In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The moment has come for the world to live its true Spiritual Government. This is the reason why the most resistant structures, the most corrupt systems, the oldest monarchies will fall overnight. Because Christ is preparing His Return, and this has just one end: so that the New Humanity may emerge, free from lies, free from impunity, free from all that has enslaved all of humanity up to today.

This is why the chains will break, you will feel the shackles slowly break, those currents that dissociate the world will be rooted out by the Presence of My Son and everything, absolutely everything, will be put in evidence.

But as your Mother, I tell you that you must not fear when this moment comes, which is now. Consider this moment as the moment of your liberation from an uninterrupted chain of errors that no one has been able to liberate or dissolve.

Therefore, aspire and rejoice, because the end of your captivity is near. My Son has promised this and He will fulfill it.

This is why you must keep elevating yourselves through the prayer of the heart. Because everyone needs to have the Flame of the Sacred Purpose within. And many more than just you need to again find their original purpose and not the tendencies or objectives that the world sells day by day, creating gods and idolatries that spiritually confuse souls about what the true path is.

When you believe that you have God within you and that you must look within your inner world to discover the wealth of the universe that God placed within each one of you, I can tell you, My dear children, that you will know how to liberate yourselves from your own ties and sorrows, and you will no longer take so long to take steps in the elevation of consciousness, in the unceasing search for the Sacred Purpose that brought you here, to this world and within this local universe.

To pass through the Earth is not by chance, to pass through this planet is no something casual, because this does not exist. This womb of the Earth has offered to redeem you so that the principles which you once lost in the universe could be gestated within you, so that the race may finally be Confederate. And although this seems impossible at this moment, it is not. Because My Son carries forward His most silent strategies. He weaves, through the Mantle of the Mother of the World, the great network of the soul groups that unite and attune with Our Universal Purpose.

Therefore, the time for redemption and reconciliation has come. The time has come for the veils of your consciousnesses to fall forever, and for not only you, but also your brothers and sisters throughout the world to know Truth.

Because Truth, which you may have once known, has been outraged by the world, by those systems that rule the Earth today, which make consciousnesses believe that life is just material. Your mission and purpose lie within that which is immaterial, that which you cannot touch with your own hands nor see with your own eyes.

The Flame of Divine Purpose is alive in the Sidereal Universe. And through My Sacred Mantle, the Mantle of the Mother of the World, I come to bring you the Universe, I come to reveal your origins to you so that through your essences you may remember the Divine Will that brought you here.

Therefore, My children, do not keep believing that you are only material and mortal beings. You are spirits that will continue the cosmic trajectory throughout the universe.

The spirit of each one of you is the sacred Eagle that must return to the trajectory of fire to unite and merge in the Essence of the Father. Not only must it be part of the 144,000, but your lives must also be the result of an experience of redemption and one love, which the Lords of the Law themselves can witness as a victory of the Love of Christ in the world.

Thus, I come here to elevate your consciousnesses toward that which is true and immaterial, so that you may come out of this chaotic and confusing surface, which only offers you suffering and pain. However, you must be disciplined, My children. No one will lead you to elevate your consciousness, because you must attain this only by yourselves.

Here are Our Arms and Our Hands in offering so that, through Our help, you may elevate yourselves more and more. Because if the world is not elevated through the consciousnesses that are awakened and the consciousnesses that will awaken someday, how will the world stop experiencing suffering? How will the uncertain doors that rule humanity close and how will the bonds that many have with evil completely disappear?

I only ask you to never cease making the right effort, because the time of Divine Justice is coming, and it is already being fulfilled. You must not submerge in that which is superficial and mundane.

Just as many Children of Mary have done, re-consecrate your consciousness to the Original Purpose that brought you here on Earth. I assure you that in this sincere act of consecration and simplicity, you will return to the origin that you have lost. Because beyond this origin, there is your sidereal family, the one that has waited for such a long time for the results of your experience of love and redemption in this world.

Who will be capable of pouring out their experience of love and redemption upon the Ponds of the Universe?

Who will dare to re-create this Creation, which is wounded through all that which happens on this planet and in your humanity?

The Book of God is open, waiting to write the story of your definition and surrender.

Will you, My children, be this light, this redemption, this mature love with which God will be able to write the new history of the universe?

Because I know that, in this world, many believe that the Death of My Son was a failure. But He sends Me, as His Co-Redeemer and as the Mother of Humanity, to make My children understand, through love and truth, that you should remember the wealth of the inner universe within each being. Because the world and the souls in these times no longer look within due to all that attracts them in the outside world. And that is the cause of their difficulties, tests, sufferings and traumas on all planes of consciousness.

The decision is in your hands, the Hierarchy will not push anyone to do what they have to do, because otherwise it would not be the Hierarchy. In your hands lies the power of the creative word, through the Most Holy Rosary, so that not only may your lives always be renewed by the Attributes of the Father, but also you may learn to live a school of untiring and unstoppable prayer, a prayer that is not mechanical nor superficial but rather brings the solution that the world needs in these times.

Because in truth, I tell you, My dear children: if today all are attentively listening to Me at this moment, it is because your responsibility is to pray for those who do not pray, your responsibility is to pray out of love, just as I pray out of love and for each one of you.

Thus, you will not only be in the first lines of the Return of Christ, but also, through the universe of prayer, which you can discover within yourselves, you will attract toward this world the Sacred Geometries of the Archangels so that the purpose of this planet may be re-established and re-built as it was in the beginning.

The fall of Adam and Eve was restored by the sacrifice and surrender of My Son, and the price of His Blood that was shed has served to sustain, up to this very moment, the spirit of universal peace throughout this world.

But now not only have the ambition, power and impunity of some hearts has opened uncertain doors that should never have opened in this world, but also the insatiable evil in these lost hearts has attracted conflicts and wars to the world and the unlimited killing of animals, about which, even while hearing the cry of these beings in the slaughterhouse, no one does anything.

Who will be able to re-build the Project of Creation in this humanity?

For this reason, My Son invites you to carry the cross in a mature and conscious way. He invites you to be brothers and sisters in unity and in brotherhood, free from judgments, from the condemnations of one another, the divisions or even protagonist behavior and competition.

Today I want to tell you, at the request of Christ, My Son, that if you want to be in Our Hearts, you must no longer experience these energies.

Purification has not ended. But you can purify in harmony and peace through conscious prayer, through having the courage every day of placing others first and through being forerunners of the fraternity that the world does not yet live today.

Thus, the Spiritual Hierarchy, after the last August 8, presents to you these needs of the Universal Plan, which could be insignificant, but which are highly important. Because they will allow the Laws to reverse the situations that today seem irreversible and endemic.

The world will change when you change, when you dare to take the steps in inner consecration and in service, when you cease to believe that it will be possible to carry this heavy cross of the world with so few.

Distribute and share the channel of transmutation, and dare to relieve the agonizing Heart of the Hierarchy so that the doors of Grace not close. Because My ardent and continuous wish is to return to the world time after time, to be near My children, because I know that if I am not present, My children will become lost. It is something that My Son made Me promise at the foot of the Cross.

Be like those apostles of the times of My Son.

Be like those women who followed Jesus everywhere, and who were imbued with His Redeeming and Consoling Love, a Love that satiated them within and outside, that renewed them and made them commit to fidelity.

Be like those fishers who were called on to launch nets to save souls.

Be like the people of Israel who would be surprised upon listening to the Word of My Son, upon the arrival of the Good News.

The Plan waits for all those who were once postulants in the universe and who committed to transcend themselves every day. In this way, you will allow, My children the true Spiritual Government to come to the world and for many to be liberated from spiritual slavery. Because when My Son comes, He will come as the Redeemer of the Universe, extending His Arms and His Hands to unite souls through the powerful Cross of the Redeemer of the world.

Therefore, to be a Child of Mary today is not something that passes. To be a Child of Mary means to work every day on your inner consecration, through the keys of discipline, prayer and service, which will be able to place you in a protected place, even if at the end of these times, My children, you can see the barbarities of this world to your left and to your right.

In this humanity, you will see unacceptable and unbelievable situations occur. May your hearts not be surprised, may your hearts always be permeated by prayer. Because wherever you are, or even wherever you go, if you are in prayer with Me in the end of times, on the day of the great final judgment, I assure you that you will be guided and led to the most protected place and, thus, your families and loved ones will also be guided.

Therefore, there is still some time for the preparation, but there is not much time left as there used to be, because the events precipitate minute by minute. While your Mother is here, speaking to you, think for a moment of what is happening in the rest of the world. How much innocent blood is being sacrificed by wars, how many children die of starvation, how many souls suffer in loneliness at the hospitals throughout the world, without receiving a minimum drop of love, or even think of how much their own family members suffer.

Therefore, persist, because at each day that passes, My Son is closer. And just as He forgave you on the top of the Cross, because many did not know what they were doing, He will come as the Redeemer and the Lord of the Universe to liberate you from the last chains of oppression and perdition.

When you experience a difficult moment, invoke the Power of the Blood of Jesus.

Now, not only will I consecrate new Children of Mary, who can draw near here at the foot of this scene, but I will also offer, through My mediation, the re-consecration of all who want to receive it, and thus renew their vows before the Father.

And We will carry out this re-consecration, and this first consecration of new Children of Mary, through the Powerful Blood of Jesus, so that the Codes of the Ark of the Holy Covenant and the merits achieved by the surrender and Death of Jesus may re-build the Purpose of the essences of the world, of all those who aspire to be closer to God, and to feel loved, understood and accepted.

In this consecration, let us sing “Powerful Blood of Jesus” and let us allow the Blood of Jesus, through the Hands of the Heavenly Mother, to bathe, purify and consecrate souls and thus elevate consciousnesses a little more toward the Divine Purpose.

Let us open up to the revelation of this mystery of the Blood of Christ.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will ask for Mother Shimani and Sister Lucía to come here, as well as for the brothers and sisters of the Council to accompany this moment.

Let us allow Our Lady to give us, at this moment, the Codes of the Blood of Jesus. Thus, may Argentina be bathed in the Codes of the Blood of Jesus, so that all the souls that need it so may receive them. Let us receive this Grace with gratitude.


Song: “The Power of the Blood.”


May the Power of the Blood of Jesus protect and guide you to God.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My call.

I am happy to be here with My children.

See you soon!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us sit down and to conclude let's sing this song of the Blood of Jesus again to close this meeting.


Song: “The Power of the Blood.”


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Today, the Divine Mother came to us as the Cosmic Mother, as that Mother who envelopes the planet with Her Mantle.

That is how She appeared today and as She spoke to us She gradually elevated each one of us and that which binds us to this material life, to this inertia, to this illusion, was dissolved little by little, because it was Her Word that was elevating us to be before the Father, the Divine Purpose.

She essentially placed each one of us before this Purpose so that we might contemplate it, so that we might remember it and so that this Purpose, which was impregnated by the highest degree of Love of all the Hierarchies of this Universe, as well as of all the Archangels who created what exists in the Spiritual, Mental and Material Universe, could enter within us as Codes of Light. And this gradually culminated through the consecration that we experienced and for many of us the moment of re-consecrating ourselves as Children of Mary. That moment culminated through the descent of the Codes of the Powerful Blood of Jesus.

At a given moment, the Mother of the World had blood in the palms of Her Hands. I asked Her, “Why do you have blood in Your Hands?” Then, She looked to one side and the scene changed, and Mary appeared touching the Feet of Jesus on the Cross. And when She did this profoundly spiritual exercise, while we were singing that song, the angels had Chalices in their hands, with which they scattered the Blood of Christ, like the priests scatter blessed water. And at that moment, every error or fault that we have committed in this life or in other lives was forgiven.

We know that we cannot understand what this means, because as Mary said, we have to try to open up to understand the mystery of the Blood of Jesus. Because She said that what Her Son lived was not just an event, an event in humanity. It was a fact that up to the current days has been radiating to the planet on the cosmic level.

When our beings, through prayer, for example, think and invoke the Power of the Blood of Jesus, our consciousness and the consciousness of the planet liberate themselves from the forces of evil. Therefore, She told us:  "At difficult moments, remember the Blood of Jesus."

In 2013, we received a spiritual exercise that I believe everyone knows, which is the Spiritual Trilogy of Prayer, Devotion and Contemplation. This is the moment for us to resume this exercise and live the experience, because you live a very impactful experience through this prayer.

What the Hierarchy did today also helped Argentina very much, very much indeed.

The last thing that the Divine Mother said to us was that we should learn, as from today onward, not to stay in what is superficial, because otherwise we will easily become lost. And if we stay in what is superficial, She said, we will enter those uncertain doors that are open and make us become lost, day by day.

Argentina needs to elevate itself through prayerful souls, said Mary, because the solution is not here, the solution that Argentina needs is in the Heights. As Her children, we have to seek the solution up there, because that is where the true solution lies, said the Divine Mother.

I did not think I was going to say this, but I am saying this because the Hierarchy asked for it. And it is important, as the instructors always tell us, that we may review all that the Hierarchy said, because otherwise we will forget. And today we cannot leave here the way we were before.

That was it, thank you.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you all very much and may you be in the Peace of God.


My dear children, may the Peace of My Son be within you.

When the Divinity recovers the spiritual spaces that up until now had been subjected by the enemy, and especially when the Plan of God recovers innocent souls, that had once been subjected to suffering, hopelessness and material perdition, this means and represents a visible victory of the Redeeming Love of Christ over all darkness, it means that His servers of the final times, that is, His apostles, will surrender in the face of any condition so as to give their lives and their service for those who suffer and are most vulnerable.

Inevitably, the triumph and conquest of these spaces, through Love, represent a challenge in the face of those conditions of adversity and chaos. This is why the servers of Christ offer to be instruments of the Lord regardless of the consequences and without measuring the possible risks.

This is not an expression of fantasy or an act of fanaticism, rather it is an action moved and conferred by the Holy Spirit which, in its inalterable aspect and through committed servers, can bestow Graces, miracles and solutions that had once seemed impossible.

I speak of this in the example of the Angola Mission which today in its first stage reaches the end of a cycle,  and from today onward reaches a new stage, which is entirely free from spiritual, moral and inner knots. A new stage that promises more rapid and efficient concretions for a region of the planet such as Africa, conditioned and buried by the lack of social and political transparency, and interfered with by the interminable vice of corruption.

This is where My Son is entering, through His Spiritual Consciousness, because it is in these spaces, seemingly lost and lacking a material solution, where all will start from scratch, where the poorest souls among the poor will see light, love and faith be reborn in their marginalized lives.

For this reason, all spiritual movement has a material repercussion that is a part of those anonymous sacrifices that may be offered to Christ for the triumph of His Love and His Mercy in Humanity.

This is why I am deeply grateful for all that which in such a short time was built in Africa, because it is something indelible that will remain in the Heart of God, and nothing will ever be able to dissolve it, because it was an action of Love that healed the pain.

I thank you for this humanitarian mission and for having responded to the call of My Son!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

With joy and happiness, I return to My sacred Figueira so that, starting in June, the month of the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus, the inner fruits of the spirits of each child of Mine may now be at the service of the planet and of souls.

I would like that, in this next prayer meeting of the 1,000 Hail Marys, your most sincere prayers and pleas be directed to the Heavenly Father for the intentions and pleas of your Heavenly Mother.

I wish, with ardent devotion, that My praying children pray for the following intentions:

1. For a true and sincere peace treaty in the Middle East so that My Israeli and Palestinian children may reach a peaceful dialogue for the benefit of the common good, and for those who are most unprotected and helpless.

2. For a fraternal and real agreement in Colombia so that the poorest and most innocent are no longer the most chastised by the protests and strikes.

3. For Brazil to conceive a coherent government, according to divine mandates, so that those who have been struck the hardest by the national disorder of the pandemic may have the grace of rebuilding their lives.

4. For the displaced and indigent of Morocco, so that Europe stops its heart from becoming cold in the face of the current and unprecedented critical crisis, so that all refugees be helped and rebuild their lives with dignity.

5. For peace and the cessation of the dictatorial conflict in Myanmar so that religion not be used as a mask to hide the most traumatic actions that harm the entire nation and, above all, push the poorest into exile.

6. For the end of conflict within Syria, Venezuela and Ethiopia so that the life of human society is no longer used to impose misery and chaos upon the peoples and among the peoples.

7. I ask you to pray for the humanitarian missions so that all precursors of humanitarian service be protected, guided and inspired by the Holy Spirit. So that beneficial and lasting decisions be made for all who seek to start over after a traumatic and painful departure from their homelands.

If you pray for these intentions of Mine, I will be grateful to you, since My Heart is outraged by world corruption, which will have an end, at the Return of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who Blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
