; thus I have returned so you know I am with you until the end of days.
And although My time is ending in humanity, My Heart will not cease to beat within you, as long as you allow this.
I Am that Light that illumines your paths. I Am the only Truth. I Am the only Path. I Am Life, in you and for you, as well as for your brothers and sisters of humanity.
My Heart suffers because of all It sees in this world. My Countenance can no longer smile as much as other times, but My Spirit is eased, calmed and becomes serene when It sees that Its companions are responsive, beyond the times or tests.
My Spirit rejoices when you get up from the ground after so many falls; in this way, I can renew you in your inner worlds, on your paths, in your existence.
The most bitter time has not yet come for humanity, but it is close.
You must be My Light in the world, My Love in humanity, My service in daily life, so that all this may be radiated to all beings that need, in this time, to find the Truth they have not found for some time, and who have lost the meaning of their life on Earth.
In spite of the serious things the world is experiencing and how little awareness you may have of what this means, the Hierarchy is here, because you are in the Hierarchy and you can never forget or lose this. When you feel you are not in the Hierarchy, return on the path so as to be able to find it, be able to feel it and experience it as you have done so many times.
On this night, I come not only to celebrate the moment of reparation and the healing of humanity, but I come also to prepare you for what is to come, and which is not far away.
For this next Sacred Week, the Father again chose this place, His mother house, because the Sacred Tree of Figueira has sprouted again, to sprout again many times through your efforts and surrender.
Let this sacrifice of love be an absolute surrender to the Eternal Father, so the Fount of His Mercy and Pity may be present in this place, as in the rest of the Communities which have been consecrated to the Hierarchy so Supreme Will may be accomplished.
I need you to understand that your purifications and tests, your despair or anguish, balance the great debt which humanity has in these times.
God does not want you to suffer, but rather that you be glad, that you be glad for being in His Presence, to be in communion with Him every day; and for being able, in these difficult times, to renew your faith that allows you to experience the alliance with My Spirit and My Consciousness.
I come looking, companions, at this time, for a refuge in your hearts so you may console Me. I hope to be in you for a longer time, so that we may experience a divine brotherhood in greater depth.
I know your hearts and I know your destinies. But what I need at this moment is your union with Me so peace may blossom in these times of tribulation. The peace you must live and profess every day in My Name.
With these Words, I come to prepare you for what will happen in the next Sacred Week. You must not only open your arms to receive those who come, but also open your inner worlds to release evil from the planet together with your Master and Lord.
But I will not cease to give you My strength, My trust and My Love, which will be the pillars that in these times will support you in what will come.
I come here as a pilgrim, and this pilgrim has been well received with the response and the adherence of his friends.
I have been well received many times, when I have come through the door of this house so as to be able to come and find God in the prayer, in the Sacraments, in the silence on the Hill.
Know, companions, that God is on the heights of that Hill, as one of His Sacred Aspects; and that He is there to welcome you and receive you all the time, when you need it or when you do not need it. In this way, you will be united with the universe, infinity, and existence, and you will be able to be renewed as many times as necessary.
It is the time to gratefully recognize all you have received, throughout the times and the years. Now is the moment to live that succession which your Master and Instructor gave you when He was with you on this physical plane, and is now with you on the spiritual plane, in the great Divine Consciousness.
He sends you His gesture of love and of fatherliness, His blessing as Priest of the Cosmos, and above all, He sends you His gratitude for your persistence and your faith in the invisible and non-material.
Today, within this Hill and this Community, in the depths of your consciousness, I come to place the spiritual heart of the one who instructed you for more than thirty years, so you may learn to infinitely submerge in the giving of self and the surrender of the being as he has unconditionally done for all of you.
All can reach the same aspiration he had. All can merge with the Divine Consciousness. Let the breath of Spirit overrun you, on this night, in which we testify to the realization of the Will of God in this place. And beyond the tests, let your hearts be glad and smile because the time of liberation has come, as it came to the people of Israel.
At the request of the Father and before beginning this special consecration with My companions, in the name of that Grace received from on High, which built and manifested Figueira through the petition of the One, the eternal God of Heaven and of Earth, the universe and life, you will intone Breath of Spirit.
I am listening to you, and at this moment, let each make their inner offering in My Presence.
Who feels it so, can stand.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more