Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am not seeking what is perfect or wonderful within you. I am looking for the true honesty of your heart which, united to Me, may reflect in your life and in your consciousness. I said this to the apostles and today I say it to you, companions.

I do not need your lives to be perfect or realized. I need your lives to surrender to My Feet, just as the holy women surrendered to the Feet of the Master and did not seek anything for themselves other than to please and adore the Lord.

Therefore, empty yourselves once again before Me, at this moment, and keep in mind, at this time, how many wonders God has accomplished in your life and in the lives of your brothers and sisters. How many Graces and treasures He has poured out through the Presence of His Most Beloved Son on Earth and, even more, He has multiplied His Graces and prodigies in the hearts of those who are Mine.

For this reason, in this difficult hour of the planet, I ask you: empty yourself of all before Me once again and allow Me to anoint you with My Light. Allow Me to embrace you with My Love so that you may become nothing, but rather be all in the Eternal Father. Just as His Child is in the Father, so the Father is in His Child.

In this void in which I invite you to live, I also invite you to divest yourselves of that which oppresses you or torments you, because your Lord, the King of the Universe, knows all the spiritual ties that souls live. He knows all the chains that bind you. And nothing is impossible for the victory of your Master and Lord, because for the one who is with Me, and I Am with them, I assure them that they will be liberated, and each step of life will be a learning experience, it will be a lesson and wisdom lived so that, at each moment, you may learn to grow in love and in truth, because I need you, in these times, in love and in truth.

But so that souls may be in this love and in this truth, they must be empty of themselves, just as your Master and Lord was empty of Himself in the Garden of Gethsemane, at the moment of His Condemnation, in the judgment of the pharisees. At each step to the Calvary as well as in the Crucifixion, your Master and Lord was empty of Himself so that it might be God Who was suffering for you, because I want you to know, once and for all, that the Living God suffered for you on the Cross.

He descended from the Source and from the Universe to save and rescue you. And the powerful Love of the Living God made itself so small and insignificant that He was born in a manger, where His adversaries would never think that God could be.

Thus, the Love of the Father, through His Son, defeats the powerful, humbles the arrogant, divests those who waste their riches and gives His most precious spiritual treasures to the poorest in heart, to the most humble within. And through His Presence He ennobles and elevates those who recognize His Sidereal Name: Adonai.

I know that the cross is heavy for many, but I assure you before this Mediterranean Sea, where I deeply pray for the wounds and outrages brought about to the most innocent, that there are worse crosses than yours, because, thus, I can help you carry your own cross, without your perceiving it.

But in these final and challenging times, I need you to help Me carry the cross of the planet, because many do not want to carry nor bear it due to the fear of what they will feel or suffer.

But do not forget what I once told you, that I do not come here to ask for new crucified, because the Living God has let Himself be crucified for you, so that you might be liberated from evil. I come to seek victims that may be postulants to My Love. I come to summon the victims of My Merciful Love, who time and again not only recognize the Presence of the Lord in life, but also recognize the power of His Blood and His Water, infinite streams converted and transubstantiated into sublime and powerful Rays of Divine Mercy. Time and again, I untiringly offer this Divine Mercy for the liberation of souls from all spiritual slavery, as well as from the hells of this world, which engulfs many.

By the power of My Blood shed at each step of the path to Calvary, I come to demonstrate to you the Lord’s sacrifice and sacred surrender through His most absolute silence, which defeated enemies, those who were against the Plan of God.

And although My apostles abandoned Me at the most culminating moment of My Life, when I needed them the most, I was spiritually consoled and sustained by the holy women who, in their own prayer and ecstasy, internally helped the Lord and anointed Him with the most precious oils of the Holy Land, preparing the Lord’s sepulcher, because they clearly knew about the day of My Glorious Resurrection.

With this fact that I bring today to all of you, I invite you to live the Ray of Resurrection, because each one of you will need it in these times, to learn to begin anew, every day, despite the learning experiences and lessons of life, despite the clashes and interferences.

Through the Ray of Resurrection, I come to teach you about the power of transcendence and renewal, something that your own Master lived at the sepulcher, on the third day, after having resurrected and having been adored and recognized as the Living God by all the angels of the universe.

I want you to carry this impulse in your hearts and essences so that, with courage, bravery and determination, you may learn to overcome the end of times, because there will still be a lot to go through, learn and grow internally, and I will support you so that you may live new Christic experiences.

When you feel that the tension is too ardent or the pressure seems too big, remember that you will be before the great step of Christification, because they are gradual and mature steps for those who decide to go through them.

Thus, I make the New Christs emerge, not only because they remember My Presence in this world and in humanity, for it is an indelible and inexhaustible Presence, but also because My apostles dare to walk by My side at each new summoning, regardless of the consequences or even of their families.

I once promised that I would give all to the one who would give Me all, and I would take care of each member of their family, because everything is important to Me, even what seems small and invisible.

Thus, I make you understand that God is present in that which is simple and true, that His Power and His Majesty hides in what is humble and austere, and that His Love reveals itself and shows up in those who are true and honest in heart. In this way, He manages to embrace His creatures, sustains them, guides them and leads them to the fulfillment of the Spiritual Purpose.

Thus, the Eternal Father renews Himself through souls and hearts and this planet, seemingly lost, can re-create itself through the hearts that surrender in trust to the Lord and accept to live His Greater Love.

On this new night, when I meet you on the top of Malaga’s mountains and before the Mediterranean Sea, witnesses of the greatest pains caused by war, invasions and conquests experienced at this location of the planet, and for the hundreds of boats that have crossed this sea and have been discarded, I come to grant a spiritual atonement so that the errors committed against the poorest among the poor may be forgiven through your ‘yes’ to follow the path of the Lord in sacrifice for those who do not live My path, for those who deny My path, for those who do not live My Word, for those who do not want to awaken.

May your ‘yes’ be for each one of them, so that their lives may continue to receive Graces and be blessed in the innermost depths of the spirit and of the consciousness, a place from where they will find the inner strength they need to live their learning experience on this planet.

Thus, I will slowly gather the flocks of the Lord, from the four cardinal points of the planet, until the time and hour comes, which is not so far, for My Return to the world, because in a short time it will cease to be a promise and it will be a reality.

And on a night similar to this, before the Mediterranean Sea, you and your brothers and sisters of the planet will be able to be witnesses of the Glorious Return of the Lord. Some here, on this physical plane, and others on the inner planes; all will be participants at this great promised moment, just as the angels will be witnesses of this universal event.

I consciously prepare you for this day, and I will absolutely not forget anyone, because all has been foreseen by the Eternal Father. I Myself remember those who no longer live on this physical plane, their loved ones and the loved ones of all of humanity who, for some reason, have lost their life and died in the hope of finding the Promised Land.

Tonight, My Merciful Heart illuminates this night, just as this Moon illuminates the whole world with its disk of Light, faithful witness of God’s Presence within you, witness of the Grace that descends through My Words and for the redemption of the entire human race.

Keep praying during these days to relieve My Heart and know that I will joyously be waiting in Israel, in the name of all your brothers and sisters of the Work and of humanity, because I assure you that Israel will mark a turning point for your lives and the life of the planet, as My Christic Codes once again manifest themselves to the whole world.

This is what will mark all of you as My self-summoned. This is what My Eternal Father will recognize when I return to the world.

This is why I Am here, for this cause, so that this may be fulfilled in you and in your brothers and sisters of the whole world, so that you may awaken those who are asleep and truly love those who hate you, so that those who take revenge may be forgiven, so that those who have not been rescued may be redeemed. All is being counted and foreseen by the Lord.

At this hour of the dark night of the planet, have faith and move on. My promise is fulfilled in the silence of your hearts. It is there where I want to live forever within you, it is there where God needs us all.

Now, under this sidereal and universal night, when the stars are witnesses of the Passion of Christ, but also of His Ascension into the Heavens, into the Universe, may all consciousnesses who live in the cosmos contemplate this moment of Spiritual Communion. In this way, all these consciousnesses who live in the firmament, in other galaxies and stars, will be able to learn from this moment, which I have given to you with so much Love, through the institution of the Eucharist.

Enter the inner Cenacle with Me and consciously live the Sacrifice of the Lord again, so that this world may attain peace, so that this world may put violence aside, so that nations may be freed from impunity, and the poorest and most simple may no longer live in inequality, but rather in equality, with the aim that the Kingdom of God may descend to Earth.

In this starry firmament, on this moonlit night that embraces you, I not only leave you the blessing of My Spirit, Soul and Divinity, but I also leave to you your origins, alive in this universe, so that you may make the commitment of bringing this moment to the universe, which is the place where you come from, the place to which you will return someday to finally merge with the Immaterial Source.

I thank you once again for accompanying Me on this solemn night and enter the Spiritual Communion with Me to once again prepare the inner temple for the Communion with the Sacred Son who opens the doors of Israel for you to enter into the New Jerusalem.

Let us also pray for this cause and this mission. This is the least I ask of you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


On this afternoon of Mercy, I come with the burning desire to meet you once again, because there are still many souls in the world that do not want to see Me.

That is why today and during this week, I invite you to remember My Sacrifice, so that you may also experience it for those souls who deny God.

There are still many consciousnesses submerged in materialism. But My Mercy still comes to the world so as to be able to save you. And in My total trust, I will continue forward through you, so that My plans of redemption may be fulfilled.

I would like your hearts to be very close to Mine, for I need to hear the beat of your essences, because this week will not be like the previous one, the one I experienced with you last year.

The times have changed a lot, My companions, and few perceive the changes that have occurred in humanity. That is why today I show you My Heart, which perpetually pours out Blood and Water.

My Heart is full of Mercy for all, but very few have come to drink from this Fount of Graces for fear of sin, of error or of a mistake. Dear companions, My Mercy does not see these things, but rather the spirit of your perseverance.

At the beginning of this meeting, I sent you a message of peace from the higher spheres of consciousness, so that you would be able to unite with these creator principles.

But today I also want to tell you, My companions, that your Father, the archangel Michael, accompanying me in presence and omnipresence, expects to descend upon this sacred ground of Aurora through the manifestation of the sacred hermitage. Much time has gone by since I made the request to you, My friends. Many souls in the invisible worlds wait to pass through this portal. And this will be possible through your collaboration.

You will know, My friends, that Heaven has many needs with regard to this humanity. And in the same way that We, the Divine Messengers, ask for many things, humanity also asks us for many things.

Grace is reciprocal. Therefore, My companions, let us start working, because the archangel Michael hopes to descend and bring His glory to this place. A Glory that will be radiated to the world, principally to those hearts that need to be exorcized.

Continue to pray for this holy cause. The Creator Father will thank you. Continue to evoke His Holy Name in your hearts, for thus you will also be calling for My Universal Grace.

The archangel Michael and I are but one. He was the great Messenger of God for those past times, when He helped Me to carry the cross of this humanity.

But He comes now to your aid, luminous and winged, to bring His liberation to humanity, which souls have been awaiting for a long time.

In this Sacred Week, companions, I wish for you to relive My Passion, as you did the previous year. But at this time, in this Sacred Week, your hearts should already be mature, for in this cycle, I need to gather up all the talents that I placed in you, for the planetary emergency is very great and souls ask for help and liberation, and it will be through your hearts, through your inner instruments, which are souls praising God, where I will be able to carry out My tasks and reach inhospitable places, where not even light or love exist.

Repeat your pleas and inner intentions to My glorified Heart, because My Heart is open to welcome your requests. Because during this Sacred Week, I will be working with each one of you. I will try to show you the signs I need you to see, so that your spirits and consciousnesses may mature.

I deeply rejoice to meet with you again, because this Sacred Week is special for the world, especially for those who do not receive anything. For this reason, I am summoning all servers, so that they take the risk of coming here and sharing with Me the emanation of the Love of My Heart that is necessary for the world and for large parts of this humanity, who can no longer bear it, who need My Mercy through your mediating spirits.

I bring you the final summons so that you, now and always, may be My apostles. Live My message in practice and in life, live My teachings above all things, for you are already prepared, My companions, just as I prepared many spirits throughout the world, who always feel Me in their hearts and respond to My celestial commands, serving the neediest and most deprived souls, listening to the poorest and dying hearts. And mainly, carrying the Light and My Love.

Be still, for My energy is working in you.

This is one of the last Graces that I pour out upon the world, before My Return to the Earth. Therefore, keep each code of Light that I place in you.

Remember the words that I dictated at the beginning of this meeting.

Live My Message, live My Message and be My Message for all.

Feel My Heart, which draws close to your spirits.

Feel the rejoicing of My Love.

Come into My Lap of Light, because there, all will always be well.

Forget what happened. Live the eternal present with Me; in this way, you will receive what Heaven wants to pour out through My Heart.

I only need you near Me, so that you may feel My Hope and My Encouragement.

I come here for all, principally for those who are no longer here, whom I wait, in infinite patience, that they one day return to My Arms, in spite of the paths they have chosen for their lives.

I summon all the sheep to become a part of this great flock of universal light, of these deep nuclei of light that your inner consciousness experiences, for it is time to awaken. Your deep consciousness is calling you so that you really live what you have come to live in the name of the Lord. The world needs it and many souls also expect it.

The Plan will also be accomplished through all the servers. Everything is united to the same thread of light, from the Earth toward the Universe, beyond this material Universe.

Always summon your Eternal Father. He will be the strength that will move you, transform you and purify you.

My Heart will be your refuge. Thus, the time has come for you to be prepared and to not waste time on superficial things.

Reaffirm your vow of commitment with Me, for I wait every day, within the great universal silence in which I live, that each soul of this Earth may hear My last call, for I am fulfilling the promise to return, first from spirit, to then manifest in Glory for the whole of humanity.

But I need faithful witnesses who can give the example of what they have experienced and who are also able to wait for Me when the great hour for humanity approaches. That will be the moment, companions, in which all will be fulfilled, as it was written in the beginning.

You are a part of a universal story that is being written in the books of the Creator. You must be the pens in the hands of God, so that He may write His Will through your lives.

I invite you, companions, to the consecration of the sacred elements, which for you will be the Body and Blood of your beloved Redeemer.

From the earth comes the wheat, the product of the work of humankind. From this wheat, flour is born so that the bread of life may emerge for humanity. Through this example, companions, I invite you to remember your origins, for you must return to the beginning of everything. Just as you arose from the Whole, you soon will return to the Whole, because there you will merge with the Essence of God.

At that time, when I was present with you, celebrating My last supper, this same bread that is in front of Me was upon the table, being offered to the Creator as the glorified Body of Christ, Who would be mutilated, martyred, flagellated and wounded for the releasing of the sins of souls.

To your memories, and principally for your cells, may this sanctified Body represent the constant search for union with My Spirit, with My Divinity and with My Glorification.

Receive at this time the Rays of My Light.

The grape is also a product of the earth and the work of humankind. But through this example, I give you to drink of the renewal, the transfiguration, of the transubstantiation of the impure particles that are part of this planetary consciousness.

At that time, when I was sitting at the table with those of Mine and with many of you as souls in glory and in praise, I gave everyone to drink of the perfect code of My Blood, in which no impurity exists, but rather the maximum expression of the Love that was shed by Me during the flagellation, the Calvary and the cross.

Receive on this afternoon the Rays of My infinite Mercy and remember to drink of this Blood with reverence and love, for it will always renew, transmute, and free you, as long as you remember that I am present in all that is created.

Let us pray like on the Mount of Beatitudes.

Prayer: Our Father, in Aramaic.

And through the water that will wash your feet, the symbol of purification is found, where the wounds, sins, and errors are washed by the chastity that the water itself represents. 

When you receive this blessing, remember that you are being released from the ties. Because water holds the code of original purity, of what existed in the beginning in the Genesis, which sanctifies souls, purifies them and also renews them, under the Holy Spirit of God.

Bring me the water here.


O! Blood of Christ,
poured over the world,
purify our souls,
relieve our hearts,
Have pity on us, Lord.


The women from Bethany prepared the wells of light so that the codes of God could be poured out and the sick could be healed by the baptism that I granted after John, My beloved brother.

Remember the wells of Bethany and Samaria. There, when I went by, I left a fundamental principle for the world: the renewal of the Sacrament of Baptism and of Faith for all the souls who had faith in the Son of God, in spite of not knowing Him, nor truly knowing who He was or from where He was coming. Faith heals souls and brings them the hope to be able to continue onward.

So on this afternoon of Mercy, I bless this sacrament, this chaste and pure water, so that it may serve as healing for souls and as liberation from the sins of the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

At the request of Our Lord, we will listen to the Our Father in Latin.

For those who are able, kneel to receive the blessing of Our Lord on this first day.

Song: Paternoster

Under the blessing of the celestial spheres, remember that on this day and for the days that will come, I will be congregating you in the Spirit of My Love, that you may be motivated to continue onward. And in spite of the consequences, see the Light of My Presence on the horizon, which will always be present within you.

I send My embrace of light to Mother Maria Shimani and to Sister Lucía, for during this Sacred Week they will be present in My Heart.

I thank you for being with Me today!

Create bridges of light during these days, thus I will be able to help you and give you the essence of My Love.

Go in peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
